Finland Essays (Examples)

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Finland Brief Description of Finland
Pages: 4 Words: 1218

A region into which Finnish organizations have expended is given by Californian Silicon Valley, the greatest technological hub on the globe. "During the past decades Finland has developed from an agricultural nation into one of the most technologically advanced societies. During the 1990s, Finland devoted many resources to technology education and research, while companies like Nokia were growing. Among the results are the innovative Finnish high tech companies now operating in the United States" (Embassy of Finland at Washington).
Nokia is probably the most relevant example of Finnish success in the field of Information Technology. The company was established in 1865 with the specified aim of manufacturing and exporting paper. It was located in a small community and, due to its necessity for large numbers of employees, it soon attracted more individuals and set the basis of small town. Throughout the following century, intense focus was being placed on the…...



2009, The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency,   last accessed on July 20, 2009 -- this website is a highly valuable source revealing objective information on various economic, political, geographic and demographic features. In the recent past, the website has been subjected to changes to modernize it, but a shortage has materialized in the elimination of the data for the global average, meaning then that the information retrieved cannot be compared to international averages, only to specific countries. 

2009, About Finland, Finland Embassy at Washington,   last accessed on July 20, 2009 -- the purpose of this website is a multifold one, including desires such as a familiarization of the Americans with the features of Finland and its population or the offering of assistance to Finnish individuals currently on U.S. territory. From a research point-of-view, the benefit is that the governmental portal will reveal reliable information, but it might tend to focus more of successes and not address failures or criticism. .

Finland Facts, Visit Finland,   last accessed on July 20, 2009 -- This website represents a collection of articles focused on presenting the northern European country from a touristy stand point. Its benefit is that it reveals objective and useful facts in such a writing style that it attracts visitors by creating an extremely favorable image of the country. (pages)/Finland_Facts

Nokia History, Connect Mobiles, last accessed on July 20, 2009 -- the website is generically designed for the IT passionate and has the primary feature of representing a centralized data base on vast and various information from the IT field. The website does not belong to Nokia or any other company, meaning as such that the benefit is that of information from tertiary sources.

Business Prospects of a Hotel in Finland
Pages: 2 Words: 621

Starwood Hotels in Finland: Legal and Economic PointsFinland has a civil legal system, which means that it is based on written codes and laws rather than on legal precedents. The civil legal system in Finland is influenced by the legal systems of other European countries, particularly those of Sweden and Germany. Finland has some of the strictest employment laws in Europe, with government-regulated working hours and minimum wage, along with generous employee benefits. Furthermore, Finland has strict health and safety regulations that must be followed when conducting food-related businesses (CIA World Factbook, 2022).Property rights in Finland are protected by the Finnish Constitution and various laws, including the Land Acquisition Act and the Tenancy Act. These laws give individuals and businesses the right to own and use property, and they provide a framework for the transfer of ownership and the resolution of disputes.Intellectual property rights in Finland are protected by various…...



CIA World Factbook. (2022). Finland. Retrieved from 

World Bank. (2022). Finland. Retrieved from 

Healthcare in Finland Norway or Sweden or Switzerland
Pages: 3 Words: 948

Healthcare in Sweden
The healthcare system in Sweden is used as one of the model systems in the world. hen Johan Hjertoqvist from the Timbro Policy Group spoke before the Montreal Economic Institute in 2002, he said, " refuse to accept the consumer as an equal partner, you still look upon the client, the patient, as an inferior partner in the relation" and "you deny the need for good working condition when it comes to the staff, etc." (, he stressed the need to move interests and priorities away from the processes and production organization to "the quality of the outcome for the consumer" ( seems to be synonymous with healthcare in Sweden.

Two important characteristics of the Swedish healthcare system are that it is "decentralized and it is run on democratic principles" ( residents of Sweden are covered by the national health insurance system which covers medical care, pharmaceuticals, hospitalization and…...


Works Cited

Fact Sheets on Sweden: The Health Care System in Sweden. Swedish Institute. May 1999.   06-27-2003). .(accessed

Gennser, Margit. "Sweden's Health Care System."

A accessed 06-27-2003).

Hadenius, Stig; Lindgren, Ann. "Sweden: On Sweden Health care." Countries of the World. January 01, 1991.

Scandinavian Architecture the Evolution of Vernacular
Pages: 5 Words: 1657

Scandinavian Architecture: The Evolution of Vernacular
All types of art are normally influenced by both the social and the political factors within a geographical region. These social aspects are reflected in the designs of the time and most of the inspiration that the designers get is from history. In Scandinavia, it is easy to define the style as straightforward. The logic behind the simplicity of this was due to the limited resources which emphasized saving and proper utilization (Pile, 335). It is also democratic in the manner that its main intention was to please, the masses. Architects in Scandinavia share an inherent bond with nature and the natural landscape. hen studying the geographical locations of these nodes and, therefore, cross referencing their localities to similar cultural conditions a trend is found. It is the intention of this research to research just how the natural landscape is invited into the manmade structures…...


Works cited

Bandle, Oskar, Kurt Braunmu-ller, Lennart Elmevik, and Gun Widmark. The Nordic Languages:

An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages. Berlin: de

Gruyter, 2005. Print.

Fallan, Kjetil. Design History: Understanding Theory and Method. Oxford: Berg Publishers,

Democratic Education Question No What Are the
Pages: 8 Words: 2620

Democratic Education
Question No.

What are the principles of democratic education? How are these principles and values in tension/contradiction with our social construction of children and youth? For example, what assumptions do we make about teaching, learning and youth that democratic schools challenge? How does "one size fits all" centralized curriculum contribute to what Apple called the "de-skilling of teachers"? What is lost when this approach is adapted, especially when it is combined with the "intensification" of teaching? Explore the contradictions between what we say we want our students to be when they are finished their schooling (engaged, critical thinkers, active contributors and problem solvers) and how we are often educating young people. How does democratic education address this? What are some of the challenges educators who want to introduce democratic principles into their schools face? What are some of the potential rewards? How does democratic education address the notion that…...



IDEN International Democratic education Network. (2010). Retrieved October 2012, from

Apple, M.W., & Swalwell, K. (2011). Reviewing Policy: Starting the Wrong Conversations: The Public School Crisis and "Waiting for Superman." Educational Policy, 368-381.

Ayers, W. (1992). The Shifting Grounds of Curriculum Thought and Everyday Practice . Taylor & Francis, 259-263.

Ayers, W. (1994). Can City Schools be Saved? Educational Leadership, 60.

Trade Act of 1974 on Euro Exchange
Pages: 17 Words: 5980

Trade Act of 1974 on Euro exchange rates?
Free Trade has been a key agenda for the past three presidents. In an expanding global market, tariffs and trade policies are more important today than they have been in the past. More and more countries are forming alliances such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Asian Alliance, and the European Union (EU). These trade agreements are meant to level the playing for all countries, both industrialized and emerging countries.

President Bush's trade policy is aimed at helping to generate American jobs, open markets to American products, and provide economic growth. Sometimes massive increases in imports can have a devastating effect on U.S. industries. [This has been the case for the U.S. steel Industry and is the issue addressed in Section 203 (B) (1) of the Trade Act of 1974. Foreign steel makers have had the luxury of government support…...


Works Cited

Arnold, James. Steel sector stares into the abyss. BBC March 6, 2002.

  Accessed April, .


Arnold, James. Steel spat could mean wider worries. BBC March 6, 2002.

Business' Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship
Pages: 15 Words: 4956

In addition, we might ask ourselves if the richer nations have or not a greater responsibility as far as the research and development in the area of sustainable energy are concerned. (Reid,
elieving that there are such energy sources or consumption policies which would allow the planet's resources to be maintained for a longer period, while making sure that all the nations are provided with a comfortable living is rather naive. Under these circumstances, it has been argued that doing the moral thing means choosing the least terrible solution. The problem is that this implies a relativistic evaluation of the matter which impacts the manner in which the moral principles are conceived.

efore stepping into a debate regarding the character of the moral principles, we may state that we agree with the opinions which state that there is no such thing as objective moral principles."Ethics can be seen as a…...



Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (Ross, W.D. Translator). Retrieved from September 30, 2010

Hartman Laura P. & Joe DesJardins. Business Ethics Decision Making for Personal integrity & Social Responsibility, Second Edition

People and Events I Was 14 When
Pages: 2 Words: 705

People and Events
was 14 when my parents died in 1998. My younger brother and were left with no financial support. t was devastating and scary, as had to grow up really fast. learned that the ones you love the most can be gone in an instant. Being born, raised, and educated in a small town in ndia, had developed small town ideas. had to change the way thought about living and survival.

n order to survive, went on the road and worked as a part-time teacher seven hours a day to provide bread for myself and my younger brother. knew that life would never get any better without education. continued my education while worked. The days were long and hard trying to get my education and work to survive at the same time. This went on until 2002 when…...


In January, 2008, my wife and I settled in the U.S.A. This brought about more learning experiences as the multitude of cultures that are in the U.S.A. taught me different things. It taught me more ways that needed to be communicated among the different cultures. The belief systems from each culture had different values that needed to be communicated in various ways, depending on the culture being dealt with at the particular time.

My life changed forever when my parents died. The way I had to learn to survive and still get my education taught a lot of independence. With my younger brother relying on me as well, I learned more about responsibility of caring for others. Meeting my wife had even more lessons as I learned more about relationships and the act of sharing life with someone else. I no longer had to take all the responsibility of life alone. My wife had become a lifelong partner to share the good and the bad, the struggles and the happy times. At 34, living in Seattle, WA and working for SAP America as a Technical Account Manager, life has become so much better. Because of education, I have the abilities to provide a greater degree of support for myself and a loved one, my wife.

All the hard work I had to experience when my parents died paid off with making life easier by learning to survive the tough times of working and attending school, as well as, the efforts of being responsible to support my brother while he worked for his own education. Having a wife to be a partner in life and a good paying job makes life easier as well enjoy the fruits of my labor together. I no longer have the stress of survival with my brother like we did when my parents died.

Home Security Market in the
Pages: 7 Words: 2758

According to the same source, the Australian market proves to be very fertile for the U.S. companies which already account for the greatest import share (over 50% in 2004). Such data are outlined by the following table:

Total market (million of dollars)

Total imports (million of dollars)

Imports from U.S. (million of dollars)

U.S share

2002 2004%Change 2002-2004%Change 2002-2004%Change Australia 950-1400 47% 380-560 47% 185-285 54% 51% Source:

The U.S. home security market is another outlet offering promising perspectives. According to Frost & Sullivan's report (,one of the levers responsible for increased demand is the emergence of new homes as a result of the low interest rate. The U.S. Census ureau studies showed that, in 2002, 1.7 million new houses were built in comparison with 2001 when 1.6 million new constructions were made. Moreover, the number was expected to grow in the near future.

Other reasons for a security market boost are terrorist attacks and…...



Brown, C., (2000). Australians' attitude to security. On the Internet at: February 20.

Best Export Markets for U.S. Security and Safety Equipment (2005). On the Internet at: February 20

Environmental Scan of the Security Industry (2006). On the Internet at   February 20, 2007. 

Home Security Market Goes Hi-tech (2006). On the Internet at: Retrieved February 20, 2007.

United States Has the Highest Rate of
Pages: 50 Words: 13726

United States has the highest rate of confinement of prisoners per 100,000 population than any other Western country. Analyze this phenomena and discuss actions that you feel are necessary to combat this problem.
The United States currently has the highest incarceration rate of any nation worldwide. For example, greater than 60% of nations have incarceration rates below 150 per 100,000 people (Walmsley, 2003). The United States makes up just about five percent of the world's population and yet it houses 25% of the world's prison population (Walmsley, 2009). In 2008 there were more than 2.3 million people held in United States prisons and jails, a rate of approximately 754 inmates per 100,000 people (Sabol, West, & Cooper, 2009). So if we only count adults in the population that translates into a one in 100 American adults is locked up. ussia is the only other major industrialized nation that comes close…...



American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2002). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th Ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

Breggin, P.A. (2008). Brian disabling treatments in psychiatry: Drugs, electroshock, and the psychopharmaceutical complex. (2nd Edition) New York: Springer University


Burton, R. (2002). The Irish institute of nutrition and health. In Diet and criminality.

Health Transitions More Disease or Sustained Health
Pages: 24 Words: 6545

There are no deductibles and no user fees nor limits to contributions on the plan. There are also no restrictions on services to be used and no premiums to pay for basic care coverage other than taxes, a far cry from the high deductibles, co-pays and other fees associated with health care in the United States.
Key to this point is the idea that Canadian health care costs less because a large portion of it is publicly financed. The author's note that since Canada adopted their universal healthcare system the Canadian Health Act has implemented a policy of public administration which keeps the cost of health care spending lower and maintains the government's ability to provide health care services to the entire population. The authors argue that public administration is a more optimal choice for keeping health care expenditures down because administration is inexpensive.

U.S. hospitals keep more details of everything…...



Armstrong, Hugh; Armstrong, Pat; Fegan, P. (1998). "The Best Solution: Questions and Answers on the Canadian Health Care System." Washington Monthly, Vol. 30, Issue 6, p. 8

Clark, Cal & Mceldowney, Rene. (2000). "The Performance of National Health Care Systems: A "Good News, Bad News" Finding for Reform Possibilities." Policy Studies Review, Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 133

Grubaugh, S.G. & Santerre, R.E. (1994). "Comparing the Performance of Health Care Systems: An Alternative Approach." Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 60, Issue 4, p. 1030

Martens, Pim. (200). "Health Transitions in a Globalising World: Towards More Disease or Sustained Health?" Futures, Vol. 34, Issue 7, p. 635+

Work of Alvar Aalto
Pages: 10 Words: 3073

Alvar Aalto
Architecture is rightly considered as one of the most important of the Art categories. Unlike a painting or a sculpture, it is not something passive that can be hung on the wall or kept in a museum; they do little to impact us or our environment in a manner that Architecture is able to do so. Therefore it is not surprising that Architecture and the creators of it, which is the Architect, seem to have such an important place in the world of Arts.

Architecture has been defined as the very container of space in which we act, move, sleep and live our overall life; therefore, it becomes an important epicenter of our life. e interact with a space day in and day out, and therefore it should be functional and have the necessary details that are instrumental in fulfilling human needs. Sometimes these needs can be more cultural…...


Works Cited

Alvar Aalto. n.d.   / (accessed October 26th, 2011). 

Bowring, Jacky. "Sensory Deprivation: Globalisation and the Phenomenology of Landscape Architecture." Lincoln University. n.d.   (accessed October 25th, 2011). 

Fascia, Flavia. "Alvar Aalto." Napoli.

Fores, Jamir J. Ferrer. "Tradition in Nordic Architecture."

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and
Pages: 3 Words: 1346

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association reports that in terms of today's school curriculum "knowledge is no longer a scarce or stable commodity. Especially in science, engineering, and technical fields, knowledge is changing so rapidly that the specific information may become obsolete before a student graduates and has the opportunity to apply it." (2004) There are more in the way of those providing knowledge as well as the many educational offerings for all ages of learning, and is reported to have "diversified the structures, purposes, and outcomes of education." (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association, 2004) Not only is knowledge plentiful it is simultaneously inexpensive due to the Internet and has "created a broad space for competitive claims about the legitimacy and veracity of information." (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the American College Personnel Association,…...



Ganzel, Bill (2007) Education in Rural America. Wessel's Living History Farm. Retrieved from: 

Hancock, L. (2011, September 9). Why Are Finland's Schools Successful. Retrieved from Smithsonian: 

Learning Reconsidered: A Campus-Wide Focus on the Student Experience (2004) The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and The American College Personnel Association. Jan. 2004. Retrieved from: 

Mourshed, M. And Chijioke, C., and Barber, M. (2010) How the World's Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better. Education. Nov. 2010. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from:

Neutrality of Switzerland and Sweden
Pages: 15 Words: 3764

Neutrality of Switzerland and Sweden has garnered a great deal of attention over the years. The purpose of this discussion is to compare and contrast Switzerland's and Sweden's policies of neutrality in theory and in practice. In addition the research will focus on why neutrality is important to international affairs and the purpose it serves within the context of the global community. Let us begin the discussion by defining neutrality.

As it pertains to foreign policy, there are different types of neutrality including permanent, armed, strict or benevolent neutrality (Bengt, 1990). According to Malmborg (2002)

Vattel prescribed that a state that declared itself neutral could choose between strict and benevolent neutrality. Strict neutrality consisted in observing an attitude of impartiality between the belligerents. The neutral state could for instance authorise or prohibit the passage of troops over its territory, but all belligerents must enjoy the same treatment. Benevolent neutrality, on the other…...

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on foundation of russia?
Words: 620

1. The Origins of the Kievan Rus' and the Emergence of a Unified Slavic State:

Explore the historical, cultural, and geographic factors that contributed to the rise of the Kievan Rus' state.
Analyze the role of the Varangians, Slavs, and other ethnic groups in the development of a unified Slavic society.
Discuss the significance of Vladimir the Great's conversion to Christianity and its impact on the state's identity.

2. The Mongol Invasion and its Transformative Influence on Russian Society:

Examine the reasons for the Mongol conquest of Russia and its devastating consequences on the population and economy.
Analyze the political and....

is school too long research paper?
Words: 640

Is School Too Long?


The length of the school day and school year has been a topic of debate for decades. Some argue that schools are too long and that students would benefit from more time outside of the classroom. Others believe that the current length of the school day and year is necessary to provide students with the education they need to succeed in college and the workforce.

The Length of the School Day

The average length of the school day in the United States is 6.8 hours. This is longer than the average school day in most other developed countries. For....

How do cultural and linguistic differences influence metaphor evolution in memoirs across three cultures?
Words: 440

Cultural and Linguistic Influences on Metaphor Evolution in Memoirs Across Three Cultures
Metaphors, as linguistic devices that convey abstract concepts through concrete imagery, are deeply embedded in cultural and linguistic contexts. The evolution of metaphors in memoirs, therefore, provides a fascinating window into the interplay between these factors. This essay analyzes how cultural and linguistic differences shape metaphor evolution in memoirs from three distinct cultures: Finnish, Chinese, and American.
Finland: The Nature of Finnishness
Finnish memoirs are characterized by a deep connection to nature, reflecting the country's vast wilderness and cultural emphasis on environmentalism. Metaphors related to nature pervade these narratives, serving as....

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