For the Coconino National Forest during the fee demo program, fee generated revenue paid for 22,296 pounds of garbage to be destroyed and19 abandoned vehicles to be removed. Fee revenue was also responsible for maintaining 42 miles of trail, removing fire rings and transient camps, and initiating interaction with visitors (U.S. Department of the Interior 57). In Arizona, the total amount of fee revenue generated from recreational visits totaled $3,464,970 (U.S. Department of the Interior 86).
3. Three Management Goals on-site.
According to the 2009 Budget Justification, the Coconino national forest has seven formal management goals in accordance with their strategic plan. The list follows:
Restore, Sustain, and Enhance the Nation's Forests and Grasslands.
Provide and Sustain Benefits to the American People.
Conserve Open Space.
Sustain and Enhance Outdoor Recreation Opportunities.
Maintain Basic Management Capabilities of the Forest Service.
Engage Urban America with Forest Service Programs.
Provide Science-Based Applications and Tools.
4. In 2007, the forest received 3.25 million…...
mlaWorks Cited
USDA Forest Service Fiscal Year 2009 Budget." U.S. Forest Service. 3 March 2008. 16
June 2008. .
USDA Forest Service. FY 2009 Budget Justification. Washington, USDA, 2008.
U.S. Department of the Interior. Recreational Fee Demonstration Program. Washington,
Part I - Budget ProjectFederal spending is classified into two major categories i.e. mandatory spending and discretionary spending. During budget preparation, different appropriations are made for mandatory and discretionary spending. In the United States, the federal budget document is delivered well in advance of the creation of the actual federal budget that takes place many months later during the approval stage of the budget process in which Congress is directly involved. The budget document contains appropriations for mandatory and discretionary spending. In addition, the document includes a budget message by the President, which are narrative in nature and reflect the specific values inherent within society and political preferences at a given time.Budget MessageFor the fiscal year 2019, President Trump delivered a budget message in February of 2018, which outlines the political preferences and societal values underpinning the budget at the time. The budget message focused on affecting the upcoming outlays…...
mlaReferencesCongressional Budget Office. (2019, November 7). Monthly Budget Review: Summary for Fiscal Year 2019. Retrieved from U.S. Congress website: R.A. (2008). American Public Administration: Public Service for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Pearson/Longman Publishing.Edwards, C. (2016, November 10). Trump Spending Cut Ideas. Retrieved December 8, 2020, from Lee, R.D. Jr., Johnson, R.W. & Joyce, P.G. (2013). Public budgeting systems (9th ed.).Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.Mikesell, J.L. (1999). Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace College Publisher.Mischke, J. (2017, December 6). Trump ‘Declaring War in the Middle East’, Says Top Palestinian Diplomat. Politico. Retrieved December 8, 2020, from Office of Management and Budget. (2019). An American Budget – Fiscal Year 2019. Retrieved from The White House website: of Management and Budget. (2020). Historical Tables. Retrieved from The White House website: Cropf,
Foremost, when they occur, they generate massive financial setbacks for the institution implementing them as they generally require a large sum of money. "It is difficult to properly handle investments in public budgets. The rewards are spread out over an extended period of time while the cost or the pain of investing is immediate. That makes if difficult to finance public investments" (Penner, 2008).
For the state and local governments to be able to fund their investments, they should organize their incomes into two categories: current operating capital and capital component. A simple accounting method would help them benefit immediately from the investment. In this order of ideas, given that the investment is amortized and the amortization is registered as part of operating expenses, the users of the investments would immediately benefit from it, and also pay it at the same time (Penner, 2008).
Another means to deal with the upcoming…...
Penner, R.G., June 10, 2008, Budgeting for Capital Investment, Statement before the House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Rueben, K., McGuire, T., Kellam, S., October 2007, Navigating State and Local Finances, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Rueben, K., Rosenberg, C., April 28, 2008, State and Local Tax Policy: What are rainy day funds and how do they work? Tax Policy Center
Woolley, J., Peters, G., 1999, Richard Nixon, the American Presidency Project, accessed on November 14, 2008
Fiscal Policies
There are many issues within the context of federal fiscal policy that are complicated and technical, which is why lay people likely don't fully understand those policies and practices and problems. Those issues are fully flushed out in this paper.
Question ONE (a): Explain the problem of time lags that occur in the enacting and applying fiscal policy. Nadia Macdonald explains in her book (Macroeconomics and Business: an Interactive Approach) that time lags occur because it takes -- in many cases -- a "long time for the government machinery to produce outcomes" (Macdonald, 1999, 141). The government machinery she is referring to is the legislative process (that is, a bill produced by the executive branch or by a member of Congress has to work though committees, through debates, before it is finally acted upon by vote), the "bureaucracy" and the "red tape" that is inevitably involved in new legislation.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Macdonald, Nadia Tempini. (1999). Macroeconomics and Business: An Interactive Approach.
Andover, UK: Cengage Learning EMEA.
Mukherjee, Sampat. (2002). ISC Economics for Class Xii. Mumbai, India: Allied Publishers.
O'Connor, David Edward, and Faille, Christopher C. (2000). Basic Economic Principles: A
Fiscal and Monetary Policy
How is a recession defined? Is the U.S. currently in a recession? Explain.
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is widely recognized as the arbiter of starting and ending dates of U.S. recessions (Burtless, G. April 19, 2010). As such, NBER indicates, recessions start at the peak of a business cycle and end at the trough; and are a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales (National Bureau of Economic Research. 2011). The last U.S. recession, coined the Great Recession, ended in June 2009, 18 months after the economy began sliding into a downturn in December 2007 (Murray, S. September 21, 2010) according to NBER.
While more than eight in 10 Americans think the economy is in another recession, according to a new CNN/ORC poll (Levy, A.…...
mla"Fiscal policy refers to the government's choices regarding the overall level of government purchases or taxes" (Mankiw, G.N. 2004). Reviewing the 2011 Obama Budget of 3.69 trillion (The New York Times. February 1, 2010), an immediate consideration regarding the outlays is that mandatory spending: Social Security, Medicare, Interest on Debt; 64% of the total proposed budget, is effectively off limits to changes. The remaining discretionary spending of 1.415 trillion is available as a fiscal tool (The Washington 2010). Certainly, the President could propose additional spending measures such as his American Jobs Act released in September 2011.
Concomitant to discretionary spending is the revenue collected by the Federal Government in taxes, 2.57 trillion in the 2011 Obama budget (The Washington 2010). One of the prominent fiscal tools the President has utilized is deficit spending, 1.27 trillion in the proposed budget to stimulate the economy (The Washington 2010). Government spending reflects a belief in the multiplier demonstrated by "additional shifts in aggregate demand when expansionary fiscal policy increases income and thereby increases consumer spending" (Mankiw, G.N. 2004). There is debate over the size of the multiplier; Keynesians contend it is greater than one, while supply- side economists believe the coefficient is significantly less than one. While this debate is important, the reality is that Congress and the President will not agree on further government spending to stimulate the economy, given the deficit and the explosion of debt past 15 trillion dollars.
The other fiscal policy tool available for use is tax cuts, which allow individuals and businesses to keep more of the money they earn, a portion of which will be saved, and a part which will be spent. The consumption side will lead to increased aggregate demand allowing the economy to grow. In the longer-term though the reduction in marginal tax rates will engender an environment leading to greater incentives to work, save, and invest. Tax cuts though must strive to be revenue neutral from an accounting perspective, with the understanding that there will be a strong economic effect. The
Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations
The global economy was relatively doing fine more than five years ago before it was hit by economic downturn or recession. During this period, the American economy was at its peak, particularly in the fourth quarter of 2007. However, this was followed by a mild recession at the beginning of 2008, which eventually turned into a severe credit crisis across the world approximately one year later. While only a few countries escaped the economic recession, virtually no country could avoid the severe bear markets in stock (Norris, 2012). Some countries like the United States experienced changes in gross domestic product and stock markets. Since it has the best record of the main developed countries, the United States was severely affected by the recession. As the economic downturn came to end, America started the process of recovery from the effects of the recession. This recovery…...
Davidson, P. (2013, September 11). Economy is Still Bruised Five Years After Crisis. USA
Today. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from
Klimasinska, K. & Chandra, S. (2013, August 27). America Resilient Five Years After Great
Recession. Bloomberg. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from
Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a Fictitious Economic Scenario
Recently, all of all Street waited with bated breath for Allen Greenspan to announce what would be the shift in the Federal Reserve's upcoming policy regarding interest rates, given that our national economy was apparently recovering at a much stronger than expected pace. Dismayed at the news that the Fed was likely to raise rates, thus encouraging saving and tempering consumer spending, the stock market temporarily took a nosedive. It was speculated that this information might have been leaked, to assess all Street's reaction to a possible rate hike. The Fed retracted its position, slightly.
This recent dialogue of public relations and monetary policy highlights the impact even suggestions by the federal government and the Federal Reserve chairman regarding national fiscal and monetary policy respectively can have upon the nation. Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxes to stabilize the…...
mlaWorks Cited
FRBSF. (2004) "How the Fed Guides Monetary Policy." Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Website.
Herman-Ellison, Lisa. (February 7, 2003). "Fiscal and Monetary Processes." National Council on Economic Education. NCEE Website.
Fiscal eporting in Special Education
The element of fiscal reporting constitutes a key component of special education program delivery. It plays a vital role in the acquisition and supplying (after completing centralized accounting) valuable information for supporting decisions and justifying financial resource utilization. The value of information may be proven through its content: i.e., resources' nature and the means adopted for raising them, resource allocation according to approved budget provisions, and their utilization (Cenar, 2011)
Successful special education management necessitates effective information utilization. Information pertaining to special education spans from student and staff data to program- and school- level financial data. An inclusive education data system will be able to offer the following benefits:
Data can be utilized in the decision-making process;
It can used for targeting particular improvement areas;
Disaggregated data can be utilized for examining wide-ranging aims;
Data can be employed for timely evaluation of special education program;
It can improve mandated reporting and administrative…...
Allison, G. S., Honegger, S. D., & Johnson, F. (2009). Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2009 Edition. NCES 2009-325. National Center for Education Statistics.
Board, J. (n.d.) Accounting Public School Budgeting and Auditing-Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing, Future Trends. Retrieved May 3, 2016 from
Cenar, I. (2011). Financial Reporting in Education Institutions the Implications of the Transition to Accrual Accounting. Annales Universitatis Apulensis: Series Oeconomica, 13(1), 22.
Ellerson, N. (n.d.) American Association of School Administrators School Budgets 101. Retrieved May 3, 2016 from
S. It too had run into a deep recession and too sought ways out of it by considering tax options. In a similar way, both candidates running for the South Korean presidency in the 2012 presidential elections vowed to "to prioritise "national reconciliation," better "economic democracy" and social welfare" (BBC News (17 December 2012) South Korea's presidential candidates) and to do this via easing South Korea's income gap between rich and poor by adjusting tax burden appropriately. No wonder, that U.S. President Barack Obama congratulated her and stated that he "is looking forward to working closely with her administration on issues of mutual concern" (ibid). The two nations currently have a lot in common and Ms. Park seems to be treading the path that Obama has in mind.
Our recent recession goes by various names. It is called, in turn, the Great ecession, the Lesser Depression, the Long ecession, and the…...
Condon, S. (December 19, 2012) the middle-class tax hikes in Obama's "fiscal cliff" plan. CBS News.
Grosz, D. (Dec 19, 2012) Rich Make Out Like Bandits in Fiscal-Cliff Negotiations. The Daily Beast
Inflation remains low because of the seemingly unchanging rate of unemployment and income. In addition, the low inflation rate is associated with the slow economic activity during the winter months because of adverse weather conditions (Liu, 2014). One of the major reasons for the minimal changes in U.S. interest rates as compared to five years ago is the slow recovery in the housing sector. The housing sector continues to slowly recover from the effects of the 2008 global recession. This rate of recovery has had significant effects on the country economy as evident in the low interest rates.
Strategies to Encourage Consumer Spending:
The Federal eserve can use fiscal and monetary policy to develop strategies that will encourage people to spend money in order to stimulate economic growth. One of these strategies, which is a fiscal policy initiative, is government tax cuts that enhances the buying power of consumers. Tax cuts…...
Liu, H. (2014, April 28). Trading the U.S. FOMC Interest Rate Decision, April 30, 2014.
Retrieved April 28, 2014, from,-april-30,-2014-210865
Pettinger, T. (2012, May 18). Policies for Economic Growth. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from
Yellen. (2014, March 19). Transcript of Chair Yellen's Press Conference. Retrieved from The
Nursing Fiscal Plan
The author of report is asked to assess a budget framework and compare what has happened to what is set to happen through the rest of the year and ascertain how best to close out the year. The author is asked to assess budget line item requests for the duration of the year as well as what expenses can and should be deferred until the new fiscal year. The budget projections that were accurate are to be labeled as well as what factors have caused the inaccuracies. As to the latter, it is asked if those inaccuracies were controllable or predictable.
The author is asked to do a bit of research on patient acuity symptoms and to ascertain the best approach for that process vis-a-vis quality patient care. The author is asked what strategies pertaining to motivation, communication, care delivery and so forth need to be implemented in order…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brennan, CW, and BJ Daly. "Patient Acuity: A Concept Analysis." Journal of Advanced
Nursing 65.5 (2009): 1114-1126. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
Ekwall, A, M Gerdtz, and E. Manias. "The Influence of Patient Acuity on Satisfaction
With Emergency Care: Perspectives of Family, Friends and Careers." Journal Of
Pro-Formal 5-Year Financial Projection
Overview of the XYZ Financial Statements
Objective of this report is to provide 5-year pro-formal financial statements of the XYZ Company. The company financial statements reveal that the XYZ records net sales of the $1.74 Million at the end of the first fiscal year while the gross profit is $637, 428. Moreover, the company total operating expenses is $285,850 making the company to record the net profits $144,335. (XYZ Company, n.d).
Overview of the company balance sheet at the end of first fiscal year reveals that company total current assets are $69,525 while the company total fixed assets are $300,000. The company total assets are $369,525. Moreover, the company total liabilities are $146,000. The report provides the strategies that the company will employ to increase the total sales and the net profits with the next five years.
Strategy to Implement to Increase Sales within the Next 5 Years
The paper provides…...
Student Profile
The student is a 29-year-old French speaking accountant whose employer is sponsoring him to come to the UK for a four-week intensive English course.
Desired Proficiency
This student should be able to deliver dynamic presentations, about twenty to thirty minutes in length, and engage in discussions about accounting and business practices. He should also be able to attend to lengthy presentations and phone calls on the same subjects. He will need to read and write quick emails, professional memos, and formal reports. In addition to what is specifically related to the fields of business and accounting, he will need a good handle on the vocabulary of Information Technology in the inevitable event that something goes wrong with his computer, the email server, his slideshow, etc.
Current Proficiency
The student currently demonstrates an adequate mastery of basic interpersonal communications skills to make new acquaintances using greetings, questions about the weather and family, along…...
Output (year ending Jan. 3, 2010)
Output (year ending Dec. 28, 2009)
Change in sales:
Cost info (in thousands)
Cost Driver
ate (Change in cost/change in sales)
Cost of sales
Other (misc)
Wendy's/Arby's Group 2010 Annual eport)
Wendy's/Arby's Group's basic sales operations, which consist of many different activities classified into broad categories of costs in company financial statements, are examined n the above table. Not all cost categories are represented, however the three that are most easily broken down (from the available information) into specific activities appear above: cost of sales, which includes all of the basic activities from material procurement through labor costs; facilities costs, which includes property maintenance, procurement, and other physical resource control; and other miscellaneous costs, which involve a number of different one-time and ongoing costs incurred in a given year (Gilman, 2011). The time period covered the 2008 and 2009 fiscal years (years ending Dec. 28, 2008 and Jan. 3, 2010), as these…...
Bradtke, D. (2007). Activity-Based Costing. New York: Grin.
Gilman, S. (2011). Analyzing Financial Statements. New York: BiblioBazaar.
Wendy's/Arby's Group. (2011). 2010 Annual Report. Accessed 8 February 2012.
Public Programs
Over the last several years, the total amounts of spending for the federal government has been continually brought to the forefront. This is because of the high trade deficits and national debt is having an impact on how various services are delivered. In the case of Justice Department, they have been facing drastic cuts. The reason why is from officials using the funds they are receiving to provide generous benefits for employees. ("Budget Cuts Should Start with DOJ," 2011)
A good example of this can be seen by looking no further than a DOJ Inspector General's report. They found that there is rampant waste inside the agency (with them spending $16 per muffin for a breakfast gathering and $600 thousand for event planning services). ("Budget Cuts Should Start with DOJ," 2011) These elements are illustrating how these kinds of reports are leading to a reduction in spending and greater…...
Budget Cuts Should Start with DOJ. (2011). TPM Muckraker. Retrieved from:
Cost Control. (2012). Reference for Business. Retrieved from:
Department of Justice FY 2013 Budget. (2012). DOJ. Retrieved from:
DOJ Cuts Will Impact Public Safety. (2011). 10 News. Retrieved from:
Different accounting methods can have a major impact on a company's financial statements. The two main accounting methods are accrual basis accounting and cash basis accounting.
1. Accrual Basis Accounting: In this method, revenue and expenses are recorded when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when cash actually changes hands. This results in more accurate financial statements that reflect the company's ongoing financial performance over a period of time. Accrual basis accounting provides a clearer picture of a company's financial position and performance, as it recognizes revenue when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred.
2. Cash Basis Accounting:....
1. The Authorization for Use of Military Force (2001) granted President Obama the authority to use necessary and appropriate force against al-Qaeda and associated forces, which included Osama bin Laden, the target of Operation Geronimo.
2. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (2011) specifically authorized the use of force against high-level al-Qaeda operatives, including bin Laden, providing further legal justification for Operation Geronimo.
3. The inherent authority of the President as Commander-in-Chief granted Obama the power to authorize military action against imminent threats to the United States, such as bin Laden's potential for future attacks.
4. The principle of anticipatory....
Marketing Management Proposal
The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and businesses need to adapt their strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the competition. A well-defined marketing management plan is essential for guiding marketing efforts and achieving business goals. This proposal outlines a comprehensive marketing management plan designed to drive growth and success for [Company Name].
Executive Summary
Mission: To create and execute effective marketing strategies that align with business objectives and drive brand recognition, lead generation, and revenue.
Increase brand awareness by 15% over the next year.
Generate 20% more qualified leads within six months.
Achieve a 10% increase in sales....
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