Global Operations Essays (Examples)

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Global Operations
Pages: 3 Words: 1001

Global Operations
One of the largest sources of competitive advantage for a global corporation is the ability to optimize operations on a world-wide scale by minimizing costs and maximizing revenues. This is accomplished by leveraging technology, manufacturing efficiencies, brand names, and/or capital across countries. The major thrust of Starbuck Corporation's global strategy has been to build a global brand to target customers in all major markets throughout the world. However, even with instant name recognition, the company has faced enormous challenges in applying its domestic business model to work in many foreign markets.

Starbucks was founded in 1971 as a gourmet coffee bean roaster and distributor and began to dominate the North American market over the following two decades. To continue its rapid growth and to combat the threat of future market saturation in its own domestic market, Starbucks turned its eye to international expansion in 1996 (Starbucks outlines international growth strategy;…...



Coffee in a time of conflict: Starbucks' growth risks backlash (2003, April 17). CNN. Retrieved January 1, 2005 from Web site:

Holmes, S, Kunii, I. Ewing, J. And Capell, K. (2003, June 9). For Starbucks, there's no place like home. Business Week. Retrieved January 1, 2005 from Web site: 

Planet Starbucks (B): caffeinating the world. Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management. Retrieved January 1, 2004 from Web site: hl=enhttp://

Starbucks outlines international growth strategy; focus on retail expansion and profitability. (2004, October 14). Business Wire. Retrieved January 1, 2005 from Web site:

Global Operations Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2547

Global Operations Management: A Discussion
When an entrepreneur first launches a company, most of the labor and materials can be covered domestically and in-house. However, as the business expands, it makes more and more sense financially to move the production overseas. For many companies, using a foreign supplier is the answer to absorbing the bulk of the burgeoning sales and administrative expenses. There are both marked benefits in the development of manufacturing outside of the United States, as well as significant disadvantages. Engaging in such an endeavor requires much preparation, flexibility and overall understanding of cultural diversity among nations, races and ethnic groups. Such an endeavor is best for only highly skilled managers who have experience in managing both delicate and nuanced interactions between peoples and cultures.


The most obvious advantage of creating a manufacturing operation outside of America is reduced cost. “Choosing to outsource your manufacturing can potentially reduce your costs…...

Global Operations of a U S Company Hewlett
Pages: 3 Words: 929

global operations of a U.S. company Hewlett Packard (H.P.). The company has 88,500 employees worldwide and had total revenue from continuing operations of $48.8 billion in its 2000 fiscal year. Hewlett-Packard Company is considered a leading global provider of computing and imaging solutions and services, which aims at making technology and its benefits accessible to individuals and businesses through simple appliances, useful e-services and an Internet infrastructure that's always on.
ecently Hewlett Peckard (HP) has begun to integrate a significant amount of its workforce at its new facility in the IT capital of India. In addition, H.P. has been doing business for a long-time in Europe and other parts of Asia -- Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Some of these operations -- backend IT services, customer call services, and other tactical operations -- are being done in pursuit of its cost management issues throughout its operations. As a result of outsourcing,…...



Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary. Principles of Marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993.

Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991.

Boeing Company Global Operations Company
Pages: 3 Words: 933

Expanding trade as well as an expanding tourism market, the volume of goods and people moving from place to place around the world is consistently increasing. As more and more people around the world are able to get out of poverty, domestic travel and cargo markets are also likely to increase (we've already seen this in countries like China and India). In 2005, Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook stated that over the next twenty years, the Asia Pacific region would account for about 36% of total deliveries (Gross, 2005). Looking at Boeing's 2010 Commercial Market Outlook, Boeing notes that most economies in the Asia Pacific region were able to weather the recent economic recession and they are recovering. Boeing states that "with China and India leading the growth among emerging markets, the region's economy will grow at a rate of 4.6% per year for the next 20 years, significantly outpacing…...



Boeing. (2010). Long-term market -- world regions: Asia Pacific. Retrieved on August

14, 2010, from the Web site: 

Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. (2003). Expanding horizons: Boeing's global business operations. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs,49, 49-


Global Fighter Jets Marketing Plan Marketing Vision
Pages: 8 Words: 2490

Global Fighter Jets Marketing Plan
Marketing Vision

Global Fighter Jets is poised to provide customers with high-edge military aircraft specifically to combat fighter jet. Our marketing efforts will be geared towards customer's reassurance that we are the first when searching for military fighter jet such as F-35 fighter in Israel. Our key to success will center on the marketing strategy that we will implement, and our marketing strategy is the marketing mix to expand the relationship with existing customers.

Marketing Mix

Global Fighter Jets will use 4Ps as marketing mix, which include Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. Several reasons make the paper to choose 4Ps as marketing strategy.

Product: A product relates to the specifications of goods as related to the satisfaction of customers. The company chooses product as marketing mix to provide combination of quality, brand name and features to launch the product into the market.

Price: The reason for using price in the marketing…...



Business Monitor International Ltd. (2011). Market Structure & Defence Industry. Venezuela Defence & Security Report.

Bruce, M. Daly, L. & Kahn, K.B. (2007). Delineating Design Factors that Influence the Global Product Launch Process. The Journal Product Innovation Management. 24:456 -- 470.

Chen, M.K. Wang, S.C. & Chiou, C.(2009). Global Logistics Management for the E-Business Policy for Manufacturing. International Journal of Electronic Business Management. 7(2): 86-97.

Cook, N. (1996). Military upgrade market attracting too many players. Interavia Business Technology. 51(602).

Global Branding of Stella Artois
Pages: 5 Words: 2037

Global randing of Stella Artois
Interbrew's centuries of experience in brewing, beer distribution and sales are all exemplified throughout their global dominance of worldwide beer consumption as presented in the case The Global randing of Stella Artois (eamish, Goerzen, 2012). With an exceptionally high price/Earnings ratio (P/E Ratio) indicating investor confidence in their brand, operations in 80 nations, with the top 10% of markets globally accounting for 86% of sales and 61% of volume production being generated by North America, Interbrew has a solid platform to build their future marketing, selling and product development strategies on. Despite a slow to no-growth level of performance for the global beer markets of just 1 to 2%, investor confidence continues for Interbrew and their performance over the time period of the case study, further signaling the strength of their operations and strategy execution (Marinov, Marinova, 1998). Interbrew faces the challenge of profitably growing over…...



Beamish, P.W., & Goerzen, A. (2012). Global branding of Stella Artois. (). London: Ivey Management Services, a division of Richard Ivey School of Business.

Dezutter, B. (1997). Experiences of investing in Eastern Europe: A study of a multinational brewing company. European Business Review, 97(3), 139-144.

Hanon, B. (1996). The path to competitiveness: Strategies for investment in central Europe. Columbia Journal of World Business, 31(2), 76-85.

Hede, A., & Watne, T. (2013). Leveraging the human side of the brand using a sense of place: Case studies of craft breweries. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(1-2), 207.

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 9 Words: 2501

Essay Topic Examples 1. Adapting to Cultural Diversity: Disney's Global ark Strategies
    This essay would explore how Disney World tailors its management strategies to accommodate diverse cultural preferences and practices across its international parks. It would involve an in-depth look at how the company navigates cultural nuances, adjusts its entertainment offerings, and trains its staff to effectively manage a global brand while maintaining local relevance.

2. The Expansion of the Disney Brand: Success and Challenges in New Markets
    The focus would be on Disney World's strategies in entering new markets, the criteria used to select new locations for parks, and the operational, financial, and marketing challenges faced during the process. The essay could analyze case studies of both successful expansions, such as in Tokyo and aris, and setbacks as experienced in other locales.

3. Economic Impact of Disney arks on Global Tourism
    Here, the essay would examine the broad economic implications of Disney parks on the…...


Primary Sources

Disney, Walt E. \"Annual Report to Shareholders.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Iger, Robert A. \"The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company.\" Random House, 2019.

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company\'s Environmental Sustainability Report.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2021.

Chapek, Bob. “Global Expansion Strategies of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.” Global Conference on Business and Economics, 2021.

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company\'s International Business Strategy.\" U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-K, 2022.

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 9 Words: 2488

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Magic of Cultural Adaptation: Disney World's Localization Strategies
     Analyze how Disney World tailors its theme parks, entertainment, and customer service to align with diverse cultural preferences in different geographical locations. Discuss the effectiveness and challenges of implementing a localized global management strategy and explore case studies such as Disneyland aris and Shanghai Disney Resort.

2. Overcoming International Challenges: Disney World's Strategic Approach to Global Expansion
     Discuss Disney World's strategic methods for overcoming barriers such as cultural differences, regulatory frameworks, and competition during global expansion. Assess how Disney's strategic alliances, acquisitions, and partnerships have contributed to its successful global management.

3. Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship in Disney's Global Management Strategy
     Examine Disney's efforts to incorporate sustainability and environmental stewardship into its global management strategy. Discuss how these efforts affect operational decisions, park design, and corporate reputation in the global market.

4. Balancing Global Standardization and Customization in the Disney Experience


Primary Sources

Walt Disney Company. \"The Walt Disney Company Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Financial Report.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Walt Disney Company. \"Walt Disney\'s Corporate Strategy Chart.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. \"Disney Parks, Experiences and Products - A Look at Our Strategy.\" The Walt Disney Company, 2022.

Disney Investor Relations. \"Walt Disney Company Q4 Earnings Call Transcript.\" The Walt Disney Company, 10 Nov. 2022.

Iger, Robert A. \"Strategic Management at The Walt Disney Company: A CEO’s Perspective.\" Harvard Business Review, May-June 2022. (This would be a speech or interview with Robert Iger, accessible through platforms like HBR if it were to exist).

Global Management Strategy Of Disney World
Pages: 6 Words: 1670

Essay Topic Examples
1. Cultural Adaptation in Disney arks:
    Explore how Disney World adapts its theme parks to different cultures around the world, focusing on the balance between maintaining brand identity and localizing content.

2. Disney's Global Expansion Strategy:
    Analyze Disney's approach to entering new markets, including market research, strategic partnerships, and the challenges faced in different regions.

3. Brand Consistency vs. Local Customization:
    Discuss how Disney manages to keep its brand consistent globally while customizing experiences to meet local tastes and preferences.

4. Disney's Use of Technology in Global Management:
    Examine the role of technology in Disney's global operations, from park management systems to enhancing guest experiences worldwide.

5. Environmental and Social Responsibility in Disney's Global Strategy:
    Investigate how Disney incorporates sustainability and social responsibility into its global management practices, focusing on initiatives in different countries.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Magic Across Borders: Disney's Global Management Tactics"

2. "From Anaheim to Shanghai: Disney's Worldwide Expansion"

3. "Disney's Global Charm: Adapting the Magic for…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Disney Annual Report

Disney Institute

Disneyland Paris Case Study

Disney\'s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Disney\'s Global Expansion Strategy

**MLA Citations:**

Managing a Global Team
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Global Leadership
One of the trends that has emerged in strategic management over the last generation is how organizations can better position themselves to deal with diversity. As globalization continues to spread its influence, many multinational corporations have to actively manage global teams in a dynamic environment. This requires that global teams overcome diversity in stride with strategic objectives. William Pieroni, chief operations officer at Marsh who is a global leader in insurance broking and risk management shared his tactics for managing global teams with students at the Yale School of Management; Marsh has 25,000 employees based in 150 countries around the world (Yale School of Management, 2015).

"As the manager of large global teams, your job is to direct, align, and motivate all these people all over the world," Pieroni said. "And you can't be ambiguous." While each office within a large, multinational corporation has its own "unique, local culture," it's…...



Minbaeva, D., Pedersen, T., Bjorkman, I., Fey, C., & Park, H. (2003). MNC knowledge transfer, subsidary absorptive capacity, and HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 34(6), 581-599.

Sarkar, M., & Cavusgil, T. (2007). Trends in international business thought and literature: A review of international market entry mode research: Integration and synthesis. International Business Review, 825-847.

Tsai, W. (2001). Knowldedge Transfer in Introgranizational Networks. The Academy of Management Journal, 996-1004.

Yale School of Management. (2015, November). Marsh COO William Pieroni on Managing Global Teams. Retrieved from Yale School of Management:

Global Business
Pages: 10 Words: 3054

Global Business
When businesses go international, they have to operate in a more competitive, uncertain, and risky business environment. The forces present in the Global environment bring a number of challenges for the businesses; making it more difficult for them to maintain their market share, enhance profitability, and keep the customers satisfied (Cherunilam, 2007). To compete successfully and ensure a sustainable future in the international markets, business organizations have to analyze these forces carefully and strategize accordingly. Globalization has also impacted the way countries use to recognize themselves as internationally competitive and advanced than other countries (Tellis, Stremersch, & Yin, 2003).

This paper presents a comprehensive discussion on the positive and negative impacts of Globalization and the efforts which nations and business organizations make in order to become internationally competitive and keep up pace with the Globalization. The paper starts with a brief description of different environmental forces that are an integral…...



Benetton, (2012). The Group. Retrieved on May 3rd, 2012, from

CIA, (2012). Italy: Economy Overview. Retrieved on May 3rd, 2012, from

Cherunilam, F. (2007). International business: text and cases. India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Dconti, (2012). Effects of Globalization on Italy. Retrieved on May 3rd, 2012, from

Global Human Resources Management the Objective of
Pages: 5 Words: 1478

Global Human Resources Management
The objective of this work is to describe International Human Resources Management and concerns about effective human resources management in the global environment. The factors that most strongly influence HRM in international markets will be discussed as well as will differences among countries that affect HR planning at organizations with international operations. As well, this work will describe how differences among countries affect HR planning at organizations with international operations. This work will further describe how companies select and train human resources in a global labor market. Discuss challenges related to compensating employees from other countries. Explain how employers prepare managers for international assignments and for their return home.

Effective HR Management in the Global Environment

Development of the global workforce is critically important and it is necessary to acknowledge that these employees work in an environment that is multi-cultural or global and general awareness programs are reported to…...



Global Human Resources Management and Organizational Development (nd) ITAP International. Retrieved from: 

Haile, Semere (2002) Challenges in International Benefits and Compensation Systems of Multinational Corporation. The African Economic and Business Review. Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2002. Retrieved from

Palthe, Jennifer (2008) Managing Human Rights and Human Resources: The Dual Responsibility of Global Corporations. Forum on Public Policy. Retrieved from: 

Plessis, AJ and Beaver, B. (2008) The Changing Role of Human Resource Managers for International Assignments. International Review of Business Research Papers. Vol. 4 No. 5 Oct-Nov 2008. Retrieved from: http://www.*****/17[1].Plessis.pdf

Global Management of McDonald Company
Pages: 12 Words: 3780

The capital requirements together with reserve policies were overhauled with the entry of new leadership and avenues of the company. Moreover, the company had to align compensation with long-term returns. The strategies, which were laid by the company after its revival was to settle the dividends of the purchasers, and pay debts, which had been accrued in payments (Stonehouse, 2004).
Porter's Five Force

The Porter's Five Forces have a great influence of the way McDonald's Company has been operating in the market. Literally, the company has embraced all the five figures making up the Porter's Five Forces. These are the forces, which influence the market as it happened to McDonald's Company. The company faced the threat of new entrants into the market. When the company was introduced, it dealt with different products, most of which were also being produced by some other companies. As such, the company had to shift from…...



Ahlstrom, D., & Bruton, G.D. (2010). International management: Strategy and culture in the emerging world. Australia: Southwestern Cengage Learning.

Facella, P., & Genn, a.M. (2009). Everything I know about business I learned at McDonald's:

The seven leadership principles that drive break out success. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Gilbert, S. (2009). The story of McDonald's. Mankato, MN: Creative Education.

Global Gadget Imports Cooperative Marketing Is Any
Pages: 3 Words: 915

Global Gadget Imports
Cooperative marketing is any situation where two or more companies work together to bring a product to market, especially when the brands of both firms are attached to the marketing. Another form of cooperative marketing could be setting up a system whereby firms in an industry are marketing their products together to a common set of customers -- a common example can be found with agricultural cooperatives.

The link provided outlines a cooperative market program at the governmental level that allows vendors to have better access to government customers. The government agencies opt into the program, as do the vendors, and then the agencies outline their needs for vendors. The vendors then have the opportunity to peruse the needs of all of the agencies nationwide and seek out the opportunities that are listed on the cooperative website. For Global Gadgets, such a program would allow GGI to have access…...


Works Cited:

Figueredo, P. (2006). E-Commerce link: Mutual benefit, revisited. Target Marketing. Retrieved January 27, 2012 from 

No author (2012). Co-op purchasing plan links small-business owners and local governments. National Federation of Independent Businesses. Retrieved January 27, 2012 from

Global Law and Politics Political and Legal
Pages: 6 Words: 1871

Global Law and Politics:
Political and legal institutions and communications have played an integral role in the development and provision of legitimacy in contemporary societies. This has been through the development of obligatory collective decisions, general legal principles, exercise of political power, and resolution of conflicts. In the new global system, these legal and political institutions have created and conveyed social values, political power, and social meaning in every sector of the society. Both of the institutions are considered as legitimate because they have been established on core values that are related to essential freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy.

Aspects of a New Global System:

Modern societies across the globe are faced with critical issues and problems that are dealt with at the global level by the establishment of laws and policies, which are developed in various institutions. Global law and politics has had a significant impact on various areas including…...



Concannon, T (2004), Chapter 5 - Resource Exploitation in Nigeria, Pambazuka News, viewed

27 December 2011,

Ejimeke, A (2010), The Oil Spills We Don't Hear About, The New York Times, viewed 27

December 2011,

How can a strong service culture impact a company\'s overall success?
Words: 221

In conclusion, fostering a strong service culture in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry is vital for sustaining growth, remaining competitive, and ensuring client satisfaction. Leveraging technology and embracing innovation are key components of this culture, enabling organizations to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver superior services to customers. Just as students strive for academic excellence through teamwork and communication, employees in a BPO setting must understand and address the diverse needs of their clients with empathy and effective communication. Feedback mechanisms, recognition, and leadership that prioritize customer satisfaction all contribute to a culture of exemplary service. By embodying these....

What are key findings from literature review on risk analysis of Infosys investments?
Words: 358

Key Findings from Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Infosys Investments
1. Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Infosys faces geopolitical risks associated with its global operations, particularly in politically unstable regions.
Economic downturns and currency fluctuations can impact its revenue and profitability.
2. Competition and Market Risks
Intense competition from both domestic and international IT service providers poses a threat to Infosys's market share.
Emergence of new technologies and disruptive business models can disrupt its traditional offerings.
3. Operational Risks
System failures, data breaches, and project delays can lead to reputational damage and financial losses.
Dependence on a narrow range of clients and industries....

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