Flow Chart Essays (Examples)

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Tundra Energy Flow Chart Arctic Willow Bacteria
Pages: 2 Words: 419

Tundra Energy Flow Chart
Arctic Willow



Arctic Wolves

Snowy Owl

The base of the tundra ecosystem's energy flow is the Arctic willow, a small aquatic plant which grows because of a bacterial process in which nutrients from its body are returned to the surrounding soil. Because animals are unable to derive solar energy directly from sunlight in the tundra, they are forced to depend entirely on plants, which absorb solar energy and utilize it through the process of photosynthesis. Small rodents like lemmings are primary consumers, feeding on many small plant species which live in the tundra, and this is an evolutionarily ideal way of obtaining the energy it needs to survive. Snowy owls are among the secondary consumers in the tundra ecosystem and these birds of prey are very opportunistic predators, feeding on these lemmings and absorbing their energy from digesting raw meat. Differing from the owl species found in other biomes, such…...

VA Quality Management Flow Chart
Pages: 1 Words: 411

Customer satisfaction is a key driving factor in medicine today. In order to offer the best customer service to VA patients, physicians should take additional time with each patient to full discuss the diagnosed disorder, allow the patient to describe all concerns and feelings, and educate the patient on the side effects and importance of continuing their medication. Other effective measures include empowering the patients to advocate for themselves by keeping a symptom journal so that their illness and any medication side effects can be more thoroughly discussed at the next appointment.

he most important role that healthcare organizers play in breaking this trend is educating patients on the important of properly taking their medications once prescribed and attending all follow-up appointments. During these follow-up appointments it is vital for the physician to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the medication and determine whether the results were successful or whether a different…...


The most important role that healthcare organizers play in breaking this trend is educating patients on the important of properly taking their medications once prescribed and attending all follow-up appointments. During these follow-up appointments it is vital for the physician to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the medication and determine whether the results were successful or whether a different medication should be utilized.

Kazis, Lewis, et al. (1998). Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients Served by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Arch Intern Med. 158:626-632.

Young, Alexander, et al. (1998). Measuring the Quality of Outpatient Treatment for Schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 55:611-617.

Kudler Loyalty Program Flow Chart
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Kudler Fine Foods has expressed a desire to track purchases at the individual customer level. The basic process by which this will work is this. At the checkout, the customer will bring the items for purchase. The existing system can log what purchase are made, and what purchases are made together. That is data already gathered. What Kudler wishes to build into this system is its loyalty program. This additional layer of information provides Kudler with data that links what it knows about its customers with what it knows about purchases. The customer loyalty program highlights demographic information about buyers, and their purchasing habits, such as how often they shop and what their average ticket will be.
By combining this data, Kudler will have better information that can be used to target sales and promotions, because it will be able to offer customers promotions that are more likely to get them…...

Flow Charting Processes Jack Shows Us a
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Flow Charting Processes
Jack shows us a flow chart of the new warehouse system this week. What does a flow chart tell us? How can we use that information?

A flow chart is a way of representing information symbolically and in diagrammatic ways. It provides a means of standardizing operations and procedures so that different types of inputs are associated automatically with corresponding outputs. That way, processes that occur many times can be standardized and made much more efficient, mainly by taking out of the process the need to make independent analyses and decisions each time for situations that can be standardized.

For example, an automobile mechanic working on diagnosing a problem in a car could start every job as though it were the first time he ever repaired a car and test every component that might be related to the problem one at a time in a trial-and-error approach, but that…...

Flowchart for Gi Systems Since Each Patient
Pages: 2 Words: 577

Flowchart for GI Systems
Since each patient is different with a different set of circumstances there is no absolute diagnostic sequence that can be properly applied in every case. However there are general steps that are taken to guide the healing process and provide the highest quality care to the patient.

All initial basic medical checks are performed to identify the source of disease and ill health. These are common to all patients in a routine physical examination. This crucial procedure is the primary and basic first step to guide the diagnosis.

Colonoscopy is used in many cases once a GI tract problem has been identified. This procedure involves a tube like instrument with a camera that can look in the GI tract and collect samples. This procedure can be done on an outpatient exchange its costs are minimal.

Upper Endoscopy may be used to help further the diagnostic understanding of the patient. This…...



Cash, B.D., Schoenfeld, P., & Chey, W.D. (2002). The utility of diagnostic tests in irritable bowel syndrome patients: a systematic review. The American journal of gastroenterology, 97(11), 2812-2819.

Lucas, F.L., DeLorenzo, M.A., Siewers, A.E., & Wennberg, D.E. (2006). Temporal trends in the utilization of diagnostic testing and treatments for cardiovascular disease in the United States, 1993 -- 2001. Circulation, 113(3), 374-379.

Business-3 Flowcharting Flowcharts Provide a Clear Documentation
Pages: 2 Words: 686


Flowcharts provide a clear documentation of the process. Using a flowchart one is able to demonstrate every step in a process. The flow of steps from left-right and top-down provide for a natural order and make it easy for the audience to follow. The natural order makes it easier to communicate the process to the audience. Flowcharts use standardized symbols, which enhance the readability of the charts Green & Petre, 1992.

The standard symbols assist people to understand the overall scheme and follow the individual steps easily. During the development of a process, it is easier for the team to reduce the risks of complications by having the different steps presented using a flowchart. Having developed the flowchart before implementing the actual process, the team is able to streamline tasks in order to include steps that would produce better outcomes. Using rough drafts one can sketch the flowchart easily before the…...



Aladwani, A.M. (2001). Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation. Business Process management journal, 7(3), 266-275.

Gillespie, J.H., & Barr, J.D. (2002). Resistance, reluctance and radicalism: A study of staff reaction to the adoption of CALL/C&IT in modern languages departments. ReCALL, 14(1), 120-132.

Green, T.R., & Petre, M. (1992). When visual programs are harder to read than textual programs. Paper presented at the Human-Computer Interaction: Tasks and Organisation, Proceedings of ECCE-6 (6th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics). GC van der Veer, MJ Tauber, S. Bagnarola and M. Antavolits. Rome, CUD.

Zelazny, G. (1996). Say it with charts: McGraw-Hill.

Gantt Chart Is A Graphical Representation of
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Gantt chart is "a graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time"
A project is made up of a set of different tasks and for each task there is an allocated period of completion. For example, a programming project may have the following steps: planning, researching programming language, the actual programming phase, beta testing and final report and release.

In order to follow each of these tasks, a GANTT chart will have each task on the Y-axis and the total period of time in which the project is due, on the X-axis, broken down in units (days, months, etc.). Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, covering the time span. For example, the programming phase may take from 15th of January to 15th of April. After mapping each task on the chart, the horizontal bars are filled to evaluate how much of the project is completed. This…...



1. Rannells, H. Stephen. Using Document Management in a Healthcare Organization for HIPAA Compliance and Improved Operational Efficiency. DM Direct Newsletter. August 2004. On the Internet at  http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleId=1008248 

2.  Url= http://www.skymark.com/resources/tools/cause.htm http://www.isixsigma.com/offsite.asp?A=Fr& ;

3.  http://searchsmallbizit.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid44_gci331391,00.html 

4. What is a flow chart? Patton& Patton. On the Internet at http://www.patton-patton.com/whatisa_flowchart.htm

Microsoft Visio to Create an Organizational Chart
Pages: 14 Words: 3895

Microsoft Visio to Create an Organizational Chart
Defined Purpose and Audience

This project is a fundamental guide for using Microsoft Visio to create an organizational chart. It is designed for first-time users and people who have limited time, as it focuses most often commonly used features. This guide shows the users how to use Microsoft Visio without relying on technical jargon, by providing simple explanations and lists of numbered steps that tell the user which keys to press and which options to select.

elated Publications

Many related publications can be accessed to learn more about creating an organizational chart using Visio. These include:

Microsoft's official page for their Visio software.

Visimation, a company that helps other companies use Visio. http://www.vnunet.com/Products/1112160" Vnunet.com's consumer review of Visio 2000.

2000 allsoftware.com's consumer review of Visio 2000 Enterprise Edition. http://www.design-drawing.com/visio/visio2k.htm" Design-drawing.com's consumer review of Visio 2000 Technical Edition.

Visio 2000: The Official Guide

Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out Designated Desktop Publishing…...



Menus -- Located at the top of the screen above the toolbars or by right clicking.

Toolbars -- Found at the top of the screen and contain tool buttons for quick execution of actions.

Status bar -- Located at the bottom of the screen. Theseprovide useful information for creating a drawing

Accelerator keys -- These are not seen on the screen, but provide an efficient way of executing actions.

Flows and Financial Management Overview
Pages: 2 Words: 619

This is important, because it is showing how there is an effective system. For evaluating, the overall scope of the decisions that are being made. However, after a stated amount of time is when everyone will become friendly with all of the applications. This is when you would want to be evaluating the effectiveness of these changes. These different elements are important, because they are illustrating how the Kuali protocol can study and improve upon these transformations. (Hollwaman, 2011) (McNeally, 2011)
Clearly, when using Kuali solutions there will be an emphasis on having everyone work together. In the case of the University of Arizona, they have been utilizing this as a tool to effectively integrate the various departments. The reason why, is because a more gradualist approach is being used to deal with these challenges. This is the point that the various staff members can be integrated as a part…...



Hollawman, A. (2011). What is Kuali Enterprises. University fo Arizona. Retrieved from: http://confluence.arizona.edu/confluence/display/KUALI/What+is+Kuali+Enterprise+Workflow

McNeally, K. (2011). A Flexible Financial System. Nacubo. Retrieved from:  http://www.nacubo.org/Business_Officer_Magazine/Magazine_Archives/February_2006/A_Flexible_Financial_System.html

Criminal Justice Communication Flow of
Pages: 3 Words: 932

Horizontal communication is the proverbial 'grapevine' of information, such as gossip between partners. The exchange of information through horizontal channels can impact morale, but not always department policy, at least not as swiftly as in downward or even upward modes of communication. Also, although the power relationships between officers of the same rank may theoretically be clear-cut, this is not always the case -- popularity and reputation can influence the degree to which information is given credence through these horizontal channels. A popular officer who frowns upon racial profiling, for example, will have more influence than an officer who is widely disliked.
Frustrations about not being heard through the channels available in the upward communication process, or miscommunication of message or emotional intention in the downward communication process are common and frequently create interpersonal obstacles that hamper positive change and efficient operations. Confusion may also be rife if there are…...


Works Cited

McKinney, C. (2008). Communication within a criminal justice system.

Retrieved September 7, 2009 at  http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/646603/communication_within_a_criminal_justice_pg2_pg2.html?cat=17

Organizational Chart for the Proposed Organization XYZ
Pages: 10 Words: 2822

organizational chart for the proposed organization.
XYZ Center

Organizational Chart











Include the title of positions and a brief description of the positions' duties and responsibilities.

The organizational structure of the Center is founded on a shared services model. President/director of the center has administrative, management and clinical skills in the field of human welfare along with behavioral health industry for twenty years. Open-book management, mutual respect and shared obligations are the key elements on which the philosophy of the management is based upon.

Director of the company will take care of the company and its management. elationships will be the primary variable in founding the direction of the center as the company is set up as a shared service model. Advisory board will be founded which will have four leaders in the area of behavioral health, organized care, consumer and organizational dynamics.

XYZ Center's staff which would form…...



Allison, M. And Kaye, J. (2005). Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations. Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons.

Haines, S.G. (2004). ABCs of strategic management: an executive briefing and plan-to-plan day on strategic management in the 21st century.

Lorenzen, M. (2006). "Strategic Planning for Academic Library Instructional Programming." In: Illinois Libraries 86, no. 2 (Summer 2006): 22-29.

Mckeown, M. (2012), The Strategy Book, FT Prentice Hall.

Skin Blood Flow Thermoregulation Is
Pages: 25 Words: 6746

The picture to the left depicts the various elements that are responsible for thermoregulation in human skin. The illustrations shows the various layers of skin along with the veins, arteries and capillaries of the circulatory system that assist in insuring that the thermoregulatory system works properly. The sweat glands are responsible for selectively removing materials from the blood the sweat glands then concentrates or alters these toxins, and secretes them for elimination from the body. The perspiration or sweat is then removed through the sweat pore. This has a twofold purpose: to remove toxins and thermoregulation (in this case cooling the body).

Thermoregulation involving perspiration is brought about by both internal and environmental heat and exercise. As it relates to the latter, there have been many studies related to exercise and thermoregulation. According to Marino (2004)

"thermoregulatory effector responses of humans and concluded that temperature regulation during exercise is dissimilar to temperature…...


Works Cited

Caterina MJ, Schumacher MA, Tominaga M, Rosen TA, Levine JD, Julius D. The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion channel in the pain pathway. Nature. 1997;389:816-824.

Dugan SA, Powell LH, Kravitz HM, Everson Rose SA, Karavolos K, Luborsky J (2006)

Musculoskeletal pain and menopausal tatus. Clin J. Pain 22: 325 -- 331

Deecher, D.C.K. Dorries (2007)Understanding the pathophysiology of vasomotor symptoms

Corona Modelo Needs to Chart a Course
Pages: 8 Words: 2282

Modelo needs to chart a course for the company's future. The longstanding objective is to move Modelo into the top five of brewers in the world. As of 2005, Modelo remained outside of the top six. The company has 52 of the domestic market and is the best-selling imported beer in the United States, 50% ahead of next-best seller Heineken. The most significant underlying problem with respect to global market position relates to the company's ownership structure, specifically whether it will come under the A-B banner eventually or participate in some other way in the ongoing industry consolidation.

Secondary Problems

In the domestic market, Modelo faces a secondary problem in that its leading competitor FEMSA is improving its market position by controlling distribution channels and by promoting high quality subsidiary brands. FEMSA has been gaining market share steadily in Mexico while Modelo has been losing share. The domestic market is a duopoly,…...

Calculate Flow Discharge flood Water Streamflow
Pages: 2 Words: 640

This makes it easier to anticipate likely flood areas and the severity of the flood's impact upon the area.
Multiple data series and frequent measurements are necessary to have a truly scientifically accurate result with predictive powers. "In order to accurately determine streamflow, measurements must be made of its width, depth, and speed (velocity) of the water at many horizontal and vertical points across the stream. To develop a stream-stage/streamflow relation (rating curve), streamflow must be measured at many different stages" and must be recalculated on a regular basis ("How streamflow is measured," USGS, 2008). "Rating curves frequently shift due to changes in the factors that determine the relation between stream stage and streamflow" ("How streamflow is measured," USGS. 2008). These factors include the slope of the stream which affects the water's velocity, the roughness of the channel, the area of the channel at each stream stage, the shifting backwater…...


Works Cited

"How streamflow is measured." U.S. Geological Society (USGS). U.S. Department of the Interior. 2008. 2009 at  http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/measureflow.html

Comparison and Contrast of Global Trade Flows
Pages: 6 Words: 1657

Trade Flows Compare and Contrast the International Trade FlowsIntroductionMultiple factors determine international trade flows; among them are demand, supply, trade costs, cultural connections, and government policies. The influences of these factors vary based on the groupings that different nations have. For EU grouping, the principal objective is the promotion and facilitation of cooperation among the territorial members. EU members like France and Germany join the grouping with similar objectives of expanding their economic performance, such as enhancing imports and exports.For France, major exports from 2010 to 2018 have been to Germany with a value of US$ 82,989 million, representing a 16.22 percent partner share. The imports were equally from Germany, worth US$ 103,434 million, and 17.26 percent partner share. The major export for France between the years was Aircraft worth US$ 35,831,627.11 million, with a significant portion going to Germany and the United States. The major imports included petroleum and…...


ReferencesStirböck, C., How strong is the impact of exports and other demand components on German import demand? Evidence from euro-area and non-euro-area imports. Available at:   [Accessed April 24, 2021]. Anon, 2018. France\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s booming aerospace sector creates demand for parts. WEDC. Available at:  https://wedc.org/export/market-intelligence/posts/frances-booming-aerospace-sector-creates-demand-parts/  [Accessed April 24, 2021]. Anon, Germany Trade Summary. WITS. Available at: https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/DEU/Year/2010/Summarytext [Accessed April 23, 2021]. Edgington, T., 2020. Brexit: What are the key points of the deal? BBC News. Available at:  https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-55180293  [Accessed April 24, 2021]. Fernández, G. et al., 2019. Cruising at Different Speeds: Similarities and Divergences between the German and the French Economies. EUROPEAN ECONOMY. Available at:  https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/economy-finance/dp103_en.pdf  [Accessed April 25, 2021]. Meunier, S. & Nicolaïdis, K., 2017. 10. The European Union as a Trade Power. International Relations and the European Union. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6386027.pdf 

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