Business and Entrepreneurship)
If I were to describe myself in a single word, it would be 'fluent.' I have striven to make myself fluent in a variety of languages and cultures so my skill set can be adaptable to my current workplace and to the workplace of the future. For example, in my role as a marketing assistant for Pepsi Co. In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, I found myself working for an American company that was attempting to solidify its market base in the Middle East. I had to translate the all-American appeal of Pepsi to a foreign setting, and persuade consumers in a manner that was culturally comprehensible that Coca-Cola was not 'it,' and they should try the Pepsi brand.
As part of my work for Pepsi, I designed and crafted marketing materials, spanning from articles, brochures, projects, press releases, and event announcements, to company newsletters, trade-show passes, and reports, to…...
Track MBA Graduate Program
If you have any questions about this paper, please contact our customer service department at Fast Track MBA Graduate Program
Social services are considered to be one of the most activities for the development and improvement of a society, especially in the developed Western societies. Recognizing the importance of social services and feeling responsible as a citizen of the society to make some contributions, I decided to join this profession. I am associated with this profession from the last 15 years and I believe that I have been successful enough in terms of professional growth in this field as well as in terms of my contributions to the society. During the perusal of my assignments at work, I always felt pleasure to help out the troubled families. Resolving the problems of families at risk always made me feel proud. Helping out the families to stay together is…...
foundational skills graduate program. If trouble translating ideas paper, evaluate analysis ideas. Clear, structured, concise writing free grammar spelling errors essential. For discussion, read writing sample provided propose improve writing.
Critiquing a piece of writing: Death penalty response
Perhaps the first, most obvious critique of this piece of writing is that the author's position on the issue of capital punishment is extremely unclear. The author begins by stating that America is one of the only nations in the world that still executes its citizens, suggesting he or she is opposed to the death penalty. The author compares the U.S. To ussia and China, two nations with terrible human rights records. True, if ussia and China continue to execute criminals, this hardly speaks well of the practice -- but the author at first seems to imply that the U.S. is worse than these two nations, stating that the U.S. executes more prisoners…...
Dieter, Richard. (2009). Smart on Crime. Death penalty information center.
Retrieved November 13, 2010
History of the death penalty. (2010). Death penalty information center.
My academic pogess has been quite successful to date, and I know that the beadth of knowledge I eceived as an undegaduate is extensive enough to meet the needs of the gaduate school pogams I have identified. In addition, my pactical expeience and the efeences I will be able to poduce should wok quite stongly in my favo with gaduate school admissions pesonnel. I also believe that I inteview quite well, and am able to pesent myself in a vey affable and confident manne that enables me to expess my qualifications, skills, and othe "selling points" without seeming aogant o boastful, and this will also help my chances of admission.
Although I believe I am able to pesent my qualifications, skills, and knowledge quite well in inteviews, the most challenging aspect of the application pocess by fa was the witing of the pesonal essay that both schools equied. Fo some…...
mlareferences were individuals I had not really been in touch with for some time. Still, they did not seem perturbed by my request and instead were actually quite amenable to helping me, by and large, in order to assisted them, I recounted the details of certain projects or courses they oversaw or were involved in that I was a part of, not telling them precisely about my achievements but providing enough detail to rekindle memories.
Networking in Student Affairs
Student Affairs Networking
Graduate students who will be moving into work in higher education and student affairs have much to consider, including professional development and networking. Ideally, that networking should start well before graduation is imminent, because it allows the student to develop contacts in the professional world before he or she moves into that world on a more permanent basis. Students who have professional contacts before they finish graduate school are more likely to see success in the working world in an earlier time frame, which can help those students make the transition from educational institution to professional working environment more easily.
While this type of networking and development does not guarantee success, it is one of the most significant things a student can do to move toward career placement and advancement in his or her chosen field. The literature that is addressed in Chapter Two will focus…...
Agre, P. (2002). Networking on the network: A guide for professional skills for PhD students. University of California. Retrieved from
Fedynich, L. & Bain, S.F. (2011). Mentoring the successful graduate student of tomorrow. Research in Higher Education Journal: 1-7. Retrieved from
Singh, V., Vinnicombe, S., & James, K. (2006). Constructing a professional identity: How young female managers use role models. Women in Management Review: 1-11. Retrieved from
" (Nursing Job Cafe, 2013, p.1) the average salary for a practicing nurse with an advanced degree is $80,000, but a nursing faculty member makes about $50,000." (Maryland Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing, 2005, p.2) the starting salary for a full-time faculty member at a school of nursing is reported to be "…approximately equal to that of a new graduate from an associate-degree or baccalaureate nursing program beginning as a full-time staff nurse. Given the additional education (master's degree in nursing at minimum) and the experience required for a faculty position, this disparity in salary seems inequitable." (Maryland Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing, 2005, p.2) According to Edwards (2011) the estimated cost to replace a registered nurse "…is 1.2 to 1.3 times a nurses annual salary ($40,000 to $65,000)" Edwards reports that the average cost to replace a specialty nurse "is significantly more." (2011) in addition,…...
Causes, Effects, and Suggestions for Resolution (2005) Maryland Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing. Retrieved from:
Clinical Nurse Job Description (2013) Saint Louis University. Retrieved from:
Edwards, C. 2011) Work Environmental Factors Affecting Staff Nurse Retention. Retrieved from:
National League for Nursing Healthful Work Environment Tool Kit (nd) National League for Nursing. Retrieved from:
Graduate Certificate Nursing Education
Learning of Anorexia Nervosa & Handling Its Patients
Final Learning Report
Drafting a learning contract and adhering to it along with constant support from my supervisor, was an effective activity which constituted of four weeks. every objective had a milestone plan and necessary measures which were required to be taken for achieving them. Self-expectation after reaching these goals was also documented in order to have a clear picture of my proficiency level in the developing knowledge of Anorexia Nervosa after this activity. The primary objective was to have clear understanding of Anorexia Nervosa, its causes, symptoms and possible treatments. Furthermore, second main objective was to deal with patients having this disorder and their families. These two major goals encompassed the rest. Through reading of the concerned topic were performed and were brought into practical application. Furthermore, efforts were made to achieve a certain level…...
mlaOwen, T. (2002). Self-Directed Learning in Adulthood: A Literature Review.
William, J. (2009), Anorexia Nervosa: Self Sabotage in Adolescence
Final Report-Anorexia Nervosa Page 4
Masters program in leadership studies somewhat naturally. I have direct experience in leadership and experience in being a part of a team. I have a background in the military, providing service for my country via the United States Army. I am a SGM. As part of my military preparation, I am a part of the UTEP Masters of Leadership Program. My military career extends over two decades, and within that time, I have had a number of leadership opportunities as well as opportunities to serve underneath great leaders. Through my own leadership experience, as well as the experience of working under a strong leader, I naturally gravitated toward a masters program in leadership studies.
Leadership is a vital skill in no matter what a person's career choice or educational plan may be. Therefore, leadership studies applies to me on a personal level, a career level, as well as an academic…...
They are instead marketed as extensions to existing graduate courses of study.
Defining an e-Marketing Plan for MGSM
From the competitive analysis, MGSM has significant competition regionally and nationally in the area of certificates. There are several lessons learned from this competitive analysis however which can make MGSM's Certificate program more competitive. First, MGSM needs to realize that there is a continuum of pragmatism vs. prestige that certificate programs align to, as is seen in the competitive analysis completed. The use of accreditation is the foundational element of all successful educational marketing programs (Cornuel, 2007) and MGSM needs to use this as the foundation of their e-marketing planning efforts. Accreditation is a measure of credibility in academic markets (Cornuel, 2007). MGSM needs to define accreditation levels for each of its certificate programs to attain the highest level of credibility possible. Second, MGSM needs to develop a specific, defensible niche of thought…...
Adel I. El-Ansary. (2006). Marketing strategy: taxonomy and frameworks. European Business Review, 18(4), 266.
Bernoff, J., & Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.
Christy MK Cheung, Matthew KO Lee, & Neil Rabjohn. (2008). The impact of electronic word-of-mouth: The adoption of online opinions in online customer communities. Internet Research, 18(3), 229-247.
Eric Cornuel. (2007). Challenges facing business schools in the future. The Journal of Management Development, 26(1), 87-92.
Institution for Admission
Program, degree or course of study
Mental Health Masters Program Admissions Essay
Mental health should be an important issue for each and every one of us. Mental health is directly related to physical health as well. My life experience and my professional experience has proven to me be repeatedly and very clearly the necessity for strong mental health. My interest in my helping my community and helping people live better lives inspire me to pursue mental health at the graduate level.
I have spent a great deal of time working in an extremely active emergency room in New York City. Emergency rooms in general are stressful, and to couple that kind of work environment in a city like New York, which can have more than 10 million people in it who speak a huge variety of languages, coming from every culture imaginable, can increase the potential stress level exponentially.
I am lucky…...
Counselor Education
Discuss the key points in the literature review and how the author used this section to identify the gap or problem addressed in the study.
Describe the phenomenon under study and how it is a key component in this qualitative research study.
Describe the problem and how it informed the research questions under study.
Describe the qualitative design used and why it is appropriate for the identified problem and research questions. Support your response with a peer-reviewed citation from a research source.
Assess the appropriateness of the instruments used to collect data and answer the research questions as well as to address the stated problem.
The researchers chose to focus on doctoral student attrition which occurs across academic disciplines and presents problems for noncompleting students and the programs from which they withdraw. The problems that are inherient in this situation are numerous and occur at different levels for all the different stakeholders involved. For…...
Ehrenberg, R., Jakubson, G., Groen, J., So, E., & Price, J. (2007). Inside the Black Box of Doctoral Education: What Program Characteristics Influence Doctoral Students' Attrition and Graduation Probabilities? Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 134-152.
Willis, B., & Carmichael, K. (2011). The Lived Experience of Late-Stage Doctoral Student Attrition in Counselor Education. The Qualitative Report, 192-207.
This method is a descendant of a Rand Corporation study methodology changed from war planning and now applied to changing university curricula. t will produce changing and dynamic profiles as the needs arise for a study.
t is a research technique with flexibility that has been used in a program at the University of Calgary to explore new concepts of the information systems body of knowledge in business. The Delphi method is a process to collect and distill the anonymous judgments of experts while using a set of data collection/analysis techniques that are interspersed with feedback. The method is suited as a research tool when there is incomplete data about a problem or phenomenon. This method works well when the goal is to improve the understanding of problems solutions, or to make forecasts. t is advantageous from a quantitative standpoint. t is very useful for helping to develop profiles of…...
mlaIn Academy of Management, 8,633 incumbent managers from 52 managerial occupations were polled and the results showed that behavioral competencies are the very competencies that are least represented in the required MBA curricula. The findings further indicate that the institutional factors such as the media rankings and the mission orientation have almost no effect on the realignment of curricula with critical competencies. The advantage of this study is that shows how far most business schools have to go to reform their programs. Again, the downside are conservative faculty who drag their feet (Rubin & E.C., 2009, 208).
Waller, A.D. (2008). Perceptions of emotional intelligence preparation and industry expectations for utah state university mba graduates. (pp. 1-148). Salt Lake City Utah: Utah State University.
Finally, graduate business students themselves seem to feel they are being short changed, according to a dissertation by Arthur D. Waller of the Utah State University. According to the students in this study, a great skill lacking in graduate business school curricula, are training in the area of teamwork and leadership development. These students felt that the most important elements of a company are its people and that the technocratic nature of present programs overlook this. Unfortunately, this approach does ask companies what they want (Waller, 2008, iii-iv).
Students Having a Difficult Time
hy are students having a difficult time graduating in 4 years?
There is a constant change occurring around the globe, and for that no one can just stick to one point and be left behind but has to move with the same pace as time asks to even in the field of education, and the result one expects to get once one is graduated is a nice job, everything is in a move of constant change.
Students need a full four-year period to graduate, and in this span of their life, which means 18-22-year age, they have to face assorted problems, which can be financial, parental stress, the courses being covered themselves and pressure from other ends.
This research paper, discusses the problems which are most commonly faced by many students because of the speedy nature of a four-year graduation program. It thoroughly discusses all aspects starting with the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Asher, Donald. 6 Reasons College Students Don't Graduate in 4 Years. Donald Asher. 2010. Web. 22 October 2012
Conan, Neal. Students Find It's Tough To Graduate In Four Years. Talk of the Nation. 21 May 2012. Web. 22 October 2012.
LaCombe, Amy M. Is First-generation Status a Predictor of 4-year Graduation Rate, Grade Point Average, Choice of Major Upon Entry, and Major Upon Graduation at a Private, Highly Selective 4-year Institution? Boston: ProQuest Information and Learning Company, 2007. Print.
Vise, Daniel de. Education - Public universities pushing 'super-seniors' to the graduation stage. The Washington Post. 3 June 2012. Web. 22 October 2012.
Businesses are always exposed to risks of several kinds, for which risk management becomes mandatory. To keep the corporation safe, an appropriate risk management program is obligatory even in times of uncertainty. Risk management helps in strengthening communication between the higher authorities and low line workers. The reports and analysis would be shared vertically and horizontally so that risk mitigation becomes easier through a smooth communication flow. It is conducive to a healthy organizational culture where trust is boosted and positivity is encouraged. In the absence of this program, the business would be unable to define its objectives or even meet its goals. This paper aims at designing a risk management program in which traditional and financial enterprise risk management would be covered. Further sections of the paper would discuss how those identified risks affect the organizational goals to get a clear picture of the business's existence and prosperity in…...
Akhtar, S., Xicang, Z. & Iqbal, S. (2017). Impact of brand image on the profitability of the firm, analysis of Nestle Company Pakistan. Review of Public Administration and Management, 5(3). DOI: 10.4172/2315-7844.1000230Barillon, T. & Robles, A. (2020, July 1). How growing businesses should tackle cybersecurity challenges. Security Intelligence. Retrieved from Chen, J. (2020, September 4). Financial risk. Investopedia. Retrieved from Cook, K.D. (2017). Effective cybersecurity strategies for small businesses [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection.Drzik, J.P. (2016, January 14). How can businesses survive in a world of unrest? World Economic Forum. Retrieved from Eccles, R.G., Newquist, S.C. & Schatz, R. (2007, February). Reputation and its risks. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from Eceiza, J., Kristensen, I., Krivin, D., Samandari, H. & White, O. (2020, April 13). The future of operational risk management in financial services. McKinsey. Retrieved from Effiong, D.A. & Enya, E.F. (2020). Liquidity risk management and financial performance: Are consumer goods companies involved? International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 9(1), 580-589. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A1692.059120
Business intelligence degrees are not entirely available in Canadian colleges as ‘Business Intelligence’. For example, a private university like University of British Columbia has the Business and Computer Science Bachelor’s degree. It combines a typical business degree with background and experience in computer science. “The Business and Computer Science combined major will give you the technical background and understanding to apply IT solutions in a business context and use them to develop opportunities for growth” (UBC, 2018). Each semester, students take a combination of commerce and computer science-related courses. The official degree name is Bachelor of Commerce and takes on average, 4 years to complete. This kind of BI program is located mainly in the computer science department with year 1 courses consisting of computation, programs, and programing, models of computation, and integral calculus. Although commerce essentials are part of the program as well, like managerial accounting, course offering consisting of…...
When writing a career plan, it is important to take into account all of the factors that could impact your career in the projected period. You want to look at where you want to be in ten years, but, more importantly, you want to look at the steps that you are going to need to take to get there. If you know that you will have significant personal events occurring in that time period or that you want to have occur in that time period, you want your plan to accommodate those....
Forensic Science in the UK and USA: A Comparative Overview
Forensic science plays a crucial role in the criminal justice systems of both the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (USA). However, there are several key differences in the use and application of forensic science in these two countries.
Structure and Organization
UK: Forensic science services in the UK are primarily provided by the Forensic Science Service (FSS), a government agency responsible for conducting forensic examinations and providing expert testimony in criminal cases. The FSS has a centralized structure, with laboratories located throughout the country.
USA: Forensic science services in the....
Research-Based Essay
Title: Impact of Nurse-to-Patient Ratio on Patient Outcomes
State the research question: Does a lower nurse-to-patient ratio improve patient outcomes?
Provide background on the importance of nurse staffing ratios in healthcare.
Outline the research objectives.
Literature Review:
Review current research on the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes.
Analyze studies that have examined the impact of nurse-to-patient ratios on mortality, readmission rates, length of stay, and other indicators.
Discuss the methodological strengths and limitations of these studies.
Describe the study design, data collection methods, and statistical analyses used in the research.
Explain the inclusion and exclusion criteria for study....
Topic 1: The Role of Health Nurses in Chronic Disease Management
Discuss the essential role of health nurses in managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Explore the scope of practice, including health assessment, care planning, medication management, and patient education.
Highlight the challenges and rewards of working with patients with chronic conditions, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Topic 2: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Underserved Communities
Analyze the health disparities faced by underserved communities and the role of health nurses in addressing them.
Explore strategies for promoting healthy behaviors, reducing risk factors, and improving access....
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