Fine Art Essays (Examples)

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Fine Arts Los Angeles Fine Arts Building
Pages: 4 Words: 1091

Fine Arts
Los Angeles Fine Arts Building

"Form follows function" may be a cliche nowadays, one that's parroted in chic commercials for high-end, luxury sedans, but at some point, before the phrase devolved into a catchphrase for Cadillacs, it had real meaning. The architects who designed and built the Los Angeles Fine Arts Building knew what it meant, and they applied that philosophy to their stunning 12-story masterpiece in the city of angels. That is to say, the design of the Fine Arts Building not only enriches the architecture, but it gives voice to the activities of the building's original tenants (Several, 1999). It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the elements of architectural style in the Los Angeles Fine Arts Building.

But first, here is a brief history of the men behind the masterpiece. The Los Angeles Fine Arts Building was designed by the acclaimed duo of alker & Eisen;…...


Works Cited

Several, M. (1999, November). Fine arts building background information . Retrieved


Los Angeles Conservancy Tours. (n.d). Los Angeles Fine Arts Building. Retrieved from .

Vincent, R. (2008, May 27). Fine Arts Building Los Angeles Attorneys to Do Justice to Fine Arts Building. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from .

Fine Arts & the K-12
Pages: 30 Words: 9437

Thus, we assume that childen gifted in the ats ae evey bit as intellectually endowed as those with academic gifts.
The elationships among giftedness, talent development, and ceativity ae challenging aeas of eseach. Because eseaches lack consensus about what constitutes ceativity itself, pogess in developing opeational definitions of "ceativity" has been slow (Clak & Zimmeman, 1992-page 344; Csikzentmihalyi, 1996; Hunsake & Callahan, 1995-page 2). Although some scholas agee that ceative achievement is eflected in the poduction of useful, new ideas o poducts that esult fom defining a poblem and solving it in a novel way (Hunsake & Callahan, 1995-page 98; McPheson, 1997-page 201; Mumfod, Wakefield, 1992), othes distinguish between expet ceative acts and those of novices. Csikszentmihalyi (1988, 1996), Feldman (1982), and Winne and Matino (1993) efeed to ceativity as inventiveness within a domain of knowledge, whee a ceative individual's wok is ecognized as a significant addition to that domain,…...


references of children's drawings. Studies in Art Education, 41(1), 40 -- 60.

Wakefield, J.F. (1992). Creative thinking: Problem solving skills and the arts orientation. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Winner, E. (1996). Gifted children: Myths and realities. New York: Basic Books.

Winner, E., & Martino, G. (1993). Giftedness in the visual arts and music. In K.A. Keller, F.J. Monk, & a.H. Passow (Eds. ), International handbook of research and development of giftedness and talent (pp. 253 -- 281). New York: Permagon.

Zimmerman, E. (1997). What art teachers are not teaching, art students are not learning. Art Education, 37(4), 12 -- 15.

Fine Art Line Is One
Pages: 3 Words: 938

The line that forms the corner of the wall behind her is much more definite and concrete, but it almost appears as though there has been an attempt to obliterate notions of line in the woman herself -- the folds of her clothes resist any distinguishability.
The different uses of line by these two artists also show up in their simple geometry. In his self-portrait, Picasso uses almost no curved line at all. The result is a very angular yet still completely recognizable face with very prominent -- indeed, almost exaggerated -- features. His woman is far more abstract, and the painting contains far more curves, but Picasso still gives his images very definite geometric shape through his use of line. Hals on the other hand does not define his figure so concretely. The room itself, however, is strongly defined by line, making it seem to extend off the canvas…...

Fine Arts
Pages: 9 Words: 2567

Henri Matisse
Still Life after Jan Davidsz. de Heem's 'La Desserte'

Henri Matisse was one of the great "colorist of the 20th century" and is one of Picasso's rivals in the area of innovations. Matisse is reported to have "emerged as a Postimpressionist, and first achieved prominence as the leader of the French movement Fauvism." (The Art Story, 2011) Matisse was interested in Cubism but rejected this seeking rather to use color "as the foundation for expressive, decorative, and often monumental paintings." (The Art Story, 2011) Matisse is noted for having stated that he sought to create an art that would be "a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair." (The Art Story, 2011) Matisse was born to a middle class family and his father was a merchant selling grain and hardware. Matisse began his career as a law clerk but was anxious and felt the work too…...



Chipp, Herschel Browning (2011) Theories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Artists and Critics. Google Books.

Cubism (2005) Alexander Boguslawski. Retrieved from:

Green, Tyler (2010) Matisse: Radical Invention, 1913-17: Enter Juan Gris. Modern Art Notes. 7 Oct 2010. ARTINFO. Retrieved from:

Green, Tyler (2010) Matisse; Radical Invention, 1913-1917 Enter juan Gris 7 Oct 2010. Modern Art Notes. ARTINFO. Retrieved from:

Mo Tzu and Fine Arts
Pages: 9 Words: 2847

Still, Mohist impact was considerable. The Legalists embraced the Mohists' authoritarian concepts. The Confucians and Taoists both acquired meaning and intensity from responding against Mohist rulers. And the universalistic social vision of Mohism helped motivate comparable propensities in later on, post-classical Taoism. In addition, Chinese reformers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, typically discovered Mozi an interesting exemplar of the committed social reform (Kirkland, p. 4-5).
The idea of reform or transfer, where "discovering in one context helps discovering in various other contexts," has actually interested intellectual experts and education analysts for even more than a century and certainly beyond Mozi and his idea of life without inspiration of art i.e. life for simple survival (Catterrall, 2002b). A generally held view is that all educational experiences include some degree of transfer of knowledge both in life and education outside the school in addition to education within the school. Nonetheless, the…...



Benjamin, W. (1936). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Penguin Great Ideas.

Iwai, K. (2003). The Contribution of Arts Education to Children's Lives - Prepared for the Division of Arts and Cultural Enterprise in UNESCO under the project to promote arts education in school environment. Paper presented at the UNESCO Regional Meeting on Arts Education in the European Countries Canada and the United States of America, Finland.

Kirkland, R. The Book of Mozi (Mo-Tzu) - Mozi (Mo Di; ca. 470 -400 BCE), p. 1-5.

NAEA. (2009). Learning in a Visual Age - Th-e Critical Importance of Visual Arts Education. The National Art Education Association.

Internet and Fine Art What
Pages: 6 Words: 2084

," goes on to say that one gallery almost sold all of its prints and a rival site also took 100 orders for prints. (Selling, 1)
Also, in the second article cited, "Art and the Internet," an article found in BusinessWeek on 24 January, 2001, it claims that only 2% of international art sales, valued at $7 billion, are actually well-known and sold in public auctions with the help of the Internet. They look forward to a future where the value of art will be redesigned and modernized. Some online auction houses are creating new concepts to further open the art market, presumably setting up more dazzling designs and flash images to catch the attention of would-be art collectors.

However, in the fourth article entitled "ough Time Online," from ArtNews of January, 2001, the journal declares that it has been a tough year for online sales of art, with many sites folding…...



Bamberger, A. (2005) "Selling Art on the Internet." Retrieved December 10, 2006 from

Ducourtieux, C. (2001). "Art and the Internet." BusinessWeek. 24 Jan 2001.

Selling Art Online. (2001). The Daily Digest of Arts & Cultural Journalism. .

HRM Organizational Issues at Fine Arts Inc
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Organizational Issues at Fine Arts Inc.

Fine Art Inc., are facing challenges, sales are falling and the firm needs to find a way to turnaround the decline. In order to achieve this, a team has been put together, with senior mangers from the different departments. It has been argued by many theorists that multifunctional have the potential to be highly beneficial with the different team members able to bring differing perspectives and inputs into the teams' performance, but that there is also the greatest potential for dissonance in multifunctional trams due to the differences (Weingart et al., 2010). However, in the case of Fine Arts, while all the team members may want the firm to succeed, the multi-functional team that has been put together does not appear to be achieving anything, there is conflict which is focused on Randy, who is highly intelligent and knowledgeable about the industry, but is either…...

Art Title it Is Interesting
Pages: 7 Words: 2092

Houses are being bought and sold on an ongoing daily basis, and there is also a strong market for collectors of artwork that could lead to offering more title services to those people as well. A drawback to the career could be, if the person seeking such a career would put all the eggs in the artwork basket. There currently does not seem to be a high enough demand for artwork title services that would allow for individuals to easily or quickly find employment in this field. Rather the same individual would probably be more likely to find employment in the real estate area and have it grow from there.
One area touted by AXA Fine Art Services is that of educating art dealers and collectors to the various dangers and pitfalls of owning and protecting fine art. Each year, this insurance company sponsors an exhibition of fine art that…...


Works Cited

AXA Art at Tefaf Maastricht: Leading Fine Art Insurance Company Warns of Water Damage, (2006)

Accessed June 25, 2007,

Chubb Group Insurance, (2007)

  Accessed June 25, 2007 ,

Art What Defines High and
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Race and gender might have always been rigidly determined social categories, but class was more mutable when it came to access to cultural emblems like the visual and literary arts (Levine).
In "Cartoon and Comic Classicism," Smooden argues that scholars are deeply conflicted about the boundaries between high and low art. Cartoons, and the analysis of cartoons, are a perfect example of how, when, and why the boundaries between highbrow and lowbrow become blurred. Cartoons are artistically discreet modes of visual culture, and they often convey social and political commentary that is far more in depth than canvases hanging on the walls of art museums. Some mass-produced popular art carries with it an element of subversion, buried beneath the surface and only visible as satire by those keen enough to notice it -- whether high or low on the social ladder. Artists like Mark Ryden embody lowbrow, popular art and…...


Works Cited

Levine, Lawrence. Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America. Harvard University Press, 1988.

Peterson, Richard A. "Understanding Audience Segmentation: From Elite and Mass to Omnivore and Univore." Poetics 21 (1992).: 243-358.

Smoodin, Eric. "Cartoon and Comic Classicism: High-Art Histories of Lowbrow Culture." American Literary History, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring, 1992), pp. 129-140

Art Period France Has Been
Pages: 3 Words: 1174

The figures of people, carriages, etc. are "washed-out," they are as small as ants are. The method of reflecting motion and dynamics of routine life by "washed-out effect" was borrowed "from a new invention of photography" (Schapiro 81). Photographic cameras of that epoch were not sensitive for picturing motion, so all objects in motion were "washed-out."
Some impressionists, for example Edgar Degas (1834-1917), were influenced by ethnic painting techniques such as Chinese and Japanese graphics, characterized by striking representation of shape and figures. Degas continued Monet's experiments with light and reflection of motion. Many of his paintings were influenced by other methods similar to photography: uncommon visual angles and asymmetric perspectives, which can be observed in such paintings as a Carriage at the aces (1872), Ballet ehearsal (1876) characterized by unusual visual solution and geometric interpretation.

Auguste enoir (1841-19191), father of Impressionism, became famous for his mass portraits. enoir's Impressionism was…...



Sayre, Henry M.A world of art Prentice Hall; 4 thedition 2004

Schapiro, M. 1997.Impressionism: Reflections and Perceptions. George Braziller

The Impressionists, Article from web resource: 

Pool, Phoebe Complete Paintings of Monet. New York: Abrams,1967

Art and Society an Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 2935

In this regard, Nead notes that because she was an art lover, Richardson experienced a moral dilemma in her decision to attack "The Rokeby Venus," but she felt compelled to do so anyway based on her perception that the government was failing to act responsibility towards women in general and the suffragettes in particular. "In her statement during her trial, Richardson appears calm and articulate and nothing is said explicitly about any objections that she might have had to a female nude. Indeed, it was not until an interview given in 1952 that Richardson gave an additional reason for choosing the Velazquez: 'I didn't like the way men visitors to the gallery gaped at it all day'" (emphasis added) (Nead 36).

Figure 1. Velazquez, The Rokeby Venus.

Source: The Social Construction of Gender, 2006.

According to Mann (2002), functionalism could help explain the attack by Richardson on "The Rokeby Venus" based on…...


Works Cited

Bartley, Paula. (2003). "Emmeline Pankhurst: Paula Bartley Reappraises the Role of the Leader of the Suffragettes." History Review, 41.

Damon-Moore, Helen. Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880-1910. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Harris-Frankfort, Enriqueta. "Velazquez, Diego." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 31 May 2006 .

Mallory, Nina Ayala. El Greco to Murillo: Spanish Painting in the Golden Age, 1556-1700. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.

Art Gallery Exhibition
Pages: 3 Words: 1117

Art Museum
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the old trope goes, and that phrase holds true even when encountering some of the world's "great" art, as I saw in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Museum itself is massive. It holds more than 450,000 works of art and a recent expansion added 28% more space with an expansion of 133,000 square feet (Dwyer). ithin its walls there are naturally pieces of art that fall outside of specific people's taste. For me, there were three works of art in the museum that struck a chord -- two that I loved and one that I disliked intensely.

Unfortunately, the piece of art I liked the least in the museum is also one of the most prominent. The sculpture is a massive green glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly that sits in the entrance of the Boston MFA. The sculpture is…...


Works Cited

Barlow, Deborah. "Chihuly at the MFA." Slow Muse. 10 April, 2011. 8 June, 2011.

Benfrey, Christopher. "A Certain Slant of Light" Slate 13 November 1997. 8 June 2011.

"Dance at Bougival." 8 June, 2011.

Delmar, John D."Oskar Kokoschka: Early Portraits from Vienna and Berlin 1909-1914." The City Review. 2002. 8 June, 2011.

Art of Collage Refers to
Pages: 7 Words: 2044

The basis of collage with is associated with humor and entertainment forms its captivating content, an element for passing its information. Materials that are used for collage are normally readily available old objects that have been disregarded. Use of new materials in the art is not restricted but again not considered to add value to the collage work. It is thus a considerably less expensive process as compared to other artistic communications avenues such as painting that requires newly acquired materials that consequently calls for extensive financial commitment. Its relative affordability together with its captivating elements makes collage a good avenue for communication especially in social campaigns. This becomes specifically effective if the entire society is integrated in the collage representation (Learning, 10).
Other collage artists

There are a number of collage artists that have also been significantly felt because of their contribution in collage. Apart from Michael Anderson, Oliver outlines…...



Anderson Michael. (2006). Monthly statements; Retrieved from: 

Bemstein Mark. (2003). Collage, composite, construction; Retrieved from: 

Endtorture. (2010). Well-known collage artists. Retrieved from:

Art Can Be Used to
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

On some level, all art tells the viewer something about its sociological context. A painting by Vermeer says much about gender roles and norms in Flemish society; just as a painting by arhol says much about consumerism in American society.
One irony that Bennett points out is, "Art collectors have paid millions of dollars for some of arhol's pieces, but shoppers at Target, where the limited-edition soup cans are on sale, will have to shell out only 75 cents for a 10.75-ounce can." arhol's art is the ideal bridge between "low" and "high" art, evidenced by this differential in pricing. The "authentic" painting by arhol is worth millions, but the authentic item that arhol depicted on the canvas is only worth 75 cents. Consumers place a high demand on something that is deemed valuable and irreplaceable, but not as high of a demand on food.

Andy arhol's "100 Cans" points out…...


Works Cited

Albright-Knox Gallery. "100 Cans." Retrieved online: 

Bennett, Katherine Dorsett. "Andy Warhol's '15 Minutes' of Fame are not up yet." CNN. 5 Spet, 2012. 

Vogel, Carol. "Warhol Soup Cans, Now at Your Local Target." New York Times. Retrieved online:

Art Design or Art in
Pages: 2 Words: 689

He maintains that graphic design discussion is flawed for a number of reasons, and these flaws have led to distortions about graphic design and its principles. He writes, "He and other avant-garde artists made a major impact in the visual development of graphic design, but they also raised the importance of their esthetic approach to a point where they communication link with the common denominator they were addressing broke down" (Frascara 20). He maintains their designs were so "out there" that they lost their meaning and were actually detrimental to graphic design, rather than the positive influence many people thought they were.
He also maintains that graphic design is an art form, but that many designers aren't considering that graphic design is also a medium that communicates and is socially significant. He writes, "Furthermore, as an art form, graphic design is viewed only from an esthetic perspective, without enough consideration…...



Frascar, Jorge. "Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science?" Design Issues, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Autumn, 1988), pp. 18-29.

Poyner, Rick. "Art's Little Brother." Icon Magazine, May 2005.

Need guidance writing a critical analysis essay on Emily Emerick article?
Words: 397

Writing a critical analysis essay is a very specific type of academic writing that is similar to, but not the same as, other types of expository writing. You need to understand the specific requirements of writing analytical essays before you can use them to analyze any specific work, including the Emily Emerick article you have been asked to analyze.

We would start our analysis by discussing the type of article that she wrote.  It is a research article.  She gave a survey to 447 undergraduate students to try to gauge their social media....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 478

Technical and Aesthetic Considerations

The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.

Social and....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?
Words: 466

I. Introduction:
A. Define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its relevance in healthcare.
B. Provide a brief overview of the history of AI in healthcare.
C. Thesis statement: The impact of AI on healthcare and its potential to revolutionize the industry.

II. AI in Healthcare Today:
A. Diagnosis and Medical Imaging:
1. Explain AI's role in analyzing medical images and assisting healthcare professionals in diagnosing various diseases and conditions.
2. Discuss specific examples of AI systems used in medical imaging, such as deep learning algorithms for cancer detection and image-based diagnosis tools.

B. Clinical Decision Support Systems:
1. Describe how AI-powered clinical....

I\'m not very familiar with photography essay. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 177

1. The History of Photography: A Journey through Time
2. The Impact of Digital Technology on Photography
3. The Art of Black and White Photography
4. Exploring the Use of Light in Photography
5. The Role of Composition in Creating Powerful Images
6. The Influence of Social Media on Photography Trends
7. Portraiture: Capturing the Essence of the Subject
8. The Intersection of Photography and Journalism
9. Examining the Ethics of Photo Manipulation
10. The Beauty of Nature Photography: Capturing the World Around Us
11. The Evolution of Street Photography: Documenting Everyday Life
12. Architectural Photography: Capturing the Beauty of Structures
13. The Rise of Smartphone Photography: Changing the Landscape of the....

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