Gps Essays (Examples)

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GPS-GO Takes Garmin Analyze the Personality and
Pages: 4 Words: 1244

GPS-GO Takes Garmin
Analyze the personality and temperament of Joseph Thomas.

Joseph Thomas is fundamentally an optimist and he likes a good challenge. Juxtaposing these two attributes of personality reveals a tendency to let the end goal drive a situation while simultaneously glossing over any details that appear to undermine the desired goal. This is not to say that Thomas ignored important details; rather, it is to say that Thomas allowed the facts and the vision to run on two parallel tracks. While Thomas tracked the cost and design details of the projects, he tried to be responsive to Michael Scott's vision of the production and, importantly, to the targeted completion date that would enable introduction of the project at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Thomas had a strong understanding of the issues related to production, but he did not push hard enough on his case. Certainly, Thomas was in a difficult place…...



Coleman, D. (2000, March 1). Leadership that gets results. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Pillittere, D.A. (2012). GPS-To-Go Takes on Garmin. The University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business.

GPS Assessing Global Positioning Systems
Pages: 7 Words: 2109

While this presents enterprises with unequalled levels of potential productivity gains, it also presents security and privacy challenges as well. In the context of cyber foraging, the issues of ethicacy and opt-in meet head-on, as the use of servers to cache locations and define locational preferences and habits of consumers. For these privacy reasons and the untested nature of location-aware advertising services, it is anticipated that GPS-enabled networks such as these will require exceptional high levels of security so that no spoofing or authentication-based impersonation occurs (Soylemezoglu, Zawodniok, Cha, Hall, et al., 2006). Despite these limitations and concerns however the ability to tailor systems that take into account preferences defined through specific taxonomies and then integrate them with GOPS data presents unique opportunities to further capitalize on this technology.
Assessing the Value of GPS and its Limitations

In conclusion, GPS has proven to be invaluable for a series of consumer commercial…...



Michelle Bangert. (2009). GPS Success. Quality, 48(1), 44. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1641384741).

Scott Bradner. (2009, February). Google's Latitude: Not new, but worrisome. Network World, 26(7), 19. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1651334401).

Gary M. Gaukler, zalp zer, Warren H. Hausman. (2008). Order Progress Information: Improved Dynamic Emergency Ordering Policies. Production and Operations Management, 17(6), 599-613. Retrieved March 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1597180901).

GPS Management Application. (2009, February). Transmission & Distribution World, Retrieved March 21, 2009, from Business Source Premier database.

GPS for Buses Digital Signage
Pages: 4 Words: 1339

At each bus stop, digital signage will provide information on the bus routes that stop at this location, when the bus will arrive (wait time), and final destination. Buses rarely are exactly on time. Sometimes they are a minute ahead of schedule and people just get to the bus stop and see the bus go by. Other times, especially when the weather is bad, the bus can be late. Buses also get behind schedule during bad weather, or even are taken off the route when, for instance, the snow has not been plowed yet. With the real-time information, bus riders can know when (or if) the bus will arrive. Information would be sent back to the local hub with the bus' location and calculated and either sent out to a sign or a telephone can be picked up and dialed with the real-time information. Passengers can also use their cell…...



American Public Transportation Association. Public Transit Ridership Surges as Gas Prices Decline -- Highest Quarterly Transit Ridership Increase in 25 years. Retrieved February 24, 2009 

Outdoor Advertising Association of America. "Your Client Been Seeing Riding the Bus. Retrieved February 24, 2009.

Small Business Association. Welcome to Signage for Your Business. Retrieved February 24, 2009.

GPS as a Means to Track Domestic Violence Suspects
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Ibarra, P., Gur, O., & Erez, E. (2014). Surveillance as casework: Supervising domestic violence defendants with GPS technology. Crime Law Soc Change, 62(4), 417-444.

The gist and focal point of the article under review in this brief report and annotation is not all that complex. Indeed, there is a look at the use of surveillance and GPS technology as a means to supervise and keep an eye on people that are suspects in criminal actions that are of a domestic violence nature. Indeed, many people that are facing charges for such crimes are deemed to be a potential danger to the alleged victim and thus some jurisdiction use GPS technology to help ensure that the defendant is not potentially harassing or otherwise giving discomfort to the alleged victim. The use of this technology causes surveillance to be a huge part of the casework that the criminal justice system must thus deal…...

Warrantless v Warrant for GPS Surveillance Should the Government Have the Right for Warrantless Surveillance
Pages: 10 Words: 3202

Warrantless Use of GPS
The Problem of Warrantless GPS Surveillance: Ethical Considerations egarding Privacy and the Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unlawful search and seizure by granting them the right "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects" (U.S. Const. Amend IV). As the case of Burdeau v. McDowell (1921) showed, this Amendment has been interpreted as a protection of individuals from government intrusion. However, with the advent of global positioning systems (GPS), the question of individual security in the face of an encroaching and growingly intrusive government has become more and more of an issue. Physical searches have been in some cases by non-physical monitoring. GPS devices have been used by federal agencies to track suspects; they have been used as a means of gaining evidence of criminal activity; they have played a major role in FBI surveillance; their warrantless usage muddies ethical boundaries, violates privacy,…...



Gosztola, K. (2013). Federal Appeals Court Hears Argument on Warrantless GPS

Tracking. Retrieved from

Joseph, P. (2007). Are Americans becoming More Peaceful? MI: Paradigm Publishers.

Myers, D. (2008). Warrantless Use of GPS Tracking Devices. Journal of Law,

Domestic Violence Defendants and GPS
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Surveillance as casework: supervising domestic violence defendants with GPS technology deals with academic discussion over surveillance and the tendency to focus on its impact, spread, and ubiquity on society. Although such discussion can prove useful, there is also a need to discuss surveillance and how it is organized and implemented via practices rooted within justice system-based casework. The article draws from a GPS technology centered multi-study to demonstrate how surveillance is used to handle certain 'problem populations' (domestic violence defendants) as they implement varied rules for surveillance. Specifically, the study discovers that an agency's surveillance style indicates which direction the agency takes. This can be toward offering assistance and treatment, risk management and crime control, or observing due process. The part casework plays in surveillance is 1 also examined as well as the surveillance of populations and environments via data-banking technologies.
The pretrial period is an important period to track…...



Carter, J. & Grommon, E. (2016). Police as Alert Responders? Lessons Learned about Perceived Roles and Responses from Pretrial GPS Supervision of Domestic Violence Defendants. Policing, paw009. 

Ibarra, P., Gur, O., & Erez, E. (2014). Surveillance as casework: supervising domestic violence defendants with GPS technology. Crime Law Soc Change, 62(4), 417-444.

Sociological Aspects of GPS Tracking in Children
Pages: 2 Words: 700

Sociological Aspects of GPS Tracking in Children
The use of GPS tracking devices for children would have an overall negative sociological impact in American society in the 21st century.

Justification: Human microchip implants are identifying circuits or chips that may have two functions: identification and tracking. Both aspects have been available for some time in pets, but there are a number of cultural, legal, and sociological aspects to the process of using these in humans, particularly children, that remain controversial. As early as 2002, companies were experimenting with human implants used for identification and medical information, often using the logic that if information could be stores and retrieved even if a patient was unconscious, it would contribute to saving their lives (Health-care chips, 2006). Applied Digital Solutions have been running tests for the last 8-10 years, but have yet to bring a GPS tracking device for humans to market (Digital Angel, 2013).…...



Health Care Chips Could Get Under Your Skin. (2006, June). Retrieved from: 

Parents Look to Microchip Children. (2002, September). Retrieved from: 

Alphonse, L. (2010, June). Would you implant a microchip in your child? Retrieved from:   / in_the_parenthood/2010/06/would_you_implant_a_microchip_in_your_child.html 

Digital Angel, Inc. (2013). Company Information. Retrieved from:

Platforms the Development of the GPS System
Pages: 2 Words: 560

The development of the GPS system was almost entirely a series of chance events, yet these chance events occurred in a situation and amongst individuals that were able to see them for what they were and combine them into the GPS system essentially as it is still used today. Knowledge of the Doppler Effect, the Russian launching of Sputnik, the ability for the folks at the Applied Physics Lab to pick up Sputnik's signal and from this to pinpoint the satellite's location and track its movements, and finally the APL director's idea to reverse this calculation and determine Earth-bound positions from orbiting satellites -- all of these events happened not by design, but because one mind saw something another mind had done and applied it in a new context. The importance here was the environment at the APL, which brought these different minds and perspectives together.


There are a variety of…...

Global Positioning System
Pages: 5 Words: 1286

Global Positioning System
GPS is a navigation system that gives our exact location on earth at any time and anywhere. It is a high precision tracking system that provides accurate location coordinates mapping even the remotest of locations. Though it was initially designed, developed and controlled by the U.S. department of defense for its military purposes, it soon became available for the civil users worldwide. This navigation system covers the entire surface on earth using 24 satellites (and 3 additional) that orbit around it at a height of 11,000 nautical miles. [The Aerospace Corporation]. Ground stations based in five different locations on earth receive signals transmitted by these satellites and send data, which are used to monitor and control the satellites. Considered a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of navigation, this technology is finding newer applications everyday. A brief overview would provide us a better insight into the subject.

Global Positioning System




1) The Aerospace Corporation, "GPS Primer', Accessed on 6th December 2004, 

2) Peter H. Dana, "Global Positioning System Overview," Accessed on 6th December 2004, 

3) Eurofix, 'PRN Codes', Accessed on December 7th 2004,

Location-Based Tracking
Pages: 8 Words: 2640

Location-Based Tracking
Smart phones are among the latest technological devices in this 21st century. They are smart devices because they come with numerous applications most of which are versions of the computer. In addition, they integrate features earlier witnessed in disparate devices. This paper examines location-based tracking services, which is among the feature of smart phones, performed by various applications. Using adequate information from materials, the paper will discuss at length the various ways these applications can assist parents track their children, individuals track their vehicles and the general perception towards this technology. In addition, the paper will offer my personal view regarding location-based tracking devices because I also use them on my phone.


Location-based tracking is a service that utilizes a network-based service, which combines a mobile devices location or position with other relevant information to offer a benefit to the consumer or the user. Supported by advanced wireless communication technology,…...



Eisenberg, A. (2013). If a Young Child Wanders, Technology Can Follow. New York Times.

Retrieved November 29, 2013, from 

McCormack, W. (2000). General Motors On-Star Retrieved from 

Olivas, M.A., & Jones, D.Y. (2011). Hovering too close: The ramifications of helicopter parenting. Retrieved from

Garmin Was Considered to Be a Company
Pages: 4 Words: 1230

Garmin was considered to be a company that was "well-run and positioned to grow" (Peters, 2006). The company's stock was trading around $93 per share at the time. The optimism surrounding Garmin was based on a strong balance sheet, technological innovation, double digit growth and the ability for the company to change direction. The company's core products, GPS systems for automobile consumers, were becoming viewed as valuable, if not essential, items, something that would have implied to an outside observer a strong long-run upside in demand (Pittsley, 2007).
Somewhere between its great starting position and this promised land, Garmin lost its way. The company, once lauded for its ability to "change direction," found itself unable to adapt to a major technological shift. In 2006, the smartphone market was relatively small, a niche business within the corporate telecommunications business. Palm and Blackberry were the dominant products. ith the iPhone, and later Android…...


Works Cited:

Bylund, A. (2010). Garmin's last gasp? Retrieved May 20, 2012 from 

Hesseldahl, A. (2009). Garmin, TomTom slash prices amid Google threat. BusinessWeek. Retrieved May 20, 2012 from

MSN Moneycentral: Garmin. (2012). Retrieved May 20, 2012 from 

Peters, J. (2006). Time to home in on Garmin. Business Week/Standard & Poor's. Retrieved May 20, 2012 from

Community Safety and Crime Reduction An Evaluation
Pages: 13 Words: 4216

Community Safety and Crime eduction: An Evaluation of the ole of New Technology
ecent technological advances have effectively changed the way we conduct business, secure our borders, fight our wars, diagnose diseases, etc. Indeed, thanks to advances in technology, the world as we know it today looks very different from the world of yesteryears. The fact that technology continues to have a significant impact on almost every facet of our lives is undeniable. One of the areas in which recent advances in technology remains most visible is security. Today, unlike two or three decades ago, there are a wide range of hi-tech security devices that have been specifically developed to help in fighting crime. From CCTV cameras to alarm systems to GPS tracking and even software designed to examine online chat records, the fight against crime has surely gone high-tech. It is however important to note that the utilization of some…...



Alarid, L.F. And Carmen, R.V.D., 2010. Community-Based Corrections. 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Barak, G., 2007. Battleground: Criminal Justice. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 2012. Latest Crime Stats: Annual Crime in the U.S. Report Released. [online] Available at: <   > [Accessed 8 January 2013]. 

Grolle, S., 2009. CCTV to Prevent Crime? To What Extent Does CCTV Prevent Crime and How Does it Effect the Life in Our Cities. Munich: GRIN Verlag.

Garmin Corporate Strategy You Are Now the
Pages: 5 Words: 1443

Garmin Corporate Strategy
You are now the CEO of Garmin Incorporated. You've watched your industry and your business rise to prominence and you've watched as your competitors have slowly eaten away at your share of the market. At the same time, you've witnessed your bread and butter automotive opportunity erode before your very eyes.

Company Overview

Garmin has been an innovator in Global Positioning System (GPS) technology as well as a worldwide provider of navigation, communication, and information devices which are all somehow related to GPS systems. Garmin is a global company that operates through a global network of subsidiaries and the parent organization and home office is located in Taiwan. There are four broad categories in which Garmin's products are produced in; the automotive, outdoor/fitness, marine, and aviation products are the respective product lines.

ithin 5 short years, the GPS manufacturer went from a small niche producer to a publically traded mass producer…...


Works Cited

Bourdeaux, P. (2009, December 30). Google's Impact on GPS Devices. Retrieved from Sun Dog:

Fletch, P. (2008, May 8). GPS Brands Market Share Data for 2007. Retrieved from GPS Magazine: 

Garmin. (2011, December 31). Garmin 10-k. Retrieved from About Garmin: 

Google Finance. (2013, December 9). Garmin Ltd. Retrieved from Google Finance:

Business Trend Proposal -- Correspondence
Pages: 2 Words: 544

At this point, it seems advisable to consider incorporating the same technology in all vehicles insured by our organization. Doing so would allow incident and loss investigators to accurately asses the precise factors responsible for losses, to confirm and verify the information provided by the insured, and to more accurately establish the basis of allocating fault based on objective data that indicates exactly what factors are responsible for losses. Moreover, the real-time capabilities of the GPS technology systems that are currently available for these types of applications would also allow the continual monitoring of driver behavior for compliance with vehicular traffic laws as well as for the purpose of confirming other pertinent information upon which policy terms and pricing are based. In the event of an incident and a covered loss, the information provided by these systems is invaluable.

Adoption of the GPS-based technology systems for use in conjunction with automotive…...

Regions Bank as Well as
Pages: 8 Words: 2345

Making loans to high-risk borrowers, engaging in risk or faulty investments, and otherwise managing money in a sloppy way is a surefire way to get derision from regulatory bodies and/or the public. The figures for the competition bear out that remaining in proper fiscal shape in banking operations is possible even during these uncertain times and there is no reason why egions Bank cannot do the same.
Over the next twelve quarters, customer service initiatives to drive and retain recurring business are important as this is the best thing egions Bank can do to get some breathing room. Attracting high-quality borrowers that are willing to borrow money during uncertain times is also important and at a premium nowadays. A barrier to both of these ideas is that people often become paralyzed and are hesitant to make major fiscal decisions in the midst of economic uncertainty. The potential loss of a…...



Annual 10(k). (2011). Birmingham, AL: Regions Bank.

Competition. (2012). Online: Bankers GPS.

Forecast With Drift. (2012). Online: Bankers GPS.

Forecast With No Drift. (2012). Online: Bankers GPS.

How the Covid19 pandemic has created opportunities for businesses?
Words: 402

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover alzheimer\'s and lifespan development?
Words: 584

## Essay Topics on Alzheimer's and Lifespan Development

1. The Impact of Alzheimer's on Cognitive Functioning and the Aging Process

Explore the neurobiological changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and their effects on cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and language.
Discuss the stages of Alzheimer's disease and how it affects the lifespan development of individuals.

2. The Role of Caregivers in Supporting Individuals with Alzheimer's

Examine the challenges and rewards of being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's.
Discuss the different types of support caregivers provide and the impact it has on their own well-being.
Analyze the need for comprehensive caregiver support....

I\'m looking for an essay on hazardous materials transportation?
Words: 411

Research-Based Essay: The Impact of Technological Advancements on Hazardous Materials Transportation

The transportation of hazardous materials (hazmats) poses significant risks to safety, the environment, and public health. However, technological advancements in recent years have the potential to mitigate these risks and enhance the overall safety of hazmat transportation. This essay examines the significant impact of technological advancements on various aspects of hazardous materials transportation.

Advancements in Packaging and Containment:
One of the most critical technological advancements has been the development of improved packaging and containment systems. Advances in material science have led to stronger and more durable containers that can withstand the rigors....

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