Graffiti: An Anthropological Analysis
Graffiti is one of the oldest extant art forms: graffiti has been found on ancient monuments as well as on subways and billboards across the urban landscape of today (Alonso 1998: 3). The piece of graffiti I chose to use was a series of images inscribed on a No Parking sign. I found this piece of graffiti [URL:] on a common photo-sharing application known as 'Flickr' in which individuals share various photographs. This photograph came from a California-based photographer and was part of a photo-sharing ring of individuals who specialize in taking photographs of graffiti and street art. The impetus behind the group is to showcase graffiti as an interesting and legitimate art form.
Presentation of information
This particular piece of graffiti is instructive because it involves the desecration of a sign representing the law. The law specifically tells the viewer not to do something -- that there…...
mlaWorks Cited
Alonso, Alex. "Urban Graffiti on the City Landscape." Street Gangs. Presented at Western
Geography Graduate Conference, San Diego State University. 14 Feb 1998. [9 May 2012]
"Denver Lane Blood gang graffiti near 109th and Figueroa in 1996." Street gangs.
The video cameras would be donated as an in-kind contribution from a local business or corporation. If there are no video cameras available through donation, a fundraiser must be held to raise the money to buy the cameras.
Trained technicians -- advanced students from a nearby university -- would put the technology together; they would receive credits toward their degrees though the building of and maintenance of this system of surveillance. hen taggers are recorded doing their graffiti on video cameras, the police department then steps in and makes the arrests. Signs are put up all around the school and other places where taggers make their marks that offer $500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of vandals painting graffiti on buildings. Right next to every sign that offers the reward is another sign that reports the new ordinance enacted by the city council or county supervisors: first-time…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (2009). Hate Crimes Laws. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from .
Dedel, Kelly. (2005). School Vandalism and Break-Ins / Guide No. 35. Center for Problem-
Oriented Policing. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from .
Grossack, David C. (1994). Citizens' Arrest. Constitutional Business. Retrieved April 9,
Coming of Age in California in American Cinema
Fast Times at Ridgemont High chronicles the lives of adolescents during the early 1980's in the suburban mall culture of California during that era. American Graffiti is also a cinematic chronicle of the latter stages of suburban, Californian adolescence, but of the early 1960's. The mixed group of girls and boys in Amy Heckerling's classic film hang out at the food courts of shopping malls, empty and soulless places of white tile and franchised signs. The lower tiers of the social rungs work at these establishments, unlike the individuals who patronize such places. The boys of American Graffiti hang out at diners that are locally run and not filled with artificial light. But they too, like the adolescent protagonist's of director Amy Heckerling's film and Cameron Crowe's script, are merely wasting time, waiting for their real lives…...
mlaWorks Cited
Crowe, Cameron. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Directed by Amy Heckerling. 1982.
Ebert, Robert. "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Review. The Chicago Sun Times. January 1, 1982. 2 November 2004.
Lucas, George. "American Graffiti." Written and directed by George Lucas, 1973.
Power of Graffiti and Images
Every day, people read the news in the papers or hear reports on television about various crimes. It is easy to dismiss the words on the page or the anchor people. It is much harder to run away from an image. Long ago, people discovered that images were more potent than written words could be. There is the old expression that a picture is worth one thousand words. In both the articles "Exquisite Corpse" and "The all-Reader" focus on the importance of visual images to convey messages to the world at large. In the first story, Ashraf Rushdy uses the stories of Emmett Till and James Byrd to convey how times have changed between one racially-charged murder and another. In the first case, photos of Till's corpse were made public to teach the world about the horrors of racism and in the second, Byrd's photographs were…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Barr, Fiona. "The Wall-Reader." Home | W.W. Norton & Company. Web. Nov. 2011.
Rushdy, Ashraf. "Exquisite Corpse." 2000. 356-365. Print.
American Graffiti and "Easy Rider"
Although, both "American Graffiti" and "Easy Rider" are set in the 1960's, the young people each film reflects are very different. This is due to the fact that perhaps no other decade in the twentieth century changed so much from its beginning until the end than the 1960's.
hen the 1960's began, men wore crew cut hairstyles, slacks with casual shirts, usually plaid, and buttoned down the front. omen and girls looked much like the females on the Donna Reed Show, wearing knee-length dresses or skirts and bouffant hairstyles (, Bobby Darin, Neil Sedaka, Jerry Lee Lewis, Paul Anka, Del Shannon and Frankie Avalon dominated the music charts, along with the new sound of Motown (
There was an innocence to the early 60's culture that is wonderfully portrayed in George Lucas' "American Graffiti," a film about the last night before college for Curt Henderson and Steve Bolander…...
mlaWorks Cited
American Cultural History: 1960-1969." Kingwood College Library
American Graffiti." Director: George Lucas. 1973.
Easy Rider." Director: Dennis Hopper. 1969.
Graffiti and Murals in ChicagoChicano muralism emerged as a form of art, cultural expression and political activism in the Chicano community, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s. It was influenced by various factors, such as the civil rights movement, the Chicano Movement, and Mexican muralism (Graffiti and Murals, n.d.). Chicano artists used murals as a way to express their cultural identity, as well as their social struggles, and even their ideals. These murals often featured themes related to Chicano history, race, ethnicity, beliefs, social justice, and community empowerment.Gang use graffiti is a bit different, however. Gangs use it mainly as a means of marking territory, communicating with members, and challenging rival gangs. It serves as a visual representation of gang presence and power in a particular area. A \\\"roll call\\\" in graffiti refers to a list of names or monikers of gang members or affiliates, often spray-painted in public spaces.…...
mlaReferencesGraffiti and Murals. (n.d.). PDF.
Local Problems: Graffiti and Vandalism Issues
In the latest edition of oxford dictionary the word graffiti is defined as the unauthorized writing or drawing on a surface in a public place." This also includes the terrible writing, paintings, cartoon and scribbles one sees on house and public fences, underneath bridges, on the empty sides of a building, unfortunate houses and the most common place for graffiti or "tagging" are the subways. The first impression when one looks at graffiti writing are messy words expected to be written by a five-year-old, but on a closer look when the writing becomes clear is when the actual meaning is understood, which in most of the cases is obscene and vulgar. The pretty colors and intricate designs might look appealing and beautiful but the fact that it is a conscious effort to destroy private or state property is an ugly truth. The main problem…...
Butterfield, F. (1988). "On New York Walls, the Fading of Graffiti." New York Times, May 6, p. B1.
Castleman, C. (1982). Subway Graffiti in New York. London: MIT Press.
Cheetham, D. (1994). Dealing With Vandalism -- A Guide to the Control of Vandalism. London: Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
Eastel, P., and P. Wilson (1991). Preventing Crime on Transport: Rail, Buses, Taxis, Planes. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.
GraffitiArt or Vandalism?The debate over whether graffiti should be considered art or vandalism has been ongoing for decades. Proponents of graffiti argue that it is a valid form of self expression and a legitimate art form, citing famous examples like Banksy and Jean-Michel Basquiat who have gone on to have successful careers as artists. However, others argue that graffiti often involves the unauthorized alteration of property, causing damage and inconvenience to the owners. An important consideration in this debate is intent: while some graffiti is created with malicious intent, others may simply be forms of public commentary or expressions of creativity. In these cases, it could potentially be considered both vandalism and art. Ultimately, the designation of graffiti as either art or vandalism may depend on individual circumstances and personal perspective. It is the claim of this paper, however, that unless the proprietor of the building or property gives permission…...
mlaWorks CitedSchacter, Rafael. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"An ethnography of iconoclash: An investigation into the production, consumption and destruction of street-art in London.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of material culture 13.1 (2008): 35-61.Thompson, Kirrilly, et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From broken windows to a renovated research agenda: A review of the literature on vandalism and graffiti in the rail industry.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Transportation research part A: policy and practice 46.8 (2012): 1280-1290.
"The immature poet imitates and the mature poet plagiarizes," said T.S. Eliot. If imitation is indeed the finest form of flattery, then does it follow that plagiarism is a worthwhile pursuit? Indeed it can be. Street art, including visual art and music, is both plagiarizer and plagiarized. To imitate without paying full homage to the original creator is to fail in the ultimate pursuit of aesthetic brilliance. The art of Banksy integrates itself fully with popular culture and community. By stealing space and time, Banksy and street artists like him raise poignant political questions about the ownership of public space and the social class hierarchies that determine access to and enjoyment of the public domain. Likewise, Banksy participates in the time-honored tradition of sampling. By mixing and matching, cutting and pasting, Banksy is following in a long and venerable line of artistic genius that revels in the creative potential of…...
Criminal Justice
For Possible Outcome 2, two groups in a population have been subjected to different treatments. One group served as the control group and was not given the opportunity to engage in an educational program that featured the study of human rights violations. However, the group was given course credit for watching a series of films on nature. he second group watched films that dealt with the Holocaust, Darfur, Rwanda, and the famines in eastern Africa. he groups randomly selected from the prison population, but were not randomly selected for the groups. Both groups had been in the prison facility an average of five years. Both groups were surveyed before watching any films, following each film and at the completion of the courses to measure the effect of the film on the subjects' empathy scores using standardized instruments. Mean scores of empathy ratings were charted below, with the blue…...
mlaThe study population. All homicides in the murder analysis files of the Chicago Police Department from 1965 through 1995
The observation unit. Individuals.
The sampling method. All homicides were included, but In cases where the offender data were completely missing in the victim-level data, no offender records were generated in the offender-level file. The offender-level data do not contain information about the victims in these cases.
In ancient Rome, the gladiator games were a popular form of entertainment—but they were also much more than this and served multiple purposes within the Roman civilization. The games were used both by Roman authorities and by the slaves of Rome (the gladiators) as a tool, wielded for a different aim respectively. The Roman religious and the politicians used the games as well for their own ends. While the combats that took place in the arenas dazzled audiences, the violence and spectacle was really but one aspect of the contests, and an examination of the underlying social, political, religious and economic subtexts of the gladiator games reveals much about the nature of ancient Roman society. This paper will identify the four main purposes of the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome—the expression of political influence, the expression of religion, a means of emphasizing the Empire’s power, and grounds for slaves to…...
Fortune Affect Grand Master Flash's Political Message?
Music is one of the most powerful forms of communication. It utilizes different types of information networks to cut across linguistic and social boundaries. In several occasions music has the potential to relate to politics and power. From the songs of sorrow sung by slaves in the south, to the revolutionary nature of jazz, blues, and rhythym and blues (R&) during the activist days of the Civil Rights Movements, music has been an important part of many social and political changes. In the recent past the power of music has definitely been amplified by increasingly globalized communications such as social media. Nowadays more rapidly than ever, music links and influences people from all over the world (Malone and Martinez).
Hip-hop is considered by some to be one of the most important genres of music. It originated in the ronx, New York in the early…...
mlaBibliography Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five. n.d. 8 May 2015. Web
Bakala-ska, prace. Hip hop in American Culture. Thesis. Palackeho, 2012. Web
Bey, Alexander. "Hip-Hop's Musical Evolution of Rap." n.d. 8 May 2015.Web .
Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. About Hip Hop Youth Subculture. Los Angeles: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA, n.d. Web
George Knox, director of the National Gang Crime esearch Center, teaches law enforcement officers how to search WebPages to pick up on gang member's lingo, territories, and rivalries. He also asserts it is crucial for officers to learn how to "read between the lines" when searching gang members' WebPages. Time on the Web, similar to time on the streets, gives gang investigators the ability to read the hieroglyphics of wall graffiti, and understand Web clues. In addition, "gang identifiers, such as tattoos, graffiti tags, colors and clothing often are embedded in each site" (Gutierrez, 2006, ¶ 27). According to Gutierrez, by studying gang blogs for several hours, one can pick up on subtle word choices, which the gang members consider to be almost holy words. Knox contends that some gangs use the Internet to recruit new members.
Other Efforts to Deal with Gangs
Suppression techniques may be one of the best ways…...
ARISE as a gang prevention program. (2007). ARISE Foundation. Retrieved November 6, 2009
from ARISE foundation. (2009). Retrieved November 6, 2009 from
ARISE life-management skills program. A five-year evaluation. (N.d.). University of Miami.
Retrieved November 10, 2009 from
Since gang-related crimes fall within the jurisdiction of state, this research will give an insight on the need to find solutions that increasingly include all levels of government. Congress needs to pass legislation that will change immigration enforcement laws and make more aliens deportable. In addition, the federal government should take a more active participation in helping local and state jurisdictions develop anti-gang responses. The local, state and federal governments must take a stand, and combine forces to combat the immigration problem that continue to plague this country into the next generation.
Importance of the Study
The die has been cast, there is no turning the clock back now and the Mara Salvatrucha and 18th Street Gang have established themselves in the United States and far beyond. The origins of the current situation with MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang date back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when the Salvadoran…...
Armstrong, W. (2009, February 16). 'Sanctuary cities' protect murderous illegal aliens. Human Events, 64(37), 8.
Bansal, M. (2006) Chertoff: Street Gangs a Threat to National. Retrieved November 12,
2006 from .
Barber, B. (1996). Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World. New York: Ballantine Book.
Outline the Minneapolis Domestic violence experiment, cite its findings and discuss the results of its replication studies. Compare and contrast collective and selective incapacitation with suitable examples
The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment was an evaluation of how effective the Minneapolis police responded to various domestic violence calls. The experiment was conducted between 1982 and 1982 by Lawrence W. Sherman, and the Minneapolis Police Department. Funding was supported by the National Institute of Justice. From a pool of known domestic violence offenders who there was a possibility for arrest, the study required the officers to select randomly one third for arrest, one third for counseling, and one third for separation with their partners Buzawa and Buzawa ()
. From the three methods suggested for dealing with domestic violence offenders, arrest was found to be the most effective. Those arrested during the study had been deterred from committing the offence again. The offenders who…...
Buzawa, E.S., and C.G. Buzawa. Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response. 1 Oliver's Yard: SAGE Publications, 2003. Print.
Lab, S.P. Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations. Maryland Heights, MO 63043: Elsevier Science, 2013. Print.
Wilkinson, P. Terrorism vs. Democracy. Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SB: Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. Print.
Graffiti should be protected for several reasons:
1. Artistic expression: Graffiti is a form of art that allows individuals to express their creativity and communicate messages visually. It provides a platform for artists to showcase their talent and perspective.
2. Cultural significance: Graffiti often reflects the cultural identity and vibrant spirit of a community or neighborhood. It can convey unique stories, experiences, and beliefs of a particular group of people, preserving their history and heritage.
3. Social commentary: Graffiti serves as a powerful tool for social commentary, enabling artists to raise awareness about various issues such as social injustice, environmental concerns, or political....
1. The cultural significance of graffiti and its role in urban art movements
2. The expression of social and political messages through graffiti
3. The impact of graffiti on community identity and sense of place
4. The importance of providing a platform for marginalized voices through graffiti
5. The potential for graffiti to spark dialogue and discussion about important issues
6. The role of graffiti in reclaiming public space and challenging traditional notions of property and ownership
7. The artistic value and creativity of graffiti as a form of self-expression
8. The history and evolution of graffiti as an art form
9. The connection between graffiti and activism,....
Graffiti, often stigmatized as vandalism, has emerged as a form of artistic expression that challenges societal norms and sparks meaningful discussions. While some view graffiti as a nuisance, others recognize its potential as a catalyst for urban revitalization, social commentary, and cultural enrichment. This essay will explore the compelling reasons why graffiti deserves protection and recognition as a legitimate art form.
Section 1: Urban Beautification and Revitalization
Graffiti has the transformative power to revitalize dilapidated urban landscapes. By adding color, vibrancy, and artistic flair to dull walls, graffiti can enhance the visual appeal of neighborhoods, attracting tourists and boosting local economies. Moreover,....
1. There is a strong positive correlation between criminal homicide and vandalism crimes in urban areas, as evidenced by data showing that neighborhoods with high rates of vandalism often experience a corresponding increase in homicide rates.
2. Research suggests that the presence of graffiti and other forms of vandalism in urban neighborhoods can create a sense of lawlessness and disorder, which may contribute to an environment where more serious crimes, such as homicide, are more likely to occur.
3. Studies have shown that individuals who engage in acts of vandalism are more likely to also engage in other forms of....
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