Gay Marriage Essays (Examples)

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Gay Marriage Is a Topical and Controversial
Pages: 8 Words: 2476

Gay marriage is a topical and controversial issue, as evidenced by the subject's coverage in the media, presence on ballot initiatives and the high visibility of the controversy in general. There are a few different ethical issues where gay marriage is concerned. To opponents, the primary ethical issue relates to concepts such as the sanctity of marriage and the survival of the species. For proponents, the ethical issues are greater, relating to human freedom and the limits of government (and religion's) role in the lives of citizens. Gay marriage does not need to be controversial, however. Using classical ethical theories, it is easy to determine that gay marriage is not an unethical act or concept. The arguments against gay marriage become unwound quickly when examined rationally, as this paper intends to show.
Ethical Tools

The world of philosophy facilitates the analysis of complex issues from a number of different frameworks. These frameworks…...


Works Cited:

Alexander, L. & Moore, M. (2007). Deontological ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from 

Driver, J. (2009). Utilitarianism. Stanford Encyclopedia o Philosophy. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from 

Gaus, G. & Courtland, S. (2010). Liberalism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from 

Hursthouse, R. (2007). Virtue ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from

Gay Marriage a Discussion About the Relevant
Pages: 4 Words: 1056

Gay Marriage
A Discussion about the Relevant Factors that Affect Same-Sex Partners in the Modern orld

Gay marriage, or same-sex marriage, is one of the most controversial topics in the modern age. It can be a divisive topic because many people feel strongly about the issue from both sides. Many argue that any form of partnership should have equal rights as the traditional marriages do and cite legal arguments and make reference to the constitution. However, more conservative points-of-view believe that marriage should be preserved as it has been for thousands of years, between a man and a woman. These individuals often use religious or other culturally based arguments to justify their position. This paper will view the argument from both sides and provide insights into why this topic has become one of the most polarizing issues in the range of current topics.

The Issue

Before covering any of the specific issues surrounding gay…...


Works Cited

Dictionary. "Same-sex Marriage." 2012. Dictionary. Web. 29 May 2012.

Hartfield, E. "Mixed Numbers for Same-Sex Marriage Support Across Country." 10 May 2012. ABC. Web. 29 May 2012.

Pew Research Center. "Pew Research Center for the People & the Press." 25 April 2012. Pew Research Center. Web. 29 May 2012.

Shapiro, L. "Gay Republicans Encounter Same-Sex Marriage Dilemma." 20 May 2012. Huffington Post. Web. 30 May 2012.

Gay Marriage Many Same-Sex Couples Want to
Pages: 12 Words: 4931

Gay Marriage
Many same-sex couples want to be granted the right to legally marry. The reason is simple: They are in love with each other. They want to honor their relationship in the greatest way society has to offer, by making a public commitment to stand together in good times and bad life brings. While they receive some state-level protections, they do not receive most of the federal emotional and economic benefits and protections of marriage. They are denied their right to equal protection, both under the U.. Constitution and some state constitutions. The paper will point out that supporting gay marriage by means of legal recognition is the most appropriate form of recognition of same sex partnerships because it eliminates discrimination occurring on the federal and some states' level. Referring to state court decisions of 2009 and 2012 and the well-known 2003 Lawrence vs. Texas decision of the upreme Court,…...


Sullivan, A. And Landau, J. "Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con." New York. Random House: 1997. Accessed 29 March 2012.

Conservative gay commentator Sullivan, a former New York Republic editor, has compiled two thousand years of argument about the virtually normality in an anthology of historic inclusiveness and evenhandedness. The debate is presented to the reader in several sections, political or religious, and then presents very impressive and convincing arguments pro and con same sex marriage.

I find it very informative because it does not only introduce the reader to the house floor defense of marriage act debate, but also summarizes the impact of court cases like the historic Hawaiian Supreme Court case which would have legalized gay marriage in Hawaii if not for an amendment to the Hawaiian Constitution passed by voters in November 1998 and brings together views from the conservative and liberal side of the political spectrum.

Gay Marriage the Issue of Gay Marriage
Pages: 3 Words: 789

Gay Marriage
The issue of gay marriage is a very hot topic in today's world of current events. Many have attributed this quest of equality as a civil rights issue that compares to many of the civil rights battles fought in our history. The purpose of this essay is to make an argument for gay marriage as a viable means of expression for society. I will present this argument by using literature that supports this thesis and by adding my own commentary to the subject. I will give three main points to help clarify my argument and present a well defined case that ultimately supports theses actions.

Reason #1: Democracy

Regardless of one's own personal views upon the morality of the subject of gay marriage or homosexuality in general, many people in this country support this issue. Cillizza (2013) recently reported that "that not only is each younger generation increasingly supportive of gay…...


Works Cited

Cilliza, Chris. "Why support for gay marriage has risen so quickly. " Washington Post, 19 Mary 2013. Retrieved from   fix/wp/2013/03/19/why-support-for-gay-marriage-has-risen-so-quickly/ -

Sullivan, Andrew . "Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay Marriage," the New Republic, August 28, 1989.

Shrodes, Caroline, et al. " The Conscious Reader." 12th edition, 2011. Mycomplab.

Gay Marriage Gaiety Is the Practice of
Pages: 6 Words: 1634

Gay Marriage
Gaiety is the practice of bossom love for similar sex and especially between two males or females, bisexual exclusive. "Continued engagement into such practices more often than not lead to desire to attain psychosocial satisfaction through intense urge to achieve a feeling of love and sense of belonging" (Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs). Hence eventually becoming life long partners as depicted in gay marriages, but marriage is defined as a union between man and woman. "However, gay marriage as a form of civil union is legal and therefore, recognized in some states or nations. It is worth noting that civil unions under a single name or any other have been proposed and established by law in many developed countries for the provision of same-sex relationships with rights, responsibilities and benefits the same as that of opposite-sex civil marriage" (Lawrence A. Kurdek, 1994).

Background information

As earlier mentioned, gay marriages results…...



Adam Isaiah Green. "Until Death Do Us Part? The Impact of Differential Access to Marriage on a Sample of Urban Men." Sociological Perspectives 49.2 (2006): 163-89 Print.

Bruce Bagemihl. Biological Exuberance, Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. 1999. Print.

Debra L. DeLaet, and Rachel Paine Caufield. "Gay Marriage as a Religious Right: Reframing the Legal Debate over Gay Marriage in the United States." Polity 40.3 (2008): 297-320 Print.

Handlson, Zac. "A Little Sensitivity When Dealing with Same-Sex Issues." Minnesota Daily March 3, 2005. Print.

Gay Marriage Pro Gay Marriage
Pages: 5 Words: 2374

Three other significant arguments are worth mentioning. First, that gay marriage undermines the sanctity of marriage in some way, and secondly that marriage is purely for the sake of procreation --which is impossible in a gay marriage, and that moreover children are likely to be disadvantaged by such unions. These last two arguments are rather contradictory, as the one argument generally suggests that gay marriages should not be allowed because they might result in children who had no opposite sex parents, and the other that gays cannot participate fully in marriage as it is a procreative union. Either gays will, or will not, have children! The truth is that: Children will be raised in these homes, so they will serve a procreative/nurturing role, and though one parent won't be biologically related, they will still be a parent. Marriage has never been defined purely by procreation because --with the exception of…...



Badgett, Lee. "Will Providing Marriage Rights to Same-Sex Couples Undermine Heterosexual Marriage? Evidence from Scandinavia and the Netherlands" a discussion paper presented to the Council on Contemporary Families and the Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies, July 2004.

Bagemihl, Bruce. "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

Gallagher, Maggie. "What Marriage is for." Children Need Mothers and Fathers. The Weekly Standard. Vol. 008, Issue 45. August, 2003.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC). "Answers to Questions about Marriage Equality." [pamphlet] Washington DC: HRC's Family Net Publications, 2004.

Gay Marriage Being Homosexual and
Pages: 6 Words: 1886

Instead, give gay and straight couples alike the same license, a certificate confirming them as a family, and call it a civil union -- anything, really, other than marriage. For people who feel the word marriage is important, the next stop after the courthouse could be the church, where they could bless their union with all the religious ceremony they wanted. Religions would lose nothing of their role in sanctioning the kinds of unions that they find in keeping with their tenets. And for nonbelievers and those who find the word marriage less important, the civil-union license issued by the state would be all they needed to unlock the benefits reserved in most states and in federal law for married couples (Lindeberger 2009).


In conclusion, having same sex marriage will only become more beneficial to this country because it will lead to peace of mind for gay couples, considering they live…...


Gay Adoption Debate and Poll Should Gays and Lesbians be allowed to Adopt Children?. 2010. 17 April 2010.

Bartholet, Elizabeth. Nobody's Children: Abuse and Neglect, Foster Drift, and the Adoption Alternative. 1999. 17 April 2010. 

Linderberger, Michael. A Gay-Marriage Solution: End Marriage?. 2009. Time. 17 April 2010.,8599,1885190,00.html

Gay Marriage During Recent Years
Pages: 4 Words: 1256

However, society's consciousness matured and grew in understanding of what a loving community is, and came to realize that to exclude other human beings based on prejudice is not God's love, but rather fear and ignorance (Conan).
According to Kohut, 14% of the general population in American society believes that homosexuality is due to upbringing, 42% believe it is a matter of lifestyle, and 30% believe people are born homosexual (Conan). Among those people who believe that homosexuals are born, there is strong support for gay marriage, however among those who believe it is a matter of choice, there is heavy opposition (Conan). Interestingly, 80% believe that there should be no restrictions on sex between consenting adults (Conan).

Aside from the religious opposition, there is reason for concern among the legal community. Stanley Kurtz of the Hoover Institution explains that if marriage is redefined to include same-sex couples it could be…...


Works Cited

Conan, Neal. "Analysis: Gay marriage." Talk of the Nation (NPR) National Public Radio.

March 9, 2004. Retrieved December 17, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Graham, Tony. "Legislature OKs Civil-Union Bill." The Philadelphia Inquirer. December 15, 2006. Retrieved December 17, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Hymowitz, Kay S. "I do?(Gay Marriage: Why It is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America)." Commentary. June 1, 2004. Retrieved December 17, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal
Pages: 4 Words: 1008

Therefore, the creation of a completely different category in the governmental database, or system, or computerized record-keeping method is easier than to attempt to somehow integrate the same-sex union which has historically and traditionally not been an issue in the contemporary society.

It is not so much that gay marriage in California has been banned as the citizens along with many government officials in the state understand that to make the changes to the systems and processes of government that would be required at the level of administrative and record-keeping that much time would be consumed thereby consuming resources and labor hours that could be more effectively used solving some of the larger problems that loom before the state of California and its government and citizens which need to be addressed.


The report entitled: "Final Statement from No on Prop 8 Campaign" bemoans the ban…...



Final Statement from No on Prop 8 Campaign (2008) Vote No on Prop 8. 6 Nov 2008. Online available at 

California Gay Marriage Banned as Proposition 8 Passes (2008) the Huffington Post. 8 Nov. 2008. Online available at /2008/11/05/california-gay-marriage-b_n_141429.html

Gay Marriage There Are Many Arguments Both
Pages: 2 Words: 555

Gay Marriage
There are many arguments both for and against gay marriage. It is a hotly debated topic in many countries around the world at present. It has become legal in certain countries: Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and Canada, have recently legalized it. Should same-sex couples, committed to a long-term monogamous relationship, be allowed to marry? This paper will outline the major arguments that have been put forward by both the advocates and opponents of gay marriage.

The main arguments that are put forth in favor of same-sex marriage are as follows: banning gay marriage would be a form of discrimination; legalizing it does not hurt anyone in any way; gay marriages would benefit society and individuals just as heterosexual ones do; and finally, banning gay marriage mixes church and state in a negative and perhaps dangerous way.

The most compelling of these points is the first one. Banning same-sex marriage would restrict…...

Gay Marriage and Its Constitutionality
Pages: 4 Words: 1383

" (Quoted in Hillary Goodridge & others v. Department of Public Health...") Implementing the Court's decision, Massachusetts made same sex marriage legal in the state on May 17, 2004; it is thus far the only state to do so. Most other states have enacted constitutional provisions that define marriage as a union of one man and one woman.
Conservatives Propose Constitutional Amendment: The legalization of gay marriage in Massachusetts and issuance of marriage licenses by some other states has created a backlash among the conservatives, and right wing religious groups. They have proposed an amendment in the U.S. constitution that would prohibit same-sex marriage at the federal level. On February 24, 2004, President George . Bush proposed a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution called the "Federal Marriage Amendment" (FMA) by declaring: "our nation must enact a constitutional amendment to protect marriage in America." ("President Calls for...") the proposed FMA intends…...


Works Cited

Curry, Tom. "Judge strikes down Nebraska gay marriage ban." MSNBC. May 12, 2005. May 18, 2005. 

Hillary GOODRIDGE & others [FN1] vs. DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC HEALTH & another. [FN2]." The Massachusetts Court System. November 18, 2003. May 18, 2005. 

Johnson, Ramon. "Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)." About, Inc.. 2005. May 18, 2005. 

Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)." About, Inc. 2005. May 18, 2005.

Gay Marriage and Culture War
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Though the Christian movement claims that is as useful as saying rape is better than murder, there is much political support for this objective.
Drafting into the political arena, the issue of gay marriage and gay rights is constantly under reform and debate through every infrastructure of state and federal government. The contest of whether or not civil liberties are being breached is the battle-ground of all controversy. As the movement has progressed and continues to grow, more and more laws have been revised and updated to the account of gay rights. and, as this progresses, so then does the debate and cultural war.

Many within the gay community claim that they deserve to have the option of spousal income tax credit, blended credit reports, other tax breaks, and the right to will and probate (eldge, 2007). The consideration for this has had opportunity for amends, but has proven only to…...



Krantz, L. & McCormick, J., (1999) Christian Statistics. Retrieved April 28, 2007, from the Christian Geography & Statistics web page: 

Bidstrup, S. (2004) Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives, retrieved from the World Wide Web: 

Belge, K. (2007), Lesbian and Gay Marriage. Retrieved from about; the World Wide Web:

Gay Marriage Same Sex Unions
Pages: 8 Words: 2073

These percentages are illustrated in Figure 3.
Interestingly, research has demonstrated that the when public opinion is sought between "gay marriage" and "civil union" the results differed greatly. Although the rights being suggested were similar, when framed as gay marriage, the discussions became polarized along ideological lines, than when framed as civil unions ("Framing," n.d.). Clearly individuals were less threatened by the idea of civil unions than gay marraiges, even if the details of the two concepts were similar. However, Craig, Martinez, Kane, and Gainous (2005) found that many individuals were ambivalent to gay rights issues. With the polarized nature of gay rights, these researchers found that individuals most often had differing viewpoints depending on what the specific topic of gay rights involved, with both positive and negative opinions.

Figure 3: Public Opinion for Civil Unions

(Source: "A stable majority," 2008)

The Constitutional ight to Privacy and Gay Marriage:

Proponents of gay marriage insist…...



A stable majority: Most Americans still oppose same-sex marriage. (1 Apr 2008). Retrieved May 16, 2009, from .

An overview of the same-sex marriage debate. (21 Nov 2008). Retrieved May 16, 2009, from 

Bill of Rights transcript. (No date). Retrieved May 16, 2009, from .

Craig, S., Martinez, M., Kane, J., & Gainous, J. (Mar 2005). Core values, value conflict, and citizens' ambivalence about gay rights. Political Research, 58(1). Retrieved May 16, 2009, from ProQuest database.

Gay Marriage This Work Reports
Pages: 11 Words: 2766

American marriage would reflect American principles of liberty and self-government. Unlike the hordes of serfs, servants, and subjects in other parts of the world, American citizens were going to shape their own lives and determine their country's destiny. Just as citizens would be self-governing in the political realm, they would also choose their spouses freely." (Hymowitz, 2004)
Hymowitz shares the fact that the development of the idea of romantic love in the U.S. came at the time of the American Revolution and the new Western seriousness about romantic love "which both sprang from a heightened valuation of the ideal of self-determination." (2004) in the attempt to understand the precise biological nature of gender this work has reviewed the work of Patricia Nell Warren entitled; 'Gender, Gay Marriage...and Galileo" who state the fact that science has discovered that not all women have DNA that is XX and in fact there is…...



Hymowitz, Kay S. (2004) Gay Marriage vs. American Marriage. 2004 Summer CITY. Online available at 

Same-sex marriages (SSM),(2008) Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships. Religious Tolerance. Online available at 

Warren, Patricia Nell (2008) Gender, Gay Marriage...and Galileo" the Bilerico Project. 6 Feb. 2008. Online available at 

Nishimoto, Ryan (2003) Marriage Makes Cents: How Law & Economics Justifies Same-Sex Marriage" Boston Journal 2003. Online available at

Gay Marriage Should Be Accepted
Pages: 7 Words: 2390

Are television networks giving fair representation to gay marriage and gay rights?

A scholarly, empirically researched article in the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media points out that while network television stories do discuss the issue of homosexuality and gay marriage, gays and lesbians are "…rarely given the opportunity to offer their own perspectives" (Moscowitz, 2010, p. 36). The research in this article involved using 93 stories taped from network TV that represented the gay marriage issue. There were 38 stories gleaned from ABC; 29 from NBC, and 26 from CBS. The video was obtained from the Vanderbilt Television News Archive.

A total of 12,419 seconds (about 207 minutes) of total time was carefully reviewed in these 93 news stories on national television. The analysis was conducted based on three components: the news story; each source cited in the story; and "each gay or lesbian couple" (Moscowitz, p. 31). The findings show…...


Works Cited

Avery, Alison, Chase, Justin, Johansson, Linda, Litvak, Samantha, Montero, Darrel, and Wydra,

Michael. "America's Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Civil Unions, and Same-

Gender Marriage: 1977-2004." Social Work. 51.1 (2007): 71-78.

Dolan, Maura. "Judge Strikes Down Prop. 8, Allows Gay Marriage in California." Los Angeles

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to gay marriage?
Words: 284

1. The evolution of public opinion on gay marriage in the United States
2. The legal and societal implications of the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges
3. The intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, including marriage equality
4. The impact of religious beliefs on attitudes towards gay marriage
5. The benefits of legalizing gay marriage for LGBTQ+ individuals and society as a whole
6. The psychological effects of the denial of marriage rights to LGBTQ+ couples
7. The role of media and popular culture in shaping public attitudes towards gay marriage
8. The global movement towards....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to gay marriage?
Words: 248

## Captivating Essay Topics on Gay Marriage

Section 1: Historical Perspectives and Legal Battles

1. The Evolution of Gay Marriage: An Analysis of Its Historical Roots and Legal Milestones
2. The Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage: Assessing the Landmark Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges
3. The Stonewall Uprising: Its Impact on the LGBTQ+ Movement and Gay Marriage

Section 2: Social and Cultural Impact

4. The Social Acceptance of Gay Marriage: Exploring Factors Contributing to Shifting Attitudes
5. The Economic Benefits of Gay Marriage: A Study of Its Impact on Businesses and the Economy
6. The Cultural Impact of Gay Marriage: Analyzing Its Influence on Art, Media, and....

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