Georgia Essays (Examples)

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Georgia the Former Soviet Republic
Pages: 10 Words: 3591

Lastly, a loss of Ajaristan (Ajaria) would weaken Georgias buffer with Turkey and increase loss of lack Sea shoreline:
In the conflict between the Ossetians and Ingush, the Russian government favored the "always loyal Ossetians" over the discontented Muslim Ingush. The conflicts with the Georgians in the south and the Ingush in the west have fueled the growth of Ossetian nationalism, but the majority hope for autonomy, not full independence, fearing the loss of Russian protection in the volatile region they have inhabited since ancient times. The Ossetians, although needing Russian protection in the mostly Muslim region, continue to work for the unification of their small nation in a single political entity. In 1996, the governments of North and South Ossetia signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation. Relations between the South Ossetians and the Georgian government improved in the late 1990s. The Georgian government of Eduard Shevardnadze proposed in…...



Abbott, Wilbur Cortez. The Expansion of Europe: A History of the Foundations of the Modern World. Vol. 2,. New York: H. Holt and Company, 1918.

Atal, Yogesh, ed. Poverty in Transition and Transition in Poverty: Recent Developments in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Russia, Mongolia. New York: Berghahn Books, 1999.

Black, Cyril E., Robert D. English, Jonathan E. Helmreich, a. James McAdams, and Paul C. Helmreich. Rebirth: A Political History of Europe since World War II. 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000.

"Bulgaria, Romania Pledge Support in Georgia's EU Aspiration" May, 9th 2005,

Georgia-Russia Crisis - An Overview
Pages: 6 Words: 1993

The read on him is that he can be "volatile" and "difficult to manage," but that he is an intelligent, effective leader. The general read is that Saakashvili attacked South Ossetia first, and Putin responded with massive overkill.
There have been numerous charges tossed about that George ush somehow triggered the Georgia-Russia crisis for many different reasons. Most of these charges have come repeatedly from Vladimir Putin. No independent, objective analysis of the crisis has found any evidence of the truth of those charges. (Zunes, 2008) a lame-duck president with most of his troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, George ush warned, threatened, cajoled, negotiated and sent aid. U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, held countless phone calls with Georgia and Russia asking them to back off. They didn't.

Aftermath - Solutions?

Russia currently has approximately 7600 "peacekeeping" troops stationed in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and a few Georgian locations. There is also…...



BBC news. (2008, August 21). Day-by-day: Georgia-Russia crisis. Retrieved November 19, 2008, from BBC news: Europe: day-by-day: 

Drive, D. (2006, November). Blogs about: Georgia Russia crisis. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from 

International Crisis Group. (2008, November 10). Russia-Georgia: the aftermath. Retrieved November 21, 2008, from International crisis group:

Georgia's Environment the Ecologies and Environment From
Pages: 2 Words: 803

Georgia's Environment
The ecologies and environment: From the Atlantic Ocean to the Appalachian Plateau, Georgia is a very diverse state in terms of its ecology and geography. The state is the largest east of the Mississippi River, and its elevation ranges from sea level to more than 4,700 feet. The New Georgia Encyclopedia reports that there are five distinct "physiographic provinces" in Georgia: the Blue Ridge, the Piedmont, the Appalachian Plateau, the Ridge and Valley, and the Atlantic Coastal Plain. In the extreme northwestern part of the state, the Appalachian Plateau has historically been a region where mining has taken place. That Appalachian Plateau actually connects some parts of Georgia with Tennessee and eastern Alabama.

The cities in Georgia are located in the Piedmont region, which is highly industrialized, and includes the sprawling megalopolis of Atlanta. The "fall line" in Georgia is the place where the coastal plain meets the Piedmont; rivers…...


Works Cited

Baxter, Tom. (2012). Georgia becomes Ground Zero for energy, environmental issues. Atlanta Business Chronicle. Retrieved March 3, 2012, from .

Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). Climate Change and Georgia. Retrieved March 4,

2012, from .

Georgia Department of Natural Resources. (2009). Georgia's Natural Resources. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from .

Georgia's Employment Laws All 50 States in
Pages: 2 Words: 791

Georgia's Employment Laws
All 50 states in the U.S. -- including Georgia -- have their own laws regarding employment. Georgia is beholding to federal laws regarding employment.

hen managing the human relations department (HR) in a company in Georgia it is very important to stay abreast of recent laws relating to labor. The "Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act" requires subcontractors and contractors working with Georgia's public employees to verify the eligibility of all new hires. New tough Georgia laws regarding illegal immigration relate to employment, so HR needs to be very up-to-date on those laws. In fact federal immigration laws require employers (HR personnel) to "…complete an INS Form 1-9 to verify each employee's authorization" to be working in America (Kemp, 2008). A Plan: The HR department should establish regular tutorials for all employees to bring everyone up-to-date on legal requirements for both Georgia and federal guidelines and laws.

THREE: If the…...


Works Cited

De Grip, Andries, and Sieben, Inge. (2009). The effectiveness of more advanced human resource systems in small firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,

20(9), 1914-1928.

Georgia Department of Labor. (2009). Georgia Security & Immigration Compliance Act.

Retrieved September 4, 2012, from .

Georgia Board of Pardons and
Pages: 2 Words: 644

Buckner has a Graduate Degree from Brenau University.
Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Robert E. Keller to the Board in 2007. Prior to joining the Board Keller served as executive council -- and also as chairman -- for the Prosecuting Attorneys Council of Georgia. Keller has been on the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Judicial Retirement System and the Georgia Code Revision Plan Committee. He has a law degree from Emory Law School.

In May 2010, Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Albert Murray to the Board, and Murray was elected to the position of Vice Chairman -- a position which he began serving in July 2010. Prior to that appointment Murray had a successful career in Tennessee and Alabama in the field of corrections. Murray was the longest serving juvenile justice commissioner in the history of the state of Georgia, having served in that position from January 23, 2004, to May 14,…...


Works Cited

State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (2011). Board Members. Retrieved April 11, 2011, from .

State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (2011). Mission Statement. Retrieved April 11, 2011, from

Georgia Pacific the New Organizational Culture at
Pages: 3 Words: 965

Georgia Pacific
The new organizational culture at Georgia-Pacific is driven by the CEO's leadership style. The human resources function has been altered to support the new organizational culture. This paper will show how the three different components are intertwined and support each other.

hen Joe Moeller took over as CEO of Georgia-Pacific, he began to revamp the company to make it function differently than it had before. He knew that such profound organizational change would require three key elements. The first is support from the top. The second is a shift in the organizational culture and the third is a change in the human resources practice. His leadership style emphasized the value of all three to the organizational change process and he was willing to be the first to exemplify that change.

Organizational change efforts typically succeed only when they are supported by senior management. ithout senior management support, employee buy-in is likely…...


Works Cited:

Clement, R. (1994). Culture, leadership and power: The keys to organizational change. Business Horizons. Retrieved November 17, 2010 from 

Strayer, R. (2007). Leadership and organizational change -- A team-based approach. EZine Articles. Retrieved November 17, 2010 from 

Yukl, G. (2008). How leaders influence organizational effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly. Vol. 19 (6) 708-722.

Georgia O'Keeffe Georgia O'Keefe's Lake
Pages: 4 Words: 1454

"A prime source for her early art," Sara hitaker Peters writes (Peters 192), was her "...powerful physical reaction to nature and to individuals." The "suggestively layered mountains, canyons, and mesas," Peters continues, seem to be "vestiges" of "female forms" if she had decided to inhabit the earth and the sky around her."
It was at Lake George, in fact, that the photography of Stieglitz and of Paul Strand awakened her "to the possibility of taking an objective approach to her own motifs... [and] it happened in Lake George in 1923, where she "...first got down to an effort to be objective" in her depiction of the natural world. Moreover, Peters (135) writes that it was in fact at Lake George (where she eventually would begin to feel confined, hence her permanent relocation to New Mexico) that her subject matter "...began to turn from the uterine-personal to shelter shapes of another…...


Works Cited

Messinger, Lisa Mintz. (1988). Georgia O'Keeffe. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Peters, Sarah Whitaker. (2001). Becoming O'Keeffe: The Early Years. New York: Abbeville


Georgia v Randolph Statement of
Pages: 2 Words: 561

In this instance, Mr. Randolph was present and had specifically refused consent. The court ruled that his presence and specific refusal could not be overlooked.
Summary of the Ruling. Previous Fourth Amendment rulings had held that searches where consent was not obtained from an absent person could be used. In Georgia v Randolph, the distinguishing factor was that Mr. Randolph was present and had specifically refused consent. The evidence used against him was obtained during the warrant search, which was obtained on the basis of the original, non-warrant search that Mr. Randolph had refused. The ruling held that any evidence ultimately derived from that original, non-warrant search could not be used against Mr. Randolph, on the basis of his unequivocal refusal to consent. The court pointed out that this case does not supercede cases such as Rodriguez, which are still applicable. For the search to be unlawful requires explicit refusal…...

Georgia Environmental Quality Departments
Pages: 5 Words: 1748

1. Community Health Concerns
Georgia is predominantly faced with the risk of mosquito related infections due to the numerous viruses that are breed by mosquitos. These viruses are still in circulation in Georgia and they have the potential to cause human and animal diseases (Georgia.Gov, 2017). Here are the most pronounced mosquito viruses that Georgia has had to contend with over the years:

· LaCrosse
· Eastern equine encephalitis
· West Nile

The mosquito viruses are assessed as being very active during early the Georgia early fall season. The viruses are capable of infecting humans and animals such as horses, birds and other types of animals. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) any reports of infected horses or birds in Georgia or the presence of large mosquito numbers could be an indication of greater risks of getting infected as well (Georgia.Gov, 2017). Georgia residents are advised to take protective measures aimed at…...

Georgia the State of Georgia Has a
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

The state of Georgia has a long history of southern heritage and pride in the United States. The movie Madea's Family Reunion depicts the subculture of the state of Georgia showing its strong ties to marriage/family, food, religion, guidance, culture and traditions. The movie depicts a strong black grandmother Madea, who is the matriarch of the family helping her family deal with pressing issues. She does all this while at the same time planning for a huge family reunion. The movie, which was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia deals with many traits and issues one would see among regular families in Georgia, some of which depicting times during the slavery revolution. Love, acceptance, friendship and family are all qualities shown in this movie and in the community of Georgia.

Georgians are known for their strong ties to family and the sanctity of marriage. The hardships the black community has had to…...


Works Cited

Perry, Tyler. (2006). Madea's Family Reunion. Atlanta, Georgia. LionsGate.

Georgia Law
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Federal and State Court Systems in George
The federal and state court system in the United States is tasked with providing timely adjudication of all cases within their jurisdiction. Each of the several states, including Georgia, is part of a larger federal system of district courts and courts of appeal, and their courts have their state-level counterparts, each of which is responsible for hearing cases of certain types. To determine which courts are responsible for what in the State of Georgia today, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the federal and state court systems in place in Georgia today in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

The Federal Court Structure in the Southern District of Georgia

The U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Eleventh District for the Southern District form part of the overall adjudicative coverage of the State of…...



Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Federal Courts of Appeal. (2013). Georgia Institute of Technology. Retrieved from http://www.

Georgia Small Claims Court. (2013). Nolo. Retrieved from: .

Georgia Laws Regarding Employment Discrimination
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

Employment Discrimination

Advocacy groups exist in a few different forms, some that work on federal issues, and others that are more focused on state issues. States have the right to pass laws that offer protections that go beyond the federal laws -- the Civil ights Act is the baseline federal standard. As an example, the federal policy on sexual orientation as a protected class relies largely on EEOC rulings, as it is not written into federal law. Several states have therefore chosen to write their own employment discrimination laws to extend protections to other classes than those who are covered under federal law. The state laws may also apply to more companies, as under federal law a company must have 15 employees in order for the law to apply.

States that lack employment discrimination protections will often have advocacy groups that are fighting at the state level to have protections extended to…...



City of Atlanta (2016). Non-discrimination laws. City of Atlanta. Retrieved from 

Georgia Code. O.C.G.A. § 34-5-1 (2015). Retrieved from LexisNexis. (2016) Nondiscrimination. Georgia Equality. Retrieved from (2016, 2) Workplace fairness. Georgia Equality. Retrieved from

State of Healthcare in Georgia
Pages: 4 Words: 1265

Q8. List the state legislator(s) that sit(s) on the health committee.

According to the state of Georgia's website, the Health and Human Services committee consists of the following lawmakers:

Unterman, enee S (Chairman)

Balfour, Don Vice (Chairman)

Millar, Fran (Secretary)

Hill, Judson (Ex-Officio)

Burke, Dean (Member)

Butler, Gloria S. (Member)

Carter, Buddy (Member)

Henson, Steve (Member)

Hufstetler, Chuck (Member)

Jackson, Lester G. (Member)

Ligon, Jr., William T. (Member)

Orrock, Nan (Member)

Shafer, David (Member)

Q9. What is the state's position on health care reform? What is/was the support for reform? Is the debate ongoing?

Georgia has strongly resisted the ACA (Affordable Care Act). Despite the high rates of poverty and low rates of coverage, "Georgia opted out of the opportunity to expand Medicaid…the opportunity to expand the insurance marketplace through an exchange was not something they were interested in participating in at all" (agusea 2014). esidents of Georgia must go on the federal exchange to purchase insurance. However, a recently-introduced bill in the state legislature eliminated…...



Georgia health insurance. (2014). /georgia/

Miller, a. (2013). ACA: Georgia premium rate variation worst in the nation. The Augusta

Chronicle. Retrieved:

Healthcare Disparity in Georgia
Pages: 4 Words: 1488

Healthcare Disparity in Georgia
HIV infection continues to be a substantial trouble in Bibb County, Georgia. This illness substantially impacts lots of areas and Bibb County shares among the greatest HIV rates in America. One reason Bibb County deals with greater rates of infection is due to the high minority populace. Likewise, high levels of poverty and joblessness can make it tough for an individual to keep his/her health plan and access their primary-care service provider and acquire the required therapy for HIV. Social preconception likewise extends unfavorable mindsets of the community and can force the individual from looking for therapy or even testing for HIV.

The very best protection against HIV is enlightening the general public about the illness. outine testing for HIV is vital too. The first intervention would be to associate with a regional testing center and have the ability to check people as well as inform them on…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2008). HIV / AIDS among youth. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from 

Hamilton, D. (2011). What constitutes best practice in healthcare design? The Health Environments Research and Design Journal 4(2), 121-126. Retrieved from 

Maurer, F.A., & Smith, C.M. (2009). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders.

Bachanas, P., Morris, M., Lewis-Gess, J., Sarett-Cuasay, E., Flores, A., Sirl, K., et al. (2002). Psychological adjustment, substance use, HIV knowledge, and risky sexual behavior in at-risk minority females: developmental differences during adolescence. Journal Of Pediatric Psychology, 27(4), 373-384. Retrieved from MEDLINE with Full Text Database.

Financial Analysis of Georgia Power
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

61). ("Quick Ratio,"2010) ("Georgia Power," 2010) the greater the number the better the short-term liquidity position the company is in. In this particular situation while Georgia Power is not facing a liquidity crisis, their level of short-term liquidity is lower than it should be.

When you put all of the different pieces together, it is clear that there they are saying that Georgia Power is good long-term investment. This can be seen by the 4.7% return on equity that they are delivering to shareholders. The total amounts of debt are reasonable with the company having a total debt ratio of .654. This is below the number of 1.0, which indicates that the company has more than enough assets to cover any kind of liabilities. However, when you look a little further, the short-term indicators such as: the quick ratio; shows a different picture. In this particular aspect there was a reading…...



Debt Ratio. (2010). Retrieved February 25, 2010 from Investopedia website: 

Georgia Power. (2010). Retrieved February 25, 2010 from Yahoo Finance website:

A title for an opinion essay on New England colonies, middle colonies, and Southern colonies?
Words: 386

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

how to write a 2024 u\'s presidential election essay?
Words: 621

The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: A Contemplation on Potential Outcomes


The 2024 U.S. presidential election is a highly anticipated event that will shape the political landscape of the United States for years to come. With the incumbent president term-limited, the race is wide open, and multiple potential candidates have already expressed their interest in running. In this essay, we will analyze the potential outcomes of the 2024 presidential election, considering the political climate, key issues, and possible candidates.

Political Climate

The 2024 election will take place against the backdrop of a highly polarized political climate. The country remains deeply divided along partisan lines,....

How can touch DNA revolutionize the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases?
Words: 660

Touch DNA: Revolutionizing the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Assault Cases
Touch DNA analysis, a groundbreaking forensic technique, has emerged as a game-changer in the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases. This advanced DNA profiling method has empowered law enforcement agencies and prosecutors with unprecedented capabilities, enabling them to identify suspects and build stronger cases.
What is Touch DNA?
Touch DNA is a form of DNA analysis that examines the microscopic DNA traces left behind by individuals when they touch or come into contact with objects or surfaces. Unlike traditional DNA profiling, which requires a substantial amount of biological material, touch DNA....

What are the must-see attractions and activities for a trip to Atlanta?
Words: 362

I. Preparation for the Trip

       A. Packing essentials

       B. Booking accommodation

       C. Planning itinerary
II. Traveling to Atlanta

       A. Flight details

       B. Transportation options in Atlanta
III. Exploring Atlanta

       A. Visiting tourist attractions

       B. Trying local cuisine

       C. Shopping in Atlanta
IV. Conclusion

       A. Reflecting on the trip

       B. Memories made

D. Must-see attractions and activities in Atlanta:

1. Visit the Georgia Aquarium - one of the largest aquariums in the world, home to thousands of aquatic animals.
2. Explore the World of Coca-Cola - learn about the history of this iconic....

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