People function in work groups together much as they do in unified departments within an organization.
How does a group differ from a team?
On a true team the human parts of the group still retain their integrity as individuals, but become a part of a whole that is larger than their individual selves -- teams bring specialized skills or knowledge that are vital to larger organizational goals, like a baseball team is made up of a good pitcher and a hitter, fielders, etc., with the aim of winning a championship -- rather than just lots of great hitters.
How can a group become a high-performance team?
People must feel free to share their unique skills and ideas, so they can work together to solve problems and achieve common goals. High-performance teams listen as well as talk, are comfortable with reasonable disagreements, but keep task-focused so consensus ultimately occurs and the end of…...
Leadership: Group Decision-Making Case PaperCompanies rely on rational decision-making so stakeholders can take intelligent steps for profitability and value creation. With globalization on the rise, working individually is no more an option, and collaboration across business units asks for group decision-making (Hsieh et al., 2020). This paper explains the suitability of brainstorming, nominal group technique, and Delphi technique for group decision-making and their respective application to the given cases.Case 1Since the top management is often prone to conventional thinking, which could be a risk for the company as old methods are no longer feasible for retaining customers, the nominal group technique (NGT) would be suitable for this scenario. Top management members are extroverts, so they would be willing to speak in an open face-to-face meeting. However, NGT does not allow the other group members to fall victim to the pressures of high-status group members (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,…...
mlareferences from the background materials to support your answer.
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Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
Make sure to cite readings from the background materials page. Rely primarily on the required background readings as your sources of information.
Group Decision-Making
Decision making in institutes have been depicted as a progression of conduct with the full amount of level-headedness at individual excessive, as well as absolute illogicality at the other excessive. The depiction entails that no more than illogical decision making brings about individual morals priority in excess of economic principles. There must be a way of finding some focal point amid these ends, as it is obvious that any of this set of values can be overlooked. Many a times, managers have been brazen out with the responsibility coming up with stern, objectionable, as well as obnoxious slashes of workers along with services in a speedy approach, for the reason that, in a way, they botched to pay attention to the earlier decisions as per economic values. In the same way, institutions have also been pushed to decision retracting as well as acting in a more confusing way…...
Nominal Group Decision-Making
earning team Creative Problem-Solving Demonstration: Topic "Coming late leaving early" Please Nominal Group Technique Discuss choose technique solve problem. - Nominal Group Technique Explain technique chosen briefly summarize technique conducted a virtual team environment.
Coming late and leaving early: Nominal group technique
Currently, our office is faced with a very difficult problem: people are arriving late and leaving early. The result is that productivity is decreased and people are getting paid the same amount of money for doing less and less work. To curtail this behavior, instead of issuing directives, management has decided to encourage buy-in by using the nominal group technique method, an alternative to brainstorming. This technique has the advantage of not 'pointing fingers' at specific employees, given that all employees have likely come late and left early at some point, meaning that no one is innocent of the crime. The objective of the exercise is not placing…...
Sample, John A. (1984). Nominal group technique. Ideas at Work. 22 (2).
hile allowing an authoritarian voice to hold final sway over what is done may be least desirable, it may be necessary in a very spread-out group with many areas of expertise, or if the leader bears the brunt of the responsibility for the project and has greater knowledge of the different organizational factors involved.
There is no single perfect formula for forming a cohesive group, making decisions, and arguing in a constructive manner. The only rule that does hold fast and firm, regardless of the composition and authority structure of the group, good listening skills are necessary, as well balanced consideration of all sides of a debate. A healthy group, even a group dominated by a single leader, must not fall into groupthink, or create an environment where only a single opinion is considered valid, and dissent is not permitted.
orks Cited
Engleberg and ynn. orking in groups: Communication principles and strategies.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Engleberg and Wynn. Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies. 3rd ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003.
Not even the most brilliant, ethical, and rational person has the ability to research every conceivable implication and alternative before making every decision in life.
Group decision-making is another method of decision-making, where the decision is often arrived at by consensus or committee, such as coming to a decision as to where to take a family vacation. The decision is often time-consuming, because ideally it must please everyone, although quite often no one is fully pleased (Petress, 2002). Multiple levels of irrationality are injected into the process, even if the 'team leader' (the parents who are paying for the vacation) have the final veto. To make the group decision-making process more efficient, often a vote is taken at the end of the discussion if the effort is supposed to be democratic. It can be superior to individual decision-making in that individuals can point out when group members are being irrational,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Baker, G. (2004). "Decision Making." University of Florida. Retrieved 20 Oct 2007 at
Levitt, Barbara & Clifford Nass. (Jun 1989) "The lid on the garbage can: institutional constraints on decision making in the technical core of college-text publishers." Administrative Science Quarterly. Retrieved 20 Oct 2007 at
Petress, Ken. (2002). "An alternative model for decision-making." Journal of Instructional Psychology. Retrieved 20 Oct 2007 at
Williams, Tim. (Mar 2004). "Setting Impossible Standards."
To this end, synergy can be likened to economies of scope, whereby the quality of decisions reached goes up with the inclusion of more minds (Nelson & Quick, 2012). Information-sharing is based on the idea that every individual possesses some unique information besides that which is known by everyone (Nelson & Quick, 2012). When several individuals come together in a group, they consolidate these unique pieces of information, creating a more complete informational platform and consequently, a decision of high quality (Nelson & Quick, 2012).
Group decision making is not without its share of drawbacks; i) since the technique is built on consultations, it usually involves lengthy procedures that could be quite costly to the organization, ii) it could kill team spirit, especially if some members feel that they are being shortchanged, iii) decisions are largely influenced by members' relative statuses - in an academic group task, for instance, members…...
Band, J. & Partridge, L. (2001). Advanced Decision Making. Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire: Select Knowledge Ltd.
Bazerman, M.H. & Don, a.M. (2008). Judgment in Managerial Decision-Making (7th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Nelson, D. & Quick, J. (2012). Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You (8th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Approaches in decision making
Decision-making forms a very significant component of success at work, at the same time it can be the cause of failure if the conditions are wrong and if those involved are not on the same page. Confusion with regard to decision-making can cause conflict to teams, supervisors, managers, and team leaders. There are various decision-making approaches that can be adopted depending on the situations, these include: consensus, majority vote, minority (subcommittee), expert, authority with discussion, and authority without discussion (Eisenfuhr, 2011). This will describe the 'consensus' and 'expert' approaches of decision-making with respect to the scenario selected.
In the consensus or group decision-making approach, the manager becomes part of the team and involves everyone who is willing and ready to contribute in the decision-making process. The fact that the word consensus is used does not signify that all those involved fully agree with whatever decision is reached,…...
Bubnicki, Z. (2003). Analysis and decision making in uncertain systems. New York, NY:
Eisenfuhr, F. (2011). Decision making. New York, NY: Springer.
Groups Make Decisions?
Decision making by an individual is a straightforward process due to the unilateral source thereof. ut when it comes to group decision making, the matter has several complications particular when there are disparate opinions and several issues that needed addressed. Group decision making even becomes more challenging when there is a minority that is forming dissenting opinions. The paper by De Dreu and West is focused on this especially in determining if minority dissent and individual creativity hinders or contributes to group decision making. To prove or disprove this hypothesis, two studies were made where the first "involved self-managed postal service teams responsible for the distribution of parcels in a particular geographic region while the second involved semiautonomous product and management teams in a variety of organizations (De Dreu & West, 2001, p. 1193)." The results of the two studies proved that minority dissent is a positive…...
De Dreu, C.K.W. & West, M.A. (2001). "Minority dissent and team innovation: The importance of participation in decision making." Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(6): 1191-1201. doi 10.1037//0021-9010.86.6.1191
Collaborative Decision Making Through Share Governance
I attended a committee meeting at a local school. The committee was formed in order to come up with a proposal on how they could improve the performance of the school. Those who attended the meeting were supposed to see to it that they come up with a proposal on how the performance of the students could be improved. I was quite keen on how the committee members interacted and the process the committee used to arrive at their decisions.
I observed that the committee used both managerial level and group levels in the decision making process. First of all I observe that there were proposals from the management that were forwarded to the committee members. The management of the school had come up with their own measures that would be taken to ensure that the performance of the school would be improved. This had been…...
MountHolyoke.(2009). Skill Building -- Group Decision Making.Retrieved August 29, 2014 from
Chand, S. (2010). 4 Techniques for Group Decision Making Process More Effective. Retrieved August 29, 2014 from
decision making best exemplifies what happened on the Deepwater Horizon rig?
The basic model that was used in the Deepwater Horizon accident was the bounded rational decision making approach. This is when everyone inside the organization will be focused on selecting options that work well within their current circumstances. The problem is that these individuals are not selecting an approach, which is in the best interests of everyone. Instead, there is an obsession in meeting short-term objectives at all costs. In the case of the Deepwater Horizon, everyone was ignoring obvious signs that the well was about to explode. The biggest reason why is managers were focused on meeting the productivity goals of the company at all costs. ("What are ational Models," 2012)
Which of the decision- making biases played a potential role in the disaster?
The kind of decision making biases that were occurring prior the Deepwater Horizon incident were: a…...
An Intuitive Decision Making Model. (2008). Rapid Business Intelligence. Retrieved from:
Was Poor Decision Making a Cause of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. (n.d.).
What are Rational Models. (2012). Decision Making. Retrieved from:
Bly, M. (2011). Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation. Washington D.C.U.S. Government Printing Offices.
The dominant, goal-oriented person can focus on the ultimate objective, the influence-based person can examine the interpersonal dynamics of the decisions that must be made, the steady person can foster harmony and a positive atmosphere, and the conscientious person can stay on task in a reliable fashion. hile clashing personalities can thwart reaching positive and goal-directed solutions, they can create a better solution and check the excesses of one another, like the selfishness and refusal to consider the human element in the dominant personality, the disorganization of the influence-based person, the risk-adverse views of the steady person, and the rule-bound contentious type. Communication can be facilitated through email and other constant types of technological contact on a daily basis -- this can create better group bonding, although there is always a risk that the brevity and informality of the format can create rather than break down barriers.
Modern decision-making theory,…...
mlaWorks Cited
DISC: Explanations and preferences. (2005). Changing minds. Retrieved August 20, 2009.
decision making tool.
Forced Field Analysis: a decision making tool
In business applications, health care, or private life there arise many occasions when one is faced with making a major decision. Although many individuals face such instances with their wits alone, relying on his or her "gut feelings" to assist them in their quandary, many find that such an unscientific approach can lead them to the wrong action. Indeed, when one lacks a basic "tool" approach to decision making, the odds of coming to the correct or workable solution is significantly reduced in most circumstances. Having a method such as the "Forced Field Analysis" tool is extremely useful.
In simple terms, Forced Field Analysis involves identifying, compiling a list concerning, discussing and evaluating the possible "forces" in favor of as well as against a possible change or decision. In essence, the technique helps the decision maker see the true context of the problem…...
Decision Making Model
Decision making is defined as the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives (Wikipedia, 2004). Effective decision making, however, is contingent on an individual or group's ability to select the course of action, which is most likely to result in goal or task accomplishment. In the business world, this is easier said than done since most decisions involve taking into consideration a myriad number of variables such as environmental factors, competitive activities, customer needs, internal goals and organizational constraints. Therefore, most organizations deem it advisable to use decision making support systems or models, which have been developed specifically to assist in the through analysis and evaluation of various alternative courses of action.
One such model is the Force Field Analysis. It is the objective of this paper to describe how the Force Field Analysis model helps weigh the pros and cons of any decision,…...
Ashley, W.C., & Morrison, J.L. (1997, September -- October). Anticipatory Management:
Tools for Better Decision Making. The Futurist. Vol. 31:5, p. 47+ Retrieved Nov. 24, 2004:
Bauer, G.J., Baunchalk, M.S., Ingram, T.N., & Laforge, R.W. (1998). Emerging Trends in Sales Thought and Practice. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
Bounds, G.M., & Stahl, M.J. (1991). Competing Globally through Customer Value: The
For each cell, decide which of the two options is more important. Write down the letter of the more important option in the cell, and score the difference in importance from 0 (no difference) to 3 (major difference).
5. Finally, consolidate and sum the results by adding up the total of all the values for each of the options; and then convert these values into a percentage of the total score.
As a simple example, a business is looking at several ways to expand its market share. In doing so, it comes with the following options as shown below:
1. Use electronic commerce for serving customers
Expand business in home markets
3. Improve customer satisfaction
4. Improve the quality of service
Firstly the manager draws up the Paired Comparison Analysis table in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Example Paired Comparison Analysis Table (not filled in):
Use electronic commerce (a)
Expand into home markets (B)
Improve customer
Improve the quality of service
Now manager…...
Carlsson, C. And Walden. P. (1995). AHP in political group decisions: A study in the art of possibilities. Interfaces 25:14-29.
Saaty, T.L. (1990). Multicriteria decision making: The analytic hierarchy process. RWS Publications, Pittsburgh.
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