German Essays (Examples)

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German Literature Scholarship on Yade
Pages: 8 Words: 2636

One of the ways that scholars have seen Ozdamar as collapsing preexisting cultural boundaries is through a meandering picaresque novelistic structure. Indeed, onika Shafi argues that Ozdamar "borrows from the comic and picaresque traditions [using] a theatrical, performance-based approach to identity and interaction."

Shafi's reading prompts one to acknowledge the 1960s cultural climate in which Ozdamar wrote. Specifically, she wrote at a time in which the theatrical writings of leftist intellectuals such as Bertolt Brecht and the documentary theater of playwrights such as Peter Weiss were quite popular. The performative novelistic structure was viewed as an indispensible method for engaging the reader in an intellectual rather than emotional manner. The overt political agenda of Brecht is may also exist in a latent form in Ozdamar's work; in contrast with scholars like Ebel that have viewed Ozdamar as somewhat primitive, a Brechtian subtext might prove the efficacy of claims such as those…...


Monika Shafi, "Joint Ventures: Identity Politics and Travel in Novels by Emine Sevgi Ozdamar and Zafer Senocak," Comparative Literature Studies, Vol.40. No.2 (2003): 193-214.

Frank a. Stone, the Rub of Cultures in Modern Turkey: Literary Views of Education (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973).

Karen Jankowsky, "German Literature Contested: The 1991 Ingeborg-Bachmann-Prize Debate, "Cultural Diversity," and Emine Sevgi Ozdamar," the German Quarterly, Vol.70, No.3 (Summer 1997): 261-276.

German Television Market Has Been a Major
Pages: 10 Words: 3117

German television market has been a major part of the country's cable network operations that has continued to generate huge revenues in the recent past. Actually, the digital television market accounts for more than 70% of cable network operators as usually forecasted. There are three major drivers of growth in the nation's cable television market i.e. digital Pay Television, telephony, and the Internet. As the revenues from Pay TV continue to experience steady growth, the Internet has played a crucial role in the German Television market. While there were fears that the Internet would replace private television channels in the country, it has complemented it and contributed to its significant growth. The role of the Internet in the expansion and growth of the German television market is evident in the fact that over 15% of cable TV customers receive Internet access from the cable provider ("German Cable Market 2012," n.d.).



Bens, E. & Hamelink, C.J. (2007). Media between culture and commerce. Chicago, IL: Intellect

Books, The University of Chicago Press.

Cushion, S. & Lewis, J. (2010). The rise of 24-hour news television: global perspectives. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Data Monitor (2003, January 1). German -- Digital TV: Digital TV Industry Profile. Business Source Complete, 1-13.

German Economy as it Exists
Pages: 6 Words: 1718

After unification, Germany's trade surplus shrank for several years, yet West Germany had shown a dramatically high trade surplus during the late 1980's and into the early 1990's, reaching almost $80 billion U.S. dollars in 1988; by 1991, a united Germany showed a much lower surplus. As of 1999, exports reached $610 billion, made up of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, metals, foodstuffs and textiles. Germany's main exporting partners, as of 1998, were the European Union, France, Great ritain, Italy, the Netherlands, enelux, the United States and Japan. Import-wise, as of 1999, the figure stood at $587 billion with the import products comparing favorably with the exports; Germany also imports goods from the same exporting countries ("The German Economy," Internet).
eginning in 2000, annual average real growth in Germany reached 3.0%, almost double since unification in 1990. In 2001 and 2002, real growth was at about 0.6%, but in 2003, Germany "experienced…...



Economy of Germany." Wikipedia. Internet. Accessed June 20, 2005. .

Economy of Germany." Internet. 2005. Accessed June 20, 2005. .

Tatyana, Gordeeva. "German Economy." German Culture. Internet. 2004. Accessed June 20, 2005. .

The German Economy." Abacci Atlas. Highbeam Research. Internet. 2005. Accessed June 20, 2005. Http://

German Nationalism Johann Gottfried Herder
Pages: 4 Words: 1218

Another barrier to the development of a unified German national identity in the 19th century was a strong sense of regionalism and patriotism on the local level. This was particularly true in the southern German states, which had benefited enormously from Germany's re-ordering by the Napoleonic forces.

This resulted in many conflicts between nationalists (who typically belonged to the larger German states) and regionalists (who typically belonged to the smaller, southern German states.)

Perhaps the biggest impact on the development of nationalism in Germany was the occupation of all of Germany west of the Rhine by France between the years of 1794 and 1814. France's occupation would leave long-lasting affects upon the German judicial, legal, and administrative systems, and cause on-going disputes between the two nations long after France's occupation came to an end.

The year 1813 marked a turning point in Germany's ongoing battles with France, with the former finally beginning to…...



Blackbourn, David, History of Germany: 1780-1918, the Long Nineteenth Century, 2nd edition. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.

Fulbrook, Mary, a Concise History of Germany, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2004.

Kitchen, Martin, a History of Modern Germany: 1800-2000. Malden, MA: Blackwell

German POW's Treatment by Americans
Pages: 5 Words: 2033

Technology was being deliberately advanced at a very rapid pace, much more rapidly than in peacetime, because of the competition between enemies, and because of the need to protect soldiers and civilians from those that would invade and destroy. Because of II, the world in general advanced faster, at least for a time, than it would have otherwise. hile the war was certainly not an enjoyable thing, there were good things that came from it. The way that the U.S. treated others was not one of those 'good things.'
Society is shaped by the things that have occurred in the past, and II was certainly a very important piece of history that will never be forgotten. It allowed the United States to emerge from the war as the most powerful nation in the world, and even though it did not have the economic power that Europe and Japan had, the…...


Works Cited

Albert, Michael. (2003). PARECON: Life After Capitalism. London: Verso.

Americanization Dept. Veterans of Foreign Wars of U.S. (1925). America: Great crises in our history told by its makers.

AP Mod Review. (2003). Westport. 7 October 2003

Barnes, Harry Elmer. (1970). The genesis of the world war: an introduction to the problem of war guilt. Howard Fertig, Inc.

German Romanticism
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

German omanticism
omanticism is nothing but a philosophical movement that started as a result of the increased growth of nationalism, the war of liberation and the reforms in the literary and cultural realms. In philosophy, the term is also related to emotionalism. The German romanticism is found as different from most of the other romanticism that spread across the world. The political revolution that happened during the 19th century is the vital reason for the birth of omanticism. Napoleon is regarded as the prime factor in bringing out the revolution. He was considered as the champion of the revolution, because the armies of France demolished the old order that prevailed in Germany.

We should not forget that Germany, more than any other country, had suffered very much from the conception of The Holy oman Empire. During earlier centuries German monarchs tried to establish themselves as oman emperors. Wherever the armies went, the…...



Fichte's Beginnings (1762-1794)" Retrieved at   Fichte's philosophical vocation accessed on 03/22/2004 (a)

Myers, Ellen. "Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788), Preacher of Christ in the Wilderness of the Enlightenment" The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/22/2004 .

Romanticism and Freemasonry" Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/22/2004 .

German Unification Occupies a Significant Place in
Pages: 8 Words: 2459

German unification occupies a significant place in the history of this great European power. Otto Von Bismarck, once the prime minister of Prussia, is responsible for single-handedly engineering this unification through clever strategies and creative tactics. The paper sheds light on the role of this German Chancellor in the unification of Germany.

Germany has seen and experienced more than its fair share of troubles, wars and turbulence. The country has been divided and unified twice and on both occasions, German population made huge sacrifices. But compared to reunification of 1989, the first unification was a gory affair because it was largely sponsored and supported by German military. Whenever military gets involved in any event, possibility of bloodshed looms large and that is exactly what happened in Germany in the decade of 1860-1870. It was the time when Otto Von Bismarck had come to power and was…...



Stephan Gallagher, German History: Chapter 1A. Early History., Countries of the World, 01-01-1991

AJ.P. Taylor, Bismarck and the German Empire, 3d ed. 1968

OTTO VON BISMARCK., The Columbia Encyclopedia, Seventh Edition, 01-01-2002

ANNE MCELVOY, A century on, Germany is still haunted by the ghost of Bismarck., Independent on Sunday, 07-19-1998, pp 4.

German U Boats the German
Pages: 8 Words: 2362

178) One of the most effective weapons against the U-boats and one of the main elements which led to their decline, was the deployment very long-range (VL) aircraft, particularly the Liberator B-24 bombers. (Lightbody, 2004, p. 178)
The Germans attempted to counter these stratgies with the deployment of the XXIII and XXI improved U-boats. These new U-boats were able to achieve higher speeds underwater, which were increased to approximately 20 knots, compared to the average 4 knots of the previous U-boats. (Lightbody, 2004, p. 178) They were also capable of operating at twice the depth of the ordinary U-boats and had had six torpedo tubes in place of the four on conventional craft. The new U-boats also had a hydraulic loading system, which was a radical improvement of the manual loading systems in older models. (Lightbody, 2004, p. 180)

These various countermeasures and improvements instituted by the German's were not enough…...



Blue Max Militaria. Retrieved September 4, 2006, at .


Harbron, J. (1996, June). Fran Josef's Forgotten U-Boat Captains. History Today, 46, 51+. Retrieved September 4, 2006, from Questia database: 

Kemble, Mike. U boat War (2001) Retrieved September 1, 2006, at 

German Foreign Policy Following World
Pages: 7 Words: 2343

S. And many EU countries are seeking to isolate Iran's leaders as pariahs" (einthall, 2011, p. 9). Once again, Germany chose to protect its own economic interest and global diplomatic effectiveness rather than kowtow to the interests of its allies. However, perhaps even more galling (at least to the United States and Israel) is the fact that Germany "supported a Lebanese sponsored UN Security Council resolution which condemned Israeli settlement construction as 'illegal'" soon after its election to a temporary seat on the Security Council (it failed in its bid for a permanent seat in 2005, which The Economist presciently predicted would allow Angela Merkel to overtake then-Chancellor Schroder). It is worth pointing out the symbolic importance of Germany's support for the UN resolution, because it is in the end almost entirely symbolic. Israel's settlements are already illegal under international law, so Germany's vote served more to establish itself as…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. (2011, May 14). Europe: the unadventurous eagle;

German foreign policy. The Economist, 399(8733), 48.

Hellmann, Gunther. (2009). Fatal attraction: german foreign policy and ir/foreign policy theory. Journal of International Relations and Development, 12(3), 257-292.

Overhaus, Marco. (2005). German foreign policy and the shadow of the past. SAIS Review, 25(2), 27-41.

German History German Government Ancient
Pages: 2 Words: 687

3 the executive branch of the government is headed by President Horst Koehler as the Chief of State while the official head of the government is Chancellor Angela Merkel. All German Federal Ministers are appointed by the President as recommended by the chancellor. 4
The modern German government also has a Parliament which is made up of the Federal Assembly or undestag and all members are elected by popular vote "under a system combining direct and proportional representation," and the Federal Council or undesrat. The judicial branch of the German government is known as the Federal Constitutional Court or undesverfassungsgericht with "half of the judges elected by the undestag and the other half by the undesrat. 5 of course, the current government of Germany is considered as a democratic system, due to having elected officials and seats of government which share power and are elected by the German people as…...



Germany." CIA World Factbook. 2008. Internet. Retrieved October 17, 2008 from .

German History." World History International. 2008. Internet. Retrieved October 17, 2008 at

German History -- All Facts and Events." 2007. Internet. Retrieved October 17, 2008 from .

Halsall, Paul. "Modern History Sourcebook: Frederick II: Essay on Forms of Government."

German Transportation Technology Germany's History
Pages: 3 Words: 953

y the time of 10th of February 1937 was again under state ownership.
During 2nd World War, the German Railway played a major role on the tyranny brought forth by Adolf Hitler and the 3rd Reich Nazi.

The end of World war II, the occupation of Germany took place with the arrival of allied forces of ritain, France, America and Russia compelling the German 3rd Reich from both east and west. With the incoming division of Germany, the railways were divided and were not allowed to cross over boundaries from East and West Germany. The Deutsche undesbahn in the west and the Soviet occupied Imperial Railways in the east. Until the unification of Germany on 1990, wherein liberated transport were again allowed of trains from the east to west.

German Technology ehind the Railroad

Among the countries in Europe, Germany was way behind the development of technology on its railway system. With the…...


Bibliography brief history of German railways

Author: John Oxlade, Salfords, Surrey, United Kingdom (email: John Oxlade.) 

Transport in Germany

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

German Nationalism Can Be Divided
Pages: 3 Words: 898

Small states are unable to protect their subjects." By alluding to the vulnerability of scattered German states before the strong Prussian state arrived to unite and lead them, he attempts to justify the dominance of the German Confederation by its strongest state, Prussia.
Also indicative of the more defined notions of the German identity during the period of expansion are the rants of Richard Wagner. In Wagner's extended rant about Jews, he claims that Jews lack the profundity, passion, and soul which so typify German people. To prove this, he points to the lack of Jewish representation in Music and Poetry, later breaking down famous Jewish composers and poets who might defy this categorization.

Unlike the nationalist rhetoric of the expansionist period, Hitler's speech defines Germany solely by the offenses committed upon her by outsiders, be they the French trespassing in the Rhineland, the Jews infiltrating Germany's political offices, or the…...

German-Americans Recently Increasing Numbers of
Pages: 10 Words: 2959

In 1942, they were two of the Germans who were picked up by the FBI. Several FBI agents with machine guns entered the H.I. Voss Engineering Company in Bronx, New York, and arrested Alfred Heitmann. This may have been related to the German submarine landing on Long Island, which resulted in a great deal of war hysteria that made many people believe that German spies were everywhere in New York (Tolzmann 32).
Heitmann's internment resulted from the unconstitutional investigations of the government based on hearsay from informants whose reliability was never seriously checked out. Many informants' names suggest that they were of German origin, who perhaps were afraid of their own internment and thus willing to give evidence to protect themselves from intense questioning. Their comments now appear ridiculous, including such theories that Heitmann took many photographs although he never owned a camera, as later confirmed by a FBI search,…...



Bohan, Suzanne. Internment camp survivors tell their tales. May 6, 2007. Inside Bay Area

20, May 2007

Fox, Stephen. America's Invisible Gulag. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2000.

Friedman, Max Paul Trading Civil Liberties for National Security: Warnings from a World War II Internment Program. Journal of Policy History. 17.3 (2005). 294-307

German TP Environmental Analysis and
Pages: 4 Words: 1036

Strategic Research

Toilet paper is a product used by virtually everyone in modern society, and this the potential market size for biodegradable toilet paper in Germany is limited only by the size of the German population, for all practical purposes. As the offered product is highly differentiated, it will have a distinct advantage over competitors at least insofar as appearing obviously different from standard toilet paper rolls. At the same time, the lack of familiarity of the new product might be off-putting for German consumers, and with a commodity at once as necessary and yet as cheaply and readily available as toilet paper, there really is no way to create extra demand, expand markets, etc. Differentiation, then, is the key selling point of biodegradable toilet paper, and the environmental sensibilities of the average German consumer will likely be a major factor in their decision to change to the new product.

Tactical Research


German Ideology by Karl Marx
Pages: 3 Words: 974

Karl Marx on the German Ideology:
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated to produce The German Ideology, which was one of the classic texts generated by the two. Even though The German Ideology stands our as one of the major texts produced by the two, it was never published during Marx's lifetime. This was a clear expression of the theory of history by Marx and its associated materialist metaphysics. One of the main reasons this text is a classic text by these philosophers is the fact that it introduces students to the basic tenets of the philosopher's approach. Notably, Karl Marx produced The German Ideology in 1846 as a critique of George Friedrich Hegel and his followers in Germany. The philosophers sought to differentiate their concept of socialism from existing ones and exhibit how socialism emerges ordinarily from the social conflicts embedded in capitalism.

Background to the Introduction of The German Ideology:



Works Cited:

Delaney, Tim, and Bob Schwartz. "A Critique of The German Ideology." Marxists Internet Archive. Progress Publishers, 23 Aug. 2000. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. .

"Karl Marx (1818 -- 1883)." Sparknotes. SparkNotes LLC, n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. .

Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. "The German Ideology." C.W. Anderson. C.W. Anderson, Sept. 2011. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. .

Choosing one of these wars (the war against Japan during World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War) can you explain how America’s military involvement produced new migration patterns and flows?
Words: 359

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

How to make an essay outline of the invention of cars?
Words: 630

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

Can you help me assess and give details of the successes of the D-Day Landings with references to primary and secondary resources where you found the information?
Words: 247

Many people think of the D-Day landings as only amphibious. However, there were also air landings on D-Day. The combination of the two types of assault helped contribute to the success of the D-Day invasion. Plus, while we focus on D-Day, it was just the beginning of a bigger operation, Operation Overlord. That operation was designed to help the Allied powers defeat the Axis powers in Europe with a decisive, huge push of combined forces.

The D-Day invasion was all across northern France. They landed on five different beaches. The beaches were Utah, Sword,....

Opposition to the Weimar government from 1924-1929 was harmless. How far do you agree with the statement?
Words: 372

I do not agree with the statement that opposition to the Weimar government from 1924-1929 was harmless. There were several significant opposition groups during this period that posed threats to the stability and functioning of the government.

Firstly, right-wing extremist groups, such as the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, emerged during this time and gained considerable support. These groups vigorously attacked the Weimar Republic, spreading their ideologies of racism, anti-Semitism, and authoritarianism. Their opposition was far from harmless, as they organized violent activities, attempted coups, and disrupted the political process. The Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, led by....

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