Ghana Essays (Examples)

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Pages: 24 Words: 6960

According to (Mishkin & Schmidt-Hebbel, 2007) this tool is so popular because it has a proven track record of creating macroeconomic stability. he authors explain that this stability is present because it promotes price stability. he authors further explain that even
"though the contribution of it to lowering inflation is still a matter of debate, empirical research suggests that it has significantly contributed to lowering inflation and its volatility, especially in emerging markets. Secondly, empirical evidence suggests that it has also improved other macroeconomic variables

(lower output sacrifice ratio, decreased influence of price shocks and output shocks on inflation, smaller inflation persistence. hirdly, it has facilitated stabilization of long-term inflation expectations, thus reducing the cost of maintaining low inflation (Mishkin & Schmidt-Hebbel, 2007)."

he authors further insists that while inflation targeting was not the only strategy at work in the promotion of price stability and lower inflation, it has certainly been a…...


The authors further explains that some countries decide to adopt a hard version of a fixed exchange rate known as a currency board arrangement, other nations adopt a managed float. For instance, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Poland adopted such strategies. Although Hungary did not implement a full floating currency policy, it did implement an exchange rate band, which permitted the currency to increase and decline within this band by 15%. The authors also explain that the decision to abandon exchange rate pegs, was based on what nominal anchor to use in place of the fixed exchange rate. The authors posit that "While the Slovak Republic did not accompany the move to a floating exchange rate by an explicit introduction of new monetary policy framework, the other three countries opted for inflation targeting. Why did the authorities in these countries opt for inflation targeting, and why did they reject other alternative policy frameworks? (Jonas & Mishkin, 2003)" the authors declare that the answers to this question can be found in the examples learned from the implementation of alternative monetary policies.

One such alternative is the utilization of monetary aggregates to serve as intermediate targets and a nominal anchor. Yet, targeting monetary aggregates is not always an attractive policy for transitional economies. This lack of attractiveness id due to the fact that "The traditional problem of instability of money demand, and therefore the unstable relationship between the growth of money supply and inflation, could be a particularly serious obstacle to targeting monetary aggregates in transition economies. Economic transition is characterized by a sequence of price shocks, including corrections in administered prices and tax reforms that make the relationship between money supply and price level very difficult to predict (Jonas & Mishkin, 2003)." As such the volatility of money demand and money-price correlation is additionally affected by expansive changes in the financial sector (Jonas & Mishkin, 2003). These changes alter financial institutions and encourage the development new forms of financial assets. With this understood, having a monetary policy that depends completely on targeting money supply growth might be a rather unproductive (Jonas & Mishkin, 2003)..

In addition to monetary aggregates, transition economies may also implement a

Ghana's Promising Future in an
Pages: 5 Words: 1670


Despite the promise of new oil revenues in the future, Ghana continues to struggle to allocate scarce resources in response to international issues including expatriates returning from abroad as well as significant numbers of refugees from neighboring countries, including 11,585 from Liberia and another 16,000 from Cote d'Ivoire (Transnational issues). In addition, the country is heavily involved in heroin and cocaine trafficking as well as international money laundering operations (Transnational issues). In addition, the movement of cattle between Ghana and neighboring nations represents a potential source of new animal-borne diseases (Frimpong, Bosona, Bobobee, Aklaku and Hamdu).


The research showed that although Ghana has a lot going for it, the country is still faced with many of the same types of economic development constraints that characterize a number of other African nations, including the need for improved healthcare and educational…...



Djanie, Akua. (2012, June). "George Bush Highway. In Ghana? George Walker Bush Highway.

Really? Why Would Anybody in Any Country of the World Want to Name a Street or a Road, a Major One at That, after Former American President George W. Bush? Therefore,

for Ghana, a Country in West Africa, to Name a Major Road after Him Is Shocking,

Disappointing and Totally Incomprehensible." New African 518: 38-40.

Ghana Healthcare State of Healthcare in Ghana
Pages: 3 Words: 753

Ghana Healthcare
State of Healthcare in Ghana

The current state of healthcare in Ghana can be summarized as underdeveloped. Many parts of the country are not industrialized and suffer from preventable conditions and diseases due to poor water quality and sanitation problems. The country also shares many issues that are also present in many other regions in Africa such as the spread of malaria and HIV. Although Africa only has eleven percent of the world's population, it has over sixty percent of the world's HIV / AIDS cases and roughly ninety percent of the world's malaria cases, mainly in children under five[footnoteRef:1]. [1: (News Medical)]

The healthcare system is primarily provided by the government and administered by the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Services. There are different levels of health care that serve as an overall health network. Although there are some estern style for-profit facilities, these account for only a…...


Works Cited

AHSAG. "What We Do." 23 January 2012. AHSAG. Web. 27 January 2013.

Index Mundi. "Infant Mortality Rate." N.d. Index Mundi. Web. 22 January 2013.

News Medical. "Africa's health problems are getting worse says the WHO." 26 November 2006. News Medical. Web. 22 January 2013.

Ghana Poverty
Pages: 23 Words: 6891

Ghana was ranked at 67.5 that depicts that the country is in the median range of being a failed state (FFP, This ranking is significantly better as compared to other African countries but significant improvement is desired. Mounting demographic pressures and internal displacement of population of Ghana is within the medium range. Poverty index, part of the failed state index, is at 6.0 for Ghana that represents that there is a threat of poverty coming back if not tackled properly.
3- Particular Area in need of development

3.1- Introduction

The HDI index of Ghana lies at 135 out of 187 whereas failed states index is at 67.7. This implies that the country is not under the threat of potentially high levels of poverty. The country is striving hard to come out of below-poverty line. The main threats to an improving situation are that 21.6% of Ghana's population is vulnerable to multiple…...


Works Cited

AFDF. Appriasal Report Community-Based Poverty Reduction Project: Federal Republic of Nigeria. African Development Fund, (2000): 1-32. [ ]

Brautigam, Deborah a., and Stephen Knack. "Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa*." Economic development and cultural change 52.2 (2004): 255-285.

FFR, the Failed States Index 2012, the Fund for Peace, (2013). Web []

Grindle, Merilee S. "Good enough governance: poverty reduction and reform in developing countries." Governance 17.4 (2004): 525-548.

Ghana Was Named After the
Pages: 2 Words: 928

A big portion of the aid Ghana receives is usually directed towards the improvement of the health sector.
Ghana has an education system that starts from primary through high school to the university. The primary level takes 6 years, junior high school 3 years, senior high school 4 years and the university degree takes 4 years. The language of instruction in the education system is English (U.S. Department of State, 2011).

The country has a widely democratic system with a multiparty constitutional democracy firmly in place. It is one of the countries that there were contested election results as is the common practice in other countries in Africa. They have an executive, the legislature and the judiciary systems as the three arms of government that run the nation (Ghana Nation, 2011).

Ghana is a member of the majority of the international bodies like the UN and the International Criminal Court among others.…...



Ghana Nation, (2011). Ghana: System of Government. Retrieved November 18,

2011 from 

Ghana Web, (2011). History of Ghana. Retrieved November 18, 2011 from 

Global Finance, (2011). Ghana Country Report: GDP data and GDP forecasts; economic, financial and trade information; the best banks in Ghana; country and population overview. Retrieved November 18, 2011 from

Ghana Blunch and Verner Determinants of Literacy
Pages: 25 Words: 6824

Blunch and Verner (Determinants of Literacy)

How does a country make progress? The answers seem to be obvious on paper - if difficult to effect in the world itself. Those of us who are citizens of the First World tend to believe that we understand what is required for a nation to "develop." But Blunch and Verner, in their study of literacy and numeracy skills in Ghana, demonstrate how complicated the idea of "development" is and how culturally specific.

That development should take different courses in different parts of the world should, in fact, not be a surprise to us at all. One of the problems of modernization projects has always been that there is a certain essential arrogance to nearly all of them because there is embedded in them the idea that every "backward" country could improve itself (i.e. become like the nation that is sponsoring the modernization project) if…...



Branford, S. And Kucinski, B. (1988). The Debt Squads. London: Zed Books.

Broad, R. (1988). Unequal Alliance. Berkeley: UC Press.

Ghana and Its Alchohol Policies
Pages: 2 Words: 746

Alcohol in Ghana and South Africa
The impact of the economic revival of Africa as a continent and some of the emerging economies, in particular, has created disposable income in the hands of a large section of people. This has enhanced the market and sale of alcohol products in a manner similar to other lifestyle or FMCG products. Despite a number of problems that include counterfeiting and smuggling, the alcoholic market beverages market in African is believed to be on track to clock the faster growth in the segment globally till 2017 (Evans, 2015).

In recent decades, Ghana has developed as an economy and its impact is evident in the industries in the country. One of the major industries that have developed with the advent of foreign brands slowing infiltrating the market tin Ghana is the burgeoning alcohol segment. Ghana has recently emerged as an economic power in the continent and the…...



Evans, P. (2015). Thirsty for Growth, Liquor Giant Taps African Market. The Wall Street Journal, p. 1. Retrieved from 

South Africa's boozing habits revealed. (2016). Retrieved 30 July 2016, from 

Toesland, F. (2016). Alcohol consumption rising in Africa despite obstacles. African Business Magazine, p. 1. Retrieved from 

Welbeck J, Y. (2015). Sociodemographic and Socioeconomic Correlates of Alcohol Use among Older Adults in Ghana. J Alcohol Drug Depend, 03(03).

Organization Behavior the Economic Implication of Ghana's
Pages: 10 Words: 4058

Organization Behavior
The Economic Implication of Ghana's Oil Discovery

Ghana's Oil Discovery

The Economic Implication of Ghana's Oil Discovery: the Case Study of Takoradi Community

This paper presents a research proposal which have been prepared for the future research on the economic implications of oil discovery in Ghana. It starts with a brief introduction to the whole case scenario by introducing Ghana and its recent oil discovery and proceeds by explaining the research questions and highlighting the major research objectives. The major part of the paper consists of a comprehensive literature review which has been done to discuss the aforementioned business issue in the light of most recent articles, news, and research publications. The literature review completely focuses on discussing the economic implications of this oil discovery for Ghana from both positive and negative perspective. The research design and data collection section presents the techniques and ways in which the researcher will collect and…...



Addu, A., 2011, Oil and Gas: A Boost to Ghana's Economy, Available at [Accessed 15th September, 2012]

Arthur, K., Otu, Y., & Intsiful, P., 2010, Economic and Social Impact of the Emerging Ghana Oil Industry, Available at [Accessed 15th September, 2012]

Aryeetey, C., Barthel, M., Loehr C., & Ossei, R., 2008, Empirical Study on the Determinants and Pro-Development Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment in Ghana, Legon, Ghana: Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research

Auty, R., 1998, Resource Abundance and Economic Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Speak Attending a Ghana Africa Wedding Celebration
Pages: 2 Words: 798

speak attending a Ghana, Africa wedding celebration. detail descriptive families dynamics traditional food. It speak heritage.
Weddings are special events in the African culture. Not only is the couple at the center of attention, but also the two families, which become connected. African people highly value this ceremony and its significance in the wider context of life. Therefore, great attention is paid to the specific traditions, the clothing, food, activities and obviously the ceremony itself. Although in modern times, Western characteristics have been introduced, old traditions are still visible and families do their best to preserve them. This paper will describe a few elements characteristic of a typical African wedding I attended some time ago.

In Ghana, the marriage proceedings are a lengthy process, which actually starts before the official ceremony, with the groom asking the bride's family for permission, by what is known as "knocking on the door" - the…...



African-American Wedding Traditions. Retrieved March 7, 2013 from Worldly Weddings:

African wedding cultural traditions by country. Retrieved March 7, 2013 from Afrykaconnect:

Jumping Brooms. Retrieved March 8, 2013 from Worldly Weddings:

Business Proposal in Ghana Giam's
Pages: 20 Words: 5365

2% of the population is younger than 14; 58.2% is aged between 15 and 64 and 3.6% is over the age of 65. This affect Giam's in a positive way as most of the population is properly aged to work
The median age of the population is 20.2 years, with 19.9 years for men and 20.4 years for women

The birth rate is of 29.85 births per 1000 individuals

The death rate is of 9.55 deaths in 1000 individuals

The infant mortality rate is of 53.56 deaths in 1000 live births

The life expectancy at birth is of 59.12 years, with 58.31 in men and 59.95 in women. This affects Giam's in the meaning that they will have to hire young workers. Furthermore, several personnel features might change simply due to the fact that the life expectancy in Ghana is more than five years shorter than the retirement age in the United States.

The high mortalities…...



Coutsoukis, Photius, 2004, Ghana - Economy Index,   last accessed on January 15, 2008 ,

Pellechio, Anthony; Zanforlin, Luisa; Begashaw, Girma and Fabrizio, Stefania, 2000, Ghana: Economic Development in a Democratic Environment, 2007, Ghana, Central Intelligence Agency, the World Factbook,  

Why Does Ghana Has Less AIDS in the Sub-Saharan Africa
Pages: 3 Words: 1000

AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa?
AIDS in Ghana

AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, has devastated much of Africa, hitting this continent worse than any other in the world. In fact, in the year 2000, 80% of the world's total AIDS-related deaths were within Africa. (C 2000) One of the areas hit the hardest by this virus has been the Sub-Saharan region. Ghana, within that region, has also been ravaged by AIDS, but it has a significantly lower percentage of AIDS cases than much of the rest of Africa. While the AIDS within Ghana has many of the same causes and effects on the people who are infected with the disease, it is a unique situation within Africa because of its particular effects on the women of the country, and the fact that there are comparatively fewer AIDS cases within this country.

The first reported cases of AIDS in Ghana were in 1986,…...



BBC. 2003. "Africa's Aids burden." UK: BBC News, Retreived December 1, 2003. ( )

Ghana AIDS Commission [1]. 2003. "Brief Statistics on HIV / AIDS." Ghana: Ghana AIDS Commission, Retreieved December 1, 2003. ( )

Ghana AIDS Commission [2]. 2003. "Women and AIDS." Ghana: Ghana AIDS Commission, Retreieved December 1, 2003. ( )

Ofeibea Quirst-arcton. 2003. "Aids Treatment Plan Begins In January." Accra:, Retreived December 1, 2003. ( )

Chinese and European Development Programs
Pages: 10 Words: 3684

The analysis provided is thorough and bias at the same time. However, Armstrong provides a valuable background and policy analysis.
In terms of the relations between Ghana and its major donors, China and the EU, Giles Mohan writes a comprehensive overview of the relations Ghana has with China and the potential political and economic interests that may drive China to indeed become a crucial donor for Ghana. More precisely, the author connects the new found Chinese desire to invest in the African country to the new found oil reserves in Ghana. Furthermore, he contents that given the past nature of the relations between China and the rest of the world (such as the EU for instance), the presence of China in Ghana is also geopolitically related and not necessarily humanitarian and development related. The perspective is valuable because the author points out potential political linkages between the resources found in…...



Boafo-Arthur, K & Essuman-Johnson, a 1993, Ghana, Some Foreign Aid issues, Institute of South Africa, Pretoria.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 2010. Ghana. CIDA. viewed on 18 January 2011

Chachage, C.S.L., 1987, Towards a critique of development theories in Africa. Vol. l9 No J / 987.

Crawford, G 2004. "The European Union and Democracy Promotion in Africa: The Case of Ghana" POLIS Working Paper Number 10 viewed on 18 January 2011

Strategic Partnerships With the EU
Pages: 15 Words: 4337

In this sense, it is not simply a matter of theoretical approach, but also one that is accompanied by data. More precisely, for instance, in the 1960s, when, as stated previously, the afflux of the development aid had not been significant, the real GDP per capita was $1,049. Compared to the 1990s when the development aid was more consistent, the real GDP per capita fell to $1,016 and in 1991 to even $970 (Andrews, What foreign aid can and can't do in Africa, 2010). This can be interpreted as being the result of a series of development strategies that did not improve the condition of the society. Also, this period was indeed characterized by increased political distress that only contributed to the way in which development programs were constructed, managed, and implemented.
In later years, through the United Nations programs, the increased donor contributions, the GDP per capita increased substantially,…...



UN Habitat. (2003). The challenge of slums - global report on human settlements 2003. United Nations Human Settlements Program.

United Nations Development Program. (2010). Human Development Report. Washington: Palgrave Macmillan.

Andrews, N. (2010).; Understanding the context of Aid and socio economic development in Ghana. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Andrews, N. (2010). Foreign Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Ghana'S Development: The Case for "Bringing Culture Back in "to the Analysis . International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2 (5), 95-104.

Market Communication
Pages: 10 Words: 3209

market communication plan for Divine Chocolate that produces chocolates for a noble cause of supporting the cocoa farmers of Ghana and promoting Fair Trade. The paper consists of an analysis of its business environment as well as a set of recommended strategies which it can use to beat the competition and effectively communicate its marketing messages to the most potential target customers.
Divine Chocolate is one of the leading Fair Trade chocolate manufacturers in the United Kingdom and United States. In addition to producing the best quality chocolates, Divine Chocolate also aims to promote fair trade in the Global community. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the current business and marketing strategies of Divine Chocolate and proposes a market communication plan which can help it better understand its target market, effectively run its advertising and promotional campaigns, and beat the competitor brands which are supported by numerous unknown credential…...



Batra, R., Myers, J.G., & Aaker, D.A. 2009, Advertising Management, 5th Edition. New Delhi: Pearson.

Batsell, J. 2004, Bumper crop of coffee labels, Available at [Accessed March 7th, 2013]

Brassington, F. & Pettitt, S. 2006, Principles of Marketing, 4th Edition. Harlow: Prentice-Hall.

Blythe, J., & Megicks, P. 2010, Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context, 3rd Edition. U.K: Prentice Hall

Challenges of Opening NYC Restaurant
Pages: 17 Words: 4930

NYC African Restaurants
African Restaurants

African Restaurants in NYC

The restaurant's soft industrial lighting makes the chrome gleam. A soft and expansive backdrop of blue gives the space a cool and slightly futuristic industrial like a hip loft in the future. Exposed brick walls are tinged in a blue sheen and the distressed wood chairs and tables have been stained steel gray and have marble table tops. In three weeks, Cisse Elhadji, the owner of Ponty Bistro in Midtown, will open his new restaurant La Terengea. Located at 144 West 139th St., the restaurant us nestled in between the Hudson and Harlem rivers a few blocks west of the City College of New York. The location of the restaurant is quite lucrative given its relative proximity to both Central Park as well as Yankee Stadium.

Though Elhadji has succeeded once with an African restaurant, La Teregenga is still a gamble. For the first time…...

Research Paper Help: What is the history of nursing in Ghana?
Words: 379

What is the history of nursing in Ghana?

Many articles that explore the history of nursing are very focused on the evolution and history of nursing in the Western world, which leads people to mistakenly conclude that nursing evolved in the West and then was transported to other parts of the world, including Ghana.  On the contrary, Ghana has a rich tradition of nurses as healthcare practitioners and the profession evolved in Ghana alongside developments in other parts of the world. The history of nursing in Ghana may not contain any figures as....

How have political titles evolved in shaping contemporary history?
Words: 569

Evolution of Political Titles and Its Impact on Contemporary History

Throughout history, political titles have played a crucial role in shaping the exercise of power and the evolution of societies. From ancient monarchs to modern leaders, the titles attributed to political figures have carried immense symbolic and practical significance.

Ancient Monarchies:

In ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, rulers bore titles that reflected their divine authority and earthly power. Pharaohs in Egypt were considered gods on earth, while Mesopotamian kings were often referred to as "shepherds of the people." These titles reinforced the absolute authority of the monarch and maintained social order....

overview of the Electronic Transactions Act 2008 of Ghana?
Words: 339

Electronic Transactions Act 2008 of Ghana

The Electronic Transactions Act 2008 of Ghana is a piece of legislation that governs electronic transactions in the country. It aims to facilitate electronic commerce, promote the use of electronic signatures, and provide a legal framework for electronic transactions.

Key provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act 2008 include:

1. Recognition of electronic records: The Act recognizes electronic records as valid and legally binding documents.

2. Electronic signatures: The Act allows for the use of electronic signatures in place of traditional handwritten signatures.

3. Electronic contracts: The Act outlines the legal requirements for forming contracts electronically.

4. Data protection: The Act....

overview of the Electronic Transactions Act 2008 of Ghana?
Words: 539

Overview of the Electronic Transactions Act, 2008 (Act 772) of Ghana


The Electronic Transactions Act (ETA), 2008 (Act 772) is a landmark legislation in Ghana that governs electronic transactions within the country. It was enacted to promote and regulate the use of electronic means for conducting business and communicating legal information.

Scope and Application

The ETA applies to all electronic transactions, defined as "any transaction that involves the creation, transmission, acceptance, or storage of data in electronic form." This includes various electronic interactions, such as:

Contract formation
Data exchange
Financial transactions
Electronic signatures

Legal Recognition of Electronic Transactions

The ETA recognizes the legal validity and....

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