Gpa Essays (Examples)

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Effect of IQ on GPA Regression and Correlation
Pages: 5 Words: 1658

egression, Correlation: Effect of IQ on GPA
Effective teaching begins with understanding the thinking and reasoning abilities of one's students and devising ways to ensure that the classroom setting is accommodative of the inherent differences in cognitive capabilities and that all students get to benefit from the learning process. One way of measuring a child's intellectual ability is by administering the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -- Forth Edition (WISC-IV), which measures IQ on the basis of a child's processing speed, working memory, perceptual reasoning, and verbal comprehension skills. Children below the average range in IQ are thought to have lower understanding, thinking, and reasoning abilities compared to their peers. It is the instructor's duty to follow up such children's class activities with therapeutic interventions to ensure that they remain at par with the rest of the class. This text presents the hypotheses, regression results, and descriptive statistics of a study…...



Duckworth, A.L. & Seligman, M.E. (2005). Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents. Psychological Science, 16(12), 939-944.

Jackson, S. (2011). Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. (2009). Essential Research Methods for Social Work. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Thorndike, R.M. & Thorndike-Christ, T. (2010). Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Inc.

Correlations and Regression
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Correlation & Regression
A fifth grade science teacher wants to know if there is a relationship between final exam scores and overall coursepoints after adjusting for a quiz score.

In order to determine whether there was a significant relationship between overall coursepoints and final exam scores, after controlling for quiz scores, a hierarchical regression was run. All assumptions were assessed using SPSS. There was independences of residuals, as assessed by a Durbin-Watson statistic of 1.08. An examination of various scatterplots indicated a general linear relationship between variables of interest, although perfect linearity was not observed.

Overall Scatterplot

Partial Regression Plot: Final Exam Score & Quiz Score

Figure 3. Partial Regression Plot: Final Exam Score & Course Points

The assumption of homoscedasticity was violated, as the scatterplot in Figure 1 demonstrates (i.e., the values were not evenly spread across the scatterplot). There was no evidence of multicollinearity as evidenced by no correlations between independent variables greater than…...

Prediction'so We Have to Assume That
Pages: 6 Words: 1807

prediction so we have to assume that the research question is nondirectional. In this case the research question is that there will be a difference in the rate of people to get the flu depending on whether or not they get the nasal spray or the shot. In terms of the null and alternative hypotheses we could state them as:
H0: There will no difference in flu rates between groups that get the nasal spray and shot.

H1: There will be a difference between the groups in flu rates.

The Descriptions suggests the use of random assignment to the two different conditions of the study indicating that this is a variation of a true experiment (however there really is no control group). The results are significantly different as the alpha level was set at .05 and the obtained p value was .008. The results were statistically significant because there was a difference…...

Positive Effects of Extracurricular Activity
Pages: 17 Words: 4686


During the proposed study's process, the researcher plans to fulfill the following objectives.

Objective 1: Address each of the proposed study's research questions during literature review:

Examine the effect athletic participation has on student GPAs;

Identify the effect athletic participation has on student DC CAS math scores;

Determine the effect athletic participation has on student DC CAS English eading scores;

Explore the effect music participation has on student GPAs;

Investigate the effect music participation has on student DC CAS math scores;

Discover the effect music participation has on student DC CAS English eading scores.

Objective 2:

Complete study with 150 tenth grade student participants in the first semester of school year 2008-2009.

Objective 3:

Analyze test results and compare with findings from literature reviewed.

One of the Best Investments

Despite current reported budget cuts and constraints in education, high school activity programs continue to constitute one of the best investments schools can make, as cost range from only one to three percent (less…...



Baker, Christina. (2008, August). Under-represented college students and extracurricular involvement: the effects of various student organizations on academic performance. Social Psychology of Education, Volume 11 (3). Retrieved January 27, 2009 at

The case for extracurricular activities. (2008). National Federation of State High School Association. Retrieved January 23, 2009 at 

The Columbia World of Quotations. (1996). Columbia University Press, New York. Retrieved January 27, 2009 from

Draper, Michelle. (2008, September 7). Vic: Principals link mental health to academic achievement. ( General News (Australia). Retrieved January 28, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

Appeals Review Committee Riverside Office of Undergraduate
Pages: 2 Words: 543

Appeals Review Committee,
Riverside, Office of Undergraduate Admissions,

3106 Student Services Building,

Dear Appeals Committee

Re: Transfer admission to UC campus for Fall 2012- (Write your Full Name here)

I learned on [insert date] that I was denied transfer admission to UC campus for Fall, 2012. I respectfully request the Transfer Appeals Committee to reevaluate my application on the basis of the new information provided in this letter.

Although I was never surprised when I received the rejection letter from UCR, I was extremely disappointed. I am quite aware that when I applied my GPA was below average for UCR. I also know that at the time of the examinations (due to my background as an international student from Japan); my scores did not represent my true ability since English is not the lingua franca in my home country. I must say that I went thorough an extraordinary hardship during my first college year as an…...

Strength Lies in Your Ability to Give
Pages: 2 Words: 572

strength lies in your ability to give up something good in order to attain the best. It is not the easiest thing to do since there are many risks involved but if you feel in your heart that best is yet to come and allowing something good to go so you can fulfill your destiny and achieve the best then you should follow your heart. Such an opportunity for me arose at two different points in my life. One was when I was working for Early Bird Messenger Company and realized that if I had entrepreneurial skills and should start working for myself. I loved the idea of being my own boss and that's when I started my own business. This was an exciting new arena for me and I enjoyed following a different schedule, a new routine and simply a new lifestyle. But as all good things must…...

Finance it Is With Great
Pages: 3 Words: 889

Stories detailing the rise and fall of the Egyptians, the Roman Empire and other great nations proved mesmerizing and intriguing.
My interests in other areas have also been diversified; I have pursued many adventures, participated as president of many clubs, and won many competitions in music, sports, dance and more. My strength has always been academics however. During high school I was presented the unique opportunity to come to the United States and continue my education. It was here that I decided to study history initially. Though my parents pressured me to study finance or business, I found such work tedious at least initially. I did however entertain my parents and begin taking more classes in finance. This was probably the best decision I have ever made and helped create the professional I am today.

The more I learned the more I came to understand that finance was more than crunching…...

Beyond High School
Pages: 3 Words: 1001

Beyond High School
I started at Essex Community College immediately after completing my high school. I joined the college seeking a degree in nursing and was also advised by my advisor to start college before going into any university. Before joining Essex Community College, I joined Coppin State University, but because of initial difficulties in adjusting in a university fresh out of high school and on the advice of my mentor, I joined the college so as to get used to the environment of colleges and then adjust in the university.

My troubles started when I became pregnant during my nursing classes in the Essex Community College, and because of severe illness, I had to leave my studies midway. After leaving I started my career as a Certified Geriatric Assistant and continued my personal life as a single mother. Managing career and personal duties as a single mother of young children was…...

Psychological Disengagement
Pages: 5 Words: 1426

ace and Academic Disengagement
Psychological Disengagement

Psychological disengagement represents a coping mechanism that preserves a person's sense of self-worth in the face of negative feedback. For example, a student may discount a bad grade on an exam by framing it as an aberration, thereby preserving a 'good student' self-identity. Employing this coping mechanism has specific advantages, such as allowing the student to be persistent about achieving academic success despite receiving negative feedback (Nussbaum and Steele, 2007). On the other hand, psychological disengagement could facilitate a student framing academic success as irrelevant to their personal goals and future. Such students tend to perform poorly in school and suffer from increased dropout rates (reviewed by Stephan, Caudroit, Boiche, and Sarrazin, 2011). In contrast, students who are academically successful tend not to disengage, despite receiving a negative evaluation, and self-perceptions of their academic competency suffers accordingly. Understanding the mechanisms that encourages psychological disengagement therefore has…...



Major, Brenda, Spencer, Steven, Schmader, Toni, and Wolfe, Connie. (1998). Coping with negative stereotypes about intellectual performance: The role of psychological disengagement. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 34-50.

Nussbaum, A. David and Steele, Claude M. (2007). Situational disengagement and persistence in the face of adversity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 127-134.

Schmader, Toni, Major, Brenda, and Gramzow, Richard, H. (2001). Coping with ethnic stereotypes in the academic domain: Perceived injustice and psychological disengagement. Journal of Social Issues, 57, 93-111.

Stephan, Yannick, Caudroit, Johan, Boiche, Julie, and Sarrazin, Philippe. (2011). Predictors of situational disengagement in the academic setting: The contribution of grades, perceived competence, and academic motivation. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 441-455.

Null Hypotheses Height & Weight
Pages: 1 Words: 335

If they can bench-press heavy weights, they may emphasize athletics at the expense of academics, in terms of how they prioritize their time. However, it is equally possible that in some schools, high-achieving students also use athletics as a way of bolstering their college resume. Factors such as the school, the degree to which athletics makes demands upon student athletes within the particular environment, and the intelligence of the players may indicate there is no correlation.
Daily air temperature & the average weight of clothing worn

H1: There is a negative correlation between temperature and weight of clothing -- in other words, greater the air temperature, the lighter the clothing.

H0: There is no correlation between temperature and weight of clothing.

Estimate: Negative correlation -1

Analysis: The research hypothesis is likely to be proven, with only small variations for such factors as rain and humidity.

orks Cited

Shuttleworth, Martyn. Null hypothesis. Experiment 2008.

September 15, 2009…...


Works Cited

Shuttleworth, Martyn. Null hypothesis. Experiment 2008.

September 15, 2009 at

Postsecondary Program Important to You
Pages: 3 Words: 1082

I will be the first to graduate, and so I owe my parents a great debt. My mother has always expected me to do my best and excel at whatever I do. I have struggled in this country and with some of my classes, but I feel that my 3.30 grade average at UMASS in Boston is a good representation of my abilities and my determination. I want to continue in my studies because I know that to excel in my career, I must graduate and continue with an advanced degree, and this is part of my plan for the future. I hope to teach, to make a difference with my students, and to continue with my education to learn and grow as much as possible. I think that education is the key to the future, for both my future students and me, and so, continuing my education is…...

Achievement of African-American Students in Civilian Public
Pages: 7 Words: 1931

achievement of African-American students in civilian public schools vs. African-American students in the Depart of Defense (DOD) school system
The methods section of this dissertation provides the rationale for the proposed study based on my hypothesis comparing African-American students in the DOD school system with African-American students in civilian school systems.

It also highlights the key questions that were examined, how the study was conducted and the measuring criteria for analysis. The paper will provide detailed information that should be a sufficient foundation for anyone who wishes to conduct a parallel study.

This portion of the paper will provide an outline of the following:

Purpose - which will define my reason for doing this study

Background Information - will provide information on the level of measurement I have selected, i.e. The SAT scores and information on the Department of Defense (DOD) school system itself

Procedure - outlines the steps that I will employ in completing this…...


Fact Sheet. The National Center for Fair and Open Testing. Cambridge, MA. August 2001.

George A. Clowes. "Defense Dept. Knows How to Operate Good Schools, Too." School Reform News. January 2002.

Defense Department Taps Distance Learning Tools., No.22. February

Examine Religious Life Among Slaves in the Pre-Civil War South
Pages: 2 Words: 611

Personal Admissions Statement
As a transfer student, I am not new to the process of putting my life down on paper. This is the third time I am approaching a college, attempting to encapsulate my life in several paragraphs and to demonstrate my fitness as an applicant on paper. With every time I move do so, I find myself reevaluating my previous experiences and academic performances anew, with a more mature and hopefully a wiser light. Every time I do so, I seem like a slightly different person, and dare I say, a better person, or at least a more emotionally equipped person to deal with the stresses of life.

Twenty-four years seems both old to be writing a personal statement to a university, yet I know that it is still young in comparison to many. Regardless, I offer my age, at least in relation to my fellow first-time students and my…...

Personal Statement the Future Presents
Pages: 2 Words: 683

The exploration of phenomena is a desire that has been stirred in my heart. There a so many different problems and challenges in the occupational therapy arena that research is obligatory. I believe that I have the right academic foundation to be successful at research projects. I am a member of the psy chi honor society starting from January 2010. I graduated with a GPA of 3.52 from the Miami Dade College, and in my present Bachelor of Psychology program, my GPA is 3.4. Consequently, I am of the view that my performance academically is meritorious and provides me with the adequate basis to engage in research work.
Giving back to society is a pillar upon which I have built my life and is a core value I espouse. When you are a beneficiary of the largess of others, it is an imperative that you allow other persons to profit…...


One of the elements of FIU that is very attractive to me is the research focus. The exploration of phenomena is a desire that has been stirred in my heart. There a so many different problems and challenges in the occupational therapy arena that research is obligatory. I believe that I have the right academic foundation to be successful at research projects. I am a member of the psy chi honor society starting from January 2010. I graduated with a GPA of 3.52 from the Miami Dade College, and in my present Bachelor of Psychology program, my GPA is 3.4. Consequently, I am of the view that my performance academically is meritorious and provides me with the adequate basis to engage in research work.

Giving back to society is a pillar upon which I have built my life and is a core value I espouse. When you are a beneficiary of the largess of others, it is an imperative that you allow other persons to profit from your good fortune. Accordingly, I engage in volunteer work wherever I can. I have volunteered for programs such as the Psychosocial Developmental Interventions. This program focuses on adolescents who are identified as at risk or who have manifested certain types of problems. Working with adolescents is taxing and simultaneously deeply gratifying. To expand my experiential knowledge I also worked with therapy centers as the Galloway home and the ABC therapy center. I volunteered at these centers for two 6-month periods. At the Leon Medical center, I worked directly with patients from 2005 to 2007.

I have a general love for life and a strong belief in the tenacity of the human spirit. A place at FIU would be the beginning of my journey into the accumulation of personal skills and training that will be directed to serving humanity. In this regard, FIU therefore is the facility that will give wings to my dreams and fledging passions. The combination of academic excellence and a student hospitable environment provides the ideal climate for the pursuit of excellence. I eagerly anticipate advancing my academic career as a graduate student at FIU.

M Ed in Intercollegiate Athletics Administration
Pages: 2 Words: 601

strong athletic program keeps former students loyal and draws new, more qualified students into the applicant pool.
t present, I am employed in the aviation industry. I obtained a M.S. In viation Safety at the end of 2006 with a 4.0 GP and have since continued my education, maintaining a 4.0 GP through an online master's program at Delta State University in the field of Commercial viation. My success is testimony to the fact that I believe wholeheartedly in the need to pair athletic and academic success in tandem. I was originally drawn to aviation because of the discipline and teamwork I had seen exhibited in the field, but I have begun to realize that I wish to channel my passions into something even more meaningful, that of creating athletic programs that foster positive values in young people.

I believe that my combination of management, business, and marketing skills, can…...


At present, I am employed in the aviation industry. I obtained a M.S. In Aviation Safety at the end of 2006 with a 4.0 GPA and have since continued my education, maintaining a 4.0 GPA through an online master's program at Delta State University in the field of Commercial Aviation. My success is testimony to the fact that I believe wholeheartedly in the need to pair athletic and academic success in tandem. I was originally drawn to aviation because of the discipline and teamwork I had seen exhibited in the field, but I have begun to realize that I wish to channel my passions into something even more meaningful, that of creating athletic programs that foster positive values in young people.

I believe that my combination of management, business, and marketing skills, can create a program with a high graduation rate and attract athletes with high levels of physical ability and personal character. Ideally, I would like to improve all athletic programs, not simply high-attendance like football and basketball, although these sports are my first love. I would also like to contribute to the development of underrepresented college sports, to enable as many students to participate in competitive intercollegiate athletics as possible.

I seek this degree to give me the necessary technical skills to put my enthusiasm and innate abilities into action, as well as to gain further knowledge of the field of intercollegiate athletics administration. I am confident that this program at the University of Oklahoma, a university with such a proud and patriotic athletic tradition is the ideal place, with the ideal atmosphere, to learn what I need to know in order to be successful in my chosen, future career.

Does divorce cause juvenile delinquency?
Words: 157

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: states that divorce is a cause of....

Can you give me some suggestions for essay titles or topics on school uniforms?
Words: 158

Here are some recommendations for you.

School Uniforms Essay Titles / Topics

  1. Do School Uniforms Help Students Achieve Better Academic Success?
  2. The Controversy over School Uniforms:  Individual Self-Expression vs. Conformity and Modesty
  3. Whether School Uniforms Stifle Students’ Social Experience or Enhance It
  4. Should All Public Schools Implement Mandatory School Uniforms?
  5. Top 5 Benefits and Drawbacks of School Uniforms
  6. How School Uniforms Can Foster School Spirit and Instill a Sense of School Pride
  7. Why It’s Harder to “be True to Your School and Let Your Colors Fly” Without School Uniforms
  8. School Uniforms Can Reduce Bullying and Peer Pressure for Some Students
  9. How Wearing a School Uniform Can Turn the Focus of....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Cases against high school sports?
Words: 430

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic, anecdote, or provocative statement that captures the attention of the reader.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay: "High school sports are detrimental to students' overall well-being and should be eliminated."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Physical Impact

Discuss the physical risks associated with high school sports, such as concussions, joint injuries, and muscle strains.
Provide evidence from medical studies or research articles to support the claims.
Explain how these injuries can have long-term consequences, such as chronic pain, disability, or even death.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Academic....

when i grew up i want to be a doctor?
Words: 565

My Aspiration to Become a Doctor

From a tender age, the allure of the medical profession has captivated my heart, igniting within me an unyielding desire to pursue a career as a doctor. The prospect of alleviating pain, restoring health, and promoting well-being has always resonated deeply with my values and aspirations.

Nurturing a Passion for Medicine

Growing up, I was fascinated by the human body and its intricate workings. I spent countless hours poring over medical textbooks and encyclopedias, delving into the wonders of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. The complexity and elegance of the human organism amazed me, inspiring me to seek....

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