Hand Hygiene Essays (Examples)

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Hand Hygiene
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Nosocomial Infections and Hand Hygiene
Kampf and colleagues (2009) assert that the regular use of hand sanitizers has a better antimicrobial effect than regular hand washing and they suggest that this practice -- in conjunction with improved availability of sanitizers, regular compliance education, reminders, and monitoring -- is best practice for hospital hand hygiene in the prevention of nosocomial infections. This recommendation is based on a review of the literature, which included studies forming the evidence-based foundation for the 2006 orld Health Organization (HO) hand hygiene recommendations, together with more recent recommendations by several authoritative bodies, including: (1) the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Prevention of Infection, Robert Koch Institute (RKI), (2) the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AMF), (3) HO's final recommendation, and (4) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Kampf, Loffler, & Gastmeier, 2009, p. 649).

Apart from the reference list for the 2006 HO…...


Within the healthcare environment, Kampf and colleagues (2009) recommend that clinicians rely on alcohol-based hand rubs to minimize the transfer of pathogens from patient to clinician to patient. When combined with gloves and proper environmental hygiene the incidence of preventable nosocomial infections should thus be almost eliminated.


Kampf, G., Loffler, H., & Gastmeier, P. (2009). Hand hygiene for the prevention of nosocomial infections. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 106(40), 649-655.

Hand Hygiene and Infection in Hospitals
Pages: 7 Words: 2096

Quantitative Article Tan Jr, A. K., & Jeffrey Olivo, B. S. (2015). Assessing healthcare associated infections and hand hygiene perceptions amongst healthcare professionals. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 108.
1. Describe how the researcher addresses the following four areas in the selected journal article (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology and Data Analysis:
The purpose of the study is to support the World Health Organization hand hygiene campaign against healthcare associated infections (HAIs). The study aims to conduct an assessment of the perception towards hand hygiene amid healthcare professionals within the hospital. In particular, the study seeks to ascertain perceptions on HAIs and hand hygiene. The literature review conducted by the researcher was not quite extensive. Nonetheless, the previous research studies included by the author demonstrate that the execution of the hand hygiene strategy recommended by WHO is practicable, viable and sustainable across a wide range of different settings in various nations and gives rise to…...

Hand Hygiene Slipping in Hospitals
Pages: 6 Words: 1636

Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators
Nurse Sensitive Quality Indicators

Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator: Standard Technique Hand Washing

eports of incidences of superbug infections in hospitals and highly infectious diseases in underdeveloped countries heightens the importance of standard sanitation techniques. Moreover, increasingly reimbursement rates for hospitals are tied to achievement of specific patient care outcomes, a change that has made healthcare quality more important for all stakeholders. Standard technique in hand washing, skin preparation, and wound dressing is core to quality patient care, yet the literature and the media point to an increasingly pervasive degradation in this area (Szilagy, 2013). Standard sanitation technique is definitely a nursing-sensitive quality indicator as nurses are universally engaged in these processes and procedures in some capacity.

The literature indicates that improper hand hygiene of clinicians is one of the major contributors to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), and that 7.1% of admissions to the hospital in developed countries involve HAIs. The annual death rate…...



Bargellini, A., Borella, P., Ferri, P., Ferranti, G., & Marchesi, I. (2012, July-September). Hand hygiene of medical and nursing students during clinical rotations: a pilot study on knowledge, attitudes and impact on bacterial contamination. Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca [Nursing and Research], 31(3), 123-130. DOI: 10.1702/1176.13038. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23164964 

Farquhar, M. (n.d.). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses, Chapter 45. AHRQ Quality Indicators. Retreived from  http://archive.ahrq.gov/professionals/clinicians-providers/resources/nursing/resources/nurseshdbk/FarquharM_IS.pdf 

Maas M., Johnson, M., & Moorehead, S. (1996). Classifying nursing-sensitive patient outcomes. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 28(4), 295 -- 301.

Malik, H.R. (Ed.). (2008). A Manual: "My Five Moments for Hand Hygiene" Concept. WHO (World Health Organization). Retrieved from  http://www.who.int/gpsc/tools/Manual_5_moments_Pakistan.pdf

Change Non-Compliance of Hand Hygiene in Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 537

Non-Compliance of Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Setting

Hand hygiene is once of the fundamental areas that are often ignored and not well covered in inspections or standardizations, yet it is on area that almost all patients can be affected by or infected through within the healthcare facilities. Though there are recommended hand hygiene practices within the healthcare institutions and in particular the sensitive sections or departments like the obstetrics section, there has been a lot of non-compliance, total negligence of these practices or in most cases use of the wrong detergents to clean hands hence passing infections to the patients.

According to CDC (2013), in their study conducted in General Hospital of Vienna, the rates of mortality among mothers who gave birth in the hospital went down when the staff in the hospital used antiseptic agents as compared to when they used plain soap. CDC also notes that in the recent…...



BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, (2013). Hand Hygiene: Hour Challenge. Retrieved December 7, 2013 from  http://bcpsqc.ca/clinical-improvement/hand-hygiene/ 

CDC (2013). Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings. Retrieved December 7, 2013 from www.cdc.gov/handhygiene/download/hand_hygiene_core.ppt?

How to Have Good Hand Hygiene
Pages: 6 Words: 1661

Hand Hygiene PICOT
The revised PICOT statement for this proposal is: For hospital patients (P), how does the use of a visual cue to stimulate hand hygiene compliance (I) compared to no visual cue usage to stimulate compliance (C) affect hospital acquired infection (O) during their hospital stay while the patient hand hygiene protocol implementation process is ongoing (T)?
Research Critiques
The quantitative study by Doyle et al. (2017) focused on testing whether co-washing could be accepted by patients as a concept to help reduce the risk of infection among hospital patients. The researchers used the survey method to see if patients embraced the concept. Doyle et al. (2017) found that the overwhelming majority of patients approved of co-washing. The findings of the study could be applied in nursing practice in a number of ways. First, co-washing could be adopted by nurses whenever they are treating patients in order to promote the idea of…...



Chenoweth, C., & Saint, S. (2013). Preventing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Clinics, 29(1), 19-32.

Doyle, G. A., Xiang, J., Zaman, H., Neiman-Hart, H., Maroon, M., Arghami, E., ... & King, D. E. (2017). Patient attitudes and participation in hand co-washing in an outpatient clinic before and after a prompt. The Annals of Family Medicine, 15(2), 155-157.

Ford, E. W., Boyer, B. T., Menachemi, N., & Huerta, T. R. (2014). Increasing hand washing compliance with a simple visual cue. American journal of public health, 104(10), 1851-1856.

Fox, C., Wavra, T., Drake, D. A., Mulligan, D., Bennett, Y. P., Nelson, C., ... & Bader, M. K. (2015). Use of a patient hand hygiene protocol to reduce hospital-acquired infections and improve nurses’ hand washing. American Journal of Critical Care, 24(3), 216-224.

Srigley, J. A., Furness, C. D., & Gardam, M. (2016). Interventions to improve patient hand hygiene: a systematic review. Journal of Hospital Infection, 94(1), 23-29.

Wilde, M. et al. (2015). Self-management intervention for long-term indwelling urinary catheter users. Nursing Research, 64(1), 24-34.

Critical Appraisal of Practice Guidelines
Pages: 4 Words: 1179

Guideline Evaluation According to Agree II Guideline In Question: WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care. Geneva: WHO, 2009.
The overall objective(s) of the guideline is (are) specifically described.
Strongly Disagree 12 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree
Comments: Numerous sources and studies have demonstrated the importance of cleanliness of the hands, and that when hand hygiene is complete, patient outcomes are more positive and surgeries are safer. (Grol et al., 2003) (Sax et al., 2007) (O’Boyle, 2001)
2. The health question(s) covered by the guideline is (are) specifically described.
Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree
This guideline could be more specific in detailing all specific health questions this pertains to, though perhaps their lack of specificity was directly connected to the fact that hand hygiene impacts nearly every health condition.
3. The population (patients, public, etc.) to whom the guideline is meant to apply is specifically described.



Grol, R., & Grimshaw, J. (2003). From best evidence to best practice: effective implementation of change in patients\\\\' care. The lancet, 362(9391), 1225-1230.

O\\\\'boyle, C. A., Henly, S. J., & Larson, E. (2001). Understanding adherence to hand hygiene recommendations: the theory of planned behavior. American journal of infection control, 29(6), 352-360.

Pittet, D., Allegranzi, B., Boyce, J., & World Health Organization World Alliance for Patient Safety First Global Patient Safety Challenge Core Group of Experts. (2009). The World Health Organization guidelines on hand hygiene in health care and their consensus recommendations. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 30(7), 611-622.

Sax, H., Allegranzi, B., Uckay, I., Larson, E., Boyce, J., & Pittet, D. (2007). ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’: a user-centred design approach to understand, train, monitor and report hand hygiene. Journal of Hospital Infection, 67(1), 9-21.

Nurses Hand Hygiene Behavior
Pages: 1 Words: 370

Doris examined the claim that hand hygiene education and individual feedback on hand hygiene frequency and method enhances hand hygiene frequency and improves nurses’ methodology scores of hand hygiene as stated by Chun et al. (2014). The evaluation entailed using the criteria for examining statistical research to determine whether statistical evidence support the claim. Through the critical appraisal process for statistical analysis by Cohn et al. (2009), Doris demonstrated that the research by Chun et al. (2014) has statistical evidence to support the claim. During the critical appraisal process, Doris examined whether the study met each of the various components in the…[…… parts of this paper are missing, click here to view or download the entire document ]…of the statistical analysis to show how evidence support the claim. In addition, Doris examined evidence relating to hand hygiene frequency when nurses came into contact with MRSA isolated patients. As a result,…...

Epidemiological Study Proposal Nursing Hand
Pages: 20 Words: 5318

These are questions dealing with attitude and are the most important questions when doing qualitative social science research to gauge relationships among events. In addition to construction questions about attitudes, it is important to have the questions drafted in the correct format (Nachmias, 2008).
The Quantitative methodologies will be the statistical tests designed for the overall model to incorporate the information provided through one, two or all of the Qualitative data analysis methodologies. The tests used to determine the relationship between these "qualitative" factors and increases in Infection rates, will be the Chi-Square, Student's T-Test, ANOVA (to test for variations among the data), the construction of a Linear Regression Model and the calculation of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, otherwise known as "R-Squared" (Nachmias, 2008).

These tests will be utilized in conjunction with a predetermined level of significance, or alpha. Since these tests will all be measuring the means and relationships of…...


Works Cited:

Barrett, R. & Randle, J. (2008). Hand hygiene practices: nursing students' perceptions. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(14), 1851-1857.

Beggs, C.; Noakes, C.; Shepherd, S.; Kerr, K.; Sleigh, P. & Banfield, K. (2006). The influence of nurse cohorting on hand hygiene effectiveness. American Journal of Infection Control, 34, 10, 621-626.

Larson, E.; Quiros, D. & Lin, S. (2007). Dissemination of the CDC's Hand Hygiene Guideline and impact on infection rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 35(10), 666-675.

Roberts, C.; Roberts, J. & Roberts, R.J. (2009). Investigation into the effect of an alcohol-based hand product on infection rate in a nursing home setting. Journal of Infection Prevention, 10(4), 138-142.

Handed to Ten Coffee Drinkers Visiting Panera
Pages: 3 Words: 712

handed to ten coffee dinkes visiting Panea Bead on a Satuday moning to analyze the habits of this paticula population.
Please ate the quality of Panea Bead coffee in the scale of 10 (whee 1 is unacceptable low quality and 10 is pleasantly high quality)

Please ate the hygiene of the Panea Bead in the scale of 10 (1 stands fo extemely dity and 10 is high standads of hygiene.

Please ate the Panea cews appoach to the customes in the scale of 10 (1 is extemely unfiendly and 10 is pleasantly fiendly)

Please compae the impotance of following items to be pesented at the Coffee stand in the ank of 10 (whee 10 is vey impotant to have and 1 is not impotant).

Half and Half Milk

Skim Milk

2% Milk

Milk Powde



Low Cal Suga

Heat Holde

Cup Lid


What should be pesented at the pasty stand along with coffee please ank the following items 1 to 10 scale…...


references varied; however, muffins and cookies were slightly more preferred (see Table 3).


Overall results of the study showed that the customers were satisfied with the quality of Panera Bread products and services. In addition the ranking questions showed the expectations from the coffee stand and the bakery. Further analysis and questions are granted to understand the quantity satisfaction and its relation to quality satisfaction.

Becoming Influential
Pages: 4 Words: 1422

Hygiene in Medical Settings
My message will be on hand hygiene for everyone that comes to the hospital.

Hand hygiene for hospital guests is just as important as it is for hospital personnel. Everyday interactions and activities can lead to exposure to a variety of bacteria that can create illness. In a hospital setting, this means that guests with good intentions towards loved ones can inadvertently make an illness worse or introduce new germs into clinically sanitized environments. Bacteria and other illness causing agents are often picked up from external environments and surfaces and then transported through body parts such as the nose, throat, skin, and hair. Because the hands are one of the most active parts of the body, we also carry germs between our fingers and underneath fingernails. Therefore, it becomes important that everyone wash their hands properly and frequently to decrease the transmission of bacteria and other harmful…...



Kuo, C.C. (2011). What's your hand hygiene?. AAOS Now, 5(10), 17-18.

Smith, S.S. (2009). A review of hand-washing techniques in primary care and community settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(6), 786-790. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02546.x.

Washing Haas Janet P And
Pages: 2 Words: 524

Naturally, any problem that results in 1.7 instances of illness and 100,000 preventable deaths is automatically extremely clinically significant. What makes this topic especially clinically significant is that nosocomial infections are largely a function of behaviors that violate established principles of standard hygiene and antisepsis in clinical settings. If the information can be used to publicize the importance of reducing hospital acquired infections and to increase healthcare worker compliance with antiseptic protocols, it could greatly improve the safety and quality of the American healthcare system.
Primary Barriers to Hand Washing Compliance

The main barriers reported in connection with the low rate of hand washing compliance in U.S. hospitals include ignorance, laziness, habit, and convenience. Ignorance comes into play when healthcare providers fail to consider how vulnerable hospitalized patients are to infection and how easily bacterial infections can be caused by hand-to-hand or hand-to surface contamination. Laziness is an issue because hand…...

Caglar S Yildiz S Savaser S 2010
Pages: 6 Words: 1935

Caglar S; Yildiz S; Savaser S. (2010). Observation results of hand-washing by health-care workers in a neonatal intensive care unit. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16(2), 132-137.
In this article the authors wanted to determine whether healthcare professionals were washing their hands and if they were doing so effectively. The researchers observed 344 incidents in which hand washing was warranted and found that nurses were 63% compliant and physicians were 53% compliant. However, when it came to making sure that the job was done thoroughly, physicians were able to do a better job than nurses at a 24% to 13% rate of success. Since hand washing has been proven to be the most effective and simplest method for preventing infection, it is imperative that healthcare professionals perform it as often as needed and thoroughly.

amos M.M., Schrader, ., Trujillo, ., Blea, M., & Greenberg, C. (2011). School nurse inspections improve hand-washing…...


Researchers are trying different techniques to increase the incidence of compliance with hand washing guidelines and in this study they used social pressure. Initially, compliance with hand washing regulations was deemed to be significantly below expected standard within the nursing staff. To hopefully combat this, researchers told the staff that they were going to weigh the soap dispenser bags to see if people were actually using them or not. The object of the study was to determine if this type of pressure would induce the staff into better compliance with hand washing regulations. The researchers found that this type of behavioral technique is very effective.

15. Parish, C. (2008). Patient campaigner calls for TV cameras to check hand-washing. Nursing Standard, 22(38), 6.

The author of the article looked at the compliance records of staff and whether patients and visitors used infection controls. The campaigner, Roger Goss, said that because MRSA and other similar healthcare-acquired infections were becoming more dangerous that staff and visitors needed to be monitored more closely to prevent spread. The man advocated that close-circuit televisions be used to determine compliance with regulations, and he encouraged staff to be fired and visitors not welcomed if they did not comply. The warning here to nurses is that people are watching whether they wash their hands properly, and they are ready to have them terminated if they do not.

Best Practice Instructional Strategy
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

ationalism Politics Impacts Public's View
Web Article eview

The principle best-practice strategy elucidated within Louis DePaola's article entitled "Infection control in the dental office" is for practitioners to adhere to sanitary and hygiene mandates as noted within a pair of documents produced by the Centers for Disease Control. The first document is the Guide to Infection Prevention for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care (which was published in 2011), and the companion Infection Prevention Checklist for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care. These documents have a number of specific measures for those working in dental offices to follow to reduce the incidence of healthcare associated infections (HAI).

In addition to denoting several of the key guidelines for practitioners to adhere to in order to ensure safety and reduce the rate of infection transmission, the author also reinforces several key facets of this literature that apply to dental office workers. One…...



DePaola, L. (2012). "Infection control in the dental office." Retrieved from http://static.ow.ly/docs/RICDE%20Infection%20Control%20in%20the%20Dental%20Office,%20Standards%20of%20Care%202012%20(CE%20Article%20PDF)_Mcl.pdfhttp://static.ow.ly/.

Self-Efficacy Theory Describe Theory Rationale Selecting Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 520

Self-Efficacy Theory
Describe theory rationale selecting theory. 2. Discuss theory works support proposed solution. 3. Explain incorporate theory project.

Self-efficacy theory and the promotion of hand-washing

According to the Centers for Disease Control, hand-washing is one of the most important ways in which to curtail the spread of a wide range of infections and bacteria. Hand-washing can reduce the risks of contracting the common cold, influenza, and other viruses (Wash your hands, 2012, CDC). It can also lessen the chances that bacteria such as E.coli and salmonella will be transmitted from the preparer of food to the diner, or that contaminants from raw poultry and other meats will be spread to fruits, vegetables, and other components of the meal. Hands should be washed thoroughly after preparing food, using the toilet, dealing with animals or children, or handling garbage. But many people fail to take this simple step.

Hand-washing is one of the ideal ways…...



Cherry, Kendra. (2012). Self-efficacy. About.com. Retrieved:


Wash your hands. (2012). Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Retrieved:


Nurse Lit Review Type of Research Study
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Nurse Lit eview
TYPE OF ESEACH STUDY - Quantitative or qualitative

Descriptive, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, phenomenological, grounded theory ethnographic, historical


Knoll, Lautenschlager & Lipp (2009). British Journal of Nursing.

Impact of workload on hygiene practices.



trials of nursing staff.


Enforcing hygiene practices has practical healing benefits for nurses.

Souweine, B. et al. (2009). Intensive Care Medical Journal.

Compared hygiene practices. Hand rubbing vs. hand washing.



person nursing staff.

Workers completed self report questionnaires.

Hand rubbing with alcohol is preferred to handwashing in some instances.

Creedon, S. (2006). International Journal of Nursing Technologies and Classifications.

Observe health worker compliance in handwashing guidelines.



73 doctors and nurses in an Irish ICU.

Questionnaire responses.

Knowledge of handwashing guidelines can lead to positive outcomes.

Allen, L. et al. (2014). Nevada Nformation.

Compared hand washing with hand sanitizer.



Literature review.


Hand washing was prescribed for killing certain bacteria.

Evans & Breshears, (2007).

How hand washing affects chiropractic practices.



150 students randomly selected took survey

Survey results.

easonable control measures regarding hand washing need to be implemented…...



Allen, L., & et al. . (2014). Professionalism in Nursing. Nevada RNFormation, 18(1).

Creedon, S.A. (2005). Healthcare workers' hand decontamination practices: compliance with recommended guidelines. Journal of advanced nursing, 51(3), 208-216.

Evans, M.W., Breshears, J., Campbell, A., Husbands, C., & Rupert, R. (2007). Assessment and risk reduction of infectious pathogens on chiropractic treatment tables. Chiropractic & osteopathy, 15(1), 8.

Knoll, M., Lautenschlaeger, C., & Borneff-Lipp, M. (2010). The impact of workload on hygiene compliance in nursing. British Journal of Nursing, 19(16), S18-S22.

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Norovirus?
Words: 392

Outline for an Essay on Norovirus


Hook: Begin with a captivating statistic or personal anecdote related to norovirus.
Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument of the essay, which should focus on the significance, impact, or management of norovirus.

Body Paragraph 1: Epidemiology and Transmission

Define norovirus and explain its characteristics.
Describe the epidemiology of norovirus, including its prevalence and geographic distribution.
Discuss the modes of transmission, emphasizing the role of contaminated food, water, and surfaces.

Body Paragraph 2: Symptoms and Complications

Describe the typical symptoms of norovirus infection, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
Explain the potential complications of norovirus,....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Infection Control?
Words: 255

1. The importance of proper hand hygiene in preventing infections
2. The role of vaccinations in infection control
3. Strategies for preventing healthcare-associated infections in hospitals
4. The impact of antimicrobial resistance on infection control efforts
5. The role of environmental cleaning in preventing the spread of infections
6. The challenges of controlling infections in long-term care facilities
7. The importance of proper infection control practices in dental settings
8. The role of education and training in promoting infection control
9. The relationship between infection control and patient safety
10. The effectiveness of outbreak response measures in controlling infectious diseases.
11. The impact of technology and innovation on infection control....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Infectious Diseases?
Words: 385

## Infectious Diseases Essay Topic Ideas

### Epidemiology and Surveillance

- The role of surveillance in controlling infectious disease outbreaks
- The challenges and limitations of infectious disease surveillance
- The economic impact of infectious diseases on the healthcare system
- The impact of globalization on the spread of infectious diseases
- The role of social determinants of health in the spread of infectious diseases

### Prevention and Control

- The role of vaccination in preventing infectious diseases
- The development and evaluation of new antimicrobial therapies
- The use of hand hygiene and other infection control measures
- The role of public health education in preventing the spread of infectious....

why hand washing is important?
Words: 201

Hand washing is important because it helps to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses.

Proper hand washing techniques can effectively remove bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens from the hands.

By washing our hands regularly, we can reduce the risk of getting sick and help to protect ourselves and those around us from getting infections.

It is especially important to wash our hands before and after preparing food, eating, after using the bathroom, and after touching surfaces that may be contaminated.

Hand washing is a simple yet effective way to maintain good personal hygiene and promote overall health and well-being.
In addition to....

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