Even though Glory oad took place in the American South, its themes
are prevalent throughout sports and through many different time periods.
Current literature touches on many of the themes of the movie. A recent
study of college students by Harrison and Lawrence looks at the perception
regarding what seems to be the now dominating role of blacks in American
sports today (Harrison & Lawrence, 2004). While this seems to contradict
the theme of Glory oad, as Glory oad is about a lack of opportunities for
black athletes, the article depicts racial overtones within sports that
helps to show that racial issues have been and still are predominant in
sports. Harrison and Lawrence consider the success of black's in sports
and the public perception. Glory oad also looks at the perception of
black athletes, which in the context of America in 1966, considers blacks
to be good athletes, but not as smart as whites. This is consistent with
the themes of whiteness, white…...
Alley, T. R. (2000). Peer Attitudes Towards Adolescent Participants in Male-and Female Oriented Sports. Adolescence Summer2005, 40, 273-281.Douglass, D. D. (2005). Venus, Serena, and the Women's Tennis Association:
When and Where "Race" Enters. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22, 256-282.Erickson, B. (2005). Style Matters: Explorations of Bodies, Whiteness, and
Identity in Rock Climbing. : Sociology of Sport Journal, 22, 373.
Movie Review: Glory Road
The plots of sports movies have become so predictable that audiences have come to expect a series of clichés when they attend them. Glory Road (2006), however, is not merely about an underdog team or an inspirational coach overcoming low expectations or obstacles. It is an incisive history of racism in American sports. Although African-American players have made substantial inroads in college and professional basketball, at least as players (rectifying the racial imbalance in coaching has proven to be more difficult), the ability of players to be treated equally regardless of race was not always a given. Set in 1966, the film relates the story of an all-African-American starting lineup of Texas Western College, a lineup that was then a watershed in college basketball history.
Texas Western College even today is not known as a sports powerhouse, and this was doubly the case when Coach Don Haskins took…...
mlaWork Cited
Glory Road. Directed by James Gardner, 2006.
The 2006 American film drama "Glory oad" is a useful way of appreciating the notion, familiar to students of communications, of what constitutes a culture. There are two particular theses from the study of communications that are related to the idea of culture, and are illustrated in crucial ways by "Glory oad." The first is the idea that conflict constitutes a culture in itself, and a destructive one. The second is the notion that separate cultures need to communicate with each other, and that this issue of cross-cultural communication is complicated. It is therefore a useful way to approach these theories of communication and the definition of culture by examining them alongside the film. After first approaching a few basic definitions of culture and related terms derived from the discipline of communications, this study will then evaluate the two specific questions of culture outlined above in relation to "Glory oad."…...
Bardwell, S.H. (2013). Conflict and communication in the workplace: An inquiry and findings from XYZ university's study on religious tolerance and diversity suggesting ironies of cultural attitudes, free expression and conflict in an academic organization. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 17. http://www.globethics.net/gel/5453886
Corey, C.M., Fok, L.Y., Payne, D.M. (2014). Cross-cultural differences in values and conflict management: A comparison of the U.S. And Puerto Rico. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 18. http://www.globethics.net/gel/5921566
Duck, S, McMahan, D.T. (2014) Communication in Everyday Life. 2nd. Edition. Sage. ISBN: 9781412969574
Path-Goal and Expectancy Theories
During the 1980 Winter Olympic Games held in Lake Placid, New York, the United States Men's ice hockey team, comprised of predominantly college players with no experience in international play, performed one of the most celebrated feats in the annals of team sport. In the midst of an increasingly hostile Cold War with the Soviet Union, the underestimated U.S. team advanced through Olympic group play to play the heavily favored Soviet team in the medal round. Faced with incredibly daunting odds against a juggernaut of a Soviet squad, one which had captured virtually every significant world hockey championship since 1954, head coach Herb Brooks rallied his untested team of American amateurs to an astonishing victory known forever after as the "Miracle on Ice." While the astounding athletic achievements of the U.S. men's team cannot be overstated, the theoretical foundation of the legendary leadership skills displayed by Brooks…...
Greene's the Power and the Glory
Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory is believed by some to be his finest work. The book addresses a variety of social, religious and personal issues that lay close to the heart of the author. The Mexican situation and the Catholic faith are for example two prominent issues addressed by the work. elow is then a consideration of the context and inner truths from which Graham Greene created this work.
Roman Catholicism in Mexico
Greene met the woman who would be his wife, Vivien Dayrell-rowning while he was working at the Nottingham Journal. While some say that this is his reason for converting to Roman Catholicism, it is obvious that his devotion and affection for this religion later became much deeper than the catalyst for a woman's love. The way in which the protagonist of The Power and the Glory, the priest, is portrayed, is…...
Bloom, Harold. Graham Greene. Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.
D'Souza Santosh. "Graham Greene, Biography, His Works, Other Web Resources." 6 November 2001. http://www.geocities.com/Ahtens/Parthenon/1608/greene.htm
Greene, Graham. The Lawless Roads. New York: Viking Press, 1939.
Lenchek, Shep. "the Catholic Church in Mexico, Triumphs and Traumas." (2000): 13 November 2001. Http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/travel/slenchek/slcatholic1.html .
Graham Greene's novel The Power and the Glory (1940) is one of his works that the author himself identified as a Catholic story, and it is clearly concerned with issues of Catholicism in both theory and practice. The novel is set in Mexico in the 1930s at a time when the Church was in conflict with the political powers in Mexico. Greene gives his story an allegorical structure, with the two opposing forces represented by the hiskey Priest and the Lieutenant of Police, neither of whom is ever named beyond this identification with their jobs and roles in life. The metaphorical framework for the novel evokes images of death, leading ultimately to the death of the priest but also suggesting the death of a corrupt religious order. The novel was deemed anti-Catholic by the Church, which sought to have it banned for a time, though the novel is more critical…...
mlaWorks Cited
Atkins, John. Graham Greene. London: Calder and Boyars, 1966.
DeVitis, A.A. Graham Greene. Boston: Twayne, 1986.
Greene, Graham. Graham Green: Seven Novels: The Power and the Glory. New York: Heinemann/Octopus, 1979.
Kellogg, Gene. The Vital Tradition: The Catholic Novel in a Period of Convergence. Loyola University Press, 1970.
This is clear enough from the play in which the man said, "Let them hate provided that they fear." He found to his cost that such a policy was his ruin.
When Antony and Octavian later reconciled, forming the Triumvirate with Lepidus, the young Caesar made no real effort to save Cicero when Antony immediately proscribed him. He had been informed, privately, of Cicero's quip to friends that the young man "must get praises, honors and push." In December, 43, almost two years to the day from his dinner with Caesar, Cicero was caught by Antony's soldiers in a halfhearted escape attempt. His brother Quintus and nephew had already been murdered. Cicero died bravely. His head and hands, cut off, were brought back and nailed to the ostra from which he had so often moved the crowd. Fulvia, Antony's remarkable wife, drove pins through the golden tongue which had so…...
Church, Alfred. "The Baldwin Project: Roman Life in the days of Cicero by Alfred J. Church." The Baldwin Project. 2000. Lisa Ripperton. 22 Mar. 2005. http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=church&book=cicero&story=atticus .
Clayton, Edward. "Cicero: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2001. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 22 Mar. 2005. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/c/cicero.htm .
Cluett, Ronald. "Bryn Mawr Classical Review 96.11.5." Ccat.sas.upenn.edu. 1996.
Ccat.sas.upenn.edu. 22 Mar. 2005. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1996/96.11.05.html .
How Trade Has Affected SocietiesTrade has tended to bring about peace more often than not. However, to control trade, nations have been willing to go to war. Thus, trade can be seen as a double-edged swordone that cuts both ways throughout history from the time of the Silk Road to now. Trade can cut one way towards peace, and the mere fact that trade can be so lucrative and that control of trade routes means control over a great many nations has also meant that trade can lead to war when one nation feels it is in its own best interests to assert itself. This paper will show how trade has affected societies for 2000 years by being the motivation for both peace and war.The Silk Road was an ancient trade between the East and the est that existed from approximately the second century BC to the 15th century AD.…...
mlaWorks CitedHebron, L., Stack, J. F. Globalization: Debunking the Myths. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.Khan Academy. “The Silk Road.” E. Michael. Barren Metal. Fidelity Press, 2014.Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations.https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/ancient-medieval/silk-road/a/the-silk-road Jones,
Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken" (lines 18-20):
In the final lines of this poem, the narrator says some of the most famous lines in American poetry: "I took the one less travelled by, / And that has made all the difference" (19-20). Many have interpreted these lines as a celebration of individuality, but on closer inspection, it becomes evident that in reality, the narrator is lamenting that he has made these choices. Instead of following the path of others, he has gone on his own path. His conclusion is that it was this choice, choosing "the path less travelled by" that has marked the rest of his life. The tone of the piece is not one of self-congratulation but rather depression and despondency. He does not say that he regrets the choices that he has made, but acknowledges that his life would be very different had he made other choices.
mlaWorks Cited:
Cummings, e.e. "Nobody Loses All the Time." Print.
Dickey, James L. "Cherrylog Road." Print.
Eliot, T.S. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." Print.
Frost, Robert. "Birches." Literature. 11th Ed. 1042-1043. Print.
Jim Hightower is the author of There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos. Hightower seeks to advance the populist, or progressive, movement with this book. Hightower is a disgruntled Democrat -- he told Gwen Ifill in an interview that "as a Democrat, I've been terribly disappointed. (PBS). There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos was published in 1997 and although it is filled with slightly amusing anecdotes, Hightower appears to me nothing more that any of the other political talking heads he claims to be working against. Hightower's credentials are Former Texas Agriculture Commissioner, national radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author. (Jim Hightower) These credentials do not qualify him to be an expert in the field of politics, merely an outspoken Democrat.
In the first chapter of this book, Hightower claims that the "symbol of today's…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hightower, Jim. There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead
Armadillos. New York: Harper Collins. 1997.
Jim Hightower. About Jim. Site visited 6 June, 2003.
PBS. Liberals vs. liberals. Site visited 6 June, 2003.
In this interpretation Heitler accepts the modified Copenahgenist observer created reality, but adds that the act of observation dissolves the barrier between observer and the observed. The observer is a necessary part of the whole. Once observed, the object is now an inseparable part of the observer (leuler). Arntz addresses this bridge between the observer, the observer, and reality by asking "why aren't we magicians?"; indeed, if we create our reality and can change our reality simply through the act of how we perceive it, and how we choose to perceive it, we should be able shape our world and our place in our world. In Arntz' way, he is offering to the reader what so many self-help gurus have done -- put responsibility for one's reality in the hands of the person living that particular reality, and saying, 'here you go, you can change it.' Empowering, yes….but is…...
Albert, David and Barry Loewer. "Interpreting the Many Worlds Interpretation." Synthese (2004): 195-213.
Arntz, William, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente. What the Bleep Do We Know. Deerfield Beach: Health Communications, Inc., 2005.
Bey, Hakim. "Quantum Mechanics & Chaos Theory: Anarchist Meditations on N. Herbert's Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics." 2010. Hakim Bey and Ontological Anarchy. 27 March 2010 .
Bleuler, K., Heitler, W. "The Reversal of Time and the Quantization of the Longitudinal Field in Quantum Electrodynamics." Progress of Theoretical Physics (1950): 600-605.
After the departure of LTC wood the lieutenant colonel that was in command a battalion in the 56th Heavy Brigade Combat Team (HBCT), there was a change of command. There was a new brigade leadership team that assumed responsibility for the period of pre-deployment and train-up. The paper will look at an analysis of the leadership problem that the new brigade leadership had. There will be a proposal on the solving of the leadership problem and finally an analysis of the expected outcome from the solutions that have been proposed.
Problem identification
There was an indication that the leadership performed well within Afghanistan given the circumstances. However there were various leadership challenges that were presented which required attention. First of all there were incompatible communication systems that crippled command and communication throughout the brigade. Due to the varied battlefield, electronic and environmental conditions leaders were often required to carry multiple radios for…...
Cherry, K.(2013).What is problem solving? Retrieved July 20, 2013 from http://psychology.about.com/od/problemsolving/f/problem-solving-steps.htm
Sieck, W.(2013). Critical Thinking Skills: What are They and How Do I Get Them? Retrieved July 20, 2013 from http://www.globalcognition.org/head-smart/critical-thinking-skills/
SkillsYouNeed.com.(2013). Problem Solving. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/problem-solving.html
University of Kent Careers and Employability Service. (2010). Problem Solving and Analytical Skills. Retrieved July 20, 2013 from http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/problem-solving-skills.htm
building of the nation. Education not only means the acquisition of new skills and knowledge through classrooms and lectures but also meant to be the experience gotten while working under a skilled and knowledgeable person.
Many scholars and leaders in the past and today's world have thrown light on this topic through thousand of words and enlightened quotes. It is basically a thing which can not only change a person. But in fact it helps in changing the whole society and further to much larger extent than just a society. As Nelson Mandela said,
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
Nelson Mandela's words clearly illustrate the importance of education and its role in the development of society. In the modern era the power of education is accepted globally and it is crystal clear from the performance of literate people that only those nations develop…...
Jennifer Schommer, Elizabeth Pierce, CMC Cherrie Woods, NTouch Communications
Dick Gregory, Robert Lipsyte (1986), Nigger: An Autobiography, New York: Washington Square Press.
Russell Jacoby (1992), "Whither Western Civilization, The Nation
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (1988), "Privilege of Unknowing," Genders 1
Those with issues to overcome are always more heroic. Hector also becomes a hero when, after at first running from Achilles, he eventually stands up to him and dies a heroic death.
The Iliad is primarily a war epic. In your opinion, is the Iliad condemnation of the it could easily be argued that the Illiad glorifies war, as much of the poem is spent portraying the warriors as brave and courageous, even as they go on killing rampages. Warriors are describes as "masters of the battle cry" and "warlike" in glowing epithets. When Achilles originally refused to fight, he is roundly condemned for it by all of the other Greek characters. Even the weapons of war, such as Achilles impenetrable shield, are glorified. But homer is more complicated than simple -- war also brings death, which he describes in great detail. Hector's death is perhaps the most graphic of…...
Philosophers are those most endowed to comprehend reality, therefore they ought to be granted state leadership. At the same time, people ought to realize their potential, an action which implied not only virtuosity, but also the achievement of happiness.
Lucretius on the other hand argued that dedicating oneself to the pleasures of the body is nothing but a road to perdition and that it is likely to bring more pain and misery than happiness. Just like Plato he argued for a rational view of the world and a rational approach to politics. According to him, inner balance was a strategic factor for the individual's happiness and for the society's well being. However, people had to accept pain and deal with (in a rational manner) and not simply choose to ignore it. He underlines that hardship is a natural element of life and that people should demonstrate their dignity and strength…...
mlaThe contemporary people are avid for immediate gratification. They wish for a political system that would make everything perfect. Yet the dominating spirit is not one in which there is strong interest for the community. Just like in ancient times the prevailing interest is selfish. Taking into consideration the time which has passed, the historical developments, etc. It could be asserted that since change has not occurred, it will not occur. While both the Platonist and the Epicurean systems are valid through the values they suggest, the spirit that guides men generally prevents them from being applied. The main challenge is that people wish for immediate solutions which do not demand high efforts or suffering. Since this is impossible, the world is likely to remain the same (as it is today, as it was during ancient times).
Plato (Gill, C), The symposium, Penguin classics, 2003
Lucretius (Stallings, AE), The nature of things, Penguin classics, 2007
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