Government Corruption Essays (Examples)

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Business Ethics Government Corruption The
Pages: 6 Words: 1620

In Greece particularly government corruption in the broad public sector is considered widespread; this is evident in local government and agencies including those that issue permits and licenses that authorize planning permissions (Economist, 2004). Doctors and other officials are even known to expect a 'tip' for jobs undertaken that they are supposed to do (Economist, 2004).

The new Democracy government being constructed in Greece is taking action to "re-construct" the state and to emphasize the importance of decent authority, however because of past practices, there are many disincentives to domestic and foreign investment in the country, typical political and economic side effects of widespread corruption (Economist, 2004).


Government corruption has many long lasting effects on the political well being and economic structure of the country involved. Generally the more wide ranging the corruption the less resources are available for political development and strengthening the economy. The areas most likely to suffer include…...



Economist. "Country Briefings: Greece." (2004). Economist Intelligence Unit, country views wire. 10, November 2004, 

Holmes, L. The end of communist power. Anti-Corruption campaign and legitimation crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, (1993).

Kaufmann, D. "Economic Corruption." Foreign Policy, Summer, (1997). pp.114-131

Klitgaard, R. Controlling Corruption. Berkely: University of California Press, (1998).

Criminal Justice Government Corruption in
Pages: 6 Words: 2106

One group has offered that social welfare reform would be an effective deterrent to corruption. "Conditional cash transfer programs, an innovation in social welfare administration, have received considerable acclaim as a means of enhancing human capital and reducing leakage of public resources" (Grimes and Wangnerud, 2010), one extensive form of corruption in Mexico. It is innovative problem solving such as this that offers the greatest hope for bringing government corruption to an end in either Mexico or the United States.
A second example of programs that are being implemented in Mexico to counter crime and corruption is a school-based program on the U.S.-Mexican border. "This strategy consists of a 36 lesson course developed in collaboration between Mexican and American teachers, whose intent is to build support for a culture of lawfulness and further the rule of law" (Kenney and Godson, 2002). Certainly no one is naive enough to believe that…...



Gaul, P. (2010). Trends, updates in cybercrime, public corruption and other white collar criminal

Issues on tap at upcoming ABA meeting. American Bar Association. Retrieved from 

Grimes, M. & Wangnerud, L. (2010). Curbing corruption through social welfare reforms: The

effects of Mexico's conditional ash transfer program on good government. American Review

Corruption Many Things Are Different
Pages: 5 Words: 1658

hile U.S., New Zealand and Denmark have many differences, they are basically capitalist, consumer economies. To combat the corruption inherent in such a system, we need to protect and nurture whistle blowing. Certainly, the more eyes there are on a situation, the more transparent it is, both in government and in business.

The corruption that the recent recession revealed in the U.S. banking system is simply a part of the bigger problem. As the Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell text puts it well, "The ability to recognize and deal with complex business ethics issues has become a significant priority…" (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2009). Enforcement takes human observation to fulfill this priority. There is not enough police to go around. However, the common citizen, armed with legal protections, will provide this.

orks Cited

Anti-corruption. (2006, November 8). Retrieved 11 August 2010 from

Caslon analytics guide secrecy and accountability. (2008, February). Retrieved 11

August 2010 from…...


Works Cited

Anti-corruption. (2006, November 8). Retrieved 11 August 2010 from 

Caslon analytics guide secrecy and accountability. (2008, February). Retrieved 11

August 2010 from 

Coincidental spike? (2010, April 1). The Economist, Retrieved 11 August 2010 from

Corruption a Problem in the
Pages: 7 Words: 1890

orks Cited

Gordon, Joy. "The Accusations against the Oil for Food Program: The Volcker Reports." Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) 28.3-4 (2006): 19+. Questia. 8 May 2007


Harper, Jennifer. "At 25, atergate's Details Have Gotten Hazy: Americans Have Grown Used to Scandal." The ashington Times 17 June 1997: 1. Questia. 8 May 2007


Josipovic, Ivona. "Conflict Diamonds: Not So Clear-Cut." Harvard International Review 25.2 (2003): 10+. Questia. 8 May 2007


Niven, David. "A Fair Test of Media Bias: Party, Race, and Gender in Coverage of the 1992 House Banking Scandal." Polity 36.4 (2004): 637+. Questia. 8 May 2007


Posner, Sarah. "Security for Sale: The Department of Homeland Security Has a Section on Its eb Site Labeled "Open for Business." It Certainly Is." The American Prospect Jan. 2006: 28+. Questia. 8 May 2007

Reports Gleefully Transform Bush Oil Deal into 'Scandal'." The ashington Times 10 July 2002: A12. Questia.…...


Works Cited


Governments Should Limit Their Interference in Market
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Governments should limit their interference in market progress.
The recent Presidential election was billed as a choice between two visions for America. Unfortunately for voters, there are many other visions that were not presented as viable options. If those options had been presented, voters may have chosen them. One such alternative political philosophy is libertarianism, which makes the case that government should interfere as little as possible in the daily lives of Americans. This is especially true in the economic realm -- whether it is regulation or tax handouts to powerful donor lobbies, the two big parties are equally culpable for creating needles burden that constricts the growth of the American economic engine.

Decentralization of government is a key concept. Manor (1999) notes that there has been a trend towards the decentralization of government worldwide. This trend is occurring because governments realize that decentralization can spur economic growth and alleviate rural poverty…...


Works Cited:

Ehrlich, I. & Lui, F. (1999) Bureaucratic growth and endogenous economic growth. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 107 (6) 270-293.

Krueger, A. (1990). Government failures in development. NBER Working Paper #3340. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from 

Manor, J. (1999). The political economy of democratic decentralization. The World Bank. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from 

Qian, Y. & Weingast, B. (1999). Federalism as a commitment to preserving market incentives. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol 11 (4) 83-92.

Government the Japanese Government Has a Constitution
Pages: 8 Words: 2298

The Japanese government has a onstitution created in 1947. It is founded on three principles, respect for fundamental human rights, sovereignty of the people, and renunciation of war. There are also three branches of the government. The legislative or Diet, executive or cabinet, and judicial or courts.

The highest organ of state power, the Diet, is Japan's national parliament. They are the singular law-making organ of the states. There are 480 seats in the House of Representatives, 242 seats in the House of ouncillors, all a part of the Diet. Furthermore, all Japanese citizens, once they are 20, can vote in election.

Diet members elect not a president, but a prime minister from amongst the group. The cabinet, from where the prime minster leads, is responsible to the Diet. Things like currency are run by the Diet. On page 21 of hoi's book, he explains the connection between the U.S. And Japan…...


Cummings, William K, and Philip G. Altbach. The Challenge Of Eastern Asian Education. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997.

Wade, Robert. Governing The Market. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Walter, Lynn. Women's Rights. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001.

Government - Federal Policy National
Pages: 5 Words: 1427

Finally, this sub-component also recognizes the growing problem associated with diversion of prescription drugs into the illicit black market. The policy provides funding for methods to redress that issue by improved tracking of prescriptions for controlled substances, including the practice of "doctor shopping" sometimes used to obtain legal prescriptions for controlled substances with the intention of distributing them illegally for profit (USONDCP, 2004).

III. Disrupting the Market: Attacking the Economic asis of the Drug Trade: The third major component of the President's drug policy incorporates law enforcement and prosecution in a manner designed to address the economic basis of the drug trade. Specifically, the policy authorizes both increased funding as well as tactical reorganization of various elements of the criminal justice system with respect to the illegal drug trade. In that regard, the policy emphasizes a priority targeting initiative designed to identify and prosecute specific criminal organizations and enterprises involved in…...



Farwell, S. Man Who Sells Tips on How to Avoid Arrest Is Running for Congress; the Dallas Morning News (Mar. 3/08)

Macionis, J. (2003) Sociology 9th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

USONDCP (2004) the President's National Drug Control Strategy. Retrieved October 21, 2008 at

Government Politics Texas - A Good
Pages: 10 Words: 3394

" For most this is generally seen as a reference to the Federal Judiciary. One thinks of the arren Court, and the great number of decisions concerning civil rights, voting rights, etc. It is often not realized, however, to what an extent state judges play ar ole in shaping these issues. In many state court systems, the state system was actually more liberal than the Federal:
First and foremost, state constitutions may be used not only to broaden rights but also to restrict them. They are far easier to amend than the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, forces within a state dissatisfied with liberal court interpretations of the fundamental state law may, without nearly the same effort required on the federal level, undo those rulings....In Florida... voters adopted an amendment to the state constitutional search and seizure provision, requiring the provision to be "be construed in conformity with the 4th Amendment to the…...


Works Cited


Tanaka Kakuei Corruption Chalmers Johnson
Pages: 5 Words: 1391

This was because of some of the reforms that he introduced for corporations, for public spending, environmental protection and transportation sectors. Since powerful LDP members had vested interests in these sectors, they did not approve of all the reforms and hence were wary of Koizumi and his brand of politics.
Economic problems

The articles about Koizumi and Abe suggest that Japan suffers from serious economic problems that the political system cannot resolve. Why not? What are the political obstacles to changing Japanese politics? How does it relate to the Johnson reading?

Japan has had enormous economic success over the decades but lately its problems are negating the effects of earlier successes. I cannot agree with the opinion that economic problems cannot be solved through political means. Even though other factors do play in, it is the political system that determines the path economy will take. By political system, we mean the influential…...



Tomohito Shinoda. Koizumi Diplomacy: Japan's Kantei Approach to Foreign and Defense Affairs University of Washington Press (April 15, 2007)

Chalmers A. Johnson. Japan: Who Governs?: The Rise of the Developmental State W.W. Norton & Company (March 1995)

Annotated Bibliography on Corruption
Pages: 4 Words: 1003

Barker, T. (2011). Police ethics: Crisis in law enforcement. Springfield, IL: Thomas.
This book deals with problems experienced in law enforcement that demonstrate the inability of police officers to make lawful decisions. Chapter 8 deals specifically with police corruption and identifies three elements that exist in police corruption. The first is, the behave must be forbidden, the second is misuse of officer's position, and third, the reward. Although this chapter offers no study, it does provide a look into what the definition of corruption is along with a possible explanation for the prevalence of corruption amongst police officers and law enforcement in general.

Block, C. (2015, December 30). Florida Police Under Investigation for Laundering $55.6 Million For Drug Cartels. Retrieved from

A newspaper article, this source discusses police corruption in Miami. Florida cops that work for the Bal Harbour Police Department have allegedly laundered an estimated $55.6 million for criminal organizations like…...

Health Care the Government Should Provide Health
Pages: 4 Words: 1789

Health Care
The government should provide health care, because the economic characteristics of health care make it ripe for abuse in a market environment. Government should provide as a service to its population those goods that, for one reason or another, are open for abuse in a normal market economy. Normally, the main condition is natural monopoly, which makes the case for government involvement in commodities like electricity, water, or policing. Health care is not a natural monopoly in that there can reasonably be a number of different providers, but it has other characteristics that make it a strong candidate for government intervention.

In even the freest capitalist economies, there are public goods that the government provides. The government provision of certain services is accepted by populations because the alternative -- total anarchy -- results is a severely degraded quality of life. No government services at all is a failed state, one…...



Besley and Gouveia write about different modes of health care provision. They discuss in particular some of the cost drivers in the American system, and evaluate some other systems in order to come to some conclusions about what other options exist. They note that insurance is a key issue for a private health care system, and because of this most countries opt for public health care systems, typically with mandatory insurance.

Gupta and Davoodi seek to understand how corruption affects the provision of government services, including health care. Unfortunately, their analysis has significant bias, as they begin with the assumption that government-run programs are inherently corrupt.

Transparency International is an organization that measures the level of government corruption in all the countries of the world. This source was required to examine the claims of Gupta and Davoodi. It was found that in the West there is very little government corruption. While the U.S. has more than most Western nations, it remains a spurious claim on the part of Gupta and Davoodi that corruption is inherent in government programs. Further, the line between corruption (accepting payment in return for favors) and capitalism (accepting payment to provide a service) is not explored.

Lloyd and Sreedhar wrote about Hobbes' moral and political philosophy. Hobbes' seminal discussion about the state of nature is relevant because societies have evolved different forms of governance specifically to avoid the state of nature; an argument that government should not be involved in health care must consider the implications of having such a weak government -- these range from the state of nature to poor health outcomes and quality of life measures.

Corruption on Capitalism and Foreign
Pages: 3 Words: 892

When this happens, the standard of living and income levels will remain stagnant. (Bhargava, 2006, pp. 341 -- 362) (Cazurra, 2008, pp. 12 -- 27)
Moreover, corruption will increase the costs of doing business inside a particular area. This is troubling, as it will lead to less employers relocating to the region. Instead, they will seek out locations where there are lower amounts of corruption. This is a part of an effort to keep their costs as low as possible so that they can increase their overall returns and remain competitive in the global marketplace. For the region, this will result in less high paying jobs (which helps contribute to an increase in the unemployment rate). (Bhargava, 2006, pp. 341 -- 362) (Cazurra, 2008, pp. 12 -- 27) (Heineman, 2006, pp. 75 -- 86)

How can MNCs deal effectively with these problems?

The ways that MNCs are able to deal with these…...



Berg, N. (2004). How Multi-National Corporations Deal with their Social Political Stakeholders. Asian Business and Management, 3 (3), 299 -- 313.

Bhargava, V. (2006). Global Issues. Washington DC: World Bank.

Cazurra, a. (2008). The Types of Corruption and FDI in Transition Economies. Journal of International

Management, 14 (1), 12-27

Government and Trust Recent Headlines
Pages: 3 Words: 954

Social security is not perfect by any means, but as a program, it has good intentions, and that is one reason to trust our government to do what is right and proper for senior citizens. Many of them have served our country in many ways, and social security means they can be comfortable as they grow older.
Do the Right Thing - In many areas of government, historically they have chosen to do the right thing. Finally giving women the vote was the right thing to do, even if it took too long. Passing civil rights legislation was the right thing to do, even though it took too long, as well. Ending slavery was the right thing to do, well, you get the idea. It may take the government time to do the right thing, but it most cases, especially with really big issues, they end up doing the right…...

Corruption When We Think of
Pages: 10 Words: 3140

" It should be noted that Perriello supported a "Republican version" ( of PAYGO that supported stronger restrictions on spending. In defense of this vote, he says, "This was a great chance to really get our budget under control, and I was glad to stand up and vote for the kind of smart fiscal policy that folks in the Fifth District expect" (Perriello qtd. On Perriello even posted an update on Twitter, stating that he was "very pleased that PAYGO passed the House" ( Perriello believes that responsible spending is not an issue for Democrats or Republicans but rather an "American issue" (Perriello qtd. On Perriello states that while both of these bills contain good ideas, he wishes "we could have combined ideas from both sides of the aisle to produce a better, bi-partisan solution" (Perriello qtd. On hile still a freshman in ashington, Perriello has demonstrated…...


Works Cited

Gibson, Bob. "Perriello Enters Race for 5th seat; Hopeful Seeks to Bring Faith, Global Experience to D.C." The Daily Progress. Charlottesville, Va.: Oct 7, 2007.

Goldsmith, Will. "Can he go the Distance? Tom Perriello hits Southside in his effort to beat Virgil Goode." Charlottesville News and Arts. < >

Lithwick, Dahlia. "Goode Riddance." Slate Online. 2008. 

Mission and Vision.

Government Procurement Process by Which
Pages: 7 Words: 2455

The protester then has an opportunity to file written comments on the report.
Utilizing Debriefings to Prevent id Protests

Officially, Post-Award debriefings are meant to provide transparency to the unsuccessful candidates. Although the prescribed requirements of the briefings are very rigid and formal, agencies should resist the temptation to meet the bare minimum required by the formalities. Agencies should pay special attention to Requirement 1, the "evaluation of the significant weak or deficient factors in the offeror's proposal" because the evaluation is open-ended, unlike Requirements 2-3, which contain definite numerical standards, and Requirement 4, which only requires a simple summary. Open-ended evaluations can vary greatly in quality and also increase the opportunities for the agency to make a mistake.

If it is a particularly confusing or shallow evaluation, an unsuccessful offeror might take issue with the soundness of the agency's decision and later move to Protest the id by claiming that the…...



Federal Acquisition Regulation Source Selection Statute 15.3

Acquisition Community Connection

ACQ Center (2003) Source Selection: Common Myths and Misconceptions NIH AMC Symposium Nov. 9, 2004

Maser, S.M., Subbotin, V., & Thompson, F. (2010) The GAO's Bid-Protest Mechanism: Effectiveness and Fairness in Defense Acquisition? Working Paper Atkins School of Management Willamette University. Available at

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining why Rome fell?
Words: 242

1. The Decline and Fall of Rome: A Historical Analysis

2. Unraveling the Mystery of Rome's Downfall

3. Factors Leading to the Collapse of the Roman Empire

4. Rome's Demise: A Comprehensive Examination

5. The Fall of Rome: Causes and Consequences

6. Exploring the Reasons Behind Rome's Decline and Fall

7. From Glory to Ruin: Understanding the Collapse of Rome

8. The Decline of Rome: A Tale of Political, Social, and Economic Factors

9. Rome's End: Tracing the Path to Destruction

10. Lessons from the Fall of Rome: Implications for Modern....

I\'m interested in debating the american mafia la cosa nostra. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 463

Yes, there are several essay topics related to the American Mafia La Cosa Nostra that present opposing viewpoints. Here are a few examples:

1. The impact of the American Mafia La Cosa Nostra on society: Some argue that the mafia has had a negative impact by engaging in illegal activities and undermining the rule of law, while others believe that the mafia has provided social and economic support to marginalized communities.

2. The effectiveness of law enforcement efforts against the American Mafia La Cosa Nostra: Some argue that law enforcement has been successful in dismantling the mafia through arrests and prosecutions, while....

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