Gay Lesbian Studies Essays (Examples)

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Gay Lesbian Studies - Intimacy Intimacy
Pages: 6 Words: 1618

To the extent either men or women all identified strongly with their prescribed gender roles, that could be an obvious problem anytime same-sex individuals entered into a relationship. Each partner would seek to fulfill his or her perceived role. In actuality, many homosexual couples do adhere to basic elements of traditional roles within relationships, wherein the partners fulfill reciprocal roles. However, in many cases, homosexual couples don not define their respective roles as rigidly as do most heterosexual couples.

Within heterosexual relationships, the obvious effect of maintaining traditional gender roles were more than evident throughout American society until relatively recently. Men would always fulfill the role of financial provider, women would rarely work outside the home and would be responsible for maintaining the household. Women would be less comfortable initiating sexual relations and both men and women might even consider it shameful for a woman to enjoy sex as much as…...

Gay Lesbian Studies - Discrimination in
Pages: 4 Words: 1265

As of August 2001, 12 states, as well as the District of Columbia, had laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation" (Horvath & Ryan 115). In the case, High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (1987), a district court held that lesbians and gay men constituted a quasi-suspect class because "homosexuals have historically been the object of pernicious and sustained hostility, and it is fair to say that discrimination against homosexuals is likely... To reflect deep-seated prejudice rather than... rationality"; however, the court also found that federal policy did not pass even rational review and the case was reversed in 1990 (cited in Lewis at 539). Complicating matters for homosexuals and civil rights advocates alike today is the nebulous and hidden nature of some of the discriminatory practices that might adversely affect homosexuals in the workplace today, and these issues are discussed further below.
Types of Discrimination.

Much of…...


Works Cited

Cheng, Zhankun. (2003). "Issues and Standards in Counseling Lesbians and Gay Men with Substance Abuse Concerns." Journal of Mental Health Counseling 25(4):323.

Bachhofer, Aaron L. (2005). "The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government." Archives of Sexual Behavior 34(2):257.

Black's Law Dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1990, 467.

High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office. 1987 668 F.Supp. 1361 (N.D. Cal.).

Gay Lesbian Studies - Marriage Issues
Pages: 9 Words: 2476

61). In principle, adults tend to be drawn to potential romantic partners at least partly because part of the so-called chemistry between them reflects familiar aspects of their psychological pasts. Therefore, as pertains to marital communication issues, they are quite frequently direct consequences of the initial choice of partner more than anything else.
When researchers examine the specific communication issues arising within unhappy marriages and other committed intimate relationships, one crucial distinction that emerges is that the tonal quality that characterizes communications in relationships is far more significant than any other variable (Cole, p.72; Rokach, Cohen, & Dreman, pp. 55-57; Tyre & Pierce, p.64). In that regard, it was particularly illustrative that so many happy couples negotiated similar marital issues and stresses (financial, child-rearing, jealousy, infidelity, etc.) that unhappy couples blamed for the deterioration of their marriages and relationships. Generally, marital outcome was determined not by the presence or absence of…...



1. Cloud, John. "Are Gay Relationships Different?" Time Vo. 171 No. 4 (28 Jan. 2008):78-80.

2. Cole, Diane. "Divorceproof Your Marriage." U.S. News & World Report 141.24 (25 Dec. 2006): 72-72. Retrieved 17 Jan. 2009 from EBSCO at 

3. Fillion, Kate. "KATE FILLION TALKS to MARK O'CONNELL." Maclean's 121.30/31 (04 Aug. 2008): 15-17. Academic Search Premier. Retrieved 17 Jan. 2009 from EBSCO at 

4. McGinn, Daniel. "Marriage by the Numbers." Newsweek (05 Jun. 2006):40-48. 5. Rokach, Rachel, Orna Cohen, and Solly Dreman. "Triggers and Fuses in Late Divorce:

Gay Lesbian Studies Sexual Education the
Pages: 6 Words: 1607

The traditional approach to sexual education in the United States has emphasized anatomy, physiology, and the mechanics of reproduction and birth control to the virtual exclusion of more meaningful aspects of human sexuality.
A modern comprehensive sexual education program should begin before most students have already begun experimenting sexually rather than afterwards. Likewise, it should include appropriate focus on ethical values and moral concepts that relate directly to sexual patterns and choices and to the reality that many students will become sexually active sooner more than later. To the extent is includes information about sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, and birth control, it should do so within a framework that acknowledges earlier onset of expected sexual experimentation consistent with current social trends.

Finally, the comprehensive sexual education program should be used to challenge socially detrimental beliefs and expectations based on gender as well as on alternate sexual and gender orientation. Only by…...



Angier, Natalie. Birds Do it. Bees Do it. People Seek the Keys to it;

The New York Times (Apr. 10/07)

Baker, R., Elliston, F. (1998) Philosophy & Sex. Buffalo: Prometheus

Branden, Nathaniel (1999) the Psychology of Romantic Love.

Queer Literary Studies
Pages: 3 Words: 914

Queer Theory and Oscar Wilde
Analysis of "Queer Theory" by Annamarie Jagose in relation to Dorian Gray's character in "The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

In her discussion of "Queer theory," author Annamarie Jagose provides a distinction between the concepts 'queer' and the dichotomous relationship between 'lesbian' and 'gay.' Jagose argued in her discussion of this theory that queer was a concept that had politically evolved through the years in relation to the proliferation of gay and lesbian studies.

What makes the queer concept vital to the study of gays and lesbians, as well as issues of homosexuality and heterosexuality is that it provides a 'gray area' in which no distinctions between male and female and gay and lesbian are found. Queer appeals to the 20th century philosophers and social scientists simply because it offers an avenue through which gender and sex can be discussed without the political inequality often found…...



Jagose, A. (1996). "Queer Theory." Australian Humanities Review web site. Available at:

Wilde, O. (1994). The Picture of Dorian Gray. NY: Penguin Books.

Gay Lesbian Civil Rights
Pages: 4 Words: 1626

passing of the civil rights protection of homosexuals. This paper presents the views and reasons of the people who oppose the passing of this act. This paper then demonstrates the importance of the passing of this act and how it would benefit the society at large. The paper also highlights certain quotes to support its claim.
Civil Rights Protection of Homosexuals Human beings claim to represent a society that is not only civilized but also just in its ways. hen we as humans can fight for animal's rights, than we can certainly work for the civil rights protection of the homosexuals, who still belong to the category of human beings. Discrimination on the basis of race, class and sexual orientation must be eliminated as much as possible. Man, a creature of God has not been given the liberty to judge between right and wrong. As the bible has said, "There…...


Works Cited

Dan L. Gays Deserve Their Civil Rights. 20 Apr. 1995. Available on the address Accessed on 11 Nov. 2003.

Darren H. Gay rights For Gay Whites?: Race, Sexual Identity, And Equal Protection

Discourse. Cornell Law Review. 1 Jul. 2000.

Homosexual Agenda. Available on the address   Accessed on 11 Nov. 2003. .

Sexuality of Gay Lesbian and Bisexual
Pages: 5 Words: 1680

Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals
Sexuality of Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals

It is extremely difficult to define human sexuality. The first hurdle is determining a person's gender. In addition to male and female, there are people who do not fit neatly into either category, whether because of chromosomal or biological differences. The second hurdle is to define someone's sexual orientation, which refers primarily to sexual attraction, but is mistakenly used to define behavior. The problem with such a limited point-of-view is that sexual behavior does not necessarily follow from sexual attraction.

One of the most limiting views of human sexuality is the idea that sexuality is rigid and that people cannot be attracted to one sex and also be attracted to members of the other sex. To those that hold this view, there are two forms of human sexuality: homosexuality and heterosexuality. Others hold a different view of human sexuality and view sexuality and sexual…...


Works Cited

Athenadorus. "Homosexuality: Its Genetic Basis and Evolutionary Benefit." Danaan Press.

2002. Danaan Press. 10 Nov. 2005 .

Wikipedia. "Intersexuality." Wikipedia. 2005. Wiki Media. 10 Nov. 2005


Glbt Substance Abuse Therapies the
Pages: 10 Words: 3295

Indeed, the lack of "recognition and protection" by schools in general contributes to the "critically high level of suicide" among this community of minority students (146).
Surely alert, competent, contemporarily up-to-date school counselors understand that they have the "daunting but imperative obligation to become social activists for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students" since these students are the most "stigmatized members of school environs," Stone continues. There is no doubt that certain legal and ethical issues come in the way of school counselors' being free to help LGBT adolescents with their difficult decisions.

It is a "complex landscape" for counselors indeed, and they need to use caution in discussing birth control, abortion, drug abuse and more with straight and gay / lesbian students; moreover, since parents have the ultimate authority when it comes to counseling their children on important matters (the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that fact in several cases), the…...


Works Cited

Cabaj, Robert Paul, and Smith, Mickey. (2008). Overview of Treatment Approaches, Modalities,

and Issues of Accessibility in the Continuum of Care. Center for Substance Abuse

Treatment. Retrieved August 27, 2011, from .

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2008). A Provider's Introduction to Substance Abuse

Homosexual Marriage and the Effects of Parenting
Pages: 6 Words: 1931

Homosexual Marriage and the Impacts on Parenting
Homosexual marriage refers to legal matrimony between two individuals of the same gender and it is a phenomenon which has come under a great deal of scrutiny and debate during the last few years. As of the time of this writing nine states have legalized gay marriage, and 31 states have constitutional amendments which ban gay marriage to some extent -- a fact alone which showcases this nation's level of homophobia and a reluctance to deliver fundamental rights, like the right to pursue happiness. However, the topic of this paper is to examine the impacts of gay marriage on parenting and the kids that grow up having two moms or two dads. Even the most conservative, right-winged, and religiously literal people will admit, that if there's one thing that this nation needs; for example, the following conservative remarked: "Many studies show that single parents…...



Balling, R. (2012, Septemver 28). Why same-sex marriage affects my marriage. Retrieved from Star tribune: 

Carey, B. (2012, June 11). Debate on a Study Examining Gay Parents. Retrieved from NYTimes: 

Chrisler, J. (2010, June 24). Why gay parents are good parents. Retrieved from (n.d.). Gay Parenting Does Affect Children Differently, Study Finds. Retrieved from

Gay Rights Today's Civil Rights
Pages: 5 Words: 1586

e are supported in this by a statement which Justice Kennedy made during a 2003 Supreme Court case on the subject, wherein the Justice observed that "gay people have a 'liberty under the Due Process Clause [that] gives them the full right to engage in [intimate] conduct without intervention of the government.'
No matter how unpopular a group's sexual norms, he explained, the government may not 'demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime.'" (Masci, 1) This would essentially acknowledge that discrimination against the rights of homosexuals qualifies as a form of civil rights violation, strengthening the legal precedent now becoming an ever greater likelihood. Those parties who have objected have also shown a great deal of resolve, as suggested by their victory in the typically left-leaning state of California. Primarily, this denotes that on both sides of the issue, parties are politically…...


Works Cited:

Anitel, S. (2007). Gays' Discrimination at the Workplace Decreases Productivity.

Softpedia. Online at 

Head, T. (2006). Workplace Discrimination. About: Civil Liberties.

Masci, D. (2008). An overview of the same-sex marriage debate. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. Online at

Gay Alternate Marriage
Pages: 8 Words: 2362

Gay Marriage
Same sex marriage has been a topic of much debate in recent years. Many believe that same sex marriage should not be allowed, while others assert that homosexuals should have the right to be legally married. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate the historical context, political impact, sociological impact and the psychological and philosophical perspectives of this issue.

Gay Marriage in a historical context

According to Coolidge et al. (2003) marriage provides a legal gateway to many protections and benefits in American society. In fact many of these protections and benefits do not exist outside of becoming legally married (Mcwhirter 2004). These include access to health care and medical decision making for your partner and your children; parenting and immigration rights; inheritance, taxation, Social Security, and other government benefits (Mcwhirter 2004). It is because of these protections and benefits that same sex marriage has become such an explosive issue…...



Conger, J.J. (1975). Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1974: Minutes of the annual meeting of the Council of Representatives. American Psychologist, 30, 620-651.

Duncan, D.G. (2004). The Federal Marriage Amendment and Rule by Judges. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 27(2), 543+.

Coolidge, D.O. Wardle, L.D., Strasser, M., Duncan, W.C., (Eds.). (2003). Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: A Debate / . Westport, CT: Praeger.

DiPlacido, J. (1998). Minority stress among lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals: A consequence of heterosexism, homophobia, and stigmatization. In G.M. Herek (Ed.), Stigma and sexual orientation (pp. 138-159). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gay Adoption Numerous Studies Have
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Moral issues should not come to play. Individuals who are against the adoptions do not care about equality or that research does not support their fears. Nor do these individuals care that the American Academy of Pediatrics, among an entire list of other human services and medical organizations for the betterment of children and families has taken a stand that adoption by gay parents and gay parenting in general does not offer real or significant emotional dangers to children. ather, the emotional danger comes when parents -- be they heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual -- abuse their children.
It is how children are raised that is of concern, not who raises them, argues the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. "Children of gay, lesbian and bisexual and transgender parents are similar to children with heterosexual parents with respect to their emotional and personal development. it's the quality of the parent-child…...



Dennet, Harley. May 30, 2008. Gay adoption report overdue. Sydney Star Observer

June, 2008. 

Petre, Jonathan. May 24, 2008. Church pulls out of Catholic agencies over 'gay equality' adoption law. Daily Mail. 5 June, 2008. 

Muskera, Dave. May 14, 2008. A Gay Adoption Head Scratcher American Chronicle

Lesbian and Other Gay Issues
Pages: 10 Words: 3509

44). On a final note, Decamps' reporting of the NLHCS indicates that "more than half" of the 1,925 lesbians in the survey reported having been victim of a "hate crime" and roughly one in twenty of the 1,925 lesbians had been "physically assaulted" due to her sexual orientation (Decamps, p. 49).
Consequences of child sexual abuse for adult lesbians. Batya Hyman is a professor of social science at Salisbury University in Maryland; she also has published an article that investigates the ramifications of childhood sexual abuse on lesbians as they get up in years. Hyman goes somewhat deeper into the issue than Decamps had gone, noting that there are several health concerns in adult lesbian women who had experienced abuse as children. Among health concerns: pelvic pain; gynecological problems; migraine headaches; asthma; epileptic seizures; digestive system problems; and an "increased lifetime risk of surgery" (Hyman, 2000, p. 200).

The author also…...


Works Cited (Annotated)

Decamps, Monica J., Rothblum, Ester, Bradford, Judith, and Ryan, Caitlin. (2000). Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 11(1), 27-55.

This article presents a great volume of information regarding the mental health impacts of lesbians who had been abused as children, or raped or otherwise assaulted as adults.

Decamps uses precise breakdowns of data that reflect on these issues. It is an informative and helpful research work.

Hall, Kelley J. (1998). Lesbian Lifestyles: Women's Work and the Politics of Sexuality; and Sex and Sensibility: Stories of a Lesbian Generation. Gender and Society, 12(3), 359-360.

Gay and Lesbians Are Represented
Pages: 7 Words: 3090

But in instances where the TV does not provide good moral and role models for the teenagers then it is just to say that the TV programs are the major contributing factor towards homophobic tendencies among the society members. The lack of positive role modeling is also being viewed on the side of lesbians, gays and bisexual youth Kielwasser AP and olf MA ( 378)
. Most gays and lesbians in the society are brought up in a straight community with few gays and lesbians role models; thus they are specifically vulnerable to the portrayals of gay people in the mass media (Ryan & Futterman, 124).

The mainstream media has treated the sexual minorities as if they are not part of the human race, as if they do not exist. In addition, it was observed that the gay people of whichever age are rarely portrayed, and mostly the little portrayal they…...


Works cited

Bandura a. "Social Cognitive Theory of Mass Communication." Media Psychology 3 (2001): 265 -- 99. Print.

Battles K, and Morrow-Hilton W. "Gay Characters in Conventional Spaces: Will and Grace and the Situation Comedy Genre." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 19.1 (2002): 87 -- 105. Print.

D'Augelli, a.R. "Lesbian and Gay Male Undergraduates' Experiences of Harassment and Fear on Campus." Journal of International Violence 7.383-395 (1992). Print.

David P. Pierson. "Hey, They're Just Like Us!" Representations of the Animal World in the Discovery Channel's Nature Programming." J. Pop Cult (2005): 698-712. Print.

Gay Marriages Ame Sex Marriages' Has Been
Pages: 6 Words: 1899

Gay Marriages
ame sex marriages' has been a ubiquitous argument for critics, activists, and political commentators for quite some time now. While some critics choose to reflect on the religious and ethical stance of gay and lesbian marriages, Andrew Sullivan chooses to explore the political reasoning behind the prohibition of same sex marriages. The excerpt chosen for critiquing belongs to Sullivan's book Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality (1995), which highlights the author's personal opinion about gay's and lesbian's right to marriage, political opinions on same sex marriages, and the differences between liberal and conservative party's modes of thoughts and actions regarding same sex marriages.

Introduction of the Author

Andrew Sullivan, himself being of homosexual orientation and married, with HIV positive status, is a devout catholic and a 'conservative' political commentator. Andrew Michael Sullivan rapidly rose to popularity in the first half of the 21st century based on few of his controversial…...



Barry, P.B. (2011). Social theory and practice, 37(2): 333-356.

Fish, E. (2005). The road to recognition: A global perspective on gay marriage. Harvard International Review, Summer 2005, 32-35.

Harris, A. & Cole, G.W. (2008). Conversation on Marriage for lesbian and gay people: introduction to lesbian and gay marriage roundtable. Studies in gender and sexuality, 9, 140-145.

Sullivan, A.M. (1995). Virtually Normal: An argument about homosexuality. Knopf.

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