Global War Essays (Examples)

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Global War on Terror United States' Stand
Pages: 4 Words: 1584

Global War on Terror
United States' stand on terrorism has come under serious criticism since 9/11 terrorists attacks. Not only the other countries are critical about the global war on terrorism, but the Americans also are actively criticizing their own actions because of the futility of actions they have witnessed so far.

The ongoing turbulence and security issues had forced United State to change the foreign policy and this has raised several questions about the global war on terrorism. It is important and vital for the foreign policy maker of United States to decide whether to pursue an idealistic situation and force other countries to do the same, where there are no issues, problems, or for instance no war or to deal with the reality as it is.

The American military actions are facing several challenges and issues since the 11th September attacks. The country is facing the problems and threats because of…...


Richardson, B. (2008, February). A new realism: a realistic and principled foreign policy. Foreign affairs, Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

OPPapers. Realism vs. idealism: how american foreign policy has changed since world war ii. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

Admin. (2010, December 28). Is us foreign policy idealistic or realistic?. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

Article 2 4 of the UN Charter and Global War
Pages: 8 Words: 2442

How the Transfer of Arms Violates Article 2(4) and Leads to the Risk of Global WarLegal IssueThe legal issue identified in this paper is how the transfer of arms could be a violation of UN Charter Article 2(4). The examples of the transfer of arms from UK to Saudi Arabia to be used in an attack on Yemen as well as the transfer of arms from the US and other states to Ukraine to attack Russia are used in the paper. The escalation of conflict from sanctions to hot war and the threat of nuclear war is discussed. The idea being pursued is that legal parameters have largely been eschewed in the West from Article 2(4) to the use of economic sanctions or the breaking of contracts (such as Germanys breaking of its contract with Russia regarding Nord Stream 2, in violation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade…...



Bolvin, Alexandra. ‘Complicity and beyond: International law and the transfer of small

arms and light weapons’ (2005) 87 International Review of the Red Cross 467.

Chercheneff, Lena. ‘Challenging unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions under

Global Warming
Pages: 20 Words: 5455

Monitoring and enforcing a [CO.sub.2] treaty would be very difficult, if not impossible.

eductions in [CO.sub.2] emissions by rich countries could be negated by increased [CO.sub.2] emissions in fast-growing developing countries (Udall, 1990)."

One of the issues facing the global warming crisis is the debate about who is most responsible for its creation and who should be financially responsible for its curbing. According to recently gathered data Americans are causing a much larger percentage of the problem than less industrialized nation are causing. Americans are producing a larger percentage of the greenhouse gasses that are at the root of creating the global warming crisis (Udall, 1990).

Other nations that have been industrialized are also contributing to the problem however, when all is said and done the entire world will suffer the impact that global warming will cause.

For example, two hundred fifty million Americans produce about nine times more CO.sub.2 than the nearly one…...



Cohen, Neal (2007) What Will it Cost to Fight Global Warming? Talk of the Nation (NPR)

Dewar, Heather (1995) Global warming has already begun, U.N. scientific report warns.(Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers) Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service

Flavin, Christopher (1990) Slowing global warming. American Forests

Goode, Stephen, (2004) Singer Cool on Global Warming; Renowned scientist Fred Singer heats up the debate on a controversial topic by showing why the popular theory on global warming is not backed by scientific evidence.(PICTURE PROFILE)

Global Warming Many Environmental Experts
Pages: 8 Words: 2888

In much of the nation, a warming of four degrees (F) could increase ozone concentrations by about 5%."
As mentioned, increased pollution is one of the results of global warming; and this can also have an effect on human health.

One of the health hazards is the increase of respiratory illness due to the connection between heat waves and air pollution. Another related factor is that it has been found that increased levels of carbon monoxide are related to increases in the pollen count which affects various respiratory ailments. "Photochemical smog and carbon dioxide are factors that have been found to boost pollen production by ragweed. This alone may help account for part of the tremendous rise in asthma. In addition, extreme weather events are becoming more intense and projected to become more frequent.

Solutions and controversy

There is a general consensus among most nations that solutions to this growing problem have to…...



Christianson, Gale E. Greenhouse the 200-Year Story of Global Warming. New York: Walker, 1999.

Definition of Global Warming. April 22, 2005.

D'EMILIO, FRANCESn (2003) "WHO Links Global Warming to More Deaths," AP Online, December 11.

Disease time bomb; With global warming can come big-time health woes. (2000) the Grand Rapids Press, (Grand Rapids, MI), December 28

Global Warming An Inconvenient Debate
Pages: 2 Words: 758

Despite the harsh, cold winter, 2010 is likely to be the warmest year on record (Homer-Dixon 2010, p.1). But powerful special interest groups with an economic incentive to fight global warming legislation, such as cattlemen who raise methane-generating livestock or the oil and gas industry, may win out in the short-term, politically. Yet they cannot fight the facts. Due to global warming, the "Northern Hemisphere's jet streams… could alter storm tracks, rainfall patterns and food production far to the south" of the equator, and create the conditions for famine and fuel further political unrest in an already war-torn region (Homer-Dixon 2010, p.2).
Urgent action and lifestyle changes are needed, such as radically reducing carbon emissions from automobiles and overhauling existing energy systems (Homer-Dixon 2010, p.2). This could prove quite costly, however, and demand sacrifices of the developing as well as the developed world. The means of addressing global warming is…...



"Global Warming." Times Topics. The New York Times. August 17, 2010. [September 26, 2010] 

Homer-Dixon, Thomas. "Disaster at the top of the world." The New York Times. August 23,

2010. [September 26, 2010] /2010/08/23/opinion/23homer-dixon.html?ref=globalwarming

Global Warming Is a Phenomenon
Pages: 6 Words: 2554

Changing the climate of the earth will also impact living conditions for humanity. People will be forced to deal with the effects of living in a warmer environment, which may mean hotter temperatures and growth of mold and mildew, as well as deal with the issues surrounding home modification to adjust to the new climate variable. There may be a need for increased air conditioning; air conditioners require energy to run, which is going to have to come from power plants. If the power plants are fueled by fossil fuels, the cycle is repeating and enhancing itself. Additionally, air conditioners are known strongholds of disease such as Legionnaires Disease, which may contribute to increased rates of contagion among the human population (Langholz & Turner, 2003).

Another problem that may likely result from global warming is the impact upon the food production system for humanity. Hotter climates may be non-conducive to existing…...



Berger, J. (2000). Beating the Heat: Why and How We Must Combat Global Warming. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Hills Books.

Daly, J. (2002). Solar Variability Causes Global Warming. In J. Haley, & ed., Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints (pp. 82-89). San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

Fearnside, P., & Barbosa, R. (2003). Avoided Deforestation in Amazonia as a Global Warming Mitigation Measure: The Case of Mato Grasso. World Resource Review, 352-361.

Gorte, R., & Sheikh, P. (2010). Deforestation and Climate Change. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service.

Global Warming and Its Effects
Pages: 9 Words: 3267

Ecosystem Dynamics Relative to Repair and Restoration

Ecological restoration activities are created to reverse the effect of previous human activities that damaged important parts of ecosystems. Terry L. Root, senior fellow with Stanford's Institute for International Studies affirms in one of her studies that "One thing we might do now is to consider adjusting the bag limits for hunters so we don't add insult to injury in the coming years. ecause anticipation of changes improves our capacity to manage, it behooves us to increase our understanding about the responses of plants and animals to a changing climate."

In order to anticipate and prevent the predicted changes in planet's ecosystems people must create projects and activities that can improve life. For example, trees can help offset or global warming, because they absorb CO2. People must be encouraged to plant trees and preserve older forests as a way to cut down on the amount…...



Dupler Douglas, Kyoto Protocol/Treaty (October 25, 2005). Retrieved February 21, 2007, at

Effects of global warming. Retrieved February 21, 2007 at 

Global warming. Retrieved February 21, 2007, at  

Global Warming a State of Denial
Pages: 9 Words: 2801

Humanity has faced a number of crises throughout history, and some of these such as the Black Death in the early 1330s and the Great Plague of 1665-1666 were of sufficient magnitude to kill large percentages of humankind. Even these disasters, though, did not rise to the level of the current threat from global warming. Although the scientific community remains divided concerning the cause of recent climate changes, there is a growing consensus that anthropogenic activities dating to the Industry evolution of the mid-19th century are the primary cause today. Indeed, some researchers believe that the climate change tipping point has already been reached and nothing can be done to reverse the process, meaning in sum the global climate will experience rapid changes that will threaten…...



Berry, Thomas. THE DREAM OF THE EARTH (Reprint Edition). Counterpoint, 2015.

Klein, Naomi. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING: CAPITALISM VS. THE CLIMATE. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.

Oreskes, Naomi & Erik Conway. THE COLLAPSE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION: A VIEW FROM THE FUTURE. Columbia University Press, 2014.

Global Warming Realities Project That There Will Be Fewer Coal Burning Plants
Pages: 13 Words: 4448

Nuclear Power the Best Alternative to Fossil Fuel?
Is nuclear energy the best alternative to fossil fuels in terms of the need for energy, taking into account the economy and the environment? This is an issue that embraces several other issues, in particular global climate change, the science behind climate change, the politics surrounding climate change and the continuing need for new sources of energy. This paper will address those issues using scholarly research and other data produced by worthy sources. Thesis: Available, credible research shows that nuclear power plants today are prohibitively expensive to build and moreover, the public has become increasing fearful and skeptical of nuclear energy following the tsunami and radioactive disaster in Japan. Hence, nuclear power does not appear at this time to be a valid alternative to fossil fuel notwithstanding the need to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Global climate change --…...


Works Cited

Biello, David. "Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Trash Heap Deadly for 250,000 years or a Renewable

Energy Source?" Scientific American, Retrieved April 3, 2014, from   2009. .

Cascio, Josh. "Crystal River Nuclear Plant decommissioning could take decades." FOX 13

News. Retrieved April 4, 2014, from   2014. .

How to Stop Global Warming
Pages: 4 Words: 1324

Global warming is caused by the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which trap heat inside the planet and keep it from escaping into outer space. Imagine the globe is like a parked car sitting in the sun with all the windows rolled up. The outside of the car may be hot, but the inside of the car will be so hot that belt buckles will burn one's skin if touched. Now if the car's windows were rolled down and the inside heat allowed to escape, the inside of the car would not be nearly as hot. This is essentially what is happening to the planet. Because the atmosphere is being polluted by greenhouse gasses, it is not allowing heat to escape and so the planet is warming as a result. hat causes greenhouse gasses? The primary cause is the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which release…...


Works Cited

Markham, Derek. "Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List." Planet Save,

2009. Web. 5 May 2016.

NASA. "A Blanket around the Earth." Global Climate Change, 2016. Web. 5 May


Forgotten Aspect of Global Warming Global Warming
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

forgotten aspect of global warming. Global warming does not merely mean that the earth is getting warmer, temperature-wise. It does not simply mean that summers will be more unpleasant. The melting of the polar ice caps will also cause more severe storms, such as the hurricanes that were affecting the Gulf region when Gore wrote his essay. As well as Arizona being afflicted with more hundred degree days than ever before, for the first time Brazil is being afflicted by hurricanes, forcing scientists to rewrite textbooks which said that the South Atlantic never experienced this meteorological phenomenon. The climate is changing, the ecosystem is changing, and we are to blame writes Gore. Gore writes that what we have done, we can also undo -- and must undo. But although the claim that man-made climate change is real seems undeniable in the light of scientific evidence, the question of how…...



Bittman, Mark. (2008). Rethinking the meat-guzzler. The New York Times. Retrieved: /2008/01/27/weekinreview/27bittman.html?pagewanted=all

Jenkins, Amber. (2012). Climate change: Evidence. NASA. Retrieved: /evidence/

War on Terror Somehow the
Pages: 1 Words: 375

This did not occur, and that in fact flawed the structure and strength of the strategic plan that was in place. This further affirms that stated in the answer to the memo; restructuring was needed. Combined forces were needed, better training and efforts in support of the military were needed. Most of all there was and is still a need for reunification of forces. The memo discusses the importance of forces coming together and supporting and sustaining the views of the UN and its principles, not only would this give everyone involved a more global perspective it will also allow all parties an opportunity to focus their initiatives in unison. There is a need for unification, support, boosting of military morale, and various other initiatives. A fresh perspective is always a great first step.

Smith, D. (2003, October 16). Your October 16, 2003 Memo e: Global War on…...



Smith, D. (2003, October 16). Your October 16, 2003 Memo Re: Global War on Terrorism. Memo, pp.1-9.

War in Afghanistan
Pages: 9 Words: 3312

ar in Afghanistan
After the terrorist group al Qaeda attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, the American military was sent to Afghanistan to attack the Taliban, and destroy their governing position. The Taliban became the target of the U.S. because they had allowed Osama bin Laden to use their country as a training ground for terrorist activities directed against the United States. However, the U.S. is now bogged down in what seems to be an unwinnable war against Taliban insurgents that cross the border from Pakistan. Moreover, there are militants in Afghanistan who object to foreign troops being in their country, and they have apparently joined with the insurgents and continue fighting the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. This paper reviews the historical and contemporary causes of the war in Afghanistan, and critiques the positive outcomes as well as the negative outcomes of the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan.



Works Cited

Associated Press. (2011). Suicide Bombers Kill Worshippers In Afghanistan. Retrieved November, 2011, from .

This is an article that brought to light the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, in specifics the proverbial suicide bomber situation, where an radical Islamic terrorist is willing to blow himself up in order to kill others. In this case the people killed with fellow Muslims -- worse yet, he killed people exiting a mosque following their worship services -- but clearly the message to the world was this: the NATO and U.S. presence in Afghanistan will never stop terrorists from doing whatever they want to do whenever they wish to do it.

Baktash, Hashmat, and Magnier, Mark. (2011). Suicide bombing in Kabul kills as many as 13

Americans. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from

Global Terror War Policy Advice
Pages: 6 Words: 1797


The resolution of this policy counsel meeting is the endorsement of a refinement of Australia's terror policy with respect both to the preservation of constitutional rights and in terms of approach its relationship to the United States with balance and diplomacy. Recognizing the severity the security threat but simultaneously recognizing the need to refine policies so as to diminish the tendency toward inflaming the political and ideological anger of the developing world, Australia must spend the coming decades finding ways to quell such hostility. This will mean a closer consideration of the economic, political and trade policies that often have run aground of the interests of the developing world. Likewise, it means that Australia must function as a continued partner to the U.S. But also as a voice of conscience with respect to the discretionary use of military force or diplomatic finesse.

orks Cited:

Aly, a. (2007). Australian Muslim Responses to the…...


Works Cited:

Aly, a. (2007). Australian Muslim Responses to the Discourse on Terrorism in the Australian Popular Media. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42(1).

Australian Federal Police (AFP). (2009). Fighting Terrorism in Australia.

BBC News. (2006). Australian Loses Terrorism Appeal. BBC News.

Brown, M. (2009). Al-Shabaab terrorists 'living in Australia.' ABC News. Online at

Global Management of McDonald Company
Pages: 12 Words: 3780

The capital requirements together with reserve policies were overhauled with the entry of new leadership and avenues of the company. Moreover, the company had to align compensation with long-term returns. The strategies, which were laid by the company after its revival was to settle the dividends of the purchasers, and pay debts, which had been accrued in payments (Stonehouse, 2004).
Porter's Five Force

The Porter's Five Forces have a great influence of the way McDonald's Company has been operating in the market. Literally, the company has embraced all the five figures making up the Porter's Five Forces. These are the forces, which influence the market as it happened to McDonald's Company. The company faced the threat of new entrants into the market. When the company was introduced, it dealt with different products, most of which were also being produced by some other companies. As such, the company had to shift from…...



Ahlstrom, D., & Bruton, G.D. (2010). International management: Strategy and culture in the emerging world. Australia: Southwestern Cengage Learning.

Facella, P., & Genn, a.M. (2009). Everything I know about business I learned at McDonald's:

The seven leadership principles that drive break out success. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Gilbert, S. (2009). The story of McDonald's. Mankato, MN: Creative Education.

Could someone kindly recommend me a topic for my A-levels global perspective essay?
Words: 481

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


Struggling to come up with an essay topic to write about. It has to have two perspectives and be a global issue?
Words: 382

Global issues are those issues that have an impact on more than one area of the globe, whether that impact is direct or indirect.  These issues can be things that impact all people, such as global warming, or issues that may not currently impact all people but have a potential global impact, such as the political unrest in the modern day United States.  We have compiled a list of suggested topics for an essay on global issues.  Each of them has at least two perspectives, though one of the perspectives may be stronger or more....

I need help with forming a good title for my research paper on greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?
Words: 257

The greenhouse effect, the impact of greenhouse gases, and climate change are all extremely topical issues.  They are considered political, but the science strongly supports the idea that these gases are increasing the earth’s average temperature, creating global climate change, fostering superstorms, and rapidly making the earth less habitable to humans. 

Here are some titles that would be appropriate for a range of essays about greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect:

  1. Greenhouses Gases: Great for Plants, Not so Great for Humans
  2. How Manmade Climate Change Differs from Natural Climate Change
  3. Jurassic World: Are Greenhouse Gases Returning....

I need help writing an essay about climate change?
Words: 539

Global climate change is a very interesting topic for an essay.  While the scientific evidence for climate change is extremely strong, there has been a push by many to deny or minimize the science.  This is not a science-driven approach, but an economic one.  There are negative short-term economic consequences that come with attempting to mitigate climate change. However, this position is short-sighted, as the long-term negative economic impact of climate change could be devastating.

In fact, because most climate change essays focus on the science, the economy is a great topic for....

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