Forgery Essays (Examples)

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Detecting Art Forgeries Art Forgery Artwork Is
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Detecting Art Forgeries
Art Forgery

Artwork is a subjective object mostly bought and paid for depending on a client's aesthetic taste. Genuine art pieces from centuries past, however, become coveted items for avid art collectors and museum curators alike. Because of the high price some collectors are willing to go to possess authentic works of art, the forgery of supposed authentic artwork has become a habit for masters and amateur artists alike. Art forgeries have spanned centuries; before the common use of technology and other techniques utilized by field experts, masters and amateur painters and sculptors have escaped unnoticed. These forgers have managed to sell their works of art easily enough -- that is, until art detectives came into the scene. But how does one ultimately tell a piece's authenticity in all of its likeness to a genuine article?

A forged artwork -- or a forgery in general -- is an object that…...



Fleming, S. (1980). Detecting art forgeries. Physics Today, 33(4), 34. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Grann, D. (2010). THE MARK OF A MASTERPIECE. New Yorker, 86(20), 50. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Spinney, L. (2009). Interview: the art detectives. New Scientist, 202(2705), 26-27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Wreen, M. (1983). GOODMAN ON FORGERY. Philosophical Quarterly, 33(133), 340-353. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Bamboozled and Forgeries of Memory
Pages: 2 Words: 618

In Forgeries of Memory & Meaning: Blacks and the Regimes of Race in American Theater and Film Before World War II, Cedric J. Robinson posits that white individuals and industries seized the opportunity to exploit Blacks in cinema, not simply because of the social interest in these peoples, but also because of its potential financial success. While there is a history of racially influenced films being successful for high-profile investors who were not necessarily found in the entertainment industry, Spike Lee demonstrates that the elements of African-American society that were exploited in film in the past can also be exploited in the present. In Lee's Bamboozled, he explores how Blacks and their culture have been seen as a means of making money.

While Robinson contends, "With so much invested in the Black representations by anthropologists…and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair (and elsewhere) what was there not to like…when [Biograph] weighed…...

Retrieval & Storage it Has Become a
Pages: 4 Words: 1583

Retrieval & Storage
It has become a commonplace in public discussion over the past decade or two to assert that we are presently living through an informational revolution as great and momentous as that which took place in the wake of Gutenberg's movable type and the introduction of printed books to Europe. hether this proves to be accurate or merely a rarefied and academic strain of vacuous Silicon Valley hype has yet to be demonstrated, but it is undeniable that technological changes have altered the way in which information can be stored and retrieved. hat has not changed is the tendentious nature whereby information in general is stored and retrieved. I wish to focus on three ways in which this tendentiousness has been expressed in the past -- which I will summarize as forgery, ideology, and historiography -- in which the storage and retrieval of information has conditioned the use…...


Works Cited

Chartier, Roger. The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Trans. Lydia G. Cochrane. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994. Print.

Clanchy, M.T. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. Second Edition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. Print.

Echard, Sian. "House Arrest: Modern Archives, Medieval Manuscripts." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Spring 2000 (30:2): 185-210. Print.

Simpson, James. The Oxford English Literary History, Volume 2 (1350-1547): Reform and Cultural Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.

Three Inch Golden Lotus by Feng Jicai
Pages: 4 Words: 1253

Inch Golden Lotus
According to the 1000-year-old Chinese tradition, "a pair of perfectly bound feet must meet seven qualifications- small, slim, pointed, arched, fragrant, soft, and straight- in order to become a piece of art, an object of erotic desire." (ang 2000, p.3) This passage describes what many consider to be a barbaric practice: foot binding, or a process by which a girl's feet were wrapped tightly so as to force the prevention of growth. This process, which can be traced back over a thousand years, was considered to be a sign of beauty and eroticism in women, and carried with it great symbolism within Chinese society. But by the beginning of the 20th century, foot binding was considered by many to be a backward and barbaric practice which forced women into a second class position; and it was outlawed. Feng Jicai, in The Three Inch Golden Lotus, explored the…...


Works Cited

Feng, Jicai, David Wakefield, and Howard Goldblatt. The Three-Inch Golden Lotus.

Honolulu: Univ. Of Hawaii, 1994. Print.

Wang, Ping. Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 200. Print.

Duane Schultz Book the Dahlgren
Pages: 6 Words: 2097

Meade replied (p. 189) that "...neither the United States Government, myself, nor General Kilpatrick authorized, sanctioned, or approved the burning of the city of Richmond and the killing of Mr. Davis..."
Subsequent chapters in Schultz's book deal with the complications of retrieving Dahlgren's body and giving it a proper burial in the north, and with an ill-fated attempt by the Confederates to create chaos and draw blood in northern cities (Chicago among them) by sending disguised mercenaries down from Canada.

But Chapter 22 ("Desperate Measures: ho rote the Dahlgren Papers?") is loaded with Schultz's own beliefs and the views of others as regards the legitimacy of the papers. The people in the south believed the papers were real, and those in the north chose to believe the opposite. On pages 242-245 Schultz reprints what he asserts are the actual orders that Dahlgren was carrying with him. Back and forth, back and…...


Works Cited

Hall, James O. 1999. Gunning for Davis. Civil War Times Illustrated 37 (February): 66-68.

Mullen, Richard. 1999. Civil War Comes to Virginia. Contemporary Review 275 (September):

Schultz, Duane. 1998. The Dahlgren Affair: Terror and Conspiracy in the Civil War. New York:

W.W. Norton & Company.

Amounting to Crimes and Terrorism
Pages: 5 Words: 1878

In this case, another category should be defined where the act was intentional, and the long-term eventual outcome was to commit an act of war against the United States, but this effect was not a direct threat to national security. In this case these acts would still be classified as crimes.
In order to be classified as an act of terror, there must be an indication of purpose. The purpose must be a direct threat to national security; for example, flying planes into a building would be an act with a purpose to threat national security. Obtaining passports for those intending on flying planes into a building would also be considered to be an act of terror, because this act has a purpose, and is a direct contributor to the compromise of national security. However, committing forgery on papers to enter the United States would not be considered an act…...

Doll's House Is a Three-Act
Pages: 3 Words: 958

Linde: Come, come-
Nora: - that I have gone through nothing in this world of cares.

Mrs. Linde: But my dear Nora, you have just told me all your troubles.

Nora: Pooh! -- those were trifles (lowering her voice) I have not told you the important thing (20).

We see Torvald's side of the deception in Act Three after he learns of Nora's forgery and Krogstad's ability to expose her. The conversations Thorvald has had during the previous two Acts show us that he is really only attracted to Nora because of her beauty and the social status that will glean him in society. He notes, "From now on, forget happiness. Now it's just about saving the remains, the wreckage, the appearance," showing us that all he really cares about it he own social status and reputation, naught for Nora. Essentially, Nora's forgery is the epitome of their disenfranchised and deceitful marriage --…...



Ibsen, H. A Doll's House. Clayton, DE: Prestwick House, 2005.

Unwin, S. Ibsen's A Doll's House: Page to Stage Study Guide. London: Nick Hern Books,

Legal Remedies the First Issue
Pages: 5 Words: 1779

Furthermore, Jones will not be entitled to recover damages for mental distress in the amount of $1 Million. Damages for mental distress are generally not appropriate in the context of a contract dispute. Furthermore, damages for mental distress are generally limited to situations where the behavior of one party is extremely outrageous. Due to these limitations, absent information that would lead one to believe that Black engaged in behavior that was specifically intended to harass Jones, damages for mental distress are inappropriate in this case.

However, Jones is entitled to receive damages above and beyond his restitution interest and punitive damages. In general, a prevailing party is entitled to court costs and reasonable legal fees. Therefore, as the prevailing party, Jones is entitled to recover the amount of money he was forced to expend to pursue his remedies. However, Jones may not be entitled to recover the actual amount he has…...


Works Cited

Security Stove & Mfg. Co. v. American Ry. Express Co., 51 S.W. 2d 572 (Mo. Ct. App. 1932).

Sheridan v. Sheridan, 247 N.J. Super. 552, 589 A.2d 1067 (1990).

Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. v. Day, 594 P.2d 38 (Alaska 1979).

Vermont Women's Health Center v. Operation Rescue, 159 Vt. 141, 617 A.2d 411 (1989).

Controversy of Nina Wang's Death and Hong Kong's Receptivity of Feng Shui
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

Feng Shui in Hong Kong
Fengshui in Hong Kong was noted in the first book on the subject ever written for a Western audience, by E.J. Eitel in 1873. Eitel was a German missionary and inspector of the Hong Kong schools and reported a number of instances in which Western construction projects had angered the Chinese and provoked riots and disturbances because they had supposedly upset the gods and the spirits of the ancestors. A new road to the Happy Valley was being built and the "Chinese community was thrown into a state of abject terror and fright, on account of the disturbance this amputation of the Dragon's limb would cause to the Feng Shui of Hong Kong" (Bruun, 2003, 56). When Western engineers and workers began to die of fever and the new houses in the Happy Valley had to be abandoned because of malaria "the Chinese triumphantly declared it…...



Blackman, M. (2008). Asia Future Shock: Business Crisis and Opportunity in the Coming Years. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bruun, O. (2003). Fengshui in China: Geomantic Divination between State Orthodoxy and Popular Religion. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.

Burnham, S. (2011). The Art of Intuition: Cultivating Your Inner Wisdom. Penguin.

Donavan, D. (2002). "Wang's Legacy: Sex, Lies and Litigation.", November 22, 2002.

Positive Pay and Its Impact
Pages: 10 Words: 2759

The payee's endorsement is then forged and a criminal represents himself as the payee (Check fraud ("
In addition to the above methods of fraud, criminals often write checks on a close account and it takes time for the corporation receiving the check to find out that the account has been closed.

Criminals also open bank accounts using either fraudulent identification or by assuming the identity of others and commit fraud by depositing bogus checks. Criminals exploit the lag between the availability of funds provided by the depositary bank and the notification by the paying bank of the returned bogus check (Check fraud ("


With the advances current technology offers the ability for outsiders to commit check fraud continues to increase.

Along with the technological advances, decreasing costs and wide spread availability of these products have made even sophisticated tools affordable to obtain. Now almost anyone with…...



Overview of Positive Pay (accessed 2-1-07) 

Check fraud (accessed 2-1-07)

Clare of Assisi
Pages: 15 Words: 4723

Clare of Assisi
Saint Clare of Assisi was not a feminist in the modern sense, but then again no such ideas existed at all in the 13th Century. By all accounts, though, she was a formidable and powerful woman who was the first in history to found a religious order. In the society in which she was born, women were politically, socially and economically powerless, and quite literally the property of their fathers and husbands. This was a feudal, authoritarian and patriarchal society, and even aristocratic women like Clare and her friend St. Agnes of Prague were forced into arranged marriages by their fathers. Indeed, both Clare and Agnes defied their fathers when they insisted on entering religious life as followers of St. Francis of Assisi, and Clare's family disowned her. She was not a political rebel or revolutionary, but she did have a utopian vision of society that was radically…...



Anderson, C. Colt. The Great Catholic Reformers: From Gregory the Great to Dorothy Day. Paulist Press, 2007.

"The Blessing of Clare" (1253?) in Armstrong, Regis J. (Ed) The Lady Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. New City Press, 2006: 66-70.

"First Letter to Agnes of Prague" (1234) in Armstrong, Regis J. (Ed) The Lady Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. New City Press, 2006: 43-46.

"The Form of Life of Clare of Assisi" (1253) in Armstrong (Ed): 106-28.

About Controversial Science
Pages: 5 Words: 1676

Scientific Objectivity and Scientific Irascibility:
Melvin Harris' rhetoric on the perpetration of the fraud of the Maybrick Ink test

According to author Melvin Harris, one of the most infamous hoaxes ever perpetrated against the community of scientists, historians, and laypersons was that of the Maybrick 'Jack the Ripper' diaries. Jack the Ripper, the serial killer who terrorized prostitutes during the late Victorian Era, remains a great unsolved crime. The supporters of the so-called Maybrick diaries claimed to solve the Jack the Ripper murders by implicating convicted 19th century murderer John Maybrick. The diaries were 'discovered' during the late 20th century and a subsequent book by Shirley Harrison was published to support this claim that Maybrick was 'Jack.' However, Melvin Harris in his essay "The Maybrick Hoax: A fact-file for the perplexed," disputes the scientific evidence presented by the supporters of the Maybrick theory. Scientific tests of the diaries proved contradictory, and according…...


Works Cited

Harris, Melvin. "The Maybrick Hoax: A fact-file for the perplexed," 1997: 1-5.

Doll's House Henrik Ibsen's Play a Doll's
Pages: 12 Words: 3654

Doll's House
Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's Housemade him the father of modern literature. His writing showed tragedy and drama in a new and rather modern way. Prior to an analysis of the story at hand, it is only relevant that the plot and main characters are discussed in detail. This story does not revolve around a whole bunch of characters and is based on only a few days. The story starts off on A Christmas eve when Nora is in the living room and has just gotten back from a shopping trip. Nora is the protagonist of the play and is a wife and a mother. As soon as the play commences, the audience can tell about the rigid relationship between Nora and her husband, Torvald Helmer.

The conversation that the two are having shows that the couple and the family had to go through some tough times before. However, due…...


Works cited

Adams, Robert Martin. "Henrik Ibsen: The Fifty-First Anniversary." The Hudson Review, 10. 3 (1957): 415 -- 423. Print.

Fjelde, Rolf. Four major plays: Volume I. New York City: Signet Classic. 1992. Print.

Forward, Stephanie. "A New World for women? Stephanie Forward considers Nora's dramatic exit from Ibsen's A Doll's House." The English Review, 19. 4 (2009): Print.

Freedman, Morris. The moral impulse. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967. Print.

Psychology and Politics Example
Pages: 12 Words: 3758

strengthen mental discipline.
letter of Gratitude

(a) Lincoln's "higher purpose"

[b] What idea or insight in the full article would you recommend to others?

[a] what seems to be driving Stephen Glass? what are his life goals and aspirations?

[b] how do you think Glass would assess his own intelligence?

[c] Identify and discuss at least two strategies for deception Glass used.

[d] Did Glass leave what Greenspan called "a trail of casualties" in his wake?

[e] What advice would you give to editors about how to avoid hiring someone like Stephen Glass?

[a] Why should judges care if attorneys submit plagiarized legal briefs or motions?

[b] Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right?

[c] What distinction did the court make between these two cases?

[d] Do you think this kind of public shaming is too harsh?



[a] Identify a selection from each speech that you regard as the recipient's…...

Non Canonical Books Introduction Study
Pages: 7 Words: 2692

Christianity was in its infancy when the New Testament was created, and it would have been important to the leaders of the Christian community to inspire some level - even a lot - of fear of retribution for failing the community and their faith.
This is supported by Joseph Gaer (1952), whose book the Lore of the New Testament, provides the insight into the stories of the New Testament, and those stories are frightening to people whose change in direction from religious paganism, to a monotheistic following is relatively new. For instance, as concerns Judas Iscariot, the New Testament has Jesus casting Satan out of the demonically possessed Judas when they meet.

Satan took possession of the sick boy and, as he was accustomed to, the boy tried to bite the person nearest to him. But as soon as he touched Jesus, Satan jumped out of the possessed boy in the…...


Works Cited 

Dart, John. "Long-Lost Gospel of Judas to Be Published." The Christian Century 27 Dec. 2005: 12+. Questia. 23 Feb. 2008

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