Gaza Essays (Examples)

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Gaza Conflict a War Islam Israel's Partner United States
Pages: 10 Words: 3216

Gaza Conflict. It explores the causes of the conflict. This paper indicates that the military aggression of Israeli against Gaza begun in December 27, 2009. It however, notes that the conflict actually started much earlier. The aggression brought about the deaths of about 1,300 Palestinians. The paper also finds out that the aggression by Israel wasn't as a result of the launch of Qassam rockets by the Palestinians against Israeli; on the contrary, the conflict had several other causes which the paper has adequately looked at. Besides, the paper also explores the effects of the conflict. It indicates that a number of devastating effects were brought about by the conflict. The adverse effects affected several sectors such as educational sectors, health sectors among several other sectors which the paper has adequately looked at.


Those who took part in the Conflict

The Causes of Gaza Conflict

The effects of Gaza Conflict


Destruction of Buildings





Ambrogi, S (2009). "U.S. says arms shipment to Israel not linked to Gaza." Reuters North American News Service.

Aboualouf, R. (2008). "Eyewitness: Chaos in Gaza." BBC. Retrieved 2011-11-03.

Al-Mughrabi, N (2009). "Israeli tanks, soldiers invade Gaza Strip." Reuters.

Bennis, P (2008). "The Gaza Crisis: Israeli Airstrikes & U.S. Complicity." IPS

Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Daniel Gaza Strip Battalion for the Evacuation
Pages: 4 Words: 1244

Leadership style that Lt. Col. Yaron exhibited
When Lieutenant Colonel was Yaron was called upon to volunteer as the operation commander in the operation mission to evacuate Israeli Settlement in the Gaza strip, he led the design engineering unit in the Air Force. This proved to be a bigger challenge to him despite the fact that earlier n his career he had served as a deputy battalion commander in the Paratroopers. He referred to this as a personal challenge and lately accepted the responsibility. Yaron is in this context portrayed as a very flexible person who does not stick to his guns whatever what. When a challenge comes up he takes it. He seemed not to have a preferred style. He comes up with different approaches that suit the various needs of different situations. He is flexible and adaptable to situations that arise. He can recognize different demands of each situation,…...


References List

Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F., & Webber, T.J. (2009). Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions. Annual Review of Psychology 60, 421-449.

Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the Leadership Role in Project Management: Practices that

Deliver Remarkable Results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press.

Mind Tools (2013). Leadership Styles: Choosing the Right Style for the Situation. Retrieved from

Palestinians and the American Relationship
Pages: 6 Words: 1594

Israeli occupation of the Gaza strip
Analyses of conservative and liberal editorials about the Israeli occupation of the Gaza strip

In the midst of debates surrounding the issue of the occupation and recent evacuation of Israelis in the Gaza strip, American newspapers had been filled with editorials reflecting American society's stand on this issue. It became apparent that this issue had been unanimously viewed by Americans as over-delayed, that Israel's decision to evacuate Gaza was not only right, but is also just. In effect, Americans criticized two important elements in the issue of Israeli evacuation at Gaza: the first element criticized was the overdue evacuation of Israelis, and the second element was that despite its evacuation of settlers, Israeli had gained more than it lost by "giving up" Gaza for the Palestinians.

In this paper, analyses of two editorials are conducted in order to illustrate how Americans perceived and reacted over this…...

Ownership of a Property in
Pages: 6 Words: 1908

In 2003, when she wrote her book, this organization trained and deployed individuals from the U.S. And other countries to carry out nonviolent direct actions as a means to oppose and end Israel's occupation. ISM provided medical assistance, delivered food, escorted people, rebuilt homes and dismantled roadblocks in Palestine (412).
The Divest from Israel Campaign, made up of 50 major U.S. university campuses including Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Tufts and Cornell, served to inform many who were unaware of the university's holdings in Israel or of the Israeli/Palestinian occupation. There are also numerous boycott groups in Europe and activist Palestinian organizations. In short, she says, "a positive and just future for the Palestinians is intertwined with a better future for all the globe's citizens." (414)

Lastly, the late Edward Said, professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University and widely known as a representative of the post-structuralist left in America and…...


Resources Cited

Columbia Encyclopedia. Sixth Edition. "Gaza." 2001-2005. 29 September 2005. 

Lerner, Michael. The Geneva Accord. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2004.

Makovsky, David. Engagement through Disengagement. Washington, D.C.: Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2005.

Pravda Ru. "What Next?" 19 Aug., 2005. Front Page.

Kanafani it Pains Me to
Pages: 4 Words: 1021

My heart is heavy. My blood runs cold. As I know you will not come to Sacramento. I know you will not leave Gaza. I've always known this. You ask me what blunted our enthusiasm for flight? For me it was knowing that I would be saying goodbye to you, that you would not be following me, that you were too much of the man I ought to be. My doubts had nothing to do with leaving Gaza, my doubts had to do with leaving my one true friend.

But your doubts are anchored to something greater. Your pride in our people. You know that you are a great and noble man; you know that others look up to you; you know how you inspire men to dream and to hope. You stayed behind because they need you in Gaza. Our people need to know that no matter how many of…...

Rapid Innovations in Technology Particularly Telecommunications and
Pages: 44 Words: 13153

apid innovations in technology, particularly telecommunications and transportation, have accelerated the globalization process in recent years, and a number of positive outcomes have been associated with these trends, including increased levels of international commerce and improved cross-cultural understanding and communications. Despite these significant positive outcomes, the same globalization processes have also further exacerbated existing economic and political inequalities between developed nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom. These glaring disparities between the very rich and the very poor have also been cited as a major contributor to the incidence of international terrorism, making the need for informed and timely approaches to resolving these inequalities more important than ever before in human history. To this end, this dissertation/thesis provides a review of the relevant literature concerning political and economic inequalities that are attributable to globalization and how these inequalities have contributed to international terrorism in recent years, and…...



Agriculture: fairer markets for farmers. 2011. World Trade Organization. [online] available: .

Apostolov, M. 2004 The Christian-Muslim Frontier: A Zone of Contact, Conflict, or Cooperation. New York: Routledge Curzon.

Bartelson, J. (2000) 'Three Concepts of Globalization', International Sociology, vol. 15, no. 2,

Terrorist Organization and Israel
Pages: 6 Words: 2121

The 2014 war in Gaza lasted for almost two months and resulted in thousands of casualties, remaining of course unresolved. However, as Espuelas (2014) puts it, "the first casualty of war is the truth," (p. 1). Nowhere is this adage more noticeable than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which the truth is particularly multifaceted and complex. The principles of just war offer dictums for assessing the ethics of both the Israeli position and that of Hamas. War is considered a last resort in Israel; otherwise Israel would have used even greater force than it already has. Whereas Israel can be considered a legitimate authority because it operates as a democratic state, Hamas is less so. Hamas is legitimate to its supporters, but remains a spurious political organization dedicated to and predicated on the annihilation of Israel. Moreover, the the 2014 war in Gaza was fought to redress a clear wrong: it…...



Espuelas, F. (2014). Israel's just war in Gaza. The Hill. Retrieved online: 

"Israel's next Gaza war will be the last, defense minister vows," (2016). RT. Retrieved online: 

Landes, R. (2014). How the media helped Hamas in the third Gaza war. Missing Peace. Retrieved online: 

Melman, Y. (2016). Latest Gaza-Israel flare-up a war-game shift. The Jerusalem Post. Aug 23, 2016. Retrieved online:

Establishment of the Israeli State
Pages: 14 Words: 3602

Perhaps this is the fatal flaw in the oad Map, but according to President Abbas, "the Annapolis summit saw a resumption of talks between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israel after a seven-year hiatus. Both sides pledged to do everything possible to draft a peace settlement by the end of 2008, as well as to come to an agreement on the form of a future independent Palestinian state."
Unfortunately, the talks stopped when Hamas' launched rockets into Israel necessitating a destructive military retaliation.

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan emphasized, "It is the view of the Quartet that all members of a future Palestinian Government must be committed to nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the road map."


The U.S. non-negotiation policy towards terrorist organizations also affects the prospect of successful negotiations with the Palestinians. After the 2006 democratic elections, Hamas became a leader…...


Resources," ?

Javier Solana, "The Council of the European Union: Comments by Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, on the occasion of the International Conference for the Reconstruction of Gaza," European Comission External Relations (2 March 2009): under "Middle East Peace Process," ? 

(accessed March 21, 2009).

Intelligence Best Support the Shaping
Pages: 6 Words: 2736

The country of the individual must also adapt to the changing culture. Currently, the world's cultures, in regard to the information environment-shaping capabilities, continually change at an accelerating pace. Based on the rate of the increase of media outlets that disseminate the propaganda of Hamas, such as Filastin al-'An, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Al-Aqsa TV, PALDF Forum and Sabiroon Websites, increases for this group will likely follow the same path of other technological advances.

It is likely, the researcher asserts, that these media mediums will simultaneously change and increase in the future with similar speed as the available technology. A greater number of more organized and highly technical groups, for instance, such as the "Digital Intifada," will likely materialize to meet the objectives of the Hamas. The increase in the use of and expansion of virtual worlds, such as Second Life, will further blur the lines of States and outpace the…...


Robert T. Marsh, "President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection before the Subcommittee on Technology of the Committee of Science," U.S. House of Representatives, 0, November 6, 1997.   (accessed April 28, 2009). 

Second Life, 2009, ?

Gaza War 2023
Pages: 9 Words: 2525

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Role of International Diplomacy in the Gaza War 2023: Successes and Failures:
    An analysis of the interventions and diplomatic efforts undertaken by the international community prior to and during the Gaza War 2023, evaluating which strategies were effective or ineffective in attempting to prevent or minimize conflict, and why some may have failed. The essay may also discuss the future implications for international diplomacy in regional conflicts.

2. Media Representation of the Gaza War 2023: Bias and erspectives:
    A critical examination of how different global media outlets have portrayed the Gaza War 2023, considering factors such as political bias, propaganda, and the impact of social media on public opinion. The essay could explore how media representation has influenced international perception of the war and discuss the ethical responsibilities of media during conflict.

3. Humanitarian Impact of the Gaza War 2023: The Civilian Experience:
    An insightful exploration into the…...


Primary Sources


United Nations Security Council, \"Special Report: The Situation in Gaza, 2023.\" UN Doc S/2023/0123 (2023).

Israel Defense Forces, \"Official Press Release: Operations in Gaza, 2023.\" IDF Spokesperson\'s Unit (2023).

Hamas Political Bureau, \"Statement on the Defensive Actions Against Israeli Aggressions, 2023.\" (2023).

Human Rights Watch, “Gaza 2023: A Look at War Crimes and Human Rights Violations.” HRW Report (2023).

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), \"Gaza Strip Conflict: ICRC Humanitarian Response Report, 2023.\" (2023).


Gaza War 2023
Pages: 9 Words: 2447

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Geopolitical Implications of the Gaza War 2023:
    This essay would explore how the Gaza War 2023 has affected geopolitical relationships in the Middle East and beyond. It would analyze shifts in alliances, the response of global powers, and changes in the regional balance of power.

2. Humanitarian Crisis During and After the Gaza War 2023:
    The focus of this essay would be on the human cost of the conflict, examining the impact on civilians, infrastructure damage, and the response of international aid organizations. It would also consider long-term implications for the well-being of the Gaza population.

3. Media Representation of the Gaza War 2023:
    This topic would investigate how different media outlets worldwide portrayed the Gaza War 2023, discussing the narratives presented, the use of language, and the presence of any evident bias or propaganda.

4. Tactical Evolution and Technological Advancements in the Gaza War 2023:
    An analysis of…...


Primary Sources


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “Gaza Strip: Hostilities - Situation Report.” March 2023.

Al Jazeera. “LIVE UPDATES: Gaza-Israel Escalation.” Al Jazeera Media Network, March 2023.

Israel Defense Forces. “Gaza Operations Press Release.” March 2023.

Hamas Political Bureau. “Statement on the Recent Conflicts with Israel.” March 2023.

Human Rights Watch. “Gaza: Events of 2023.” Annual Report on Human Rights in 2023, March 2023.

Gaza War 2023
Pages: 6 Words: 1753

Essay Topic Examples

1. The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza:
    Explore the impact of the 2023 Gaza War on civilians, focusing on displacement, access to basic needs like water, food, and medical care, and the international response to the humanitarian crisis.

2. International Law and the Gaza Conflict:
    Analyze how the Gaza War of 2023 aligns or conflicts with international humanitarian law, discussing the roles of the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and other global entities.

3. Media Coverage and ublic erception:
    Examine how different media outlets around the world reported on the Gaza War, the framing of the conflict, and how this influenced public opinion and international policy.

4. The Role of Technology in Modern Warfare:
    Discuss the use of drones, cyber warfare, and other technological advancements in the 2023 Gaza War, exploring their strategic implications and ethical considerations.

5. eace rospects ost-2023 Gaza War:
    Investigate the potential for peace following the conflict, including peace negotiations, the role of…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera. \"Gaza War 2023: Updates and Analysis.\" Al Jazeera, 2023,


Haaretz. \"Gaza Conflict 2023: News and Insights.\" Haaretz, 2023,

The New York Times

The New York Times. \"Gaza War 2023: Coverage and Perspectives.\" The New York Times, 2023,

Future of a Place Strangling
Pages: 8 Words: 2378

Putin reiterated that ussia does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization, and urged the global community to work with a Hamas-led Palestinian government.

"Hamas has arrived at the doors of power through legitimate elections," Putin said. "We must respect the Palestinian people and we have to look for solutions for the Palestinian people, for the international community, and also for Israel. Contacts with Hamas must continue," he added. (Hamas not a terror organization)

The leaders of Hamas have some chance to make an alliance with Israeli leaders that would allow them to gain an unencumbered claim to some territory and gain some support from Western leaders. There has been some attempt to do this. In 2008, former President Jimmy Carter worked with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal to reach an agreement that Hamas would agree to a truce with Israel if and when the Palestinian people agreed to a Palestinian state in the…...



Ayyash, M. (2010). Hamas and the Israeli state: A 'violent dialogue'. European journal of international relations 16 (1): 103-123.

Carter Says Hamas and Syria Are Open for Peace. (22 April 2008). New York times.

Hamas covenant. Retrieved 15 March 2010 from 

Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Retrieved 16 March 2010 from,7340,L-3213707,00.html

Indian-Israeli Relations Valuable to India's
Pages: 26 Words: 9235

' Indians across the political spectrum, especially the country's powerful nuclear weapons establishment, are critical of the NPT, arguing that it unfairly warps international hierarchies to the disadvantage of the non-nuclear-weapon states" (1998:15). In its efforts to balance the pressures from the international community with its own self-interests in formulating foreign policies, the position adopted by India has been starkly different than other countries. In this regard, Karp concludes that, "Most states party to the NPT accept the unfairness of the treaty as a tradeoff that serves their own and global interests. India's leaders insist that fair and genuine nuclear disarmament must start with the nuclear-weapon states themselves, a demand formalized by former Prime Minister ajiv Gandhi in his 1990 global nuclear disarmament initiative" (Karp 1998:14).
As a result of these events, the 20th century witnessed the formation of various positions in Indian foreign policy that would endure throughout the Cold…...



Berlin, D.L. 2006 "India in the Indian Ocean." Naval War College Review 59(2): 58-59.

Chollett, D. & Lindberg, T. 2007 "A Moral Core for U.S. Foreign Policy." Policy Review 146: 3-


Davis, C.B. & Rill, L.A. 2008 "Testing the Second Level of Agenda Setting: Effects of News

Terrorism Situation Analysis - Preemptive
Pages: 7 Words: 2173

In the event the intelligence detailed by the Israeli administration proves to be accurate with respect to nuclear weapons development, this office is reminded of the words of the late President John, F. Kennedy, spoken almost exactly 45 years ago to the day, on October 22, 1962, addressing the Soviet threat in Cuba:
We no longer live in a world where only the actual firing of weapons represents a sufficient challenge to a nation's security to constitute maximum peril. Nuclear weapons are so destructive and ballistic missiles are so swift that any substantially increased possibility of their use or any sudden change in their deployment may well be regarded as a definite threat to peace." (Sorensen, 1965)

Extraordinary risks to national security demand (and justify) extraordinary actions to prevent them from materializing. A military response will be required to participate with Israel in destroying Iranian nuclear facilities either in possession of…...



Allison, G. (2004) Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe.

Henry Holt: New York

Dershowitz, a. (2002) Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat,

Responding to the Challenge. Yale University Press: New Haven

Need help shaping my Examining the Israeli-palestine Conflict:the oppressed become the oppressor thesis statement into a clear argument. Any suggestions?
Words: 177

Thesis: Through the examination of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, it becomes apparent that the oppressed have tragically evolved into the oppressor, as evident by the disproportionate use of force, restriction of basic rights, and the perpetuation of a cycle of violence against the Palestinian people. To shape this thesis statement into a clear argument, you can elaborate on each point to provide more depth and specificity to your argument. For example, you can further discuss specific instances of disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government, such as the military actions in Gaza that resulted in civilian casualties. Additionally, you can provide....

Need help shaping my Examining the Israeli-palestine Conflict:the oppressed become the oppressor thesis statement into a clear argument. Any suggestions?
Words: 508

Thesis Statement:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict exemplifies the dynamic of "the oppressed become the oppressor," where the once-oppressed Israelis, after gaining statehood, have now become the oppressors of the Palestinians.

Argument Outline:


Begin with a brief historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the establishment of Israel in 1948.
Highlight the initial displacement and oppression of Palestinians by the Israeli state.

Historical Oppression of Palestinians:

Describe the systematic discrimination and marginalization of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, including land confiscation, restrictions on movement, and economic deprivation.
Discuss the human rights violations committed by the Israeli military and security forces.
Provide evidence from historical documents and....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of topography of Palestine?
Words: 324

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the topography of Palestine
B. Importance of understanding the geographical features of the region

II. Physical features of Palestine
A. Mountain ranges
1. Judean Mountains
2. Samarian Mountains
B. Coastal plains
1. Mediterranean coast
2. Gaza Strip
C. Jordan Valley
1. Rift Valley
2. Dead Sea
D. Negev Desert
1. Arid climate and desert landscape

III. Impact of topography on human settlements and land use
A. Agricultural practices in different regions
1. Terracing on mountain slopes
2. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley
B. Influence on historical and cultural development
1. Importance of Jerusalem as a central highland city
2. Bedouin communities in the desert

IV. Challenges and opportunities posed by the topography
A. Water scarcity in desert regions

Stuck on formulating a unique Who Does the Land Belong to? The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from 1948 to Today thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 810

## The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Contested Land with a Complex History

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most protracted and intractable disputes in the world. At its core is the question of who has the legitimate right to the land that is now Israel and the Palestinian territories. Both Israelis and Palestinians have deep historical and religious ties to the land, and both sides have suffered greatly in the conflict.

The conflict has its roots in the late 19th century, when European Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers. This influx of Jewish settlers led to tensions with the....

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