Gastrointestinal Tract Essays (Examples)

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Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders of Motility
Pages: 3 Words: 1287

There can also be changes to the ways in which the body defends itself against these acidic secretions; increased acid exposure can seriously damage or even destroy portions which are given undo exposure. For example, in some patients, the stomach is unable to defend itself from the caustic nature of the acid, which creates lesions in the lining, called gastric ulcers.
How Age Might Impact the Pathophysiology of GERD, PUD, and Gastritis?


Most patients with GERD suffer from symptoms of other conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which produces pain, abdominal distress, and the need for frequent bowel movements (Gasiorowska 2009,-page 1829). GERD is more prevalent with patients who are over the age of forty although it has been found in patients much younger than this. Pregnant women or those who have other medical conditions related to the gastrointestinal tract, such as diabetes or hiatal hernia, are more likely to…...


Works Cited

Gasiorowska, A., Poh, C.H., & Fass, R. (2009). Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) -- is it one disease or an overlap of two disorders? Digestive Diseases and Sciences. Springer. 54(1829). 1829-34.

Kahrilas, P. (2003, November). GERD pathogenisis, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations. Cleveland Clinical Journal of Medicine. 70(5). S4-S19.

Kulber, D.A., Hartunian, S., Schiller, D., & Morgenstern, L. (1990, December). The current spectrum of peptic ulcer disease in the older age groups. The American Surgeon. Southeastern Surgical Congress: Atlanta, GA.

Peters, G., Rosselli, J., & Kerr, J. (2010). Overview of peptic ulcer disease. Jobson Publishing.

Disorders of Motility Gastrointestinal Tract
Pages: 3 Words: 1032

Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility 1.
The secretion of acid by the stomach is promoted by three phases. These, according to Huether and McCance (2017) are the cephalic phase, gastric phase, and the intestinal phase. As the authors further point out, while the cephalic phase is prompted by the smell, thought as well as taste of food, the gastric phase is prompted by stomach distention. The last phase, i.e. the intestinal phase, is prompted “by histamine and digested protein” (Huether and McCance, 2017, p. 888). It should be noted, from the onset, that in the words of Huether and McCance (2017), “gastric secretion is stimulated by the process of eating (gastric distention), by the actions of the hormone gastrin and paracrine pathways (e.g., histamine, ghrelin, somatostatin), and by the effects of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and other chemicals (e.g., ethanol, coffee, protein)” (888).
A significant amount of gastric juices are secreted by the stomach.…...

Disorders of Motility Gastrointestinal Tract
Pages: 3 Words: 983

Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility According to Ramsay and Carr (2011), the stomach’s main function is food preparation for digestion as well as absorption by the intestines. In the words of the authors, “acid production is the unique and central component of the stomach’s contribution to the digestive process” (Ramsay and Carr, 2011, p. 977). The parietal cells are responsible for the secretion of acid in the stomach. As Lascelles and Donaldson (2012) point out, the relevance of gastric acid in the digestive process cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that it comes in handy in the creation of a pH that is ideal or favorable for not only pepsin, but also gastric lipase. It is also important to note that the pancreatic bicarbonate secretion is stimulated by gastric acid. It is food that initiates the secretion of acid. In this case, the taste, smell, or even…...

Fantastic Voyage
Pages: 4 Words: 1379

Fantastic Voyage
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Today, on the twentieth of August, I will take you on a trip inside the gastrointestinal tract, and beyond in the human body to observe the process of digestion and excretion. As simple as it may seem, this process is more than just moving down a hollow tube. To understand this more deeply, let's begin our journey!


Being reduced to eight microns in a hamburger holds the possibility of being chewed, grinded and dissolved in gastric acid. Even though I used special shield defenses, the slight possibility can still be a scary thought. Despite the risk, I felt motivated enough to allow myself to be amazed by the human body.

In about a moment, I was in the mouth of a 55-year-old man. Mixed with me, were fries, meat, lettuce, cheese, burgers and bear. Staying away from the teeth was a difficult job since…...



Barrett, K., Heddwen, B., Boitano, S., & Barman, S. (2010).Ganong's review of medical physiology. (23 ed., pp. 451-489). Philadelphia: McGraw Hill.

Hansen, J.T., Koeppen, B.M., & Netter, F.H. (2002). Netter's atlas of human physiology. (5th ed., p 246 -249) Teterboro, N.J: Icon Learning Systems.

Kumar, V., Abbas, A., & Fausto, N. (2010) Robbins Basic Pathology. (8th ed., p 25-60) Philadelphia: Saunders.

Leonard, R., & Kendall, K. (2008). Dynamic swallow studies: Measurement techniques. (2 ed., pp. 292-294). San Diego: Plural Publishing.

Mechanism's for Controlling Blood Sugar Levels The
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Mechanism's For Controlling Blood Sugar Levels:
The blood glucose level is the amount of sugar or glucose in the blood that is also referred to as plasma glucose level and expressed as millimoles per litre. While blood glucose levels are measured in order to diagnose and monitor diabetes, it's also important to monitor these levels in certain situations, especially with increasing age and during pancreatitis and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, blood sugar levels usually stay within a daily narrow limit of between 4 and 8 millimoles per litre. In addition, the levels of blood glucose in the body are usually higher after meals and lowest in the morning. Nonetheless, the body has certain mechanisms that help in controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress conditions.

The body basically maintains a minimum level of glucose in the blood and also limits surges of glucose after a meal by about 70 mg/dl and…...



"Dietary Fiber: Essential for a Healthy Diet." (n.d.). Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from 

Sandoval, M. (2011, August 22). Advantages and Disadvantages of Fat Hydrogenation.

Retrieved December 5, 2012, from 

Zamora, A. (2012). What is a Normal Blood Sugar? Retrieved December 5, 2012, from

Journey Begins as We Enter
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

The blood in which we are traveling in is composed of red blood cells called hemoglobin, plasma, platelets, and white blood cells. Blood is transported through the body by the heart's pumping action. As we continue, we will enter the hepatic portal vein, which delivers blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, into the ascending aorta, up towards the heart. As we approach the heart, it's pumping will pull us up into its chambers and through to the lungs where we will get oxygen and continue our journey to the kidneys. As we return to the heart, we will pass through the aortic arch and descend through the thoracic aorta continuing past the descending abdominal aorta until we reach the renal artery. We will make a left turn and pass through the glomeruli through the kidney's tubules and conclude this phase of our journey into the left kidney.


Reference List:

Thibodeau, G. (1992). Structure and Function of the Body. Chicago: Mosby Year Book.

Incidence and Possible Causative Factors
Pages: 8 Words: 2026

74 per million Taiwanese." (Tzen, et al., 2007)
Summary and Conclusion

This work in writing stated an objective to examine both the incidence of and possible cause factors for Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumor in the Chinese population. There are two tumors that are often mistaken for GISTs and specifically those known as: (1) Fibromatosis; and (2) leomysarcoma. (Rubic, Heinrich, and Corless, 2007)

Findings in this study include that there apparently are genetic bases for development of gastrointestinal stromal tumor and that in the Chinese population that when comparing the U.S. And Hong Kong demonstrates that Hong Kong is comparable to the U.S. And lower than Finland. This is likely to be true for the entire Chinese population although this fact could not be confirmed in the present study. Findings in this study additional include the findings that the previous optimal treatment for GISTs is likely not to be the best method of treating this…...



Azhar, a.H.S., et al. (2009) a Retrospective Cohort Study of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (Gist) in Husm for the Last 12 Years (1997 -- 2008) Department of Surgery, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia. Online available at: 

Chan K, Chan C, Chow W, Kwan W, Kong C, Mak K, Leung M, Lau L.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors in a cohort of Chinese patients in Hong Kong.World J. Kastroenterol 2006 April;12(14):2223-2228

Corless, CL; Fletcher, JA, and Heinrich, MC (2004) Biology of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Clin Oncol. 2004 Sep 15;22(18):3813-25.

Demetri GD, von Mehren M, Blanke CD, et al.: Efficacy and safety of imatinib mesylate in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors. N Engl J. Med 347:472-480, 2002.

Gastrorrhagia as Early as 1500
Pages: 8 Words: 2265

2003, p. 247).
The use of NSAID has been associated with increased risks of gastrointestinal bleeding in unselected patients, approximately five-fold for musculoskeletal pain and two fold for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease with low-dose aspirin (Clinical Guideline 17: Dyspepsia 2004). Therefore, depending on the level of pain management required, a simple analgesic that can be used for pain management is paracetamol; this preparation does not cause bleeding of the stomach and it has been found to be highly effective in relieving mild to moderate pain; furthermore, it can be purchased without a prescription from chemists and supermarkets (Henderson & Wood 2000).

Discussion of Health Education Advice Required.

The U.K. Department of Health recommends the following educational advice and support for people suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding:

Patients and their relatives should be offered as much information as they want. GPs should ask what they would like to know, and give unambiguous answers to…...



Barve, S., Hill, D., Marsano, L.L., Mcclain, C.J., & Mendez, C. (2003). "Diagnosis and Treatment of Alcoholic Liver Disease and Its Complications." Alcohol Research & Health 27(3):247.

Dyspepsia: Management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care. NICE Clinical Guideline 17. [Online]. Available: .

Garcia, N., Jr., & Sanyal, a.J. (2001). "Portal hypertension." Clinics in Liver Disease, 5(2):509- 540.

Govoni, R., Mann, R.E., & Smart, R.G. (2003). "The Epidemiology of Alcoholic Liver Disease." Alcohol Research & Health 27(3):209.

Prebiotic Potential of Chitosans Prebiotic
Pages: 25 Words: 6463

This teatment, albeit, does not poduce 100% chitosan, but basically poduces a mixtue of 10-15% chitin plus 85-90% pue chitosan, called "pue CC." In the U.S., chitosan constitutes a mixtue of appoximately7% chitin plus appoximately 93% chitosan. Outside of cost-effectiveness, the biological effects of chitin poduced fom each souce appeas identical. "Chitosan oligosacchaides (CO) takes chitosan a big step futhe," Matsunaga (2007 explains. "When CC is ingested, a small amount of it is boken down into vey small molecula paticles by the enzymes of the body, thus poducing CO. CO can also be manufactued by using an enzymatic pocess" (Matsunaga, as cited in Levine, p. 1). The body moe eadily absobs CO, although CO contains less fibe than egula CC.

In Case Histoy 1: Low Pulmonay (Lung) Function, Matsunaga (Levine, 2007) teats his fist patient, also his fathe, with the administation of CC. Pevious teatments had yielded no esults fo…...


references and further reading you must purchase this article.

Lee, H., Park, Y., Jung, J. & Shin, W. (2003). Chitosan oligosaccharides, dp 2 -- 8, have prebiotic effect on the Bifidobacterium bifidium and Lactobacillus sp.

Elsevier Science Ltd. Retrieved November 2, 2009, from -



Neurofibroma Genetic Traits and Impact
Pages: 15 Words: 5537

However, recently, anesthesiologists have suggest a low to mid thoracic epidural combined with adequate general anesthesia. This anesthetic technique will allow for adequate inter-operative monitoring. After the operation, the anesthesiologist must continue to monitor the patient for either hypertension, hypotension and hypoglycemia. The presence of either of these conditions may alter the course of the medication given to the patient once the patient is removed from the anesthesia.
Respiratory System

Neurofibroma can cause systemic problems within the various components of the Respiratory System. As has already been presented, Neurofibromas can cause partial blockages within upper parts of the trachea. However, Neurofibromas can also pose challenges or the anesthesiologist when dealing with nasal, sinus or maxilofacial cavities with Neurofibromas present within. One example of how devastatingly complex the Neurofibroma can become is seen when a benign neurofibroma can cause a superior vena cava compression. Such was the case of a 21-year-old female…...

Microbiome Can Be Defined as the Sum
Pages: 5 Words: 1528

Microbiome can be defined as the sum of microbes, their genetic genomes and their environmental interactions in a particular environment. The word Microbiome was inverted by Joshua Lederberg, one of the giants of molecular biology to designate all microbes. He emphasized that microorganisms inhabiting the human body should be included as part of the human genome, reason on the influence on human body physiology (Predator, 2012).
However, microbes are seen to be the dominant life form of Earth. Its bacteria organisms which live on the plant are outnumbering all other bacteria combined. According to Joshua Lederberg, Microbiome bacteria dominate not only the planet, but also new people. However, the body of each one of us is ten (10) times more microbial cells than other cells which are contained in the human body (Predators, 2012). Therefore, the number of microbial genes in the human body is one hundred and fifty (150) times…...



NAS. Interplay of the Microbiome, Environmental Stressors, and Human Health [workshop], 27 -- 28 April 2011, Washington, DC. Washington, DC:National Academies of Sciences (2011). Available:   [accessed 19 Jul 2011] 

Rappaport SM, Smith MT. Environment and disease risks. Science 330(6003):460 -- 461. 2010. 

The Human Microbiome Project is an NIH program intended to characterize microbial communities at several different sites on the human body (nose, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and urogenital tract) and to investigate their role in health and disease.

The European Commission's Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract consortium investigates associations between human intestinal microbiota, human health, and disease.

Homeostatic Scientists Are Now Discovering the Potential
Pages: 1 Words: 350

Scientists are now discovering the potential benefits that Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO's) once provided for the body. These microbes used to be ingested by humans through plants grown in soil that was never sterilized or polluted. Nowadays, since this is no longer the case with the soil, the ingestion of HSO's by humans has dropped significantly. This has led scientists to believe that an increase in dysbiosis has begun occurring within humans, which is a condition in which the population of harmful organisms within the gastrointestinal tract increases significantly thus causing an imbalance to occur. This in turn has led to humans today suffering more frequently from certain immune and gastrointestinal disorders such as allergies, bowel diseases and chronic fatigue among others.

In his article, Dr. Paul A. Goldberg lists the various benefits HSO's provide to the body. They prevent the growth of harmful organisms, such as molds, yeasts, fungi, bacteria,…...


Works Cited

Goldberg, Paul. "From tragedy to triumph: one man's journey back to health ... importance of Homeostatic Soil Organisms in prevention of immunological and gastrointestinal diseases." Oct. 2003. Vegetarian Times. July 20, 2005:

Lungs What Are the Lungs
Pages: 9 Words: 3387

However, it was 1953 that the formation of serotonin was from the lungs was substantiated. It is also observed that detoxification of the blood takes place in the lungs. Later, it was observed that one of the important activities of the lung is to provide chemical filtration by shielding the regular circulation of blood from the attack of vasoactive mixtures and other exogenous compounds present in the arteries. The physiology of the lungs and its location makes the lung exclusively suitable to perform these activities. (Wet; Moss, 1998)
The total output from the cardiac system is obtained by the lungs whereas other organs acquire only a very small quantity of output. The blood that circulates the lungs is subject to the vast capillary endothelial plane of the body which is of seventy square meters. This aspect of output and circulation enable the lung to perform the efficient function of biochemical…...



Bennett, Taylor. B. (1996) "Essentials for Animal Research: A Primer for Research Personnel"

Diane Publishing.

De Reuck, a.V. S; O'Connor, Maeve. (1962) "CIBA Foundation Symposium on Pulmonary

Structure and Function" a. Churchill Ltd.: London.

Nursing Process Paper A Case Study
Pages: 15 Words: 4578

Nursing 201 Nursing Process PaperClient ProfileThe patient is a white 80year old whose religion is unknown and was admitted on February 2, 2022, for a UTI infection. Care for the patient began on the day of admission. He is a father of three and a grandfather of five, living with his spouse. The social-economic status of the patient is low to middle class had a career as a factory worker. The patient had a full code status of Contrast Dye allergy. The history records reflected an altered mental state, and dementia and frustration were noted, hypertension, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and Stage 4 chronic kidney disease. Blindness in the left eye was detected, but no challenges were observed with hearing. The patient denies any pain, can move with minimal assistance, has a good appetite, and shows the adjustment to aging since his hobby is spending time with his grandchildren.The patients…...

Feeding intolerance Integrative Review Paper
Pages: 7 Words: 2577

Despite major medical advancements over several decades, nearly 10 percent of births in the US continue to occur prematurely each year (Martin, Hamilton, Osterman, Driscoll, & Matthews, 2017). Creating a significant socioeconomic burden, preterm birth is one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality in the United States resulting in approximately $16.9 billion in medical care costs annually (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2007). After days, weeks, or even months of intensive care, weight gain becomes a major criterion for hospital discharge. Feeding intolerance (FI) is a common complication among these preterm infants, which disrupts enteral feeding, resulting in feeding advancement delays, prolonging adequate weight gain and growth, and increasing hospital stays (Carter, 2012). Additionally, FI is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a gastrointestinal emergency and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in this group of patients (Moore & Wilson, 2011). The underlying cause for these problems is…...

How does the body communicate its needs through physical sensations?
Words: 652

## The Body's Silent Language: Understanding Physical Sensations

The human body is an intricate symphony of systems, each communicating its needs and functioning through a complex network of physical sensations. These sensations, ranging from subtle throbs to sharp pains, are the body's way of conveying messages about its well-being or distress. Understanding these signals is crucial for maintaining optimal health and taking appropriate action when necessary.

### Hunger and Thirst

Hunger and thirst are essential signals that indicate the body's need for nourishment and hydration. When blood sugar levels drop, the body releases hormones that stimulate hunger pangs in the stomach. Similarly, when....

How does malabsorption syndrome impact absorption of macro and micronutrients in the body?
Words: 504

1. Malabsorption Syndrome: An Overview

Malabsorption syndrome encompasses a group of medical conditions that impair the absorption of essential nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract. This can result in deficiencies of macro- and micronutrients, leading to a wide range of health problems. The causes of malabsorption syndrome are diverse, including anatomical abnormalities, enzyme deficiencies, bacterial or parasitic infections, and inflammatory diseases. Understanding the impact of malabsorption syndrome on the absorption of macro- and micronutrients is crucial for developing appropriate management strategies and preventing long-term complications.

2. Absorption of Macronutrients

Macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, provide the body with energy and building blocks for....

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