worked to develop a mission statement, as well as identifying a program philosophy for a nursing program that would allow older adults who are already nurses to move from N to BSN. Many nurses are doing this today in order to remain relevant in the field, and also to move forward into other jobs within their current healthcare organizations or enhance the staff positions they currently hold (Longe, 2013). The mission statement is an important part of a nursing program. The statement that was developed by the author is: "The Balsdon School of Nursing (TBSN) will transpire as a leader in educating professional registered nurses to meet the health care needs of Central Wisconsin. The faculty strives to encourage student success through quality in teaching, scholarship, practice, and service."
After the mission statement had been fully developed it was able to be used as a guide in developing a teaching…...
Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.
Davis, J., Ruhe, J., Lee, M., & Rajadhyaksha, U. (2007). Mission possible: Do school mission statements work? Journal of Business Ethics, 70(1), 99-110.
Fitzpatrick, J.J. & Kazer, M. (eds.). (2011). Encyclopedia of nursing research (3rd ed.). NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Longe, J. (ed.). (2013). Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health. NY: Gale Group.
Nature of the ProblemPurpose of the ProjectBackground and Significance of the Problem
Brain Development
Specific Activities to engage students
Data-Driven Instruction
Community Component of Education
esearch QuestionsDefinition of TermsMethodology and Procedures
Discussion & ImplicationsConclusions & Application
The goal of present-day educational reformers is to produce students with "higher-order skills" who are able to think independently about the unfamiliar problems they will encounter in the information age, who have become "problem solvers" and have "learned how to learn, " and who are on their way to becoming "critical thinkers" and "lifelong learners." The method advocated for achieving these "higher" order skills" is "discovery learning," by which students solve problems and make decisions on their own through "inquiry" and "independent analysis" of "real-world" projects -- what Kilpatrick in the 1920s called the "project method."
The oft-repeated goal of the educational community -- to inculcate general thinking skills --is not, however, soundly based in research. The idea that school can inculcate…...
Family involvement in children's eductaion. (1997). Retrieved March 23, 2003. from Federal brochure. Web Site:
Henderson, Anne T. And Nancy Berla. (1994). National Committee for Citizens in Education.
California State Board Policy. (1994). Parents infolvement in the education of their children. 89-01. Web Site: / policy89_01.htm
Creswell's (1994) well-known qualitative research traditions (i.e., biography, case study, ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology), Shank and Villella extended the taxonomy to include four criteria they believed would support greater understanding of qualitative research. The criteria provide these perspectives of the research: 1) Investigative depth; 2) interpretive adequacy; 3) illuminative fertility; and 4) participatory accountability. Taken together, the criteria gauge the researchers' willingness to direct inquiry below the surface and to less investigated areas, to conduct quality interpretation of the new area; to present the research in a way that strongly informs practice, and to ensure that participation in the research is reported in a manner that is both transparent and demonstrates accountability. These criteria offer alternate dimensions to the research traditions and foster rigorous qualitative study. Essentially, Shank and Villella have provided a set of criteria that fit well across the qualitative research traditions, while not favoring any…...
Creswell, J.W. (2007) Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Shank, G.D. (2002). Qualitative research: A personal skills approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall
Shank, G.D. And Villella, O. (2004) Building on new foundations: Core principles and new directions for qualitative research. The Journal of Educational Research, 98(1), 46-55.
[Type text]
Digitalization: Framework for Digitalization in the Organization
Framework for Digitalization in the Organization: Digitalization
In this digital age, organizations are faced with the responsibility of ensuring that they stay current with the use of digital media. Failure to do that places them at a high risk of failure and lack of a competitive edge. This text outlines a strategy that organizations could use to make themselves current with the use of digital technology.
Bringing an Organization Current with the use of Digital Media
Successful organizations usually have a clear direction, vision, and roadmap defining the way they plan to operate in the future. Failure to have these three instruments places an organization at a high risk of failing to create continuous shareholder value. One of the elements that can be used to assess an organization's sense of direction in this age is its digital strategy. An organization that lacks a clear digital strategy creates…...
Cognizant White Paper. (2014). A Framework for Digital Business Transformation. Cognizant. Retrieved February 1, 2016 from
Crossan, M. M., Fry, J. N., Killing, J. P., & Rouse, M. J. (2008). Strategic Analysis and Action (7th ed.). Toronto: Prentice Hall.
Gray, D. (2012). The Connected Company. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.
Symoom, N. (2015). Productivity into Profits: A Guide to Digital Technology Adoption for SME Productivity Leaders. The National Research Council, Canada. Retrieved February 1, 2016 from
positive outcome in the educational pogess fo the students esulting fom applying the Z. Model famewok. In M. Zande's classoom, the aveage impovement in test scoes is 16.75 points. The is the ise in test scoes esulting fom the students taking the same standadize test, once at the beginning of the school yea, and a second time afte 6-7 months Z. Model application.
The baseline goup data was taken fom anothe 6th gade Mathematics' class, taught by M. Valee. The same test was administeed at the same intevals. The diffeence was that M. Valee's class expeienced standad teaching methods. The aveage impovement fo this baseline class is only 3.25 points. The level of baseline class's impovement should be expected fo no othe eason that the students ae completing the same test. It would be expected of the students taking the same test fo these students to achieve highe scoes on…...
mlareferences on mathematics scores. Journal of Educational Research 83:283-88.
Dunn, R., and T.C. DeBello. 1999. Improved test scores, attitudes, and behaviors in America's schools: Supervisors success stories. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey. REFERENCE Dunn, R., and K. Dunn. 1992. Teaching elementary students through their individual learning styles. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
1993. Teaching secondary students through their individual learning styles. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Dunn, R., K. Dunn, and J. Perrin. 1994. Teaching young children through their individual learning styles. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Dunn, R., K. Dunn, and G.E. Price. 1996. Learning Styles Inventory. Lawrence, KS: Price Systems.
Dunn, R., and Griggs, S.A. 1995. Multiculturalism and learning style: Teaching and counseling adolescents. Westport, CF.
awarding audit contracts by U.S. government departments and agencies
Audit Management
Rationale for and Objectives of the project
main and secondary
esktop or literature search
Rationale for Search Methodology
Authoritative sources
esktop Findings
Justification for audits
Evolving role of auditors
Types of audit contracts
Understanding the Audit Process
Best practices and benchmarking
Case Studies
Audit management is a fundamental element in government accountability, control and performance management. Certainly there is justification within the Federal government to conduct audits of contracts for the procurement of goods and services.
It is imperative that Federal programs and agencies obtain reasonable assurance that the vendors they are dealing with are providing fair and adequate services based on contract specifications and government regulations. Federal agencies need to insure that their basic financial statements are free of material misrepresentation, that their performance is in compliance with certain expressed provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants and that non-compliance would have a direct and detrimental effect on the determination of…...
mlaDomestic & Foreign Product Preferences, Briefing Papers, Second Series, December 2000 (John W. Chierichella, Jonathan S. Aronie, Andrew Skowronek)
When is Information Confidential? The Government and Courts' Ongoing Tug-of-War over FOIA's Exemption 4 Leaves Contracts Professionals in a Bind," Contract Management, November 2000 (Jonathan S. Aronie, John W. Chierichella, James J. McCullough)
The Government's Assault of FOIA Exemption 4: Do You Know Where Your
Integrated Behavioral Health in ural Communities
Integrated behavioral health involves working with a primary care physician, a medical specialist and a team of people to bring the best care possible for a patient. This is important when viewed from various dimensions. For instance, a client in need of special care for a condition or a disease might need a team of healthcare professionals to ensure essential tasks are completed. Therefore, integrating primary care will help patients in rural communities manage their health because they learn to adapt new solutions into their everyday lives. Besides individuals being integrated, healthcare facilities and clinics work together to coordinate care for people in need (Chaple, 2015).
Framework for integrated behavioral health in rural communities
egardless of the advancements and positive changes in the support, treatment, and understanding of mental illnesses in the rural communities, the need for improvement in the rural healthcare system cannot be downplayed. esearchers…...
Acevedo-Garcia, D. et al., (2012). Integrating Social Epidemiology into Immigrant Health Research: A Cross-National Framework. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 75(12): 2060-2068
Bao, Y., Casalino, L. P. & Pincus, H. A. (2013). Behavioral Health and Health Care Reform Models: Patient-Centered Medical Home, Health Home, and Accountable Care Organization. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, vol. 40(1): 121-132.
Chaple, M. (2015). A Technical Assistance Framework to Facilitate the Delivery of Integrated Behavioral Health Services in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Vol. 60: 62-69
Gee G. C. & Payne-Sturges, D. C. (2004). Environmental Health Disparities: A Framework Integrating Psychosocial and Environmental Concepts. Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 112(17): 1645-1653
health care strategies and skills for Zoe to improve in her decision-making, communication, introspection, and problem-solving. The strategies will focus on using and developing various ground rules for health care discussions. The interventions will also assess independence of attitudes and knowledge in relation to Zoe's content. ecognizing and reflecting on Zoe's personal feelings and emotional negotiations is essential in this study. The paper encourages stakeholders such as Mrs. Flynn to listen to different views while accepting Zoe's rights of growth and development. The strategies recognize the diverse impacts and influences on family, media, peers, and religion on parental decision-making. It is critical to appreciate that learning and decision-making processes inform thinking and taking responsibility for health care alternatives. The essay proceeds to identify ways of enhancing awareness of community resources as availed for the assistance of individuals and families.
Assessment of Zoe's need
Zoe is experiencing delayed growth. The delays appear…...
Allen, K., Marotz, L., 2009. Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth through Twelve. New York: Cengage Learning.
Bickley, L.S., Szilagyi, P.G., & Bates, B. 2009. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Brownhill, S. 2009. 100 Ideas for Teaching Physical Development. New York: A&C Black.
Bukatko, D., Daehler, M., 2011. Child Development: A Thematic Approach. New York: Cengage Learning.
Structural and behavioral ethics can be measured in a variety of ways using different models. It is important to use a model to monitor ethical behaviors in an organization because it can add a level of accountability that would otherwise be absent. For example, if employees are aware of the model that they are being critiqued upon then they are more likely to consider this model when making decisions. Ethical decision making can also foster a sustainable long-term perspective that is less likely to focus on risky short-term gains. There are several different models that are currently available that organizations can select from. This analysis will briefly introduce and compare the balanced scorecard and the triple bottom line model and discuss their applicability in modern organizations.
The Balanced Scorecard
The balanced scorecard was developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton and serves as a useful tool for designing strategies along different…...
mlaWorks Cited
Global Reporting Initiative. (N.d.). Disclosure Database. Retrieved from Global Reporting Initiative:
Goel, P. (2010). Triple Bottom Line Reporting: An Analytical Approach for Corporate Sustainability. Journal of Finance, Accounting and Management, 27-42.
Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (2007, June). Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review:
Merriman, K., & Sen, S. (2012). Incenting Managers Toward the Triple Bottom Line: An Agency and Social Norm Perspective. Human Resource Management, 851-871.
TQM Framework for Shell Services
In defining their own quality management framework named the Shell Services Quality Framework (SQF) Shell Services sought to create a framework that could encompass people, processes and quality as they related to serving the customer. Shell also wanted to defined a framework that would deliver the greatest accuracy in terms of their own standards, targets and metrics of performance. Tracking metrics over time by quality management initiative and creating a knowledgebase of results was also a critical success factor for the development of the framework. The design objectives included having a high degree of simplicity, completeness, harmonization and exclusivity within the structure, allowing for rapid adoption and use. Shell envisioned the framework being a core part of their culture going forward. Best practices in quality management require that the organizational culture changes to adopt and actively rely on the core foundational elements of a quality management…...
Heiss, A.M., 1993. Quality as change management. Public Manager, 22(3), pp. 57-57.
Kujala, J. And Lillrank, P., 2004. Total Quality Management as a Cultural Phenomenon. The Quality Management Journal, 11(4), pp. 43-55.
Levis, M., Brady, M. And Helfert, M., 2008. Total Quality Management Underpins Information Quality Management. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 14(1), pp. 172-178.
Siddiqu, F., Haleem, A. And Wadhwa, S., 2009. Role of Supply Chain Management in Context of Total Quality Management in Flexible Systems: A State-of the-Art Literature Review. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 10(3), pp. 1-14.
Methodology Comparison: DAD vs. SAFe vs. Scrum
This paper will compare and contrast the definitive traits, roles, processes, artifacts, benefits, complexities, uses, tools and other factors among the following three methodologies: Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), and Scrum. Ultimately this paper will illuminate the advantages and disadvantages of each process, based on their specificities. Finally, this paper will discuss which of these three methods would be most suitable to employ at my specific company, a media company which focuses on new and publishing.
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) refers to a form of IT solution conveyance that puts people first and which is founded on a more flexible, learning-oriented approach ( The lifecycle of this methodology is risk-value and cognizant of enterprise and always adjustable in terms of scale ( For these reasons, it is one of the major foundations of the entire Discipline Agile Framework. Some experts argue that DAD is…...
Ambler, S. (2013, October 24). Nine Reasons to Choose DAD over Scrum. Retrieved from, S. (2016, July 4). Roles on DAD Teams | The Disciplined Agile (DA) Framework. Retrieved from dad-teams/Bodamer, R. (2013, October 29). Comparing Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and Disciplined Agile Deliver…. Retrieved from (n.d.). Introduction to Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) | The Disciplined Agile (DA) Framework. Retrieved from Francino, Y. (2016). SAFe vs DAD: Large-scale agile frameworks comparison. Retrieved from Lines, M. (2015, June 17). Why Companies are Choosing DAD over SAFe | The Disciplined Agile (DA) Framework. Retrieved from Nizami, I. (2016, November 27). Overview of Disciplined Agile Delivery Framework. Retrieved from agile-delivery-frameworkRabon, B. M. (2015, June 19). Scaling Scrum – a brief comparison of DAD, LeSS, and SAFe. Retrieved from comparison-dad-less-safe-brian-m-rabon-cst-pmp/ -
Circle of Life Framework in Breast Health Education
Article Critique Analysis: Use of the Talking Circle for Comanche omen's Breast Health Education, by E. Haozous, V. Eschiti, and J. Lauderdale
The journal article, "Use of the Talking Circle for Comanche omen's Breast Health Education" by E. Haozous et. al. (2010), promotion of education on breast health was explored using a specific and unique tradition as the framework of the study. This tradition, called the Circle of Life (COL), is an "intertribal cancer prevention program focused on breast health education" and is specifically implemented among American Indian (AI) women (378). Using the COL as framework, the authors aimed to achieve "cultural congruency" in exploring, discovering, and identifying the different dimensions concerning breast health education and promotion effectiveness in the context of AI women's culture -- specifically, Comanche women (378). Harmonized understanding of the Comanche community, female and health cultures led to an understanding…...
mlaWork cited:
Haozous, E., V. Eschiti, and J. Lauderdale. (2010). "Use of Talking Circle for Comanche Women's Breast Health Education." Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Vol. 21, No. 377.
HM Organizational Behavior, Theories, Frameworks and the Links Between Individual and Organizational Performance
This work in writing conducts a critical evaluation of HM Organizational Behavior Theories Frameworks that link performance.
Defining and measuring the effectiveness and performance of workers is a specific part of the HM manager's work. The question presenting is one that asks how the skills, behaviors and attitudes that are needed by workers to successfully and effectively perform their roles is defined. One way of measuring this is linking the performance of individuals to the organizational goals. This is generally accomplished through use of competencies which are described as "the integrated knowledge, skills, judgment, and attributes that people need to perform a job effectively. By having a defined set of competencies for each role in the business, it shows workers the kinds of behaviors the organizational values…" (MindTools, 2011) Lawrence (1998) reports that people are "multifaceted and complex"…...
Alderfer, C.P. (1972). Existence, relatedness, and growth. New York: Free Press.
Argyris, C. & Schon, DA (1996) Organizational Learning II Theory, Method, and Practice. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.
Beer, M. (1980) Organization Change and Development: A Systems View. Santa Monica, CA, Goodyear.
Castellano, William G. (nd) A New Framework of Employee Engagement. Center for Human Resource Strategy Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Counter-Terrorism Framework
The author of this report is asked to answer to a number of questions relating to counter-terrorism frameworks. First, the author is asked to provide a revised framework for the national terrorism prevention and response agencies in the United States. Per the parameters of the assignment, there are to be at least three agencies involved in the revised framework. Subsequent to that, the author is asked to answer to how and when the agencies will interact and why. The author is asked what tools can be used to help the agencies function and do their jobs and that will be included in the framework summary. The author is asked to wrap up the paper by enumerating at least three policy and/or procedural recommendations that should be implemented to make the existing framework gel and function more effectively.
evised Framework
The existing framework for law enforcement and terrorism preparation and response is…...
Boehm, E. (2013, August 20). New audit finds IRS can't keep track of its own software - The Government Watchdog. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from
Cillizza, C. (2013, May 21). Everything you need to know about the IRS scandal. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from
DOJ. (2004, November 1). Special Report: A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Prior to the September 11 Attacks. Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from
Poulson, K. (2013, August 29). New Snowden Leak Reports 'Groundbreaking' NSA Crypto-Cracking | Threat Level | . Retrieved September 2, 2013, from
National esponse Framework Incident Annexes
Timely responses to natural and manmade disasters require the effective coordination of numerous federal, state and local resources. Indeed, effective responses can make the difference between life and death for countless citizens, and there is therefore a need for a framework to coordinate these disparate but valuable first responder resources. In this regard, the National esponse Framework provides such a framework, but given the enormous range of providers that are involved, it is not surprising that the framework is also lengthy and complex. Moreover, the NF recently superseded the National esponse Plan (NP) and provided a number of incident annexes concerning optimal contingency or hazard situation responses. To gain additional insights into the provisions of these annexes, this paper provides a summary of the annexes to the NF, followed by recapitulation of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Summary of National esponse Framework Annexes
Biological incident annex. (2012). FEMA NRF Resource Center. Retrieved from http://
Catastrophic incident annex. (2012). FEMA NRF Resource Center. Retrieved from http://www.
Normative theory provides an absolutist framework for approaching philosophy and the soft sciences, and has a special application in philosophy, law, and the social sciences. Normative theory states that some things are morally superior to other things. They are concerned with right or wrong and have a goal of changing institutions, values, or norms to reflect the “right” or “good” perspective. Obviously, since normative theory focuses on what is good, it also involves moral judgments of what is bad.
To understand normative theory, it may help to think about the concept of sin. Even if you....
Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations. Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant. Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level. Accountant ethics are....
A conceptual framework is a type of tool used to analyze a topic. Generally, in an academic context a conceptual framework is going to fall into one of several broad categories, including a working hypothesis, pillar questions, descriptive categories, models for decision making, or a formal hypothesis. Deciding what approach you want to take to your research topic of how women leaders respond in time of crises in the field of education will help you decide what approach you want to take, which will guide your development of a conceptual framework.
Based on....
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that people have different levels of needs. They cannot focus on higher needs until their lower needs are met. This hierarchy has applications in many areas of life, so you can find a ton of articles on the theory.
In Maslow’s theory, needs ascend in the following order
Until a person has met their lower needs they do not have the resources to focus on meeting higher needs.
Some sources you could....
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