Health Care Essays (Examples)

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Health Care it Health Care Information Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Health Care IT
Health Care Information Technology

The days of paper-based records in health care are fading. It is widely believed that the broad adoption of clinical applications such as computerized physician order entry (CPOE) can lead to major health care savings, help eliminate medical errors, and improve healthcare outcomes for patients (Lynn, 2011). Because of such benefits, the Obama administration included automated adoptions in health care as a part of its overall agenda calling for "the immediate investments necessary to ensure that within five years, all of America's medical records are computerized" (Obama, 2009).

Our organization moved to PharMerica's paperless administration system after a very careful analysis and assessment of the best solution for meeting the needs of the organization's specific clinical and business practices. The new clinical system eliminates the needs for peel-and-stick labels, faxes, handwritten documentation and manual processes. The outcome has been improved workflows and overall patient outcomes. By…...



Childs, L., Alexander, E., & Duong, M. (2012). Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies: Assessment of a medical center's policies and procedures. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 69(10), 885-889. doi:10.2146/ajhp110356.

Gagnon, M., Desmartis, M., Labrecque, M., Legare, F., Lamothe, L., Fortin, J., & ... Duplantie, J. (2010). Implementation of an electronic medical record in family practice: a case study. Informatics In Primary Care, 18(1), 31-40.

Kumar, S., & Aldrich, K. (2010). Overcoming barriers to electronic medical record (EMR) implementation in the U.S. healthcare system: A comparative study. Health Informatics Journal, 16(4), 306-318. doi:10.1177/1460458210380523.

Lynn, K. (2011). What's the "buzz" on labs and EMRs?. MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer, 43(4), 42-47.

Healthcare the American Medical Association AMA 2011
Pages: 4 Words: 1152

The American Medical Association (AMA, 2011) lists more than eighty careers in the healthcare industry. All Health Care (2011) points out that ten of the twenty fastest growing occupations are in healthcare fields. The fifteen most promising jobs in the healthcare industry include home health aides, medical scientists, physician assistants, athletic trainers, dental assistants, dental hygienists, veterinary techs, physical therapy assistants, medical assistants, veterinarians, physical therapists, occupational therapy assistants, radiation therapists, occupational therapists, and surgical technologists (All Health Care, 2011). However, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, dentistry, counseling, gerontology, and health information systems also remain growing fields in the healthcare sector.

Occupational therapy and related professions address the needs of patients needing assistance with daily living. Occupational therapists help patients with physical, mental, emotional, or developmental disorders, who would otherwise struggle with living independently. Projected growth in the occupational therapy field is over 26%, and the median wages earned by occupational therapists is…...



All Health Care (2011). 15 hottest health care fields of 2010. AllHealthCare. Retrieved online: 

American Dental Association (2011). Education and careers. Retrieved online: 

American Medical Association (AMA, 2011). Careers in health care. Retrieved online: 

"Careers in Nursing," (n.d.). Retrieved online:

Healthcare Legal Issues Care and Treatment of
Pages: 16 Words: 4675

Healthcare Legal Issues: Care and Treatment of Minors
The evolution of the hospital is a unique social phenomenon reflecting societal attitudes toward illness and the welfare of the individual and the group. Hospitals existed in antiquity, in Egypt and in India. After Christianity became the state religion of the oman Empire, hospitals were built in Christian nations. Subsequently, after Islam arose, hospitals were built in Moslem countries as well. egardless of questions of their origin, hospitals and the practice of modern medicine have continued to evolve. Today, people of all faiths and non-faiths may study medicine, work in hospitals, and service worldwide relief organizations. Such broad tentacles required the development of healthcare administration, which encompasses both the technical aspects of the management of healthcare delivery and the social and public policy issues related to access to care (Pozgar, 2007). With this evolution of healthcare practice, hospital structures and functions have necessitated…...



American Medical Association -- AMA. (2012). Informed consent. Retrieved from 

Boonstra, H., and Nash, E. (2000, August). Minors and the right to consent to health care. The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, 3(4).

Davis, K. (2002). The duty of informed consent. Retrieved from 

Elsevier Science, Inc. (2003). Minor's rights vs. parental rights: Review of legal issues: Exemptions from parental consent for minors. Retrieved from

Healthcare Information Systems Healthcare Information
Pages: 5 Words: 1841

2010). A complaint with many people who utilize this data is about the data entry with many particularly against the quality. ETO-HMIS boasts of fast implementation and transfer of data which puts them way ahead of any competitors. It is particularly imperative that there is the development for a culture where there is sharing of data. This leads to an increase in the checks for efficiency within healthcare. This data are also extremely useful in the formulation of any new strategies that may arise from necessity. Decision making also improves with the high rate of sharing data. This is because with clear facts and not avoiding of speculations, it is easier to reach agreements on the solutions.
There are various trends in the usage of the software within the healthcare industry. One of them is the vast expectation that patients have when they come to the institution. Most of the…...



Armoni, a. (2000). Healthcare information systems: Challenges of the new millennium.

Hershey, Pa: Idea Group Publ.

Langenbrunner, J., Cashin, C., O'Dougherty, S., & World Bank. (2009). Designing and implementing health care provider payment systems: How-to manuals. Washington, D.C:

World Bank.

Health Care Discussion Quesstions Marketing
Pages: 5 Words: 1725

The managers in healthcare organization need to come up with strategies to make a balance between the quality and quantity of healthcare provided to clients in order to increase their throughput. This includes making the admission and discharge process as smooth as possible for clients as well as ensuring that clients have access to the best quality of healthcare.
eferences Marketing Association. (2012). Marketing Health Services etrieved September 7th, 2012, from Dumas, M.B. (1985). Hospital bed utilization: an implemented simulation approach to adjusting and maintaining appropriate levels. Health Services esearch, 20(1), 43-61. etrieved from

Karagiannis, . (Producer). (2010). Analysing the capacity utilization and optimal input usage of public hospitals in Greece. International Conference on Applied Economics. etrieved from

Sabharwal, a., ao, .K., Gonzalez, J.K., & Mason, M.G. (2005). New oles Improve Bed Utilization. etrieved from

Salls, H. (2012). On a Mission etrieved September 7th, 2012, from

Shipley, P.M. a. M.…...



Marketing Association. (2012). Marketing Health Services Retrieved September 7th, 2012, from Dumas, M.B. (1985). Hospital bed utilization: an implemented simulation approach to adjusting and maintaining appropriate levels. Health Services Research, 20(1), 43-61. Retrieved from

Karagiannis, R. (Producer). (2010). Analysing the capacity utilization and optimal input usage of public hospitals in Greece. International Conference on Applied Economics. Retrieved from 

Sabharwal, a., Rao, R.K., Gonzalez, J.K., & Mason, M.G. (2005). New Roles Improve Bed Utilization. Retrieved from 

Salls, H. (2012). On a Mission Retrieved September 7th, 2012, from

Health INS Healthcare Econ During the Ten-Year
Pages: 2 Words: 593

Health INS
Healthcare Econ

During the ten-year period ending with 2009, the administrative costs and the profits of health insurance companies rose slower than other healthcare costs and came to represent an ever-shrinking proportion of healthcare premiums. Much of the increase in administrative costs can be ascribed to inflation, especially during the years prior to the recent recession, and ongoing expansions of healthcare coverage and legislation during the period also required some increases. The cost of care and the amount of care provided increased substantially during this period, however, and it is the increased demand that this placed on health insurance administrative efforts that accounts for the increases in these costs. In other words, health insurance has actually become more efficient and less costly in administrating care during this period, able to continue providing necessary administrative services for rapidly expanding healthcare needs with a relatively modest expansion of administrative needs. Health insurance…...

Health Care Communication Communication Plays a Crucial
Pages: 3 Words: 881

Health Care Communication:
Communication plays a crucial role in the health care industry because of its direct link to delivery of patient care services. Therefore, communication is vital in health care despite of whether the individual is a researcher, patient, physician, caregiver, or student. Actually, the importance of communication in delivery of care is evident from its consideration as the key to improvement of patient safety, patient satisfaction scores, and inter-disciplinary teamwork. In the past few years, there have been increased efforts in the health care environment towards improving communication among the members of the team such as patients, family members, and the health care team members. This is primarily because effective communication in health care is the basis for patient safety, cultural sensitivity, and the core of palliative care since it matches the wishes and goals of patients with treatment plans.

Basic Elements of Effective Communication:

The success of every personal relationship…...



Coiera, E. (2006, May). Communication Systems in Healthcare. The Clinical Biochemist

Reviews, 27(2), 89-98. Retrieved from 

Spath, P.L. (2004, February). Can you Hear Me Now? Retrieved August 25, 2012, from

Healthcare Delivery of Quality Health Care the
Pages: 6 Words: 2007

Delivery of Quality Health Care

The good old saying; health is wealth is as valid today as it was at the time when it was said. Health is the most important construct of human happiness. It is a unique element which cannot be substituted by any other thing on the face of earth. It is no exaggeration to say that all the facilities and privileged of life can be enjoyed only by the healthy person.

Keeping in view the importance of healthy life for human beings, many of the advancements made by mankind revolve around healthcare. Diseases are very natural and one may suffer from diseases because of a factor which is not identified by human beings as yet. However, there are many causes of bad health which have been explored and accommodated in the healthcare system so that man is better able to enjoy the luxuries of life.

Since mankind has always…...



ABCC. (2012). Bioinformatics Projects. Available from

It casts light upon the various projects which are conducted in the domain of medical science in conjunction with computer science. The combination makes it Bio-informatics where movement of systems information is regulated.

CBC News. (2010). Vitamin D deficiency in 1.1 million Canadians. Available from 

Almost 4% population of Canada is vitamin D deficient. The figure of 4% seems negligible at a glance but when it is converted to head count, it becomes 1.1 million. The situation is alarming for health care responsible bodies of Canada.

Health Care Right or Privilege
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

At this point in time, there is growing support for the idea of universal access to healthcare. In fact, President Obama was able to draft and secure the passage of a healthcare law that is the first step towards universal access in the United States. There has been a tremendous amount of opposition to the law, which has resulted in legal challenges to the law. In an article posted by the Voice of America (VOA ) it is stated that "The U.S. Supreme Court handed President Barack Obama a major victory Thursday, upholding the key part of his controversial health care plan in a 5-4 decis ion" (VOA, 2012). As soon as the news broke, "26 states filed suit against the reform law and the challenger in the 2012 election, M itt Romney, promised to repeal the law his first day in office" (VOA, 2012). "The Obama administration had argued…...


However, not all who oppose the law do so from a conservative perspective. It is critical to keep in mind that Obamacare does not ensure universal health coverage. Instead, it extends the power of a private-party insurance system that many feel is irreparably broken. In addition, it places many of those who are most vulnerable at risk of further denial of access to healthcare. Contemplating the 2012 legal challenge to Obamacare, noted socialist Jerry White commented, "If the legislation is upheld by the court and fully implemented, as many as 20 million workers could lose their employer-based health insurance, as corporations dump workers into the state insurance exchanges to be set up under the Obama plan, according to the findings of a study published in March. If the legislation is overturned, the same process will continue in a different form, as corporations simply slash benefits and eliminate health care for both retired and active workers" (White, 2012). Clearly, he did not see the healthcare law as a benefit to those who were most vulnerable or as a reasonable means of ensuring healthcare access to the millions of Americans who are already struggling with lack of access.

A more optimistic view of healthcare reform recognizes its potential to improve the efficiency of our healthcare system. A more efficient healthcare system will help lower the burden of health insurance premiums for firms, and in turn allow them to hire more workers. This w ill also increase the number of jobs for Americans, while at the same time reducing the financial woes of those individuals struggling without health insurance in a depressed labor market.

Interestingly enough, whether health care coverage is necessary for the health of individual is actually a subject of debate. Many individuals argue that it is not necessary to have health insurance. However, I have a personal perspective on the necessity of healthcare coverage, which is based on my experience of having been without health insurance for several years and then having health care coverage. My husband and I were self-employed when we first married and as such we could never afford the costly health insurance coverage. We went at least 5 years without any medical or healthcare coverage, whatsoever. I finally decided to look for a job that did provide health benefits and was ecstatic when I found one that not only provided it, but also did not make you pay any part of the premiums for coverage. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because six months later my husband was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Th is disease affects his immune system. One night he thought he was having a heart attack, I took him to the emergency room and it turns out that his disease

Health Care Changes and Trends the Healthcare
Pages: 4 Words: 1066

Health Care Changes and Trends
The healthcare industry in currently undergoing a highly necessary phase of reform. Following the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), hospitals, physicians, patients and economists are working to determine what the legislation could mean for them. The reality though is that the myriad changes on the horizon are difficult to predict because they are determined by the intercession of a wide variance of independent forces. Indeed, as the discussion here below shows, these forces fall into the categories of Economics, Culture, Technology and Government.


Economics play an especially pertinent role in defining the healthcare experience for a great many Americans. Indeed, one of the greatest causes for reform is the inequality that permeates the healthcare system. The rate of growth in healthcare costs has far exceeded the natural rate of inflation, largely to the benefit of corporations such as insurance companies and managed healthcare firms. There…...


Works Cited:

Bernstein, J. (2009). Impact of the Economy on Health Care. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

CSC. (2010). 10 Emerging Healthcare Technologies.

Elmore, R. (2013). Moving Toward an Identity and Patient Records Locator.

Meingast, M.; Roosta, T. & Sastry, S. (2006). Security and privacy issues with health care information technology. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 1, p. 5453-8.

Health Care Communication Modality Resource Communication Paper
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Health Care Communication Modality
esource: Communication Paper grading criteria . There a variety communication modalities health care consumers health care providers. These modalities venues communication entail benefits challenges consumers providers.

Communication modality used in health care

Across all sectors of health care communication is critical to ensuring quality of care. Improving the quality of communication is tantamount to better outcomes in patient health. The communication modality between the provider and the consumer affects each facet of health care provision. It promotes health, prevention of disease, disease assessment, diagnosis and treatment. The paramount importance of communication on the overriding interest of patients' and, their family member's wellness is the quality of care and the confidentiality (Delbanco & Sands, 2004).

Web-based Collaboration Communication Modality

Web-based Collaboration communication entails the use of communication technology in the clinical health context to consult with the care givers and those receiving treatment (Turner, Thomas, & einsch, 2004). The communication modality is…...



Delbanco, T., & Sands, D.Z. (2004). Electrons in Flight -- Email Between Doctors and Patient, New England. Journal of Medicine, 350, 1705-1707.

Turner, J.W., Thomas, R.J., & Reinsch, N.L. (2004). Willingness to try a new communication technology: Perpetual factors and task situations in a health care context. Journal of Business Communication, 41, 5-26.

Wittson, C.L., & Benschoter, R. (2006). Two-way television: Helping the medical center reach out. American Journal of Psychiatry, 129(25), 624-627.

Healthcare Marketing -- Market Opportunity
Pages: 3 Words: 859

Through referrals, word-of-mouth, medical communities, and online platform, market and highlight generalist and specialist doctors as one of the best in the state of California. Conduct 'marketing through reputation,' word-of-mouth marketing primarily sustained by patients/clients

Development of a program that reaches out to a wider, less-medical-oriented market. Good Sam could develop health & wellness programs as part of its daily healthcare services. The objective of the program is to promoting a sustainable healthy lifestyle, a preventive healthcare program from a medical perspective. This is an expansion of the health clubs/communities of learners, wherein patients/clients are both informed and encouraged to participate in activities that contribute positively to their health and well-being on a regular basis

The feasibility (and eventually, viability) of diversifying into a health and wellness institution would be a radical yet effective move for Good Sam, as it has already established itself as a reputable and competitive hospital and…...



Horsnell, a. (2000). "Identifying your best earned-income opportunities." Minnesota: Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Rethmeier, K. (2010). "Innovation for healthcare reform: creating opportunities to explore, expand, and excel." Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare, Vol. 3, No. 2.

Sharma, K. And S. Zodpey. (2010). "Need and opportunities for health management education in India." Indian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 54, Issue 2.

Health Care Accounting Because Health Care Focuses
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

Health Care Accounting
Because health care focuses on a human concern, it is especially important to maintain a sense of ethics in this field. This becomes even more important when the concern is finance, accounting, and accountability. It is vital that accountability be maintained in healthcare funds, since the concern is often public funds and its application. If these are badly managed or unethically applied, the cost might be more than financial. Indeed, human lives might be at stake. For this reason, cost principles and generally accepted accounting principles can be applied when considering finance in the healthcare field. In a practical sense, two articles have been chosen to demonstrate accounting principles in a practical sense, the first of which concerns a single-player healthcare financing system, while the second focuses on pharmaceutical companies and their role in financing drug trials.

In the accounting field, there are four main important principles that must…...



Hsiao, W.C., Knight, A.G., Kappel, S., and Done, N. (2011). What Other States Can Learn From Vermont's Bold Experiment: Embracing A Single-Payer Health Care Financing System. Health Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 7. Retrieved from:

Schott, G., Pachl, H., Limbach, U., Gundert-Remy, U., Lieb, K., and Ludwig, W-D. (2010, Apr.). The Financing of Drug Trials by Pharmaceutical Companies and Its Consequences. Deutches Arzteblatt, Vol. 107, No. 17. Retrieved from:

Healthcare Administration in a Perfectly Competitive Market
Pages: 3 Words: 855

Healthcare Administration
In a perfectly competitive market, the following will occur in response to different changes in the market.

A decrease in the wage of clinic-based nurses will cause a reduction in the cost for nurses. This will result in a decline in the price of physician services, because the price decrease is going to be passed onto the consumer. The output of physician services will not change as the cost declines, because the decrease in the cost of the input will be offset with an offset in revenue, essentially leave physician profit -- which should be zero in perfectly competitive market -- unchanged.

Cost-enhancing medical technologies will cause the price of physician services to decline. In a perfectly competitive market buyers have perfect information, so they know that the cost of providing the service has declined. Thus, they will demand that the costs are passed along to them. Again, this should not…...


Works Cited:

Cauchon, D. (2005). Medical miscalculation creates doctor shortage. USA Today. Retrieved December 2, 2012 from

Healthcare Quality Measurement Compare One Measurement That
Pages: 3 Words: 931

Healthcare Quality Measurement
Compare one measurement that you identified in the eek 2 Discussion with one measurement outlined by the CMS restricted reimbursements and explain how these two measures demonstrate evidence of compliance with their respective quality measurement standards.

In the eek 2 Discussion, we considered the importance of personnel-focused quality measures in rating healthcare performance. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) maintain a wide range of these measurement types. Accordingly, "of the quality measures currently in use by CMS, 153 address physician and other professional behavior as part of the 2009 PQRI measure set." (CMS, p. 6) This degree of attention suggests that there are many correlations between achieving positive treatment outcomes and providing meaningful frameworks, standards and oversight to healthcare providers. These system end-users will have a defining impact on treatment quality and, increasingly in the current regulatory climate, the impact of reimbursement penalties.

For instance, measuring nursing performance…...


Works Cited:

Albanese, M.P., Evans, D.A., Schantz, C.A., Bowen, M., Disbot, M., Moffa, J.S., & ... Polomano, R.C. (2010). Engaging clinical nurses in quality and performance improvement activities. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 34(3), 226-245.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (CMS) (n.d.). Quality initiatives: Overview. Retrieved from 

Howie, W.O. (2009). Mandatory reporting of medical errors: Crafting policy and integrating it into practice. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 5(9), 649-654.

Park, J., Konetzka, R.T., & Werner, R.M. (2011). Performing well on nursing home report cards: Does it pay off? Health Services Research, 46(2), 531 -- 554. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01197.x

Significance for pharmaceutical industry with business aspects?
Words: 108

For a research paper on the significance of the pharmaceutical industry and the business aspects of that, you could consider: * Strategic management of the pharmaceutical companies. * The overall business model for pharmaceutical companies. * Problems that are facing the business aspect of the industry. * How changing laws are affecting the pharmaceutical business. There are others, of course, and you can also narrow down one of the options here to provide something more specific. Maybe pick a particular pharmaceutical company and do an analysis on how the health care law may affect it? Finding a topic that's narrow enough is key, so....

Health Issues with Obesity?
Words: 195

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

What are Ethical Issues in the Strategic Plan?
Words: 108

The most common ethical issues facing health care managers are balancing profits with patients, avoiding conflicts of interest, making sure people get equally fair treatment (as opposed to better treatment for rich people, etc.), addressing the concerns of nurses who may feel they are not providing care with enough of a benefit, and managing patients who do not have the capacity to make decisions, such as pediatric and geriatric patients. These issues can be addressed in the strategic plan through clearly spelling out specific policies that have to be followed. That helps to avoid the issue as one of ethics,....

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