Food Pyramid Essays (Examples)

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Food Pyramid the Triangle Printed
Pages: 2 Words: 698

The California Dairy Council explains that the pyramid released in 1992, was largely governed by scientific research of the time -- that carbohydrates were good and fats were bad. ecently, however, science is delineating the effects of different types off fat and carbohydrates. This organization is pleased with the results of the changed pyramid, which stresses individual needs. Unlike Harvard, it emphasizes the importance of diets rich in milk products "that can lower the risk of low bone mass, lower blood pressure, are associated with overall diet quality and adequacy of intake of many nutrients."

The debate will continue, as Willet and Stampfer (2003) note: "More research is needed to examine the role of dairy products, the health effects of specific fruits and vegetables, the risks and benefits of vitamin supplements, and the long-term effects of diet during childhood and early adult life." Just as important, is to ensure that nutritional…...



Abboud L.(August 8, 2003) Expect a food fight as U.S. sets to revise diet guidelines. Wall Street Journal: B1

Coulston, a. (2004) Dietary Guidelines. What's Changing? What's Not? Health Connections. Dairy Council of California. 1(4), 1-3 Website retrieved October 4, 2007. 

Harvard School of Public Health. Food Pyramids. What Should You Really Eat? Website retrieved October 4, 2007. 

Mabrey, V. (September 27, 2007) Carbohydrates make you fat and perhaps sick.

Nutrition the Familiar Food Pyramid
Pages: 5 Words: 1818


The Harvard School of Public Health commented that the new food pyramid was not the best diet in addressing and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, based on its own study (Gannet 2003). The study involved the ideal diet of 100,000 men and women as consisting of whole grains and vegetables and emphasizing fish and poultry over beef and pork but allowing moderate alcohol and fat. Its findings showed that there was a 20% risk of developing chronic diseases among men and 11% among women if they followed the revised pyramid.

ased on these findings, Chairman Willett of Harvard's School of Public Health sadly commented that the U.S. dietary pyramid missed the opportunity of improving the health of American (Gannet). The hard evidence obtained in testing 100,000 men and women on the ideal or best diet indicates that the new food pyramid is not likely to curb obesity in the country…...



Dairy Field. Keeping in Shape. Stagnito Publishing, September 2004. 

Food and Drink Weekly New Government Food Guidelines to Emphasize Behavioral Change. Sparks Companies, Inc., September 2003. 

Gannet News Service. Shaping Up the Food Pyramid. Chicago Sun Times, January 2003. 

Gersema, Emily. Age, Other Factors to Weigh in on Food Guide Pyramid. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Journal Sentinel, Inc., September 2003.

Better Nutrition Through the Food Pyramid
Pages: 1 Words: 338

Vegetables (Unlimited, minimum 4 servings a day): Broccoli, spinac, carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, kale, tomatoes, spagetti squas

Fruits (Unlimited, minimum 3 servings): Strawberries, apples, grapes, plums, oranges, blueberries, bananas, avocado

Carboydrates (4-8 servings): oatmeal, wole weat bread, wole weat pasta, bran cereal, wole weat waffles and pancakes, quinoa, brown rice, wite potatoes

Proteins/Dairy (3-7 servings): Salmon, Greek yogurt, eggs, cicken, turkey, milk, ceese, beans

Fats (3-5 servings): Walnuts, almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, natural peanut butter, almond butter, butter, cream

Sweets (no more tan 75 calories): Dark cocolate, oney, dried fruits, cocolate milk, granola bars, agave, coconut sugar, real maple syrup

"You sall not seete a kid in is moter's milk." (Exodus 23:19)

Tis Biblical verse is often read to mean tat people sould not mix meat and dairy in te same meal. I believe tat tis is not necessarily te only interpretation of te passage and tere is noting inerently…...

Food Intake Analysis Food Inake Analysis Who
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Food Intake Analysis
Food Inake Analysis

Who does not want to be healthy? However, to achieve such an admirable goal, it will require diligence, motivation, and consistency. To many, this is quite a daunting task that is met with much resistance because of the level of commitment and consistency that it requires. Insomuch, with all the various types of fast foods available and society's life style, the challenge to reach and to maintain an ideal rate seems impossible. According to the Center for Disease Control (2012), the U.S. obesity rate at 35.7%; this demonstrates a significant increase since the 1990s. Since I am concern about my health and refuse to become a statistic, I will analyze my food intake for three days.

ecorded Intake

Below is my recorded 3-day food intake. Based on the data, several adjustments will should be made to reach the recommended dietary reference intake (USDA, 2012). According to My Fitness…...



Build a Heathy Body (n.d.). Let the pyramid guide your food choices.

Retrieved from 

Center for Disease Control -- CDC. (2012). Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from 

MyFitnessPal. (2012). Charts and reports. Retrieved from

New Food Guide Pyramid Everyone
Pages: 4 Words: 982

For that reason, I was looking for alternatives and it was good to see that government has included protein-rich peanut butte as one of the alternatives to meat.
The pyramid has been approved by many but also criticized by some. Though the basic structure is one that nutritionists wouldn't be arguing about but critique has focused on category classifications. In the bread category for example, why haven't the whole grain and high fiber been stressed? White bread is not the same as whole grain bread and since Pyramid was all about healthy eating, it should have mentioned whole grain bread instead of just any kind of bread.

Similarly some people wonder where do most food fall. If you go for apple pie for example, would that be classified as sweet dessert or fruit since it contains apples. People are also uncertain about portion sizes and what size is recommended for which…...



New Food Guide Pyramid.

Literacy Pyramid Beverly J Bruneau's
Pages: 2 Words: 630

While this idea might work very well for most students, there are always students that do not do well with standard instruction and these students are going to need a different type of instructional attitude so that they can succeed. Of course, this does not mean that everything should be changed based on just one or two students in a classroom, but only that the literacy pyramid might not work as well as expected on a broad scale for each and every student.
Students today appear to have more needs than students in the past did, or perhaps it is simply that they are making their needs known more easily or that teachers and others that work in the education profession are becoming more aware of what the students really need from the instruction and interaction that they receive. This is important for both the students and the teachers, because…...

Nutritional Analysis Food Analysis Week
Pages: 5 Words: 2139

However, fruit juices, consumed in moderation, can be a healthy addition to a diet, as long as they are not consumed in lieu of actually eating any whole fruits.

My nutritional analysis revealed that I am not eating a balanced diet. I am consuming too much protein and too little fiber, issues that plague the diets of many Americans. To remedy these problems, I need to increase my intake of fruits, vegetables, and grain products, while reducing my intake of meat products. In addition, because my intake of milk products was also low, I need to look at how to increase my milk intake without increasing protein intake.

Here is the food displayed for jjohn90 on 9/10/2008

Select your serving sizes and specify how many servings you consumed for each. When you are done, click Save & Analyze to save your food entry information and to analyze your food intake. If you…...

Moche Food Most of the
Pages: 11 Words: 4718

For example, the possibility exists that one site was a specialized food production area; it remains unknown if the occupants were farmers, herders or involved in a variety of activities. Similarly, another site may be a specialized elite compound. Evidence of food processing in rooms located at the bottom of the mound and storage jars in the center of the building, indicate that the elite may have fulfilled more than one function or specific individuals had access to certain areas of the building for food processing.
In addition, the elite and farmers were dependant on each other. The theory is if one of these sites produced food daily for the other, elites most likely had the means to ensure that food supplies were provided. Thus, it can be supposed, notes Dionne (2002) that the elite power was based on a redistribution system and exchanged services or resources against food. That…...



Barth, Fredrik

1969 Introduction. In Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, edited by Fredrik Barth, pp. 9-38. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.

Bawden, Garth

1996 the Moche. Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority Study
Pages: 8 Words: 3511

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority study in ethnic cuisine and culture, marginalization and commercialization, and the paradox of exoticism.
The anthropological theme studied for this work was that of the ethnic compromises and paradoxes inherent in creating a "Chinese" restaurant in America, for Americans. In every English speaking country from England to Canada, Chinese food is a huge business. For many immigrants it is one of the only businesses ready and willing to take them in. Most Chinese restaurants strive to present themselves as cultural representations where the American connoisseur can have a legitimate cross-cultural experience. The more I researched the actual traditions of Chinese and Asian cuisine and the way in which Western prejudices and expectations shape the presentation of this experience, the more it became apparent that --like so many other cultural phenomena-- the cultural relevance of the Chinese-food experience is far from untainted. Repeated immersion at several…...



About, Inc. "Eating Patterns: You call this Progress?" What You Need To Know About.

2003. Accessed at

Hung-Youn, Cho. "Traditional Way of Life in East Asia." Korea Focus Vol.9 No.1. 2000.

Acessed at

Mayo Healthy Pyramid
Pages: 2 Words: 503

ecord the suggested serving numbers to give quantitative values to the categories you will build your diet around.

The diet will be built around eating more fruits and vegetables in comparison to other categories. The most notable include: carbohydrates, fast, dairy / proteins and sweets. At the same time, it is imperative to engage in some form of daily exercise lasting from 30 to 60 minutes. The different serving sizes are: unlimited amounts of fruits / vegetables, 4 to 8 servings of carbohydrates, 3 to 7 servings of protein / dairy, 3 to 5 servings of fat and under 75 calories of sweets. ("Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid," 2014)

In Blackboard in your assignment text box, list the pyramid categories in this order: Vegetables, Fruits, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Sweets (also listing your serving numbers beside each category).

Vegetables: unlimited with a minimum of 4 servings daily.

Fruits: unlimited with a minimum of…...



Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. (2014). Mayo Retrieved from: 

Holly Bible New International Version. (2007). Lebanon, TN: The Gideon's.

Nursing Responses Maslow's Pyramid
Pages: 3 Words: 787

According to the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), "accreditation is a nongovernmental process conducted by representatives of postsecondary institutions and professional groups. As conducted in the United States, accreditation focuses on the quality of institutions of higher and professional education and on the quality of educational programs within institutions" (Standards of accreditation for post-baccalaureate nurse residency programs, 2008, CCNE). Accreditation is a source of objective evidence from an outside entity that a program meets certain quality and content standards. This is essential for both students and patients. Students make a considerable financial and time investment in their education and need to expect that they can emerge with real skills as well as a diploma upon graduation. They do not have to tools to vet a program before they are accepted. Patients have a right to expect that the nurses who oversee them graduated from high-quality programs. Accreditation serves the…...



Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (2014). R.N. Retrieved from: 

Q4. "The strongest predictor of nurse job dissatisfaction and intent to leave a job is stress in the practice environment" (Paris & Tehaar 2011). Not only is Maslow's hierarchy of needs extremely useful for nurses to better understand their patients: it is also useful for nurses to better understand themselves. Burnout is very common in the nursing profession because nurses do not attend to their own, personal needs. The nurse must recognize that she has physiological and safety needs that must be addressed before accessing the higher needs of social and personal fulfillment on the hierarchy. It is vital that nurses engage in appropriate self-care, ensuring that they get adequate enough healthy food and sleep to be able to treat their patients in a compassionate manner. It is also important that healthcare organizations address the human needs of nurses and do not ignore the need for nurses to take care of their mental and physical health.


Inverted Pyramid Approach for the Research Beginning
Pages: 5 Words: 1494

inverted pyramid approach for the research, beginning with broad concepts and general themes and increasingly focusing on how rubbish is being used to generate value and reduce the need for new raw materials in commercial societies. The general outline used to collect the relevant data for the essay is as follows:
This section was used to provide an overview of the topic under consideration and provide the reader with an idea concerning what would follow.

This section was used to deliver a review of the relevant literature following the inverted pyramid approach described above.

Finally, this section was used to summarize the research and provide a recapitulation of important findings that emerged from the relevant literature.

The Value of ubbish in a Consumer Society


The adage that "one man's trash is another man's treasure" has never been more relevant than today. Around the world, developed and emerging nations alike are identifying valuable applications for…...



Curlee, T.R., Schexnayder, S.M., Vogt, D.P., Wolfe, A.K., Kelsay, M.P. & Feldman, D.L.

(1999). Waste-to-energy in the United States: A social and economic assessment.

Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

George, R.M. (1998). Burning down the house: Recycling domesticity. Boulder, CO: Westview

Functional Foods Refer to the
Pages: 9 Words: 2988

18). In this manner, the public and private sectors can ascertain that via reflection and debate, the appropriate issues are addressed, the product is truly what it is with no erroneous and misleading claims attached, and that consultation will be implemented in a manner equitable to all. This was the way, for instance that Pollard et al. (2001) and Roos et al. (2002) implemented food and nutrition policy schemes at the local, state, and national levels, for instance, in the case of Pollard et al. (2001), in child care centers.
Questions that involved in policy evaluation include:

Have the stated goals and performance indicators of the policy been achieved -- for instance, is corruption impeded and all foods truly styled for what they are including their potential negatives?

Are there changes in the area that the policy was supposed to be influencing?

Has the policy really caused the claimed change or are other factors…...



Alma Ata Declaration of Health for All (1978) ,

Bridgeman, P., & Davis, G. (2002). A policy cycle. In the Australian policy handbook (pp. 23-33). Canberra: AGPS.

Busch, L. (2002). The homiletics of risk. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 15, 17-29.

Cummins, S., & Macintyre, S. (2002). "Food deserts" -- evidence and assumption in health policy making. British Medical Journal, 325, 436-438.

Learning Theories and Pyramid
Pages: 5 Words: 1785

Maslow's Hierarchy
The below triangle and framework has been in place since the 1940's. It was first put forth in 1943 and was later updated, also by Maslow, a little over a decade later in 1954. The triangle or pyramid is constructed in such a way that the more "basic" and major needs are lower down the chain and the lesser but yet still worthy of mention needs are higher up. Indeed, basic needs, like the first two levels mentioned, are going to go get the most attention from any given person. However, the needs that are higher up the pyramid will get attention as well. The idea is that, to one degree or another, all of the needs on the pyramid influence our motivation or actions to one degree or another.


There are five different needs when it comes to the Maslow hierarchy. They are depicted in picture form via a…...



BBC. (2017). Abraham Maslow and the pyramid that beguiled business - BBC News. BBC News. Retrieved 2 April 2017, from 

CM. (2017). Maslow's Hierarchy. Retrieved 2 April 2017, from 

EPI. (2017). Educational Psychology Interactive: Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Retrieved 2 April 2017, from 

LT. (2017). MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS. Retrieved 2 April 2017, from

Baby Food Preferences Among Ethiopian Consumers
Pages: 25 Words: 6884

Consume Behavio: Puchasing Local Baby Food vs. Impoted Baby Food in Ethiopia
Liteatue Review Desciption

A systematic eview of the liteatue is povided in this chapte in ode to develop infomed and timely answes to the study's guiding eseach questions and to confim o efute its guiding hypothesis. In this egad, Faenkel and Wallen (2001, p. 48) advise that, "Reseaches find out what has aleady been witten about the topic they ae inteested in [by] investigating the opinions of expets in the field and othe eseach studies. Such eading is efeed to as a eview of the liteatue." Likewise, Gatton and Jones (2003) epot that a well-conducted eview of the liteatue epesents an essential pat of vitually any type of scholaly eseach poject today. Fo example, Gatton and Jones (2003, p. 51) note that, "No matte how oiginal you think the eseach question may be, it is almost cetain that you wok…...


references for foreign and domestic products." Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 151-162.

Kucukemiroglu, O. (1997, March). "Market segmentation by using consumer lifestyle dimensions and ethnocentrism: An empirical study." European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 5-6, pp. 470-491.

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). Business Dictionary. [online] available: 

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). [online] available: .

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). Merriam-Webster. [online] available: .

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