Hate Crimes Essays (Examples)

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How hate crimes can impact'society and civilization
Pages: 5 Words: 1585

Hate Crimes IntroductionCrime related to have caused a very polarizing and contentious racial issue within the United States. The recent killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arberry has highlighted the fragile intersection between racial, crime and apprehension. The George Floyd case in particular highlighted some of the shortcomings of the criminal justice system as it relates to race. Hates crimes over the past few years have been on the rise in the United States, although small on a absolute, basis the year to year increases in crimes has been discouraging to both minorities and the population in general.Pundits often cite the racial rhetoric of then president Donald Trump as a catalyst for the increase in hate crimes. Other site a rapid emergence of nationalism from an economic and political context that often see those from other races as threats. Here, Muslims and Asian Americans bore the brunt of these hate…...


References 1. Balboni, Jennifer M., and Jack McDevitt. 2001. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Hate Crime Reporting: Understanding Police Officer Perceptions, Department Protocol, and the Role of the Victim: Is There Such a Thing as a Love Crime?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Justice Research and Policy 3(1): 1–272. Berlet, Chip. 2001. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Hate Groups, Racial Tension and Ethnoviolence in an Integrating Neighborhood, 1976-1988.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Research in Political Sociology 9:117–1633. Gale, L. R., Heath, W. C., & Ressler, R. W. (2002). An Economic Analysis of Hate Crime. Eastern Economic Journal, 28(2), 203–216. 2http://www.jstor.org/stable/403260974.

Labeling Theory and the Problem of Defining Hate Crime
Pages: 5 Words: 1370

My Views on Hate Crimes Although hate crime is often associated with some sort of violent crime motivated by a desire to hurt a group or person based on that group or person’s identity, Green, McFalls and Smith (2001) admit that hate crime is actually difficult “to define, measure and explain” (p. 479). The reason for the difficulty is that hate, in the obvious sense of a person persecuting another because the other person is different, is not always so explicitly manifested or expressed in the crime. In fact, it could be said that at some level hate is the motive behind all crime—hate for the state, hate for society, hate for the law, hate for one’s neighbor, hate for God, or even hate for one’s self. To make it even more complicated, Chakraborti and Garland (2009) argue that “hate crimes are not crimes in which the offender simply hates the victim, and in reality crimes do…...



Chakraborti, N., & Garland, J. (2009). Hate crime: Impact, causes and responses. Sage Publications.

Green, D. P., McFalls, L. H., & Smith, J. K. (2001). Hate crime: An emergent research agenda. Annual review of sociology, 27(1), 479-504.

Spruill, L. (2020). Warren family returns home few months after hate crime incident. Retrieved from  


Apportioning Greater Emphasis on the Criminal Motive in Hate Crimes
Pages: 4 Words: 1346

HATE CIMES Hate Crimes: The Need to Apportion Greater Emphasis on the Criminal MotiveFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that there is no universal definition for hate crimes. This essentially means that in the past, various definitions have been floated by multiple authors in an attempt to assign meaning to hate crimes. In this text, the definition that the Hate Crime Statistics Act establishes will be embraced. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS (2021), hate crime has been defined by this particular Act as crimes that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, gender or gender identity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. This is to say that on this front, it is what the victim is (or is perceived to be) that prompts, inspires, or motivates hate crime. Hate crime could take a wide range of forms including, but not limited to, humiliation,…...


ReferencesBureau of Justice Statistics – BJS (2021). Bias-Motivated/Hate Crime.   of Justice – DOJ (2023). Updated 2021 Hate Crime Statistics: FBI Releases Supplement to the 2021 Hate Crime Statistics.  https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2021-hate-crime-statistics Dalton, D., Lint, W.D. & Palmer, D. (2010). Crime and Justice: A Guide to Criminology. Thomson Reuters. Lieberman, M. (2010). Hate Crime Laws: Punishment to Fit the Crime. ADL.  https://www.adl.org/resources/news/hate-crime-laws-punishment-fit-crime Mellgren, C., Anderson, M. & Ivert, A. (2017). For Whom Does Hate Crime Hurt More? A Comparison of Consequences of Victimization across Motives and Crime Types. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1512-1536. DOI: 10.1177/0886260517746131 Novotney, A. (2023). Hate crimes are on the rise in the U.S. What are the psychological effects? American Psychological Association.  https://www.apa.org/topics/gun-violence-crime/hate-crimes Spakovsky, H.A. & Perry, S.P. (2021). Hate Crimes: Should They Be Prosecuted More Aggressively? The Heritage Foundation.  https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/hate-crimes-should-they-be-prosecuted-more-aggressively  https://bjs.ojp.gov/topics/crime/hate-crime Department

Crime-Native Americans Crime Issues for
Pages: 2 Words: 557

By contrast, other studies have revealed that 69% of those committing violent crimes against whites are also white, and that 81% of those committing violent crimes against African-Americans are also African-Americans (Violent pp).
In 2004, Thomas B. Heffelfinger, the United States Attorney for the state of Minnesota, called for a major overhaul of the criminal law enforcement system in Indian Country, calling it a "national shame" (Federal pp). Heffelfinger said statistics reveal that Native American Indians and Alaska Natives are the victims of violent crime more than the any other group in the country, and that includes every crime, child abuse, sexual assault, homicide, assault, etc. (Federal pp).

Heffelfinger complained that the current system of law enforcement "is taking the leaders of our national tribes, making them victims of crime and sending them to prison" (Federal pp). Heffelfinger, who chairs the Native American Issues sub-committee for the Department of Justice, said…...


Works Cited

Federal prosecutor seeks to change 'national shame.' April 19, 2004. Retrieved October 20, 2005 at  http://indianz.com/News/archive/001804.asp 

Some crimes, arrests increase among Native Americans. October 18, 2005.

Retrieved October 20, 2005 at  http://indianz.com/News/2005/010832.asp 

Violent Crime and Native Americans. February 16, 1999. Retrieved October 20, 2005 at  http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/07/0356209

Crime and Deviance Crimes and Increasing Criminal
Pages: 10 Words: 3462

Crime and Deviance
Crimes and increasing criminal activities have become a major concern for the security enforcement agencies. They seek help from technology as well as social and psychological theories to prevent crimes and deal with them. The first priority of security agencies is to prevent crimes and the second priority is to control them by punishing the criminals so that they become an example for the society. This paper offers an insight to how the crime prevention activities can be implemented. This includes understanding few biological, psychological and sociological theories pertaining to crimes and criminology. Human being's generally and criminals specifically act under the influence of some physical, environmental, cultural and individual factors that will be discussed in this paper.

Theories of Crime and Deviance

Crimes as well as deviance are behaviors that show violation from the settled and accepted norms of a society. Crime is something that is unethical as…...



Cohen, P 2011, Genetic basis for crime: A new look, viewed 26 November, 2013, Retrieved


Community Crime Prevention Guide, n. d., viewed 26 November, 2013, Retrieved from: http://www.criminaljusticereform.gov.bc.ca/en/what_you_can_do/crime_prevention/ 

Crime Control: A Short Note, n.d., viewed 26 November, 2013, Retrieved from:  http://ncthakur.itgo.com/chand3c.htm

Hate Groups
Pages: 2 Words: 529

Global Communication
Hate Groups, Hate Crimes, and acism in the U.S. today

The problem of hate groups that perpetuate the hate crimes has been a challenge in the U.S. not only in the present times, but has existed from the times of the WWI with groups like the Ku Klux Klan emerged (FBI, 2014). Since the 1980s, there have been several hate groups that have emerged which have perpetuated heinous have crimes that mostly border on the race specific targets, as is the case with skinheads and the likes. As the world changes and the technology takes over the communication and information platforms, the hate crimes have been escalated to the internet with groups having inclination towards racism using the social media and internet to carry on their hate speeches and even organize hate crimes. The ever changing nature of such groups and the adverse effects that such groups forms the basis…...



FBI, (2014). Hate Crimes Add an Element of Bias to Traditional Crimes -- and the Mixture is Toxic to Our Communities. Retrieved February 16, 2015 from  http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/civilrights/hate_crimes

Looking at Hate Crime and Moral Panic Today
Pages: 2 Words: 814

moral panic, especially with regard to those who are transgender in the society.
The Moral Panic of Transgender

The Grassroots Model describes moral panic as that which arises from a society's spontaneous reaction to what the society perceived to be morally deviant behavior. The deviance is perceived to be a danger to the society's moral fiber and this creates a lot of stress, which can lead to anger. This stress may not have an avenue to be expressed directly (Social Context Moral Entrepreneurs, n.d.). When the displacement of these anxieties happens, there may be direction of the same to the social deviants as they are regarded as the cause of all this. Kai Erickson, in her book 'the Wayward Puritans', demonstrates this when she relates how the people of Massachusetts Bay Colony went back to witch-hunting as a way to direct the anxiety that arose from social deviance.

The transgender issue is…...



Abowd-Chicago, M. (2013, November 5). Futurity: Research News from Top Universities. How transgender policy sets off 'gender panic' - Futurity. Retrieved December 4, 2015, from  http://www.futurity.org/transgender-news-can-spark-gender-panic/ 

Social Context Moral Entrepreneurs Document (n. d.)

U.S. PDF Document (n. d.).

Crime the Purpose of This
Pages: 10 Words: 2753

Many people using illicit and illegal drugs often have no impulse control and may turn violent or to another form of crime. Once an individual's mind is altered from the constant use of drugs, he or she will often steal, lie, and cheat to make the next dollar to obtain more drugs.
Many people could share family related drug stories that have led to criminal activities. About 10 years ago, several acquaintances under the influence of cocaine robbed a pharmacy and stole thousands of narcotics. The man and women then stole a car and cocaine from a dealer and drove across the country; several days later they were both apprehended and sent to jail for a long time. This example illustrates that one impulsive behavior after another can lead to a series of crimes committed. Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory offers a rationale to why individuals would use illegal drugs -- impulse…...



Bureau of justice statistics- drug use and crime. (2009, October). Retrieved from http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=352

Crime. (2011, June). Retrieved from  http://www.thefreedictionary.com/crime 

Freud, S. (1961). The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19). London: Hogarth.

Lerner, L., Lerner, B.L., & Cengage, G. (2006). Criminology. World of forensic science, Retrieved from  http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/criminology

Measuring Gang-Related Crime Is an
Pages: 15 Words: 5110

The authors do not state that public perceptions of severity should be discounted, but merely that these should not be over-emphasized, as was the case in previous literature.
Another existing mode of measuring crime severity is that of economic models. Economic measures of costs may seem more objective, but given that they also involve speculative losses (such as lost productivity), they are not universally agreed upon. One widely-used model to estimate crime severity is the Bradley-Terry continuum which posits that stealing something less than $5 is less severe than stealing "something worth $5 -- $50, which itself is less severe than trying to steal something worth more than $50. Additionally, stealing or trying to steal a car is ranked more severe than the other theft items. Selling marijuana is also ranked less severe than selling harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or LSD" (amchand et al. 2009: 143). The authors…...



Perry, B. (2003). Where do we go from here? Researching hate crimes. Internet Journal of Criminology. Retrieved:  http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Where%20Do%20We%20Go%20From%20Here.%20Researching%20Hate%20Crime.pdf 

Merl, J. (2013). Victims of 1999 hate-crime shooting endorse Mike Feuer. LA Times. Retrieved:


1990 United States Government Passed the Hate
Pages: 5 Words: 1451

1990, United States government passed the Hate Crimes Statistics Act. This mandated that state, local and federal law enforcement agencies report data on crimes that reflected a bias against a person's race, religion, sexual orientation, and/or ethnicity/national origin. Several years later, people with disabilities were added to this list. Data collection was placed under the auger of the FBI, which complied by publishing an annual report through its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. This program started to publish a review of national hate crimes in 1990 entitled Hate Crime Statistics, 1990: A Resource Book. By 1992, the publication reflected the reported data of all states. Because certain states, such as Wisconsin, penalize perpetrators more for the same crime if the motivation for that crime is thought to be categorical hatred, statistics reflect the opinions of law enforcement agencies.
Because of this wealth of new data, in addition to the data…...

Victimization Theories of Crime Victimization Theories of
Pages: 3 Words: 838

victimization theories of crime. Victimization theories of crime focus on victim characteristics and behavior patterns, rather than focus exclusively on the perpetrators of crime. These theories help present a broader picture of crime rates and patterns within any given community. Victimization theories also help to identify vulnerable groups, and can therefore be helpful when creating public policy or law enforcement strategies.
Some victimization theories include victim participation theory, victim lifestyle theory, deviant place theory, and routine activity theory. Each of these theories can be useful in helping communities, individuals, and law enforcement officials discover ways of promoting public safety and minimizing crime. For example, a victimization theory revealing that people in a certain neighborhood are more vulnerable can help raise awareness about crime in that community so that the local residents and law enforcement can collectively pool resources.

Data on victimization can be used in a number of different ways. For…...



Bureau of Justice Statistics (2011). Retrieved online: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=245

Herek, G.M., Gillis, J.R. & Cogan, J.C. (1999). Psychological sequelae of hate-crime victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 67(6), Dec 1999, 945-951

Ybarra, L.M.R. & Lohr, S.L. (2002). Estimates of repeat victimization using the national crime victimization survey. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 18(1).

Rising U S Crime Rate Crime in the
Pages: 5 Words: 1652

ising U.S. Crime ate
Crime in the United States

Crime in the United States took a sharp uptick starting in the middle of the 20th century but has actually leveled off since then, at least for the most part. However, even with the moderation in crime, especially in larger cities that have traditionally been problematic, crime in some cities is still alarmingly high and there are some cultural and social trends that are becoming more and more prevalent and, by extension, more commonly talked about as well. This essay will explore a couple of the more notorious examples of this in motion.

Crime Falling

One study conducted for this research noted that predicting the crime rate at any given point in time can be exceedingly maddening to predict because of how a single happenstance or course of events can have a massive effect on the overall rates. The study uses the 1993 bombing attack…...



Burdett, K., Lagos, R., & Wright, R. (2003). Crime, Inequality, and Unemployment.

American Economic Review, 93(5), 1764-1777.

Carrington, K. (2006). Does Feminism Spoil Girls? Explanations for Official Rises in Female Delinquency. Australian & New Zealand Journal Of Criminology

(Australian Academic Press), 39(1), 34-53.

Criminal Justice Bias Crime Several
Pages: 2 Words: 746

5. Police and department decisions play a major role in the reliability and validity of hate crime data because they are the ones who classify and define hate crimes, and then send the data to the UCR. If a police department has very vague or confusing classifications and definitions, they may not report all hate crimes, or even recognize certain crimes as hate crimes. In that case, the crimes are underreported or even ignored, and the department is responsible for this. In addition, departments may fear their own self-preservation if they report too many hate crimes, so, they underreport them to "preserve" the department. For example, studies show that prosecutions are rare in hate crime cases, so departments may feel that reporting a hate crime will result in little justice in the justice system, and so, they will not report the crime as a hate crime. In addition, often violence…...

Assault and Battery the Crime
Pages: 5 Words: 1697

According to case law, "an infamous crime against nature" is sodomy (Yoshino, 2002). We can see here, again, a modern shift from common law with the inclusion of sodomy as a possible element of felony assault. Over the course of time, Idaho lawmakers clearly saw a need to include such a "crime" within their definitions.
While it is obvious that Idaho case law has changed over time with society with such inclusions as abortion, the death or injury of a fetus, and sodomy, it is equally clear more alterations are needed. The addition of the element of "ability" in the definition of assault (IC 18-901) may need clarification. While the addition is needed to create distinction between assault and threats, the term alone is subjective. This creates ambiguity within the definition, creating the possibility of incorrect application of the law.

Another alteration may need to be a further defining of the…...



American Heritage Dictionary. (2003). Common law. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Idaho Statutes, chapter 18, 18-901-18-910.

Jacobs, J.B. & Potter, K. (2001). Hate crimes: Criminal law & identity politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kirland v. State, 43 Ind. 146, 154, 1873.

Foreign Policy and Crime
Pages: 2 Words: 772

Media Presentation of Hate Crimes Against African-Americans: Annotated Bibliography
Baum, M., Potter, P. he relationships between mass media, public opinion, and foreign policy: oward a theoretical synthesis. Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 11 (2008): 39-65. Web.

Potter and Baum's paper firstly assesses the wide-ranging advances in academic knowledge with regard to foreign policy and public opinion in the course of the last decades, placing emphasis on comparatively recent researches. Subsequently, the authors propose a structure, on the basis of the market equilibrium principle, designed to synthesize the unconnected research programs which make up the literature pool on foreign policy and public opinion. For achieving this, the authors integrate mass media -- a third key strategic player -- that, in their opinion, has a crucial part to play, together with leaders and ordinary citizens, in influencing public outlook towards, and power over, foreign policy, besides considering the leader-public relationship. hey attempt to…...


This research work specifically explores game "enemies" and the extent of violence players inflict upon these virtual enemies. Findings reveal that most games scrutinized fostered conflict and intense violence toward Jews and Blacks. In the games Selepak studied, players were meant to brutally slay, dismember, and injure minorities for proceeding forward. These games were, typically, adapted classic video game versions wherein racial, ethnic, and religious minority characters replaced the original enemy characters. The study indicates that radical and hate websites offer video games aimed at indoctrinating players holding white supremacist beliefs, enabling racists to practice aggression against minorities. This can, subsequently, have a bearing on their interactions in the real world.

Mastro, Dana, Maria Knight Lapinski, Maria A. Kopacz, and Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz. The Influence of Exposure to Depictions of Race and Crime in TV News on Viewer's Social Judgments, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, (2009), 615-635. Web.

Mastro and colleagues' two-study experiment makes use of a group-centered priming structure for exploring the link of exposure to TV news depictions connecting violence and race to viewers' actual racial views. The first study's outcomes suggest that viewers' gender as well as the news suspect's racial identity have an influence on successive judgments, including victim and criminal attributions. The second research provides fairly consistent outcomes, suggesting, further, that the suspect's racial identity greatly impacts attitudes towards the Black community in the wider society, outside of the mediated situation.

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to how a social justice issuse is an import aspect of how psychologist can help a victim with trauma ?
Words: 404

## Essay Outline: Social Justice Issues and Trauma-Informed Psychological Support

I. Introduction
Define social justice issues pertinent to trauma victims (e.g., systemic oppression, discrimination, poverty)
State the thesis statement: Social justice issues are crucial considerations for psychologists in providing effective trauma-informed support to victims.

II. Section 1: Impact of Social Justice Issues on Trauma
Explain how systemic oppression, discrimination, and poverty contribute to trauma experiences
Discuss the intersectionality of social justice issues and trauma (e.g., how race, gender, and socioeconomic status impact its manifestation)
Provide examples of specific social justice issues that lead to trauma, such as racial profiling, hate crimes, or....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to composition about crime which shows revenge at the end?
Words: 223

1. The Role of Revenge in Shaping Criminal Behavior
2. The Ethics of Seeking Revenge in the Criminal Justice System
3. The Psychological Impact of Holding onto Revenge in Criminal Cases
4. Revenge as a Motivating Factor in Criminal Acts
5. Exploring Revenge as a Theme in Literature and Film about Crime
6. Revenge and its Effects on Social Relationships and Community Dynamics
7. The Enduring Appeal of Revenge as a Narrative Device in Crime Stories
8. Revenge as a Form of Justice in the Eyes of the Victimized
9. The Cycle of Violence and Revenge in Criminal Acts
10. The Consequences of Seeking Revenge in Cases of Crime....

How does social inequality contribute to traumatizing outcomes in society?
Words: 396

1. Social inequality, characterized by unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, perpetuates traumatizing experiences for marginalized communities, fostering cycles of poverty, discrimination, and health disparities.

2. The intersectionality of social inequalities, such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, and disability, compounds traumatization, leading to heightened vulnerability and limited access to support systems.

3. Social inequality creates barriers to education, healthcare, and employment, exacerbating psychological distress and hindering individuals from reaching their full potential, resulting in lifelong trauma.

4. The chronic stress and adversity faced by individuals subject to social inequality contribute to mental health problems, substance abuse, and physical ailments, traumatizing their well-being and....

Is censorship of hate speech online ultimately beneficial or detrimental for societies worldwide?
Words: 677

Introduction In the digital age, the internet has become a breeding ground for hate speech, leading to contentious debates over its regulation. Many argue that online hate speech incites violence, discrimination, and social division, necessitating censorship to protect vulnerable groups. Others contend that censorship stifles free speech, limits public discourse, and hinders societal progress. This essay delves into the complex arguments surrounding online hate speech censorship to determine whether it ultimately benefits or harms societies worldwide. Arguments in Favor of Censorship

Proponents of censorship argue that online hate speech poses a clear and present danger to individuals and society as a whole.....

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