Great Leaders Essays (Examples)

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History's Great Leaders Great Leaders
Pages: 10 Words: 3319

They have to determine what needs changing, and then figure out how they are going to change it. Only then can they really accomplish something of importance and worth.
While Powell is clearly involved in military issues, and protecting and defending his country, he is concerned about other issues as well. Education is one of the issues that he sees as important, and he is also interested in helping those in this country who are poor and in need of assistance. Another issue he is concerned about is what he calls 'inclusiveness.' In other words, everyone in this country should be included in what this country does (Ferullo, 2000).

ecause of his childhood and some of the segregation that he had to deal with growing up and in the early years of his career, Powell realizes the difficulties that minorities in this country face today. If one is not white, American,…...



Cable News Network (2003).

Career and Personal Development. (n.d.) General Colin Powell: 18 Lessons from a very successful leader. Retrieved at

Dobbins, J.E. & Skillings, J.H. 2000. Racism as a clinical syndrome. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1).

Ferullo, Mike. Cable News Network. (2000, August 1). Retired General critiques GOP on affirmative action. Retrieved at

Colin Powell Leadership Profile Great Leaders Are
Pages: 3 Words: 776

olin Powell
Leadership Profile:

"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand." -- olin Powell

The quotation provided by the man who is the subject of this paper signifies that he is a great thinker. Though many subject Mr. Powell to a lot of criticism, especially in the wake of his tenure at the State Department, he is a man to be revered not only for his intelligence, but also for his courage and commitment. This paper will therefore examine various questions relating to olin Powell and his leadership style, and will strive to see whether he was, indeed, a good leader.

olin Powell began his life in the United States as the son of Jamaican immigrants. He was born in the South Bronx in 1937, and grew up in this area, which, according to some, is a "great place…...


Colin Powell. (2011). Retrieved October 25, 2011 from .

Colin Powell. (2011). Retrieved October 25, 2011 from .

Powell, C. (2011). A Leadership Primer. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from < >.

Learning From Great Leaders
Pages: 7 Words: 2449

Learning From Great Leaders
"The Art of Rhetoric" makes the point that Pericles had great powers of persuasion, and that he could directly affect the will of the people through his rhetorical strategies. hen the Athenian citizens got too proud and even arrogant, he would settle them down into reality -- but when they were struggling to believe, he could lift them up to a higher place. This was the sum and substance of "The Art of Rhetoric" and the lesson from this narrative is that the clever, creative, careful and strategic use of words -- and language in general -- can manipulate people in the way the speaker wishes them to be maneuvered. This paper verifies the validity of this theory through the literature and through the successes that political leaders and business leaders like Lee Iacocca and others have utilized by having the power of persuasiveness.

Pericles' Skills -- A…...


Works Cited

Business Week. (2013). Top Commencement Speeches / Jack and Suzy Welch. Retrieved January 14, 2014, from .

Goldsmith, O. (1817). The History of Greece, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander

The Great: To which is Added a Summary Account of the Affairs of Greece. Digitized by the University of Madrid, 2010.

Leggett, B. (2013). Influence Through "Soft Power." IESE Business School / University of Navarra. Retrieved January 14, 2014, from .

Leadership One of the Great Leaders in
Pages: 2 Words: 686

One of the great leaders in history that I consider to have exemplified the true characteristics of a great leader is Martin Luther King. He is a leader who had risked his life just to fight for other peoples' freedom, a cause that very few people during his time would dare to fight for. ecause of King's courage and belief that all men are created equal, he promoted for equality especially for the people of the black race. I consider Martin Luther King also as a hero because if not for him the people in the U.S. would perhaps be as segregated as it was before; where people of different races do not agree with each other and were always against each other. Especially for those who are not purely of American race, without King, racial discrimination would perhaps still widely exist in the U.S. Jack White, from his article…...



White, Jacke. Martin Luther King. 

Brink, Nelson. Nelson Mandela.

Love for Centuries Great Leaders Entertainers Mothers
Pages: 3 Words: 942

For centuries, great leaders, entertainers, mothers, teacher and a variety of others have searched for the meaning of love. However, even the best philosophers, with the profound thoughts, could not fully define love.

Perhaps the reason for this is that love is such a broad subject. There are dozens of answers to the question, "What is love?" Love can be selfless, selfish, giving, jealous, unconditional, temporary, and many other things.

People establish relationships with many different types of people, including family members, neighbors, co-workers, friends, spouses, significant others, and more. People have been taught that the love is different depending on whom they love.

The emotion of love is the same regardless of whom it is felt for. Lovers want their loved ones to be happy, accept them as they are, and appreciate some aspect about them. However, even though love is the same, it feels different depending on whom the loved…...

Great Leaders in history
Pages: 4 Words: 1062

Great leadership, this is a trait most people do not have. Among the many leaders of the world present and past, only a few could be deemed great. That is why the literary world becomes a place to cultivate what an ideal leader is. From Robert the blind man in “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, to “The Things They Carried” character, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, these leaders harken back to real leaders of the past like Lincoln and Kennedy. It is with these shining examples in mind that an idea of what a great leader is, takes shape and even provides inspiration for new leaders that break the mold of what is typically expected like Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. These new leaders will perhaps inspire the greats of tomorrow. Many consider John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln amazing leaders because of their ability to stand up for what is right and…...

Great Leader and Leaders
Pages: 7 Words: 312

great leaders in times of change is that good leaders facilitate the change and enable the organization to achieve the objective. A great leader, however, has a vision of beyond the change -- one that encapsulates the higher and greater objective. he great leader not only facilitates the change but also provides the support and vision for the next steps after the change. In other words, the leader provides support for the entire culture, the organization's balance and mission.
Christal notes that the effective educational change leaders "comprehend and communicate what will be demanded of their graduates" and that they also "model the behaviors of learning, collaboration, effective teaching and risk-taking" (Wagner, 2013).…...


Thus, I agree with these statements. Leaders are in a unique position: people look to them for guidance, for wisdom, for understanding, and for a voice. Leaders not only communicate through words, but they also communicate through actions. Sometimes actions are louder than words, so it is imperative that a great leader always be mindful of how actions will be received and interpreted.

Wagner, T. (2013). What Does It Mean to Be a "Change Leader" in Education?

Retrieved from:

Great Leaders and God
Pages: 2 Words: 552

Fortunately for me, these things do not occur regularly enough for me to consider them a habit.
A do, however, habitually pray when I am confronted with difficulties in my life. These prayers differ from the ones for trivial problems like the ones listed above; those prayers are more recriminations about my own bad-behavior. The prayers when I face real difficulties in my life are real prayers. I do have a deep and abiding faith in God, and I believe that He desires to help people with their problems. When confronted with something that I cannot resolve on my own, such as a family member's illness, I call upon Him for assistance. I also have enough faith to believe that God does answer prayers, even if those answers are not always favorable. I do not believe that God is like a friend to whom I should stop speaking, when He…...

Great War the United States After the
Pages: 4 Words: 1130

Great ar
The United States after the Great ar

orld ar I, also known as the Great ar, officially came to an end in 1918 and reshaped the country in a variety of ways. One of the most immediate changes was the way the world perceived the United States. Before the war, most of the country and its leaders preferred an isolationist stance to any international conflict. In 1914 the U.S. had only a small army and a pitiful navy, yet as the war progressed many Americans began to disapprove of the German's use of submarines to sink neutral ships such as the infamous sinking of the Lusitania (Hickman). However, it is interesting to note that the German's were actually correct in their assertion that the Lusitania was being used to carry military ammunition, as divers have recently uncovered from the wreckage, which did actually make the ship a legitimate military target…...


Works Cited

Arnesen, E. "Red Summer: The Summer of 1919 and the Awakening of Black America' by Cameron McWhirter." 18 November 2011. Chicago Tribune. Web. 27 October 2012.

Greenhill, S. "Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship." 19 December 2008. Mail Online. Web. 27 October 2012.

Hickman, K. "World War I: Sinking of the Lusitania." N.d. Military History. Web. 27 October 2012.

Kaldor, N. "Inflation and Recession in the World Economy." The Economic Journal (1976): 703-714. Web.

Leader Member Exchange Theory Leader-Member
Pages: 6 Words: 1848

In contrast, a high-stress job, such as in a police department or hospital may create a sense of solidarity between friendly colleagues that is extremely strong to the point that it can influence job performance ratings. Bias can influence superior's perceptions of how much a friend deserves a promotion or a raise, and there is a strong sense of being part of an 'in-group' that is intrinsic to the profession in an 'us vs. them' mentality. A lack of financial resources may further raise the stakes in terms of the need to promote friends. However, such high-stakes jobs demand a high degree or professionalism, and promotion of in-group members may not always yield higher-quality performance, as measured in an objective fashion.
If the in-group is too tight, and too reliant upon standard operating procedures, solutions to using scarce resources can result in a lack of creativity and a failure to…...


Works Cited

Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX). (2009). Changing Minds. Retrieved March 12, 2009 at: 

Manzoni, Jean-Francois & Jean-Louis Barsoux. (2000). Appendix 1: What Leader-Member

Exchange Theory tells managers. From Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome: How good managers cause great people to fail. Cambridge HBS Press. Excerpt retrieved March 12, 2009


Leader's Self-Insight 1 1 Your Learning Style Using
Pages: 12 Words: 3023

Leader's Self-Insight 1.1: Your Learning Style: Using Multiple Intelligences
I scored evenly on all of the types of intelligence measured by this self-assessment: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. This indicates that I am a well-rounded person with the ability to work in multiple environments on different tasks.

Leader's Self-Insight 1.2: Your Leadership Potential

I scored slightly more (7) on the even-numbered indicators than on the odd ones (6), indicating I have leadership capabilities such as "vision and change." However, the scores were about even.

Leader's Self-Insight 1.3: Are You on a Fast Track to Nowhere?

On people skills, I scored 3 out of the 4 qualities. I believe I have solid interpersonal skills. On working with authority, I scored 2. I believe I need to work more on my assertiveness and courage when dealing with persons in positions of authority because I remain afraid to speak up and express my opinion when it differs…...



Daft, R.L. The Leadership Experience.

Great War for Civilisation The
Pages: 4 Words: 1969

Both Palestine and Israel experienced serious losses as a result of the divergences between the two countries.
Chapter 13 focuses on a series of matters and particularly on media's influence on the world in regard to the Palestine-Israel conflict. The estern world stood indifferent as the two countries starting fighting for the territory and caused significant damage. In spite of the fact that society came to perceive Palestinians as terrorists as a result of their determination to recover their lost lands, their power grew in the recent years, most probably as a result of the fact that they developed a feeling of respect for their cause.

3. The Choirs of Kandahar is essentially a continuation of Chapter 2.

4. The Carpet-eavers begins with the United States' and Great Britain's successful overthrow of the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq. From there, it moves on to the events leading up to…...


Works Cited

Fisk, Robert, the Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East

Leader as Coach to Remain
Pages: 12 Words: 3679

For Ann to succeed as a leader in her department and proceed in her ascend to more demanding roles within the hospital, there is an existing need for her to understand herself and how her peers view her. In so doing, she will be better placed to get their support by modifying her behavior.

Yet another leadership complexity for Ann has to do with her visibility given her senior position as the head of the Nutrition and Dietetics Department. Traditionally, being promoted to head a department within the hospital has been seen as some sort of grooming for a bigger management role. In that regard, Ann needs to clearly distinguish between goals that could derail her and those that could pave her way to success. Further, it can also be noted that if indeed she is promoted to a more senior and demanding role, Ann would be required to develop the…...

Great War in Africa 1914-1918
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

The stench of heat and death was almost unbearable: "We lay there in the mud and retched from the stench of dead animals and watched the rats crawl over us" (Farwell 279). Farwell thus shows profound empathy for ordinary soldiers, forced to fight in a land far away from home under brutal conditions, amongst people they barely understood. Yet despite his willingness to acknowledge the role of Africans fighting the war, he does not seem to extend them the same emotional sympathy. Some of Farwell's more controversial assertions are his idea that in some areas, such as in German-controlled East Africa, colonial domination proved a boon to the natives. "German rule provided African people with new alternatives and a wider range of choices," he questionable asserts, because of the roads, mines, rail roads, new crops, and modern amenities bought to the nation (Farwell 117). He also shows British sympathies…...

Leader Comparing Leadership Theories the
Pages: 8 Words: 2035


It is difficult to show which theory works best in practice, as every company has a unique environment and workforce (Daft, 2004). However, few would argue that Theory X is an outdated leadership style that does not promote success. According to Kopelman et al. (2008): "At the heart of McGregor's argument is the notion that managers' assumptions/attitudes represent, potentially, self-fulfilling prophecies. The manager who believes that people are inherently lazy and untrustworthy will treat employees in a manner that reflects these attitudes. Employees, sensing that there is little in the job to spur their involvement, will exhibit little interest and motivation. Consequently, and ironically, the manager with low expectations will lament that 'you can't get good help nowadays,' oblivious as to the actual nature of cause and effect. Closing the serf-reinforcing cycle, the manager feels vindicated; that is, his low expectations were warranted. Conversely, the manager who believes that employees…...



Benson, Gary L. (1983). "How Employee Assumptions Influence Managerial Behavior." Supervisory Management March: 2(7).

Bittel, Lester. (1989). McGraw-Hill Management Course. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Braden, Pamela. (2007). West Virginia University, Division of Business and Economics. Retrieved from the Internet at .

Daft, R.L. (2004). "Theory Z: Opening the Corporate Door for Participative Management." Academy of Management Executive 18, no. 4: 117-122.

Writing an essay and looking for weakness in a servant leadership and recommendations?
Words: 354

Servant leadership is one of the most highly touted theories of leadership in the last several decades.  It advocates that true leaders serve first.  While it is a secular leadership idea, it is often used in the context of religious leadership and religious leaders, with Jesus being sighted as the best example of a servant leader.  However, while this leadership paradigm is popular, servant leadership has some significant weaknesses that need to be acknowledged and addressed.  When they are, it becomes clear that servant leadership is not an appropriate model in all scenarios. 

One of the....

What are the top qualities that make My Dad the ultimate role model?
Words: 418

1. Resilience and perseverance

    My dad has always shown resilience in the face of challenges, never giving up easily and always pushing through difficult times.

2. Hardworking and dedicated

    He has always been a hard worker, putting in long hours to provide for his family and ensure a better future for us.

3. Compassionate and caring

    My dad is always there to lend a listening ear and offer support to those in need, showing his compassionate nature.

4. Integrity and honesty

    He has always been a man of integrity, never compromising his values or principles for personal gain, and always being honest in....

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