Food Labeling Essays (Examples)

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Food Labeling Mandatory Food Labeling
Pages: 4 Words: 1422

The specifications about label placement were "to reduce consumer confusion about food labels, to aid them in making healthy food choices" and the act as a whole was supposed to encourage manufactures to engage in healthy product innovation by giving manufacturers an incentive to improve the quality of the food and make more healthy food choices available (ilkening 1993:1).
However, no label can be comprehensive and the 1993 legislation reflects the stress upon low-fat dieting for good health. Of the 14 mandatory nutrients required on labels "the order in which they must be listed" were as follows: "calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, vitamin a, vitamin C, calcium and iron" (ilkening, 1993:2). The requirement to list B. vitamins was eliminated as it was deemed deficiencies of B. vitamins was not a public health problem in the United States and it…...


Works Cited

Guide to Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) Requirements." (Aug 1994).

FDA. Editorial Changes Feb 1995. Retrieved 18 Mar 2007 at 

How to Read USDA Organic Labels." (2007) Organic Trade Association. 

Law, Marc. (12 Oct 2004) "History of Food and Drug Regulation in the United States."

Health Criteria One Food Labeling Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 1830

Criteria One

Food labeling is a critical component to freedom of information, and should be promoted robustly in Australia. The currently existing Percentage Daily Intake food labeling system is part of the Australian Health Department's overall strategy towards increasing consumer awareness about nutrition. Of course, not all of our foods are labeled. Food made and packaged on premises such as what is available at a local bakery, need not be labeled according to law. Similarly, deli products, fruits, vegetables, unpackaged foods, and foods sold for delivery are not required to carry labels ("Food Labeling" n.d.). In the case of products that are not labeled, consumers are strongly encouraged to use common sense and rely on a prior understanding of nutritional values, health, and food safety. For example, one of the functions of labeling is to alert the customer to use-by dates. When a customer purchases a loaf of bread from a…...



Booth, D.A. & Shepherd, R. (2007). Sensory influences on food acceptance: -- the neglected approach to nutrition promotion. Nutrition Bulletin 13(1):39-54.

Brug, J., Campbell, M. & van Assema, P. (1999). The application and impact of computer-generated personalized nutrition education: A review of the literature. Patient Education and Counseling 36(2): 145-156.

Coitinho, D., Montiero, C.A. & Popkin, B.M. (2002). What Brazil is doing to promote healthy diets and active lifestyles. Public Health Nutrition 5: 263-267.

Contento, I., Balch, G.I., Bronner, Y.L., Lytle, L.A. Maloney, S.K., Olson, C.M. & Swadenner, S.S. (1995). The effectiveness of nutrition education and implications for nutrition education policy, programs, and research: a review of research. Journal of Nutrition Education 27(6): 2.

Food Choices in Australia Today Consumers in
Pages: 4 Words: 1327

Food Choices in Australia Today
Consumers in many developed nations are experiencing a veritable epidemic of obesity, a trend that has been exacerbated both by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle as well as the types of foods that are consumed. Fast food and high fat content have also contributed to these trends, and the healthcare costs associated with treating obesity are enormous. Furthermore, unhealthy food choices during the formative years in early childhood can also result in a lifetime of weight-related problems, making the need to identify factors that influence food choices in a given setting a timely and important enterprise. To this end, this paper provides a discussion concerning three of the most important factors that have been identified by researchers as potentially influencing food choices in Australia households, which are food availability, individual preferences for flavor and taste and, increasingly, the environmentally responsible manner in which foods are produced.…...



Bellisle, F. (2012, January 3). The determinants of food choice. EUFIC Review. Retrieved from .

Craig, L. (2005). The money or the care. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 40(4), 521-523.

Introduction. Contributors: Emma Costantino - author, Sian Supski - author. Journal Title: Journal of Australian Studies. Issue: 87. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 1+.

Grainger, C., Senauer, B. & Runge, C.F. (2007). Nutritional improvements and student food choices in a school lunch program. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(2), 265-267.

Food Safety
Pages: 9 Words: 2440

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Globalization on Food Safety: Opportunities and Challenges:
    Explore how globalization has affected food production and distribution, bringing diverse food choices to consumers worldwide but also introducing complex food safety concerns. Delve into the challenges posed by longer supply chains, variations in safety standards across different countries, and the increased risk of large-scale foodborne illness outbreaks.

2. The Role of Technology in Enhancing Food Safety:
    Examine the technological advancements that are helping to ensure our food's safety from farm to table. Discuss innovations such as blockchain for traceability, AI for contamination detection, and improvements in food preservation techniques, analyzing how these developments contribute to preventing foodborne diseases and ensuring consumer confidence.

3. Food Safety Regulations: A Comparison Between Developed and Developing Countries:
    Compare and contrast the food safety regulatory frameworks of developed countries with those of developing nations. Highlight how disparities in economic resources, infrastructure, and regulatory enforcement impact the…...


Primary Sources

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. \"Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).\" U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2017. Web.

World Health Organization. \"Five Keys to Safer Food Manual.\" World Health Organization, 2006. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \"Surveillance for Foodborne Disease Outbreaks United States, 2017: Annual Report.\" CDC, 2019. Web.

Food Safety and Inspection Service. \"Pathogen Reduction: HACCP and the Poultry Slaughter Rule.\" United States Department of Agriculture, 2015. Web.

Jongen, W. \"Improving the Safety of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.\" Food & Agriculture Org., 2005. Web.

Food Response There Are Many Different Perceptions
Pages: 3 Words: 924


There are many different perceptions that people have towards their food. On one end of the spectrum "people live to eat" and they place a high value on the quality, taste, presentation, and the environmental factors that enhance or detract from their experience of their favorite meals. However, people on the other side of the spectrum, take more of an "eat to live" approach to their personal nutrition. People in this camp are focused more on the quantity, convenience, and potentially some of the health consequences of their meals. In my opinion, these two perspectives represent the poles of the spectrum in which there may be a variety of points that exist in between these two extremes. One article written by David Sedaris, "Tasteless," exemplifies something I believe is close to one end of the spectrum while another article written by Anthony Bourdain, "Food is Good," is in close proximity…...


Works Cited

Bourdain, A. (N.d.). Food Is Good. Retrieved from The New Yorker.

Sedaris, D. (2007, September 3). Tasteless. Retrieved from The New Yorker:

Food Prices Heading Towards a Future of
Pages: 5 Words: 1299

Food Prices
Heading Towards a Future of Food Insecurity

We have all had the experience of going to the grocery store, picking up a box of cereal or a bunch of bananas, and finding ourselves surprised, or even shocked, at how much more it costs than it had just a week before. Most of us, after that initial surprise, will chalk that rise in prices down to inflation and either put the item back or sigh and put it into our cart, thinking that such increases in price are a natural part of life due to inflation.

However, there are a number of other reasons why food prices rise, and one in particular ensures that the prices for basic foodstuffs will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. This paper examines how the price of food will continue to rise in tandem with the rate and degree of climate change. This relationship is…...



Peters, G. (2011). A Look Behind Rising Food Prices: Population Growth; Rising Oil Prices; Weather Events. Retrieved from .

The Telegraph (2012). Extreme weather will push food prices higher, consumers warned. Retrieved from .

The following graph documents recent increases in food costs, a relationship that necessarily reflects a range of causes but reflects as the primary cause the effects of climate change:

downgraded for use only as animal food. Historic flooding in Pakistan damaged grain crops there as well. Right now severe drought is threatening the wheat crop in parts of China.

Food and Drug Law in
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

S. Food and Drug Administration, because they were in wide use before the 1938 Act (grandfathered in, as it were). (Dunn 1938)
The problem was that Act contained a definition for a "new drug" (one in need of prior approval to market), as any drug "the composition of which is such that such drug is not generally recognized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs, as safe and effective for use under the conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling." FDCA § 201(p) (1). The manufacturers set out to establish then, that anything GRAS/GRAE therefore was not a new drug, and needed no FDA blessing.

Many medicines are ancient, and the active ingredients of many drugs on were first introduced before 1938. To make matters worse, between 1938 and 1962, the FDA considered drugs that were identical, related, or similar (IRS) to…...

Food Policy What Are the
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Identify and analyze the role/s of various key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation. The roles of key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation all revolve around their own objectives. The "actors" in policymaking can be divided into five distinct categories: elected officials, appointed officials, interest groups, research organizations, and the mass media (Finders University, 2010; 35).

Non-government organizations (NGO) play a big role in the propagation of interest in food policy (Finders University, 2010; 36). NGOs can being many different types of people together for a cause (such as the case in Lang's (1997) article). The coming together of middle-income individuals, politicians, scientists, activists -- among other groups -- "helped to set the scene for public vigilance regarding the actions of government and food industry" (2010; 36).

When it comes to problems in policies, the media is a major factor. The media is incredibly adept at sensationalizing issues and…...



Flinders University. (2010). Graduate Studies in Public Health. "Food Policy for Public

Health Practice." Guide To Learning.

Klijn, E. (1996). Analyzing and Managing Policy Processes in Complex Networks: A

Theoretical Examination of the Concept Policy Network and Its Problems.

Gmos Should Labeling Be Required
Pages: 5 Words: 1589

GMO producers also feel that this would give consumers the impression that GMOs are unhealthy or unsafe and that non-GMO crops are preferred (aab & Grobe, 2003).
Valid scientific evidence is lacking as to whether GMOs are healthy or unhealthy in the long run. However, support is building for the position that regardless of the outcome, consumers have the right to know and to make an informed decision. Producers in the U.S. have placed pressure on Europe to withdraw their requirements for the labeling of GMO foods, as they claim that this attitude towards GMO foods will influence decisions in the U.S. (aab & Grobe, 2003). However, so far, these challenges have been met with resistance and labeling practices continue to spread.

On a national level, the battle still rages, but on an international level, the scales seem to tip towards the pro-labeling side and the right of the consumer to…...



NG, J. (2008). UK experts urge RP consumers to push for GMO labeling. Checkbiotech. October 17, 2008. Retrieved March 25, 2009 at 

Raab, C. & Grobe, D. (2003). Labeling Genetically Engineered Food: The Consumer's Right to Know? AgBioForum. 6 (4): 155-161. Retrieved March 25, 2009 at

Whitman, D. (2000). Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful. Retrieved March 24, 2009 at .

World Health Organization (WHO) (2009). 20 Questions on genetically modified foods. Retrieved March 24, 2009 at .

Tesco UK Food Department A Legislative Risks
Pages: 5 Words: 2412

Tesco UK food department
a.) Legislative risks: The decision to provide healthier food by labeling the ingredients on the packages to include the calories, sugar, fat, sodium, and saturated fat content needs to also comply with the U.K. food and labeling law. According to the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of eading, "In most cases, ingredients have to be listed in weight descending order determined as at the time of their use in the preparation of the food. This is commonly referred to as the 'mixing bowl stage'. The following exemptions are however permitted" (A Guide to UK egulations, 2011)

Water and volatile products used as ingredients have to be listed in order of their weight in the finished product. The weight of water is calculated by subtracting from the weight of the finished product the total weight of the other ingredients used.

If an ingredient is reconstituted from concentrated…...



CSPI Reports International (1998) Functional Foods: Public Health Boon or 21st Century Quackery? 

Feindt, P.H. & Flynn, A. 2009, Policy stretching and institutional layering: British food policy between security, safety, quality, health and climate change, Palgrave Macmillan.

Food Labels: A Guide to the UK Regulations. Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Reading. 

Lacey, R. 1992, Scares and the British Food System: Problems and Policies in Relation to Food-Related Health Issues, Emerald Group Publishing, Limited.

Obesity and the European Food
Pages: 5 Words: 2136

' (EurActiv 2008)
'The traffic light Scheme was shown to be the most effective of by the FSA. hat they also discovered was that consumers wanted product labeling; they liked separate information on 4 key nutrients that include fats, carbohydrates, proteins and salts and sugars.' (EurActiv, 2010) Consumers found traffic color coding easy to understand and use. As a result they wanted numerical information on amount of nutrients in a serving. However they found GDA percentage rather confusing. Also the importance of making nutrition and ingredient labeling mandatory on wines, beers and spirits and having a consistent mandatory labeling system with color codes was emphasized by the NGOs representing different areas of health at the hearing. These products could not be eliminated from the labeling because they were part of the foods that contributed to obesity.

At the public hearing on efficient food, (Public Hearing on Efficient foods, 2011) Mr. Csibi closed…...


Works Cited

DN Sanco, (2011) European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA): Renewed Commitment of stakeholders to Combat Overweight and Obesity Related Health Issues Brussels, Belgium

European Public Health Alliance, (2011) putting citizens' health at the heart of Europe, Brussels, Belgium: Retrieved from

EurActiv, (2008) European Food Safety Authority: Food industry, food labeling Retrieved from 

EurActiv, (2011) Europe Urged to recognize Chronic Obesity Brussels, Belgium: Retrieved from http: / www / / Europe

Inputs for Porters 5 Forces Analysis on Kraft Foods
Pages: 4 Words: 1569

Sources of Information for a Porters Five Forces Analysis on Kraft Foods

To undertake a Porters Five Forces analysis it is necessary to identify potential sources of information that will give the required information. The Five Forces analysis will require an assessment of the five areas; degree of rivalry among competitors, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of customers, and availability of substitutes. This process can be examined by looking at the sources which may be used for a Porters Five Forces analysis of Kraft Foods, a firm that competes in the food industry. Each of the forces will be considered separately.

Degree of rivalry among competitors

Source 1; CSI Market; UL is

This is a very useful web site which has the primary aim of providing information to potential investors. The page on Kraft Foods is particularly useful in assessing the firm's position in the context of rivalry…...



Baertlein, L, (2014, Sept 30), Kraft challenged by "healthier" macaroni and cheese brands, didReuters, accessed at 

CSI Market (2014), Kraft accessed at   on 7th Sept 2014 

Food and Drug Administration, (2004), accessed at   / on 7th September 2014 

K-Mart, (2014), accessed at   on 7th Sept 2014 

When Food Goes Bad Best By Date Not What You Think
Pages: 10 Words: 3034

Food WasteIntroductionFood loss and waste is a contributor to the problem of global environmental degradation and economic inefficiency. What makes it worse is that it could be prevented. Yet, at the household level, where food waste can be most easily addressed, the problem is also the worst and most prevalent. The expectation that food waste is controllable thanks to widespread knowledge and available technological solutions continues to run into the reality of households that throw away large amounts of edible food. The question is: why does food waste persist on such a scale, even as both consumers and policymakers recognize its preventability?This paper seeks to address this question by examining three factors that contribute to ongoing household food waste: (1) consumer behavior patterns, including over-purchasing and lack of meal planning; (2) misconceptions around food safety, particularly confusion over expiration dates; and (3) socioeconomic influences that reinforce wasteful habits. With these…...


ReferencesBarone, A. M., Grappi, S., & Romani, S. (2019). The road to food waste is paved with good intentions: When consumers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' goals inhibit the minimization of household food waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 149, 97-105.   E., Jessop, D. C., & Sparks, P. (2014). Identifying motivations and barriers to minimising household food waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 84, 15-23. Jungowska, J., Kulczy?ski, B., Sidor, A., & Gramza-Micha?owska, A. (2021). Assessment of factors affecting the amount of food waste in households run by polish women aware of well-being. Sustainability, 13(2), 976.Principato, L., Secondi, L., & Pratesi, C. A. (2015). Reducing food waste: An investigation on the behaviour of Italian youths. British Food Journal, 117(2), 731-748. Read, Q. D., & Muth, M. K. (2021). Cost-effectiveness of four food waste interventions: Is food waste reduction a “win–win”? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168, 105448., M., & Aithal, P. S. (2023). Consumers’ Intention toward mitigation of plate waste behaviour in restaurants–development of conceptual model. Salins, M., & Aithal, PS (2023). Consumers’ Intention toward Mitigation of Plate Waste Behaviour in Restaurants–Development of Conceptual Model. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 8(2), 190-230.Schanes, K., Dobernig, K., & Gözet, B. (2018). Food waste matters - A systematic review of household food waste practices and their policy implications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 978-991. Stancu, V., Haugaard, P., & Lähteenmäki, L. (2016). Determinants of consumer food waste behaviour: Two routes to food waste. Appetite, 96, 7-17. van der Werf, P., Seabrook, J. A., & Gilliland, J. A. (2019). Reduce food waste, save money: Testing a novel intervention to reduce household food waste. Environment and Behavior, 53(2), 151–183. Graham-Rowe,

Genetically modified Organisms GMO
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Research Proposal

The United States has allowed the use of genetically modified (GMO) foods for human consumption. This has led people to fight for measures to decrease exposure to GMO foods in America. From food labeling to encouraging the purchase of foods that are non-GMO sourced, these measures have painted a stigma on GMO. Several reasons exist for the removal of GMO foods. One reason is that most genetically modified genes inserted into the seeds that yield fruits and vegetables are derived from foreign species like bacteria and viruses (). These bacteria and viruses can cause harm to the human body in the form of sterility, allergic reactions, and deceased livestock.

For example, one article noted that GMO corn may change the histological structure of living organisms if they consume it long-term. The animal they experimented on were two albino adult male rats. “Marked ultrastructural changes of some enterocytes with focal loss…...

Should Food Products Be Labeled if They Contain Gmos
Pages: 2 Words: 711

Genetically Modified Foods
' There has been a great deal of controversy over genetically modified foods (GMOs). First, many individuals and organizations oppose the concept of altering the genetics of foods for any reason. And secondly, there is a hot debate as to whether or not food manufacturers should publish / label their packages as containing GMOs. This paper covers the controversies and provides several angles to the debates.

The way in which companies modify food genetically is through " ... the use of recombinant DNA biotechnological procedures that allow the genetic makeup" of the seeds to be changed materially (Schneider, et al., 2014). There are two ways GMOs can be produced through "recombination": either by moving genes from one organism to another organism; or by making changes in genes within an organism "that are already present" (Schneider, p. 1). The changes that occur after being genetically engineered result in what Schneider…...


Works Cited

Jalonick, M.C. (2014). Debate over genetically modified foods continues amid confusion.

PBS News Hour. Retrieved September 15, 2015, from .

Kopicki, A. (2013). Strong Support for Labeling Modified Foods. The New York Times.

Retrieved September 16, 2015, from .

Brainstorming thesis statements on fast food . Feedback on mine?
Words: 483

Thesis Statement:

Fast food consumption has become an increasingly prevalent dietary trend, contributing to significant health concerns and societal implications.


The thesis statement effectively captures the core issue of fast food consumption and its multifaceted impact. It acknowledges the increasing prevalence of fast food consumption and highlights the health concerns and societal implications associated with it. The statement is specific, clear, and provides a roadmap for the exploration of the topic.

Brainstorming Alternative Thesis Statements:

The detrimental health consequences of fast food consumption pose a significant threat to public health, necessitating urgent measures to mitigate its impact.
The proliferation of fast food outlets....

What are the main characteristics of fast food that set it apart from other dining options?
Words: 502

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of fast food and its popularity
B. Thesis statement: Despite its convenience and quick service, fast food has detrimental effects on individuals' health, environment, and society.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Health Concerns
A. Explanation of the high levels of unhealthy ingredients in fast food (processed meat, trans fats, excessive sodium, and added sugars)
B. Discussion of the health problems caused by regular consumption of fast food, such as obesity, heart diseases, and blood pressure issues

III. Body Paragraph 2: Environmental Impact
A. Explanation of the excessive use of packaging materials in fast food industry
B. Discussion of the environmental consequences of fast food....

How can society shift its focus from crash diets to sustainable and healthy weight loss methods?
Words: 623

Shifting Societal Focus from Crash Diets to Sustainable Weight Loss


In today's society, crash diets and quick-fix weight loss schemes are rampant, leading to unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss patterns. These methods often result in yo-yo dieting, impaired metabolism, and nutritional deficiencies. Shifting the societal focus towards sustainable and healthy weight loss is crucial for long-term well-being. This essay explores mechanisms to drive this shift and promote healthier weight management approaches.

Education and Awareness

Educating the public about the dangers of crash diets is paramount. Health professionals, educators, and the media can play a vital role in disseminating evidence-based information on the negative....

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