Great Migration Essays (Examples)

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The Economic Reasons for the Great Migrations
Pages: 2 Words: 821

Human migration has over the course of history shaped the demographics of continents in a manner that no other single phenomenon has ever done. The industrial revolution in Europe saw the advent of a mass displacement of populations from Africa into the Americas with the aim of using the slaves for the extraction and development of raw material that was needed in the industries in Europe. The slaves in the Americas helped fuel the industrial revolution in Europe and the more the industrial revolution caught momentum, the more the demand for raw material that in turn fueled the demand for slaves. With the change in human rights agitation and politics of the time, slave trade came to an end and slavery later on came to a stop and the millions of freed slaves had to settle down and begin their lives as free men with individual purposes. This is…...



Richard W., (2015). Trade and Migrations. Retrieved October 29, 2015 from

A&E Television Networks, (2015). Great Migration. Retrieved October 29, 2015 from 

Lewis F, (2015). Causes of the Great Migration: Searching for the Promised Land. Retrieved October 29, 2015 from

Great Wall of America A Bad Idea
Pages: 3 Words: 1127

Great all of America? A Bad Idea.
It is widely known that the United States is a country of immigrants. The country's indigenous population constitutes a tiny miniscule of its population, while the rest came mostly from Europe, Latin America, and other parts of the world. Nevertheless, immigration to the United States has always been a divisive and controversial issue. In the nineteenth century, nativist feelings among the ASP (hite Anglo-Saxon Protestants) made the East Coast a very inhospitable place for Catholic Irish immigrants, while the legislators in the est Coast targeted immigrants and migrants from the Far East, singling out the Chinese in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ("Chinese Exclusion Act"). Today, cross-border movement of people through the southern border of the United States has become a hotly debated issue for ordinary folks, legislators, anti-terrorist law enforcement agencies, Congressmen and Congresswomen as well as Presidential candidates. Criticizing the current…...


Works Cited:

"Chinese Exclusion Act." Harvard University Library Open Collections Program. Web. 14 March 2012

"Environmental Rules Waived for Border Fence." Associated Press. 15 January 2007. Web. 14 March 2012

Drehle, David Von. "The Great Wall of America." Time. 19 June 2008. Web. 14 March 2012

Kenner, Robert, et al. Food, Inc. Los Angeles, CA: Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2009.

America and the Great War and the New Era
Pages: 3 Words: 988

America and the Great War" and "The New Era"
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. Vol. 2: A Concise History of the American People .4th Edition. McGraw-Hill 2004.

What were the causes of WWI in Europe in 1914? Why was President Wilson so reluctant for the U.S. To get involved until 1917 and what finally put the U.S. "over the edge" and decide to enter the conflict directly?

Nationalism, imperialism, and secret treaties all played a role in the instigation of WWI in Europe, but President Wilson was initially reluctant to become involved, because of a long history of American isolationism in regards to entangling European affairs, particularly the secret alliances that stimulated the conflict. His refusal to involve the U.S. In WWI became a crucial part of his re-election campaign. But President Wilson began to protest German violations of American neutrality more vehemently in his public rhetoric than British violations, partly because…...

The Great Gatsby Essay
Pages: Words: 5816


The theme of unrequited love in The Great Gatsby
Discuss the fallibility of youth in The Great Gatsby
Discuss the primacy of socioeconomic status as it manifests in The Great Gatsby: which characters confront it with the most grace? Which with the least?
If Daisy and Jay had been members of the same socioeconomic class would they have ended up together? Why or why not? Provide textual evidence.
Nick Carraway goes to great lengths to show and tell the reader that he is a reliable narrator: discuss three concretes way he does this and how successful they are.
How does the period and place of the novel add to the sense of youth, love, promise or despair?
How does the death of Myrtle Wilson highlight a sense of something rotten underscoring the 1920s? Discuss using the novel and the historical period.
What role does Jordan Baker serve in the novel? Discuss why her and Nick aren’t viable…...

Great Maya Extinction
Pages: 3 Words: 999

Mayan Civilization
Theories Of Collapse Of The Mayan Civilization

The Mayan civilization existed between the third and the tenth centuries A.D. In a region that covers the present parts of Guatemala, Yucatan, and Honduras. Historical analysis shows that the Mayan people had a lively trade irrespective of the poor nature of their soil and abundance of dense forest and insects. The marvel cities and advanced calendar system of the Mayan people attest to their prolific knowledge, expertise, and skills. The perfectly written and maintained manuscript compounds to the prowess nature of this population. However, most of the cities of the Mayan people remained deserted past the tenth century. The reasons behind their disappearance remain a mystery. An assortment of theories has been developed to explain their disappearance (Heley, 2010). Therefore, this research paper discusses two of the theories explaining the disappearance of the Mayan people alongside discussing the most effective theory that…...



Heley, M. (2010). The Everything Guide to 2012: All you need to know about the theories, beliefs, and history surrounding the ancient Mayan prophecies. Cincinnati: F+W Media.

Foster, L.V. (2007). A brief history of Central America. New York: Facts on File.

Gill, R.B. (2001). The great Maya droughts: Water, life, and death. Albuquerque: Univ. Of New Mexico Press.

Simonian, L. (1995). Defending the land of the jaguar: A history of conservation in Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Roosevelt S New Deal and Its Impact on the Great Depression
Pages: 6 Words: 1901

Great Depression and the New Deal
The Great Depression

The Great Depression was caused by the stock market crash of 1929. The 1920s had been a roaring good time for Americans: credit was easy and investments were going up. In the 1920s, it was known as the Installment Plan -- and "enjoy while you pay" was a popular expression used to lure buyers into the market who could not otherwise afford to be consumers. Credit was used for everything -- including stock. However, when credit expands in the form of shoddy loans, a credit bubble is created. The bubble, in this case, popped in 1929 when the market realized no more credit was going to be pumped in as a result of too many loans to undeserving customers were being made (i.e., customers who could not pay them back). With the market correction came the margin calls and accounts had to be…...



Brinkley, Alan. Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and The Great

Depression. NY: Vintage, 1983.

Butler, Smedley. War is a Racket. LA: Feral House, 2003.

Jeansonne, Glen. Transformation and Reaction America 1921-1945. IL: Waveland

Challenges to the Traditional Theory of the Great American Interchange
Pages: 5 Words: 1472

Evolution -- Great American Interchange
The natural Panamanian bridge adjoining early North America with early South America is believed to have occurred 3 -- 4 million years ago. By studying evolutionary changes in animal species in North America, Central America and South America, experts formed the theory of the Great American Interchange, a mutual migration of Northern species to South America and of Southern species to North America. The evolutionary changes that came from these migrations are at least partially attributed to a Great American Biotic exchange. Experts traditionally believe that Northern species that migrated to South America were more successful in surviving and evolving because of prior migrations from greater land masses and easier adaptation to the climate of South America. However, as experts make more and more discoveries in the field, there are questions and controversies about the number of migrations from each continent and migrations from sources other…...



Davies, T Jonathan and Lauren B. Buckley. "Phylogenetic Diversity as a Window into the Evolutionary and Biogeographic Histories of Present-Day Richness Gradients for Mammals." Phiosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366(1576) (August 2011): 2414-2425. Print.

Forasiepi, Analia M, et al. "Carnivorans at the Great American Biotic Interchange: New Discoveries from the Northern Neotropics." 17 July 2014. Web site. Web. 18 October 2014.

Jablonski, David and j John, Jr. Sepkoski. "Paleobiology, Community Ecology, and Scales of Ecological Pattern." Ecology, 77(5) (July 1996): 1367. Print.

Jimenez, F Agustin, et al. "Four Events of Host Switching in Aspidoderidae (Nematoda) Involve Convergent Lineages of Mammals." Journal of Parasitology, 98(6) (Dec 2012): 1166-75. Print.

Albania Migration and Immigration Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1184

(Council of Europe, 2001 This report relates that in the "Implementation of the Provisions of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Part II, Section I and Article 3 it is stated: (1) Every person belonging to national minorities shall have the right freely to choose to be treated as such and no disadvantage shall result from this choice or from the exercise of the rights, which are connected to that choice; and (2) the persons belonging to national minorities may exercise the rights and enjoy the freedoms flowing from the principles enshrined in the present framework Convention individually as well as in community with others. (Council of Europe, 2001) Additionally reported is that Albanians "have historically claimed distinction for understanding and tolerance towards national minority members, a fact which has determined the exemplary coexistence between them and religious communities." (Council of Europe, 2001) Toward this end,…...



Implementation of the Provisions of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Part II, Section I and Article 3 (2001) Council of Europe. 26 Jul 2001. Onlineavailable at:

Report on Albania: ECRI's country-by-country Approach (1999) European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance. Strasbourg 9 Nov 1999. Council of Europe. Online available at 's_work/1-Country_by_country/CBC1-Albania.pdf

Vullnetari, Julie (2007) Albanian Migration and Development: State of the Art Review. IMISCOE Working Paper 18. September 2007. Online available at

Smuggling Be Legal in Migration
Pages: 12 Words: 4122

This indicates that the government must take necessary measures to limit or reduce the extent of criminal activities within the economy. This can occur through legalization of human smuggling while tightening the rules and regulations governing property or product smuggling.
Smuggling and Price Disparity odel

In the Bhagwati and Hansen odel (Bhagwati-Hansen odel), smuggling is a trade at the world or international prices. This indicates that there is evasion of taxes. This trade involves less favorable transformation curve in comparison to curves under the free trade condition in the absence of the taxation system. This is under the assumption that smuggling involves real cost such as additional transport costs. In their illustration of smuggling and welfare, Bhagwati and Hansen indicate that smuggling has negative effects on welfare. This illustration explains that smuggling reduces welfare in the presence of co-existence between legal and illegal trade (smuggling). Bhagwati and Hansen explain that non-smuggling…...


Mark M. PiTT. Smuggling and Price Disparity. Journal of International Economics 11 (2001) 447-458. North-Holland Publishing Company

Mark M. PiTT. Smuggling and Price Disparity. Journal of International Economics 11 (2001) 447-458. North-Holland Publishing Company

Mark M. PiTT. Smuggling and Price Disparity. Journal of International Economics 11 (2001) 447-458. North-Holland Publishing Company

African-American Westward Migration
Pages: 10 Words: 3585

African-Americans and Western Expansion
Prior to the 1960s and 1970s, very little was written about black participation in Western expansion from the colonial period to the 19th Century, much less about black and Native American cooperation against slavery. This history was not so much forbidden or censored as never written at all, or simply ignored when it was written. In reality, blacks participated in all facets of Western expansion, from the fur trade and cattle ranching to mining and agriculture. There were black cowboys and black participants in the Indian Wars -- on both sides, in fact. Indeed, the argument over slavery in the Western territories was one of the key factors in breaking up the Union in the 1850s and leading to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. In the past thirty years, much of the previously unwritten and unrecorded history of the Americas since 1492 has been given…...



Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War. Oxford University Press, 1970, 1995.

Foner, Philip S. History of Black Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983.

Katz, William Loren. The Black West: A Documentary and Pictorial History of the African-American Role in the Westward Experience of the United States. NY: Random House, Inc., 2005.

Katz, William Loren. Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1986.

Tonys Chip Website Migration Project
Pages: 12 Words: 2848

Migration Project for Tony's Chip
The focus of this document is to develop an internally hosted Website Migration Project for Tony's Chip Company. The website will have a back-up site that will serve as a failover in case the original site goes down or unavailable. To assist Tony's Chip Company building a dynamic Website that provides a disaster recovery plan, and minimal downtime to ensure that the site is available for 24 hours, the project will design the website using SDLC (system development life cycle). ESTful concept describes web architecture as the protocols that uses the HTTP, and standard operations such as POST, GET, and DELETE. The ESTful also uses the SOAP messaging over the HTTP to assist in enhancing an effective message transfer. Despite the benefits associated to the EST concept, however, its specification is still poor for the development of a dynamic website. However, this project will still…...



AlFardan. N. J. Bernstein, D. J. Paterson, K. G. et al. (2013). On the Security of RC4 in TLS (PDF). 22nd USENIX Security Symposium.

Department of Education. (2003). Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security. NCES 2003-381. Washington, DC.

Impacts of Internal Migration in Papua New Guinea
Pages: 7 Words: 1976

Internal migration in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a multifaceted phenomenon characterized by the movement of individuals or groups within the country for various reasons including employment, education, environmental changes, or social factors. Unlike international migration, internal migration involves relocating within the same national boundaries, and in the case of PNG, it often reflects the shifting dynamics between rural and urban areas (Connell, 2016).
Papua New Guinea's diverse topography, coupled with its myriad of cultural groups and languages, means that internal migration is influenced by both geographic and socio-cultural factors. The rugged highlands, expansive river systems, and dense rainforests create natural barriers that historically have led to the isolation of many communities. Yet with the advent of modern transportation and telecommunication, these barriers have become surmountable, leading to increased movement of people within the country (Gibson & ozelle, 2003).

One of the principal drivers for internal migration is the search for economic…...



Chand, Satish, & Yala, Caroline. (2008). Land and Urban Development Issues in Pacific Island Countries: The Case of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Land Use Policy, 25(4), 528-539.

Connell, J. (2016). Urbanization in Papua New Guinea: Can We Talk About It?. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17(2), 91-109.

Gibson, J., & Rozelle, S. (2003). Contrasting Growth Linkages and Impacts of Non-Traditional Export Crops in Four Developing Countries: A Synthesis of Findings. The Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(2), 343-382.

Jones, G. (2012). Urbanization and Internal Migration Patterns in Papua New Guinea. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 1(1), 117-131.

Morphology Bottle-Nosed Dolphins and Great
Pages: 3 Words: 864

Sharks are another vertebrate that are similar to dolphins in many ways and very different from dolphins in other ways. There are more that 250 species of sharks, ranging from the harmless whale shark to the ferocious great white.

The great white shark, known as Carchardon Carcharias, feeds regularly on marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, otters, dolphins, and whales. They enjoy eating bottle-nosed dolphins whenever they get an opportunity. Samuel Gruber in Discovering Sharks writes that the great white consumes marine mammals when they come across a deceased one. The Great White shark, also known as the white death, is considered the most dangerous shark in the waters. The Great White has a conical instead of a flattened snout, black eyes, and large, serrated, arrowhead-shaped teeth. The upper and lower lobes of the tail are almost equal in size, and the body is blue or brown-gray, not white, except…...



The Great White Shark. Retrieved December 8, 2006 at 

Bottlenose Dolphins. Retrieved December 8, 2006 at .

Management Undercover Boss Is a Great Show
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Undercover Boss is a great show for illustrating core management concepts. A season five episode features the CEO of the Larry H. Miller Company, owner of the Utah Jazz along with eighty other concerns. This episode features issues related to occupational health and safety, customer service and marketing. In the episode about Modell's Sporting Goods, a family-owned business that has been around since 1889, issues related to logistics, wages, and social justice come to the fore. In the first season episode featuring the CEO and president of 7-11, issues related to management and corporate structure, customer service, and quality assurance are brought to light. These three episodes can all be used to better understand textbook concepts, from the particular skills managers need to succeed to ethics and social responsibility. Of these three episodes, the most engaging was the one about Modell's because of the way the owner came to realize…...



Schermerhorn, J.R. (2012). Exploring Management. 3rd edition.

Undercover Boss Utah Jazz: 

Undercover Boss Modell's: 

Undercover Boss 7-11:

Workings of the Sharecropping System
Pages: 9 Words: 3383

his League advocated the peaceful and friendly expansion and recognition of African-American culture and roots in Africa. It also helped pave the way for more militant African-American advocacy groups that found their way into popular African-American culture and society during the Harlem Renaissance. he Universal African Legion also had affiliate companies and corporations, which gave African-Americans more cultural, economic, and political clout and representation during this time period. Garvey was a crucial figure in the uniting of African-Americans toward the singular goal of improving their cultural and social conditions inside the U.S.
he New Negro movement was an over-arching hopefulness that African-American culture and society could successfully flourish in the post slavery era. Garvey played a major role in helped to culturally establish the African-American agenda of upward social mobility and desegregation (Locke, 1997). he Harlem Renaissance was a movement with limited scope that took place during the 1920's and…...


The Black Power Movement emerged as a separate approach to the issues of civil rights and racial inequality. Those who were frustrated with the status quo, and with the slow progress of the non-violent philosophy, were often quick to back the more militant wing of the Black Power Movement. Some African-Americans felt very strongly that in order to change the status quo there needed to be a real physical threat from African-Americans looking to secure their fair share of power and liberty in America (Cone, 1997). Nowhere was this more apparent than with the Black Panther Movement. These people believed that the power that had been stolen by the whites during and after slavery needed to be forcibly taken back. The national response to this movement was one of fear, and many people saw the Black Panther Movement as illegitimated by the violence they so often advocated.

The Black Power slogan enjoyed a multitude of functions. It functioned as a call to arms for the Black Panthers while also helping to solidify black capitalism and intellectual attitudes in America during this time period. Many consider the Black Power movement to be a direct reaction or result of the Civil Rights Movement, and felt as though stressing Black Nationalism and pride at every level was, to a lesser degree, successful in changing the attitudes of Americans toward African-Americans (Cone, 1997). The impact of this movement can still be seen today. The culturally popular and change-affecting "Black is Beautiful' movement came from the Black Power movement, as did many of the cultural, social, and political attitudes that modern day African-Americans hold relative to their perception of their place in society (Cone, 1997). The Black Power movement helped to define "blackness" as a positive identity, instead of something to be ashamed of. It often functioned as a rallying cry for African-Americans caught up in the struggle for cultural equality directly after the Civil Rights Movement.

Cited: Cone, JH. (1997). Black Theology and Black Power. Orbis Books: Maryknoll, NY.

How has internal migration shaped the cultural landscape of English-speaking countries?
Words: 590

## Internal Migration and the Cultural Landscape of English-Speaking Countries

Internal migration, the movement of individuals within a country, has played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of English-speaking countries, leaving an enduring impact on their demographics, social dynamics, and cultural tapestry.

Demographic Shifts:

Urbanization: Internal migration contributed to the growth of cities as people moved from rural areas to urban centers seeking employment and opportunities. This urbanization led to the concentration of population and the emergence of distinct urban cultures.
Demographic Diversity: Migration from different regions within a country or from abroad brought together individuals with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities,....

How have the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans shaped the nation\'s history?
Words: 415

The history of Black Americans is a testament to the resilience, strength, and profound impact of a community that has faced unparalleled adversity yet has significantly shaped the United States. From the era of slavery, through the tumultuous times of segregation, to the civil rights movements and beyond, Black Americans have not only endured but have also contributed immensely to the cultural, political, and social fabric of the nation. Their struggles have highlighted the deep-seated issues of racial inequality and injustice, pushing America towards a more inclusive and equitable society. The triumphs, such as the abolition of slavery, the civil....

What key events shaped the colonial New England?
Words: 483

1. The Establishment of the Plymouth Colony

     This event marked the beginning of the colonial New England era, with the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620 and the establishment of the Plymouth Colony.

2. The Great Migration

     During the 1630s, thousands of English Puritans immigrated to New England, seeking religious freedom and creating a significant population increase in the region.

3. The Pequot War

     The conflict between the Pequot tribe and the English settlers in 1637 led to the virtual elimination of the Pequot tribe and established English control in the region.

4. The Salem Witch....

What key events shaped the colonial New England?
Words: 417

1. The Great Migration: Catalyst for New England's Growth

    This essay explores how the influx of Puritans from England in the 1630s shaped the demographic and cultural landscape of New England.

2. The Pequot War: A Turning Point in Native Relations

    Analysis of how the conflict with the Pequot tribe influenced colonial policies and interactions with Native Americans.

3. The Founding of Harvard College: Education as a Cornerstone

    Discusses the establishment of Harvard in 1636 and its role in shaping the intellectual and religious life of New England.

4. The Half-Way Covenant: Religious Evolution in New England

    Examines the theological adjustments made to maintain church membership and....

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