Green Mile Essays (Examples)

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Green Mile by Frank Darabont Several Aspects
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Green Mile, by Frank Darabont [...] several aspects of the second draft of the script. "The Green Mile" is a fascinating film with mystical and miraculous aspects, and the script is quite interesting to read, and see just how a script can make a film more memorable.

This second draft of the script for "The Green Mile" seems to follow the film quite closely; most of the scenes are pretty much verbatim how they appeared on the screen. The format of the script is standard screenplay format, with dialogue usually initiated with a centered name in capital letters, and usually some description of the scene and setting before the dialogue begins. In these first fifteen or so pages (the pages were not numbered or illustrated in any way, so it was difficult to tell), the major characters in the film are not all introduced in the first fifteen…...



The Green Mile. Dir. Frank Darabont. Perf. Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Cromwel, Michael Jeter, and Graham Greene. Warner Brothers, 1999.

Movie Versions of The Green Mile the
Pages: 5 Words: 1774

movie versions of "The Green Mile"
The Green Mile" is a six-part serial novel by Stephen King, an acclaimed novelist known for his themes of suspense, thriller, and the supernatural. The novel uses Paul Edgecombe, the chief prison guard of Cold Mountain Penitentiary, as the chief narrator of the story. He talks about his life as a prison guard during the Great Depression years, specifically during the year 1932, a year when he met John Coffey, a black American convicted for raping and killing two young girls. Edgecombe shares how his life (and belief) has changed tremendously when he met this particular man, most especially when a "miracle," a supernatural thing that happened to Edgecombe, making him doubt whether Coffey was indeed capable of murder or not. The novel also includes numerous characters that takes the novel an interesting turn, starting from Edgecombe's friends, also prison guards in Cold Mountain,…...



Clinton, Paul. "The Green Mile Covers Powerful Territory." 9 December 1999. Cable News Network Web page. 15 July 2002

King, Stephen. "The Green Mile." New York: Simon and Schuster. 1999.

The Green Mile. Director: Frank Darabont. Performers: Tom Hanks, Michael Duncan. Film Production. Warner Brothers (TIME Warner Entertainment Company). 1999.

The Man Who Would Do King." Preview Magazine. January- February 2000. 15 July 2002 .

Green Marketing as Consumers Become
Pages: 8 Words: 2279

An additional negative aspect can occur when a seemingly green product really isn't, in the long run.
As an example, one of the most successful 'green' vehicles is the Toyota Prius. The hybrid Prius has become the status symbol for all of those wishing to flaunt their environmental conscience. However, the vehicle isn't nearly as eco-friendly as the Green Marketing campaigns lead consumers to believe. The nickel metal hydride battery the Prius uses is the primary culprit. The nickel is mined in Sudbury, Ontario, smelted nearby, shipped to ales to be refined, then sent to China to be processed into nickel foam. From there, it goes to Japan to become a battery, before it's placed into a car and shipped to its final destination, like the U.S. The global transportation of the manufacture of the battery uses a lot of fossil fuel. Goodwin cites CN Marketing as noting the combined…...


Works Cited

Basic Information. 26 Oct 2009. Environmental Protection Agency. November 10, 2009 .

Chen, S. "Green with Status Envy." Psychology Today. 42. 5. Sept/Oct 2009: 12.

Dictionary. 2009. American Marketing Association. November 10, 2009 .

Goodwin, J. "The Not-so-Green Prius." 21 Jun 2009. The Washington Post. November 10, 2009 .

Green Home Building Industry SWOT
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

..the stimulus plan calls for laying 3,000 miles of new transmission lines -- considered crucial for moving wind and solar power to different corners of the country" (LaMonica 2008). This sets a shining example for the nation for the need to make current and future structures environmentally sustainable.
Even if prices of fossil fuels decline, there are also other pressures that increase public awareness about the need for green housing -- finite timber resources, increasing overpopulation, and also the expansion of the densely populated developing world in China and India will make green building a continued priority on an international level.

The sad rise of asthma due to mold and other allergies contained in sick buildings may make a green building that can reduce mold, mildew and other build-up a necessity rather than a debatable luxury for many home owners in the future.

The current administration is working to bring down mortgage rates.…...


Works Cited

Del Percio, Stephen. (2008, March 28). Green building in crisis. Green buildings NYC.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

Homeowner affordability and stability plan. (2009, February 9). Department of the Treasury.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

Green Human Resource Environmental and Organizational Performance
Pages: 3 Words: 12581

Leveraging Green Human esource Practices to enable Environmental and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Qatari Oil and Gas IndustryAbstractAlthough the theoretically important role of green human resource management (HM), relatively little research has been discovered so far about this role particularly in Oil and Gas industry. We contribute to fill this gap by developing and testing a set of hypotheses to provide a first attempt at analyzing the antecedents and outcomes of green HM practices in the Qatari Oil and Gas industry. Data were collected from 144 managers and analyzed using Partial least squares (PLS). The analysis shows that both top management support and internal environmental orientation positively influence green HM, which in turn has a significant positive impact on environmental performance. The results also provide evidence for the mediating effect of green HM on the links between both top management support and internal environmental orientation, and environmental performance. Moreover,…...


ReferencesAbdel-Maksoud, A., Kamel, H., and Elbanna, S. (2016). Investigating relationships between stakeholders’ pressure, eco-control systems and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 59(October). 95-104.Abdelzaher, D. M., and Abdelzaher, A. (2017). Beyond environmental regulations: Exploring the potential of “eco-Islam” in boosting environmental ethics within SMES in Arab markets. Journal of Business Ethics. 145(2). 357-371.AlNaimi, H., Hossain, M., and Momin, M. (2012) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Corporate social responsibility reporting inQatar: a descriptive analysis\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 8 Issue: 4, pp.511-526,   M.J., de Burgos-Jimenez, J. and Cespedes-Lorente, J.J. (2001). An analysis of environmental management, organisational context and performance of Spanish hotels. Omega International Journal of Management Science. 29(6). 457-471.Ambec, S. A. and Lanoie, P. (2008). Does it Pay to be green? A systematic review. 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Business Strategy and the Environment. 22(3). 187-201.Gadenne, D. L., J. Kennedy and C. McKeiver: (2009), ‘An Empirical Study of EnvironmentalAwareness and Practices in SMEs’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.84, no.1, pp.45–63.Govindarajulu, N., & Daily, B. F. (2004). Motivating employees for environmental improvement. Industrial Management and Data Systems. 104, 364–372.Guenster, N., Bauer, R., Derwall, J. and Koedijk, K. (2011). The economic value of corporate eco efficiency. European Financial Management. 17(4). 679-704.Guerci, M., Longoni, A., & Luzzini, D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of green HRM practices. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2). 262-289.Guthrie, JP. (2001). High-involvement work practices, turnover, and productivity: evidence fromNew Zealand. Academy of Management Journal. 44(1). 180-191.Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. 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DOI: 10.2118/123232-MSAppendix AModel Quality Analysis: Analysis of R² and Q² Construct R² R² Adjusted Q² Green HRM 0.42 0.41 0.18 Organizational performance 0.36 0.34 0.28 Environmental performance 0.53 0.50 0.19Model Quality Analysis: Analysis of f² Construct GreenHRM Organizationalperformance Environmentalperformance Environmental orientation 0.06 0.26 Green HRM 0.31 Top management support 0.57 0.05 Environmental performance 0.09 Alvarez-Gil,

Promoting Fuel Efficient Cars Establishing Green Spaces
Pages: 3 Words: 889

promoting fuel efficient cars, establishing green spaces or forestry, random emission testing, and encouraging alternative transportation, walking, and bicycle use. The total cost is $15.5 M.
Fuel efficient cars

Fuel efficient cars not only reduces pollution but I chose it due to the fact that it is also a good option given today's rising gas prices.

Fuel efficient cars come in 2 categories -- electric and water. What this means is that these cars substitute gas -- which pollutes the atmosphere -- with either electricity or water or hydroxyl.

Hybrid cars are healthier for the environment since they combine gas and water (or electricity) producing lower emissions. They also reduce dependence on fossil fuel which is the main source of fuel today.(

The trade-offs of fuel efficient cars are first and foremost price. That, however, can be overcome by compelling distributors to lower the price by making it a more common commodity.

Nonetheless, other disadvantages…...



Future-Method. Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars -- Initiatives to Reduce Pollution.

The benefits of alternative transportation 

Supnithadnaporn, (2007), Do Vehicles Passing Emission Test Pollute Less-Georgia Institute of Technology

Business Plan for Green Tongues Summer 2011
Pages: 13 Words: 3613

Business Plan for Green Tongues
Summer 2011

Company Information

Environmental and Industry Analysis

Products or Services

Marketing esearch and Evaluation

Manufacturing and Operations Plan

Management Team


Critical isks and Assumptions

Benefits to the Community

Exit Strategy

Financial Plan

Green Tongues is an advertising company that provides environmentally friendly advertising solutions to all those companies that value their environment and want to give back to the society in which they exist. Green Tongues envisions itself to be the premier advertising company in the near future in the entire Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region as consumers and businesses in this region are slowly beginning to realize the importance of environmental conservation. The six member states that comprise the GCC (i.e., Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) are shown to be well situated to take advantage of their political and economic clout in ways that promote environmentally responsible solutions. This study presents a marketing analysis of the environment in which…...



Bains, K. (2008, January 9). Solar powered billboards in San Francisco, Africa, and Canada.

Solar Power Authority. Retrieved from .

Blanche, E. (2011, February). Gulf rail network: The dream becomes reality. The Middle East,

419, 12-13.

Characters Situations
Pages: 1 Words: 475

Characters and Situations -- "The Godfather" and "The Green Mile"
Both "The Godfather" and the prison epic "The Green Mile" depict characters at the center of moral dilemmas. To underline the significance of the ethical dramas of these characters, both films effectively make historical and literary parallels, as well as deploy the techniques of metaphors and visual and verbal symbolism, to give the characters and the plotlines a significance that transcends the purely 'entertainment' quality of the film.

For instance, the character of the Godfather played by Marlon Brando is immediately characterized as a man of power and immoral influence through the use of the literary or historical allusion of the singer at his daughter's wedding -- an obvious stand-in for the real-life Frank Sinatra, one of the most famous crooners of all time. But the exhibition of the Godfather Don Corleone is not limited to merely his association with the singer,…...

Symbolism In Film
Pages: 7 Words: 1823

Essay Topic Examples

1. The Use of Color as Symbolism in Film:
    Explore how directors use color palettes to convey deeper meanings, emotions, or themes within their films, using examples from various genres.

2. Symbolism Through Objects in Cinema:
    Analyze how everyday or unique objects in films serve as symbols to represent larger concepts or character traits, enhancing narrative depth.

3. Archetypal Symbols in Film:
    Discuss the use of universal symbols like the hero's journey, the mentor, or the threshold guardian, and how these archetypes are employed to enrich storytelling.

4. Symbolism in Film Noir:
    Examine the symbolic elements in film noir, focusing on how shadows, light, and urban settings symbolize moral ambiguity, fate, and existential dread.

5. Symbolism in Silent Films:
    Investigate how silent films, with their lack of dialogue, rely heavily on visual symbolism to convey narrative and emotional content.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Shadows and Light: Decoding Symbolism in Film Noir"

2. "The Language of Color: Symbolism in Cinematic Art"



Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Arnheim, Rudolf. Film as Art.

Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction.

Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form: Essays in Film Theory.

Metz, Christian. Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema.

Wollen, Peter. Signs and Meaning in the Cinema.

Film History
Pages: 18 Words: 8657

movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie companies and their entire image revolved around the number of participants of their films. People who wanted to see the movies being made had to go to the studios in order to see them. They made movies in a profitable manner for the sake of the studios, but placed the entire industry under their control and dominated over it. The discussion here is about some of those famous studios inclusive of that of names like Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Culver, RKO, Paramount Studios, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, Raleigh Studio, Hollywood Center Studio, Sunset Gower Studio, Ren-Mar Studios, Charlie Chaplin Studios and now, Manhattan Beach…...


"What better way to annoy the Hollywood liberals than to remind them every single day that

George W. Bush is STILL the President?" Retrieved from Accessed 15 September, 2005

"What's interesting about the business is that it's no longer the movie business" Retrieved from   Accessed 14 September, 2005 

Death Chamber
Pages: 10 Words: 2882

Death Chamber
Indeed, the death penalty is one of the most divisive issues in the entirety of the criminal justice system as it currently exists within the United States of America. Although many polls do suggest that a majority of Americans ultimately do support the employment of the death penalty, it faces stern and strong opposition from a violent minority that radically opposes the death penalty for a variety of reasons, including the concerns that it is unfair for the state to deny an individual of his life, that it is racist in its employment, that it is more likely to be applied to defendants that cannot afford their own counsel, and that it is a terrible practice because mistaken executions are irrevocable and no fitting reparations can ever be made. Indeed, the concerns are so great that the United States Supreme Court even instituted a death penalty ban during the…...



Carlson, Margaret. "Don't Give Him the Satisfaction." Time Magazine. April 22, 2003.

Retrieved November 19, 2003, at .

A php?scid=17&did=397.

Shapiro, Bruce. "Dead Reckoning." The Nation. August 6, 2001. Retrieved November 18, 2003 at

The Project Discussed in This
Pages: 4 Words: 1056

The project also has operable windows to allow for natural ventilation and daylighting reduces the need for
artificial lighting according to the Leed's certification. An interesting
feature to conserve electricity is the use of daylight and motion sensors
that activate or de-activate individual classroom and office lighting.
"The building's mechanical systems include photovoltaic panels and off-
peak, ice-based thermal energy storage" (U.S. Green, 2008). Integrated
into the buildings are green features that are highlighted in order to
display those features to visitors, teachers and students. Those features
include window walls, color-coded heating and water pipes.
Asthetic features were also taken into account when creating the plans
for the project and have held through upon completion. The site has been
xeriscaped with native plants on a lot size of 90 acres that was previously
undeveloped. The buildings are a mixture of brick, stone and glass with
half of the products used in the buildings manufactured within 500 miles of
the facility.
Some of the 'green' products…...


References, (2008) Doing business in Fort Collins,, accessed May 23, 2008

U.S. Green Building Council, (2008), , accessed

May 23, 2008

Leed Increasingly the Drive to
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

A variety of new and existing buildings have received LEED certification over the recent years. The following are ten examples of these awards:

1) Office Depot: Gold Award, New Construction. In 2007, Office Depot recognized its 39 million square feet of commercial real estate in North America was responsible for significant carbon emissions and a solid-waste footprint. As a prototype for future construction retail locations, the Austin, Texas, construction followed the LEED certification process. Included is a roof that reflects sunlight and cools the store, requiring less energy for air conditioning; high-efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning units; water-efficient fixtures in restrooms; locally sourced and recycled materials; and skylights that adjust with the sun and provide natural day lighting. The business offers green line merchandise, which sold $1.6 billion in the U.S. And Europe in 2007. They created a detailed LEED-EB Credit Report documenting sustainable purchasing of office supplies, technology, and…...

Impacts of a Borderless Society
Pages: 4 Words: 1482

Borderless Society
A history of a typical American meal

When a typical consumer purchases a rib-eye steak for dinner, he or she will pay far less than his or her grandfather did for the same cut of meat. This is because of the efficiencies generated by the commercial meat industry. While the cow will begin its life in a manner similar to that of cows of the past -- by the side of his or her mother on a ranch -- that will quickly change. "Cows raised on grass simply take longer to reach slaughter weight than cows raised on a richer diet, and the modern meat industry has devoted itself to shortening a beef calf's allotted time on earth" (Pollan 2002). On a factory farm, cows are quickly weaned from their mother and fed a corn-based diet or 'finished' on corn while they are held in pens. Instead of 4…...



Big dairy enters the era of big data. (2012). Businessweek. Retrieved: 

Bittman, Mark. (2008). Rethinking the meat guzzler. The New York Times. Retrieved:

Group Has Chosen Lil Wald
Pages: 3 Words: 915

1% greater than the Texas average.
The cost of living in Canyon is 2.6% less than the national average.

The cost of living index is based on a national average of 100.If the region shows a cost of living index that is lower than 100, it means it is living below national standard, and the reverse shows it is living above national standards. Canyon's living standard is 97, which shows that it is living below average national standards. At the same time, however, it is significantly greater than cost of living in Texas in general. Its groceries, its goods, and its transportation are one or more notches higher than Texas in general. Its housing index is considerably higher. Its utilities index is however significantly lower than Texas and certainly than the Nation as a whole. Its health care index is also slightly lower than Texas in general.

Misc. The price of gas in…...



Area vibes. Canyon Education 

Area Vibes. Canyon transportation information.

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