Financial Modeling Essays (Examples)

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Financial Modeling
Pages: 2 Words: 652

Financial Modeling
Financial services organizations make extensive use of forecasting techniques. There are several reasons for this. The first is that all businesses utilize forecasting to estimate demand and costs. Forecasts are not only useful in setting budgets but they are useful for control as well. In addition, financial services companies are highly dependent on changes to the macroeconomic environment. Therefore, forecasting becomes more important for such companies, as it allows them to better understand the conditions that will affect demand, and will affect interest rates as well, which is their cost of capital. That financial services companies have their cost of capital determined in part by macroeconomic conditions makes them unique among businesses, making more important the role of forecasting.


There are a number of different forecasting techniques. Optimization techniques are an important part of risk management. Optimization techniques seek to determine the course of action that has the best expected…...



Mun, J. (2006). Modeling risk: Applying Monte Carlo simulation, real options analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Riskamp. (2014). What is Monte Carlo simulation? Risk Retrieved March 6, 2014 from

Financial Modeling Forecasted Financial Statement
Pages: 3 Words: 715

The Income tax of the company is 35% which is as per the Tax Jurisdiction of the United States (U.S.). The rate of tax is stable for the upcoming years which bought the Net Income after Tax (NIAT) at a position of $, 1688, $, 2452, $3,461, $4,810, $6,643 and $9,169 for the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. Let's now take into provision the forecasted figures of the balance sheet.
Forecasted Balance Sheet/Cash Flow

Balance sheet highlights the actual financial position of the company (Cinnamon & Larsen, 2006). Basically balance sheet is the name of balancing the total assets with the figures of shareholder's equity and liabilities. The same has been applied in this assignment. In the assets category, there are two things current assets and non-current assets. The current assets of Southwest Airline made up from Cash, Account eceivable, Inventory and other current assets.

The current assets…...



Bierman, H.Jr. (2008), Lesson on Accounting & Finance, World Scientific Publishers, Cornell University, USA.

Bossaerts, P & Degaard, B.A (2006), Lectures on Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition, World Scientific Publishing Company.

Cinnamon, R & Larsen, B.H (2006), How to understand Business Finance, British Library Publications.

Financial Analysis of Health Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

Financial Analysis of Affordable Health Care Plan in Maryland
The implementation of the Affordable Health Care Plan in Maryland requires comprehensive analysis of the financial aspects of this health policy relative to its health benefits, especially in enhancing health coverage to the low-income individuals and families in this state. The financial analysis process of this health policy requires identifying the most suitable means for addressing financial uncertainties in the process and examining the economic viability and financial aspects of allocation process. These are crucial elements to consider because they affect the economic feasibility of the proposed health policy and helps in determining its suitability in addressing the existing health care issues and concerns.

According to McLaughlin & McLaughlin (2014), there are three major approaches that can be used to handle important uncertainties in the financial analysis of a proposed health policy (p.302). These three approaches are adding a risk premium to the…...



"How Will the Uninsured in Maryland Fare Under the Affordable Care Act?" (2014, January 6). The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved September 20, 2015, from 

McLaughlin, C.P. & McLaughlin, C.D. (2014). Health policy analysis: an interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Financial Accounting and Compliance
Pages: 5 Words: 1576

Financial Accounting egulatory Compliance
The roles of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of a public company are invaluable in establishing an ethical environment that generates quality accounting and reliable financial reporting for shareholders and investors. In fact, their involvement in this important issue largely pertains to corporate structure and corporate governance. Understanding that structure requires cognizance of the fact that when a company is publicly traded, it is technically owned by the shareholders. Shareholders, of course, are the many different people who own public stock in a corporation. In that respect, everyone who works for the corporation actually works for the shareholders. The next level up in corporate governance is the employees who work for the corporation, and who are responsible for the daily operation of it. These are the people who are actually responsible for implementing the measures ordained by their superiors -- the Chief Executive Officer…...



Hanna, J. (2014). The costs and benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley. Retrieved from 

Harper, J. (2016). "More than just data": The impact of Bayesian machine learning on predictive modeling.   Retrieved from 

Modeling Real-World Data With Sinusoidal
Pages: 9 Words: 2604

6. The rabbits will never die.

The question was how many male/female rabbit pairs will be there after a year or 12 months?

When the experiment begun, there is a single pair of rabbits.

After duration of one month, the two rabbits have mated though they have not given birth. As a result; there is still only a single pair of rabbits.

After duration of two months, the initial pair of rabbits will give birth to another pair. There will be two pairs.

After duration of three months, the initial pair will give birth again, the second pair mate, but do not give birth. This makes three pair.

When four months will elapse, the original pair gives birth, and the pair born in the second month gives birth. The pair that is born in month in the third month will mate, but will not give birth. This will make two new pairs, thereby making a total…...



Buchanan, R. (2010). Addition and subtraction with polynomials, assessed on February, 24, 2010,

Anderson, M; Frazier, J and Popendorf, K. (1999). The Rabbit Problem,

Assessed on February 24, 2011

Beckmann, P. (1976). A History of Pi, St. Martin's Griffin.

Real Options Theory in Financial
Pages: 8 Words: 2677

The reason that the subject lends itself to natural resources or real estate is that there will be some information available in those areas, making the valuation less difficult than in innovative areas.
The pessimistic approach is characterized by the divest/shrink option. When a firm is divesting or shrinking it can first scale down, which means that it can "shrink or shut down a project part way through if new information changes the expected payoffs;" this option lends itself to capital intensive industries or industries dealing with financial services (Mauboussin, 1999). ather than shutting down a project, a company can also choose to switch down, which involves switching "to more cost-effective and flexible assets as new information is obtained," and might be used in smaller companies, where the wholesale shut-down of a project could end a business (Mauboussin, 1999). The scope-down option is the mirror image of the above-mentioned scope-up…...



Discounted cash flow- DCF. (2009). Retrieved February 2, 2009, from

Web site: 

Espinoza, R.D. And Luccioni, L.X. (2007). Simplified investment valuation model for projects with technical uncertainty and time to build. Retrieved February 1, 2009, from Web site: 

Giat, Y., Hackman, S., and Subramanian, a. (2007). Risk, uncertainty and optimism in venture capital relationships. (2007). Retrieved February 3, 2009, from Web site:

Synthetic Financial Products
Pages: 6 Words: 1539

Synthetic Financial Instruments
The price of a reset strike call when the initial value of the stock is a is greater than or equal to a vanilla European strike call and the price of a reset strike put when the initial value of the stock is a is greater than or equal to a vanilla European strike put (as expressed in the cited equation) for all values of S.

The style of an option is, in general and in this case, defined by the date(s) on which the option can be exercised. The European vanilla option may be exercised only at the expiry date of the option; that is, unlike an American style vanilla option, it can only be exercised at a single, a priori-agreed to date. Vanilla options are essentially straightforward options, with few complications in terms of how the payoff is calculated.

As such -- given the simple nature of the…...

A Company's Financial Management Plan
Pages: 36 Words: 10854

unning Head: CAPSTONE POJECT 8CAPSTONE POJECTAbstractVirtual health care has offered sustenance during a universal health crisis with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 continues spreading its arms and affecting thousands of people worldwide, healthcare providers increasingly utilize telemedicine to protect their staff and patients. This has become essential due to the golden rule that everybody is expected to follow, social distancing. The majority of healthcare providers have expanded telemedicine access since the beginning of the pandemic. Virtual health care has become a tool for screening and treating various illnesses and COVID-19 cases remotely and is facilitating visits that would be risky during these tough times. The transitory shifts have made way for an expansion of telemedicine. Telemedicine has ushered in a new era believed to be the next generation of healthcare delivery systems in the United States. This research paper goes through all the stages necessary for the…...


ReferencesAdams, J. (2019) Managing people in organizations: contemporary theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.American health care: Health spending and the federal budget. (2018, May 16). Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from   R.D., & Ezell, SJ. (2019). Innovation economics the race for global advantage. New Haven, CT: Yale University PressBaron, J. S., Hirani, S., & Newman, S. P. (2017). A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of a mobile telehealth intervention on clinical and patient-reported outcomes in people with poorly controlled diabetes. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 23(2), 207-216., L. (2015, August). Supervision_guidelines_for_h [PDF]. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Cagan, J., & Vogel, C.M. (2017). Creating breakthrough product innovation from product planning to program approval. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall PTR.Greiwe, J. (2019). Using telemedicine in private allergy practice. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7(8), 2560–2567. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from Telemedicine market size analysis report, 2021-2028. (2021, February). Grand View Research. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from Vizitiu, C. (2018). Systems Engineering and Organizational Assessment Solutions Ensuring Sustainability Within Telemedicine Context. Springer.Wang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhao, J., & Shi, Y. (2019). Impact of telemedicine on healthcare service system considering patients’ choice. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019, 1–16. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from Atkinson,

Financial Contributions of Sector Procurement
Pages: 15 Words: 4955

Research conducted to date for example suggests that, for consortia-based procurement exchanges and Sector Procurement Collaboratives the bargaining power of representing multiple groups of buyers and their collective purchasing power provides economies of scale and leverage in bargaining with suppliers (Devine, Dugan, Semaca, Speicher, 2001). The motivations of purchasing consortia are primarily focused upon gaining expected cost savings and collect information on supply markets (Tella, Virolainen, 2005). Although perfectly in line with accepted marketing views and strategies, there is a gap in this research, which does not take into account the long-term effects of inter-process maturity and transaction velocity over time.

According to Johnston et al. (2003, p. 23), the recognition of trust as an important part of the buyer-supplier relationship does not preclude fact of paucity of empirical evidence to suggest the level of such importance. Trust and its dependent behaviors, as well as its impact on inter-organizational activities, have…...



Matthew G. Anderson, Paul B. Katz. (1998). Strategic sourcing. International Journal of Logistics Management, 9(1), 1-13. Retrieved June 13, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 34024516).

Chad W. Autry, Susan L. Golicic. (2009). Evaluating buyer-supplier relationship-performance spirals: A longitudinal study. Journal of Operations Management

Markus Biehl, Wade Cook and David a. Johnston (2006). The efficiency of joint decision making in buyer-supplier relationships. Ann Oper Res, 145, 15-34.

Nicolas Bloch, Thierry Catfolis. (2001). B2B E-marketplaces: How to succeed. Business Strategy Review, 12(3), 20-28.

Decision Analysis System Modeling Using Spreadsheets Data
Pages: 7 Words: 1774

Decision Analysis System Modeling
Using Spreadsheets"


"Data Decision Analysis System Modeling Using Spreadsheets."

Spreadsheet is one of the most popular software packages on the planet. Daily, million of business people, students and individuals use spreadsheet program to build models to assist in solving decision problems they face on their work activities. Thus, employers generally look for individuals having experience and skills with spreadsheets. Typically, spreadsheets assist in developing varieties of management techniques in modeling environment. More importantly, spreadsheets assist in developing models and make decision within a business environment.

Within the present contemporary business environment, many business managers face daunting tasks to make effective decisions. With the fast-paced and dynamic changes within a competitive business environment, business people are often faced with extremely complex business alternatives. Evaluation of the alternatives and choosing the best option from these alternatives has become a daunting task for business people. Thus,…...



Evans, M.H. (2010). Course 3: Capital Budgeting Analysis. Continuing Professional Education

Lin, G.C.I. & Nagalingam, S.V. (2000). CIM justification and optimization. London: Taylor & Francis.

Ragsdale, C.T.(2010). Decision Analysis and Spreadsheet Modeling. A Practical Introduction to Management Science (4th edition). Cengage Learning.

Building Information Modeling BIM Images Evolution of
Pages: 9 Words: 2567

Building Information Modeling
BIM Images

Evolution of BIM

Characteristics of BIM

Managing BIM Models

Barriers to BIM

The Future of BIM

ecently, a lot of revolution has been taking place to bring change in the fabric of the audiovisual design and integration of business. Nasser (2010) noted that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is not a new innovation to the field of construction. It has been around for decades, even though the term BIM was introduced more recent by Professor Charles Eastman of Georgia Tech, who developed the first no-commercial BIM tool almost three decades ago and called it Engineering Data Model (EDM), when has undergone through a number of iteration (Nasser, 2010). In this paper, we evaluate the concept and application of Building Information Modeling (BIM).


ecently, a lot of revolution has been taking place to bring change in the fabric of the audiovisual design and integration of business. Nasser (2010) noted that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is…...



Mihindu, S., Arayici, Y.: Digital Construction through BIM Systems will drive the Re-engineering of Construction Business Practices, International Conference on Visualization IEEE Computer Society 2008, 29-34.

Dean, R. (2007). Building Information Modeling (BIM): Should Auburn University Teach BIM to Building Science Students? Graduate Capstone, Department of Building Science, Auburn University.

Rosenburg, T.L. (2007). "Building Information Modeling." [WWW document] URL 

Thompson, D.B., and Miner, R.G. (2007). "Building Information Modeling - BIM: Contractual Risks are Changing with Technology" [WWW document] URL

Workflow Modeling Widely Types Businesses Including Health
Pages: 3 Words: 944

Workflow modeling widely types businesses, including health care organizations, visually summarize steps complex processes systems. When constructing a workflow model, important ensure model accurately reflects actual steps a process.
Workflow diagrams: Improving the workflow diagram

"Workflow modeling is basically the process of simplifying reality" (Malhotra, Jordan, & Patel 2005: 1). While the creation of a workflow diagram can never perfectly mirror reality, through this simplicity it is hoped that the tasks delineated can be eased. With a bare-bones presentation, "workflow, role players, devices, protocols and communications" are better understood and problems which can occur in the chain of causal links between these actors are identified and streamlined via a diagram.

Workflow modeling is based upon a systems approach to rectifying organizational problems, versus a patch approach where only the obviously wrong component of the system is addressed while the rest are left intact. While the patch approach might seem to be cheaper and…...



Malhotra, S., Jordan, D, & Patel, V. (2005).Workflow modeling in critical care: Piecing your own puzzle. AMIA National Symposium Proceedings. Retrieved from:

Mathematic v Conceptual Modeling Limitations
Pages: 1 Words: 342

" This reflects the gap that exists between the complexities of the real world and the abilities of abstract models. Models are by definition simplified ways of understanding complex phenomenon; they are necessarily incomplete in their estimations and valuations of real world figures and occurrences. This is why "all models are wrong." "Some models are useful," however, because they are able to approximate to a high degree the outcomes of real world events despite the incomplete nature of the information processed by the model. To make a model useful, bias must be removed. This is not an issue with the certainty of mathematical models, but conceptual models are necessarily subjective, built on the modeler's understanding of an issue. educing bias is key to the model's performance.

Aspinall, D. (2007). "Designing interaction." University of Edinburgh. Accessed 30 July 2009.

Kay, J. (2006). "Amaranth and the limits of mathematical modeling." Financial times, 10…...



Aspinall, D. (2007). "Designing interaction." University of Edinburgh. Accessed 30 July 2009. 

Kay, J. (2006). "Amaranth and the limits of mathematical modeling." Financial times, 10 October. Accessed 30 July 2009.

Human Resources for a Personal Financial Advising Career
Pages: 6 Words: 1709

Business -- Human esources
Personal Financial Advising

Personal financial advisors review the financial needs of people and help them with investments, tax laws, and insurance decisions. Advisors help their clients recognize and plan for both long-range and short-range objectives. Advisors help clients plan for retirement, education expenses, and general investment decisions. Many also supply tax advice or sell insurance. Even though most planners offer advice on a wide assortment of topics, some specialize in areas such as retirement and estate planning or risk management (Personal Financial Advisors, 2009).

Personal financial advisors regularly work with a lot of clients and frequently must identify their own customers. A lot of personal financial advisors spend a great deal of their time advertising their services. A lot of advisors meet probable clients by giving seminars or by way of business and social networking. Identify clients and building a customer base is one of the most vital parts…...



Anspach, D. (2012). 5 Search Engines to Use to Find The Right Financial Advisor.

Retreived from 

Financial Advisor: Interview Questions for Financial Advisors with Answers. (2009).

Retrieved from

Patron Divine Acquisitions Financial Impact
Pages: 7 Words: 2018

The reader does not have to wait for the administrator to make the title available or some other user releasing it for the use of other readers. This independence of multiple persons use allows the PDA model to increase the readership of title without compromising the number of people that have hold of the title (einers, et al., 2012).. Libraries only main issue has been that people keep books with them for too long and other readers have to wait too long, often up to a length of a month's period.
Disadvantages of PDA model

With greater freedom for the library administrators as well as the readers, any model with benefits has potential downsides to it as well. This model also has some limitations some of which are discussed below.

elatively smaller number of titles

The PDA model is known for its limitation of only offering limited number of titles or subject areas…...



Alto, P. (2010, Oct). ebrary Launches New Patron Driven Acquisition E-Book Model. Business Wire. Retrieved from: [ ]

Polanka, S. (Ed.). (2011). No shelf required: e-books in libraries (Vol. 1). ALA Store.

Reiners, L.A., Walker, D., Heppell, C., Farmer, J., Adey, H., & Berrington, M. (2012). Patron-driven acquisition: the experience of three university libraries.SCONUL Focus, (55), 33-36.

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