Healing Essays (Examples)

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Healing Touch Annotated Bib Bardia A et al
Pages: 6 Words: 1673

Healing Touch Annotated Bib
Bardia, A., et.al. (2006). Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies in elieving Cancer Pain: A Systematic eview. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 24 (34): 457-64.

Anecdotal evidence abounds regarding the use of complementary and alternative medicine therapies when dealing with issues of pain. One of the clear issues is that there is a lack of rigorous and well-developed scholarly literature on the subject. In this study, 18 trials were reviewed totaling 1,499 patients. Seven trials reported significant benefits using CAM, seven reported intermediate or short-term benefits, and four studies reported no benefits. The researchers conclude that there are a number of variables and a number of types of CAM, all which require more methodologically sound studies in order to determine actual efficacy of individual interventions.

Jones, T., Glover, L. (2012). Exploring the Psychological Processes Underlying Touch:

Lessons From the Alexander Technique. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. EPub: doi 10.1002/cpp.1824.

Any behavioral psychologist…...



Bardia, A., et.al. (2006). Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies in Relieving Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 24 (34): 457-64.

Jones, T., Glover, L. (2012). Exploring the Psychological Processes Underlying Touch:

Lessons From the Alexander Technique. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. EPub: doi 10.1002/cpp.1824.

Kelly, A., et.al. (2004). Therapeutic Touch, Quiet Time, and Dialogue: Perceptions of Women With Breast Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. 31 (3): 625-31.

Healing Growing Dying in Chapter a Broader
Pages: 2 Words: 730

healing, growing, dying in chapter "A broader view healing" Margaret Coberly argues dying a healing process -discovery. We find a similar claim coming Mwalimu lmara essay "Dying Last Stage Growth" asserts: "dying stage life experienced profound growth event total life's experience.
According to Mwalimu Imara's essay "Dying as the Last Stage of Growth," rather than rejecting death as abnormal (for death comes to us all) or fearing death, death should be viewed as simply another stage of life. Imara recounts the experience of a woman who said that she lived more fully in the last months of her life than she did throughout her entire existence, because only then was she able to appreciate the goodness in people and open herself up enough to be emotionally vulnerable (Imara 1975: 154). The same could be said of Leo Tolstoy's character Ivan Ilyich.

Throughout most of his life, Ilyich is an ambitious, grasping man,…...


Q3. In Ira Byock's book Dying Well, Byock chronicles the painful process of watching his father die. At first, it was inconceivable to him that his father could pass away, and he met the first stages with a denial of the severity of his father's condition. "It was incomprehensible how all this could be lost" (Byock 1998: 5). This parallels the story of "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy, in which the title character first sees many doctors who give him conflicting diagnoses about his terminal condition and his family tries to ignore the fact that his condition is worsening, despite the treatment he is receiving. However, unlike Ivan Ilyich, Byock stresses that his father Seymour's life was a life 'well lived,' and his father ended his life surrounded by caring family members. Being with the dying person and tending to their needs, believes Byock, can be a powerful way to ensure that the dying process has a component of 'healing.'

However, Ivan Ilyich does experience flashes of insight. For example, he asks the peasant Gerasim to hold his legs to relieve his pain at times. Although this probably has no physical effect, instinctively Ilyich finds that Gerasim's compassion and matter-of-fact attitude towards illness and death is healing for him. He forms his first simple, human connection with someone else. Even though he is at first angry at his wife and children for their materialism, he dies forgiving them.

Ilyich is literally 'killed' by the house he has so carefully decorated -- he dies as a result of the accident he sustained while hanging curtains. However, after feeling anger about the way he is dying and the fact that someone who has tried to 'make it' in the world for so long must die, in death he finally comes to understand the meaningless nature of all of the things he has been striving for and can appreciate simple goodness and kindness. Although Ilyich may not have 'lived well' in the terms defined by Byock, at the very end he can be said to have 'died well' in the sense that he learned from the experience.

Healing East to West the
Pages: 3 Words: 1149

If money was his motivation, this hardly seems like a logical way to proceed. This also undercuts the idea that there was premeditation of how to use the funds, as he had no evident plot to hide the goods or to fence them. His actions after the murder actually highlight his delusional and confused state of mind.
The prosecution has called Raskolnikov's subsequent feverish illness evidence of remorse, and evidence of his knowledge that his actions were wrong. Immediately after committing the crime, including the unexpected murder of the woman's sister, he took to his bed, raving, according to his friends and family, like a lunatic. This supports, however, the idea that Raskolnikov was suffering a mental and physical illness that inhibited his ability to discern right from wrong. Friends and neighbors of the accused note that before the crimes took place he was taken to wandering the streets at…...


Works Cited

Freedman, Lawrence Zelic. (Mar, 1983). "The Politics of Insanity: Law, Crime, and Human Responsibility." Political Psychology. 4. 1: 171-178. Retrieved 8 Jan 2007 at  http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0162-895X%28198303%294%3A1%3C171%3ATPOILC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-6

Healing With Statistics There Are Numerous Ways
Pages: 3 Words: 795

Healing with Statistics
There are numerous ways in which statistics are used in a standard healthcare organization. Statistical measurements and analyses are used to track patient costs and hospital/healthcare organization expenses, to determine appropriate medication levels, to assign work staff and maintain proper human resource levels, and for a wide variety of other applications and areas of concern. In many ways, the quality and the cost-effectiveness of care provided by a typical healthcare organization is directly related to the quality of the statistical data the organization collects and assesses. Without such statistical analysis and manipulation, direct healthcare providers as well as administrators within the healthcare organizations would be left with little more than anecdotal evidence and subjective perceptions and judgments when it came to making decisions for patient health and/or organizational fitness, thus the importance of statistics in such organizations is difficult to overstate.

The most basic level of analysis using…...



Hill, J. (2012). introduction to descriptive statistics. Accessed 19 February 2012.  http://mste.illinois.edu/hill/dstat/dstat.html 

Lund. (2010). Descriptive and inferential statistics. Accessed 19 February 2012.  http://statistics.laerd.com/statistical-guides/descriptive-inferential-statistics.php 

Trochim, W. (2006). Levels of measurement. Accessed 19 February 2012.  http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/measlevl.php

Healing Model and Health Model
Pages: 7 Words: 1881

Health Model and Healing Model
The healing model and health model have influenced the human belief for several decades, and the health model defines health as robust physical human fitness that is free of disease. On the other hand, healing is a functional restoration of repairing or conquering alien destroyer. In other word, health is the balance of spirit, mind and body. Since disease serves as an agent that disrupts the balance, healing serves as restoration of human balance. (Carpenter, 2010).

In essence, healing and spirituality are intimately connected. Healing is the spiritual process that influences the wholesome of an individual. In other word, healing is an intangible, experiential and spiritual that integrates human body, mind, soul and spirit. More importantly, healing is concerned with the wholesome of human being. For several thousand years, many people with different cultures have used the healing model for the well being of their community. Globally,…...


Liu, C. Li, D. Fu, B. et al. (2014). Modeling of self-healing against cascading overload failures in complex networks. EPL (Europhysics Letters). 107(6).

Meilin, S. (2013). Characterization of a porcine model of post-operative pain European Journal of Pain.

Tiaki, K.C. (2013). Helping transform health service models. Nursing New Zealand. 19 (7): 27.

Healing With Regard to the
Pages: 5 Words: 1423

Now, when we use the word "creation," we are talking about all that God made: human beings, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, mountains, and oceans. In modern terms, we would call this the "ecosystem" or the "environment (Humans Were Given esponsibility to Be Stewards of God's Creation (http://www.marah.org/basis.html)."
One of the most pressing health issues today is the fact that mankind is assaulting all that God gave it to remain healthy and whole. Environmental issues, eco system problems and other things have begun to erode what the Lord provided for a healthy lifestyle on earth.

Psalm 24:1 reminds us that "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters (Humans Were Given esponsibility to Be Stewards of God's Creation (http://www.marah.org/basis.html)."

Why are some people not healed?

Throughout history, people have questioned the reasons…...





Evangelical Environmental Network & Creation Care Magazine ( http://www.creationcare.org/resources/sunday/health.php )

Humans Were Given Responsibility to Be Stewards of God's Creation (http://www.marah.org/basis.html)

Healing Wounds Case Study
Pages: 22 Words: 6082

MS Case Study Nurse Practice
When patients enter hospitals it is oftentimes they become more ill and sicker due to inappropriate care and professional ignorance. This is due mainly to the amount of hubris involved within the medical profession and a tendency to ignore empirical evidence as practiced to success. This approach underlines the most important aspects of healing and the medical profession itself.

The argument for continued improvement in the treatment of patients is best exemplified in the case of MS. His ill health has led to more problems and the approach by the nurse practitioner and her staff is critical to the ultimate survival of this young child who innocently trusted the advice of both his parents or caretakers that the medical staff would be able to treat him with the care and respect that every patient deserves when being encountered during a medical treatment or hospital stay. This is…...



Arnold, M., & Barbul, A. (2006). Nutrition and wound healing. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 117(7S), 42S-58S.

Bennett, G., Dealey, C., & Posnett, J. (2004). The cost of pressure ulcers in the UK. Age and ageing, 33(3), 230-235.

Campbell, N.C., Murray, E., Darbyshire, J., Emery, J., Farmer, A., Griffiths, F., ... & Kinmonth, A.L. (2007). Designing and evaluating complex interventions to improve health care. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 334(7591), 455.

Corbett, L.Q. (2012). Wound care nursing: professional issues and opportunities. Advances in Wound Care, 1(5), 189-193.

Healing and Loss in Nelson S I Ll Give You the Sun
Pages: 14 Words: 4832

New Identity through Healing in Nelson's I'll Give You the Sun: A Feminist Critique
I'll Give You the Sun is a Michael L. Printz Award-winning young adult novel by Jandy Nelson that examines the complexities of coming of age, dealing with grief and loss, burgeoning sexuality, and healing. It gives a dual-gender perspective -- that of fraternal twins Noah and Jude, and from a feminist critique it offers an example of how the oppressions of patriarchal society are overturned by the subversion of the male status quo and the valorization of the oppressed (in this case, the valorization of the homosexual Noah and the female Jude). Throughout the narrative, the growing pains, experience of loss, and the concomitant healing process is given breadth through application of the feminist critique, which provides the framework for how Jude overcomes her initial negative sexual experience at a young age to grow into a…...


Works Cited

Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. Chicago: Herbert Stone, 1899. Print.

Crawford, Suzanne Mills. "Liars, Lovers, And Thieves: Being Adolescent Readers And Writers In Young Adult Literature And Life." Dissertation Abstracts International 74.7 (2014): MLA International Bibliography. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.

Jeffries, Jeannine L. "The Image Of The Artist: A Content Analysis Of Authenticity,

Ethnicity, And Quality In Young Adult Novels." Dissertation Abstracts International 74.5 (2013): MLA International Bibliography. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.

Hospital Paradigm the Healing Hospital
Pages: 4 Words: 1143

e believe that the best care is the delivery of care that exceeds all expectation and that is encircled by compassion." (Baptist Healing Trust, 1)
In terms of besting these challenges, the healing hospital must work to protect the morale of its personnel against the pressures that are inherent with the occupation. This means ensuring that personnel are giving the proper opportunities to rest, that facilities are adequately staffed and that the necessary resources are availed so that personnel can perform to the fullest of their abilities. This denotes that the healing hospital's capacity to meet its ambitions will be highly contingent upon its dexterity at managing the needs of healthcare workers just as it will be contingent upon its management of the patient needs.

Scriptural Support:

The Gospels of Mark and Luke are particularly rich in allusion to the power which Jesus possessed to heal the sick. Here, the miracles which…...


Works Cited:

Baptist Healing Trust. (2010). The Compassionate Care Initiative. Baptist Healing Trust.org.

Chapman, E. (2003). Radical Loving Care: Building the Healing Hospital in America. Baptist Healing Hospital.

New International Version (NIV). (2010). Passage Lookup. Bible Gateway.

Mac Nutt's Healing Explores the Meaning and
Pages: 4 Words: 1109

Mac Nutt's ealing explores the meaning and messages behind the author' own struggles with fait, healing, and personal issues. It comes from a Christian perspective and is broken up into four basic parts. The first part is devoted to the importance and meaning of ealing Ministries and helps the reader identify the common misconceptions of the practice as well as outlines the basic structure of the movement. This part of the book is an attempt to cast the ealing Movement as an exclusively Christian path, that is to say that MacNutt believes that true healing can only come through Christ. As author, MacNutt has certainly dealt with his fair share of personal struggles with Christian issues like sexual abuse and addictions. In this way, he comes across as relatively convincing as he guides the reader through the ins and outs of the ealing Ministries.
As far as a critique goes, MacNutt…...


However, from a Christian perspective, the book as well as MacNutt's Healing Ministries has been quite commercially successful within certain social and religious circles. This is to say that the book Healing, the first in a series of books devoted to this topic, helped to spark a revolution among Christian fundamental healing projects and ministries. These not only help to cover for and explain away the personal transgressions of people like MacNutt, but in doing so, offer personal advice coupled with spiritual advisories relative to specific afflictions and societal issues. All of which stem from a Biblical perspective, as well as the personal translations and justifications of MacNutt, as he guides the reader through the Biblical do's and don'ts associated with their "disease." Without a doubt, MacNutt's work and reputation are airtight within the community that accepts it. However, outside of his community, the contents represent a backwardation of everything that has been learned, studied, and explored in many realms of social science. The book itself is a commercial and religious success but a scientific failure.


MacNutt, Francis. Healing. Creation House Publishing: Lake Mary, FL. 1999.

Psychiatric Healing And Spiritual Healing
Pages: 6 Words: 1717

```html Introduction
Psychiatric healing and spiritual healing are two distinct approaches to promoting wellness and treating mental health challenges. While psychiatric healing often focuses on addressing symptoms using medication and therapy, spiritual healing delves into the spiritual and emotional aspects of an individual\'s well-being. Despite their differences, these two approaches can be complementary in supporting individuals on their healing journey.

Psychiatric healing
Psychiatric healing is rooted in evidence-based practices and medical interventions. Psychiatric professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists use various therapeutic techniques to help individuals manage symptoms of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Medication is also commonly prescribed to address chemical imbalances in the brain that may contribute to mental health symptoms. The goal of psychiatric healing is to alleviate distressing symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

Spiritual healing
On the other hand, spiritual healing acknowledges the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It focuses on promoting a…...



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.).

American Psychological Association. (2013). Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology. American Psychologist, 68(9), 791-800.

Cuijpers, P., Karyotaki, E., Weitz, E., Andersson, G., Hollon, S. D., & van Straten, A. (2019). The effects of psychotherapies for major depression in adults on remission, recovery, and improvement: A meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 241, 618-630.

Goyal, M., Singh, S., Sibinga, E. M., Gould, N. F., Rowland-Seymour, A., Sharma, R., ... & Haythornthwaite, J. A. (2014). Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(3), 357-368.

Holistic Approaches in Medicine Faith and Science
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

Healing and Autonomy Case Study1From the viewpoint of the Christian worldview, the physician's duty is to provide the best possible care to James while also respecting Mike and Joanne's religious beliefs and autonomy. However, it's important to note that this autonomy is shared with James, the patient, whose life and wellbeing are the primary concern. The physician has an ethical obligation, under the principle of beneficence, to intervene when a child's life is at risk, even if it conflicts with the parents' religious beliefs.In this case, Mike's decisions, though guided by faith, could be detrimental to James's health. Herein lies the conflict: the physician respects Mike and Joanne's faith and their right to make decisions for their child, but he must also prioritize James's wellbeing.This dilemma should be approached with compassionate communication. The physician should explain the medical implications and potential risks associated with delaying treatment, ensuring that Mike and…...



\\\\\\"Advance Directives,\\\\\\" by Hanson and Doukas, from The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics (2009).


\\\\\\"Palliative Care,\\\\\\" by Weigand, from The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics (2009).

Healing Hospital and Healing
Pages: 3 Words: 1149

Healing Hospital and the Importance of Spirituality
Chapman (2003) defines a Healing Hospital as being about "loving service to others" (p.4). This paper examines the concept of the Healing Hospital and the role that spiritually plays in that model.

Numerous theorists have argued that advances in technology, pressure on budgets, and drives for efficiency over the last few decades have shifted the focus of attention from general care giving to technological and pharmacological interventions, with the need to extend life and fix broken parts (Puchalski, 2001; Treloar, 2000). However, there has also been increased realisation, back by significant research, that better outcomes are achieved when the patient is treated in a holistic manner (Baboni, Puchalski, & Peteet, 2014; Puchalski & Mcskimming, 2006).

The Healing Hospital is based on the premise of treating the whole person, rather than just the illness (Chapman, 2003). This includes all physical needs, as well as emotional, social,…...



Baboni, M. J., Puchalski, C. M., & Peteet, J. R. (2014). The Relationship between Medicine, Spirituality and Religion: Three Models for Integration. Journal of Religion and Health, 53(5), 1586 -- 1598. Retrieved from  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Balboni/publication/263055322_The_Relationship_between_Medicine_Spirituality_and_Religion_Three_Models_for_Integration/links/57039a6408aeade57a259720.pdf 

Chapman, E. (2003). Radical Loving Care: Building the Healing Hospital in America. Nashville, TN: Baptist Healing Hospital Trust.

Diaz-Gilbert, M. (2014). Spirituality, Suffering, Meaning, Resiliency, and Healing: Research Findings and a Patient's Story of Overcoming a Medical Challenge. International Journal for Human Caring, 18(4), 45 -- 51.

Johnson, B. H., Abraham, M. R., & Parrish, R. N. (2004). Designing the neonatal intensive care unit for optimal family involvement. Clinics in Perinatology, 31(2), 353 -- 382.

Natures Healing Powers the Power of Nature
Pages: 7 Words: 1933

Natures Healing Powers
The Power of Nature in the healing process has been known for centuries by the various civilizations of the world. The process of engaging nature in the healing process is done in a variety of way. It can be through the action of some herbs, performing meditation on mountains, relaxing in a windflower terrain/field or even by strolling by a slow flowing stream.

In this paper however, we are going to critically focus on the psychological, emotional and culturally healing power of nature as seen by indigenous peoples of the world-including Native Americans, Inuit, and Inughuit, African, Aboriginal, Asian cultures

The Native American nature healing process comprises of several beliefs and practices which make part of the life of the native tribesmen, women and children. The process is made up of several elements. These elements include religion, herbal medicines, spirituality and several other rituals that are all combined so as…...



Durkheim, E. (1912) The Elementary Forms Of The Religious Life.

Gateley.E in God's Womb: A Spiritual Memoir

Gennep, A. (1960) The Rites of Passage. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Grimes, R (1994) The Beginnings of Ritual Studies. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina

Traditional Healing Often in the Healing Arts
Pages: 3 Words: 846

Traditional Healing
Often in the healing arts them most simple and obvious cures lie right in front of us, exposed and waiting to be utilized. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the specific ailment of anxiety and review the traditional sources of knowledge that can specifically apply to the treatment of this condition. The use of the individual's own psycho-spiritual faculties will be highlighted as the method in which these sources remedy the effects of anxiety and its sometimes debilitating symptoms.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon includes the many esoteric human tools such as mood, idea and spirit as important aspects of health and immunity from disease. This collection is the earliest and most important written work of traditional Chinese healing arts. The narrative of the story reveals the secrets of keeping a clear and sound mind and hence eliminating the anxious behavior that so often rises. Through simple…...



Culpeper: The Complete Herbal. Viewed at Bibliomania.com, 15 Nov 2013. Retrieved from  https://www.google.com/search?q=Culpeper%E2%80%99s+Herbal&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-U.S.:official&client=firefox-a&channel=rcs 

The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine. Translated by Parago, P, (1995). Retrieved from http://www.five-element.com/graphics/neijing.pdf

The Holy Bible- King James Version. Viewed 16 Nov 2013. Retrieved from  http://www.bartleby.com/108/ 

The Tao Te Ching. Translate Legge, J. (1891). Retrieved from  http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/taote.htm

Can you help me with some essay titles on Combat wounded veteran rehabilitation?
Words: 311

Helping you come up with titles on this would be a little easier if we knew which specific issue you want to focus on in your high school exit project because the title should specifically address the content of the paper.  We wanted to give you that disclaimer, because some of these titles may be inappropriate for whatever paper you have written.  We are going to provide a variety of different titles that will include a range of topics related to combat wounded veteran rehabilitation.  They touch on some topics that are controversial among the wounded veteran....

Can you help me with an outline and essay titles for an essay on the opioid epidemic?
Words: 548

Outline for an Essay on the Opioid Epidemic

I. Introduction

a. Overview of the opioid epidemic.

b. Brief history and how it evolved into a crisis.

II. The Scale of the Epidemic (500 words)

a. Statistics on opioid addiction, overdoses, and deaths.

b. The impact on various demographics and regions.

III. Causes of the Opioid Epidemic (600 words)

a. Over-prescription of painkillers and pharmaceutical companies' roles.

b. Economic factors and healthcare system issues.

c. Social and psychological factors contributing to addiction.

IV. Effects of the Opioid Epidemic (600 words)

a. On individuals (health, psychological impact, and....

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