Gastrointestinal Essays (Examples)

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Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
Pages: 10 Words: 2724

Liegl-tzwanger, Fletcher and Fletcher (2010) pointed out that the exact incidences of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the United States and Europe is not easy to determine. This is attributed to the fact that GISTs got proper recognition as well as diagnosis from the late 1990s.Studies carried out in Iceland ( Tryggvason et al.,2005), Sweden (Nilsson et al.,2005), as well as Holland (Goettsch,2004) have indicated that close to 11,14.5 and 12.7 cases per million people per year respectively.Incidences if GISTs have been shown to be higher as a result of the fact that most patients live with it for several years and it gets detected only during gastrectomy or autopsy all of which are usually performed for other reasond. study by gaimy et al.,(2007) which was performed consecutively on autopsies indicated that small GISTs having between 1-10 mm in about 22.5% of the individuals aged above 50 years.These small GISTs…...


About 50% of the GISTs exhibit a loss of gene off the arm of chromosome 22. This discovery is associated with the progression of the malignant GIST (Fukasawa et al.,2000;Bergmann et al.,1998;Kim et al., 2000;Lasota et al.,2007). There are however some losses that are less frequent on the chromosomes 9q,17q,1p and 11p.Gains are however noted on chromosomes 17q and 8q all of which have a strong association with malignant behavior (El-Rifai et al.,2000;Schurr et al.,2006).

Clinical features

Extant literature has been dedicated to the study of the clinical features of GISTs.GISTs are mentioned by Liegl-Atzwanger, Fletcher and Fletcher (2010) to occur in almost every part of the GI tract.They are however more common in the stomach regions ( about 60%), ileum and jejunum (close to 30%), colorectum (about 4%) and duodenum (about 5%).GISTs are rarely seen in the appendix and esophagus (Miettinen et al.,2006;Miettinen, Sobin and Lasota,2005;DeMatteo eat al.,2000). Tumors that lack any form of association with the wall of the bowel are given special name- extragastrointestinal stromal sarcomas are noted to occur in the mesentery, omentum and retroperitoneum (Miettinen et al.,1999;Reith et al.,2000). The clinical symptoms that are associated with GIST are abdominal pain, dysphagia, obstruction, fatigue and satiety.It has been noted that patients may be presented with chronic bleeding to from their GI (Causes anemia). The patient may also present acute bleeding to GI ( as a consequence of the erosion via the gastric or the bowel mucosa). There could also be a rupture into the patient's abdominal cavity thus causing a life-threatening condition called intraperitoneal hemorrhage. Nilsson et al. (2005) indicated that a population-based research indicated that close to seventy percent of GISTs were related to clinical symptoms while twenty percent were not. 10% were detected at the time of autopsies.

Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal Systems Integrated
Pages: 5 Words: 2173

Integration of Cardiovascular/Gastrointestinal Systems
Integration of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems within the human body

The integration of the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems allow for nutrients to be introduced, broken down, and absorbed by body to maintain and promote healthy bodily functions. Independently, these systems serve separate functions, but when working in conjunction, help to transport necessary nutrients throughout the body, while maintaining and promoting homeostasis within the systems. Any imbalance within these systems will greatly affect the body, as a whole, and can lead to potentially fatal results.

Integration of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems within the human body

The gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems of the human body help to breakdown and transport items that are ingested, such as food and medication, to the necessary parts of the body, expelling wastes that are not needed. Separately, the gastrointestinal and cardiac systems have different functions, but when the systems work in conjunction with each other, will…...



Bowen, R 2002, Salivary glands and saliva, Colorado State University, viewed 14 September 2011, 

Cleveland Clinic 2005, The structure and function of the digestive system, viewed 29 September 2011,

Cotterill, S 2000, The cardiovascular system (heart and blood): medical terminology for cancer, Department of Child Health, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, viewed 14 September 2011, 

Gregory, M n.d., The circulatory system, Clinton Community College, State University of New York, viewed 15 September 2011,

Alternative Treatment for Gastrointestinal Issues
Pages: 5 Words: 1395

SOAP NotePatient Initials: S.P. Age: 42 Gender: FemaleSUBJECTIVE DATAChief Complaint (CC): \\\"I\\\'ve been having stomach discomfort and problems for the past few weeks.\\\"History of Present Illness (HPI): 42-year-old Caucasian female presents with complaints of stomach discomfort for the last 3-4 weeks.Location: Upper abdominal regionQuality: Burning sensationQuantity or severity: Moderate to severeTiming: Began gradually about 3-4 weeks ago and has been persistent since thenSetting: Symptoms worsen post mealsFactors: Spicy foods seem to exacerbate discomfort, no relief noted with over-the-counter antacidsAssociated manifestations: eports occasional nausea, bloating, and belchingMedications: OTC antacids as neededAllergies: No known drug allergiesPast Medical History (PMH): Hypertension, Childhood MeaslesPast Surgical History (PSH): Tonsillectomy at age 7Sexual/eproductive History: G2P2, Menarche at age 12, regular menstrual cycles, uses birth control pillsPersonal/Social History: Non-smoker, occasional alcohol use (1-2 glasses of wine/week), no illicit drug use. Works as an accountant, mostly sedentary lifestyle.Immunization History: Flu shot last year, Tdap 10 years agoSignificant Family…...


ReferencesAlzahrani, M. A., Alfageeh, K., Thabet, T., Ali, N., Alnahdi, N., Mohammed, M., ... & Alsamghan, A. S. (2020) Assessment of Health-Related Knowledge and Practices among Patients with Peptic Ulcer. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 7(10), 33.Georgopoulos, S., & Papastergiou, V. (2021). An update on current and advancing pharmacotherapy options for the treatment of H. pylori infection. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 22(6), 729-741.Goud, E. S. S., Kannan, R., Rao, U. K., Joshua, E., Tavaraja, R., & Jain, Y. (2019). Identification of Helicobacter pylori in saliva of patients with and without gastritis by polymerase chain reaction. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences, 11(Suppl 3), S523.Hall, S. N., & Appelman, H. D. (2019). Autoimmune gastritis. Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine, 143(11), 1327-1331.Liguori, G., & American College of Sports Medicine. (2020). ACSM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Shah, S. C., Piazuelo, M. B., Kuipers, E. J., & Li, D. (2021). AGA clinical practice update on the diagnosis and management of atrophic gastritis: expert review. Gastroenterology, 161(4), 1325-1332.Wilkinson, J. M., Cozine, E. W., & Loftus, C. G. (2019). Gas, bloating, and belching: approach to evaluation and management. American family physician, 99(5), 301-309.

Fantastic Voyage
Pages: 4 Words: 1379

Fantastic Voyage
[hs130, section: ____ ]

Today, on the twentieth of August, I will take you on a trip inside the gastrointestinal tract, and beyond in the human body to observe the process of digestion and excretion. As simple as it may seem, this process is more than just moving down a hollow tube. To understand this more deeply, let's begin our journey!


Being reduced to eight microns in a hamburger holds the possibility of being chewed, grinded and dissolved in gastric acid. Even though I used special shield defenses, the slight possibility can still be a scary thought. Despite the risk, I felt motivated enough to allow myself to be amazed by the human body.

In about a moment, I was in the mouth of a 55-year-old man. Mixed with me, were fries, meat, lettuce, cheese, burgers and bear. Staying away from the teeth was a difficult job since…...



Barrett, K., Heddwen, B., Boitano, S., & Barman, S. (2010).Ganong's review of medical physiology. (23 ed., pp. 451-489). Philadelphia: McGraw Hill.

Hansen, J.T., Koeppen, B.M., & Netter, F.H. (2002). Netter's atlas of human physiology. (5th ed., p 246 -249) Teterboro, N.J: Icon Learning Systems.

Kumar, V., Abbas, A., & Fausto, N. (2010) Robbins Basic Pathology. (8th ed., p 25-60) Philadelphia: Saunders.

Leonard, R., & Kendall, K. (2008). Dynamic swallow studies: Measurement techniques. (2 ed., pp. 292-294). San Diego: Plural Publishing.

Incidence and Possible Causative Factors
Pages: 8 Words: 2026

74 per million Taiwanese." (Tzen, et al., 2007)
Summary and Conclusion

This work in writing stated an objective to examine both the incidence of and possible cause factors for Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumor in the Chinese population. There are two tumors that are often mistaken for GISTs and specifically those known as: (1) Fibromatosis; and (2) leomysarcoma. (Rubic, Heinrich, and Corless, 2007)

Findings in this study include that there apparently are genetic bases for development of gastrointestinal stromal tumor and that in the Chinese population that when comparing the U.S. And Hong Kong demonstrates that Hong Kong is comparable to the U.S. And lower than Finland. This is likely to be true for the entire Chinese population although this fact could not be confirmed in the present study. Findings in this study additional include the findings that the previous optimal treatment for GISTs is likely not to be the best method of treating this…...



Azhar, a.H.S., et al. (2009) a Retrospective Cohort Study of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (Gist) in Husm for the Last 12 Years (1997 -- 2008) Department of Surgery, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia. Online available at: 

Chan K, Chan C, Chow W, Kwan W, Kong C, Mak K, Leung M, Lau L.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors in a cohort of Chinese patients in Hong Kong.World J. Kastroenterol 2006 April;12(14):2223-2228

Corless, CL; Fletcher, JA, and Heinrich, MC (2004) Biology of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Clin Oncol. 2004 Sep 15;22(18):3813-25.

Demetri GD, von Mehren M, Blanke CD, et al.: Efficacy and safety of imatinib mesylate in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors. N Engl J. Med 347:472-480, 2002.

Mechanism's for Controlling Blood Sugar Levels The
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Mechanism's For Controlling Blood Sugar Levels:
The blood glucose level is the amount of sugar or glucose in the blood that is also referred to as plasma glucose level and expressed as millimoles per litre. While blood glucose levels are measured in order to diagnose and monitor diabetes, it's also important to monitor these levels in certain situations, especially with increasing age and during pancreatitis and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, blood sugar levels usually stay within a daily narrow limit of between 4 and 8 millimoles per litre. In addition, the levels of blood glucose in the body are usually higher after meals and lowest in the morning. Nonetheless, the body has certain mechanisms that help in controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress conditions.

The body basically maintains a minimum level of glucose in the blood and also limits surges of glucose after a meal by about 70 mg/dl and…...



"Dietary Fiber: Essential for a Healthy Diet." (n.d.). Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from 

Sandoval, M. (2011, August 22). Advantages and Disadvantages of Fat Hydrogenation.

Retrieved December 5, 2012, from 

Zamora, A. (2012). What is a Normal Blood Sugar? Retrieved December 5, 2012, from

Nursing Case Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1425

Nursing Case Study
Managing a possible Case of Gastroenteritis: A Nursing Case Study

The effective delivery of optimal nursing care requires a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both the patient's symptoms and the security of the immediate environment. This report presents a case study of appropriate evidence-based nursing practices in treating an elderly female patient presenting with abdominal discomfort in a residential care setting.

The client presents with new onset faecal incontinence, diarrhoea and increasing abdominal discomfort and cramps. These symptoms suggest a possible gastrointestinal disturbance (Crisp & Taylor, 2009) and present a number of possible diagnoses. While the client's nursing care plan indicates that she is normally continent, her confidential disclosure to the nurse suggests that her symptoms may be more prolonged. Another relevant client characteristic is her advanced age of 85 years.

The client's proximity to the dirty utility room in the aged care facility and the report of similar symptoms from…...



1. Crisp J, Taylor C. (2010). Potter & Perry's fundaments of nursing (3rd ed.). Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier, Australia.

2. Kirk MD, Hall GV, Veitch MGK, Becker N. (2010). Assessing the ?incidence of gastroenteritis among elderly people living in long-term care facilities. Journal of Hospital Infection, 76, 12.

3. Australian Government: Department of Health and Ageing. (2007). Retrieved from- .

4. Andrew E, Simor MVD. (2010). Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Review. The-Americans Geriatric Societ, 58(8), 1557-1593.

Cutaneous Candidiasis A Case Study Candidiasis This
Pages: 4 Words: 1164

Cutaneous Candidiasis: A Case Study

This case study involves a 35-year-old woman diagnosed with candidiasis of the inner thighs. The goal of this report is to provide the patient with information about the most likely cause of her condition and how best to resolve the infection. In order to accomplish this goal a review of Candida pathogenesis will be presented first.

Candida Pathogenesis

Members of the Candida genus, in particular C. albicans, can be detected in the oral cavities of 75% of the general population (Mayer, Wilson, & Hube, 2013). This mostly commensal microbe colonizes oral, vaginal, gastrointestinal, anal, and cutanous locations (az-Pasteur, Ullmann, & Berdicevsky, 2011). Candida species are commensal in health people and rarely cause any problems, but in persons who suffer from mild medical conditions with impaired immunity the commensal relationship can quickly evaporate and turn pathogenic (Mayer, Wilson, & Hube, 2013). For example, Candida is responsible for a fourth…...



Mansur, A.T., Aydingoz, I.E., & Artunkal, S. (2012). Facial Candida foliculitis: Possible role of sexual contact. Mycoses, 55, e20-e22. Doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02075.x.

Mayer, F.L., Wilson, D., & Hube, B. (2013). Candida albicans pathogenicity mechanisms. Virulence, 4(2), 119-128.

Raz-Pasteur, A., Ullmann, Y., & Berdicevsky, I. (2011). The pathogenesis of Candida infections in a human skin model: Scanning electron microscope observations. International Scholarly Research Network, 2011, 1-6. Doi: 10.5402/2011/150642.

Scheinfeld, N.S. (2004). Obesity and dermatology. Clinics in Dermatology, 22, 303-309.

Journey Begins as We Enter
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

The blood in which we are traveling in is composed of red blood cells called hemoglobin, plasma, platelets, and white blood cells. Blood is transported through the body by the heart's pumping action. As we continue, we will enter the hepatic portal vein, which delivers blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, into the ascending aorta, up towards the heart. As we approach the heart, it's pumping will pull us up into its chambers and through to the lungs where we will get oxygen and continue our journey to the kidneys. As we return to the heart, we will pass through the aortic arch and descend through the thoracic aorta continuing past the descending abdominal aorta until we reach the renal artery. We will make a left turn and pass through the glomeruli through the kidney's tubules and conclude this phase of our journey into the left kidney.


Reference List:

Thibodeau, G. (1992). Structure and Function of the Body. Chicago: Mosby Year Book.

Exposure Assessment Approximating Rates of
Pages: 1 Words: 411

Data gaps must also be acknowledged, and approximated if at all possible. hen approximating, conservative estimates should be made -- in other words, when assessing an individual's exposure to second-hand smoke, assuming exposure over a 24-hour period (the maximum possible exposure to the environment) rather than the minimum, is usually preferred. or, in the case of childhood exposure to lead paint, even if this cannot be confirmed, if the individual lived in an area where residency in lead-painted accommodations was likely, exposure to the toxin may need to be factored into an analysis of the subject's health status. Conservative estimates seem like a necessary, compassionate, allowance assessing the complications caused by 9/11. 9/11 was an extraordinary, unprecedented event, and data collection at the point of time was virtually impossible, yet it had very real effects upon emergency responders, given their higher rate of manifesting respiratory illnesses. Creating an approximation of…...


Works Cited

Prezant D.J., Weiden M., G.I. Banauch, et al. (2002). Cough and bronchial responsiveness in firefighters at the World Trade Center site. New England Journal of Medicine.

Burnout and Technical College Counselors
Pages: 25 Words: 7250

The assumption here is that ounselor burnout may be heightened as a result of the diversity of students who attend post seondary eduational institutions, and the variety of servies the 2-year postseondary ounselors must provide to these students. This assumption is ongruent with the findings of a study by Wilkerson and Bellini (2006) who advise, "Professional shool ounselors are asked to perform multiple duties as part of their daily work. Some of these duties math the desriptions set forth by national standards for shool ounseling programs, whereas others do not" (p. 440).
Consequently, shool ounselors are required to formulate deisions on a daily basis onerning the best way to perform their jobs (Wilkerson & Bellini). Not surprisingly, many shool ounselors are overwhelmed by these onstantly hanging working onditions and requirements, and a number of ounselors experiene high levels of stress as a result. Beause the onnetion between high levels of…...


cited in Angerer, 2003). Unfortunately, it would seem that most helping professionals, including counselors, possess characteristics which predisposed them to this construct. For example, Lambie notes that, "Counselors may have increased susceptibility to burnout because of their training to be empathic which is essential to the formation of a therapeutic relationship. In fact, research has found counselor empathy to account for two thirds of the variance in supporting clients' positive behavioral change" (p. 32). The ability to remain empathic to the plights and challenges typically being experienced by students in community colleges is complicated by the enormous diversity that is increasingly characterizing these institutions, of course, but all helping professionals run the risk of becoming burned out while performing their responsibilities by virtue of their empathic sharing. In this regard, Lambie emphasizes that, "Empathy helps counselors understand the client's experience, but at the same time, a counselor may experience the emotional pain of multiple traumatized clients. Empathy is a double-edged sword; it is simultaneously your greatest asset and a point of real vulnerability; therefore, a fundamental skill of effective counselors, being empathic, may place counselors at high risk for burnout" (p. 33).

Citing the alarming results of a national survey of counselors that indicated that incidence may be almost 40%, Lambie also emphasizes that although all professions involve some degree of stress, counselors and other human service providers are at higher risk of burnout compared to other professionals. For example, this author notes that, "Counseling professionals are often in close contact with people who are in pain and distress. This continuous exposure to others' despair, combined with rare opportunities to share the benefits of clients' successes, heightens counselors' risk for burnout" (Lambie, p. 34). Other authorities confirm the incidence of burnout among educators, and cite even higher rates than the foregoing estimate. For instance, Cheek, Bradley and Lan (2003) report that, "Based on several international studies, approximately 60% to 70% of all teachers repeatedly show symptoms of stress, and a minimum of 30% of all educators show distinct symptoms of burnout" (p. 204). Indeed, a study by Lumsden (1998) determined that overall teacher morale was sufficiently severe that fully 40% of the educators who were surveyed indicated they would not choose teaching again as a career, and far more than half (57%) remained undecided at the time concerning ending their teaching career, were actively making plans to leave teaching, or would opt to leave the teaching field in the event a superior opportunity presented itself.

There are some other qualities that typify school counselors that may predispose them to becoming burned out over the course of time (some quicker than others, of course), but which may reasonably be expected to adversely effect the ability of school counselors to maintain their effectiveness in the workplace. For instance, Lambie concludes that, "Common counselor qualities of being selfless (i.e., putting others first), working long hours, and doing whatever it takes to help a client place them at higher susceptibility to burnout. As a result, counselors may themselves need assistance in dealing with the emotional pressures of their work" (p. 34).

Counselors and Characteristics of Burnout


Digestive Disorders Pathophysiological Mechanisms Prior
Pages: 2 Words: 596

On a basic level, patients can make attempts to restructure their diet and general lifestyle choices to promote a more positive, health body in general. If this approach does not work, there are many sorts of antibiotics, painkillers, laxatives or anti-diarrhea pills that one can take to negate the effects of noxious symptoms. Corrective surgery is also an option, although it does not always work.
Some of the treatments for inflammatory bowel disease can work for irritable bowel syndrome, such as the taking of antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medicine, and fiber supplements. Additionally, corrective measures to one's diet and lifestyle to attempt to procure a stress free environment may work as well. Treatments specific to this condition, however, include antidepressants and counseling to assist with stress. Additionally, medications such as lubiprostone and alosetron also pertain strictly to this condition, and not to inflammatory bowel disease.


Age certainly has a detrimental effect…...



Pace, F., Molteni, P., Bollani, S., Sarzi-Puttini, P., Stockbrugger, R., Porro, Bianchi, Drossman, D.A. (2003). "Inflammatory bowel disease vs. irritable bowel syndrome: a hospital-based, case-control study of disease impact on quality of life.." BMC Gastroenterol. 38 (10): 1031-1038.

Porter, C.K., Brooks, D.C., Pimentel, M., Akinseye, a., Riddle, M.S. (2012). "Risk of inflammatory bowel disease following a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome." BMC Gastroenterol. 12: 55. Retrieved from

Pathophysiology of Gastric Acid Stimulation and Production
Pages: 3 Words: 894

The digestive fluids that are secreted by the stomach glands aimed at breaking down solid food and to kill bacteria in the stomach are referred to as gastric juices. Gastric acid is produced by the gastric parietal cell located on the walls of the stomach. The region where the gastric juices are secreted into the lumen is the most acidic environment in the human body and is known as the secretory canaliculus (Schubert & Peura, 2008). The secretion of the gastric acid into the lumen occurs in response to a variety of messages from the paracrine, hormonal, and neurocrine inputs. Gastrin, produced by the G cells that are located in the pyloric mucosa of the stomach is the primary hormonal stimulation for gastric acid production. There are various inputs that will stimulate the parietal cells in order for them to secrete hydrogen ions that will flow into the gastric lumen,…...

Gastrorrhagia as Early as 1500
Pages: 8 Words: 2265

2003, p. 247).
The use of NSAID has been associated with increased risks of gastrointestinal bleeding in unselected patients, approximately five-fold for musculoskeletal pain and two fold for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease with low-dose aspirin (Clinical Guideline 17: Dyspepsia 2004). Therefore, depending on the level of pain management required, a simple analgesic that can be used for pain management is paracetamol; this preparation does not cause bleeding of the stomach and it has been found to be highly effective in relieving mild to moderate pain; furthermore, it can be purchased without a prescription from chemists and supermarkets (Henderson & Wood 2000).

Discussion of Health Education Advice Required.

The U.K. Department of Health recommends the following educational advice and support for people suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding:

Patients and their relatives should be offered as much information as they want. GPs should ask what they would like to know, and give unambiguous answers to…...



Barve, S., Hill, D., Marsano, L.L., Mcclain, C.J., & Mendez, C. (2003). "Diagnosis and Treatment of Alcoholic Liver Disease and Its Complications." Alcohol Research & Health 27(3):247.

Dyspepsia: Management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care. NICE Clinical Guideline 17. [Online]. Available: .

Garcia, N., Jr., & Sanyal, a.J. (2001). "Portal hypertension." Clinics in Liver Disease, 5(2):509- 540.

Govoni, R., Mann, R.E., & Smart, R.G. (2003). "The Epidemiology of Alcoholic Liver Disease." Alcohol Research & Health 27(3):209.

Four Case Studies Radiological X Ray Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1546

unning Head: ADIOLOGICAL X-AY ANALYSIS ADIOLOGICAL X-AY ANALYSIS 9adiological x-ray analysisIntroductionadiology has formed the medicines major scope, forming the gold standard diagnostic needed to perform surgical interventions.This diagnostic technique uses the technology of imaging the body systems and is used to make prompt treatments. Examinations used under radiology include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MI), ultrasonography, other related diagnostic criteria. This project focuses on the X-ray as a diagnostic tool in surgical investigations.Posterior to anterior(Bhandary et al., 2020).The mediastinumLeft lungight lungThe posterior to anterior projection, commonly known as the PA, is an anatomical position used to take x-ray pictures in patients. The x-ray beam passes through the patients bodies. The beam of light passing through the patients body significantly determines the clarity and the contrast of the image.The patient normally assumes an erect position and upright posture, the markedly raised and shoulders anteriorly rotated to subject the two scapular…...


ReferencesBhandary, A., Prabhu, G. A., Rajinikanth, V., Thanaraj, K. P., Satapathy, S. C., Robbins, D. E., ... & Raja, N. S. M. (2020). Deep-learning framework to detect lung abnormality–A study with chest X-Ray and lung CT scan images. Pattern Recognition Letters, 129, 271-278.Chouhan, V., Singh, S. K., Khamparia, A., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P., Moreira, C., ... & De Albuquerque, V. H. C. (2020). A novel transfer learning-based approach for pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 559.Deftereos, S. P., Foutzitzi, S., Karagiannakis, G., Aggelidou, M., Cassimos, D. C., & Kambouri, K. (2020). Constipation and dilated bowel: Hirschsprung’s disease is not always the case. Clinics and Practice, 10(4), 100-102.Hashir, M., Bertrand, H., & Cohen, J. P. (2020, September). Quantifying the Value of Lateral Views in Deep Learning for Chest X-rays. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (pp. 288-303). PMLR.Hoda, R. S., Sanyal, S., Abraham, J. L., Everett, J. M., Hundemer, G. L., Yee, E., ... & Misdraji, J. (2017). Lanthanum deposition from oral lanthanum carbonate in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Histopathology, 70(7), 1072-1078.Ng, J., Linn, K. A., Shmon, C. L., Parker, S., & Zwicker, L. A. (2020). The left lateral projection is comparable to horizontal beam radiography for identifying experimental small volume pneumoperitoneum in the canine abdomen. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 61(2), 130-136.Rubin, J., Sanghavi, D., Zhao, C., Lee, K., Qadir, A., & Xu-Wilson, M. (2018). Large-scale automated reading of frontal and lateral chest x-rays using dual convolutional neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07839.Saragih, N. T., Pasaribu, N., & Laia, H. (2020). Cases of Acute Abdomen Radiography With Perforation At General Hospital Haji Adam Malik: Cases of Acute Abdomen Radiography With Perforation At General Hospital Haji Adam Malik. Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, 2(1), 78-82.Togo, R., Yamamichi, N., Mabe, K., Takahashi, Y., Takeuchi, C., Kato, M., ... & Haseyama, M. (2019). Detection of gastritis by a deep convolutional neural network from double-contrast upper gastrointestinal barium X-ray radiography. Journal of gastroenterology, 54(4), 321-329.Yan, J., Sun, J., Wu, R., Tan, S. S., Chen, Y., Peng, Y., & Chen, Y. (2020). Barium enema findings in total colonic aganglionosis: a single-center, retrospective study. BMC pediatrics, 20(1), 1-8.

Can you help me with research on the 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak?
Words: 381

It can be a little difficult to find accurate research on a specific incident like the 1993 Jack In the Box E. coli outbreak.  Escherichia coli, commonly known as E. coli is a type of bacterium that is often located in the lower intestine of warm-blooded animals.  E. coli lives in healthy people and animals, but some strains of E. coli can be very dangerous, causing significant gastrointestinal symptoms in impacted people.  If you are infected with a dangerous strain, the symptoms can include severe cramping, bloody diarrhea, and even vomiting.  People....

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis on the benefits of breastfeeding?
Words: 595

Thesis Statement: Breastfeeding offers substantial benefits for both mothers and infants, promoting optimal health outcomes and fostering a unique bond between them. Its advantages range from providing essential nutrients to reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing cognitive development in infants, while also providing health benefits and convenience for mothers.


The practice of breastfeeding has been recognized as a fundamental aspect of parenting, providing infants with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive. This thesis delves into the multitude of benefits breastfeeding offers to both mothers and their infants, highlighting the positive impact it can have on health, development, and emotional....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Norovirus?
Words: 530

I. Introduction
A. Definition of Norovirus
B. Importance of understanding Norovirus
C. Purpose of the essay

II. Background information
A. Origin and discovery of Norovirus
B. Transmission and symptoms of Norovirus
C. Impact of Norovirus on public health

III. Prevention and control measures
A. Hygiene practices to prevent Norovirus spread
B. Vaccines and medications for Norovirus
C. Strategies for reducing Norovirus outbreaks

IV. Treatment options
A. Management of Norovirus symptoms
B. Importance of seeking medical attention
C. Recovery and long-term effects of Norovirus

V. Global perspective on Norovirus
A. Statistics on Norovirus cases worldwide
B. Success stories in controlling Norovirus outbreaks
C. Future implications....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Stress?
Words: 551

1. The Impact of Stress on Cognitive Functioning

Examine the effects of acute and chronic stress on memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
Discuss the physiological and psychological mechanisms underlying these effects.
Explore interventions and strategies to mitigate stress-induced cognitive impairments.

2. Stress and Physical Health

Analyze the relationship between stress and various physical health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and immune function.
Investigate the mechanisms by which stress activates physiological stress response systems and leads to health problems.
Discuss the importance of stress management for promoting overall well-being.

3. Stress in the Workplace

Examine the prevalence of workplace stress and....

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