Financing Expansion
My company has enjoyed a good run of success, and is now considering purchasing a competitor in order to expand further. After twelve years of business, we have expanded, becoming profitable, and are now franchising as well. In order to adopt a nationwide strategy with an eye to going global, we are looking at options for expansion. Taking over a competitor is one of the main options. This paper will analyze the idea of taking over a competitor, especially with respect to how to finance such a transaction.
Different Valuation Methods
There are several valuation methods that can be used to analyze the competing company. These are adjusted book value, capitalized adjusted earnings, discounted future earnings, the cash flow method and the gross revenue multiplier (, 2013). Another technique is to base the valuation on the stock market valuation of a similar company. The company we are going to take over…...
mlaWorks Cited: (2013). Business valuation methods. Retrieved March 17, 2013
Hamel, G. (2013). The advantages and disadvantages of venture capital. eHow. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Financing Foreign Trade
The promising prospects of Asian economies and to be specific China has endeared many business enterprises the world over to trade with it. China's trade volume totals 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars while its export amounts to 762 billion U.S. dollars (Alomar, 2007). This paints a rosier picture of foreign trade. That is not a true representation especially for small businesses that undertake to engage in foreign trade. Such businesses are faced with myriad challenges ranging from tedious paper work, regulatory issues, and inherent risks (Alomar, 2007). Some challenges come in the context of difficulty to secure reasonable credit terms locally, risky payment processes, and supply chain management issues (Alomar, 2007). The essay ventilates the main products traded between Australia and the United States and major issues involved in financing trade between Australia and the United States.
The bilateral trade relationship between United States and Australia is informed by the…...
mlaReferences List
Alomar, K. (2007). Doing Business with China: Taming the Dragon. Secured Lender, 63(4), 68-
Congressional Research Service. (2011). International Trade and Finance: Key Policy Issues for the 112th Congress. Retrieved from
Oxley, A. (2001). Report: An Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement- Issues and Implications. Retrieved from
Financing Public and Private Higher Education
Higher education in the United States consists of varieties of institutions that award degree certificates, associate certificates, and postgraduates' certificates. Data presented by National Center for Education Statistics (2011) reveal that there are approximately total number of 4,495 degree and non-degree granting institutions in the United States where 2,774 grant 4-year and postgraduate degrees and 1,721 higher institutions grant associate degrees. As being revealed in Table 1, there are 1000 public higher institutions granting 2-year associate degrees while 721 are private higher institutions granting associate degree. On the other hand, there are total number of 2,102 private higher institutions that grant 4-year and postgraduate degree certificates where 672 are public higher institutions that grant 4-year and postgraduate degree certificates.
Table1: Total Number of Private and Public Higher Education in the United States
Source: National Center for Education Statistics. (2011).
Mainstay of the…...
Douglass, J.A. (2010).Higher Education Budgets and The Global Recession. Tracking Varied National Responses and Their Consequences. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.4.10.
Geiger, R.L. & Heller, D.E. (2011).Financial Trends in Higher Education: The United States. Working Paper No. 6. Forthcoming, Peking University Education Review.
Kane, T.J. & Orszag, P.R. (2005). Financing Public Higher Education: Short-Term and Long-Term Challenges. Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2011). U.S. Department of Education, Digest of Education Statistics, 2010 (NCES 2011-015).
Financing Community Business
The Importance of Small Business in the Economy
Canadian Federal Support for SMEs
Tackling SME Tax and Fiscal Priorities
ebalancing Canada's EI System
Assist Small Business Owners with Succession Plans
Growing Small Firms into Larger Firms
Federal Support for SMEs
Depleted Communities in Canada
Distressed Communities in United States
Community Economic Development Investment Funds
Community Economic Development Funds in U.S.
Non-Bank Financing
Community-based financial organizations have been developed in many countries to serve the critical needs of small to medium size enterprises (SME), especially in depleted or distressed areas. Most of these organizations exist to serve a public good and are quasi-governmental in form and behavior. Both Canada and the United States have supported these organizations at the Federal and Provincial/State levels. SMEs are highly visible political targets because they provide employment for over half of the population in North America. A variety of programs has been established to provide needed support including tax breaks, education, and access to capital.…...
Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), September 26, 2006, "Business Outlook and Budget Priorities," retrieved April 8, 2011 from
Connecticut (2011), Community Economic Development Fund, retrieved April 9, 2011 from
Economic Development Administration (EDA), 2011, U.S., Department of Commerce, retrieved April 9, 2011 from
Finance Exchange (2011), "The Importance of Small Businesses in The Economy," retrieved April 9, 2011 from
82), and through charities, which has been mentioned in this paper in previous pages.
By the middle of the 1990s, the CIA estimated that "...fifty Islamic charities 'support terrorist groups, or employ individuals who are suspected of having terrorist connections'" (Gunaratna, 83). And as to the international "formal" banking infrastructure of al-Qaeda - such as it was prior to September 11, 2001 - President George W. Bush issued executive order #13224, which froze funds reportedly totaling $100 million of organizations and individuals believed to be linked to al-Qaeda. In his statement outlining the freezing of assets, Bush (2001 p. 1) said "Our attack on terrorists finances is progressing. The assets of more than 150 known terrorists, their organizations, and their bankers have been frozen by the United States."
FUNDING the ATTACKS of SEPTEMBE 11, 2001: The publication that resulted from the investigations on the September 11, 2001 attacks (World Trade Center,…...
Abuza, Zachary, 2003, 'Funding Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Financial Network of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiya', Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 169-178.
Bush, George W, 2001, 'Terrorist Financing Fact Sheet', from the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury, retrieved 21 April 2007 at .
Collins, Susan M, 2005, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs United States Senate, 2005, 'Counterfeit Goods: Easy Cash for Criminals and Terrorists', One Hundred Ninth Congress.
Dam, Kenneth W, 2002, 'Testimony of Kenneth W. Dam Deputy Secretary department of the Treasury Before the senate banking Committee, the United States Senate'. Retrieved 22 April 2007 at .
Financing and Foreign Ownership of Real Estate in Mexico
Due to the similarities of real estate transactions in general, many Americans assume that the basic real estate terms and principles of the United States also hold true in Mexico (Peyton, 2003). ecause much of the American real estate terminology is adopted for real estate transactions in Mexico, a lot of the paperwork appears to be similar.
However, many aspects of Mexican real estate are completely different. Therefore, a foreigner who wishes to purchase real estate in Mexico may face many obstacles to acquiring simple ownership.
Real estate experts recommend investing a significant amount of time before investing in residential real estate In Mexico. It is important to understand the terrain, its problems and advantages, as well as the area, the people and the corresponding real estate values.
Different Laws in Mexico
According to Rose (1998), even people who are highly experienced in buying and selling…...
Creekmore, Mitch. (July 2001). Understanding Real Estate in Mexico. Banderas News.
Foster, Robert. (2002). Buying Coastal Property. The People's Guide to Mexico.
Inter-American Development Bank. (December 14, 2000). IBA Approves $505 Million Loan. Press Release.
National Association of Realtors. (2003). Retrieved at
Financing Structuring Health Care
Health Care Financing
Over the last several years, the role of insurance companies in providing different health care solutions has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because costs have been rising dramatically and the total number of uninsured is increasing. The combination of these factors has raised concerns that the many different consumers are being priced out of the system. To fully understand what is happening requires carefully examining how the industry operates. This will be accomplished by looking at: the three main types of insurance, the various categories, the types of managed care plans and the impact of managed care on Medicare / Medicaid. Together, these different elements will offer specific insights as to the underlying strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. health care system.
Identify and describe the three main types of health insurance in the U.S.
The three different kinds of health insurance include: health…...
Basic Types of Managed Care. (2009). Go Insurance Retrieved from:
Health Insurance Coverage. (2012). Your Health Insurance Guide. Retrieved from:
Insurance Modalities. (2001). CWRU. Retrieved from:
Types of Health Insurance. (2012). Blue Cross Blue Shield. Retrieved from:
Simply put, the September 11th attacks would never have occurred without the prior development of the group's worldwide infrastructure, which consists of truly billions of dollars to establish and maintain (Ehrenfeld, 2003). Enormous amounts of money have been spent on recruitment, training camps, purchasing weapons, training on weapons, creating unconventional weapons, gathering intelligence, promoting Islamist propaganda and other activities (Ehrenfeld, 2003).
The Last Five Years
One of the things that the United States government has learned to do with a greater level of dexterity has been to adapt to the changing technologies which allow terrorist organizations to fund their operations. For instance, with the advancing technologies, vulnerabilities still persist in arenas such as digital currencies and alternative transfer network, also causing even more bitter battles over bureaucratic turf. As the technogical methodologies for moving money around the world improve and become more streamlined, or just more distinct, the U.S. government as…...
mlaReferences, Preventing Terror and Enhancing Security, DEPARTMENT of HOMELAND SECURITY (2011)
Rachel Ehrenfeld, Turning off the Tap of Terrorist Financing, Middle East Forum (September 19, 2003)
Eben Kaplan, Tracking Down Terrorist Financing, Council of Foreign Relations (April 4, 2006)
In the last decades, the repositioning of knowledge generation and research has been the trend. New fields of knowledge have been introduced and would continue to be introduced. Along with these new fields and new social issues, there would be application-oriented research within industrial structures, which are likely to retain focus. Higher education is viewed to increase further. New information technologies will open more doors to new knowledge and to a wider, more varied audiences of learners. This is the perceived scenario as the different strata of access and usage patterns continue to be overcome. The non-university sector of education and other providers of lifelong learning are projected to gain equal and heightened importance. Globalization will certainly assert its influence. Universities will join the competitive scene. Europeanization within the context of globalization will accrue to a more market-equipped control and to increasing intercontinental competition. There will be the interplay…...
Dougherty, K. (2004). Financing higher education in the United States: structure, trends and issues. Columbia University. 31 pages. Retrieved January 22, 2007 at
Johnstone, D.B. (1993). Costs of higher education. Garland Publishing. 9 pages.
Retrieved January 22, 2007 at
2000). The financing and management of higher education. The Worldwide University Reform Agenda. World Bank. 29 pages. Retrieved January 22, 2007 at HTM ,
d., p.173). In other words, priorities have to be assessed when it comes to how these institutions handle the influx of students and how they help them pay for their education. It appears as though there will be continued trouble in public universities because of budget shortfalls and difficulties prioritizing the students and the areas that need to receive more money.
Alexander, F.K. (n.d.). Vouchers in American education. ard legal and policy lessons from higher education. Chapter 15. ASE Reader on Finance in igher Education: 219-233.
Breneman, D.W. & Finney, J.E. (n.d.). The changing landscape. igher education finance in the 1990s. Chapter 11. ASE Reader on Finance in igher Education: 161-176.
auptman, A.M. (n.d.). Financing American higher education in the 1990s. Chapter 8. ASE Reader on Finance in igher Education: 115-126.
auptman, A.M. & Crop, C. (n.d.). Federal student aid and the growth in college costs and tuitions. Examining the relationship. Chapter 9. ASE…...
mlaHearn, J.C. (n.d.) The growing loan orientation in federal financial aid policy. A historical perspective. Chapter 10. ASHE Reader on Finance in Higher Education: 143-158.
Hovey, H. (n.d.). State funds for higher education: Fiscal decisions and policy implications. Chapter 12. ASHE Reader on Finance in Higher Education: 179-197.
Layzell, D.T. (1998). Linking performance to funding outcomes for public institutions of higher education: the U.S. experience. European Journal of Education, 33(1): 103-111.
All of these benefits would not have been possible however without the outsourcing strategies being firmly grounded in a financial analysis of their value and OI over the long-term (Lacity, Khan, Yan, Willcocks, 2010). The incremental revenue growth and continued expansion of any business is predicated on how effectively they can transition from one set of challenges to the next, seeking a means to create greater value by addressing more customer needs effectively while broadening their base of support in customer bases globally. Being able to attain this level of market performance is predicated on the ability to form joint ventures, devise intelligent and informed offshoring and outsourcing strategies, and decide which areas need to be outsourced or not (Mudambi, Venzin, 2010).
The Impact Of Outsourcing On the Structural Integrity Of IT In Enterprises
Despite the many critics there are of outsourcing and its effects on employment, the value delivered from…...
Lacity, M., Khan, S., Yan, A., & Willcocks, L.. (2010). A review of the IT outsourcing empirical literature and future research directions. Journal of Information Technology: Special Issue: 25th Anniversary Edition, 25(4), 395-433.
Moon, Y., Yao, T., & Jiang, B.. (2010). Outsourcing vs. joint venture from vendor's perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 129(1), 23.
Mudambi, R., & Venzin, M.. (2010). The Strategic Nexus of Offshoring and Outsourcing Decisions. The Journal of Management Studies, 47(8), 1510.
By year-end 1988 it is estimated that AMT Corp would be in need of approximately $2,000,000.00. Based on the information supplied by the company and after speaking with the other loan officers that have dealt with AMT and Mr. Haskins in the past, my first reaction as Mr. Winter, a staid and conservative banker, would be to say no to Mr. Haskins. That would be my first reaction based on the numbers and the fact that numbers don't lie. AMT's financial woes have been exacerbated by the fact the Mr. Haskins has been aggressively growing the company and the losses have continued to pile up. There is, however, a glint at the end of the tunnel. It seems that AMT has a sugar daddy lined up to support its efforts, if it can continue to grow the business, create new products and markets, and reach certain aspirations before the end…...
DISCUSSION BOARD 4Discussion Board 7If you owned a successful company, would you keep it private or have it become a publicly-traded company?I would prefer to make the company publicly-traded because this offers more chances for growth. To begin with, going public increases access to more capital than may be offered by private investors, venture capital firms, and institutional investors (Berk, DeMarzo and Hartford, 2021). Further, going public increases the opportunity to secure more funds from private investors (Berk, DeMarzo and Hartford, 2021). Going public is associated with stringent regulatory and reporting requirements such as the declaration/filing the companys finances with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These regulations enhance transparency and make it easy to value the company, which, in turn, increases the number of private investors willing to invest in the company.Berk, DeMarzo and Hartford (2021) point out that by going public, a company opens itself up to a…...
Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., & Harfod, J. (2021). Fundamentals of corporate finance (5 th ed.). Pearson.
Taillard, M. (2012). Corporate finance for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Consultant, I starting a business developing business plan. I'm advice start forming business. I financed I partners. I interested learn intricacies options determine proceed plan.
Dear Mr. Owner:
Business financing is naturally one of the most important concerns of any individual beginning a new enterprise. In general, business owners have two available options: to seek out loans from a variety of available sources or to seek out equity financing from investors. There are advantages and disadvantages to both choices.
Many business owners first seek out loans from friends and family members. This has the advantage of a (usually) low interest rate: however, the cash supply is limited and owners do not always want to create bad blood between themselves and their relatives. Another option is seeking out loans from a bank. "To secure this loan, financial institutions will require several years of financial information on both the business and the entrepreneur. They…...
Allen, S. (2014). Startup business financing. About. com. Retrieved from:
Deducting business-related interest loan payments. (2014). Nolo. Retrieved from:
India Trade
The Risk of Trade ith India
Primary Concerns:
Over the course of the last decade, the once stagnant Indian economy had become among the fastest growing in the global community. The opening doors of free trade have made India a top destination for high-tech companies, a major service industry provider and host to countless foreign trade and production endeavors. However, just as its fortunes have improved with the proliferation of globalization, so too have its recent fortunes felt the decline of the global recession. As reported in an article from Businessline, Chennai, "due to the difficult financing conditions prevailing in the international credit markets and increased risk aversion by the lending counterparties, gross inflows of short-term trade credit to India declined in 2008-09 and this trend continued in 2009-10." (Anonymous, p. 1)
Still, India remains an economy rife with growth potential for foreign investors. An important factor in this environment, however, is…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Anonymous (2010). NEWS: Export credit shows declining trend. Businessline, Chennai, pg. 1. Retrieved from library portal via coursenet.
Gill, A., Biger, N., & Tibrewala, R. (2010). Understanding and Mitigating Direct Investment Risk in the Indian Real Estate Market. Business and Economics Journal, 2010, 1-10. Retrieved from
Home Depot, like most big companies, carries a lot of debt. It can reduce debt by raising prices or paying lower wages, but those aren\'t going to work as long term solutions. To avoid shortchanging customers, which can really cause cash flow problems, Home Depot will need to reduce its spending in a way that doesn\'t affect customers. That can mean restructuring, refinancing, closing stores that are not profitable, lowering the salaries of top executives, and finding related ways to spend less while continuing to keep money coming in. Other stores have done this successfully. You may want to start....
Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics for a thesis on affordability of housing:
1. Examining the impact of tiny house communities on housing affordability and community development
2. Analyzing the role of co-housing and co-living models in addressing affordable housing challenges
3. Investigating the potential of modular and prefabricated housing as a solution for affordable housing shortages
4. Exploring the effectiveness of community land trusts in preserving affordable housing options in gentrifying neighborhoods
5. Evaluating the intersectionality of race, class, and housing affordability in urban planning and policy-making decisions.
6. Understanding the relationship between homelessness and affordable housing strategies in cities across the....
1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery
Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.
2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions
Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.
Contracts for Differences (CfDs) have been a key tool used by the United Kingdom government to promote renewable energy generation. Through guaranteeing a stable income for renewable energy providers, CfDs aim to attract investment in the sector and drive down costs, ultimately contributing to the transition towards a low-carbon economy. In this essay, I will critically assess the performance of CfDs in promoting renewable energy in the UK, paying particular attention to the role of energy law and policy in shaping their effectiveness.
One of the key benefits of CfDs is the long-term price certainty they provide for renewable energy generators,....
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