Graduate School Essays (Examples)

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Graduate School I Am Applying
Pages: 2 Words: 614

It is my goal that in the workforce, I will be able to move quickly through the managerial ranks. I have the raw talent, but the MBA program will give me finely-tuned skills that will help propel me. I have already demonstrated during the course of my undergraduate career that I have natural leadership ability. I feel that if I were an ordinary individual with ordinary potential, I would not need an MBA. However, as one of the best and brightest, I must be able to readily demonstrate my talents to potential employers and to my bosses when I start to work. The mere title of MBA is a starting point, reflecting the vast array of skills that I will bring to the table.

I feel that furthering my business education will allow me to develop a broad base that will make me useful in many different situations. Executive level talent…...

Graduate School Admissions -- Personal
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Third, I have been involved in coaching youth football for years and it is an activity that has always been rewarding on several levels. Only recently did it begin to dawn on me that coaching in the manner that I have been doing somewhat successfully incorporates many aspects of teaching, irrespective of the fact that it is unrelated to academic studies. In principle, it requires the same fundamental ability to conceptualize ideas and communicate them in ways conducive to the meaningful understanding of learners. It eventually occurred to me that teaching the elements of pass route running or reading defensive alignment indicators on a football field requires many of the same skills as teaching in general. Similarly, I realized that the sense of satisfaction that one derives from watching a football player execute plays correctly as a result of my coaching contribution must be similar to that which motivates effective…...

Graduate School I See a
Pages: 2 Words: 593

Economics is one of the basic means of explaining human behavior and the interactions that drive the world.
In the center of Edinburgh, there is a statue of Adam Smith. That tells me that when we as economists do an exceptionally good job at explaining our world, we are making a profound contribution. The better we understand our world, the better we can run our world, both on an individual level and on a macro level. I really feel that building a greater understanding of economics will not only help my career but it will also help me to understand my role in the world better -- and allow me to take a bigger stake in the world.

For my undergraduate education, I earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting. That led me to my current career. It is important to continue learning, however, if one wishes to continue growing.…...

Graduate School Personal Statement
Pages: 1 Words: 367

Graduate School Personal Statement - Chemistry
Most of my friends start to yawn when I tell them what kinds of experiments I performed during a hard day's work in the lab. My usual pattern is to ignore them completely while I rave about fresh discoveries or rant about the frustrations of the day. Yet I can't help myself; even after a full day's work I still want to share my enthusiasm for my chosen line of work with others. However, I am often reminded by my sympathetic friends and family that being a chemistry junkie is a rarity in this world.

I can't remember not being keenly curious and fascinated by the world around me. I have always craved a deeper understanding of the basic structures that underlie our physical universe. Some approach this understanding through philosophy or religion, but I always knew that science -- and chemistry in particular -- would…...

Graduate School Entrance Dear Melissa Nicholaus Taubman
Pages: 1 Words: 310

Graduate School Entrance
Dear Melissa Nicholaus, Taubman Center for Public Policy:

Thank you in advance for your courtesy and for the opportunity to apply for admission to the Taubman Center for Public Policy at Brown University. I appreciate your consideration of my application to become enrolled in your Master's Program in Public Policy. It will truly be an honor to be part of such an august learning environment as Brown University -- a venerable, highly-revered institution that first opened its doors the very year that American Colonists began their organized revolt against the British imposition of the Stamp Act, in 1764, which opened the door to the Revolutionary War.

As for my decision to work towards a Master's Degree in Public Affairs, I currently hold a Bachelor's of Arts in Philosophy from ZZE University; I am proud of the effort I extended during my undergraduate career, which resulted in a 3.91 GPA…...

Graduate School Admission Letter for One Interested
Pages: 2 Words: 520

Graduate school admission letter for one interested in pursuing a career in economics.
Career Path

There are many careers available in the world today. One can be a doctor and perhaps discover a cure for cancer, a teacher who inspires the next President of the United States, or even an astronaut who may one day travel to Mars.

A enjoy working with the numerous financial dealings of companies, making a career path in Economics the best choice for me. Currently there are few minorities choosing to major in Economics, however it is a steadily growing field due to the creation of several organizations aimed to support those who do pursue this vocation.

Short-Range and Long-Range Objectives have a number of professional short-range, as well as long-range objectives that I would like to implement. My short-range goals include obtaining a Masters Degree in my chosen field of Economics, incorporating all I have learned academically…...

Graduate School Criminal Justice an Employment Announcement
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

Graduate School: Criminal Justice
An employment announcement in my area residence attracted and dictated my line of education and professional pursuit. It was then that I had to compel to the idea that I wanted to engage in issues pertaining criminal justice and homeland security. In addition, family involvement and experience as a military with the Air Force have seconded my desires. Upon separation from the Air Force, I instilled discipline, which was a big problem in the past and in the course I decided to build my interest in matters of law enforcement through a higher education facility. Presumably I nobly and loftily agree that knowledge is power, but it was not until I joined Excelsior College that this notion dawned reality upon me. Through Excelsior, I have come to terms with being responsible, motivated and focused in achieving my long-term goals. Consequentially, I successfully attained my Associate degree…...

Graduate School Initial Statement
Pages: 3 Words: 786

pursuing graduate studies and describing future plans.
Write a three-page essay.

Graduate degrees can provide more expertise in a particular area, resulting in a better career path.

What is my reason for pursuing graduate study at St. John's University?

My primary reason for attending St. John's University is to obtain my M. BA in Finance. However, there are many universities that offer programs comparable to the one offered at St. John's. Deciding to attend graduate school is not only a huge commitment of time, effort and money but also selecting the right program at the right school is a key decision. I believe that St. John's can provide me with a comprehensive program curriculum that offers not only the theoretical information but also practical application to the degree that I am pursuing.

When I first began to consider completing the requirements for my MBA, I began to research universities that I felt could provide…...

Graduate School Statement of Purpose
Pages: 3 Words: 921

graduate program in Social Studies is very important for me because it will give the best chance of unifying my interest in helping people through the therapeutic approach. I am very certain that when I finish my graduate program and specialize in the field of my choice, I will offer an immense contribution to the field of social studies and to the understanding of the socio- therapeutic approach in solving people's social problems. I studied psychology and graduated in 2008. The course has enhanced my greater understanding that not all people's problems requires a medical approach and large percentages of people's problems can be solved by the social and therapeutic approach.
After finishing my undergraduate program, I have worked with diverse organizations that have made me gain experiences in the field of social work, which has assisted me in caring for people. Moreover, I worked at AHRC in New York…...

Simmons Graduate School Management Applying the Burke-Litwin
Pages: 4 Words: 1287

Simmons Graduate School Management
Applying the Burke-Litwin Model

The Burke-Litwin Model is also called a Causal Model of Organizational Performance and Change. The Burke-Litwin Model is used to determine how the external and international factors influence production and sustainability of an organization. Many factors are of interest when it comes to management of productivities within and outside organizations. With the use of the Burke-Litwin Model, organizations will be able to access and use strategic options that elicit the difference between productivity and influences of the internal and external factors. The Burke-Litwin Model provides a framework used to assess the organizational and environmental dimensions that are noteworthy in gauging success within organizations. Success is a lucrative achievement in every organization. As depicted by the use of Burke-Litwin Model, organizational dimensions should be linked in order to avoid externalities that threaten productivity. Change in performance should be achieved in order to mark what is…...



Berge, Z.L. (2001). Sustaining distance training: Integrating learning technologies into the fabric of the enterprise. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Burke, W.W. (2010). Organization change: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: SAGE


Merrill-Sands, D.; Fletcher, J.K.; Acosta, A.S.; Andrews, N.; & Harvey, N. (1999).

Apply for Graduate School
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

graduated from the University of Massachusetts in June of 2000, in the field of Finance. I began working as a substitute teacher at Botanic Gardens Children's Center, after which I took a position as assistant administrator at Liberty Mutual. After this I was able to use the skills acquired during my studies in the more responsible position of coordinator in charge of handling export documentation, accounts receivable and payable, equipment control and booking at Hanjin Shipping. My office is one of the smallest, but also one of the busiest in Korea's shipping giant. My duties as an export department representative are demanding, and my days seldom comprise only eight hours. Despite the pressure, I advanced quite quickly to achieve my current position in the company. Indeed my advancement speed is nearly two years ahead of what is considered to be typical promotion speed.
My duties as Coordinator for Export include…...

My Personal Statement for Graduate School
Pages: 2 Words: 661

Personal Statement Grad School
Statement of purpose essay -- why graduate study, why now?

One of the unique attractions of Ohio State University for a graduate student is its simultaneous melding of the personal and the professional elements of the graduate educational experience. It is a huge, spirited institution that strives to prepare all of its graduate students for the cutthroat elements of what is termed 'the real world,' whether this real world cumulates in the cutthroat life of academia, or the 'real' world of business life. Yet it also offers a highly competitive academic environment, in which all students may thrive in an atmosphere of scholarship.

The decision to embark upon a path in graduate education has been a difficult one for me. Like many undergraduates, when I initially embarked upon my undergraduate program of study, I was somewhat unfocused in my interests, pursuits, and my academic purpose or telos in…...

Married To Balancing Graduate School
Pages: 2 Words: 710

This article discusses the role of graduate students in teaching others. The author provides insight into the teaching process, and seeks to give lessons to graduate students with respect to improving their own teaching skills. The author notes that time management is a critical challenge when juggling teaching duties. This work is something of a primer to help graduate students meet the challenges associated with being both students and instructors. The work is not academic in any way, nor is it published in an academic journal. The author is a member of faculty, but again this does not mean that the article is strictly academic in nature. Rather, the content constitutes advice to graduate students, rather than the results of any particular study. The information has been compiled largely through informal and anecdotal means, and it is by these means that it is being transmitted to the reader as…...


Works Cited:

Andriole, S. (2007). The 7 habits of highly effective technology leaders. Communications of the ACM. Vol. 50 (3) 67-72.

Labosier, C. & Labosier, a. (2011). Who are you married to? Balancing graduate school and marriage. The Geographical Bulletin. Vol. 52 (2011) 87-91.

Salim, Z. (2011). Teaching effectively and efficiently: Strategies for graduate students. The Geographical Bulletin. Vol. 52 (2011) 95-98.

Taking Graduate School to Become a Psychologist
Pages: 2 Words: 619

sports science with a teacher certification, obtaining this certification is most appropriate for my immediate goal of being able to teacher sports science in a middle or high school. However, I also want to continue my education and obtain a graduate degree in education so that I could also take my skills to the university level and teach if in the future I so desired. Thus, upon achieving certification, I plan to enroll in a graduate course.
At the same time I am also considered pursuing a psychology degree as I have an interest in working with troubled teens and providing teaching, mentoring, coaching, or therapy/counseling to them. I could, for example, pursue a job as a school counselor at some point should I find few opportunities in the way of teaching sports science in schools. Essentially, I want to keep my options open and be ready to fill a…...

Knowledge by Seeking to Enter Graduate School
Pages: 1 Words: 378

knowledge, by seeking to enter graduate school in education? Why now, at this juncture of my life and in the educational life of this nation? I believe that currently, the nation is in a state of crisis, in terms of its evolving attitude to education. America hopes to make its students widely competitive in the global marketplace of ideas and the professional, global market of business, yet it also wishes to keep its focus on creativity and individuality in education.
I wish to become a part of the current educational revolution that is transpiring in the world around me. I wish to answer that challenge to American educators, to find a way to merge the practical focus of American education with a form of education that truly nourishes a child as a unique moral individual. Both are necessary for every individual to truly realize his or her potential in the…...

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earning a graduate degree?
Words: 300

This prompt appears to be related to a graduate school admission essay and should, ideally, draw upon your personal experience.  It is difficult to advise you about what to write, because we simply do not have the information from you to answer those questions.  Are you going to be in the same field?  Are you entering the business world for the first time?  What has led you to choose this particular career?  Graduate school admission essays are a little different from college admission essays, because they are a little easier for admissions offices to fact-check.  


I need help with a body paragraph idea to write about my essay on teen pregnancy?
Words: 381

Teen pregnancy is a complex topic that can relate to a variety of other topics, making it possible to include body paragraphs that touch on everything from child sexual abuse to educational attainment by teen mothers.  That is because teen pregnancy does not generally exist in a vacuum, but is the result of a combination of varied social factors including race, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, educational level, and residency.

Some topics that you could include in a body paragraph in a teen pregnancy essay include:

  1. The relationship between religious practices and teen pregnancy rates; are teenage girls....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about should teachers give finals?
Words: 513

Title: The Final Examination Debate: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Teacher-Administered Finals

The practice of administering final examinations in educational institutions has been a subject of ongoing debate for decades. While some argue that finals serve as a valuable assessment tool, others contend that they create undue stress and do not accurately measure student learning. This essay will delve into the arguments for and against the use of teacher-given finals, examining their potential benefits and limitations.

Section 1: Arguments in Favor of Finals

Comprehensive Assessment: Finals allow teachers to evaluate students' overall understanding of the course material by testing knowledge and....

How can shaping young minds as an elementary teacher impact future generations?
Words: 386

1. As an elementary teacher, shaping young minds is not just about teaching the basics, but about instilling values and principles that can shape future generations.

2. The impact of an elementary teacher goes beyond the classroom; they have the power to influence and inspire young minds to become future leaders and changemakers.

3. By investing in the education of young children, elementary teachers can lay the foundation for a brighter and more successful future for generations to come.

4. The lessons taught by elementary teachers can have a ripple effect, shaping the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of future generations.

5. The role of....

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