Ftc Essays (Examples)

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FTC's Investigation of Merger
Pages: 2 Words: 633

FTC's investigation of merger

Google's acquisition of DoubleClick:

Is it monopolistic?

The Internet search company Google dominates the search marketplace to the point that to 'Google' something is synonymous with searching for information. However, maintaining its search engine is only one component of Google's business: to fund its activities, it must sell ads. As well as maintaining Google AdSense, Google recently acquired DoubleClick, which offers another venue for Google to amass advertising revenue. AdSense and DoubleClick are currently conjoined: "an online publisher can set a DoubleClick cookie to tell them what sections of their sites you are browsing. DoubleClick will then judge the type of adverts you might like to see from what you're browsing…. If the cookie is set on a website that is part of AdSense and then you browse another site using AdSense, the same information will be recorded and pooled. Over time, guesses can be made about the interests…...



Federal Trade Commission closes Google/DoubleClick investigation. (2007). FTC.

Retrieved from:


Geary, J. (2013). DoubleClick: What is it and what does it do?

Anti-Trust the FTC Safeguards Consumers
Pages: 3 Words: 1031

In addition, within 30 days of the order's final date, notify with a copy of the order by first-class mail or electronic mail with appropriate return receipt/confirmation, every physician who participated in IPAMG since January 1, 2005, every physician who intends to become a member, every current IPAMG officer, director, manager and employee, and every payor with whom IPAMG has a contract. Furthermore, existing contracts may be terminated by appropriate request by the payor, or extended for 1 year per a payor's request for extension. IPAMG is also required to file an official report with the FTC within 60 days from the Order's date and again on every anniversary of the Order's date for 3 years describing in detail how it is complying with the Order, the specifics of any payor with whom IPAMG has contact and the receipts/confirmations from its notifications. IPAMG must also publish an official annual…...


Works Cited

Federal Trade Commission. (2009, February 3). In the Matter of Independent Physician Associates Medical Group, Inc., doing business as AllCare IPA, a California corporation. Retrieved on March 19, 2013 from www.ftc.gov Web site:  http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0610258/index.shtm 

Federal Trade Commission. (2009, February 2). In the matter of IPAMG, a California corporation - Decision and order. Retrieved on March 19, 2013 from www.ftc.gov Web site:  http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0610258/090203allcareipado.pdf 

Federal Trade Commission. (2012, January 5). About the Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved on March 19, 2013 from www.ftc.gov Web site:  http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/about.shtm

Allcare the FTC and Public Policy Considerations
Pages: 3 Words: 838

The FTC and Public Policy Considerations against Anti-Competitive Behavior

The objective of this work is to discuss the role of the FTC and the public policy considerations against anti-competitive behavior and explain why the conduct of the IPAMG was deemed as anti-competitive behavior by the Federal Trade Commission. Finally, this work will identify the penalty, discuss whether that penalty was fair, and state why it is held to be either fair or unfair.

AllCare is described as a "multi-specialty independent practice association consisting of multiple, independent medical practices" and is stated to be comprised of 500 physician members with 200 of those physicians devoted to primary care in the area of Modesto, California. AllCare is reported to contract with Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) to provide fee-for-service medical care. It was alleged in a complaint to the FTC that AllCare had "acted to restrain competition on fee-for-service contracts." (Federal egister / Vol. 74,…...



Federal Register (2009) / Vol. 74, No. 2 / Monday, January 5, 2009. Retrieved from:  http://www.ftc.gov/os/fedreg/2009/january/090105independentpractice.pdf 

United States of America Before the Federal Trade Commission, In the Matter of: Independent Physician Associates Medical Group, Inc. dba AllCare IPA, a California Corporation -- Complaint (2008) Retrieved from:  http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0610258/090203allcareipacmpt.pdf 

United States of America Before the Federal Trade Commission, In the Matter of: Independent Physician Associates Medical Group, Inc. dba AllCare IPA, a California Corporation -- Decision and Order (2009) Retrieved from:  http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0610258/081224allcaredo.pdf

Crime Victim Complain Form Identity Theft Centerville
Pages: 2 Words: 797

Crime Victim Complain Form: Identity Theft
Centerville Police Department

101 Centerville Street

Centerville, Kansas, 05699


Date Complaint Filed: July 5, 2011

Victim Information:

Crime Victim Complaint Form: Identity Theft

Sally Gertrude Frederick

123 12th Avenue, Centerville, KS 05699


DOB: 01/24/1962

SSN: 466-55-1254

Drivers Lic.: Kansas, 18955243

Length of esidence at Current Address: 3 days

Victim's Previous Home Addresses for Past 5 Years:

435 14th Street, Apt. 233, Centerville, KS 05699

How long at this address: 7-1/2 years

Victim Information at Time of Fraud:

435 14th Street, Apt. 233, Centerville, KS 05699


SSN: 466-55-1254

Drivers Lic.: Kansas, 18955243



The victim declares that she has never authorized anyone to use her personal information to obtain money, credit, loans, goods, services, or for any other purpose, nor has she received any of the same as a result of the events described here. Ms. Frederick also agrees to provide any assistance the police may require to investigate and prosecute any individual(s) suspected of committing this crime.

Victim Statement:

Ms. Frederick discovered that someone…...



Federal Trade Commission. (n.d.). Identity theft victim's complaint and affidavit. Retrieved July, 2011 from  http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/resources/forms/affidavit.pdf 

Romanosky, Sasha, Telang, Rahul, and Acquisti, Alessandro. (2011). Do data breach disclosure laws reduce identity theft? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30, 256-286.

FTC and Price Fixing Price
Pages: 1 Words: 340

In addition, any contracts that were illegally obtained were to be terminated. However, Brown & Toland could continue to negotiate with payors on behalf of physicians if such action was "reasonably necessary to the formation of a 'qualified risk-sharing joint arrangement' or a 'qualified clinically-integrated joint arrangement,' as defined by the order." (Federal Trade Commission, 2004). Therefore, the settlement was aimed only at limiting behavior that prevented the member physicians from freely contracting with the payors, and not at behavior that reflected actual financial or clinical relationships between member physicians.
Works eferenced

Federal Trade Commission. (2000). Nine West settles state and federal price-fixing charges.

etrieved November 1, 2005 from Federal Trade Commission. Web site: http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/ninewest.htm

Federal Trade Commission. (2004). San Francisco's Brown and Toland Medical Group settles price fixing charges. etrieved November 1, 2005 from Federal Trade Commission.

Web site: http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2004/02/browntoland.htm....



Federal Trade Commission. (2000). Nine West settles state and federal price-fixing charges.

Retrieved November 1, 2005 from Federal Trade Commission. Web site:  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/ninewest.htm 

Federal Trade Commission. (2004). San Francisco's Brown and Toland Medical Group settles price fixing charges. Retrieved November 1, 2005 from Federal Trade Commission.

Web site:  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2004/02/browntoland.htm .

The FTC Monopolies and the Market
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Capitalism and Competition It is ironic that the FTC video points to the shopping mall as evidence that its anti-trust laws are working, because the mall is going the way of the dinosaur—i.e., many malls are empty, as Amazon has basically killed the bricks and mortar retailers. With Amazon, the e-commerce giant, seeming to take over everything (or at least retail), it does seem at times like there is not much competition in some respects. What I find to be problematic is that Amazon can actually lose money on its retail end (it makes its money mainly through Amazon Web Services—i.e., by providing Internet to companies). With every transaction, Amazon is losing money—but because it is undercutting its competitors, its competitors are going out of business and Amazon gets their market share. As Amazon spreads into other sectors it does seem like it is becoming a trust—but it is still undercutting…...

Medical Antitrust
Pages: 4 Words: 1179

Federal Trade Commission ruled on charges of anti-trust leveled against the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association. The WCA and its executive director, Russell A. Leonard, had been charged with organizing a conspiracy among members of the WCA, which represent 90% of the chiropractors in Wisconsin, of conspiring to force health care providers to pay higher rates for chiropractic services than they had previously paid.
According to the proceeding records (FTC, 2003) and published statements by the FTC (FTC, 2000a), the plan began when the federal government as well as many insurance companies adopted new billing codes to cover chiropractic treatments. In addition, two other chiropractors, Michael T. erkley, D.C., and Mark A. Cassellius, D.C., settled with the FTC on similar charges (FTC, 2000a).

The final settlement included about 2,800 words of restrictions on the WCA and Leonard, some of them extending to the year 2020 (FTC, 2003).

The FTC alleged that the WCA held…...



Brookings Institution. 2002. "The Effect of Antitrust Policy on Consumer Welfare: Assembling the Empirical Evidence." June. Accessed via the Internet 2/27/03.  http://www.ftc.gov/be/seminardocs/antitrustpolicy-consumerwelfare.pdf 

Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 2000. "Wisconsin Chiropractic Association and Its Director Agree to Settle FTC Charges of Price-Fixing." March 7. Accessed via the Internet 2/27/03.  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/wischiro.htm .

Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 2000. Docket No. C-3943 Decision and Order.May 18, 2000. Accessed via the Internet 2/27/03.  http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/05/wisconsin.do.htm 

Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 2003. "HEARINGS ON7 HEALTH CARE and COMPETITION, LAW, AND POLICY." October 1. Accessed via the Internet 2/27/03.  http://www.ftc.gov/ogc/healthcarehearings/031001ftctrans.pdf

Health Care -- SLP --
Pages: 3 Words: 1091

Realistically this compliance and assistance should be sought and used before, during and after negotiations with other health care organizations with which this organization might merge or enter a joint venture. Furthermore, the proposed contract itself should be passed by the FTC's Office of the General Counsel or its designee for approval before final ratification of the contract.
3. Conclusion

In order to merge and operate in a joint venture acceptable to the FTC, the organization must be mindful of Title 15 of the U.S. Code, specifically Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18, Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1, 2, and Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. In addition, due to the FTC's recent special interest in the mergers/joint ventures of health care organizations, particularly but not solely in connection with price fixing, the organization should assume that the…...


Works Cited

Cornell University Law School. (n.d.). Legal Information Institute - 15 U.S.C. Section 1. Retrieved on March 19, 2013 from www.law.cornell.edu Web site:  

Anti-Trust the Conduct of the
Pages: 3 Words: 969

Even non-chiropractic patients would be hurt, as the costs might be passed onto all users of all components of the health insurance plans who were being effectively extorted for money.
The ultimate settlement that emerged prohibited the CA "from fixing prices for any chiropractic goods or services, or the terms of third-party payer contracts," which seems more than fair and reasonable -- it seems overly lenient given the damage that was done ("isconsin Chiropractic Association and its director agree to settle FTC charges of price-fixing," 2008, FTC). However, because price-fixing can be difficult to prove, some of this leniency on the part of the FTC may be due to the need to engage in a settlement rather than a lengthy court battle with the CA. Given the centrality of the organization's head Russell a. Leonard, in engaging in such tactics, demanding his resignation seems not only fair, but reasonable.

However, perhaps…...


Works Cited

Welcome to the bureau of competition." (2008). Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Website. Retrieved 26 Aug 2008 at  http://www.ftc.gov/bc/index.shtml 

Wisconsin Chiropractic Association and its director agree to settle FTC charges of price-fixing." (7 Mar 2008). Retrieved 26 Aug 2008 at  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/wischiro.shtm

Against Jane Claiming to Be Hispanic-American in
Pages: 3 Words: 1096

against Jane claiming to be Hispanic-American in her ads.
The main argument against Jane claiming to be Hispanic-American in her ads is that it is dishonest. Neither she nor most of her employees are Hispanic, and it appears that the ad would violate the concept of truth in advertising and expose her to liability. Likewise, at first blush, it seems as if there are no good arguments for Jane claiming to be Hispanic-American in her ads. However, Jane needs to increase sales to keep the business afloat. Hispanic-American customers may be more willing to buy products from a Hispanic-owned business. The issue becomes whether the fact that Jane is (or, rather, is not) Hispanic is a material fact. If Jane was running a Mexican restaurant, her ethnicity might be critical. However, unless there is something culturally significant about the clothing that depends on Jane's ethnicity, it seems unlikely that her…...



Federal Trade Commission. (2001). Advertising FAQ's: a guide for small businesses.

Retrieved from  http://business.ftc.gov/documents/bus35-advertising-faqs-guide-small-business 

Federal Trade Commission. (Unk.). Advertising and marketing basics. Retrieved from:


Oligopolies Part 1 One Proposed Merger Is
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Part 1) One proposed merger is Omnicare's bid to purchase Pharmerica (FTC, 2012). The FTC has defined the industry as "long-term care pharmacy" and these are the two largest firms in that industry. The FTC has sued to block this proposed takeover. Pharmerica is the only national competitor for Omnicare. Firms in this industry work with institutions to provide pharmacy services. The industry has some fragmentation, but there are only two national players in Omnicare and Pharmerica. The FTC feels that the combined entity would have such strong bargaining power that consumers would not have adequate choice, prices would rise and suppliers would also suffer from this extreme leverage.

From Omnicare's point-of-view, the merger would give it a dominant position in its industry. Pharmerica is resisting the takeover, as this is a hostile takeover. Pharmerica would likely be absorbed into Omnicare to the detriment of its own operations. Suppliers are major…...


Works Cited:

FTC.gov. (2012). FTC sues to block Omnicare's bid to buy rival pharmacy provider Pharmerica. Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from  http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2012/01/omnicare.shtm 

Investopedia. (2011). Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. Investopedia. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hhi.asp#axzz1lFGk3bQ3 

Sentementes, G. (2011). I, robot, in the pharmacy. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from  http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-04-18/business/bs-bz-bronfein-pharmacy-20110418_1_institutional-pharmacy-robots-michael-g-bronfein

Sherman Act Clayton Act
Pages: 3 Words: 974

U.S. laws
There are a number of different laws that govern fair, balanced and competitive practices. One major category is the antitrust laws. Antitrust laws seeks to create a competitive environment by preventing companies from obtaining the ability to abuse their market positions. Ensuring that each industry and market has a healthy amount of competition has been the work of a series of acts that govern antitrust practices.

The most significant piece of antitrust legislation is the Sherman Act, which was passed in 1890 in order to define antitrust activities. The act was passed in response to monopoly abuses on the part of a number of companies, and the recognition that a successful capitalist economy required at least enough market intervention on the part of government to prevent the formation of unnatural monopolies (FTC, 2014).

There have been subsequent laws that have enhanced the Sherman Act, and refined it, largely because the original…...



DoJ (2014). Horizontal merger guidelines. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved November 25, 2014 from http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/guidelines/hmg-2010.html

FTC. (2014). The antitrust laws. Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved November 25, 2014 from  http://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-antitrust-laws/antitrust-laws 

FTC. (2014, 2) Price discrimination: Robinson-Patman violations. Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved November 25, 2014 from  http://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-antitrust-laws/price-discrimination-robinson-patman 

OUSTR. (2014) Anti-dumping Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Retrieved November 25, 2014 from  http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/wto-multilateral-affairs/wto-issues/trade-remedies/anti-dumping

Fetal Treatment in Perusing the
Pages: 3 Words: 828

Other key elements of the website included additional information on other congenital birth defects that the FTC also specialized in. These diseases included; Congenital Cystic Adnomatoid Malformation, ulmonary Sequestration, Gastroschisis and even Urinary Tract Obstruction.

The website included information on numerous other defects suffered by infants and in utero babies. Helpful information contained on the website could also be found on the other pages of the website that are conducive to those individuals who are familiar with the methods of traversing such websites. That information included an easy method for ascertaining and then contacting the correct physician for any particular fetal defect. If an individual, or concerned couple, did not know of what particular defect affected their yet-to-be born child, or just wished to have a physician contact them with further information, the website allowed them to do that as well. The website listed over 900 physicians available for consultation through…...


Perhaps most importantly, the website seemed to provide a modicum of hope to those people whose circumstances may have seem the most hopeless. With the information provided by the website, people who may have been facing the possibility of a death of a newborn, even before it had been born, could now have some degree of comfort and strength. This seemed to be the strongest point of the website, and perhaps because the website was so straightforward in its approach the comforting derived from the website may have been even stronger than if it had attempted to sugarcoat the reality of the situation.

One of the most interesting aspects of the website was the video that can be watched just by clicking on the link. Many of the attributes of the website, including the video, are copyrighted by Kids 'n' Moms 2006, which could be why the video was so well done. Many of the professional notes included on the website are attributed to Dr. Robert Ball, Perinotologist, FTC, UCSF and Dr. Kerilyn Nobahara, FTC, UCSF.

The website seems to be a perfect mixture of professionalism and down to earth stories, and should be accessible and effective for many individuals.

Mergers There Are Several Legal
Pages: 2 Words: 716

It is important that we be allowed to pursue our business interests with a minimum of government interference. Given that the FTC and DoJ already enforce antitrust legislation, it seems unethical that the FCC also enforce such codes, specifically focused on our particular business.
I believe DI should support the proposed changes. The company would benefit from the opportunity to expand our media properties both horizontally and vertically. It would also give us greater opportunity to exit the business should we so desire in future. Ethical concerns about media consolidation are largely unfounded, especially in light of the way that the Internet provides a low-cost voice for alternative media outlets. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has significantly reduced barriers to entry in the television business, so the free market can dictate which outlets will have an audience and which will not. Moreover, the FCC's Fairness Doctrine, upheld by the Supreme…...


Works Cited

Klinenberg, Eric. (2006). Mega-Merger Mania. The Nation. Retrieved December 16, 2008 at  http://www.thenation.com/doc/20060703/klinenberg 

No author. (2008). Hart-Scott-Rodino. Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved December 16, 2008 at  http://www.ftc.gov/bc/hsr/ 

McChesney, Robert W. & Nichols, John. (2008). Who'll Unplug Big Media? Stay Tuned. The Nation. Retrieved December 16, 2008 at  http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080616/mcchesney 

No author. (2008). Telecommunications Act of 1996. Federal Communications Commission. Retrieved December 16, 2008 at  http://www.fcc.gov/telecom.html

Garment Evaluation
Pages: 4 Words: 1073

Women Pea Coat
Major components

This apparel is a wool-blended pea coat selling at a price of 62.80 dollars and available online at Forever 21.com. The length of the pea coat is 32" from the high point shoulder to the where it falls on the thigh or hem. It adapts a traditional, military style silhouette with a slight slim in the middle section with modern proportions. The coat is belted, a sleek without much detail and has a hidden hook-bar closure at the top. It is double breasted with two front slanting pockets in addition to a hidden snap button at the bottom. This coat has a slight Napoleonic collar with sleeves 25" in length from the high pleated shoulder. It is fully lined with 100% polyester with the shell woven and comprising of 48% polyester, 45% wool, 4% acrylic, 2% rayon, and 1% nylon. The apparel is machine washable with recommended…...

How does data collection impact consumer privacy in today\'s digital age?
Words: 377

Data Collection and Consumer Privacy: A Complex Relationship in the Digital Age

In the contemporary digital landscape, data collection has emerged as an essential practice for businesses seeking to understand and engage with their customers. However, this widespread data gathering also raises concerns about consumer privacy.

Data collection encompasses various methods employed by companies to gather information about individuals, including their browsing histories, online purchases, social media interactions, and even location data. This data can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns.

While data collection offers numerous advantages, it also poses potential risks to consumer privacy. The sheer volume of....

How effectively does the PSA on YouTube promote I3C reporting for elder scam protection?
Words: 396

1. The public service announcement (PSA) effectively utilizes a range of rhetorical devices to convey the urgency and severity of financial scams targeting older Americans, compelling viewers to recognize the importance of protecting their identities and assets.

2. The PSA's use of pathos, through emotional appeals and personal anecdotes, powerfully resonates with older viewers, creating a sense of vulnerability and concern that motivates them to take action against scams.

3. The clear and concise language of the PSA, combined with visually engaging graphics, effectively communicates the steps involved in reporting scams through the I3C system, making it accessible and understandable....

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