Green Computing Essays (Examples)

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Green Computing and Future Generations
Pages: 4 Words: 1086

Green Computing
Limits to Growth


It has become increasingly clear that much of society needs to implement more sustainable practices to avoid many of problems that the next generations will face. These challenges will include many ecological and social factors. If the world continues consuming resources at its current pace, non-renewable resources will eventually run out. Also, considering the exponential population growth of humans, we are beginning to approach the natural limitations that the Earth's natural systems can support. As such, it behooves us, as a species, to make the most efficient and effective use of our resources as possible. One aspect to this collective effort to adopt more sustainable practices will involve computing.

There are many aspects to computing that need to be examined through the lens of sustainability. One aspect deals with energy consumption. Computers are responsible for the consumption of massive amounts of energy. Thus one of the frontiers for…...



Dunne, A. (2005). ertzian Tales. Electronic products, aesthetic experience and critical design. London & Cambridge: MIT Press.

Hester, R., & Harrison, R. (2009). Electronic Waste Management. Cambridge: RSC Publishing.

Jackson, T. (2009). Prosperity without Growth. Economics for a Finite Planet. Routledge.

Vidal, J. (2013). Toxic "e-waste" dumped in poor nations, says United Nations. Retrieved from The Guardian:

Green Computing
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

Green IT Fundamentals on Business Performances and the Environmental Sustainability
Green computing is an approach that organizations employ in enhancing environmental friendly and reducing the cost of business operations. In other words, green computing is the use of recycling computing materials to reduce cost of operations. Typically, green computing includes wide variety business strategies to enhance robust and sustainable business optimization. Green business initiatives are also the combination of existing strategy to enhance environmental focus.

Green IT (information technology) is the steps that IT Professionals employ to protect environment and application of various IT methodologies can reduce organizational operating costs. For example, green IT methodologies can assist in reducing power consumption and lower power bills. Typically, the goal of green computing is to reduce hazardous materials. In 2010, the IT data center facilities consume large amount of energy, and account between 1.1% and 1.5% of the global total energy, and data…...



CGI (2011).Emerging Trends in Green IT. CGI Group Inc.

Fanning, E. (2011). The top Green-IT organizations: Hard-wired to be green. Cmputer World.

Mitchell, R.L.(2011). Kaiser Permanente: Slashes Data Center Power. Computer World.

Unhelkar, B.(2011). Green IT Strategies and Applications: Using Environmental Intelligence. Florida. CRC Press.

Principles of Green Computing and Environmental Protection
Pages: 16 Words: 4864

Green computing is a term used to refer to the proper handling and disposal of computer parts. It is a term that has come of late with the need to have a clean environment devoid of unnecessary pollution on the environment. It is known fact that computers are made of non-biodegradable material, which is mainly plastic in nature. Disposal of used computers can cause environmental degradation if not well done. Given that they do not decompose, these substances end up polluting the environment. The other reason green computing practices are pursued is the fact that it helps bring out better utilization of resources through recycling.
ationale behind green computing

Green computing practices are motivated by a desire to conserve the planet that is now under the threat of global warming. It is also done because of the recent upsurge in the usage of computers in the world. Virtually every department in all…...



Bell, S., & Mcgillivray, D. (2011). Environmental Law (7th Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dulworth, M. (2013). The Connect Effect Building Strong Personal, Professional, And Virtual Networks. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Harris, J. (2008). Green Computing and Green IT Best Practices on Regulations and Industry Initiatives, Virtualization, Power Management, Materials Recycling and Telecommuting. New York: Emereo Pty Limited

Hurson, A. (2013). Green And Sustainable Computing. Amsterdam: Elsevier/AP.

Analyzing Organizational Green Computing Initiatives
Pages: 2 Words: 740

Organizational Green Computing Initiatives
The term 'green computing' refers to the efficient use of resources for reducing bad effects on the environment. Corporations are now seen to be attempting to minimize their energy consumption as well as e-waste's global impact; this will prove beneficial to the environment as well as to organizations. Through adoption of certain design practices, companies can maximize their energy efficiency, lowering energy consumption by as much as 67%. Aside from design of data centers, companies can employ green practices in their offices for saving cost and energy and reducing the adverse effects of their computing technology to the environment. Monitors and personal computers with ENEGY STA rating are capable of ensuring considerable yearly savings for organizations. As technology becomes outdated, companies need to seek disposal alternatives. Numerous recycling programs exist, which offer the important service of appropriate disposal of obsolete equipment. With green computing approaches coming closer…...



Farrokh, M. (2011). Green computing initiatives for small to medium sized organizations. Retrieved May 19, 2016, from

Shrivastava, R., & Kumar, J. (2014). Green Computing initiatives. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(10).

Green to Gold A Review
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

2009). Therefore, organizations will need to redesign their entire scope in order to fit an eco-friendly motive to influence the adoption of the ideas. Thus, organizations can reconstruct simple operations, like featuring recycling bins and limiting water usage, as a way to increase the belief in the company's mission by employees.
The second strategy examined here is the one focusing on the redesigning towards green innovation. Typical beliefs assume that consumers are more willing to pay a premium for products that utilize eco-friendly production practices. Essentially, this idea postulates that consumers are willing to pay higher prices for products produced with and in eco-friendly circumstances (Green Biz p 1). This means that the organization must employ eco-friendly products in order to still charge a premium without damaging its consumer reputation. However, contemporary research does show that there is a limit to what consumers want to spend, and on their devotion…...



Bonini, Sheila & Oppenheim, Jeremy. (2008). Cultivating the green consumer. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Web. 

Carmazzi, Arthur F. (2010). Are your leaders environmentally friendly? Write for HR. Web.

Carmazzi, Arthur F. (2010). Organizational culture-based leadership -- Affecting corporate culture through systematic psychology. Eco-Friendly Ideas. Web.

Etsy, Daniel C. & Winston, Andrew S. (2009). Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage. John Wiley and Sons.

Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines to Assist
Pages: 24 Words: 7107

Green provides some clear guidelines to assist health education and promotion specialists in the identification and design of health promotion techniques for implementation in health promotion and disease prevention programs. Discuss how five of the guidelines presented by Dr. Green could assist you in the selection of an appropriate health promotion technique. Support your answer with appropriate examples.
The module gives really simple guidelines as to the how the process of health education promotion can work in today's world. Healthcare is a social industry and hence understanding the community structure and its needs is the primary concern. According to the directions given by Dr. Green, the following factors have to be considered before designing and implementing health promotion and disease prevention programs. Hence the process is structured by first identifying the needs of the community and then setting the goals (short-term and long-term) accordingly. Once this is done the following steps…...



Adair, J.E. And Thomas, N. (2004). The Concise Adair on Teambuilding and Motivation. Thorogood. London.

Agron P, Berends V, Ellis K, Gonzalez M. (2010). School wellness policies: perceptions, barriers, and needs among school leaders and wellness advocates. J Sch Health. 2010; 80: 527-535.

Eddy, J. Module 5. Policy Development as a Health Promotion Technique- Dr. James Eddy (59:40). Accessed from: mms://

Fitzhugh, E. Module 5a. The Focus Group- Dr. Eugene Fitzhugh (1:00:14). Accessed from: mms://

Green With Information Technology There Has Been
Pages: 6 Words: 1741

Green with Information Technology
There has been a corresponding growth in innovations in information technology and the recognition that companies of all sizes and types must reduce their impact on their environment by adopting so-called green practices. For micro-businesses with just one or a few employees, this may mean something as simple as recycling aluminum cans and paper, but for larger enterprises, going green may mean the investment of significant amounts of resources up front with the expectation that the payback on these investments will be worthwhile, both in terms of energy savings as well as through an improved corporate image. To determine how companies can benefit from going green today, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to provide a definition of going green with information technology, an analysis of the impact of going green with information technology on the environment, and a discussion concerning the pros…...



Basile, T.J. (2008, July). A green formula. PM Network, 4, 22.

Chen, A., Dietrich, K.N. & Huo, X. (2011, April). Developmental neurotoxicants in e-waste: An emerging health concern. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(4), 37-39.

Huang, Y-C, Ding, H-B & Kao, M-R. (2009, July). Salient stakeholder voices: Family business and green innovation adoption. Journal of Management and Organization, 15(3), 9-10.

Morey, T. (2012, March/April). Going green beyond the greenhouse. The Agricultural Education

Solutions to Top Five Challenges to Cloud Computing for Enterprises
Pages: 10 Words: 3196

deployment of cloud computing, which is a revolutionary technology for hosting and delivering services over the Internet, is characterized with some major challenges and concerns for enterprises. A brief overview of the top five challenges for the enterprise in cloud computing is discussed in the article. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the available solutions to these challenges including improved security controls, finding a suitable cloud provider, enhanced enterprise infrastructure, and comprehensive implementation guidelines. The author then examines the benefits and limitations of these available solutions in dealing with the challenges. The analysis is followed by a discussion of a new solution to these issues and concerns as well as reasons for such solution.
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a ground-breaking model for hosting and delivering services over the Internet. This paradigm is engaging to business organizations since it removes the need for users to plan ahead…...



Angeles, S. (2014, January 20). Virtualization vs. Cloud Computing: What's the Difference?

Business News Daily. Retrieved July 31, 2014, from 

Belamkar, R.V. (2014, March 16). Challenges and Security Issues in Cloud Computing. Indian Streams Research Journal, 4(2). doi:10.9780/22307850

Bisong, A. & Rahman, S.M. (2011, January). An Overview of the Security Concerns in Enterprise Cloud Computing. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 3(1), 30-45.

Designing Conceptualizing and Computing the
Pages: 2 Words: 586

We spent a lot of time thinking about the investment into our fixed costs including the welding machine and work shed. During the design phase, we also evaluated the cost of each and every item that went into the manufacture of the lawn ornament. Knowing that the cost of every screw would affect the eventual price, we kept in mind the cost of other similar products on the market. For example, we noticed that similar lawn ornaments do not sell for much more than $20 and we therefore wanted to keep our product within that range. We differentiated our product because of its inclusion of familiar items in the manufacturing process, which offer a "green" look and feel to the ornament. For example, we painted washers white then used them as eyes instead of finding a supplier of specially-made eyes. This not only kept costs down, but was integral to…...

Information Technology IT and Architecture
Pages: 5 Words: 1616

IT architecture?
The architecture of IT has to be created through the development of models, guidelines, and specifications (Allen & Morton, 1994). The kinds of processes that are generally used have been created in recent decades in order to meet the needs of those who are focused on the quality of IT. With that in mind, IT architecture is the structure that is designed to actually operate and use IT properly. Without it, the IT department of any company would not be nearly as successful, and that could cause the entire company to struggle. Any good IT system has to be built around the specifications that are needed in order to allow it to work the way it is intended and provide what is needed for the company (Allen & Morton, 1994). An IT department has to be ready for nearly everything, because companies rely so much on technology that…...


Green computing is the study and creation of any type of computing that is environmentally sustainable (Kurp, 2008). This can include designing and building computers, but also using and disposing of them properly, in a way that has minimal impact on the environment (Kurp, 2008). Naturally, this is an important issue to consider. The environment is fragile, and there are a number of activities that are working against it. Greenhouses gases, climate change, vanishing ecosystems, and other problems are all issues the environment has to face. Many people who work with computers want to reduce their footprint and take better care of the environment, which they can do in a couple of ways. One of those ways is to buy, build, and use computers with longevity (Kurp, 2008). In other words, the longer a computer is made to last the longer it will be before it ends up in a landfill and a new one has to be purchased. When a person does get rid of old electronics, there are recycling places that will take them specifically and dispose of their components safely, further protecting the environment (Kurp, 2008).

The second way a person can practice green computing is in the parts and components that he or she purchases, because some of them are much more environmentally friendly than others (Kurp, 2008). When parts that are easy on the environment are used to build computers, those computers are a better choice for ensuring that the environment is not damaged by people wanting and needing computers for both business and personal use (Kurp, 2008). It is not always possible to protect the environment one hundred percent of the time, but there are many ways green computing can be practiced and used in everyday life (Kurp, 2008). Conscientious people who want to preserve their planet know the value of green computing, and will continue to abide by it as much as possible.

Kurp, P. (2008).Green computing. Communications of the ACM, 51(10): 11-23.

Icmt the Expected Trends
Pages: 9 Words: 3111

In a competitive environment, one thrives based on their ability to build a competitive edge over their competitors. ICMT is one way through which organizations today gain competitive advantage in their respective industries. The term ICMT basically stands for the various tools and resources used in communication within the organization. Today, ICMT is used to a significant extent in various sectors including healthcare, business, and entertainment. It is expected that as more and more people purchase mobile devices, and the internet becomes more accessible, organizations will make huge profits from online activities and sales. This will, however, depend on how well they can address the risks of information security breaches and environmental damage. Environmentalists warn that increased use of computers and other electronic devices come at a cost to the environment. This text analyzes the expected trends in the ICMT sector, and the threats and opportunities presented to organizations…...



Andersen, J. C. & Coffey, D. (2012). U.S. ICT R&D Policy Report: United States, ICT Leader or Laggard? The Tia Innovation White Paper. Retrieved January 20, 2016 from 

Croteau, R., Hoynes, W. D. & Milan, S. (2011). Media/Society: Industries, Images and Audiences (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Doyle, S. (2008). Essential ICT A Level: AS Student Book for AQA. Buckinghamshire, UK: Folens Ltd.

Gray, D. (2012). The Connected Company. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.

Sky May Not Be Actually
Pages: 17 Words: 4784

The net effect of these trends on the environment is mixed. According to Kohler and Erdmann (2004), the expanded use of ICT applications will ultimately result in both benefits to the environment, as well as some new problems associated with their use. The extent to which the negative effects are mitigated will ultimately depend on the foresight that is used today to develop long-term energy and waste management policies that will control the development of ICT infrastructures and how they are used in the future (Kohler & Erdmann, 2004).
According to Lan and Thomas (2009), there is no escaping the fact that information and communication technologies are fundamentally changing the nature of commerce and hold important promise for economic development in the future. These authors are quick at add, though, that proceeding with these technologies is a complex enterprise and there are still a number of unknowns involved concerning how…...



Cyr, C. (2007, April/May). E-waste not. Plenty, 31.

Daly, J. (2005, June). ICT and ensuring environmental sustainability. Communication Initiative.

Retrieved from 


Centre Can Be Described as
Pages: 15 Words: 5439

A clear vision of objectives for the present and future of the center should be elucidated at this stage.
Design and building are obvious and crucial aspects that also take into account and depend on the initial analysis and planning phase. One always has to take into account the fact that data centers will often need to expand. his can be catered for by a modular design and building approach; which means that additions for future growth can be built as required.

Relocation is an important part of the life cycle and involves considerations such as the migration of data. his aspect also has to take into account customer or client needs, which falls within the ambit of the managerial function. A data center also has in the course of its life cycle to undergo periodic evaluations. his is necessary to include updates in terms of data increases and also serves…...


This site provides straightforward definitions of a data center and explains its main functions. The information is cogent and to-the-point. It is a useful respource for basic data and provided a gateway to further more extensive research.

What Is Data Center Virtualization? Retrieved from 

This short article is surprisingly extensive in terms of condensed and pertinent information. It covers many of the essential aspects of virtualization and is useful as background to this important aspect of the data centre life cycle. The information also provided insight into the problems and challenges that exist in the process of data center virtualization.

Marketing Plan for Digital Camera
Pages: 13 Words: 4433

The approach Sony continues to take is one of concentrating on continual process improvement to become more agile and resilient in the face of environmental factors (Olenick, 2010) while at the same time seeking to comply with national requirements for sustainability and green initiatives including supply chain compliance (Svensson, 2009).
Legal Factors -- Sony has a culture that embraces learning as a virtue, and continually strives to gain insights from the experiences of other Japanese companies and their legal and regulatory lessons learned. The case mentioned earlier of Toshiba Machinery Company and their sales of unauthorized milling machines to the ussians decades ago still is a foundational element of Japanese ethical training for managers (Ohishi, Naoto, 1993). As the United States and other western nations have continually seen the level of compliance and reporting escalate up through government edict, Sony has continually had to increase its focus on contract management…...



Marketing of Small and Medium Sized High Tech Companies. Journal of Euro - Marketing, 12(2), 5-27.

Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Business Line: MARKETING: TV, laptop to lead Sony sales. (2010, December). Businessline.

Luis J. Callarisa Fiol, Miguel a. Moliner Tena, & Javier Sanchez Garcia. (2011). Multidimensional perspective of perceived value in industrial clusters. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 26(2), 132-145.

The Future of Icmt
Pages: 2 Words: 781

ICMT: The Future of ICMT
The Future of ICMT: ICMT

What is the future of ICMT? How will ICMT affect today's employees?

A lot can be said about the future of ICMT and connectedness in the organizational setting. What is rather obvious though is that the degree of connectedness in the organization will continue to increase over the coming years. This is particularly the case in the U.S. following the government's announcement of a plan to make high-speed wireless infrastructure available to 98% of Americans regardless of where they live and work by 2021 (White House, 2011). The plan focuses on making more airwaves available so that enhanced smart phone users can access the internet easily for work, play and learning purposes (White House, 2011). If this plan is implemented, the internet will become more accessible and people more connected. In the organizational setting, employees will be better connected not only to their…...



Gray, D. (2012). The Connected Company. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.

Saha, B. (2014). Green Computing. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 14(2), 46-49.

White House. (2011). Technology. The White House. Retrieved January 21, 2016 from

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