Genogram Essays (Examples)

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Genogram Generation Genogram the Whole Point of
Pages: 2 Words: 835

Generation Genogram

The whole point of performing a genogram, is so a patient can understand his or her risk factors for illness based on heredity. This paper provides an assessment, analysis and health promotion plan for the Yildiz family. The interview I conducted was with Ikbal Coskun-Yildiz, a second generation mother of two and her husband, Ekrem Yildiz.

The Yildiz and Coskun families are of Turkish descent. Ikbal, her husband and two children moved to the United States 15 years ago. The rest of the family including live in Ankara, Turkey. Ekrem, also has extended family living in Turkey. They are both 56 years old. Unfortunately both sets of their parents are dead, but all of their siblings are still alive.

It should be noted that the Yildiz and Coskun families have similar patterns on both sides. Cancer and heart conditions are recurring themes. Ikbal's mother died of lung cancer and her father…...



American Heart Association. (2008). Dietary Intake of Dairy Products, Calcium, and Vitamin D and the Risk of Hypertension in Middle-Aged and Older Women.Hypertension, 5, Retrieved September 25, 2008, from: .

National High Blood Pressure Education Program. (2004). The forth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 114 (2), 35-36. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from: .

Genogram Family Tree Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1106

Genogram Family Tree Analysis
List the cause of death illnesses shown.

- The cause of death illness for Elizabeth (maternal grandmother, 61) was breast cancer.

- The cause of death illness for John (maternal grandfather, 56) was lung cancer.

- The cause of death illness for Marguerite (paternal grandmother, 91) was breast cancer, the effects of which were exacerbated by the occurrence of a heart attack.

- The cause of death illness for Louis (paternal grandfather, 73) was lung cancer.

- The cause of death illness for Mary (mother, 65) was kidney disease, the effects of which were exacerbated by high blood pressure.

The cause of death illness for Wayne (father, 60) was congestive heart failure (CHF), which occurred in conjunction with a host of other illnesses including pneumocystis pneumonia, kidney disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

List the uncontrollable and controllable risk factors for each of these. Be specific.

Uncontrollable isk Factors for Lung Cancer:

The presence of lung cancer throughout…...



Centers for Disease Control, Diabetes Public Health Resource. (2010). National chronic kidney disease fact sheet 2010. Retrieved from National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention

and Health Promotion website: 

Khan, N., Afaq, F., & Mukhtar, H. (2010). Lifestyle as risk factor for cancer: Evidence from human studies. Cancer letters, 293(2), 133. Retrieved from 

Schilson, E., Braun, K., & Hudson, A. (1993). Use of genograms in family medicine: A family physician/family therapist collaboration. Family Systems Medicine, 11(2), 201.

Genogram Significant Family Events Dolly
Pages: 10 Words: 3101

Dolly is the recipient of these complex themes. In fact, each of these issues is intertwined and impact Dolly psychologically. Estrangement has been a theme in Dolly's family, due to (a) her parents' decision to move them to Singapore; (b) her parents' decision to educate the women; (c) her sister's decision to marry outside of the religion and culture. Although Dolly is not herself ostracized, she has internalized her sister's isolation from the family. Her sister was already feeling like an outsider due to their living in Singapore and receiving an education. They were different from their female cousins, many of whom were suspicious. Some of their cousins believed that education would corrupt them, removing them further from their Muslim roots. Others simply believed that being educated would make them automatically wealthy.

Being wealthier than his family placed Dolly's father under a great degree of stress. He passed on this stress…...

Genogram and Family Background
Pages: 4 Words: 1631

Family Genogram
One's family is generally a manifestation and a melee of the generations which preceded it. Just as abuse and dysfunction can be transferred from generation to generation, so can love, respect and other values. While the families from whence I originate are by no means perfect, previous generations continue to showcase values which are cherished and revered even today. This paper will explore my family background from both my maternal and paternal sides, and will also examine the values that have been passed down and preserved from previous generations.

My family has always been quite proud of our heritage and values the family as an institution. My paternal grandparents are of Italian descent and arrived in Argentina in their early twenties. He was a man marked by remarkable kindness and generosity and was loved by all who met him. He had an undying devotion to my grandmother, and was known…...

Counseling Family Genogram
Pages: 2 Words: 673

A working agreement "defines the type of relationship the parties have with each other...ensure everyone understands the roles each party plays, defining specific tasks as well as detailing realistic expectations and targets everybody can meet during the agreement," (Byrne, 2012). The importance of a working agreement is more ethical than it is legal, but it remains a backbone of any effective intervention. According to Byrne (2012), "working agreements do not have specifically required elements, they do have many common features." These features include the following four sections: assessment, prioritizing, contracting, and evaluation (Murphy & Dillon 2003). A working agreement should ideally also include statements of confidentiality, statements of informed consent, treatment goals, roles, expectations, and responsibilities of all parties. Intervention methods used to attain goals and their frequency, duration, length, and location of the meetings should also be discussed. Likewise the means of evaluation or measuring progress toward goal attainment,…...



Byrne, D. (2012). What is a working agreement? EHow Money. Retrieved online:

Herman & Knuth, (1991). What does Research Say about Assessment. Retrieve on December 7, 2009 from:

Murphy, B.C., & Dillon, C. (2003). Interviewing in action: Relationship, process, and change (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.

Office of Human Resource SC (n.d.). Prioritizing Goals. Retrieve on December 7, 2009 from:

David & Beth Genograms Are a Tool
Pages: 2 Words: 727

David & Beth
Genograms are a tool often employed by Bowenian therapists who work form a systems theory perspective. Systems theory focuses on the relationships between entities, objects or individuals who co-exist within a larger organization, group, or system. Systems theory lends itself very well to studying families and relationships because it recognizes that no couple or family is an island, but rather, every family exists within a larger social environment that includes extended family members, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and society at large. As such, systems theory is an excellent framework from which to examine communication and functioning within families and relationships. Genograms are conceptually very similar to family trees, except that they go beyond demonstrating simple biological and matrimonial bonds. ather, they provide more detailed information, in a graphical manner, about the various relationships between people who exist within a family. By using different colors, patterns and symbols, individuals…...



Littlejohn, S. (1997). System Theory. In Theories of human communication (pp. 42-63). New York: Wadsworth.

Triangulation in the Genogram
Pages: 4 Words: 1296

genogram I created of my current family situation along the lines of Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST). It will explain my perceived role within the family dynamic as well as current 'triangles' and tensions in my family. It will address areas that need improvement in terms of family relationships as well as rate my own sense of self-differentiation from other family members. Finally, it will conclude with a review of how useful this self-understanding will be in my social work. Ultimately, "BFST emphasizes the importance of personal identity and relationships" (Murdok 211).
As the only girl in the family and the youngest member, the 'role' in the family I was forced to play was often that of the 'fragile' one that everyone had to protect. My parents were fairly lenient with me in terms of indulging me and my brothers were often told to look after me. I internalized a…...



Differentiation. (2014). Bowen Theory. Retrieved from: 

Murdok, N. Family systems theory, 209-223.

Triangulation. (2014). Bowen Theory. Retrieved from:

Frame M W 2001 The Spiritual Genogram in
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Frame, M.W., (2001). The Spiritual Genogram in Training and Supervision. The Family Journal. 9 (109): etrieved from: / study/articles/section4/Article87.pdf
When dealing with family counselling issues, spiritual issues often arise depending on the culture and belief systems of the individual or family. Often it is beneficial to have an understanding of the entire family structure -- which can be tailored to meet the needs of the specific professional (medical, social, familial, or spiritual). One way to do this is through a pictorial display of relationships, called a genogram, used primarily to identify repetitive patterns of behavior or hereditary tendencies (McGoldrick,, 2008).

Frame (2001) takes a bit different approach to the use of genograms. Instead of simply looking at familial relationship or generational relationships, the spiritual genogram identifies affiliations, events and conflicts within family organizations based on spiritual matters. It can be used as both a tool and training template to…...



Allitt, P. (2005). Religion in American Since 1945: A History. New York: Columbia University Press.

Frame, M.W., (2001). The Spiritual Genogram in Training and Supervision. The Family Journal. 9 (109): Retrieved from:   / study/articles/section4/Article87.pdf 

Hess, D. (2012). The Impact of Religiosity on Personal Financial Decisions. Journal of Religion and Society. 14 (2): Retrieved from: 

McGolrick, M.,, (2008). Genograms: Assessment and Intervention. New York: Norton.

Professional Development and Family
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Constructing a genogram helps to visualize relationships, view the hierarchies of the generations, and also see where potential problems may arise. The genogram presents in simple visual format the most fundamental aspects of individuals and their role in the family. We can see where people are now deceased, relationships that have ended in divorce, and also issues like illness and other factors that might impact their functioning in the family or how they are or were perceived. The genogram allowed me to see, for example, how emotional abuse might have impacted my grandparents' relationship with each other but also with my parents. Constructing my family's genogram was a fruitful exercise, and I intend to expand upon the genogram as I learn more about my family of origin.
Through methods like interviewing and reflecting on the stories that I heard from my grandparents when I was young, I have gleaned much about…...



"The Basic Genogram Symbols," (n.d.). Retrieved online:

The Multicultural Family Institute (n.d.). Standard symbols for genograms. Retrieved online:

How a Genogram Can Help in Therapy
Pages: 2 Words: 431

Genogram: Hernandez Family
The Hernandez case based on the genogram below indicates that Elena suffers from diabetes and Juan from back issues related to work. Money is tight because of the socio-economic conditions of the family. Juan drinks on the weekends but is not alcoholic. His weekend drinking is described as "blowing off steam." The parents have been referred because of the nature of their disciplining of their children. Their own childhoods have been fraught with abuse and physical violence from their parents which is depicted in the genogram below. The hostility that Juan and Elena show towards their children may originate in their own childhood experiences; however, the two have not been physically violent. The disciplinary methods used by the two may be the result of a lack of patience on their part in dealing with their children's developmental issues. The main issue that may be leading to the social…...

Family History and its Genogram
Pages: 6 Words: 1714

GENOGAM Genogram Family History AssignmentA genogram is a useful chart for depicting family relations and their intricacies with symbols and notations. It provides a clear picture to the professionals for determining issues and the prospect of genetic illnesses being carried forward to the index person. This paper aims at exploring my own familys multigenerational, multicultural, socio-political, and health status context. Our family lives in the US, and marriages have taken place within the same cultures.The symbolic denotation of the genogram has been presented below for a clear understanding of the three generations.Image 1: Genogram of a US FamilyImage is taken from Edraw Max (n.a.)Considering that the index person is to be seen in a primary care visit, the influences of his relationships, health history, lifestyle, culture, and environmental factors would be examined. The focused family genogram interview and the following information are gathered for a detailed explanation of each individuals…...


ReferencesEdraw Max. (n.a.). Wonder Share Edraw Max: Unnamed file. Retrieved from   A. (2018). A death in the family: The differential impacts of losing a loved one. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 10(1), 99-118. Saad, H.A., Elbedour, S., Hallaq, E., Merrick, J. & Tenenbaum, A. (2014). Consanguineous marriage and intellectual and developmental disabilities among Arab Bedouins children of the Negev region in Southern Israel: A pilot study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2, 3. Schaller, M. & Murray, D.R. (2008). Pathogens, personality, and culture: Disease prevalence predicts worldwide variability in sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(1), 212-221. Sobieraj, M., Williams, J., Marley, J. & Ryan, P. (1998). The impact of depression on the physical health of family members. British Journal of General Practice, 48(435), 1653-1655. Glatt,

Family Assessment and Family
Pages: 7 Words: 1589

Genogram Project
The author of this report has been charged with doing a family assessment project. The largest part of this report shall be the genogram and ecogram. The personal version of these two diagrams as authored and put together by the author of this report are shown in the appendix. There will be some additional supporting and complementary information as well. This will include the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and the Calgary Family Intervention Model. Both of those models will be discussed and reviewed in this report. Also worthy of mention will be the stages of the family life cycle. The rest of the report will be important information about the family members identified in the genogram. This information will include three generations of information, each family member being identified, the family relationship involved, the current age of the person (or age at death), the martial/relationship status of the…...



Konradsdottir, E. & Svavarsdottir, E. (2011). How effective is a short-term educational and support intervention for families of an adolescent with type 1 diabetes?. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 16(4), 295-304. 

Sveinbjarnardottir, E., Svavarsdottir, E., & Wright, L. (2013). What are the benefits of a short therapeutic conversation intervention with acute psychiatric patients and their families? A controlled before and after study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 50(5), 593-602. 

West, C., Bell, J., Woodgate, R., & Moules, N. (2015). Waiting to Return to Normal: An Exploration of Family Systems Intervention in Childhood Cancer. Journal Of Family Nursing, 21(2), 261-294. 

Wright, L. & Leahey, M. (2012). Nurses and families.

Road Is Not Just the
Pages: 8 Words: 2197

These values can be as operational for the parent/child association as it is for the owner/pet relationship.
Strategy for communication

The objective of any family is for all members to live in agreement with each other. It is the first basis of a Childs education and moral standards (Gouze & Wendel, 2007). With that said, a strategy called floor planning is what will be utilized for Jeff and Roger.

Floor Planning

This method should also be done throughout the instigating stages of counseling for Jeff and Roger. Jeff and Roger will be requested to draw a floor plan of their house. They will then be asked to remember the odors, sounds, colors, and people that are in their home. While they are drawing particular questions are asked regarding the environment such as;

What room does the family gather in?

What conversations take place in the various rooms?

Are any rooms restricted or off limits?

Where do guests…...



Gouze, K.R., & Wendel, R. (2007). INTEGRATIVE MODULE-BASED FAMILY THERAPY: APPLICATION AND TRAINING. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 286-296.

Hogarty, G.E., Greenwald, D., Ulrich, R.F., Kornblith, S.J., & a, e. (1997). Three-year trials of personal therapy among schizophrenic patients living with or independent of family, II: Effects on adjustment of patients. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 56-89.

Kissane, D.W., & McKenzie, M. (2006). Family Focused Grief Therapy: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Palliative Care and Bereavement. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 56-78.

Lund, L.K., Zimmerman, T.S., & Haddock, S.A. (2002). The theory, structure, and techniques for the inclusion of children in family therapy: A literature review. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 67-89.

Reality Therapy in Marriage and
Pages: 3 Words: 870

From this discussion, Dubin (2009) then moves to presenting a new and unique model for implementation in both marriage and family counseling contexts. The current article models the "Basic Needs Genogram" as the primary method to be tested in contemporary therapy structures. This is a genogram that is based off the works of Glasser (1998) and breaks down our complexity of needs into five basic categories: "self-preservation, love and belonging, power or self-worth, freedom or independence and fun or enjoyment" (Dubin, 2009). These needs are interconnected and help drive behavior within the context of relationships, whether those relationships are marriage of familial structures. Dubin (2009) suggests that the Basic Needs Genogram will allow individuals, as well as family members to consider how current and past generational patterns influence the formation of their 'picture albums,'" which then dictate how their own relationships are formed and maintained (Dubin, 2009, p 17). It…...



Duba, Jill A. (2009). Introducing the 'basic needs genogram' in reality therapy-based marriage and family counseling. International Journal of Reality Therapy, 28(2), 15-19.

Ordinary People Intervention Family Dynamics
Pages: 15 Words: 4439

They have grandparents who visit them during the holidays. However, for the most part family members deal with their problems as individuals, not as a family unit.
Information provided by the family is an important source of information about the family. However, one cannot ignore outside sources of information as well. For instance, the worker may contact the school, neighbors, or others who are involved with the family to examine factors that may influence the current situation. The assessment plan will involve contacting the school to find out about Conrad's performance in terms of grades, attendance and overall performance.

Systemic Goals

The case of the Jarretts is complex, with many individual goals that must be completed on the way to resolution of the systemic problems. In this case, the identified patient is Conrad, as he was the one who tried to commit suicide. The goal of family therapy is the ability of…...



Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. (2010). Bowen Theory. Retrieved April 13, 2010


Missouri Department of Social Services. (2007). Child Welfare Manual. Retrieved April 13,

2010 from

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