By 1990, Thatcher was presiding over a dichotomy, decaying industrial cities in the north and a well developed southern economy. As a result, she was replace by John Major (Columbia Encyclopaedia, 2004).
By 2000, GDP was growing at a faster rate than unemployment, possibly due to the fact that Major had obtained an IRA cease-fire, so that Northern Ireland had at least some respite from draining the economy and culture. Indeed, direct rule by Great Britain was abolished in Northern Ireland in 1999, although home rule has resulted in substantial political manoeuvring (Columbia Encyclopaedia, 2004).
By 2005, unemployment was somewhat lower, but GDP had ceased to grow at the rate it enjoyed before 2001, the year of the terrorist attacks on New York City. hile the United Kingdom was not directly affected by the attacks, as a partner with the United States in that nation's stand against the Taliban in Afghanistan,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Demand-deficient or Cyclical unemployment. 1999-2005. Bized web site. 7 September 2005,
Great Britain. Columbia Encyclopaedia, 6th ed., 2004. 7 September 2005, .
Michie, Jonathan and John Grieve Smith. Towards Full Employment. Oxford, England; Oxford University, 1996, p. 32.
Government Spending
Consumer Goods
Question 2C
With so much conflict continuing around the world, one can assume that government spending may begin to increase. From that perspective, they can then also be assumed that nonresidential fixed investment may also continue to go down. This is based on the qualitative relationship the two variables have with one another.
Question 3A & B
The last two quarters saw a decrease in nonresidential fixed investments. In fact, the rate dropped to about 3%, on average (Mataloni, 2013). This comes as a reaction to the recent increase seen in government spending over more recent quarters, compared to the last couple years average rates. There is a clear relationship between levels of nonresidential investments and levels of government spending. In fact, the research suggests that "nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by negative contributions from federal government spending and state and local spending" (Mataloni, 2013).The higher the levels of…...
(Pettinger) ("Gross National Product")
The GNI is examining the total income that is generated by the citizens of a particular country. It looks at any kind of value that is added plus the taxes associated with the product. However, area such as subsidies and income from abroad are not calculated in these figures. (Pettinger)
The data that is provided is showing how the GNI is concentrating on the total income that is earned by the citizens of a country. This helps economists to determine their standard of living and purchasing power of consumers. In the future, this improves the accuracy of their forecasts by offering them with a tool to objectively compare and analyze each country. ("Calculating GNI) (Pettinger)
The main differences between the GDP, GNP and GNI are the areas of focus that is taken by economists. This is because the GDP is concerned about national output and production. hile the…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Calculating GDP." Mind Tools, 2013.Web. 24 Feb. 2013
"Calculating GNI." Pemandu, 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2013
"Gross National Product." Investing Answers, 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2013
Pettinger, Tejvan. "Difference between GNP, GDP and GNI." Economics Help, 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2012.
Government spending (G) may include stimulus packages, investments in infrastructure, or defense spending. The taxpayer funds such spending, but also benefits from such spending. By giving people jobs and hiring private contractors, the government generates more wealth. The newly-employed purchase more goods and services, which has an overall positive effect on the economy. For example, even if a citizen is employed at a grocery store, if workers on a government project have more money to spend and buy more food, the grocery store and its employees can become more financially secure, and escape the grip of the recession.
Net exports (X-M) are the fourth and final component of GDP. Net exports constitute "the amount by which foreign spending on a home country's goods and services exceeds the home country's spending on foreign goods and services. For example, if foreigners buy $200 billion worth of U.S. exports and Americans buy $150…...
Kaplan, Jay. (1999, January). Principles of macroeconomics. University of Colorado.
Retrieved October 31, 2009 at
Net exports. (2009). Investopedia. Retrieved October 31, 2009 at
GDP -- the production of a pound of hamburger or the production of a pound of caviar? Why?
According to the commonly used Expenditure Method of calculating GDP, the production of a pound of caviar would contribute to a nation's GDP than would the production of a pound of ground beef. The Expenditure Method calculates GDP as follows:
GDP = Private Consumption + Gross Investment + Government Spending + The difference in net exports and net imports.
Noting the simplified nature of this equation, the production-based contributing group is identified quite clearly as gross investment. This category includes all of the necessary inputs required in producing a certain good (caviar in this case). Being that caviar can be considered a luxury item, and costs much more that hamburger meat, it is safe to assume that its production is equally costly. Therefore, while the entire ground beef industry may have the potential to…...
Excess relying on Tourism for GDP in Fiji, Seychelles, Costa ica, Hawaii and Caribbean Islands.
Over eliance of Tourism for GDP
Holiday business is a global economic and regional development force. Tourism comes with various costs and benefits. Furthermore, the growing tourism economics contributes in tourism policymaking, planning as well as business practices. In STCC life span, a number of research documents got printed and distributed bringing forth various methods and new perspectives enabling the understanding of how global tourism affects destinations, use of resources, evaluations and business practices (Dwyer & Spurr, 2010).
According to world trade and tourism council (WTTC), tourism is estimated to contribute about 9.2% of the world GDP. It is also forecasted that this trend is likely to continue at a 4% growth per annum in the next decade in order to account for a 9.4% GDP (Dwyer & Spurr, 2010). Expenses associated with Tourism make an important contribution…...
Bernard, K., & Cook, S. (2013). Tourism Investment Choices and Flood Risk: illustrative case study on Denarau Island Resort in Fiji. Background Paper Prepared For The Global Assessment Report On Disaster Risk Reduction 2013, (2), 1-15.
Brid, J., & Zapata, S. (2010). Economic Impacts of Cruise Tourism: The Case of Costa Rica. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(2), 322-338.
Dwyer, L., & Spurr, R. (2010).Tourism Economics Summary. STCRC Centre For Economics And Policy, 1-8.
First Hawaiian Bank. (2009). Economic Forecast (pp. 1-3).
In the U.S., unemployment benefits last generally for only 6 months. They last two years or longer in Europe. That means that there is less reason for Europeans to get off the dole and go back to work -- this has a detrimental impact on productivity.
Protectionism is higher in Europe. Europe averages higher import tariffs and non-tariff barriers in Europe than in the United States. As a result, protected industries from steel to agricultural products have less incentive to move productivity to world levels. (Stokes)
How can "traditional Europe" turn around these disadvantages and increase productivity? Some clues are given by Tony lair and Margaret Thatcher's policies in Great ritain, and by Nicolas Sarkozy's current campaign for change in France. In both cases, there is a substantial impetus for change. Great ritain reduced top taxes and social welfare benefits in the 1980's, and the country now enjoys higher employment and…...
Antweiler, W. "Purchasing Power Parity." 2007. UBC. 15 November 2007 .
Economist. Pocket World in Figures. London: Economist, 2008.
Hahn, RW and Litan, RE. "Counting Regulatory Benefits and Costs: Lessons for the U.S. And Europe." AEI Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies (2005): 473-506.
Stokes, B. "Europe Faces Globalization -- II." 18 May 2006. Yale Global. 15 November 2007 .
GDP vs. Inflation
GDP is calculated through a number of measures. One of the most important is the rate of consumption. According to the research, "Consumption often makes up more than 50% of the GDP calculations of most nations. In some places, consumption makes up more than 70% of the GDP calculations" (Conjecture Corporation, 2014). Thus, increases in consumption can be tied to rising GDP reports. Thus, "the main relationship between GDP and consumption is the fact that a rise in the level of consumption translates to a corresponding rise in the level of the GDP" (Conjecture Corporation, 2014). It is thus an appropriate variable to use to represent the overall GDP of an economy.
In order to understand the relationship between inflation and GDP, interest rates will be examined alongside rates of consumption in millions. When there are lower interest rates, consumers spend more because it cost less to use credit…...
Conjecture Corporation. (2014). What is the relationship between GDP and consumption? Wise Geek. Web.
Lexicon. (2014). Gross fixed capital formation. Financial Times. Web.
Roos, David. (2013). How interest rates work. Money. Web.
Spagnoli, Filip. (2012). Statistics on gross domestic product (GDP) correlations, Human Rights. Web.
Labor, GDP and the Firm
Labor is an important factor of production for all firms. The most recent unemployment rate is estimated at 9% (January 2011). Economists have identified three types of unemployment. Which type would affect Wal Mart? Explain.
Fractional unemployment would have a major impact on Wal Mart. This is because the majority of Wal Mart's employees will receive salaries at minimum wage levels. In the event that someone quits, these individuals can easily be replaced (thanks in part to the high unemployment rate). The real danger is when the unemployment rate begins to decrease and more people are working in career orientated fields. This will make it difficult for Wal Mart to maintain their lowest cost structure. It is at this point that the company could be forced to pay higher forms of compensation for attracting and retaining employees. This is when the firm's profit margins will decrease from…...
About Us. (2012). Wal Mart. Retrieved from:
Wal Mart. (2012). Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from:
Mishra, P. (2009). Wal Mart to Start Outsourcing. Business Week. Retrieved from:
Rampwell, C. (2010). In a Job Market Shift. New York Times. Retrieved from:
Real GDP
Interpreting Economic Data
Real GDP Growth Percentage -- Overview
GDP Overview
Real GDP Overview
Money Aggregates
Money Aggregates Overview
Borrowing and Lending
Health of the Australian Economy
Real GDP Growth Percentage -- Overview
GDP Overview
The gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most basic economic indicators that people use as a benchmark that provides insights into the overall health of an economy (Investopedia, 2007). However, the number by itself does not provide much relevant information. In fact these numbers are so large that it is hard for most people to put this in any kind of perspective. Rather, it is how the number change that helps people to gain a perspective on what the economy is doing on a macro level. For example, if the GDP is stated in terms of it rising or falling over a course of a fiscal year then it has greater relevance. A three percent increase in GDP over the course of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012. June Key Figures. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 August 2012].
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012. Quality Declaration - Summary. [Online]
Pharmacy sales in the United States are positive with growth expected to increase 20% 2005-2008 according to data published by benefit management companies and a market intelligence firm. The rate of increase is lower than it has been in the past five years. Trends negatively impacting the market include consolidation, new store openings, increased mail order, drug importation, and the growth of generic pharmaceuticals. Further, if medicare covers prescription drugs at lower reimbursement levels, profitability of the industry could be adversely affected
Given that GDP and retail sales show moderate growth and that pharmacy sales have high growth potential, algreen represents a good investment opportunity. algreen is the top drugstore chain in the United States and is will well prepared to come out ahead in an intensely competitive market to capture a huge portion of the growing market.
orks Cited
GDP Data (Figure 1)
CBO data. Retrieved November 6, 2005 at
Survey of Professional…...
mlaWorks Cited
GDP Data (Figure 1)
CBO data. Retrieved November 6, 2005 at
Survey of Professional Forecasters data (overseen by Philidelphia FRB). Retrieved November 6, 2005 at
Wachovia Bank data. Retrieved November 6, 2005 at,2705,00.pdf
The U.S. economy is currently downshifting. eal GDP appears to be growing nearly 2% annualized -- at most -- in the current quarter. This rate is down from 3% during the first half of 2010 (before impending downward revisions), and 4% during the second half of 2009. Weakening support from the monetary and fiscal stimulus, the fading inventory rotation in manufacturing, and the consequences from Europe's debt crisis are an important aspect of the recovery (Zandi 2010).
Today, the job market is where we see the recovery's weakness. Conceptualizing from the temporary ups and downs of hiring associated to the U.S. census every ten years, job growth slowed down significantly from the spring.
One of the factors related to the slowing is layoffs by state and local governments lacking sufficient resources. There is also a reluctance from private companies to hire. Even though hiring has stabilized somewhat since the recession, it still…...
Action Forex. (2010). U.S. trade deficit soared in June. Action Forex. Retrieved on August 29, 2010, from the Website:
Adelmann, Bob. (2010). Fiscal challenges: A way out. The Constitutionalist Today.
Retrieved on August 29, 2010, from the Website:
Labor, GDP and Firm
Labor is an important factor of production for all firms. The most recent unemployment rate is estimated at 9% (January 2011). Economists have identified three types of unemployment. Which type would affect your firm? Explain.
The three types of unemployment include: structural, changes in technology and shifts in tastes. Structural is when there is a lack of demand for workers with particular skill sets. Changes in technology, takes place when innovations and scientific breakthroughs are leading to a shift in the way businesses are operating. This is the point when there is a decrease in the total number of employees working for a particular firm. Shifts in taste are occurring when consumers want to purchase a particular product or service based on the underlying amounts of popularity. During times when there is a change in tastes, is the point that sales will decrease and those employees who are…...
US Consumer Confidence Plunges to Recessionary Levels. Telegraph. Retrieved from:
US Unemployment Rate Forecast. (2011). Forecasts. org. Retrieved from:
Moffat, M. (2011). What are the Three Types of Unemployment. About. Retrieved from:
Healthcare spending and GDP
With the renewed comprehensive healthcare system, the obvious challenge that came with it is how to finance it. The huge projections of the financial inputs needed to efficiently run the program portends a challenge to the government and is likely to spin out of control and be unaffordable in the long run after a few decades from now. This is informed by accompanying supplies and services increasing in cost like the essential original drugs that have been noted to have increased in prices among other services within the healthcare. In many countries people are expected to pay for their own health care. Therefore the ability of people to pay for their health care or the affordability of the healthcare has become a policy issue in many countries and especially an issue of urgency. The issue of healthcare spending has been a topic for debate over the past…...
mlaRise in healthcare spending can also be attributed to the use of improved technology, vaccine improvement, antibiotics, introduction of disease care as well as advances in surgery. There have also been improved medical devices like CT scanners, MRI, ultrasounds and defibrillators that can be implanted. At the same time there are developments in pharmaceuticals and administration costs have also contributed to the rise in costs of healthcare. Mostly the heath care costs are due to medical technology which is approximately over 200 billion per year (Wayne, 2012).
The Americans lifestyles also impact the health care industry in significant measures, almost sixty percent of the population is overweight and childhood obesity is rampant. Other factors that have an impact on the healthcare spending are; poor diets, high blood pressure, smoking, lack of exercise, drugs and drinking. It is the people themselves who have pushed the costs of health care up. The high healthcare spending ahs effects not only to families but also to businesses and public budgets. Expenditure on healthcare is seen to rise at a rate that is fast even faster than the state of the economy entirely and the wages of the working people.
In 2011 spending on medications, hospital visits as well as other medical care went up with an estimated percentage of 3.9 this consumed about 17.9% of the GDP. This is more than three times the deficit. Much of the money is considered to be spent appropriately which is keeping people alive and healthy but of
Once again however, Shengxia and Baije do not explain their arguments nor do they show exactly how the Chinese GDP evened out the trade balance with the U.S., nor how it supported the economy of its regional neighbors.
In terms of the elements threatening the future stability of the country and its economy, the authors point out that the Chinese authorities have been quick to identify these threats; they will as such address them in an efficient manner. They will for instance instate regulations capping the levels of loans to be granted to the population with the specific aim of reducing inflation and over-consumption. Examples of such measures include the limitation of the bank loans to a 7.5 million Yuan for the year, and a rumored 0.27% increase in the interest rates. At this stage, it is however unclear what exact measures the officials will take, and if these are…...
1. Shengxia, S., Baijie, A., January 23, 2010, Still Rolling: China's GDP Hits 8.7%, Alibaba, last accessed on January 25, 2010
2. Chinability, 2009, last accessed on January 25, 2010
As health care’s share of gross domestic product (GDP) grows, people are struggling with how to estimate the value of the health care industry in the economy. While it might seem like a straightforward answer, simply looking at the total amount paid for healthcare in proportion to the total GDP, that valuation would be a gross oversimplification. Generally, GDP is viewed as a proxy for standard of living, but in the United States standard of living might actually drop for many people as the percentage of GDP attributable to healthcare grows. It is important to keep in....
Most of our example essays dealing on immigration and the economy focus on the United States, so we cannot point you towards a handy on-point example essay that will outline the format and give you a good idea of the type of content you should have. However, we can still give you a great starting point for an essay about the interaction of immigration and the economy in the UK. In your essay, you could look at several different factors that impact the economy. These factors include the number of available workers,....
Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World
The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.
1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.
2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....
Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.
Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing
The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
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