The essence of the spirited existence and togetherness in the community influences change and ushers the nature of human dignity, observance of the stipulated laws and orders, and the usual prescriptions of humanity around the globe. There is no common avenue of slavery and disregard of human dignity that will be allowed in the society. The world is progressing and illuminating on all the principles of existence and dominance in the world. Therefore, the nature of living a solitary or spiritual life is an innate exercising of justice and respect for human dignity in the entire world. This is the spirit of the core values of the society as also prescribed in the declaration (Puybaret 32).
The existence and proclamation of the declaration is bestowed on the virtue of human respect for one another's rights and freedoms. The core values of the society are directed at bringing a common and…...
mlaWorks cited
Carbone, Leslie, and Teresa Wagner. Fifty Years after the Declaration: The United Nations'
Record on Human Rights. Lanham: University Press of America, 2001.
Ledwith, Margaret. Community Development: A Critical Approach. Bristol, UK: Policy
Global Perspective on Health Policy
A macro perspective on health policy issues has been addressed in this paper. This paper identifies how health insurance problems became a policy issue and how this issue resulted in the creation of health care policy.
Controversial issue in health and how this issue has resulted a policy's creation
The American health insurance system is riddled with drawbacks, for instance, continuously escalating premiums, and finding decent coverage. Employers seldom provide health insurance; as well, car insurance and house insurance is not covered by employers (nor should they be). One deficiency of employer-provided health insurance is that there are fewer options to choose from while selecting from the sponsored health plans. This holds true for the various companies which provide various kinds of insurance for house and cars. This is because the health insurance market is not the same as the automobile and/or home insurance market. In case of…...
mlaWorks cited
Basu, Rituparna. The Broken State Of American Health Insurance Prior To The Affordable Care Act: A Market Rife With Government Distortion. Ayn Rand Institute, 2013. Print
Boivin, Antoine, Lehoux, P. Burgers, J. & Grol, R. "What Are The Key Ingredients For Effective Public Involvement In Health Care Improvement And Policy Decisions? A Randomized Trial Process Evaluation." Milbank Quarterly" 92.2 (2014): 319-350. Business Source Complete. Web. 13 June 2015.
Dinitto, Diana M. "Chapter 1. Politics And The Policymaking Process." Social Welfare Politics And Public Policy (7th Ed.).Upper Saddle River, N.J.; Harlow: Pearson Education, 2010. Print.
Healthcare.Gov. Affordable Care Act. 2012a. Web. 13 June 2015
Colonialism in the Middle East
Colonialism has a long history in the Middle East. Muslim Turks, known as the Ottomans, had colonized almost the whole of the Middle East beginning in the 13th century and continued to rule the region right up to the end of the First World War. The Ottoman rule ended when Turkey, allied with the Central Powers, was defeated in WWI, and the victors led by Britain and France, decided to carve up the Middle Eastern territories between themselves.
uring the War, Britain had promised the Sharif of Mecca independence for the Arabs, in exchange for their support against the Ottomans. Later, they reneged on the promise and instead in the Belfour eclaration (1916) promised the creation of a separate homeland for the Jews in Palestine. After the War, a mandate system was evolved which envisaged "supervision" of the former Arab provinces by the members of the League…...
mlaDecades later, the legacy of colonialism continues to haunt the region. The neo-conservatives in the United States are expounding the same centuries' old colonialist theory of the "white man's burden" of guiding the 'lesser' nations towards the 'right path.' Forgetting the advice of Thomas Jefferson that, "The laws which must effect [a people's happiness] must flow from their own habits, their own feelings, and the resources of their own minds. No stranger to these could possibly propose regulations adapted to them," the U.S. has embarked on a crusade to create a "model" of democracy in the Middle East for the Arabs and the Muslim countries to follow. The British attempted a similar exercise unsuccessfully in the early part of the 20th century. Not having learnt the lessons of history, the U.S. is repeating the same mistake.
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria
Letter to W. Lee, 1819
Canadian Society: Global Perspectives This book comprises of a collection of literary works selected by Timothy McCauley and Janice Hill and is especially targeted to provide scholarly insight and understanding for students taking courses on sociology. Imperatively, the book lays emphasis on sociological points of view that take into account aspects such as diversity, ethnicity, identity, race, gender, family, as well as socialization. In this regard, the authors assimilate these sociological issues in the context of Canada and the manner in which it is linked to international patterns and processes. For instance, the authors delineate that different aspects such as the recent downward spiral of the global economy that impacted regions and nations across the world are a reminder that were are all existent in a global system. An additional example employed by the authors is the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute, which is a tribute to both the mean and…...
Abortion and the Media: Domestic and Global Perspectives
If anything can be agreed upon, it’s that abortion is a complex issue, one that triggers a wealth of opinions, feelings and beliefs. The way in which abortion is presented in the media is something that is also exceedingly complex, and which can both impact society and be a reflection of the beliefs of a particular society. Even in this modern era, abortion is still an issue that has the power to divide people and to cause tense debates. This paper will examine abortion in the media from a more global perspective, and will attempt to pinpoint the factors that trigger and influence both women and men alike.
The research article, “Women’s opinions on the legalisation of abortion in Chile 2009 –2013” by Palermo and colleagues (2015) shows an unsurprising finding about people’s viewpoints on abortion—and with those viewpoints, their beliefs on whether or…...
The capital requirements together with reserve policies were overhauled with the entry of new leadership and avenues of the company. Moreover, the company had to align compensation with long-term returns. The strategies, which were laid by the company after its revival was to settle the dividends of the purchasers, and pay debts, which had been accrued in payments (Stonehouse, 2004).
Porter's Five Force
The Porter's Five Forces have a great influence of the way McDonald's Company has been operating in the market. Literally, the company has embraced all the five figures making up the Porter's Five Forces. These are the forces, which influence the market as it happened to McDonald's Company. The company faced the threat of new entrants into the market. When the company was introduced, it dealt with different products, most of which were also being produced by some other companies. As such, the company had to shift from…...
Ahlstrom, D., & Bruton, G.D. (2010). International management: Strategy and culture in the emerging world. Australia: Southwestern Cengage Learning.
Facella, P., & Genn, a.M. (2009). Everything I know about business I learned at McDonald's:
The seven leadership principles that drive break out success. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gilbert, S. (2009). The story of McDonald's. Mankato, MN: Creative Education.
Global Business Cultural Analysis: Brazil
Cultural backgrounds reflect the ways and standards of living, which is unique and different for each country. In fact, the business world is also profoundly influenced by the cultural differences of the counties. This focus of this research paper, in this regard, is to analyze the cultural perspectives of doing business in Brazil. Therefore, major elements and dimensions of Brazilian culture such as business structures, management styles, communication, ethics, values, and customs are discussed comprehensively.
Moreover, the discussion has also been made on how the local businessmen integrate these cultural dimensions and elements. Indeed, a detailed comparison United States business has been made with that of Brazilian culture and business elements by means of Hofstede's dimension tool (that is particularly used for measuring cultural differences). Finally, the paper concludes with the implications for the U.S. businesses that plans and desires to conduct business in Brazil.
Table of Contents
Aswathappa. (2010). International Business 4E. India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Beekun, R.I., Stedham, Y. & Yamamura, J.H. (2003). Business Ethics in Brazil and the U.S.: A Comparative Investigation. Journal of Business Ethics, 42(3), 267-279.
Boraas, T. (2001). Brazil. USA: Capstone.
deVries, A. & Blore, S. (2010). Frommer's Brazil. 5th Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Global Financial Strategy
Critical assessment of the proposal to raise capital locally rather than in the UK
In the analysis of the proposal of raising capital locally rather than in the UK, it is essential to consider four critical aspects: costs, risks, benefits/advantages, and limitations/disadvantages. In the presentation of this critical assessment, the focus will be on the four factors or aspect in order to offer reliable analysis of the situation.
In the process of raising capital locally rather than in the UK, the organization must incur several costs. One of the essential costs is the professional cost. This refers to the amount of money or financial resources paid to the legal advisors, auditors, and reporting accountants in order to execute the process of raising the capital effectively and appropriately. Another important aspect of cost is the trading cost. These are direct costs including the brokerage commissions and financial resources paid by investors…...
Burnham, P 2010, 'Class, Capital and Crisis: A Return to Fundamentals', Political Studies Review, 8, 1, pp. 27-39,
Carvalhal, A, & Camara Leal, R 2013, 'The World Financial Crisis and the International Financing of Brazilian Companies', Brazilian Administration Review (BAR), 10, 1, pp. 18-39,
'Chad' 2013, Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition, pp. 1-3,
Chana Kok, T, & Yap Voon, C 2011, 'Risk Factors of Commercial Banks in Malaysia', Journal Of Modern Accounting & Auditing, 7, 6, pp. 578-587,
Furthermore it has become critically necessary to be equipped technologically in handling today's increased IT demands for business communication.
Video Conferencing (2006) GlobalMedia. Online available at:
Hart, Amy (2001) Global Communication Warming - The CEO Refresher. Online available at!warming.html.
Martin, Jeannet S. And Chaney, Lillian H. (2006) Global usiness Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs. Online available at
Global usiness Support: Creating the Infrastructure for International usiness Communication (2006) Nova's Communication-ased usiness Activities. Online available at
Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L. And Leidner, Dorothy E. (1998) Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams - JCMC 3 (4) June 1998. Online available at
Global Alliance Joins the Organization of the World Congress on Communication for Development (2006) Global Alliance 5 July 2006 Online available at
usiness Communications Applications on Any Network (2005) Avaya White Paper May 2005.
Avaya White Paper, "New Era of Intelligent Communications: Driving Agility through usiness Communications Applications,
Video Conferencing (2006) GlobalMedia. Online available at:
Hart, Amy (2001) Global Communication Warming - The CEO Refresher. Online available at!warming.html.
Martin, Jeannet S. And Chaney, Lillian H. (2006) Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs. Online available at
Global Business Support: Creating the Infrastructure for International Business Communication (2006) Nova's Communication-Based Business Activities. Online available at
People and services are not easily moved among the various countries. Although securing work and permits in the United States for Mexican and Canadian immigrants, NAFTA has also caused considerable concern in terms of legislation.
This is particularly the case in Canadian lawmaking. Several disputes resulted from NAFTA trading activities in the country. Such disputes for example include gasoline additives and possible related health concerns and nerve damage (Weintraub, 2004). Canada was also engaged in a long dispute regarding a 27% duty on softwood imports to Canada. This lasted for years before it was finally resolved in 2006. Significantly however, the decision was not ratified by either Canada or the United States (Weintraub, 2004). According to the U.S. Court of International Trade, imposing the duty was contrary to the United States law.
Other problems include the fact that Canada has lost more than 10,000 companies to foreign takeovers since NAFTA has…...
CIA. (2010). CIA -- the World Factbook -- France. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from
Dow Jones Sustainability Index. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10,2010 from
Glass, a. (n.d.) World Economy Vertical vs. Horizontal FDI. Department of Economics,
Texas a&M University. Retrieved February, 22, 2010, from
In this order of ideas then, he strives to come up with a theory that explains the construction of global networks, as well as the systems they use to grow and prosper. In order to make his case, Kendall looks at global structures constructed in various domains, including society and technology. He comes to the realization that global peace and order can only be achieved with the full cooperation and collaboration of all structures in the international system. Additionally, there must exist a will and a way in order for the mentioned goals to be achieved. While he recognizes that his arguments address a certain kind of economists and politicians who promoted the idea of a uniform and powerful globalization, he hopes that his points will the least make for an interesting reading.
inally, in the last chapter of the book's first part, The Security of Governance, author Michael Dillon starts…...
mlaFinally, in the last chapter of the book's first part, The Security of Governance, author Michael Dillon starts at the premise that there exists a direct connection between the three components of population, government and security. This conclusion was found throughout a previous study, which came to raise new questions that are answered in the current analysis. In a perfect world, peace would be achieved through fruitful partnerships between private and public players and would ensure the safety of all populations and all classes. Yet, this is not the case and Dillon argues that while governmentality is the collection of cooperations and collaborations, it represents more of a "technological ontology that proceeds through reflexive epistemologies."
In other words, there is a direct connection between technology and ontology as they validate each other and support each other in reaching the pre-established goals. "Here the dialogical interplay of the ontological and the technological is in evidence. If it takes a metaphysic to imagine a technic, it takes a technic to realize a metaphysic. But even that rendition fails to do justice to the co-evolutionary dynamic that exists in the power relations between technology and ontology. This is a mutually disclosive relationship in which each seems propelled by independent dynamics as well: the technologist continuously to interrogate and refine systems, the ontologist to secure the meaning of being.
Larner, W., Walters, W., 2004, Global Governmentality: Governing International Spaces, Routledge
Global Awareness and Cultural and Racial Diversity
The need to successfully promote global awareness and cultural and racial diversity took on a completely new meaning recently. "There are over six billion people on this planet we call Earth. Diversity is more than just a notion. The term diversity has been defined by Merriam-ebster online as meaning 'differing from one another or unlike. Composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities', this word is also used to simply mean different." (Burns) By Barak Obama becoming the nation's first black president, we have forever changed the nation's future; but in a sense, this momentous election will also alter how we will forever look at our nations past history. For more than two hundred years, the United States of America was traditionally managed by older white guys and by them being in charge, the world's thinking was shaped. The expectations of every minority have…...
mlaWorks Cited, continued
Schniedewind, Nancy. "There Ain't No White People Here!": The Transforming Impact of Teachers' Racial Consciousness on Students and Schools. Equity & Excellence in Education. 2005, 38: 280 -- 289.
Global Perspectives on LeadershipAlthough the process of globalization began in antiquity, it has greatly accelerated in recent years to the point where the marketplace is increasingly globalized and economic downturns in one country can have profoundly severe rippling effects around the world. Moreover, innovations in transportation and communications have created an environment in which products and services must appeal to a far larger audience than in the past, but many organizations are failing to respond to these changes in timely and appropriate ways. Against this backdrop, it is clear that more effective global leadership is needed by the private and public sectors. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to define and thoroughly explain global leadership and an analysis concerning the importance of competencies in the context of global leader. In addition, the paper also provides a definition and critique of the role…...
mlaReferencesBarrett, E. (2014). Global leadership and learning through humor. International Center for Global Leadership. Retrieved from G. & Anderson, J. (2019, March 5). Use humor to energize the global workplace. Society of Human Resource Management. Retrieved from tools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/global-using-humor-to-energize-the-global-workplace.aspx.Caligiuri, P. (2006). Developing global leaders. Human Resource Management Review, 16(2), 219–228.Javidan, M., Bullough, A. & Dibble, R. (2016). Mind the Gap: Gender Differences in Global Leadership Self-Efficacies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30(1), 59–73Knoll, C., & Sternad, D. (2021). Identifying global leadership potential. Journal of Management Development, 40(4), 253–272.Mayo, A. J., & Nohria, N. (2005). Zeitgeist leadership. Harvard Business Review, 83(10), 45.Sager, M. (2019, February 24). Humor as an effective leadership strategy. Medium. Retrieved from .Tardiff, K. J. (2018). Global Citizen Leader: Successful Leaders Engaging in International Trade and Global Assignments. Fort Smith, AR: University of Arkansas. Yang, I., Horak, S. & Chi, S-C. (2020). Leader humor effectiveness – The divergent dynamics of leader humor over time in East Asia and North America. Thunderbird International Business Review. Retrieved from Leader%20Humor%20Effectiveness.pdf. .Burt,
I believe my background and extensive business acumen, make me an ideal candidate for admission into your PhD program. As an international student, I believe that I also possess a unique approach to healthcare that differentiates me from other applicants to the program. The combination of a strong business background, unique skillset, and a passion for health will drive my continued success in the program. I will also help facilitate the growth of other members in my cohort through my diverse background from the Middle East. To begin, I have a very strong track record of working together with others to derive mutually beneficial results within the healthcare industry. I have experience building entirely new healthcare departments, which requires vision, foresight, and strong communication skills. Through my leadership, I have also developed healthcare infrastructure programs design to provide aid to the poor and less fortunate. Here, I was able to deliver…...
The most important development in shaping the modern world was the development of the internal combustion engine. European exploration, expansion and imperialism sits well behind that. But in terms of European expansion and imperialism, there is a lot to unpack if one is to apply a value judgment (good versus bad). Moreover, one of the main issues with that sort of framing is the unknown element of the alternatives, which could range from the expansion/imperialism of other nations, the delay of European expansion until the internal combustion engine (and subsequent advances in philosophy and governance that may have dramatically altered the shape of that expansion). European expansion likely did not occur at the best time for something like that to have occurred.
Key Underpinnings
The key underpinnings of analysis with respect to European expansion and imperialism lie with the belief among the Europeans conducting such expansion that they were inherently superior. This…...
The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline. It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants. We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.
Outline for an Essay on the Opioid Epidemic
I. Introduction
a. Overview of the opioid epidemic.
b. Brief history and how it evolved into a crisis.
II. The Scale of the Epidemic (500 words)
a. Statistics on opioid addiction, overdoses, and deaths.
b. The impact on various demographics and regions.
III. Causes of the Opioid Epidemic (600 words)
a. Over-prescription of painkillers and pharmaceutical companies' roles.
b. Economic factors and healthcare system issues.
c. Social and psychological factors contributing to addiction.
IV. Effects of the Opioid Epidemic (600 words)
a. On individuals (health, psychological impact, and....
Part I: The Allegory of Freedom and Confinement
1. The Bird in the Gilded Cage: Exploring the Paradoxes of Liberty
- Dive into the complex interplays of freedom and confinement through the allegory of a bird in a gilded cage. Discuss how the bird's perceived freedom is juxtaposed against the limitations imposed by its gilded prison.
2. The Broken Winged Songbird: A Metaphor for Resilience in Adversity
- Examine the resilience of a bird with a broken wing, exploring how it finds strength and hope amidst adversity. Draw parallels to human experiences of overcoming challenges and finding beauty within brokenness.
3. Of Caged....
Title 1: Domestic Surveillance: Delving into the Complexities of State Surveillance of Citizens
This title offers a comprehensive overview of the essay's focus on domestic surveillance, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the topic and the intricate relationship between state surveillance and citizens' rights.
Title 2: Unraveling the Architecture of Domestic Surveillance: A Critical Examination of Government Monitoring Practices
This title emphasizes the underlying structure and mechanisms of domestic surveillance, suggesting a deep exploration of how governments implement and execute surveillance programs.
Title 3: Domestic Surveillance: Navigating the Fine Line between Security and Privacy in the Digital Age
This title captures the delicate balance between the....
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