Hair Essays (Examples)

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Hair and Fiber Lab in
Pages: 2 Words: 664

I suppose there are some instances where it would be useful to se the cuticle of the hair, and certainly the presence or absence of the cuticle in a hair sample found at a crime scene could have some significance in terms of recreating differences or determining how the sample came to be present (e.g. If it was pulled out during a struggle or simply broke off in the normal course of daily activities, for instance), but from what I observed it would not be as useful in identifying individuals as the hair itself. The hair itself is also more useful in differentiating between species than is the cuticle, and certainly the differences in human and non-human hair make this distinction easily possible whether or not the cuticle is present, so its need in this experiment is not entirely clear to me.
The magnifying glass I used was somewhat useful…...

Hair Emporium
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

Hair Emporium
There are a number of different types of accounting systems. The Hair Emporium must choose a system based on its business situation. As a franchisor, one of the most important things to remember is that the cost of the franchise includes the systems associated with running the business. This means that they should have an accounting system in place. In addition, if they receive any fee based on revenues or net income from the franchisees, then they will need a consistent method of accounting. In addition, any lender will want a consistent and professional accounting system set up throughout the organization. It is recommended therefore that a computerized system is used. The system should be based on generally-accepted accounting principles as well. A cash accounting system is not appropriate for a professional business, and in this case it will not allow either the franchisee or franchisor to maximize the…...


Works Cited:

Calegari, M. (2010). Financial analysis of Krispy Kreme's earnings forecasts, joint venture investments, and franchise repurchases. Issues in Accounting Education. Vol. 25 (1).

Gilbert, J. & Loonam, S. (2008-2009). FTC releases franchise rule compliance guide. Franchise Law Journal. Vol. 20 (2008-2009)

Kohlbeck, M., Cohen, J. & Holder-Webb. (2009). Auditing intangible assets and evaluating fair market value -- the case of reacquired franchise rights. Issues in Accounting Education. Vol. 24 (1)

No author. (2011). Types of accounting systems. Law Society of Upper Canada. Retrieved October 28, 2011 from

Hair Wigs
Pages: 2 Words: 512

hair affects social and cultural identity. The writer uses examples of fad and long standing hairstyles to portray the way those styles identify certain cultures or societies. There were two sources used to complete this paper.
Throughout history people have used various identifying markers to denote societal or cultural preferences. The role of hair as a marker to societal or cultural preferences has handled the test of time and continues to make its mark in society.

Hair has been used as a societal and cultural marker for many years. In recent history the use of hair as a marker to culture and societal standing is especially prevalent among the African-American communities (Good, 1998).

The style of a black woman's hair mirrors her soul. Her hair reflects her values, level of income, degree of education, political beliefs, mood, attitude and age range. It even reveals her genetic heritage more than any other ethnic…...



Author not available, COFFEE, TEA & ME: "Good Hair means - Good Life.," Michigan Citizen, 09-26-1998, pp B8.

Rachel Hutton, COLUMN: What does your hair say about you?., University Wire, 01-12-1999.

Hair Nail Salon Nail Hair Salon Business Nail
Pages: 2 Words: 858

Hair/Nail Salon
Nail/Hair Salon Business:

Nail / Hair Salon business is a venture that can be a booming business because people always seek beauty as they look to improve their physical appearance or provide themselves with a complete new look. Therefore, these individuals pass by the nearest beauty salon to receive services like coloring their nails, shaping their eyebrows, and styling their hair. Due to the demands for new and improved appearance, nail and hair salon business continues to be one of the rapidly growing industries in the modern society. My Nail/Hair Salon will seek to provide services towards styling hair and nails in order to capitalize on this rapidly growing industry.

As part of developing an effective business, one of the most fundamental questions is the form of business ownership. In order to start a business, an individual must careful consider the available forms of ownership such as partnership and choose…...



"Chapter 2 -- Management Accounting and Decision-Making." (n.d.). Micro Business

Publications. Retrieved June 3, 2012, from 

Feigenbaum, E. (n.d.). Funding Options for a Small Business. Retrieved June 3, 2012, from 

"Social Responsibility in Marketing." (n.d.). Know -- Knowledge Source for Marketing

Hair and the Construction of
Pages: 3 Words: 761

In addition to wanting people to learn more about hairstyles in Ancient Egypt, Robins also wants his readers to understand that particular values present in that society were not very different from ideas seen in our society. Hierarchy was an important concept and it is interesting to look at hairstyles from a point-of-view involving gender differences. Although women belonging to the lower classes were not necessarily able to concentrate on having the same hairstyles as aristocrats on a daily basis, they were nonetheless focused on keeping up in any way that they could.

Even with the fact that hairstyling was not considered to be an art when taking into account the Ancient Egyptian society, it is nonetheless intriguing to think about the people who designed hairstyles wore by diverse communities and the messages that they wanted to put across through their styling. Robins appears to consider that hairstyling was very different…...

Hair Was Pulled Straight Back
Pages: 3 Words: 949

Individual freedom is a critical issue for all persons. Nations are only steps away from totalitarian systems and families from authoritarian parents when individual freedoms are restricted. Individuals should have the freedom to pursue a course of action, even when that course of action is incongruous with the majority desire. The discussion surrounding the issue as it relates to gays and children raised in gay homes, or the sanctity of marriage, mask what is truly at stake for all of us in this country.

The successful preservation of freedom starts with individual freedom. Americans believe in individual freedom, not just for some Americans but for all. Any attempt to abrogate the rights of selected individuals, in the pursuit of some elusive moral dream, harms all of us. The loss of rights for one group, however small, is a loss of rights for all.

Life is a mixture of varied experiences, and you…...

Using DNA From Hair to Gather Evidence
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Hair Evidence-Advanced Forensic Science
Hair evidence has been utilized for high profile cases that include homicide and robberies with violence. The paper will highlight the real issue that surround the use of hair for evidence and evidence processing, the viability of obtaining DNA transcriptions that are admissible in the forensic evidence presentation and the guiding principles of using such crime scene evidence as hair and other bodily materials.

There are central roles that hair evidence plays in the investigations to a crime omitted and these are the reasons why many forensic investigators find hair invaluable in their process. A thorough investigation of the hair evidence can more often than not indicate the race of the subject. They can also be easily compared to each other to determine whether multiple people were at the scene or a single subject also referred to as common origin of evidence. The hair gives the forensic personnel…...



Ramsland, K.(2010).Hair evidence analysis. Retrieved July 7, 2014 from www.crimelibrary, com/criminal_mind/forensica/trace/5.html

Claridge, J.(2014). Hair and fibers in Forensics. Retrieved July 7, 2014 from -- and -fibres.html

Good Hair Bad Hair
Pages: 7 Words: 2276

Hair" "Bad Hair"
The relationship between politics and African-American hair is tenuous at best. Any researcher would be hard pressed to find another race or group of people whose hair factors into its politics. Indeed, such a notion borders on ridiculousness. It is difficult to imagine a group of people such as the Serbians, who faced extermination because of a political situation involving their race (Bowen 3), attempting to utilize their hair to any sort of political advantage. The same notion applies to African-Americans. There is no denying, however, that the hair of African-Americans has affected their regard socially throughout their tenure in the United States, and that certain hair types and textures have an enduring social meaning to this day. However, this paper will demonstrate that whatever social regard there is for the various hair types and textures of African-Americans has little impact politically, since: it produced little effect…...


Works Cited

Baraka, Amiri. The Autobiography of LeRoi Jones. Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books. 1984. Print.

Bowen, John. "The Myth of Global Ethnic Conflict." Journal of Democracy 7(4): 3-14. 1996. Print.

Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X New York: The Random House Publishing Group. 1964. Print.

Jacques-White, Lorraine. The Politics of Black Hair: The Impact Hair Has Had on The Life of the Black Woman.   / 2012. Web. 

Mechanisms of Hair Curvature Curly Keratin Hair
Pages: 2 Words: 550

Mechanisms of Hair Curvature
Curly Keratin

Hair composition is composed primarily of structural proteins, which make up 60-95% of its composition (Barthelemy et al. 2012). These proteins include keratin intermediate filaments (KIFs) and keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) that together form a matrix held together through disulfide, hydrogen, electrostatic, and amide bonds. The nature of these bonds renders hair more or less vulnerable to environmental stressors, such as sunshine, pollutants, and hair treatments.

Direct comparisons of the three main types of keratin, hair, epidermal, and simple type, revealed that hair is comparatively cysteine-rich (trnad et al. 2011). These cysteines in turn play an important role in determining hair structure. For example, 97-98% of the cysteines in sheep wool have been shown to be involved in forming disulphide bonds. The proline content of hair KIFs is also relatively high and is believed to induce kinks in the filament, thereby facilitating disulphide bond formation.

The head and tail…...


Strnad, Pavel, Usachov, Valentyn, Debes, Cedric, Grater, Frauke, Parry, David A.D., and Omary, M. Bishr. (2011). Unique amino acid signatures that are evolutionarily conserved distinguish simple-type, epidermal and hair keratins. Journal of Cell Science, 124, 4221-4232.

Virtual Chembook. (2003). Permanent hair wave. Retrieved 18 Mar. 2012 from .

Yu, Zhidong, Gordon, Steven W., Nixon, Allan J., Bawden, C. Simon, Rogers, Michael A., Widermoth, Janet E. et al. (2009). Expressiion patterns of keratin intermediate filament and keratin associated protein genes in wool follicles. Differentiation, 77, 307-316.

Services Organization Recovery Hair Salon
Pages: 10 Words: 2695

The triggers for deciding not to proceed can include everything from not being able to book at a time convenient to them, to rudeness on the part of the receptionist, or any other perceived slight that gives the customer a reason to lack confidence in the process.
This point does not have a definable moment at which feedback occurs. This is typical in many businesses - it's akin to a customer walking in and then walking out without purchase. In this case, if the customer is on the line and decides not to make an appointment, the receptionist should immediately recognize that there is a problem and attempt to recover. Since, however, the receptionist may be the problem, management needs to have some involvement at this stage of the process. I would make it a policy that any time a customer calls inquiring about an appointment, management be notified. If…...



Van Bennekom, Fred no date, ' Making the Case for Service Recovery - Customer Retention'. Retrieved May 19, 2008 at

Tschol, John 2005, 'Service Recovery: Create Loyal Customers for Life' Small Business Toolbox Retrieved May 19, 2008 at 

Sidorowicz, Rick 2001, 'Customer Obsession - Service Recovery' the CEO Refresher Retrieved May 19, 2008 at!obsession3.html

Bliss, Jeannie 2007, '10 Steps to Recovery for Jet Black and Blue' Retrieved May 19, 2008 at   no author 2006, 'Services Management' NC State University Retrieved May 19, 2008 at  no author 2008, 'The Service Recovery Paradox: Increased Loyalty through Effective Service Recovery' Customer Experience Labs Retrieved May 19, 2008 

The Ethics of Hair Extensions Globalization
Pages: 2 Words: 707

The hair extension industry is astonishingly lucrative, and in many ways epitomizes the global market economy. As innocent as hair extensions seem, though, the industry is besieged by several ethical conundrums that illuminate the need for corporate social responsibility. Hair also exemplifies the tenets of free market capitalism. For example, the global hair extension business depends on division of labor, on private enterprise, and on laissez faire economics policies—such as neoliberalism (Vitez, n.d.). Capitalist enterprise also means that individual business owners compete with each other, while neoliberalism provides the most unregulated, unhindered free market possible allowing supply and demand to determine all aspects of cost structuring. While laborers are frequently exploited in the capitalist free market and especially in a neoliberal globalized marketplace, the hair extension industry presents some peculiarities that ironically have the potential to benefit the underclass worldwide.
For what is likely the first time in human history, human…...



Carey, T. & Cookney, F. (2016). The ugly truth behind multi-million pound hair extensions industry. Mirror. Retrieved online:  

Lawton, G. (2016). Vietnam’s hair extension industry, untangled. Elite Daily. Retrieved online: 

Opiah, A. (2014). The changing business of black hair. HuffPo. Retrieved online: 

Vitez, O. (n.d.). What does capitalism mean in business? The Chronicle. Retrieved online: 


The Risks of Hair Transplant
Pages: 1 Words: 309

Hair Transplant Hair transplant is the process of moving hair from the back of one’s head to the area of the head where no hair is growing. Essentially the surgeon plants the hair follicles like seeds into the scalp after making tiny incisions (Nelson, 2018). The two methods used to move hair are called slit grafts and micrografts. Slit grafts combine multiple hairs (from 4 to 10) per graft, whereas micrografts basically move one or two hairs at a time.
As Thompson (2013) points out, hair loss can stem from genetics and high levels of testosterone (male pattern baldness, for example). This is one of the biggest reasons an individual might choose to undergo this procedure—i.e., to overcome a genetic issue. Hair transplant can make some people feel better about their appearance.
The direct effect the procedure has on the integumentary system is that it will cause bleeding, scarring and there is no…...

Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire The
Pages: 3 Words: 1056

Teach like your hair's on fire: The methods and madness inside room 56 by afe Esquith. Specifically it will contain a book report on the book. This book, written by a teacher with nearly 25 years experience, talks about how to make a difference in the classroom, and make a difference in children's lives. He writes about his classroom, "It's a world where character matters, hard work is respected, humility is valued, and support for one another is unconditional" (Esquith x). That is the thesis of this book, that our culture is insane, and that the right things no longer matter to society, which he is attempting to change through his teaching. He believes if you teach as if your hair is on fire and you do not know it (which happened to him in the classroom), you are moving in the right direction as a teacher, and you…...



Esquith, R. (2007). Teach like your hair's on fire: The methods and madness inside room 56. New York: Viking.

Inadequacy of Forensic Hair Analysis
Pages: 19 Words: 6513

Hair is also in contact with chemicals in shampoos, and any dyes, gels, sprays or other cosmetics that may be placed on the hair (11).
Since there is no standardized method for cleaning these external contaminants off of the hair prior to analysis, the potential for inaccurate results from external contamination is widespread. There is no way to tell in the laboratory if a chemical is contained within the hair, and therefore came from with in the body, or if it is on the surface of the hair and did not come from within the body (12). An enormous amount of scientific research studies have indicated that hair analysis is unreliable as a diagnostic tool in crime solving. For example, in one study, the researchers took hair from the head of a single individual and sent portions of the sample to six laboratories; the results varied widely from laboratory to…...


43. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

44. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

45. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

Baldness and Thinning Hair Are Common and
Pages: 6 Words: 1673

aldness and thinning hair are common and the ultimate fate of almost all men and women as they age. In fact, hair loss is genetic in origin, and as we come to a greater understanding of the biology and genetics of hair loss, we are beginning to find novel solutions to this age-old "problem" of the human condition. We have come a long way from the treatments for hair loss in ancient Egypt, which used a mixture of crocodile fat and hippopotamus dung to combat baldness. Another ancient cure for baldness included eating fried leeches. Men have been attempting to treat their hair loss for over 5000 years, beginning in approximately 3500 C, when a list of treatments was passed on from generation to generation and incorporated into the medical libraries of Egyptian healers. In 1553 C, the Ebers Papyrus, discovered in Luxor, Egypt, suggested a baldness prescription of iron,…...



Bruning, Nancy Paul. What You Can Do About Chronic Hair Loss (The Dell Medical Library) Dell, 1993.

Jacobs, Sheila. The Big Fall: Living With Hair Loss Next Century Books, 1992

Kobren, Spencer David; Eisman, Diane B; Eisman, Eugene H. The Bald Truth: The First Complete Guide to Preventing and Treating Hair Loss, Pocket Books. 2000

Kobren, Spencer David; Christiano, Angela. The Truth About Women's Hair Loss: What Really Works for Treating and Preventing Thinning Hair. Mcgraw Hill, 2000.

Explain three types of therapy interventions used by Gestalt therapist. Provide an example to demonstrate how each of the intervention is used in the counselling session?
Words: 340

Gestalt therapy is rooted in the idea that all people experience things subjectively.  In other words, not only are people not objective about their experiences, but people are not supposed to be objective about their experiences.  Furthermore, even therapists cannot be objective about experiences, as their own context and background influence how they approach scenarios. Therefore, instead of substituting their judgment about a clients’ experiences, therapists are called to accept that their clients are relaying the truth, or at least the client’s subjective truth, about their own experiences.

Because of this approach, Gestalt therapy is not as strictly....

Can you help me with some essay titles on Combat wounded veteran rehabilitation?
Words: 311

Helping you come up with titles on this would be a little easier if we knew which specific issue you want to focus on in your high school exit project because the title should specifically address the content of the paper.  We wanted to give you that disclaimer, because some of these titles may be inappropriate for whatever paper you have written.  We are going to provide a variety of different titles that will include a range of topics related to combat wounded veteran rehabilitation.  They touch on some topics that are controversial among the wounded veteran....

I am doing MS in Clinical Psychology. I am searching for a good topic for my thesis. Can you suggest a good one?
Words: 469

While psychology refers to the study of the mind, clinical psychology specifically refers to that branch of the discipline that focuses on using psychology to create positive change, whether in individual lives or in the community as a whole.  There is a wide variety of topics you could approach in your thesis, depending on what topic interests you the most.  

Topic Ideas

  1. The diagnosis of mental disorders in children: how young is too young to diagnose and does a diagnosis turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy for young children?
  2. Diagnosing the non-patient: with many in the mental health fields....

I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 474

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what cosmetology is
B. Importance of cosmetology in personal care and beauty industry

II. History of Cosmetology
A. Origins of cosmetology
B. Evolution of cosmetology over time

III. Education and Training in Cosmetology
A. Types of cosmetology programs and schools
B. Curriculum and skills learned in cosmetology training
C. Licensing and certification requirements for cosmetologists

IV. Specializations within Cosmetology
A. Hair styling and cutting
B. Makeup artistry
C. Nail care and manicures
D. Skincare treatments

V. Career Opportunities in Cosmetology
A. Job outlook for cosmetologists
B. Potential salary ranges for cosmetologists
C. Work environments for cosmetologists


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