Good Citizen Essays (Examples)

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Confucius Who Is a Good Citizen
Pages: 3 Words: 918

Citizen in the Analects of Confucius
A good citizen ought to have a number of qualities and behave in a certain way. To determine what it means to be a good citizen, one could consult the Analects of Confucius and relate the teachings therein to current events and happenings. From the onset, it would be prudent to point out that a significant portion of Confucius' teachings dwelt on the subject of good governance and other equally important social teachings.

To begin with, it is important to note that to be a good citizen, one ought to accept their role in the society. hen questioned on government, Confucius replied in no uncertain terms that the ruler ought to be a ruler, and the subject ought to be a subject (atson 17). A good citizen respects the hierarchies of power. Further, still on respecting the hierarchies of power, Confucius pointed out that subjects…...


Works Cited

Watson, Burton. The Analects of Confucius. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013. Print.

Citizen Originating With the Ancient
Pages: 4 Words: 1272

They are the people who are not media-savvy enough to have their name recognized but should still be considered good citizens. Many of the people who are in the public eye and recognized as good citizens deserve their accolades. However, a good citizen cannot be defined solely by a person's image or level of popularity.
Interestingly, one classmate said that good citizens feel a sense of personal gratification when they help someone. Deriving personal gratification from helping someone is admirable, but an impossible standard to measure. Plus, even the most stalwart good citizen grows frustrated with local bureaucracies and derives little personal gratification from some of their work. Deriving personal gratification from helping others does, however, suggest that the good citizen must act out of a sense of duty and not out of a desire for fame or fortune.

Classmates implied that being a good citizen is important for creating a…...

Citizen on December 7 1941 the Nation
Pages: 7 Words: 1969

On December 7, 1941, the nation of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This began the official participation of the United States in orld ar II. hile armed forces were overseas fighting the nation's enemies, the United States government was trying to decide whether or not any group of people within America itself could be working for the other side. Out of this fear came one of the most atrocious acts the United States have ever perpetrated against its own citizens. Fearing internal enemies, the American government signed an order wherein anyone of Japanese descent could be questioned, arrested, detained, and interred at several camps throughout the American est. It was a policy of legal racism that served no good for the government but to instill in the people the knowledge that the government can make mistakes and it is possible to lose one's civil rights even…...


Works Cited:

Burton, J., Farrell, M. And R. Lord. Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II

Japanese-American Relocation Sites. 2000. Print.

Okubo, Mine. Citizen 13660. Seattle: University of Washington, 1983. Print.

Citizens and Politics Many Citizens
Pages: 2 Words: 785

, 2011). Instead, they just avoid voting altogether, because they feel as though their vote will not matter. To increase the national level of participation and interest when it comes up to politics and public policy, changes will have to be made to the existing system that will get people excited about politics again. If they do not feel they can really make a difference and help changes things for the better, what incentive do they have to do anything related to politics? If the public policies will not be changed to help those who are really struggling, what reason is there to get involved and expend that energy that could be used for something else? People built this county, but many feel it has been taken over by a select few. Unless they see a real way to get it back, they are not going to put in the…...



Losco, Joseph (2010). AmGov. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Schmidt, Barbara a.; Bardes, Mack C.; Shelley, Steffen W. (2011). American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials (2011 -- 2012 Student ed.). Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns
First Paragraph

Gun control laws punish the innocent.

Second Paragraph

Gun control laws lower the crime rate.

Third Paragraph refutation paragraph

Rough Draft - Citizens Should be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns

Gun control laws are a hot topic of controversy. Currently, there is not enough legislation that supports the right for people to carry handguns.

Thesis Statement) There should be appropriate legislation and laws passed to allow for citizens to carry concealed handguns.

Gun control laws punish the innocent.) Many people feel that in order to prevent criminals from using guns that improved legislation should be passed to provide tougher laws which restrict the purchase of a handgun and stricter punishment if the laws are broken. People who are against stricter gun control laws feel that the average citizens' constitutional rights would be invaded. To allow citizens the right to carry concealed handguns will discourage violent crimes. Many states have…...


2nd paragraph-(Lowers crime rate). Currently there are 31 states that have enacted "shall issue" concealed weapon laws. The rest of the states should also adopt this legislation and allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. Laws to allowed concealed weapon permits to anyone over 21 who has completed a gun-safety program, has no criminal record, and is mentally sound. Statistics prove the safety of men, women, and minorities increase when laws allow for concealed weapons. A study shows that when state concealed-handgun laws went into effect in a county, murders fell by about 8%, rapes fell by 5%, and aggravated assaults fell by 7%. Lott (1997) states that criminals are less likely to attack a weaker victim, such as a woman or an elderly person, if there is a possibility that there might be a concealed weapon. JAMA reports studies which show a 15% drop in homicides in areas where adults are allowed to carry concealed weapons (Mitka, 1998).

3rd paragraph -- the (refutation paragraph). Thirty states have lenient concealed-weapons laws, but only in Vermont can anyone carry a hidden handgun without a license or permit (U.S. News and World Report, 2003). Citizens should have the ability to carry a concealed weapon, but this action alone will not ensure their safety. Crimes will still happen and even those who carry handguns will not always act responsibly. However, by having the right to legally carry concealed weapons, people will be able to better protect themselves against the possibility of a fatal crime. The presented statistics from Lott's study show strength in the argument for use of concealed handguns and should at least give pause to those who oppose concealed handguns. Crime fighting methods that potentially offer over an eight percent drop in murder rates are difficult to ignore.

There will always be the debate concerning concealed handgun laws. Those supporting the stricter gun control laws will continue oppose legislation and lobby the government to restrict the use of handguns. However, with citizens being more concerned about their safety and the wave of increased terrorism there should be more support and better legislation to allow citizens the right to lawfully carry concealed

Religion Good for Children Faith and Religion
Pages: 4 Words: 977

Religion Good for Children?
Faith and religion are significant components to every religious family with regards to raising a child or children. Notably, every religious individual and family will always claim that their path or religion is the correct one. Therefore, it impossible to find parents or families that would mistakenly choose the wrong religion or path for their children. In attempts to take their responsibility of raising children to become productive adults later in life, parents choose different progressive and correct paths including religion. However, the responsibility of raising children is not an easy task and is usually the burden of every person that comes into contact with the child. As a result, parents would take necessary measures to ensure that their children are surrounded by examples from approved people and paths. hile parents consider religion as one of the correct steps in raising their children, the main question…...


Works Cited:

Drexler, Peggy. "Why Kids and Religion Mix." The Huffington Post., Inc., 02 Feb. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. .

Giberson, Karl. "Are We 'Cramming Religion Down Our Children's Throats' or Creating Good Citizens?" The Huffington Post., Inc., 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. .

"Study: Religion Good for Children." WND - America's Independent News Network., 24 Apr. 2007. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. .

Magolda Peter Nov Dec 2003 Saying Good-Bye an
Pages: 5 Words: 1540

Magolda, Pete. (Nov/Dec 2003) "Saying Good-Bye, an Anthopological Examination of a Commencement Ritual." Jounal of College Student Development. Pp.1-6. Retived fom Find Aticles database of jounal aticles on 26 Oct 2005 at
Conveying Citizenship though Commencement Ritual via a Desciptive Anthopology

Anthopologists can use desciptive, longitudinal, compaative, and multiscale eseach when studying human societies aound the wold -- and also deploy these same methods quite close to home, even in the scholastic envionment that suounds them -- and suounds thei students. The 2003 aticle by Pete Magolda, entitled "Saying Good-Bye, an Anthopological Examination of a Commencement Ritual," attempts to conduct a desciptive anthopology of a specific gaduation commencement that will become pat the autho's lage study of exit ituals in highe education. The gaduation event descibed in the aticle is a singula one, howeve. It occued in "May 2001 at a medium-size public, 4-yea esidential campus in the Midwest, seving…...


references of good citizenship and advice. (Magdola, 2003, p.3) The president's speech is analyzed on a rhetorical scaffold of advice, humor, and finally a call to improve the future. The high physical place of the president, his authority in giving diplomas, the uniform costumes of the once-diverse graduates have both a nostalgic and in a way a chilling aspect -- once, the individuality of this particular group of students dominated the college, now they have been shorn of their identity. They wear the same clothes and head off into an uncertain future in America, but have the comfort of their common university participation to shield them from the common demands of adulthood. The article, although one could argue with specific generalizations made from a limited study, provides an important window into one's own cultural, civic participation in a future ritual.

Citizen Who Does Not Have
Pages: 3 Words: 744

If an individual shows a concealed weapon to a criminal, the individual becomes a threat and deterring further advances of the criminal. ellford, John Pepper and Carol 120.
If criminals and proprietors of tragedies such as massacres in a certain part of the globe such as Rwanda were aware that innocent people had the means of defending themselves, the tragedies would have not happened because it would have not been easy.

The concealed weapon law is also a policy that reduces multiple victims shooting. In addition, law abiding citizen come in contact with criminals more frequently than the police and are therefore able to gun them down and reduce the level of crime as well as the criminals. Research in the state of Vermont that has the least preventive gun laws has a low rate of aggressive crime. Murder rates are low in areas where most women carry concealed weapons Siegel…...


Work cited Kelli Arena and Kevin. "Students Want Chance to Defend Themselves." Atlanta, 2008. CNN. April 15th 2008.>Bohn,

Good Man Is Hard to Find Flannery
Pages: 4 Words: 1512

Good Man is Hard to Find
Flannery O'Conner's short story, a Good Man is Hard to Find is a modern parable. The story is laced with symbolism and religious subtext. In many ways the piece is similar to classical Greek plays about pride and retribution.

efore launching into a discussion of O'Conner's story it is important to understand the woman and her motivations to write. O'Conner was born in Savannah, Georgia in 1925 to her devout Catholic parents, Edward and Regina O'Conner. Flannery spent her youth attending Catholic parochial schools. In 1938, the family moved to a town just outside Atlanta called Milledgeville where Flannery continued her education. Unfortunately, her father would ultimately die in this town as the result of complications from the disease lupus. Flannery went on to Georgia State College for Women and then proceeded to the State University of Iowa where she received her MFA in 1947.




O'Conner, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. 1953. 

Galloway, Patrick. The Dark Side of Flannery O'Conner. 1996. 

Mitchel, J. Tin Jesus: The Intellectual in Selected Short Fiction of Flannery O'Conner. 2000.

Coles, Robert. Flannery O'Conner's South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1980.

Citizens Arrest
Pages: 5 Words: 1775

history of citizen's arrests, citizen's arrest in today's society, and give examples of citizen's arrests, the outcomes, etc. It will also look at the downside of making a citizen's arrest, including the repercussions to that individual such as civil action, liability, etc. Citizen's arrests are more common than they have been in the past, with many states reporting higher incidents of these types of arrests (Grossack, Takata). Citizen's arrests have a long and varied history, and are still a frequently valid form of citizen involvement in the often complex process of law enforcement and criminal justice.
The history of citizen's arrests goes back to the beginnings of Anglo-Saxon law in medieval England. Because the medieval sheriffs were spread so thin, they encouraged citizen involvement in law enforcement. David C. Grossack, a Constitutional attorney notes, "Sheriffs encouraged and relied upon active participation by able bodied persons in the towns and villages…...



Grossack, David C. "Citizens' Arrest." 1994. 28 Sept. 2005.


Hannon, Leo F. The Legal Side of Private Security: Working through the Maze. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1992.

Joh, Elizabeth E. "The Paradox of Private Policing." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 95.1 (2004): 49+.

Citizen Strangers Book Critique
Pages: 6 Words: 2067

Israel was created after the war in 1948, fifteen percent of the population was made up of Palestinian Arabs (Stendel, 1997). While that would seem like a small group, they actually had spread out and held onto significantly more than fifteen percent of the territory. They were given suffrage rights immediately, with the creation of the state of Israel, and over time they were able to also attain citizenship status (Ben-Sasson, 1985). However, being granted those things did not have the helpful and protective effect they were hoping for when it came to how they were treated. Shira obinson's 2013 book Citizen strangers: Palestinians and the birth of Israel's liberal settler state addresses the issue of how these Palestinian Arabs struggled in the face of poor treatment from their fellow citizens and their government. The book works through the concerns dealt with by the Jewish leaders of the time,…...



Ben-Sasson, H. (1985). A history of the Jewish people. NY: Harvard University Press.

Bregman, A. (2002). A history of Israel. MA: Palgrave Macmillan.

Robinson, S. (2013). Citizen strangers: Palestinians and the birth of Israel's liberal settler state. NY: Stanford University Press.

Stendel, O. (1997). The Arabs in Israel. UK: Sussex Academic Press.

Citizen Participation There Are Several
Pages: 10 Words: 3337

A metaphor is used to describe this relationship, Schachter says, because it creates a situation where we can see if a different way of viewing citizen roles shifts the emphasis to necessary changes for improving the effectiveness of government.
One of the major topics Schachter addresses in einventing Government or einventing Ourselves is the semantic and methodical framing of reform efforts. She speculates about how effective reform efforts would be in the case that their focus was on modifying the structure of government, rather than modifying the patterns of the behavior of the public. Schachter additionally wonders if administration reform efforts should aim at modifying people's perceptions of themselves, and suggests that if people were taught to perceive themselves as true "owners" of the government, "efforts to improve government efficiency and responsiveness [might] be more successful" (p. 179).

H. George Frederickson is a scholar at the forefront of the public administration…...



Arnstein, S. (1969). "A ladder of citizen participation." Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35, (2), 216.

Box, R.C. (1998). Citizen Governance: Leading American Communities into the 21st Century.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Citizen Photojournalism and the Internet
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Citizen Photojournalists and the Mass Media
In today's modern era of Instagram, Facebook, and Flickr, it might be assumed that ordinary citizen photojournalists lack the need for conventional media platforms to showcase their work. However, ultimately the relationship between the mass media and citizen photojournalists is a symbiotic one. Citizen photojournalists still need the platform that validated media channels can provide. But it cannot be denied that citizen photojournalists have had a democratizing influence upon the content of conventional journalism, even journalism driven by the need to make profits versus citizens who simply want to make their voices (and political agendas) heard.

Although the mass media still has a gatekeeping function, given the 24-7 news cycle, media outlets have been rendered dependent upon the need for other sources of information beyond those or professional photographers. Although professional photojournalists may be held to a higher standard of objectivity and integrity on a…...

Good Bad Y When Measured by
Pages: 3 Words: 936

No one can compensate the parents who lost their children to after-effects of an atomic explosion.

This war and several others that followed opened doors for more military conflicts and greater destruction of the so-called enemy. Who is our enemy? If people of the other countries are our enemies, why are we ever taught not to discriminate? For surely when the war begins, we have to give up all that we were previously taught and stand united to destroy the weaker enemy completely. The world as it stands today may have underpinnings of a Third World War at any point of time in the future. So, it is fairly correct to state that all wars are wrong. Why some countries or nations feel proud of the wars they fought and do not believe all wars are wrong are basically shortsighted, selfish and narrow minded. They probably see the world as it…...



1) [Sullivan-Wiley K. & Eisentein J. How are the effects of World War I similar to the effects of World War II. Retrieved February 16, 2005 from:]

Citizen Contribution
Pages: 5 Words: 1619

Civil participation or civil engagement is defined as individual as well as collective actions that are designed for the identification and addressing of issues that concern the public. It is active citizenship whereby citizens have a direct input when it comes to the process of making policies and those that have direct experience of services or emerging social needs are given a voice when it comes to the determination of policy and practice. Civic participation has several elements but its most basic sense is that one of making decisions, or governance over who, how and by whom the resources of a community are allocated. The principle of civic participation underscores the basic principle of democratic governance, which means that sovereignty is found within the citizens. Civic participation is about the right of people to define what is good for the public, to determine policies which they will seek the good…...



Reiss, D. (2012). Why teaching Civic Engagement is essential.

Sidney, V, Schlozman, K & Henry, B. (1997.).The big tilt: Participatory inequality in America

The American Prospect;pg. 74

Kanter, M. (2012). Civic Learning for Democracy's Future. Liberal Education Summer. Pg 23-27

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