Grade Level Essays (Examples)

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Grade Level 3rd the Student
Pages: 7 Words: 2545

Although these students are very active learners, they also enjoy reading silently and time for their own thinking. The students enjoy participating in sports, dancing, and singing.

Luis (not his real name) is a bright, outgoing 3rd grade boy. After speaking with Mrs. Jones, I learned he has been in the United States since the end of 1st grade. During the (approximately) two years Luis has lived in the United States, he has gone back to Mexico for extended periods. Luis is verbal and is not shy. He can speak fairly well, but struggles with some English. The push in services Luis receives is from a paraprofessional who has had some ESL training. The Para comes in twice a day to work with Luis. In addition, Mrs. Jones has taken the proactive approach of labeling "everything" in the room as well as partnering Luis with strong students.

Lesson Plan Implementation

While Mrs.…...

Grade Levels and Students
Pages: 8 Words: 887

connected with me in a very logical way. The point that Peregoy and Boyle (2013) make about how sheltered instruction puts "both subject matter and language" together I found to be completely sensible. Subjects and language should go together when teaching ELLs. The name for this practice -- sheltered instruction -- was also something I thought to be interesting: the idea that this kind of approach not only builds on foundations already poured (like all homes), but that it also provides a roof over the student's head that keeps out the confusion and turmoil that can sometimes rain down as a result of improper or inadequate instruction.
By helping students to make connections, this type of instruction provides them with a bigger picture experience so that they can see how the learning applies to their own life, how it builds upon what they have already learned. They get a sense…...



Peregoy, S. F., & Boyle, O. F. (2013). Reading, writing, and learning in ESL: A resource

book for teaching K-12 English learners (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Sireci, S., Faulkner-Bond, M. (2015). Promoting validity in the assessment of English learners. Review of Research in Education, 39(1): 215-252.

Education Regardless of Grade Level Teacher-Centered and
Pages: 2 Words: 654

Regardless of grade level, teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies incorporate similar situations and practices. The teacher-centered approach usually involves little student participation in class discussions, few opportunities for group activities, and little in the way of interactive or multimedia projects. Students are expected to be passive learners, their brains like sponges to soak up the learning material imparted by the instructor. In a teacher-centered approach, the teacher also demands a certain amount of attention and maintains an aura of authority. Students are expected to be obedient and generally deferential toward the teacher, even when the teacher is kind or has a good sense of humor. Lectures and note-taking can be an important part of the teacher-centered approach, as is a reliance on examinations and formal classroom activities that can be easily and straightforwardly graded. In a student-centered situation, on the other hand, the teacher acts more as a guide than…...

Pizza Pizza Grade Level Intermediate
Pages: 8 Words: 2027

Again, if the students got it wrong, she will switch the pictures and compliment their efforts either way.
The teacher will then tell the students that while pizza can be all different types of thicknesses in America, in Italy it is usually very thin, almost like a cracker. She will also tell them that in America, pizza is usually round, but in Italy, it is often rectangular in shape. Once again, if the students got it wrong, she will switch the pictures, and compliment their efforts either way.

Lastly, the teacher will tell the children that pizza in America is often loaded with all kinds of crazy toppings, but in Italy, the toppings are much sparser and tend to be just vegetables. Sometimes they don't even have cheese. Again, if the students got it wrong, she will switch the pictures and compliment their efforts either way.

The last part of the lesson…...



Bloom B.S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longmans-Green

Coe, J. Pizza. Helium. Retrieved from 

Difference between Italian food in Italy and "Italian" food in your country? (n.d.) Travel Expert Guide, retrieved from 

NCSS Themes, retrieved from

America Grade Level Social Studies This Activity
Pages: 4 Words: 1237

Grade Level:

Social Studies

This activity is intended to focus on developing critical thinking, research, reading and writing skills in Students by making students motivated about learning necessary facts about United States, its demographics, history and distinctive attributes of U.S.

Education Standards Addressed

This particular lesson plan adheres to the Education Standard of United States (Teaching standards of the respective states)

Enable students to develop report writing skills by following a given template.

Enable students to develop and demonstrate their understanding regir undertsanding e elop report writing skills by fts about United States, its demographics arding overall geography of the states, its history, important places of tourists interests, structure of the government, general economy, and demography

Enable the students to understand the report making process and develop reports using electronic tools such word processor and other softwares. The activity will also focus on developing graphs and necessary tables as well.


esources Needed:

1) Pencil

2) Notebook

3) Computer

4) BOOKS: Suid,…...



Props will be required for role playing. Available at the School.


1) Comprehension of seceding states and the possible reasons behind these actions. Seceding states will be removed progressively from the board.

2) Students will be divided into two groups representing Union and Confederacy. They will select their leaders, design and make their own flags, slogans, other recruitment posters.

Lesson Plan Math Lesson Plan Grade Level
Pages: 4 Words: 1453

Lesson Plan
MATH Lesson Plan

Grade Level:


Activity Name: Space and Math

Learning Domain

Classroom, Internet, Field trips

Children should know history of the space program and its impact on science, math, history, politics and technology.

Education Standards Addressed

Combination of history, civics and math

(Specify skills/information that will be learned.)

Teach about math in terms of things like speed, rotation speed, circumference, and so forth.

Materials Needed:



(Specific skill / concept being taught in lesson)

Applying math to space-related concepts


Units of measurement, dimensions and speeds. Examples would include diameter, perimeter, speed, velocity and so forth. Nothing too complicated…just the basics.

Other esources:

(e.g. Web, books, etc.)

Procedure/s: (List of steps in lesson delivery) Include as applicable and in order of delivery:

Examine and Talk, Demonstrate, Model, Plan, Guide, ecord, Describe, Explore, Acquire, Practice, etc.

Explains terms and concepts in terms of numbers and measurement and how they apply to real life. For example, compare speed of car or runner to speed of Shuttle. How long the Shuttle…...



Denler, H. (2014, January 28). Social Cognitive Theory. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from 

Mitton, T., & Parker, A. (1997). Roaring rockets. New York: Kingfisher.

Rabe, T. (1999). There's a no place like space!: All about our solar system. New York: Random House.

Wilson, L., & Frye, P. (1993). What's out there?: A book about space. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

2Ndgrade Weather Lesson Plan Weather A Second Grade
Pages: 4 Words: 1590

2ndGrade/Weather Lesson Plan
Weather: A Second Grade Thematic Unit

The proposed thematic unit is designed for a general education classroom at the second grade level. The suggested time frame is three weeks, but the unit could be either shortened slightly or extended by adjusting the number of activities. eading activities include shared reading and self-selected reading from a variety of books provided by the teacher. The book selection should include multiple genres and multiple reading levels. A suggested list is included. Writing activities engage students in the five stages of the writing process. Students will create a weather journal that includes their writing and a reading log. Students may also include notes about weather observations.

Instructional Focus: Grade 2

Subject: Science


Literacy and Writing Standards for Pennsylvania

Met in this unit:

eading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text -- with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on…...



The teacher can select titles such as those suggested for a classroom library. The titles represent a mix of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Some of the titles may be selected for read-alouds. When selections are shared this way with the whole class, the teacher should preface the reading with a discussion about reading strategies (e.g., setting a purpose for reading, tips for figuring out unfamiliar words), genre, and/or style.

Adamson. T. (2011). How do you measure time? Bloomington, MN: Capstone.

Barrett, J., and Barrett, R. (1978). Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. New York: Atheneum.

Breen, K., and Friestad, M. (2008). The kids' book of weather forecasting. Danbury, CT: Ideals.

1st and 2nd Grade Observations
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Elementary School ESL Teacher
Befitting the United States of America's unique status as a cultural melting pot, the nation's educational system has learned to adapt its traditional method of English language instruction to suit students who primarily speak another language at home. The concept of English as Second Language (ESL) learners has emerged during the last few decades to recognize the need for teachers to customize their lesson plans, becoming more inclusive in terms of accessibility to ESL students. In light of the fact that ESL students are far more likely to absorb English during their earliest years, many school districts have elected to integrate ESL instruction within the 1st and 2nd grade levels, in the hope that this proverbial head start will enable the majority of ESL students to effectively utilize English in the educational setting. Recently, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to observe a 1st…...

Adolescent Literacy Levels Reading and
Pages: 5 Words: 1977

Increased vocabulary levels leads to increases in reading comprehension. Students with higher levels of vocabulary can also express themselves in more unique and complex formats, essentially increasing their ability to comment on the reading material in a way that better correlates with their exact emotions or experiences associated with that reading material.
Writing summaries for reading material is another method of using writing exercises to increase literacy levels. Teachers should implement lessons were students write hierarchal summaries that help organize the structure of reading material in a shape that is more familiar and understandable to students (Meltzer, Cook, & Clark, 2011). Writing summaries force students to internalize the material and reassert it in a different way. This further engages them with the texts, as they are forced to put the material in their own words.

Thirdly, using student-generated content to expose weaknesses in understanding can play a key role. Having students…...



Guthrie, John T. (2001). Contexts for engagement and motivation in reading. Reading Online. 4(8). Retrieved September 21, 2012 from 

Guthrie, John T. (2012). Adolescent literacy: Issues, knowledge base, design principles, and challenges. Center on Instruction. Web. Retrieved September 21, 2012 from 

Melzter, Julie, Cook, Nancy, & Clark, Holly. (2011). Adolescent Literary Resources: Linking Research and Practice. Center for Resource Management. Brown University. Web. Retrieved September 20, 2012 from

Third Grade Science Instruction Plan the Florida
Pages: 3 Words: 848

Third Grade Science Instruction Plan
The Florida state standards for science education and knowledge achievements in the third grade essentially consist of background knowledge in all of the major branches of scientist inquiry and knowledge -- earth science, physical sciences, and life sciences (FDE 2010). This includes fundamental knowledge regarding the nature of matter and an introduction of types of matter, an understanding of energy and a knowledge of different objects that emit energy in the forms of heat and light and the basics of the energy life cycle amongst organisms on earth (FDE 2010). There are also numerous specific learning objectives identified in each of these and other areas of scientific knowledge that are defined by the state as necessary; the following lesson description touches on several of these areas (FDE 2010).

Earth in Space and Time

One popular way of introducing earth as it exists in space is through a discussion…...



DOE. (2010). Third grade sciance standards. Department of Education. Accessed 30 November 2010. 

FDE. (2010). Grade level expectations. Florida Department of Education. Accessed 30 November 2010.

SSS. (1996). Sunshine State standards. Accessed 30 November 2010. 

TC. (2010). Solar system. Teacher's corner. Accessed 30 November 2010. v

Instructional Levels According to Burns
Pages: 2 Words: 842

Lesson plans should closely follow the IEP goals.
Disabilities should be an essential part of any curriculum discussion because it can impact a student's ability to learn certain material. Dylexic students for instance will have a fundamentally harder time with reading comprehension and writing than other students. Therefore, their IEP will factor in their learning disability in order to allow them to reach their own goals in terms of education level and standards. Without such a criteria certain students will become frustrated and oftentimes underperform.

eading Levels

eading level refers to ability of students to read and comprehend instructional material. It is critical to understand that students' reading levels might be higher or lower than their grade level. A fifth grader might enjoy reading books with a 6.0 to 6.9 reading level, which would be appropriate for the average sixth grader.

By using assessments that indicate a student's reading level, teachers can select…...



Burns, M., VanDerHeyden, a., Jiban, C. (2007). Assessing the instructional level for mathematics: A comparison of methods. School Psychology Review. Retrieved June 20, 2007 at

Sixth Grade Reading Assessment Interest
Pages: 5 Words: 1592

If anything, Jessica's apparent equating of reading speed as an indication of reading well undermines her comprehension more than technical difficulty.
Jessica understood the main idea, in general but possibility too literally: she retitled the story "What Comes Around Goes Around," and incorrectly attributed a direct cause-and- effect relationship to Leonard's charity and Riley's fate. Instead of characterizing events as an unfortunate but coincidental relationship between a genuine act of charity and an accident,

Jessica apparently assumed that Riley's misfortune might have been related to Leonard's revenge.

Summary Statement:

Jessica reads and comprehends well above her grade level. This is likely a function of her enjoyment of reading. Jessica clearly enjoys reading about subjects of interest but is comparatively easily frustrated by assigned reading outside her intrinsic interests. Jessica possesses good reading mechanics that enable her to deduce pronunciation and contextual meaning of unfamiliar words, but her ability to make full use of…...

Social Studies Settings in Grade 1 to 6
Pages: 12 Words: 3611

SOCIAL STUDIES FIELDWOK ASSIGNMENT Teaching and Learning Social Studies in Childhood Settings: Grade 1 to 6The best research method for learning teaching methodologies in a classroom setting is systematic classroom observation. For a certain number of days, the observer is required to note down all the behaviors taking place in the selected class and should be recorded for future use (Zaare, 2013). There are various advantages for the researcher in such observational study, such as allowing the observer to take notes in a natural setting where students and teachers communicate regularly; therefore, more thorough and accurate data is collected as compared to other data sources. There is an additional benefit that change can be stimulated within the classroom environment, and its effects could be studied for deeper understanding. The results could be verified according to the change that occurred. The assessment of teaching is, therefore, well justified since the knowledge…...


ReferencesGreat (n.d.). Jeanne R. Meadows Elementary School (Formerly Success Academy). Retrieved August 4, 2020, from   N. & Hursen, C. (2015). Constructivism in Teaching and Learning; Content Analysis Evaluation. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 526-533. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.640Public School Review. (n.d.). Esperanza Elementary School. Retrieved August 5, 2020, from Roberts, C.A. (1995). Bilingual Education Program Models: A Framework for Understanding. The Bilingual Research Journal, 19 (3,4), 369-378. Zaare, M. (2013). An investigation into the effect of classroom observation on teaching methodology. Procedia- Social And Behavioral Sciences, 70, 605-614. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.01.099Zirhlioglu, G. & Yayla, A. (2016). The Investigation of the Education Philosophy of the Education Faculty Students of Yuzuncu Yil University with the Q Method. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(9), 2110-2118. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040923*Discipline_and_attendance Gunduz,

Improving Lower-Level and Special Needs
Pages: 21 Words: 6371

" May (2003) emphasizes the need exists for greater technological sense and knowledge for all current and future students. Consequently, this need has led to incorporation of technology in classrooms settings, as technologies aim to increase students' intensity of wisdom, cooperation and text assessment. Today, literacy reading skills prove to be vital for both normal and special-needs students, as exposure to literacy encompasses more than books. In fact, the range of information is more fast and varied in accordance with contemporary technical improvements. A book review, using software programs such as Kidspiration and Timeliner, provides one pertinent illustration of incorporating technology in a classroom setting to better comprehend. Using software programs such as these could help students, in individual tasks or as they work in a group exercise, visualize their thoughts and opinions, as well as communicate them more effectively. (May, 2003)
To improve their reading skills of special-needs students, teachers…...



Anonymous. (2004). Teacher demographics (2004). Reading Today 21(5). Retrieved January 22, 2005, from eLibrary database.  

Ninth Grade Academy Program in
Pages: 2 Words: 492

The rationale for the chosen methodology is the opportunity for a comparative investigation of control and experimental populations operating in the exact same context. This reduces the risk of unwanted variables.

The quantitative methodology included 9th graders from 41 Georgia high schools. Using purposive sampling, the study selected participants that had common characteristics such as the traditional 9-12 structure. The primary instrument for measurement was the Governor's Office of Student Achievement-prepared Report Card which includes 7 categories of proficiency. An ANOVA data analysis was used to assess statistical differences between schools in the control and experimental groups based on these Report Cards.


Ultimately, this method did not yield evidence of any significant statistical difference in performances in either literature or algebra between students in the control and experimental groups, suggesting limited empirical value in the Ninth Grade Academy program.


A key limitation is the use of a state-sponsored Report Card as the…...

Can you help with a five paragraph essay outline on online education?
Words: 644

There are many different topics to select when writing about online education.  You can approach the essay from the point-of-view of an educator or of a student, and you can also look at it by grade level for K-12 students, for classes for undergraduate and graduate students. You can focus on the challenges that people face as remote learners or the benefits of remote learning.  Many people who are looking at online education today also look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote learning/ online education and how different school districts and educational institutions have....

can you give the definition of terms of the research entitled exploring the factors influencing student dropout rates?
Words: 651

Defining the Terms in "Exploring the Factors Influencing Student Dropout Rates"

1. Student Dropout

Student dropout refers to the phenomenon where students permanently leave formal education before completing a designated level of schooling. It encompasses individuals who withdraw from school without enrolling in another educational institution or obtaining a diploma or degree.

2. Dropout Rate

The dropout rate is a measure of the proportion of students who leave school before completing a specific level of education. It is typically calculated as the number of students who drop out during a given period divided by the total number of students enrolled at the beginning of....

can you help me with research proposal entitled understanding the influence of extracurricular activities on students personal development and school engagement?
Words: 477

Sure, here is a sample research proposal entitled "Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement":


**Research Proposal**

Title: Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement


Extracurricular activities play a vital role in the holistic development of students. Participation in these activities has been linked to improved academic performance, enhanced social skills, and increased school engagement. However, the specific impact of extracurricular activities on students' personal development and school engagement remains underexplored. This study aims to investigate the influence of extracurricular activities on students' personal growth and their level of engagement in....

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