Foreign Language Essays (Examples)

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Foreign Language Competence A Strategic
Pages: 2 Words: 637

The second part of the mixed methodology will consist of survey of a convenience sample of Libyan youths to determine what they feel is the most important foreign language for them to learn and how such instruction could best be accomplished within the existing Libyan public school infrastructure. This part of the mixed methodology is also highly congruent with a number of social researchers who emphasize the need to incorporate both secondary and primary research into such research projects whenever possible. For instance, Dennis and Harris (2002) report that, "Primary data are information that is being collected for the first time in order to address a specific research problem. This means that it is likely to be directly relevant to the research, unlike secondary data, which may be out of date or collected for a totally different purpose. Ideally, an effective research project should incorporate both primary and secondary…...



Dennis, Charles and Lisa Harris. 2002. Marketing the e-Business. London: Routledge.

Gratton, C., and Ian Jones. 2003. Research Methods for Sport Studies. New York: Routledge.

Libya. 2009. U.S. government: CIA World Factbook. [Online]. Available: .

Neuman, W.L. 2003. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 5th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Foreign Language as the Culture
Pages: 15 Words: 4565

For both teachers, however, Boxer and Cortes-Conde highlight moments where the teacher talk lends itself to greater student interaction. At these moments, the teachers often fostered group discussions by asking students about their own cultural norms. When teachers took on the role of information brokers, students resumed the role of passive learners. The authors argue that open dialogue is crucial to fostering pragmatic and sociocultural competence, and that teachers can create this open dialogue and a place of comfort and still encourage pragmatic awareness. (Hall & Verplaetse, 2000, p. 15)
Stressing among new and existing foreign language educators the importance of classroom interaction as well as cultural expression is essential, as the manner in which context is delivered, as apposed to content lectured upon creates foundational interest and potential independent motivation to learn. Curriculum, must be inclusive and collaborative to engender individual motivation, which is essential to foreign language learning,…...



Atanda, R. "Do Gatekeeper Courses Expand Education Options?" Education Statistics Quarterly 1:1 Retrieved October 10, 2007 at 

Belz, J.A. (2002). Social Dimensions of Telecollaborative Foreign Language Study. Language, Learning & Technology, 6(1), 60. Retrieved October 17, 2007, from Questia database: 

Christian, D., Pufahl, I., & Rhodes, N.C. (2005). Fostering Foreign Language Proficiency: What the U.S. Can Learn from Other Countries. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(3), 226.

Creswell, John (1997) Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing From Among Five Traditions. New York: Sage Pulications.

English as a Foreign Language in America
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Foreign Language Learning
In DeJong's Foundations for Multilingualism in Education, the idea that multilingualism should not be viewed as a specialty but rather treated as a norm is a good one, as Dutta indicates in his experience of growing up using various languages, believing them to be one entity not separate as they are viewed in the West (DeJong, 2011, p. 1). For instance, the UK's tendency to "teach" a separate language in one class but to ignore it in all other occasions does not help to support the actual learning or usage of that language. Yet schools still have a tendency to feel the need to label students and language learners as though they needed to be marked as special or different. It should be the norm for all to learn multiple languages especially at a younger age in order to develop skills and open doors for later careers. Too…...



DeJong, E. (2011). Foundations for Multilingualism in Education: from Principle to Practices. Caslon Publishing.

Samway, K and McKeon D. (2007). Myths and Realities: Best Practices for Language

Minority Students. Heinemann.

How Best to Learn a Foreign Language
Pages: 3 Words: 1155

Language Autobiography
What I know about language is that it is essential in life and in learning. We use it to communicate ideas, feelings, needs, and thoughts. Being social creatures, we use language to bond with people, to create bonds of affection, and to create pillars of support for each other and for society as a whole. Language is something that can unite people; but if it is not known, it can also isolate those who do not know it.

How I learned what I know about language has come from my experience as a learner. What I remember learning about learning my native language is a real reticence to actually begin speaking: I was 5 years old before I started actually speaking; I would listen to my two older brothers have conversations and from them I learned both English and Spanish. Since my family and friends mostly spoke in English over…...



Adichie, C. (2009). The danger of a single story. TED. Retrieved from 

Gottlieb, M. (2006). Assessing English language learners: Bridges from language proficiency to academic achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Levien, R. [mediathatmatters]. (2009, June 16). Immersion [Video file]. Retrieved from 

North Clackamas Schools. (2013). SIOP Components and Features. Retrieved from

Importance of Foreign Language Education in High School
Pages: 8 Words: 2711

Foreign Language Education in High School
The world has about 6,000 different languages, give or take a few. Linguists predict that at least half of those may have disappeared by the year 2050, which means languages are becoming extinct at twice the rate of endangered animals and four times the rate of endangered birds. Predictions are that a dozen languages may dominate the world of the future at best. (Ostler, 2002) For Americans, that's probably a good thing, since we are seemingly genetically engineered to maintain an appalling ignorance of other languages, and have narrowed down the choices we offer our young people to approximately one, Spanish, viewed by many to be the easiest foreign language to learn. It has been described in various places as having an 'impoverished vocabulary,' which means less work for Dick and Jane. The American education system so far is doing nothing to reverse the…...


Works Cited

Clark, Leon E. "Other-Wise: The case for understanding foreign cultures in a unipolar world." Social Education, Vol. 64, Issue 7, 2000.

Garrett, Nina. "Meeting national needs: the challenge to language learning in higher education.

Change, 1 May 2002

Gramberg, Anne-Katrin. "German for business and economics." The Clearing House, 1 July 2001.

Teaching Foreign Language to Infants
Pages: 10 Words: 2828

Many studies show that one should start foreign language studies as soon as possible, and the peak age of learning the second language is said to be on or before the child reaches the age of 10. After the baby is born, and eventually learned his/her native language, it now gradually starts having its full capacity to learn another or new language just by imitating and hearing his/her environment. The earlier he/she hears the accents and sound of another language, there is much more possibility that he/she will develop it. Added to this, if he/she is also given chance to be exposed in the language, and the opportunity to speak it, chances are that he/she will be able to speak it fluently. This way, the child would treat both the mother tongue and the foreign language equally (,2003).

One high school principal was quoted saying "A child has only one year…...


Works Cited

Baker, Colin. (1993).Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Bialystok, Ellen. (1991). Language Processing in Bilingual Children. Cambridge University Press.


Davis, Laura and Keyser, Janis. Parenting Experts: Bilingual Family Pros and Cons.

Chinese as a Foreign Language
Pages: 17 Words: 4930

The pogam pimaily suppots the local Chinese communities to maintain younge geneation's heitage backgound, and speading Chinese cultue in the U.S. The classes ae nomally held two to thee hous on weekends with Chinese language lessons and othe taditional cultual and at activities. Most students have high levels of oal poficiency in Chinese, but needed to enhance skills in liteacy. Chinese heitage schools ae mainly suppoted by two goups: the National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) which is founded by Taiwan o Hong Kong immigant and heitage communities, and the Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) that is connected with immigant and heitage communities fom mainland China. Accoding to Scott McGinnis's (2005) compiled statistics, the combined enollment of NCACLS and CSAUS was aound 150,000 in 2003. The numbe of students in the heitage schools is lage than in othe CFL pogams acoss the U.S.


references for the researchers and educators that may lead to some recommendations in developing a better learning environment in future foreign language education. The data collected from the surveys will be treated as confidential by me, and all the collected data will be anonymous. The data will be only applied directly to this study and not in other use, nor is it available for other parties. A letter of consent form will be sent to all participants to be aware to the purpose and the use of this study from the collected data. All collected data will be protected by the researcher during the study.


A survey developed by the researcher of this study includes two sections of questions which relate to the foreign language learning. The first part of the questions is based on the participants' background and their children's background relating to their cultural and language background. The second section includes questions about the reason of sending their child to CFL program; what level do they want their child to complete Chinese language learning, and what area do they want their child to apply the language. The participants choose from the options provided that applies to them the best. There are three open ended questions, allowing for free comments. (See appendix a).

Research design

The research is a qualitative research design that investigates the similarities and differences between parental motivations towards CFL learning between diverse ethnicities by using an online survey to explore the two essential questions in this research.

Error Correction in the Foreign Language Classroom
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Error correction in the foreign classroom has become an extensively researched, but also very contentious topic of conversation among experts, researchers, and teachers in the field. For some immediate form-based error correction is a vital part of learning in the classroom setting, while others believe that a more subtle way of dealing with errors in the classroom is more effective when helping students associate the new language with positive experiences. In the book, Error Correction in the Foreign Classroom: Reconsidering the Issues by Miroslaw Pawlak, the author considers the phenomenon of error correction, the often divergent opinions related to it, and ends by presenting findings and recommendations both for the classroom, policy, and research.
The book is structured around an introduction, four chapters that form the body of the work, and a conclusion that holds a summary of main points and offers some resulting insights. In the introduction, the author states…...

Jonothan Swift Foreign Language Competence
Pages: 5 Words: 1482

He suggests that investment in a certain relationship before that relationship occurs, providing that the customer does eventually bring more revenue than costs to the company, is warranted. In order to shed more light on this situation, Blolos decided to determine "if and how the costs of managing existing and potential relationships are assessed" (92). Interviewing managers in 20 firms in four countries, the author found that the managers had difficulty grasping a definition for "relationship marketing," although they were aware of the concept of theory. They also had "cynical" views of relationships with other firms, although they identified relationship marketing as a positive practice. Further, Blols found that "a measurement problem exits," meaning it was difficult for managers to find a way to determine which relationships with which clients were worth pursuing (98). Although managers tended to believe that they had formed successful relationships, they could not measure…...

Arabic Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language
Pages: 5 Words: 1420

Teaching and Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language1- What is your understanding of the situation of Arabic language teaching in the United States in terms of demand & growth?In the United States, there is a strong case that Arabic teaching is gaining traction and maturing as a vocation. Arabic classes in colleges and universities showed a staggering 92.5 percent increase in enrollment from 5,505 in 1998 to 10,584 in 2002 (Al-Batal & Belnap, 2006; yding, 2006). In 2016, enrollment in Arabic classes increased by 51.5% (Looney & Lusin, 2019). According to the Modern Language Association (MLA), the number of American students enrolling in Arabic programs is likely to rise for various reasons, including the United States direct military involvement in the Middle East. Many institutions have expanded or introduced full-fledged Arabic programs to their curricula, and several universities have developed new summer programs in the Arab world. Therefore, based on…...


ReferencesAl-Batal, M., & Belnap, R. K. (2006). The teaching and learning of Arabic in the United States: Realities, needs, and future directions. Handbook for Arabic language teaching professionals, 389-399.Day, R., & Bamford, J. (2002). Top ten principles for teaching extensive reading. Center for Language & Technology.Ferguson, C. A. (1959). Diglossia. Word, 15(2), 325-340.Goh, C. C. (2000). A cognitive perspective on language learners’ listening comprehension problems. System, 28(1), 55-75.Krashen, S. D. (1991). Bilingual education: A focus on current research. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, Washington DC.Looney, D., & Lusin, N. (2019, June). Enrollments in languages other than English in United States institutions of higher education, Summer 2016 and Fall 2016. In Modern language association. Modern Language Association. 26 Broadway 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10004-1789.Oakhill, J., Cain, K., & Elbro, C. (2014). Understanding and teaching reading comprehension: A handbook. Routledge.Ryding, K. C. (2006). Teaching Arabic in the United States. Handbook for Arabic language teaching professionals in the 21st century, 13-20.Ryding, K. C., & Allen, R. (2013). Teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language: A guide for teachers. Georgetown University Press.Yousaf, M., Umar, H., & Habib, A. (2017). Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Role of Grammar and Teachers’ Beliefs. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 5(1), 116.

Language Teaching and Learning Methods
Pages: 10 Words: 3071

Further, it is in this stage that instructors have the ability to widen the instruction significantly to incorporate many activities that allow students to practice their new knowledge in a variety of different ways and with focus on a variety of different subject matters.
In viewing the basic theoretical and practical-use background of the Natural Approach of Language Teaching and Learning, one can understand that basic functions that allow students the ability to hone new skills in a non-threatening environment. However, despite significant praise in the teaching community regarding the success of the Natural Approach, the method's critics still exist. Due to this, it is crucial to understand the advantages as well as the disadvantages that exist when the Natural Approach is employed in a language learning environment, especially in dealing with English as a second language.

Advantages and Disadvantages

In beginning to understand the overall value of the Natural Approach, one…...


Works Cited

Canale, Michael and Swain, Merrill. 2002. "Theoretical Basis of Communicative

Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing," Applied Linguistics: 1(1): pp. 1-47. Retrieved from: / CanaleSwain.80.pdf [Accessed on 17 February 2012].

Clandfield, Lindsay and Meldrum, Nicola. 2012. "One-to-one methodology: advantages and disadvantages for students." Retrieved from: .com/business/teaching-approaches/teaching-one-to-one/methodology/one-to-one-methodology-advantages-and-disadvantages-for-students/144655.article [Accessed on 19 February 2012].http://www.onestopenglish

Gebhard, J., Gaitan, S. And Oprandy, R. 1990. "Beyond Prescription: The Student

Language Is the Perfect Instrument
Pages: 14 Words: 4854

Consider the fact that the Iroquois are said not to have had a strong word for the singular "I," and that they subsequently developed what was arguably the longest lasting communal representative democracy the world has ever known. The Inuit, whose culture revolves around the arctic world, have dozens of words for snow - this sort of technical knowledge allows quick and accurate transmission of conditions and training in survival.
In Western terms, one remembers that Jesus Christ was said to be "The Word," yet in the original Greek this indicates not only a spoken word but also the Logos - the root term for intellectual reason, for Meaning within context (be that the context of a sentence, a life, a history, or a universe); logos was rational order. The difference between saying that a religious figure is the Word (which at its most profound seem to indicate a kind…...



Atkins, J.D.C. (1887). Report of the commissioner of Indian affairs. House Exec. Doc. No. 1, Pt. 5, 50th Cong., 1st Sess. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Boston Language Institute. "TEFL FAQ 

Ethnologue. "English 

Macha, Freddy. "Tanzanian Independence Day Abroad.

Language and Literacy Every Workplace Without Exception
Pages: 5 Words: 1463

Language and Literacy
Every workplace without exception relies on language as a primary means of communication. Therefore, all types of literacy are required in order for an organization to function properly. The different types of literacy range from multicultural awareness to written language to public speaking. For the purposes of this project, I examined and analyzed several different workplace environments for their usage of language and their different literacy demands. My personal workplace environment is a high-stress, hustle-and-bustle office. Phones are ringing constantly throughout the day, memos are being circulated on a near-daily basis, and most employees need to be familiar with company literature including quarterly financial reports. In addition to the rigors of interpersonal communication, which entails informal as well as formal conversations, we deal with inter-office communications with those who work at remote office locations, with offices located abroad, with clients, and with various others with which we do…...

Language Teaching and Learning in
Pages: 5 Words: 1321

As an analytic method it varies from the syntactic syllabus in simliar way as the practical and procedure syllabi, particularly in the supposition that the learner learns best when using language to converse about something. TBLT also is different from the two other logical curricula in a lot of ways. It differs from the procedural syllabus in that it stresses the importance of carrying out a needs analysis prior to instruction.

Identifying likely bases of task complexity certainly is an essential precondition for making ethical choices regarding the grading and sequencing of functions, upon which many of the worth of the TBLT will rest. Grading and sequencing of pedagogic errands is certainly a chief test for the task-based syllabus creators.

Principles and features of task-based language teaching.

Prabhu's observations, stated at the beginning of the project, guide to the first belief of task-based interaction that "language is a basically just a meaning system"…...


Works Cited

Alex, J., 2001. Recognizing Task Designs. Journal of Education, 2(5), pp. 23-34.

Breen, M., 2004. Process syllabus for the language classroom.. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Breen, M., 2005. Learner contributions to task design.. Chicago: Penguin.

Candlin, C.N., 1984. Syllabus design as a critical process, ELT Documents. Cambridge: Pergamon & the British Council.

Language and Literacy Lesion Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2798

Progression and Foundation of Language

Learning of primary language complements skills development; this includes learning about language, as well as learning other subjects in the school curriculum via language. Language learning facilitates general literary skills and allows children to revert to, and strengthen skills and concepts studied through their first language (The National Strategies Primary, 2009).

Curriculum is enriched by language learning. Teachers as well as children find it fun and challenging, and display enthusiasm towards language; this leads to creation of interested learners and the development of positive attitudes towards learning languages, all throughout one's life. A natural link exists between language and other curricular areas, and this enriches the overall teaching-learning experience. Proficiencies, understanding, and information learned through language contribute greatly to literacy and oracy development in children, as well as to better understanding of one's own and others' cultures. Language is also integral to community and individual identity. Learning…...



(n.d.). Anticipatory Set/Hook. Weebly. Retrieved from: 

(2013). Arizona Early Learning Standards. Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved from: 

(n.d.). Developing Lessons with Technology. Retrieved from: 

Huppenthal, J., Stollar, J., & Hrabluk, K. (n.d.). Arizona State Literacy Plan. Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved from: .

Need some topics for mixed method research in social sciences?
Words: 374

The social sciences refer to any academic discipline that deals with human behavior.  The fields that generally fall under this rubric include economics, anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, historiography, as well as certain types of culture-specific studies.  Mixed method research refers to a research methodology that mixes traditional quantitative and qualitative research designs and discussing both types of evidence or data while considering the takeaways or conclusions of the research. 

Some topics for mixed method research in social sciences are:

  1. Does the inclusion of minority police officers in a police force reduce the incidence of police brutality....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

How can changing perceptions of disability combat inequality and stigma in society?
Words: 2365

### Conclusion: Societal attitudes toward disability play a significant role in perpetuating discrimination and inequality for individuals with disabilities. These negative attitudes often stem from misconceptions, stereotypes, and a lack of understanding about what it means to live with a disability. As a result, people with disabilities face barriers in accessing education, employment, healthcare, and other essential services, ultimately leading to social exclusion and marginalization. However, by examining and challenging these ingrained attitudes and beliefs, we can create a more inclusive society. This research provides a comprehensive approach to exploring how societal attitudes toward disability contribute to discrimination through an intersectional....

I\'m interested in debating arabic teaching and learning a foreign language. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 262

1. The use of traditional methods vs. technology in teaching Arabic as a foreign language
2. The importance of mastering grammar rules vs. focusing on communication skills in Arabic language learning
3. The role of immersion programs vs. classroom-based instruction in acquiring fluency in Arabic
4. The effectiveness of standardized tests in assessing Arabic language proficiency vs. alternative assessment methods
5. The impact of cultural relevance in Arabic language learning vs. a strictly linguistic approach
6. The benefits of learning Arabic for non-Arabic speakers vs. the challenges and barriers to learning the language.
7. The debate over the role of dialects in Arabic language learning -....

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