Goldman Sachs Essays (Examples)

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Goldman Lead Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs
Pages: 5 Words: 1332

Goldman Lead
Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs: A Case Study and Program Strategy ecommendation

Goldman Sachs is a company that had more than a century of long-standing respect and authority in the financial world up until the recent economic crisis, which ultimately resulted in allegations of fraud being levied against the company and many of its executives. One creative journalist compared the banking and finance institution to a "vampire squid," and the name and image have stuck as the degree to which the Goldman Sachs lied to and profited from its stakeholders while also becoming involved in any number of nefarious schemes. In short, Goldman Sachs has in many ways become the company that people love to hate, and the scapegoat for the financial and banking sector's culpability in the recent global recession.

This image is not entirely fair, however, and the hundred and forty years of Goldman Sachs' operation before this crisis…...



Groysberg, B. & Snook, S. (2007). Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs. Haravard Business School document no. 9-406-002.

HMM. (2011). Leadership Development for A Players. Accessed 28 February 2011. 

O'Connel, P. (2010). Goldman Sachs: Committed to the Next Generation. Accessed 28 February 2011.

Goldman Sachs Has Come Up
Pages: 8 Words: 2763

There are various investment options for Goldman to consider. It can be land, industries, corporations, educational institutions, healthcare facilities or even a research centre for that purpose. Options are numerous for investment. As of the Bric, if they attempt on improving the law and order situation, corruption, rate of crime and respect for democracy & human rights, a huge number of investors would be interested in investing in their country. This way country will progress even more and development would not remain a distant dream. But if together with these countries, few other countries are also taken into consideration and included in the strategy, it is possible to get far better results. These countries would include Mexico and outh Korea as this would increase the chances of success and will also prove to be a source of benefit in the long run.

It is possible to give incentives and initiatives to…...


Salva M.S. (2011) what is the Medium-term Impact of the Bric Countries? An Investigation Into the Marco-economic Future Prospects and Evaluation of Trends for the Bric Economies from 2011-2050. Grin Verlag

Gillian Tett. (2010). Man who named the future. Article 38. Financial Times Magazine. January 16, 2010. page.30.

"BRICS AND BEYOND" - Goldman Sachs study of BRIC and N11 nations, November 23,

Goldman Sachs and Wisdomtree Investments
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Business Improvements
Since the two companies operate in different target markets and with substantially different product mixes the recommendations must be customized for each firm. Goldman Sachs is considered a top trade recommendation for 2012 by many accounts as the firm is largely financially successful and the institutional client services dominate the businesses revenue stream (Craig, 2013). The most pressing recommendation for Goldman Sachs would be to integrate a more robust enterprise risk management system (ERM).

Risk management is becoming an important consideration for many organizations. There are several aspects to risk management that apply to Goldman Sachs and their current operating model. The 2008 financial crisis revealed many unseen sources of risk in the financial system. Although Goldman Sachs is considered to have one of the industry's best risk management systems, it stands that the company that the organization could further develop their model (Popper, 2012). Risk management is described as…...


Works Cited

Craig, S. (2013, January 16). Bolstered by Investments, Goldman Sachs's Profit Soars. Retrieved from Deal Book: 

Janus. (N.d.). Investor Newsletter. Retrieved from Janus:

Popper, M. (2012, October 9). Who's the Best on Wall Street: Risk Management Report Card. Retrieved from CNBC: 

Steinberg, J. (2013, March 5). WisdomTree Investments' CEO Presents at Citigroup U.S. Financial Services Conference (Transcript). Retrieved from Seeking Alpha:

Comparison of Whole Foods Market and Goldman Sachs HR
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

Human Resource Strategy
Focusing more on the people and putting their needs and wants first is one of the most essential contributors to success of an organization. Among the toughest challenges being faced by human resources (HR) executives today is the development of effective and efficient yet at the same time powerful business solutions that would focus more on the business by keeping the concerned people in perspective. However, some feel that the role being played by HR executives in the achievement of such objectives is still not very clear (Deloitte).

Companies that have effective HR have the ability to attract and retain employees who are qualified and motivated to perform. Such human resources help the companies to obtain more profits, have lower employee turnover, have lower costs of production, have higher quality of products, and have more rapid implementation and acceptance of corporate strategies (Schuler and MacMillan).

Two companies, Goldman Sachs, Inc.…...



Conway, Stephanie. Whole Foods Market®: An Industry Leader? San Diego, 2007.

Deloitte. "Creating value through HR." 2009.

Goldman Sachs. who we are. 2014. 9 May 2015.

Gupta, P. Siddharth. Whole Foods Market. Hyderabad, 2013.

Misconduct in the Financial Industry 1MDB'scandal
Pages: 4 Words: 1315

The recent 1MDB scandal that stretched from the East to the West is a major example of misconduct in the financial industry. It is also indicative of an endemic culture of misconduct within the industry itself. Several banks and higher-ups in government were involved and yet the few have been charged or convicted of any crime. The reason is that while the financial system is meant to prevent scandals such as this the reality is that those tasked with governance are incentivized to look the other way because the ones they are aiding and abetting in allowing these crimes to happen are the ones who also have the power the prosecute. Thus, the corruption extends from the industry to the state. It is very much a situation of scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours. 1MDB was set up as a massive sovereign wealth fund that was used as a slush fund by various well-connected individuals. The…...



Brown, C. R. (2020). Crime in plain sight—1MDB. Retrieved from  

Burgis, T. (2020). Kleptopia. Harper Collins.

Case, W. (2017). Stress testing leadership in Malaysia: the 1MDB scandal and Najib Tun Razak. The Pacific Review, 30(5), 633-654.

Jones, D. S. (2020). 1MDB corruption scandal in Malaysia: a study of failings in control and accountability. Public Administration and Policy, 23(1), 59-72.

Nemeth, C. P. (2019). Private Security and the Investigative Process, 4th Edition. Florida: CRC Press. 

Goldman Sachs Open System Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 620

1. What is open systems theory In essence, open systems theory, in the words of Chance and Chance (2002), posits/suggests “that organizations are dynamic systems involving constant interactions among the various formal and informal systems within the organization as well as exchanges (feedback and input) between the organization and systems outside the organization” (p. 7). It therefore follows that an organization’s structure as well as behavior is impacted upon by the permeating or surrounding environment.
2. How can open systems theory be used to understand an organization?
As per the open systems theory, organizations are not autonomous (Daft, Murphy, and Willmott, 2010). Their operations do not take place outside the world we live in. For this reason, their structure ought to be cognizant of the environment in which they do business. This effectively means that deliberate measures ought to be undertaken to embrace opportunities and concerns unique to the organization under consideration.
Week 2

Goldman Case What Is Up With Wall
Pages: 3 Words: 796

Goldman Case
hat is up with all Street? The Goldman Standard and shaded of Gray

The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray was a case study which was focused on Goldman Sachs and their impact on the economic system. Goldman has grown large enough in which their operation were capable of affecting the economic structure of our banking system, stock shares, as well as the government to a large extent. The company is obviously profit driven, but to an extent that borders on being ruthless and perpetually greedy for more money and success. Furthermore, Goldman's culture is more "toxic" today than it was in 2005, when they were involved in inflating a housing bubble that would help crash the global economy, or in 2007 and 2008, when they began desperately offloading their housing-related assets to investors who hadn't yet realized the market was going to crash; if there was a culture change,…...


Works Cited

Antilla, S. (2013, January 8). A case of Wall Street greed gone too far. Retrieved from CNN: 

Hamilton, W. (2012, March 14). Exiting Goldman Sachs exec blasts firm's 'toxic,' greedy culture. Retrieved from LA Times: 

Keltner, D., & Piff, P. (2012, March 16). Greed Prevents Good. Retrieved from The New York Times: 

Klein, e. (2012, March 15). At Goldman, short-term greed vs. long-term greed. Retrieved from The Washington Post:

Ethics Insider Trading the Ethics
Pages: 2 Words: 778

Speculating has become such a common practice in the stock market that it is an essential element of a proper stock market. It is doubtful that the stock market values would be anywhere near its current value if not for speculation.
Goldman Sachs Investigation

The Goldman Sachs investigation inquires into whether traders at a number of hedge funds and trading firms, improperly gained nonpublic information from Goldman Sachs (who gained the information from industry informants) about pending health-care, technology and other merger deals.

In the Goldman Sachs situation, certain traders benefited from privileged information of impending mergers by buying stock on those mergers before the merger was officially announced.

Thus, they were able to acquire a promising stock at a lower price than they would have otherwise. They profit by selling the stock after the merger announcement induces other traders to buy the stock and push the stock price up.

According to Werhane, the…...



James B. Stewart, Why Practice Insider Trading? Just Watch Warren Buffet Instead. Wall Street Journal Online. May 5, 2011.

Susan Pulliam, Michael Rothfeld, Jenny Strasburg and Gregory Zuckerman, U.S. In Vast Insider Trading Probe. Wall Street Journal Online. November 20, 2010. 

Patricia Werhane, the Ethics of Insider Trading.

Ashby Jones, Galleon Insider Trading Probe Fingers Former McKinsey Head. Wall Street Journal. March 1, 2011.

Decision-Making Is One of the
Pages: 17 Words: 4930

" To that end, the Treasury Department would limit executive compensation for institutions receiving "exceptional assistance" (Geithner and Summers, 2009).
Troubles continued in the financial sector -- both Citigroup and the Bank of America needed second rounds of capital infusions, and federal guarantees against losses totaling tens of billions more -- while Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, warned that more capital injections might be needed to further stabilize the financial system. On Jan. 16, the Senate voted 52-42 to release the second round of funds (Gerth, 2009).

THE GEITHNER PLANS -on Feb. 10, Mr. Geither presented the rough outlines of the Obama administration's plan. A central piece of the proposal would create one or more so-called bad banks that would rely on taxpayer and private money to purchase and hold banks' bad assets. Another centerpiece of the plan would stretch the last $350 billion that the Treasury has for the…...

Half the Sky Movement Comparing
Pages: 4 Words: 1185

Through situating women in business roles, Goldman Sachs is empowering individuals, but also entire communities of women who are looking into the workforce like never before seen in their particular culture in previous generations. Goldman Sachs takes a middleman approach, by connecting nonprofit organizations with necessary funding funneled through private and corporate donations. Thus, it is a sponsor of programs aimed at providing business education for women worldwide, but does not often create a program on its own. From this perspective, Goldman Sachs is a third-party participant, connecting funding with programs already in action in regions around the world.
On the other hand, Vagisil takes a very different route for empowering women around the world and fighting oppression based on gender. The company produces feminine hygiene products, and has a number of programs domestically in the United States that help promote sex and gender education in order to help empower…...


Works Cited

Half the Sky Movement. "Funders." Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. 2013. Web.

Warner Research the Compelling Truth
Pages: 5 Words: 1461

This was not the case in the early days of film, however.
Instead, the studios either owned or worked in close collaboration with movie theatres, the vast majority of which had only one screen at the time. Instead of being able to choose which movie one wanted to see upon arriving at the theatre, choosing a movie meant choosing which studio's latest picture seemed most appealing, and going to that theatre. The arner brothers did not have a lot of money to build theatres with; they managed to construct a few in major cities, but that was it until Harry arner talked to independent theatre owners and convinced them to advertise arner's films for a small price (BOS 2).

The boost that arner Brothers Studios got from these advertisements allowed them to grow their business, and even obtain a large loan from Goldman Sachs that was used to build more studio-owned…...


Works Cited

Animation USA. "Warner Bros." Accessed 26 November 2009. 

BOS. "Warner Brothers." Box office Spy. Accessed 26 November 2009.

Warner Bros. "Company History." Accessed 26 November 2009.

Why Am I Interested in Business
Pages: 2 Words: 738

Business and finance understanding were a foundational part of my formative years, as my father worked for Merryl Lynch for 25 years. He shared with me the desire to understand and incorporate the wisdom of how the market works and how finance is a part of every day life. In doing so he not only made me wise to the sometimes complicated nature of business but he shared his love for the concepts with me and in sharing I developed my own love for business and finance. The challenges of business and finance have become a part of the foundation that drives my decision and desire to achieve and succeed in both my own life and through the success of my abilities working with this foundational part of other's lives.
I have worked hard in my life to achieve things which many people only dream of doing. After high school graduation…...

Ethics and Information Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1630

Ethics and IT
Ethics and Information Technology

Doing Ethics Analysis

This case concerns trade secret misappropriation and theft of intellectual property, as well as issues of surveillance and cybercrime. Sergey Aleynikov attempted to steal computer code from Goldman Sachs in order to build competing technology for his new employer. Goldman Sachs prosecuted Aleynikov and won a conviction. The case discusses applicable case laws, including the difficulty of enforcing non-compete and non-disclosure agreements.

Sergey Aleynikov was employed by Goldman Sachs, and as part of his employment, had signed a confidentiality agreement. Aleynikov found new employment with Teza Technologies, where he was hired to build a high-speed trading platform to compete with Goldman Sachs. On his last day of employment for Goldman Sachs, Sergey Aleynikov downloaded proprietary high-speed trading computer code for use in his new employment at Teza Technologies. Aleynikov attempted to cover up evidence of his theft by erasing and deleting files.

Q3. This case…...


Reference List

Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics. University of Western Australia website. Retrieved April 28, 2011 from 

Mastin, L. (2011). Basics of Philosophy. Retrieved April 28., 2011 from 

Sevenoaks School Philosophy Department. (2011). Ethics. Retrieved April 28, 2011 from 

Simpson, C. (2003). Doing Ethics: A universal technique in an accessibility contest. Retrieved April 29, 2011 from

Economic Crash Can Be Viewed From a
Pages: 5 Words: 1487

Economic crash can be viewed from a number of perspectives ranging from causes and effects to the 2008 Crash's resemblance to the Crash of 1929, which began the Great Depression. This paper will consider the 2008 recession from the standpoint of the financial banking industry, which, according to economic journalists like Matt Taibbi (2010), played a major and significant role in the crumbling of the nation's economy -- just like it did in the Lawless Decade also known as the oaring Twenties.
Big Banking Meets Big Government

What has now become known as the Era of De-egulation actually had its beginnings in the 80s decade known just as much for its rampant excess as the early 20s were known for their unbridled lawlessness. Yet, while the latter enjoyed the snubs-to-the-law bootlegging speakeasies, the former enjoyed the merging of the financial sector with the political -- which began during eagan's tenure in the…...


Reference List

AP/HuffPost. (2011). Charles Ferguson's Oscar Speech Rips Wall Street: 'Inside Job'

Director Levels Criticism During Acceptance. HuffPost Business. Retrieved from 

Sann, P. (n.d.). The Lawless Decade: A Pictorial History of the Roaring Twenties.

Retrieved from

Analyzing Cultural Diversity in the Professions
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

Cultural Diversity in the Professions
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services geared towards a substantial and diversified clientele, which comprises of firms, financial organizations, governments as well as high-net-worth people (Forbes, 2015). This paper would focus on the company's cultural diversity that is reflected in its content, design and graphics of the website.

Accessibility of the Diversity-elated Material on the Website

There is a link for "Careers" on the website, in which there is a sub-section for "Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action" (Goldman Sachs, n.d.). Also, the homepage has a link "Who Are We" in which there is another link leading to "Diversity and Inclusion." By typing the word "diversity" in the search bar of the webpage, the results yield "Our commitment to diversity" and the company's culture that has an in-built inclination for promoting diversity…...



Forbes. (2015). America's best employers: #352 Goldman Sachs Group. Retrieved from 

Goldman Sachs. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from 

Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility HACR. (n.d.). About us. Retrieved from

NASSCOM. (n.d.). Introduction. Retrieved from   awards-2016 -

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