Grant Proposal Essays (Examples)

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Grant Proposal for a Small Project
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

This is a grant proposal to start a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safe and socially conscious film documentaries and photojournalism. It is believed that many documentarians have conflicts when filming sensitive material, not due to the nature of the material itself, but to the fact that they are placed in the position of being bystanders while someone is being harmed. Their commitment to filmmaking comes in direct contact with their ethical obligations as human beings. What is the role of the documentarian in cases such as these, and how can the documentarian effectively navigate these dual and sometimes conflicting roles? This grant will help the non-profit organization called DocuMend to alleviate this type of stress experienced by documentarians by providing consultation and counseling services to help bridge the gap between ethical action and ethically responsible filmmaking.

Information about the non-profit organization (its mission, history, target population, track record, unique focus):




Cinders. (2008). Kevin Carter: The consequences of photojournalism. FanPop. Retrieved from 

Hallowell, Billy. (2012).Should This Photojournalist Have Intervened Sooner to Save the Life of a Dying Snake-Handling Pastor? The Blaze. Retrieved from 

Henningham, J. (1996). Australian journalists' professional and ethical values. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 73(1): 206-218.

Rogers, T. (2012). When should journalists help those in need at disaster scenes? Retrieved from

Grant Proposal on Outcomes of Fibrinolytic Therapy Versus PCI
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

Grant Proposal on Outcomes of fibrinolytic therapy vs. PCI
Evidence-based medicine requires foundational inquiry and support. Heart disease, thrombolytic disease, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, stroke and preliminary stroke occurrences and myocardial infarction are fundamentally significant challenges in medicine and community. Treatment of varied presentations of thrombolytic crisis deserve significant research inquiry and time given the severity of the potential outcomes and the numbers of individuals who seek treatment daily for heart disease and acute cardiac and venous crisis and the number of people who have both positive and negative medical and life outcomes during all levels of intervention. The various treatment options for acute and often potentially deadly cardiac crisis are often well tested and well established, yet they also require constant vigilance on the part of clinical researchers and practitioners to develop appropriate and best practices for best possible outcomes for patients. It is well established that outcomes of…...



Erdim, R., Erciyes, D., Gormez, S., Karabay, K., Catakoglu, A., Aytekin, V., & ... Gulbaran, M. (2010). Comparison of intracoronary vs. intravenous administration of tirofiban in primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Anatolian Journal Of Cardiology / Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 10(4), 340-345. doi:10.5152/akd.2010.093

Hunter, S. (2010). Clinical: Journals Watch - MI, hypertension and diabetes. GP: General Practitioner, 26.

Knight, C., & Timmis, A.D. (2011). Almanac 2011: acute coronary syndromes. Kardio List, 6(12), 367-382.

Li, Y., Rha, S., Chen, K., Jin, Z., Minami, Y., Wang, L., & ... Jeong, M. (2010). Clinical characteristics and mid-term outcomes of acute myocardial infarction patients with prior cerebrovascular disease in an Asian population: Lessons from the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry. Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 37(5/6), 581-586. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1681.2010.05363.x

Grant Proposal Abstract and Cover
Pages: 2 Words: 521

Cover Letter

Dear Committee:

Kindly consider our new application for funding for our proposed program. Attached to this application please find our itemized budget along with all other necessary materials.

This program is entitled "Physical Activities and the Elderly" and will consist of a year-long comparison of the health and wellness of two groups of elderly subjects in relation to their degree of involvement in physical exercise and fitness activities. Our method will rely on previously tested and confirmed self-reported physical, mental and emotional well-being inventories administered four times over the course of the year on a quarterly basis. Statistical analysis will be based on a t-test, as an appropriate mode of assessing comparative inventory scores and their meaning in relation to this particular study design.

The study will be conducted on the senior population in Orange County, California who partake of the existing exercise and fitness opportunities available at the St. Anselm's Cross-Cultural…...

Grant Proposal the Saint Anselm's
Pages: 13 Words: 5231

The gowing numbe of New Yokes lacking health insuance has been a pesistent concen of govenment as well as the public. (309) In contast, the distibution of health cae esouces came to the foe moe ecently. The New Yok State Commission on Health Cae Facilities in the 21st Centuy, fo example, ecommended a seies of hospital closues and downsizing, based pimaily on financial consideations in 2006. (310) As descibed below, the State has consistently allowed hospitals and clinics to close with little egad fo New Yokes' health cae needs. Paticulaly in New Yok City, the mismatch between health cae esouces and health cae needs, violates all the elements of the state constitutional ight to health cae: univesality, compehensiveness, and equity. (311) The State has a clea obligation to addess New Yokes' health cae needs moe effectively and to ensue that compehensive, quality health cae is available and accessible to all…...


references and Affirmative Action in Making Admissions Decisions at a Predominantly White University. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(4), 269.

Bandlow, D. (1995). M.D. Monopoly: How Nurses Can Help Relieve Spiraling Health-Care Costs. Policy Review, (74), 89.

Brown, M.K., Carnoy, M., Currie, E., Duster, T., Oppenheimer, D.B., Shultz, M.M., et al. (2003). Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

"CAM at Minority or Health Disparities Research Centers." Environmental Health Perspectives 115.1 (2007): 46.

Cashmore, E. (2003). Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. New York: Routledge.

Grant Proposal for Theoretical Health
Pages: 3 Words: 856


The community CCHED resides in is one that includes many farmers, agriculturists, sustainable living enthusiasts and many, many people of low socio-economic status. The creation and expansion of CCHED will allow these people an opportunity to not only acquire the health and nutritional advice and information they need, it will also provide them with supplies and information that will help them learn how to bolster the agricultural potential of the area so they become self-sufficient.

There are two food centers in town the CCHED will work directly with that provide meals and educational information to people that sign up for their program. These facilities also work with the CCHED to support and sound economic and agricultural investment that will allow the community to live healthy and high quality lives.

The CCHED also partners with JKD Memorial Health Center, and will work with registered nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants to develop a program…...



CFSC. (2007) the Community Food Security Coalition Offers Free Assistance to CFP

Grant Applicants. Available: 

Food Security Learning Center. (2007). Available:

Grant Proposal For Euel Corbin Foundation --
Pages: 3 Words: 981

Grant Proposal for: Euel Corbin Foundation -- Mind the Cure
Living With Brain Cancer esearch Program

Methods utilized in this initiative include community support collaborative research methods which serve to compile data and milestones achieved in assisting the individuals and their families living with brain cancer. Because the prognosis for brain cancer is that of near-certain eventual death in those with the disease, there is no way to measure specific 'outcomes' however, milestones can be measured through setting realistic and achievable supports for the patient and their family to assist them through the transitions of the path of health trajectory of those living with brain cancer and even in the course of the death of the patient. In addition, this initiative is of the nature that will provide supports for the patient's family following the death of the patient and will attempt to assist these individuals with the grieving process and in…...



Rebelein, AB, and Rebelein, BA (2006) Living for the Moment. AuthorHOuse 2006. Retrieved from: 

Koinkenberg, J. (2011) Living in the Moment Helps St. Petersburg Artist Woo Dealt with Brain Cancer. 1 Sept 2011. St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved from: 

Korones, D. (2010) Living in the Moment. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1 Nov 2010. Vol. 28 No. 31. Retrieved from:

Grant Proposal
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Newborns" project proposal addresses the needs and pregnancy care of crisis pregnancies in the Washington, IN area. The project provides pregnancy tests, prenatal classes, parenting classes, nutrition classes, counseling, and clothes for the newborn and mothers if needed. Thus far, it is become an important resource for pregnant mothers in the Washington area. However, there is much more that could be done. A grant proposal was written to provide funds to expand the program so that it could offer additional services for crisis pregnancies in the Washington area.
The greatest impact that this project had on me was to make me realize that I could make a difference in helping to solve the needs of people who were in desperate situations. I realized that I was not just it part of an organization that can do great things, I realized that as an individual I could make a difference too.…...

Grant Proposal Sample Hope's Home Organization the
Pages: 3 Words: 833

he grant proposal preparation is a long process which requires a careful preparation. It is very important to work with a group of people, to make plans ahead and to understand the steps. In this brief proposal, the aim of the grant application will be identified; potential grant agencies will be determined; the financial plan will be proposed, and the prospective grant agency will be contacted by email and phone to discuss the details, rules and regulations. Homeless people will be served and supported by Hope's Home Organization. hese people go through physiological trauma process because of pressure and denials of community. his service will not only provide shelter to these people but also find them suitable jobs and education opportunity. In order to open a public center for homeless people and to reach people who would benefit from these services the tentative yearly…...


The reports of December 2009 showed that the Los Angeles reported 10% increase in food assistance support. Los Angeles reported that 1.2 million people needed food assistance each month, but food banks served 250,000 people each month, meaning that 79 per cent of those in need did not receive assistance ( ).

Los Angeles also reported that between 2008 and 2009 the increase in homeless people and families is 8%. Los Angeles along with Detroit, Nashville, Charleston, and Providence all reported that new tent cities or other large homeless encampments have arisen over the past two years.

Taking all together, we urge to found Hope's Home to give some hopes people starting with people who lost their home and jobs during the recession in Los Angeles area with the prospective grant by ESG. The second step would cover all the California with the support of other organizations. At that stage, ESG would help us to contact and distribute our voice around the California and nationwide.

Grant Proposal for a Non-Profit Organization
Pages: 4 Words: 1483

Hangout: equest for Proposal
Program Summary

The Hangout, a 501 (c) 3 organization will make available professional training construction skills and hands-on-experience as well as necessary educational services and leadership development therapy to disadvantaged youth in combination with the rebuilding of 20 units of low-income rental housing and empty commercial space. This proposal is for a The Foundation for Public Good grant for the Hangout initiative administered by the neighborhood. The purpose of the initiative is to provide occupational training construction skills and on-the-job-experience as well as basic educational services and leadership advancement counseling. Participants in the program will develop their skill in English and will get ready for the General Educational Development examination and ultimately to a State High School Equivalency Diploma (Pittera & Andrewsa, 2007).

Target Population

The intended population for The Hangout is the community's most financially, professionally, and educationally deprived young men and women. The grant administrators will make…...



Fritz, Joanne; 8 Grant Proposal Writing Tips. From Confused to Focused.   Retrieved on December 15, 2012. 

  / Retrieved on December 15, 2012. 

Pittera, Robert & Andrewsa, David L. Serving Underserved Youth Through Physical Activity. Serving America's Underserved Youth: Reflections on Sport and Recreation in an Emerging Social Problems Industry. 2007.

Grant proposal to reduce homelessness
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Scenario Your city wishes to apply for grant funding for the purpose of assisting homeless persons in your community. You have been tasked with developing the project timeline for this grant-funded project. The city manager is counting on you and will be presenting your timeline to the City Council next week. Consider the timing for the steps in your entire grant life cycle from concept to conclusionTimelineActionTimeframeSummaryHomeless Market Research and Data Gathering6 monthsResearch understanding the homeless market opportunity and home it can be improved by grant funding.Recruit additional staff to assist with research and information gathering6 monthsAdditional staff and data analytics experts to help provide further insights into the issue of homelessnessDraft proposal to mitigate the impact on homelessness on the community6 monthsConstruction of the draft proposal on the best methods to mitigate homelessness in the cityDiscussion and debate with industry experts3 monthsDebate with industry experts to further refine…...

Appalachian Trail Conservancy Grant Proposal
Pages: 14 Words: 3596

Appalachian Trail Conservancy Grant Proposal
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy having served the American population is experiencing high incidences of congestion of its premises and most of the premises are worn out. This problem has reached a point where public safety as well as hiking activities may be in jeopardy. Therefore, the Conservancy respectfully submits its proposal to the Corporate Giving Program for $250,000 to support its land acquisition and renovation of outdoor facilities for hikers. Appalachian Trail Conservancy is an innovative firm utilizes technology to make the hiking activities enjoyable for the hikers. In addition, the conservancy offers a variety of programs that serve community members of every age and background (Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, 2013). This particular proposal seeks funding for one of our most important programs; outdoor resources and land expansion. This program is the cornerstone of the organization and its strategy to bring hiking experiences to low-income children…...



Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2011). Annual Report 2011. Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2013). Events. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2013). Staff. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2013). Trail To Every Classroom. Retrieved February 27,

Writing Successful Grant Proposals
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Grant Writing Best Practices Paper While many people are involved in research projects, the greatest hustle is sourcing money to do the project. Such individuals can enter the grant where they can find more than 100,000 federal websites and other public and private institutions that can provide grant money for writing projects (Slahor, 2006). The competition to secure the grant is always high, but it is possible to secure the grant. Therefore, an individual should pay keen attention to the whole process. The emphasis should go beyond knowing where to look for funds: the goals, resources, performance, and evaluation standards must be outlined clearly.
Homeland Security Grants
The department offers grants that focus on urban areas and high-risk areas, but it also offers to agencies targeting low-risk areas. Agencies that can seek grant with this department include those whose project seeks to pre-empt terrorist activities and contribute to the safety of the nation…...



Slahor, S. (2006). Special Report: Grant Writing 2007: Your Guide to Grants. Law & Order, 54(9), 82-115.

Sternberg, R. J. (2013). Writing Successful Grant Proposals from the Top Down and Bottom Up. New York, NY: SAGE

Ward D. (2011). Writing Grant Proposals That Win. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Grant Proposal for Zoom Counseling for Students with Behavioral Problems
Pages: 5 Words: 1546

Extra Counseling ServicesBackgroundThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that schools provide a free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities (Lipkin et al., 2015). In order to meet this obligation, schools must offer a range of services, including counseling. While all students can benefit from counseling, students with disabilities often face unique challenges that can benefit from additional counseling services. For example, students with disabilities may struggle with social skills or have difficulty coping with anxiety and depression. As a result, counselors play an essential role in supporting the academic and social-emotional development of students with disabilities. However, due to budget constraints, many schools do not have the resources to provide adequate counseling services for these students. As a result, there is a need for extra counseling services in special education. By providing these services, we can ensure that all students have access to the support they…...


ReferencesAmerican Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.Brooks, M. (2017). Serious Emotional Disturbance Affects 10% of US Children. Retrieved from   P. H., Okamoto, J., Council on Children with Disabilities and Council on School Health, Norwood Jr, K. W., Adams, R. C., Brei, T. J., ... & Young, T. (2015). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for children with special educational needs. Pediatrics, 136(6), e1650-e1662.Membride, H. (2016). Mental health: early intervention and prevention in children and young people. British Journal of Nursing, 25(10), 552-557.Ricker, J. (2002). Study shows telephone counseling can be effective. Monitor on Psychology, 33(4), 14. Steed, E. A., Phan, N., Leech, N., & Charlifue-Smith, R. (2022). Remote delivery of services for young children with disabilities during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Journal of Early Intervention, 44(2), 110-129. Lipkin,

Mock Grant Proposal
Pages: 6 Words: 1613

Mock Grant Proposal
We are supposed to pick a current problem area at work, describe the problem and propose a solution to that problem. It is a proposal for research that I would like to do and does not involve running subjects or analyzing data.

The problem I chose for a work situation is poor sales performance and the research I would like to do is for which solution will increase motivation to sell and prove the most effective in increasing sales. Some possible examples of different solutions could be increased incentives (bonuses, contests, etc.)

or more thorough training programs.

The object of the paper is to pretend you are running the experiment and are testing a hypothesis you have developed. It needs to be written in standard APA

format. It will have a title page, abstract, intro, method, results, references, and expenditures section.

references to past relevant research articles (peer reviewed) must be incorporated in…...



Bulent, A.,Tansu, B.A., & Tansu B. (Fall 2003). The performance effects of outcome-based incentive pay plans on sales organizations: A contextual analysis. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 23(4) 341-358.

Walters, J. (2001). "How to Uncover Employee Performance."

Retrieved August 18, 2005, from: .

html .

Gay Lesbian HIV Grant Proposal
Pages: 5 Words: 1736

EJAF or the Elton John AIDS Foundation has a mission statement centered on eradicating AIDS from the Americas and the Caribbean. They raise funds for evidence-based policies and programs and speak out openly about the harsh reality of those suffering with AIDS and HIV. Becoming the world's biggest HIV grant-makers, it holds to main offices in London and New York. EJAF has raised over $349 million for the prevention and treatment of AIDS/HIV ever since it was founded in 1992. With an estimated $7 million invested in the Americas spread across 120 organizations each year, half of this effort is focused on the Caribbean and the Southern U.S.

The agency in addition to its fundraising efforts, offers a unique perspective on issues, tackling the most difficult problems those with HIV / AIDS face. The organization focuses on sustainability and innovation, communicating regularly to allies and their grantees about any new possible…...

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to interview with a grant writing professional?
Words: 295

1. The process of writing successful grant proposals: A comprehensive guide

2. The role of a grant writing professional in securing funding for nonprofit organizations

3. Strategies for effectively communicating a nonprofit organization's mission and goals in grant proposals

4. The importance of building strong relationships with funders as a grant writing professional

5. Exploring the ethical considerations in grant writing and fundraising practices

6. Overcoming common challenges and obstacles in the grant writing process

7. The impact of technology on modern grant writing practices

8. Analyzing successful grant proposals and identifying key elements for success

9. The future of grant writing: Trends and innovations in the field


I\'m searching for essay topics on grant writer interview. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 315

1. The role and responsibilities of a grant writer in nonprofits and fundraising organizations
2. Essential skills and qualifications needed to be a successful grant writer
3. Common challenges and obstacles faced by grant writers in the interview process
4. Strategies for effectively communicating your experience and qualifications as a grant writer in an interview
5. Tips for preparing and practicing for a grant writer interview
6. The importance of research and preparation in the grant writing interview process
7. Discussing your portfolio and past grant writing success stories in an interview
8. Addressing questions about your understanding of grant funding sources and proposal writing techniques
9. How....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on interview paper with grant writer?
Words: 352

1. The role of a grant writer in securing funding for nonprofit organizations: challenges, strategies, and best practices
2. Exploring the ethical considerations and potential conflicts of interest in grant writing
3. The impact of storytelling and narrative techniques in grant writing: How to effectively convey a compelling message to funders
4. The role of data and evidence in grant writing: balancing quantitative and qualitative information to make a persuasive case
5. The importance of building relationships with funders in successful grant writing
6. The impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on grant writing and funding opportunities
7. The future of grant writing in a....

What are the consequences of missing a due date?
Words: 373

Missing a due date can have several consequences, depending on the context:

1. Financial penalties: If the missed due date was for a bill payment or loan installment, you may incur late fees or interest charges. This can increase the overall amount you owe and negatively impact your credit score.

2. Damage to your reputation: Missing a deadline at work or for a project can damage your reputation with clients, colleagues, or supervisors. It can signal unreliability and poor time management skills.

3. Negative impact on relationships: Missing a due date for a commitment to a friend or loved one can strain your....

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