Harassment Essays (Examples)

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Harassment in the Workplace Heading
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Harassment in the Workplace
Harassment manifests in a number of different ways, including verbal, physical, visual, and sexual. Verbal harassment involves racial slurs, religious epithets, or disparaging physical remarks. Physical harassment is defined by physical abuse; this can involve injury, or it may be characterized by any restriction on an individual's physical space and movement. Meanwhile, visual harassment concern any forms of insulting visual posters, computer messages, etc. Finally, sexual harassment involves any unwanted sexual overtures. Common causes of harassment involve gender, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, physical disability, socioeconomic status, or one's family. Harassment often has pervasive consequences beyond the act(s) committed, and it affects worker productivity and morale.

The supervisor has a responsibility to take immediate action when harassment surfaces. People may be sensitive or embarrassed to report harassment, so the supervisor should constantly be aware of the potential for harassment and quell any instances before they develop. When harassment…...

Harassment & Employment Related Laws
Pages: 4 Words: 1114

Nondiscrimination principles are to be implemented for non-U.S. citizen employees as well.
e) Federal contracts

Finally, in terms of the federal contracts, however this is not the case with Pomodoro Inc., it is noted that intense emphasis is placed on equal employment rights and non-discriminative employment. When employers enter contracts with the federal institution, the details of each contract would be negotiated based on the specifics of each collaboration.

f) Other workplace standards

Under this category of other workplace standards, the United States legislation regulates issues such as lie detector tests, reemployment, whistleblowers, nondiscrimination and other similar issues. The following represent some of the more notable regulations:

Lie detector tests are usually prohibited for use by the private employers

Whistleblowers cannot be discriminated against within the workplace as a result of a filed complaint

When plants close or mass layouts are completed, employees receive a 60 days notice (calendar days)

Employees are able to join unions, yet…...



2009, Employment law guide: laws, regulations and technical assistance services, United States Department of Labor,   / last accessed on October 21, 2011http://www.dol.gov/elaws/elg 

2009, Penalties for sexual harassment, Avvo,   last accessed on October 21, 2011http://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/penalties-sexual-harassment 

2011, Harassment law and legal definition, U.S. Legal,   / last accessed on October 21, 2011http://definitions.uslegal.com/h/harassment 

Harassment Prevention Training in Human
Pages: 2 Words: 795

hat laws would she base this on? To justify your employment decision, what factors need to be addressed?
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. If this African-American candidate was denied employment based upon her race or gender, the office would be in violation of federal employment law. To protect itself, the office might wish to point to its policy that it is an Equal Opportunity Employer or demonstrate that African-American employees are present in the office, as if a pattern of discrimination in hiring and promotion on the part of the company can be demonstrated, that will add weight to the woman's case.

However, according to Nolo.com "the law does not require employers to give any explanation at all," as to why someone was not hired and it…...


Works Cited

How can I prove I was turned down due to employer discrimination?"

Nolo.com. 2007. 21 Mar 2007. http://www.nolo.com/article.cfm/catId/D348BE73-C552-4D58-B00586C0C0909EFA/objectId/D92FA15A-7770-4492-A29F17D1D8403561/104/150/269/QNA/

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 21 Mar 2007.  http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/vii.html

Harassment Diversity Sexual Harassment and Diversity Learning
Pages: 4 Words: 1584

Harassment Diversity
Sexual Harassment and Diversity Learning Activities

Mastery Test:

Sexual harassment can only occur on campus and during school-sponsored events.


correct answer


Correct, sexual harassment can occur off campus and outside regular hours, at parties, conferences, community functions and other non-sponsored events. Your score is 100%.

It is okay to tell sexual jokes in the workplace, as long as no one complains.


correct answer


Correct. Sexual jokes are inappropriate in the workplace. Your score is 100%.

Hattie works for Ace Modeling Agency and one of her key clients has sexually harassed her on a business trip. Hattie reported this behavior to her manager, Jim Pondell, but Jim told Hattie to put up with the behavior since the client said he would drop the account if Hattie doesn't work with him on it alone.

Hattie quit the agency when the client's behavior grew more threatening.

correct answer

A. Hattie has grounds for a sexual harassment claim since her manager didn't take action…...


Works Cited:

Krieger, N.; Waterman, P, D.; Hartman, C.; Bates, L.M.; Stoddard, A.M.; Quinn, M.M.; Sorensen, G. & Barbeau, E.M. (2006). SOCIAL HAZARDS ON THE JOB: WORKPLACE ABUSE, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION-- A STUDY OF BLACK, LATINO, AND WHITE LOW-INCOME WOMEN AND MEN WORKERS IN THE UNITED STATES. International Journal of Health Services, 36(1), 51-85.

New Learning Media. (2011). Sexual Harassment and Diversity Learning Activities. Indiana University.

Harassment Case Sexual Harassment at Teddy's Supplies
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Harassment Case
Sexual Harassment at Teddy's Supplies: Case Analysis

Teddy's Supplies' CEO has asked you to advise him on the facts of the case and your opinion of their potential liability. Write a memo to him that states your view of whether the company is exposed to liability on all issues you feel are in play. Include in your memo any laws that apply and any precedent cases either for or against Teddy's case that impact liability. Include your opinion of the "worst case" of damages the company may have to pay to Virginia.


As an independent council for Teddy's Supplies, my immediate recommendations would be to agree to a financial settlement awarding damages to Pollard. It seems clear according to the decisions rendered by the NJ Human Rights commission that Pollard was the victim of gender discrimination and sexual harassment. Moreover, it is clear beyond a reasonable doubt that a culture of…...


2. The NJ Human Rights commission found that Pollard was the victim of sexual harassment and disparate treatment. Please answer these questions:

a. Provide the most current definition of "sexual harassment," including a definition of quid pro quo and hostile environment sexual harassment. Name an appellate court case in which an employer was found liable for either quid pro quo or hostile environment sexual harassment. Describe the facts of the case and the decision the court came to in the case. Include the citation to the case and a link to it online. Would the case apply to Pollard's case? Why or why not? Would you want to use this case in Teddy's favor or Pollard's favor?

The case in question brings to mind a far more prominent case which occurred in 2006. The case of Anucha Browne Sanders is a particularly compelling one as it strongly reinforces a precedent with respect to the responsibility to be taken by organizations within which sexual harassment is allowed to persist or even enabled by a complicit organizational leadership. This is said to have been the scenario in the case of Anucha Brown Sanders vs. Isiah Thomas, the New York Knicks and Madison Square Garden. Based on testimony from many individuals associated with or employed by the organization, including prominent basketball players, a jury established that Thomas was guilty of continuous and unwanted advances upon Browne Sanders and that at times his language toward her was abusive and laced with obscenities. The grand jury further established that the Knicks had largely facilitated a culture of sexual inequality, laxness with respect to harassment issues and a general objectification of

Law Sexual Harassment Teddy's Supplies' CEO Dear
Pages: 3 Words: 1472

Law Sexual Harassment
Teddy's Supplies' CEO

Dear Sir,

In pursuing the facts of the case I think Teddy's is having a written sexual harassment policy and a method for employees to report sexual harassment -- either to the supervisor or in secret by using the www.eportTeddysafely.com. As an employer some of the necessities stipulated by law have been followed. The Supreme Court defined two principles regarding the sexual harassment at the workplace. Firstly the employer is liable for harassment vicariously. In Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth, 118 S. Ct. 2257 (1998), and in Faragher v. City of Boca aton, 118 S. Ct. 2275 (1998) and thus the courts held that the employer is always liable for a supervisor's harassment if "it culminates in a tangible employment action. However, if it does not, the employer may be able to avoid liability or limit damages by establishing affirmative defenses that includes two necessary elements."…...



Gebseret Al. v. Lago Vista Case. (1998) "GEBSERET AL. v. LAGO VISTA INDEPENDENT

SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT 1998" Retrieved 14 August, 2012 from  http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=000&invol=96-1866 

Mogilefsky v. Superior court of Los Angeles City. (1993) "Mogilefsky v. SUPERIOR COURT

OF LOS ANGELES CTY., 20 Cal. App. 4th 1409 - Cal: Court of Appeal, 2nd Appellate Dist., 4th Div. 1993" Retrieved 14 August, 2012 from  http://scholar.google.co.in/scholar_case?case=5900849414320203357&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr&sa=X&ei=A24qUMP8JcHQrQe8j4CABw&ved=0CEQQgAMoADAA

Do Sexual Harassment Laws Violate the First Amendment
Pages: 4 Words: 1436

As a result, one would anticipate that any efforts to hamper speech discussing the appropriate role of women in society would be seen as hampering religious and/or political speech.
However, it also seems to be a basic affront to the notion of equality to suggest that women should have to endure sexually harassing behavior in order to be in the workplace. Speech is, almost without fail, a component of sexual harassment claims. Those who engage in sexually harassing behavior use speech to convey their messages. Sometimes these messages are overt demands that establish cases of quid pro quo sexual harassment. Other times, the speech or symbolic speech is less overt, but, instead, may feature things like provocative pictures of women displayed in the work place.

This overtly sexual speech in the context of sexual harassment cases has not become a significant First Amendment issue is not a surprise. Not only have…...



Gerard, J. (1992-1993). The First Amendment in a hostile environment: A primer on free speech and sexual harassment. Notre Dame Law Review, 68, 1003.

Kent, a. (1994). First Amendment defense to hostile environment sexual harassment: Does discriminatory conduct deserve constitutional protection? Hofstra Law Review, 23(2),


Shao, R., Rupp, D., Skarlicki, D. & Jones, K. (2013). Employee justice across cultures: A meta-

Preventing Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment
Pages: 4 Words: 1295

The first type is known as "quid pro quo" harassment and it occurs when someone in power, such as a supervisor or a professor, promises or denies something in exchange for sexual favors. For example, if a boss tells his secretary he will give her a promotion if she sleeps with him, that would qualify as quid pro quo sexual harassment. or, if a professor tells a student that if she doesn't sleep with him, he will give her an F. For the course, this would also qualify as quid pro quo sexual harassment.
The second type of sexual harassment is known as "hostile environment" sexual harassment. This involves a pattern of behavior that creates a hostile environment in which an individual feels uncomfortable working. For example, a woman working in an office where all of the men have Playboy centerfolds hanging over their desks could be considered a hostile…...



Gordon, Linda Howard, the Sexual Harassment Handbook, Career Press, 2007. Print.

Orlov, Darlene and Roumell, Michael T., What Every Manager Needs to Know About Sexual Harassment, AMACOM/American Management Association, 2005. Print.

Saguy, Abigail, What Is Sexual Harassment?: From Capitol Hill to the Sorbonne, University of California Press. 2003. Print

Sarabyn, Kelly "Victory for Free Speech in DeJohn v. Temple," Fire's the Torch, (August 4, 2008) Web.  http://www.thefire.org/index.php/article/9574.html

Same Sex Sexual Harassment
Pages: 10 Words: 2556

Sexual harassment has been an issue of debate for many years. Sexual harassment often exists in the workplace and at educational institutions. The purpose of this discussion is to explore this topic as it relates to same sex sexual harassment. Let's begin our discussion with a definition of sexual harassment.
Definition of Sexual Harassment

According to a book entitled, "Sexual Harassment in America: A Documentary History" "Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is a violation of Title VII of the Civil ights Act of 1964. The EEOC's guidelines define two types of sexual harassment: "quid pro quo" and "hostile environment."(Stein, 1999)

The quid pro quo type of sexual harassment involves sexual advances that are unwelcome, physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, or requests for sexual favors. These actions are seen as quid pro quo harassment when (1) submission to these actions are made either explicitly or implicitly a…...


References www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=26232486

Achampong, F. (1999). Workplace Sexual Harassment Law Principles, Landmark Developments, and Framework for Effective Risk Management. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001401427

Dubois, C.L., Knapp, D.E., Faley, R.H., & Kustis, G.A. (1998). An Empirical Examination of Same- and Other-Gender Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 39(9-10), 731.

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000693735

Sexual Harassment the Impact of
Pages: 5 Words: 1618

Early sexual harassment allows the cultural norms surrounding the glass ceiling and the unequal treatment of women in the workforce to continue. esearch demonstrates that the affects of sexual harassment have a life-long affect that can set the woman up for later sexual harassment. Once the pattern of sexual harassment is established, it can be difficult to break for both the woman and the harasser.
Understanding the seriousness and the long-term consequences of sexual harassment is the first step in making the case that stronger laws and interventions are needed. However, stronger laws can only go so far. The establishment of programs to help women help themselves is needed. These programs need to be culturally sensitive and take into consideration the religious, cultural, and social attitudes of the women who fall victim to harassment. The next step in research into sexual harassment needs to entail the development of such programs.…...



Barak, A. (2007). Sexual Harassment on the Internet. Social Science Computer Review. 23 (1):


Houle, J., Staff, J. And Blackstone, A. (2007). The Psychological Impact of Sexual Harassment

During the Early Occupational Career, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, TBA, New York, New York City Online < August 11,

Student Harassment
Pages: 4 Words: 1124



ReferencesBenbow, D.H. (2014). Facebook bullying case disturbs school officials. USA Today. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from J. (2021, February 10). Cyberbullying at school: 5 simple steps to protect students. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from https://www.campussuite.com/blog/cyberbullying-at-school-5-simple-steps-to-protect-studentsGordon, S. (2020). Understanding the legal ramifications of cyberbullying. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from https://www.verywellfamily.com/cyberbullying-laws-4588306New Jersey Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention. (2012). Legal issues. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from https://www.njbullying.org/legalissues.htmSalinas, E., Coan, D., Ansley, S., Barton, A., McCaig, C. & Edwards, J.T. (2013). Bullying on Facebook: How it affects secondary school and college students. Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences, 12. Retrieved from  https://www.kon.org/urc/v12/salinas.html?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=a02d718c9c693e7ab22e6247ff5da9489c5762a9-1620503018-0-AR9tAsGVGbVqP0T9aX8riXy8LKDV6qTq3F9ZBw3ffy0QLSD9lkcKqa0h50z9oen1COhBkNFyypnBAOEGM6wpz41wSLlB8GI43UVLrBkg120K1tdDFiaPX_8r02fLEtWYARzJPe0cEW1CY5IlxCzXM2QLgOlhYQtJZ_Yict1WtEU0XhkE7h7mMxKsycnPIt0W7yuXhQSrh3nuOXRjFrclRETDePXkDieGM1BLhT5nSdjGjX0p3Stt-m4ws_AZ_LL_Ez6wSxno1NAB-sscuQUZg7DPefSD0g1aLZv-BPm_IYYOQVFKiNc_WQpXe3XokOkTIgCVxEwwgvHKeIuvVwS2zYkY7Imy5Z4LZYTlqjWTbbPn6EnpKDkBJ1gplppNnczjsZDrPTVg_90nbB_-lD5LGw1o06gbvRegJlYIM1e5Je1ubKsRkxJJKmY1_XHqbRGeSvTrYeb75qAqk_rN80p-iD3bsBrL7-oGc0_zW6cPHstL 


Male Sexual Harassment in the
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

Just like with other forms of sexual assault, sexual harassment brings a set of impacts and consequences such as having physical effects, emotional effects, job and school related effects and current and future financial penalties. Harassment also has harmful costs on the environment that victims are in and can lead to an aggressive and less productive work and school surroundings. It costs businesses and schools due to the damaged morale, lawsuits and absenteeism that occur because of it. It permits for the degradation of women and men and the continuation of gender inequalities (Anderson, 2006).

The psychological brunt on the victim of sexual harassment can be huge. Understanding the psychological effects of harassment is difficult because very often the victim's reactions are masked or minimized. Sexual harassment has negative impacts on the victim, often reporting that they are distracted during the day and do not perform to their potential. They are…...



Anderson, Janet. (2006). Sexual Harassment. Retrieved April 27, 2010, from Web site:


Dealing with Sexual Harassment. (2002). Retrieved April 27, 2010, from Web site:


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pages: 8 Words: 2527

The Impact of Workplace Sexual Harassment on Employees and Employers

Sexual Harassment (SH) is a subject that has made its way into the normative, professional lexicon. SH used to be a topic that was not taken seriously because it was a part of the workplace environment that was normal and was not subject to punitive consequences, though there are occasions that are exceptions to the rule. SH is a subject that must be taken seriously by every employee or member of an organization. SH is a subject that must be taken seriously on the individual level and on the organizational level. SH directly affects fundamental aspects of a place of employment, no matter the industry. Prevalent, pervasive, and even sporadic SH in the workplace serves as a destructive force from within and from without.

There is no workplace environment that exists that will never have one instance of SH. This does not…...



Houle, Jason N., Staff, Jeremy, Mortimer, Jeylan T., Uggen, Christopher, & Blackstone, Amy. "The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Depressive Symptoms During the Early Occupational Career." Society Mental Health, Vol. 1, No. 2, 89 -- 105, 2011. Available from:   2014 January 10.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3227029/ .

Jackson, Robert A. & Newman, Meredith A. "Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace Revisited: Influences on Sexual Harassment by Gender." Public Administration Review, Vol. 64, No. 6, 705 -- 717, 2004.

Lim, Sandy, & Cortina, Lilia M. "Interpersonal Mistreatment in the Workplace: The Interface and Impact of General Incivility and Sexual Harassment." Journal of Applied Psycholgoy, Vol. 90, No. 3, 483 -- 496, 2005.

Lim, Sandy, & Cortina, Lilia M. "Personal and Workgroup Incivility: Impact on Work and Health Outcomes." Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 93, No. 1, 95 -- 107, 2008.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pages: 6 Words: 1971

The company should then establish clear procedures with regard to reporting of cases and the way they are handled, this can be done by establishing a competent body to handle this issue. The last step is enforcement of the policy, when all this is done then the policies will help safeguard the employees and at the same time reducing on company liabilities since there will be few cases to handle.
Who should be responsible?

Most companies have handed over the responsibility of protecting employees against sexual harassment to the employees themselves claiming that it is them who allow it to happen. Similarly, many individuals have raised the same argument and made recommendations supporting such a move. This should not be the case and is actually one of the factors that have led to the widespread of this vice. Matters are made worse when individuals are given the task of collecting evidence…...



Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. (2002). Facts about sexual harassment. Retrieved March 2, 2010 from  http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-sex.html 

Meloy, J.R. (1998). The psychology of stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives. New York:

Academic Press.

Mullen, P.E., et al. (1999). A study of stalkers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156 Prekel, Truida (2001). Sexual Harassment: Causes, Consequences and Cures, Retrieved March 2,

Effects of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pages: 3 Words: 782

Sexual Harrassment
Effects Of Sexual Harrassment In The Workplace

The problems of sexual harassment cases are prevalent in almost all of the companies. In today's workplace, incidents of sexual harassment have become common. It is not unusual that a majority of companies in America are facing countless suits on sexual harassments. While many companies have addressed the problem of sexual harassment at the organizational level with policy statements and other memos, management has not paid the real attention on lowering the number of sexual harassment in the workplace. The main problem occurs, as it is not clear what is a right conduct and what is a wrong conduct in case of the sexual harassment situation.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes sexual harassment illegal, considering it to be a form of sexual discrimination. The statute, however, does not cover what kind of behavior constitutes sexual harassment. In…...

Need some topics for mixed method research in social sciences?
Words: 374

The social sciences refer to any academic discipline that deals with human behavior.  The fields that generally fall under this rubric include economics, anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, historiography, as well as certain types of culture-specific studies.  Mixed method research refers to a research methodology that mixes traditional quantitative and qualitative research designs and discussing both types of evidence or data while considering the takeaways or conclusions of the research. 

Some topics for mixed method research in social sciences are:

  1. Does the inclusion of minority police officers in a police force reduce the incidence of police brutality....

I need help with an essay topic related to cyberbullying?
Words: 334

Here are 25 essay topics related to cyberbullying:

  1. The Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenagers
  2. Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Laws Across Different Countries
  3. The Role of Social Media Platforms in Preventing Cyberbullying
  4. Cyberbullying: A Modern Challenge in Digital Parenting
  5. How Cyberbullying Influences Academic Performance in Schools
  6. The Effectiveness of School Programs in Combating Cyberbullying
  7. The Intersection of Cyberbullying and Gender
  8. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Being a Cyberbully
  9. The Relationship Between Cyberbullying and Mental Health Disorders
  10. Technological Solutions to Detect and Prevent Cyberbullying
  11. Cyberbullying: An Emerging Issue in Workplace Harassment
  12. The Role of Bystanders in Cyberbullying Scenarios
  13. Cyberbullying Among Celebrities: Public Scrutiny and Personal Impact
  14. Understanding the Psychological Profile of a Cyberbully
  15. The Influence....

how can we help make the internet safer?
Words: 334

To help make the internet safer, we can take the following measures:

1. Strengthen password security:
- Use strong and unique passwords for each online account.
- Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
- Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

2. Educate users about phishing and malware:
- Raise awareness about common phishing techniques and the importance of not clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources.
- Promote the use of reliable antivirus software and regularly update it.

3. Encourage responsible online behavior:
- Teach users about the potential consequences of sharing personal information online.

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on internet stalking?
Words: 371

1. The psychology behind internet stalking: exploring the motivations and behaviors of individuals who engage in online stalking
2. The legal implications of internet stalking: examining the laws and regulations surrounding online harassment and cyberstalking
3. The impact of internet stalking on mental health: exploring the emotional and psychological consequences of being a victim of online stalking
4. The role of social media in facilitating internet stalking: analyzing how social media platforms can be used as tools for stalking and harassment
5. The effectiveness of current preventative measures against internet stalking: evaluating the strategies and tools available for individuals to protect themselves from online....

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