Graphic Design Essays (Examples)

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Graphic Design the Objective of This Work
Pages: 4 Words: 1196

Graphic Design
The objective of this work is to examine the knowledge needed by the graphic designer both historically and in today's modern world.

Swanson (2010) writes in the work entitled "Graphic Design Education as a Liberal Art: Design and Knowledge in the University and the 'Real World'" states "Though hardly homogeneous, the vast majority of graphic design programs, whether in vocational schools, art schools, or universities, are, at least in concept, vocational training programs." (p.3)

The Composition of Graphic Design As A Liberal Art

Swanson examines what graphic design would entail as a liberal art and states that it would take various forms. Swanson states specifically that design should be

"…about the relationship of form and communication. It is one of the fields where science and literature meet. It can shine a light on hidden corners of sociology and history. Design's position as conduit for and shaper of popular values can be a path…...



Salmon, M. And Gritzer, G. (1992) Parallel Content: Social Sciences and the Design Curriculum." Design Issues, Fall 1992.Balancing Skills and Understanding

Swanson, G. (2010) Graphic Design Education as a Liberal Art: Design and Knowledge in the University and the "Real World." Retrieved from: 

Symbols: The Alphabet of Human Thought. History of Graphic Design. Retrieved from: 

Tschichold, J. (nd) Good Designers Learn From History. Retin Art. Retrieved from:

Graphic Design I Chose the
Pages: 10 Words: 2613
The U.S. Government offers the H1B visa to enable highly skilled International Workers and International Students, from all over the World, or already in the U.S.A., the opportunity to legally live and work in America."

The process of obtaining one of the H1B visas involves many steps (H1B Program (

A to obtain an H1B visa, an applicant must 'first' find an H1B job with an H1B visa employer company in the U.S.A.; commonly known as your 'H1B sponsor (H1B Program ('."

Your H1B sponsor then applies for / files your H1B visa application. Individuals can NOT sponsor or apply for their own H1B visa - ONLY your new employer (sponsor) can (H1B Program ("

An H1B visa is typically valid for up to six (6) years and entitles your spouse (husband/wife) and children to accompany you and 'live' in America (H1B Program ("

One of the main advantages of the H1B visa (U.S. work…...



But What is Graphic Design? (Accessed 5-17-07) 

Graphic Designer (Accessed 5-17-07)

  Study: Rachel, late 30s 

Graphic Design History Graphic Design
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

The text that the scribe had to deal with was meant to transmit ideas and feelings, but the most important thing were the ideas. Nowadays, the role of the graphic designer is to produce an emotion which is strong enough in order to make the idea even stronger. People who, in the Medieval times had contact with a text "produced" by a scribe were supposed to learn. The "text" that the contemporary graphic designer produces is most often meant to sell. This means that the stake is higher and the involved mechanisms much more complex. The scribe had to deal with letters and his options were limited. The situation could not be more different compared to nowadays when the graphic designer has to deal with everything from colour to font style, size, etc. under the circumstances in which his options are overwhelming from a quantitative point-of-view.
5. Conclusion believe that…...



Drucker J., McVarish E. (2008) Graphic design history. Prentice Hall

Graphic Design Fine Art or
Pages: 2 Words: 647

At this level, focus should be on meeting the needs of the graphic design industry. It is at the graduate level where intense discussion of theory should be developed. I agree with Frascara on this point. In most disciplines, such discussion is typically conducted at the graduate level. The average graphic design student can benefit from this work where applicable, especially if Frascara's proposed reference centers are created.
One of the main reasons Frascara wants to shift the emphasis of undergraduate education to meeting the needs of the industry is because he feels that the communication aspect of graphic art is understated in the current educational system. Greater specialized would allow for more in-depth training, allowing students more focus on this part of the discipline. I agree with his view that this aspect should be emphasized more. It will provide designers with a greater toolkit for the working world, but…...


Works Cited

Frascara, Jorge. (1988). Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science? Design Issues. Vol. 5, No.1 (Autumn, 1988) pp. 18-29

Graphic Design Artworks
Pages: 2 Words: 736

Graphic Design Project

The shape of this design is irregular albeit the height and width are remarkably similar. The design uses bright colors -- notably red, yellow, several shades of blue and white as well -- and its texture has layers of shapes and colors. The feel of the design is ethereal, like it is floating in space. It has the texture and value that gives the impression of three dimensional. The man is in the middle, several jewels (diamonds) are in the foreground beside the clouds -- and the third dimension is in the background where stars, bubbles and rays of slashing red, yellow, orange light add to the luster around the man's body and especially his head and hat.

Space and balance: There is no distance between shapes as they are intertwined into an attractive medley of images, and design elements are equally distributed. The emphasis is on the man's…...


Works Cited

Alfi, Coky Fauzi. "Elements and Principles in Graphic Design." Retrieved January 13, 2013, from   2011. .

Design-lib. "Graphic Design Principles." Retrieved January 13, 2013, from .

Graphic Design From Nineteenth Century
Pages: 5 Words: 1391

Ongoing turmoil actually led to the eventual development of a wide variety of distinctly Mexican typefaces and other graphic features, many of them collected and/or created by Ignacio Cumplido. This graphic designer (before the term had been coined) and printer created graphics and fonts that were at once bold and striking yet exceedingly simplistic and direct, providing hundreds of different varieties and endless combinations for use on posters and pamphlets advocating a wide range of figures and issues (Gravier & Brandt 2002). Intricate and fanciful graphic work was reserved for certain illustrations and became quite common as borders on many posters, calling interest and attention to as well as framing the still-simple text that delivered often pointed messages and announcements (Gravier & Brandt 2002).

Graphic Design Goes Online

In this regard, the graphic design elements of nineteenth century Mexico during the latter half of the century has much in common with graphic…...



Gravier, M. & Brandt, A. (2002). "Nineteenth-Century Mexican Graphic Design: The Case of Ignacio Cumplido." Design Issues 18(4), pp. 54-63.

Krug, S. (2005). Don't make me think. Thousand Oaks, CA: New Rider Publishing.

Lynch, P. & Horton, S. (2008). Web style guide: basic design principles for creating Web sites. Kendallville, IN: Yale University Press.

Sanders, F. (1970). "Jose Maria Gutierrez Estrada: Monarchist Pamphleteer." The Americas 27(1), pp. 56-74.

Graphic Design the Apple Online Store Is
Pages: 2 Words: 674

Graphic Design
The Apple online store is located at ( Its target audience is broad, encompassing all consumers interested in buying a range of lifestyle hardware and software. The Website of the Apple store is consistent with Apple store presence in brick and mortar format, as white is the key color used for brand identity. In the case of the Apple Website, the background is pure white. The feature product today is the iPad Air, tagged as having "The Power of Lightness." The word "lightness" corresponds with the whiteness of the color scheme. Moreover, the color of the iPad Air in the display is white. Below the primary advertisement for the iPad Air in white, a series of four images links the visitor to other products sold on the Apple Web store. From the far left to the far right, Apple lists the iPad mini "Small Wonder," Life on iPad "Explore…...



Apple. Website retrieved online:

Graphic Design The Influence of
Pages: 10 Words: 2625

Multimedia options and technology buttress need for graphic design

Technology, as they say, is everywhere. And it's in everyone's hands. Fifteen years ago, cell phones were still uncommon among adults. Today, it seems peculiar if a young child doesn't own one, too.

But phones are just a mere segment of the communication and multimedia explosion. The emergence of smartphones, Blackberries and iPads have made information accessible and available immediately, right upon our demand.

This new information age has sparked a rebirth in advertising, for every multimedia medium contains a staggering area of words, pictures and appeals -- almost all of which have been designed or influenced by a graphic designer along the way.

Log into your e-mail account and you are flooded with an array of local advertisements. You can work online, shop online, play games online, get homework help online and even get real-time advice from a certified mechanic about how to remove…...



Chu, David. (2011, April 11). Interview.

Heller, S. (2010). Pop: how graphic design shapes popular culture. New York: Allworth Press.

Houghton Mifflin Company. (2006). Retrieved 3/12/2011, from .

Graphic Design vs Illustrator
Pages: 3 Words: 994

Life as a graphic designer vs. An illustrator
'hat can you do with an art degree?' This is a common question asked of students who major in studio art or who get an MFA (Masters of Fine Arts). However, there are many professions which allow artists to create art and make a living. Two of these professions are that of a graphic designer and an illustrator. These professions share the common denominator of allowing someone to make a living with their creative visual intelligence. However, they require slightly different skill sets because of the unique nature of each profession. This paper will compare the typical activities of both professions; the skills and philosophies needed to perform the tasks required of graphic designers vs. illustrators; and the likely demand for professionals in these fields in the future.

Everyone has encountered the work of a graphic designer, even if he or she is…...


Works Cited

"Artist." Bureau of Labor and Statistics BLS. 2013. [8 Feb 2013] 

"Graphic designer." Bureau of Labor and Statistics BLS. 2013. [8 Feb 2013]

Graphic Design for Three Years I Have
Pages: 4 Words: 1063

Graphic Design
For three years, I have studied in West Valley College with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.43. Prior to studying in the United States, I served under the Korean Military Service Program for two years and two months. After accomplishing the required period of service, I decided to go to the United States to have the opportunity of studying in the college level. As a military service member, I was interested in computer operations; thus, it came naturally that my chosen field of study when I was accepted in West Valley is to take up Computer Science.

Over the three years that I have studied in West Valley, I was able to hone my skills in various important computer operations that deal in both the aesthetic (physical appearance and features) and functional elements. As I familiarize myself with computer studies, I became more interested in one particular domain…...

Daily Effects That Graphic Design Have on People
Pages: 5 Words: 1632

Graphic Design
The elements of successful graphic design entail synchronizing effective visual components with the image's semantics or underlying meaning. A logo or advertisement is only effective if it becomes anchored in the consciousness of the consumer, and if the visual element conveys the content that it is intended to communicate. The content might be emotional, or it might be informational in nature. Even when the graphic design does not represent a commodity but a creative element such as an illustration in a book, the three core elements of recognition, emotionality, and mnemonics are critical. ecognition refers to the viewer's ability to recognize what is being represented literally, and semantically. In other words, it is important to recognize that the "golden arches" form the letter "M" in the McDonald's logo. Emotionality is critical in graphic design, especially when there is a marketing meaning to the design. Thus, the iPod advertisements depicting…...



Getlein, Mark. Living With Art. 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2009.

"Graphic Design Principles Index." Retrieved online: 

Jirousek, Charlotte. "Art Design, and Visual Thinking." Retrieved online: 

White, A.W. The Elements of Graphic Design. Skyhorse, 2013.

History of Graphic Design Technology
Pages: 10 Words: 3422

However, it is good to note that despite the numbers of typefaces, designers were seemed to be not contented with it. The new batch of designers did not maximize using the traditional typefaces offered to them by the computer, and they opted to use specialized software programs and created new type forms. Not only were they able to create unique typeface of their own, but they were also able to minimize the time commonly used in rendering mechanical drawings of each letter. This was because all of the drawing is accomplished on the computer (Thornton, 1996 para 8).

Graphic designers used a variety of methods in creating their own typeface designs. They would sometimes combine two existing type forms to create a hybrid font. At times, they would disregard some portions and weight of letters' harmony and manipulate it thereby creating shapes to produce barely recognizable letters (Thornton, 1996 para 8).



Works Cited and List of References:

Interview with Nicole Hickman (Graphic Designer, Production Artist)

A.H. Hutchings, "From the woodcut to the half-tone with personal reminiscences'," Printing Art, vol. XXVIII, no. 4, October 1916, p. 24.

Alessi, S. & Trollip, S.. Computer based instruction: Methods and development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. 1991 symposium of wood-engravers'," Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. LX, February 1880, pp. 446-7.

Bradley, W. a. "Design in magazine make-up'," Printing Art, vol. XVI, no. 6, February 1911, p. 456.

Future of Graphic Design Drucker
Pages: 5 Words: 1632

They "carved" their laws "with care into walls or tablets and meant [the laws] to have a permanent presence and carry authority" (Drucker and McVarish, 2009: 34). Thus, because of the Greeks' understanding of graphic design, they were able to exert authority over their citizens. In the Middle Ages, the church, which was the primary source of learning and graphics held the same power, using graphics contained in the codex to communicate this power to citizens, in addition to non-writing graphics, such as pictures. Finally, the Renaissance, with its invention of the printing press, encouraged the equalization of power, as citizens were able to put their own thoughts into print, in addition to the monarchs and other powerful leaders. The age of Enlightenment was the offspring of this equalization, as it was "characterized by the rise of nationalism, reason, and scientific empiricism in Europe and North America" (Drucker and…...

Education Graphic Design Education in
Pages: 7 Words: 1855

Interpersonal skills and the ability to learn from the experiences of others (through the study of work examples from teachers and students) are important. Many traditional methods may become obsolete as the authors say. However, students may still learn a great deal about graphic design by learning how it developed and what made it important in the first place. This appears to be the greatest flaw of Windows on the Future -- the authors' inability to take their own advice and use all tools that are at their disposal, even if that means using tools that are traditional.
So while everyone has a great deal to learn about the power of graphic design and communication, those in the actual field should be given extra knowledge. McCain and Jukes imply the impact of graphic design many times in Window on the Future. They also explain how lifelong learning and a redefining…...



McCain, Ted, and Ian Jukes. Windows on the Future: Education in the Age of Technology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2001.

Ted McCain and Ian Jukes, Windows on the Future: Education in the Age of Technology (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2001), 101.

Ibid, 93-94, 101.

Prezzi in a Graphic Design Company That
Pages: 3 Words: 948

In a graphic design company that depends on creative pitches to clients, the best presentation software is an indispensible tool. Any workplace that requires snazzy presentations to lure or retain clients or land contracts will want to have powerful presentation software at its disposal. Microsoft Powerpoint and PEZI are two of the best presentation software applications on the market. They both offer something of value to the end user.

A company like ours, which already uses Microsoft Powerpoint, might want to take this fact into consideration. There are certainly benefits to sticking with the same software family, as it will avoid the problems and costs associated with training in the new software system Moreover, Microsoft Powerpoint is the most common application used for making presentations. This means that its file formats will be shareable with clients who want them. The pervasiveness of Microsoft PowerPoint also means that the software is cheaper,…...



Bird, P. (2012). Prezi v. Powerpoint. Retrieved online:

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Visual Communications?
Words: 201

1. The Influence of Graphic Design on Consumer Behavior
2. The Evolution of Advertising Techniques in Visual Communications
3. The Role of Social Media in Visual Communications
4. The Importance of Visual Storytelling in Marketing
5. The Impact of Color Theory on Visual Communications
6. Visual Trends in Digital Media and Their Effects on Society
7. Visual Communication Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations
8. The Role of Infographics in Data Visualization
9. Visual Identity and Branding in the Digital Age
10. The Ethics of Photo Manipulation in Visual Communications.
11. The Use of Typography in Visual Communications and its Impact on Branding
12. The Role of Visual Elements in Web Design and....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about people?
Words: 504

I. Introduction
A. Definition of proper spacing
B. Importance of proper spacing in various contexts
C. Purpose of the essay

II. Benefits of Proper Spacing
A. Improved readability
1. Ease in reading and understanding
2. Reduces eye strain and fatigue
B. Enhanced comprehension
1. Allows the reader to grasp ideas more effectively
2. Facilitates the flow of thoughts and arguments
C. Improved organization
1. Helps in organizing information and ideas logically
2. Allows for better structuring of content

III. Proper Spacing in Written Communication
A. Formatting in academic essays

What are the most in-demand part-time jobs for students?
Words: 633

1. Retail/food service: Working in retail stores or restaurants is a popular option for students looking for part-time work. Jobs in these industries are often flexible and can provide experience in customer service and sales.

2. Tutoring: Many students offer tutoring services in subjects they excel in, such as math, science, or language. This can be a rewarding job that allows students to help others while earning money.

3. Babysitting or pet sitting: Taking care of children or pets can be a flexible and well-paying job for students. Many families are in need of reliable and trustworthy individuals to watch their loved....

\"How have cameras revolutionized the way we capture and share our lives?\"
Words: 323

1. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: From the earliest daguerreotypes to today's digital wonders, cameras have enabled us to document and share our lives in ways previously impossible, preserving memories and capturing moments that would otherwise be lost to time.

2. Through the Lens of History: Cameras have evolved alongside technological advancements, each innovation shaping the way we capture and communicate our experiences. From the invention of photography to the rise of digital cameras and smartphones, the evolution of cameras mirrors the changing landscape of our world.

3. Capturing the Unseen: Cameras allow us to freeze moments in time, revealing....

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