Green Energy Essays (Examples)

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Green Energy
Pages: 2 Words: 705

Green Energy
Importance of Green Energy

Sweden is aiming, by the year 2020, "to replace all fossil fuels with renewable before climate change damages economies and growing oil scarcity leads to price rises" ("BBC News- Science and Nature"). The impact of fossil fuels, namely oil, is so significant that Sweden has realized that things need to change its nation's practices in order to reduce the negative consequences on its nation as and its citizens. ith the impact of the rising oil prices so significant on Sweden, it begs the exploration of the future of oil in America. Our cultures dependence on oil seems to be destroying the society that is cherished by the population; thus, Americans need to start using more eco-friendly energy sources to foster a livable world for the future.

Foremost, the economic impact the America's dependence on oil has on society is significant, both on an individual basis as well…...


Works Cited

"Effects of Global Warming." Time for Change. Time for Change.Org, n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. .

Lefton, Rebecca, and Daniel J. Weiss. "Oil Dependence is a Dangerous Habit." Center for American Progress, n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. .

Mouwad, Jad, and Nick Bunkley. "U.S. Better Prepared for Rising Gas Costs." New York TImes 09 Mar 2011: A1. Print.

"Sweden aims for oil-free economy." BBC News- Science and Nature. BBC News, 08 Feb 2006. Web. 17 May 2011. .

Green Energy Indicates This Kind of Energy
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

Green energy indicates this kind of energy sources which have less negative impact to the environment than traditional energy sources like petroleum, natural gas and coal. The aim of green energy is creating power with less pollution. The demand and importance for green energy is increasing significantly as our traditional sources of energy is decreasing rapidly. So investment in green energy is a wise investment for the investors.
Investment in green energy

Before selecting the investable green energy project in china we must analyze the overall green energy market, demand and profit potentiality. The current situation and prospect of china green energy market are given below:

Since 2009 china has invested around U.S. $50 billion annually into its renewable energy sector. It has expected that china's environmental protection industry will be top U.S. $317 billion.

For the development of green energy practices and industry, china is planning to introduce a favorable tax and financial…...



Jeffs, R (2010) Green Energy: Sustainable Electrical Supply with Low Environmental Impact. New York. CRC Press.

Lee, A., Lee, J., & Lee, C. (2009).Financial analysis, planning & forecasting: theory and application. (2nd Ed.). New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co.

Marney, J. And Tarbert, H. (2011) Corporate Finance for Business, Oxford University Press.

Stewart, B. & Ehrbar, A. (1998) EVA: The Real Key to Creating Wealth, John Wiley & Sons.

Positive Effects of Green Energy Green Energy
Pages: 7 Words: 2643

Positive Effects of Green Energy
Green energy (such as wind, water, and solar power, as well as other sustainable options) has become a hot topic and a "buzz word" recently. Even though it may seem that everyone is talking about green energy, few people are actually doing anything about it. hile it has been seen in the news, it has not been seen in the fields and oceans where it can be harnessed and used. There are some wind turbines in use in specific states across the U.S., and there are places where water has been dammed up in order to provide electricity. Solar panels can be viewed in some places around the country, too, but there are no large scale projects currently underway to provide green energy to a significant portion of the public - and that is something that more and more people find disturbing. Solar energy, for example,…...


Works Cited

30 facts about solar energy. 2008. Alternative Energy Sources.

Brodeur et al. 2008. Rise and fall of jellyfish in the eastern Bering Sea in relation to climate regime shifts. Progress in Oceanography, 77, 2-3: 103-111.

Healy, J. Kevin and Tapick, Jeffrey M. 2004. Climate change: It's not just a policy issue for corporate counsel -- It's a legal problem, 29 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 89, 96.

Interstate Renewable Energy Council. 1993. Procurement Guide for Renewable Energy Systems. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

From Drone Delivery to Green Energy the New Retail
Pages: 5 Words: 1500

Technology and etailIntroductionTechnology is playing a major role in shaping retail. E-commerce (thanks the Internet) has already revolutionized retail in a big way, with Amazon changing the manner in which people shop and in which goods are sold. As technology continues to advance, retail is going to change even more in the future. This paper will examine what the near term future holds in terms of how advancements in technology will shape retail in the coming 10-15 years. It will discuss, specifically, the way that robotics, green energy, drone delivery, and blockchain will alter the way in which retail exists and functions in terms of 1) customer service, 2) product delivery, 3) payments, and 4) energy consumption.oboticsChanging Customer Serviceobotics are the wave of the future: as OShea (2017) points out, more and more retailers will be developing and implementing robotics to help out with everything from the supply chain to…...


ReferencesO’Shea, D. (2017). 5 technologies reshaping retail in 2017. Retrieved from   Air. (2018). Amazon Prime Air. Retrieved from Tablado, R. (2014). Top 10: U.S. retailers using green energy. Retrieved from Prime

Japan's Green Energy Strategy
Pages: 7 Words: 2039

Exploring the Future of Arab-Japan elations in a Changing Energy LandscapeIntroductionIn an era of evolving energy landscapes and geopolitics, the future of Arab-Japan relations, particularly with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is under scrutiny. These relations, once underpinned primarily by oil trade, are evolving due to shifts in energy demands, policy goals, and strategic visions. While the outlook is uncertain, two academic perspectives predominate: one foresees a decline in these relations due to decreased oil dependency, while the other emphasizes the potential for continued growth and cooperation in various fields. This article aims to elucidate these viewpoints.Perspective One: Decline due to Decreased Oil DependencyOne argument is that the Arab-Japan relationship could face decline as Japan makes progress in diversifying its energy portfolio. This argument revolves around the principle that Japan\\\'s strong push towards green energy and reduced carbon emissions could decrease reliance on Arab oil, thereby affecting the vitality of…...


ReferencesAbdullah, J. & Al-Tamimi, N. (2015). Japanese–Gulf Relations: What’s next after Energy? Retrieved from Japanese–Gulf Relations: What’s next after Energy? | Al Jazeera Centre for StudiesAl-Faheem, S. (2022). The UAE and Japan\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s partnership goes back 52 years, to the Expo in Osaka. Retrieved from The UAE and Japan\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s partnership goes back 52 years, to the Expo in Osaka ( News. (2022). UAE and Saudi Arabia provide 76.4% of Japan’s crude oil needs in November. Retrieved from UAE and Saudi Arabia provide 76.4% of Japan’s crude oil needs in November ( (2020). Country Analysis: Japan. Retrieved from Country Analysis Executive Summary: ( (2021). Japan 2021 Energy Policy Review. International Energy Agency. Retrieved from Japan 2021 – Analysis - IEAMETI. (2014). Strategic Energy Plan. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Retrieved from 4th_strategic_energy_plan.pdf ( Noor Abu Dhabi. (2023). Retrieved from World\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Largest Standalone Solar Power Plant | Noor Abu DhabiTakahashi, R. (2020). Japan lays out plan to steer economy away from carbon by 2050. Retrieved from Japan lays out plan to steer economy away from carbon by 2050 | The Japan Times

Green Household
Pages: 2 Words: 584

Energy Conservation
The concept of energy conservation has been a priority for many governments of late and even organizations and pressure groups have been formed to compel rogue governments and industries to join in the urge to conservation of energy and in effect of the ecosystem. One of the main ways of energy conservation is the use of non-fossil sources of energy which is commonly the practice. The reduction of the need of electrical and heat energy is one of the fundamental ways that could be used to conserve the environment and minimize the human footprints on the environment.

The ensuring reduction in the need for external energy, the first step is to have an insulated house with double walls and insulation material between the two walls also know as vacuum insulation panels and windows that are wide enough for regulation of temperature. The ventilation valves should be located high up on…...

Green Home Building Industry SWOT
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

..the stimulus plan calls for laying 3,000 miles of new transmission lines -- considered crucial for moving wind and solar power to different corners of the country" (LaMonica 2008). This sets a shining example for the nation for the need to make current and future structures environmentally sustainable.
Even if prices of fossil fuels decline, there are also other pressures that increase public awareness about the need for green housing -- finite timber resources, increasing overpopulation, and also the expansion of the densely populated developing world in China and India will make green building a continued priority on an international level.

The sad rise of asthma due to mold and other allergies contained in sick buildings may make a green building that can reduce mold, mildew and other build-up a necessity rather than a debatable luxury for many home owners in the future.

The current administration is working to bring down mortgage rates.…...


Works Cited

Del Percio, Stephen. (2008, March 28). Green building in crisis. Green buildings NYC.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

Homeowner affordability and stability plan. (2009, February 9). Department of the Treasury.

Retrieved March 9, 2009 at

Green Building Laws Green Building and Green
Pages: 20 Words: 6463

Green Building Laws
Green Building and Green etrofitting

The department of Federal Environmental Executive defines green building like this: Elevating the competence by which the built structures consume energy, equipment and water along with decreasing the adverse effects on health of human beings including the surroundings by improved structure, maintenance, procedure, operation, choice of a better site and elimination of waste. The subsequent section explains the current guiding principles for retrofitting and green building (Columbia University, 2005).

Established Green Building Guidelines

The aim of United States Green Building Council (USGBC) is to improve the infrastructure and quality of work while constructing buildings which are environment friendly, lucrative, hale and hearty to work and live in (Columbia University, 2005). LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) given by USGBC is usually thought to be the finest power in green building (Brown et al., 2002).

LEED was established by USGBC in 1999 and it focuses on various…...



"New York's Tax Credit Beats Lawsuit, Announces Recipients." Environmental Building News. July 2003. Retrieved on April 19th, 2011 from

"Your #1 Suggested New York Energy $martSM Program." New York Energy Smart. Retrieved on April 19th, 2011 from 

Brown, Elizabeth, Quinlan, Patrick, Sachs, Harvey, Williams, Daniel. "Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency and Green Building; Opportunities for State Action." American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. March 2002.

Challis, Simon. "Insurer Calls for Tough Rules on Pollution.." PlanetArk World Environmental News. June 9, 2002. Reuters News Service, 2003.

Green Marketing Over the Last
Pages: 11 Words: 3752

She also mentions the huge energy giant British Petroleum (BP) came up with some honest and effective marketing in its green promotions. And while it is laudable for an oil company to invest in green technologies, BP did it with "appropriate humility that admits its own guilt while setting the stage for conversion to alternative energy sources" (Ottman, 2002). Meantime she says to Exxon, "ake Up!" because Exxon was at that time running "green-themed" ads that spoke to the need to "find more oil."

In still another green marketing-themed article from Ottman, she writes in the publication in Business that while the George . Bush Administration "abdicates responsibility for a strong response to slowing down" global climate change, Bush's lack of leadership on the issue opened a "unique window of opportunity for America's advertisers and marketers" (Ottman, 2002). That advice to advertisers and marketers is this: using the same effective communication…...


Works Cited

Bird, Lori, and Swezey, Blair. 2006. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status

Report (Ninth Edition). National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved February 18,

2010 from .

Business.Gov. 2009. Green Marketing Regulations. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from .

Green Construction
Pages: 5 Words: 1583

Green building, a term also known as green construction or sustainable building refers to a structure and the use of processes that are environmentally responsible and also efficient when it comes to resources throughout the life cycle of the building process; from siting to the design, construction, the operation, its maintenance, renovations that are made and demolition. Therefore a green building design involves the finding of a balance between building a home and the sustainable environment. It requires a lot of cooperation of the design team, engineers, architects and the client throughout the stages of the project. The practice of green building has expanded and complements the classical building concerns of utility, economy, comfort and durability. Sustainable development refers to the ability of achieving a continuing economy prosperity while at the same time protecting the natural systems within the planet and providing a high quality of life for people (Katz,…...



Patsalides, L. (2011). How Building Green Got Its start. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from 

Katz, A. (2012). Green building facts. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from  

Green Chemistry Lesson Plan Grade
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

New Vocabulary Terms to review: ethanol, corn stover, hydrolysis, cellulose, hemicellulose, carbohydrates, polysaccharide, starch, saccharide, glucose, enzyme, salivary amylase, cellulose, colorimeter, cuvette, concentration, absorbance, wavelength, nanometer, fermentation, renewable resource, non-renewable resource

National Standards Met:

Science Content Standards: 8-12

CONTENT STANAR A: Science as Inquiry As a result of activities in grades 8-12, all students should develop: 1) Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry, 2) Understandings about scientific inquiry

CONTENT STANAR B: Physical Science As a result of their activities in grades 8-12, all students should develop an understanding of: 1) Structure of atoms, 2) Structures and of properties in matter, 3) Chemical reactions

CONTENT STANAR C: Life Science- 1) understanding of the cell

CONTENT STANAR E: Science and Technology -As a result of their activities in grades 8-12, all students should develop: 1) Abilities of technological design, 2) Understandings about science and technology

CONTENT STANAR F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives As a result of activities…...


Design for Degradation - Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they break down into innocuous degradation products and do not persist in the environment.

Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention - Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous substances (The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry, 2010).

Teacher Prep: This module focuses on the production of sugar (glucose and maltose) from cornstarch. The lesson is inquiry based, and is well set for inclusion into the curriculum for chemistry, biology (ecology), or basic physical science. The first lesson from this module relates glucose production from cornstarch to ethanol fuel production from corn stover. Another lesson uses a calculator-based colorimeter interface from the Vernier Company to quantify the hydrolysis of starch to sugar by salivary amylase. In this lesson saliva is added to a starch solution containing a couple of drops of iodine. Light initially doesn't pass through this solution. If the absorption decreases after the addition of the saliva, this means more light is passing through and the starch is being hydrolyzed (broken down into maltose and glucose). The third lesson again uses colorimetry but

Green Business - Townsend Townsend
Pages: 7 Words: 2025

Use energy sound furniture; find ways to share resources when possible.

The copy-machine is a deadly waster -- try to publish as much as possible electronically (memos, presentations, etc.).

Chapter 7 -- Greening Your Products and Services- This is the face, and the crux, of the green company. Changes in philosophy and policy will help the environment internally, but to really "go green," the company must product a green or eco-friendly product. Within this, it is important to examine the product life-cycle at every step and green accordingly. Similarly, the supply chain needs to be green -- it does not work to have green practices but purchase materials made with toxins or in countries that use non-sustainable products or labor. It is, therefore, possible that some companies may face a very tough decision in discontinuing some of its products, and developing new ones, depending on the eco-audit process. In some cases, this…...

Green Construction the Current Trend
Pages: 2 Words: 536

The use of renewable materials is excellent when possible as it ensures that the environmental costs of building the house will be paid off in months instead of decades (BEST 2009). The use of reclaimed materials is even better, however, as there is absolutely no additional environmental involved in using, for instance, a century-old dance floor as the hardwood covering in a new living room. eclaimed resources can be difficult to locate, but are often worth the price in addition to the environmental savings (BEST 2009).
Technological innovations also allow for much greater efficiency. Inert-gas windows and better insulation materials and techniques can improve the envelope of a house, drastically reducing the amount of energy needed to heat or cool a home or building (ADPS 2009). Heating and cooling units themselves have also greatly improved in efficiency in recent years, with additional improvements still ongoing (BEST 2009).

The best ways to…...



ADPSR. (2009). Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility. Accessed 2 October 2009.

BEST. (2009). Building Environmental Science & Technology. Accessed 2 October 2009.

Green Housing Green Home-Building Businesses
Pages: 2 Words: 621

A professional auditor can use a variety of techniques and equipment to determine the energy efficiency of your home. Thorough audits often use equipment such as blower doors, which measure the extent of leaks in the building envelope, and infrared cameras, which reveal hard-to-detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation" (Home energy audits, 2009, EPA).

Following up with satisfied customers (and unsatisfied customers) also enables better quality control and helps the builder more effectively target what aspects of the business require improvements. Submitting questionnaires asking the customer about his or her satisfaction regarding the process of buying the home, followed by similar surveys a year after living in the home can provide 'testimonials' about the pleasure and value accorded by green living. Posting such real testimonials on websites and other literature can show that real people in the real world enjoy living green.

There should also be follow-up regarding the…...


Works Cited

Build it green announces partnership with the California Real Estate Inspection Association.

(2009). Build it Green. Retrieved April 25, 2009 

Green building course. (2009). International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Retrieved April 25, 2009 at

Green Value Green Home Building
Pages: 2 Words: 569

Additionally, The U.S. Green Building Council is a non-profit organization that provides certification for officially 'green' structures. The Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy provide information about Energy Star products in their website, including a list of products that can go into the refurbishment or construction of a greener home, such as energy-efficient windows.
The role of the Internet and any global alliances in green home building

The U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency both advocate the use of green improvements, as well as building materials on their websites. The orld Green Building Council is an international organization that provides links to green builders and organizations around the world with a commitment to sustainability.

On a more practical level, using the Internet can be an effective tool to segment a target market for green structures, either on the web page of a real estate agency, or through independent…...


Works Cited

Lefkowitz, Marc. (2009, April 6). Rebirth of green building. Green City Blue Lake.

Retrieved April 19, 2009 at 

U.S. Green Building Council. (2009). Official Website. Retrieved April 19, 2009 at 

World Green Building Council. (2009). Retrieved April 19, 2009 at

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on local governments challenges. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 599

Local Governments: Challenges and Innovations


Local governments play a critical role in delivering essential services, fostering economic development, and addressing community concerns. However, they also face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their ability to effectively meet the needs of their constituents. This essay will explore some of the key challenges confronting local governments and discuss innovative approaches to address them.

Fiscal Constraints

One of the most pressing challenges for local governments is fiscal constraints. Many municipalities are experiencing stagnant or declining revenue streams due to factors such as the global financial crisis, population shifts, and reduced state and federal aid. This....

I need some suggestions for environment essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 432

Environmental Impact of Anthropogenic Activities

The Devastating Effects of Deforestation on Global Ecosystems
Climate Change: A Looming Crisis and the Role of Human Activities
Water Scarcity: Causes and Consequences of Mismanagement
Overfishing: Exploring the Impacts on Marine Biodiversity
The Environmental Toll of Urbanization and Industrialization

Conservation and Sustainable Practices

The Importance of Marine Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation
Renewable Energy Sources: A Path to Sustainability
Green Building Techniques for Mitigating Climate Change
Agroforestry: Combining Agriculture and Conservation
Eco-tourism: Promoting Sustainable Economic Development

Pollution and Waste Management

The Health Risks Posed by Air Pollution and its Mitigation Strategies
The Environmental Impact of Plastic....

How can individual actions contribute to combating climate change and global warming on a global scale?
Words: 401

Individual actions can contribute to combating climate change and global warming in several ways:

1. Reduce energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone.

2. Conserve water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and using appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines efficiently.

3. Reduce waste by recycling, composting, and purchasing products with minimal packaging.

4. Choose sustainable and eco-friendly products and materials to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmentally friendly practices.

5. Support renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power by investing in green....

How can wind turbines revolutionize renewable energy in today\'s society?
Words: 269

1. Wind turbines offer a sustainable solution to the worlds growing energy needs, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

2. Harnessing the power of wind can significantly decrease carbon emissions, combating the threat of climate change.

3. Wind turbines provide a decentralized energy source, promoting energy independence and security for communities.

4. The versatility of wind turbines allows for installation in a variety of locations, including offshore areas, expanding potential clean energy production.

5. As technology advances, wind turbines become more efficient and cost-effective, making renewable energy a competitive option in the market.


  • Renewable Energy....

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