Genetics Essays (Examples)

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Genetics and Development Genetics Is a Scientific
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Genetics and Development
Genetics is a scientific discipline that deals with how individuals inherit their physical and behavioral attributes. Generally, genetics is a branch of biology that deals with the science of heredity, genes, and differences in living organisms. It's the process with which a child inherits traits from his/her parents and the molecular organization and function of genes. The question of what determines the development of a child has been an issue that has attracted considerable concerns and debates across educators, biologists, and psychologists. This issue has attracted huge concerns because it's impossible to explain each and every factor that eventually determines who a child becomes. Notably, the development of a child involves a mix of various influences such as parenting, genetics, individual experiences, family relationships, friends, and school. One of the most important influences on a child's development and growth is genetics, which primarily is the process of traits…...



Cherry, K. (n.d.). Genes and Development -- How Genetics Influence Child Development.

Retrieved December 9, 2013, from 

"Genetics - Introduction." (2012, July 30). NHS -- Your Health, Your Choices. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from

Genetics and Development As a Discipline of
Pages: 4 Words: 1306

Genetics and Development:
As a discipline of biology, genetics is basically considered as the science of genes, inheritance, and differences in living organisms. Since genes are common characteristics in living organisms, genetics is used in the study of all living systems including plants, humans, domestic animals, bacteria, and viruses. Generally, this biological discipline focuses on the molecular structure and operation of genes whose behaviors are in the context of organisms or cells. Additionally, genetics also deals with distribution of genes, differences and changes in population, and heredity patterns from parent to offspring. One of the main characteristics of the contemporary science of genetics is its focus on explaining the heredity process because living things inherit individuality from their parents. With the increasing discoveries by geneticists, this science of biology plays an integral role in the process of human development.

Genetics and Human Development:

As genetics has continued to capture popular science together with…...


Reference: Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions. Retrieved from National Library of Medicine -- Department of Health & Human Services website:

Genetics and Child Development Child
Pages: 5 Words: 1393

Hence, genetic factors underlie the stability or continuity of psychological traits.
Gene Development

Mutations play a vital role in genetics, although they cause different disorders living things. Sometimes heredity causes disorders that affect the normal genetic development. Genetic processes control how humans develop from a single cell to adult human beings. Genes control the nervous system cells, and re-growth of skin and hair cells. Genes make humans dynamic organisms capable of development, growth and change.

Parents pass most genes to the children, at birth through genetic inheritance processes. At conception egg and sperm combines and each has unique characteristics from the parent. Each has 23 chromosomes, with threadlike structures in the nucleus with genetic material. The chromosomes combine producing 23 chromosomes (autosomes). The 23rd chromosome is the X or Y chromosome, either determines the sex of the child. The chromosomes have deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA), which have chemical compounds that cause the cell…...



Benson, B. (2012). Advances in Child Development. London: Academic Press.

Bowden, V.G. (2009). Children and Their Families. Atlanta: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Cummings, M. (2010). Human Heridity; Principles and Issues. New York: Cengage Learning.

Genetics Study of Biological Information
Pages: 3 Words: 931

The information is then transcribed into the traits and phenotypes of the offspring depending on the dominance and recessive alleles within the gene (erg, Tymoczko, & Stryer, n.d). The egg is fertilized by the sperm from the mother and their nuclei fuses together to form a zygote. The zygote contains 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father. From this combination of genes and the environmental conditions of the uterus, the traits and phenotypes of the individual are determined.
The principle of segregation for all organisms is as follows:

1. Hereditary traits are determined by specific genes. In the DNA molecule, genes are coded to specify a certain, single characteristic; this includes height, weight, eye color, etc. Any variations of the gene that correlates to the same trait are called alleles.

2. Individuals carry two genes for each trait, one from the mother's egg and one from the father's sperm.…...



Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, & Walter. n.d. "Molecular Biology of the Cell." 4th edition. Retrieved on May 7, 2010 from 

Berg, J.; Tymoczko, J.; & Stryer, L.; n.d. "DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information." Biochemistry, 5th edition. Retrieved on May 7, 2010 from 

"Gene School" 2010. Retrieved on May 7, 2010 from

"Genetics: Elementary Human Genetics." 2010. Retrieved on May 7, 2010 from

Genetics Original Gene Sequence 3'-T AC CC
Pages: 3 Words: 724

Original Gene Sequence: 3'-T AC CC T. TT AGTAGCCAC T-5

Transcription of Original: 3'-A UG GG A AA UCAUCGGUG A-5'

Translation of Original: Start codon Met, Gly, Asn, His, Arg, Stop

Mutated Gene Sequence 1: 3'-T ACGCT TT AGTAGCCAT T-5'

Transcription of Mutated 1: 3'-A UGCGA AA UCAUCGGUA A-5'

Translation of Mutated 1: Start codon Met, Arg, Asn, His, Arg, Stop

Mutated Gene Sequence 2: 3'-T AACCT TT ACTAGGCAC T-5'

Transcription of Mutated 2: 3'-AUUGGAAAUGAUCCGUGA

Translation of Mutated 2: Ile, Gly, Asn, Asp, Pro, Stop

The first and last codons of the sequences are the start and stop codons respectively. The start codon indicates where transcription should begin. The stop codon indicates where transcription should end.

When a mutation occurs in the start codon, transcription will not be initiated and thus a protein will not be produced. When a mutation in the stop codon occurs sometimes the mutation will still encode for a stop codon as was the case with…...



Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science.

Bailey, R. (2011). Sexual Reproduction: Fertilization. Retrieved January 10, 2011, from website: .

Campbell, N., Reece, J. (2002). Biology, 7/E. Pearson Education: Benjamin Cummings.

Schorderet-Slatkine, S., Huarte, J. (2008). Gametogenesis and gamete interaction during fertilization. Geneva: University Cantonal Hospital.

Genetics Student Response Original DNA Strand 3'-T
Pages: 2 Words: 799

Student esponse

Original DNA Strand:


Transcription (base sequence of NA):


Translation (amino acid sequence):

Met -- Gly -- Asn -- His -- Arg -- STOP

Mutated gene sequence one:


Transcription (base sequence of NA):


Translation (amino acid sequence):

Met -- Arg -- Asn -- His -- Arg -- STOP

Mutated gene sequence two:


Transcription (base sequence of NA):


Translation (amino acid sequence):

Ile -- Gly -- Asn -- Asp -- Pro-STOP

What is the significance of the first and last codons of an mNA transcript?

The first codon ("Met") indicates the beginning of the transcription sequence. The last codon indicates the end of a protein sequence, which stops transcription.


Each protein sequence is coded with a starting and ending point, to indicate the length and type of the protein according to the sequence transcribed from the DNA template to the mNA.

What meaning do these mNA codons have for protein synthesis?

Each codon consists of three bases, which stand for a…...



Bernstein, H., & Bernstein, C. (2010). Evolutionary Origin of Recombination during Meiosis. BioScience, 60(7), 498-505. doi:10.1525/bio.2010.60.7.5

Ding, D., Haraguchi, T., & Hiraoka, Y. (2010). From meiosis to postmeiotic events: Alignment and recognition of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. FEBS Journal, 277(3), 565-570. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.07501.x

Genetics Case Study
Pages: 9 Words: 2558

Genetics Case Study
Genetic Case Study: The Rita and Peter Trosack and Tay-Sachs Disease

Genetic testing is becoming a much more common practice in medicine today. This presents a unique set of challenges for medical professionals in virtually all specialties. The practical aspects of determining which test to order, and in interpreting the result accurately in the context of the family history, can be difficult.

Additionally, the ethical conundrums that frequently present themselves when genetic risk assessment and/or genetic testing is being considered can be daunting. These challenges present real concerns for medical professionals and patients alike.

Included in this paper is a review of some of the practical and ethical complexities associated with genetic testing. Pretest and posttest genetic counseling is also emphasized as an important and essential process in today's medical practice.

The Interdisciplinary Team

The interdisciplinary team members should include an obstetrician, a genetic counselor, a psychologist/psychiatrist, geneticist and a neurologist. Each of…...


Works Cited

Branda, K.J., Tomczak, J. And Natowicz, M.(2004) "Heterozygosity for Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff Diseases in Non-Jewish-Americans with Ancestry from Ireland, Great Britain, or Italy." Genetic Testing 8: 174-180.

Ensenauer, R, Michels, V and Reinke S. (2005) "Genetic Testing: Practical, Ethical, and Counseling Considerations." Mayo Clin Proc. 80(1):63-73.

Gravel, R.A., Kabak, M.M., Proia, R.L., Sandhoff, K., and Suzuki, K. (2001). "The GM2 gangliosidoses." In The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease, 8th ed.

C.R. Scriver, A.L. Beaudet, W.S. Sly, and D. Valle (eds.). McGraw- Hill, New York, vol. 1, pp. 3827-3876.

Genetics What Parents Do Not
Pages: 4 Words: 1228

With recessive genes (in which both mother and father have to contribute a 'positive' set of the same genes) are designed to work in precisely the same way that hemophilia does: One out of four offspring (on average) will have the condition, two will be carriers, and one will be neither sick nor a carrier.
Klinefelter's syndrome, on the other hand, arises from a mechanical mistake that occurs on the genetic level during the process of the way in which egg and sperm come together to create a genetically whole zygote/fetus/baby. Under normal genetic conditions, an egg brings half of the needed genetic material to an individual. This female contribution is referred to as the X chromosome. Sperm, which also contribute half of an individual's genetic material, can be either X or Y in terms of chromosomal type. An X sperm combines with the X chromosome of an egg to…...



Klinefelter syndrome (2007). 

Samango-Sprouse, C.A. (2010). Expansion of the phenotypic profile of the young child with XXY. Pediatric endocrinology reviews, 160-68.

Simm, P.J. & Zacharin, M.R. (April 2006). The psychosocial impact of Klinefelter syndrome: A 10-year review. Journal of pediatric endocrinolgy and metabolism 19(4), 499 -- 505.

Genetics Based on the Resulting F1 and
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Based on the resulting F1 and F2 phenotypes, the dominant allele is yellow and the recessive green. This was the only possible conclusion given that the parents were yellow and green, the F1 phenotypes were all yellow, and the 3:1 F2 ratio of yellow to green. In contrast, incomplete dominance would have resulted in yellowish-green peas.

If 'C' represents the yellow allele and 'c' the green, then the parents were CC and cc, and the F1 generation were all Cc. Since the F1 generation was all Cc and predicted to segregate in accordance with Mendelian inheritance, the predicted ratio would be 3:1 yellow-dominant.




Obs - Exp





Chi Square

Sum =

When the Chi Square test was performed on the resulting numbers, the result was zero. This suggests that there was no difference between the results and the ratio predicted by Mendelian inheritance for a dominant-recessive set of two alleles.

Experiment 2

The result of crossing PP and…...



Welch, K.O., Marin, R.S., Pandya, A., and Amos K.S. "Compound heterozygosity for dominant and recessive GJB2 mutations: effect on phenotypes and review of the literature." American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 143A.14 2007:1567-1573.

Genetics Option 3 Darwin's Perspective According to
Pages: 4 Words: 1309

Option 3: Darwin's Perspective

According to Darwin, the survival of a species is determined by the degree of strength of its members. Thus, the "fittest" in terms of physical prowess as well as to a degree mental capacity survives. Human beings have long used their mental capacity to overcome the challenges of the physical environment. The very first discoveries of tools, fire and the wheel have set the species apart from the rest of life on earth. Human beings use their mental capacity to create tools in order to ensure and facilitate their survival in the face of challenges such as weather, predators and illness. From the Darwinian viewpoint, genetic engineering is simply the next step in the evolution of the human capacity to ensure the survival of their species. Some of the unforeseen results of technological advancement have admittedly been devastating, but another uniquely human capacity is accountability. If a…...



Chartrand, Sabra. "Patents: A Human Gene Is patented as a Potential Tool Against AIDS, But Ethical Questions Remain." Human Genome Sciences Inc. (

Ehrenreich, Barbara. "The Economics of Cloning."

Kolata, Gina. "A Clone is Born." Reprinted from: Clone: The Road to Dolly and the Path Ahead 1998.

Longstaff, Simon. "Genes for Sale."

Genetics and Human Disease Millions
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is linked to genetic inheritance, and more than 250 genes have been explored as having potential links with CAD. Although these genes are thought not to directly pass on CAD, research has seen that some mutations within these particular genes actually increase the risk of CAD within an individual who as immediate family members who have already suffered from the affects of CAD. Further research has pinpointed six genes out of that larger batch which may also play a role in heart disease. As seen in people who have experienced heart disease, variations of these six genes prove relatively common in individuals under the age of sixty-six years old. Researchers are using these new and continuous findings regarding heart disease's genetic base in order to compile genetic testing which can prepare individuals to have to potentially take measures to avoid heart disease. Utilizing genetic testing…...

Genetics & the Media Human Genetics Author's
Pages: 3 Words: 944

Genetics & the Media
Human Genetics

Author's note with contact information and more details on collegiate affiliation, etc.

Human genetics is a modern issue that moves from the forefront to the background of our global culture. It is not only a scientific endeavor, but it is also an activity laden with political implications, as well as a business opportunity for the media. Human genetics and human cloning become more accessible issues because the practice influences the average citizen more so than before, with or without the average citizen's knowledge. What the average person knows about human genetics and human cloning has been increased and influenced by media representations. The paper will focus on an article that questions the interest of genetic research in the mind of the general public as well as considers why human genetics and human cloning are media-worthy at all.

Article eview: Genetics & the Media

The authors of article are concerned…...



Bubela, T.M. & Caufield, T.A. (2004) Do the print media "hype" genetic research? A comparison of newspaper stories and peer-reviewed research papers. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 170(9), 1399 -- 1407.

Genetics Technology
Pages: 7 Words: 2679

Genetics Technology

Interdisciplinary Team

This will consist of a physician, a geneticist, an ethicist, a lawyer or legal practitioner, and a health care provider. The physician or pediatrician will make the diagnosis (of Tay-Sachs), the geneticist, as a specialist, will provide more specific information on genetic diseases, particularly Tay-Sachs, as to causes and risks, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The physician and geneticist can together form a plan of care for the nurse's implementation. The ethicist will provide information on the accepted moral values of correct human conduct, behavior and decisions involved in dealing with Tay-Sachs disease. The lawyer or legal practitioner will inform the parties on current laws and court decisions covering or affecting the management of these genetic disorders. And the nurse who will carry out the detailed instructions of the geneticist and the physician and incorporate the guidelines provided by the lawyer into these instructions.

The physician will…...



CEJA (1991). Ethical issues in carrier-screening of cystic fibrosis and other genetic disorders. CEJA Report. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: American Medical

Association. Retrieved on October 24, 2011 from 

Committee on Bioethics (2001). Ethical issues with genetic testing in pediatrics. Vol 107

# 6 Pediatrics: American Academy of Pediatrics. Retrieved on October 24, 2011 from

Genetics Case Study Thoughts and
Pages: 2 Words: 604

However, to me, the most important consideration for an advocate is to make sure and listen to the family. Given more information, they may change their mind about continuing the pregnancy. If I remain their advocate after birth, they may make a decision not to provide a feeding tube or other medical interventions. I need to ensure that I understand that position, instead of making assumptions about their beliefs and attitudes, in order to advocate for them.
The primary legal consideration that effects the couple's decision to continue the pregnancy is that there are limitations on late-term abortions. While they probably want time to thoroughly evaluate their options, and might later come to the conclusion that an abortion would have been a better option for them, the window of opportunity for that choice is a narrow one. It is critical that the Trosacks understand this situation. To me, the primary…...

Genetics Affects Child Development Genetic
Pages: 5 Words: 1598

The following images show certain disorders that result due to mutation. Children born from the same family members' shows higher similarity index regarding the genetic disorder number inclusive of the Indian community (Cummings, 2010, pg 333).
Curbing gene disorders

Stoppage of varying types of disorders is possible through learning in consideration of human development the number of genes contained in a single genome, their respective location and the establishment of functions or roles in the various genetic processes. This is achievable through strategized genetic mapping, where the establishment of specified genes having same linkage involved. The mapping establishes the respective linkages between genes and as a result of their location in the same gene, the crossing over frequency with the existing distance amid them is notable (Cummings, 2010, pg 333). esearch on the various risks factors involved can also be considerable as beneficial. This enables the development of certain preventive measures…...



Benson, B. (2012). Advances in Child Development. London: Academic Press.

Bowden, V.G. (2009). Children and Their Families. Atlanta: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Cummings, M. (2010). Human Heridity; Principles and Issues. New York: Cengage Learning.

I am doing a genetics and heredity essay and I need a catchy title for it?
Words: 174

There are many different subtopics that could be addressed in an essay about genetics and heredity, from evolution to the nature versus nurture debate.  Here are some catchy titles we thought of for some of those essays:

  1. Unlocking Your Genetic Code
  2. Genes to Genomes
  3. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Heredity and Evolution
  4. Genetic Expression: How Heredity Means It Can Be Nature and Nurture
  5. The Role of RNA in Genetic Expression
  6. Recessive Traits: Beyond Mendel’s Pea Experiments
  7. Kissing Cousins: Exploring the Genetic Reasons for Cultural Taboos Against Incest
  8. Humans as Mutants: The Creation of the Homo Sapien
  9. Selective Breeding in Humans: Science Fiction or....

Can you help me with an outline for a speech on anxiety?
Words: 502

Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be present in a variety of people.  However, when a person feels excessive anxiety, which is characterized as anxiety that is either without a cause or is disproportionate to any stimuli, then the anxiety may go beyond a normal reaction and be part of an anxiety disorder.  When you are writing a speech about anxiety, it is important to differentiate between that anxiety that is a normal part of everyday life or even a normal reaction to unusual stressors and anxiety that 

Outline for Speech on Anxiety Example

I. Introduction

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 287

1. The impact of regular exercise on cardiovascular health in men
2. The role of physical activity in preventing heart disease in men
3. The benefits of strength training for heart health in men
4. The relationship between exercise intensity and heart disease risk in men
5. The effects of different types of exercise (e.g. aerobic vs. resistance training) on cardiovascular health in men
6. The importance of regular cardiovascular exercise for overall heart function in men
7. The risks of sedentary lifestyle on heart health in men
8. The benefits of incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into a workout routine for men's heart health
9. The role....

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